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Detecção de instabilidade genômica por hibridização genômica comparativa baseada em microarranjos (array CGH) em fetos dismórficos / Detection of genomic instability by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) in dysmorphic fetusesMachado, Isabela Nelly 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Barini / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T03:43:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Machado_IsabelaNelly_D.pdf: 3476920 bytes, checksum: d5a5716fb5a528c323d17a22ef6c28d0 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Introdução: Para uma parcela significativa de fetos com defeitos congênitos o diagnóstico sindrômico permanece indefinido, dificultando a abordagem perinatal, o estabelecimento de prognóstico e o aconselhamento genético. A incapacidade de detecção de pequenas instabilidades genômicas, atualmente apontadas como provável fator causal nestas condições dismórficas, é a principal limitação do estudo cromossômico microscópico pelo bandamento G (cariótipo convencional). A hibridização genômica comparativa (comparative genomic hybridization-CGH) é capaz de identificar perdas e ganhos de material genômico com alta resolução, sem envolver o cultivo celular e o conhecimento prévio da região genômica envolvida. Objetivo: Avaliar a aplicabilidade da técnica de array CGH em sangue fetal para o diagnóstico de perdas e ganhos genômicos em um grupo de fetos dismórficos. Sujeitos/Método: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo descritivo a partir de amostras sanguíneas de fetos dismórficos e com cromossomos numericamente normais ao bandamento G, admitidos no Setor de Medicina Fetal do Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp). Foi realizada a caracterização da amostra estudada e uma análise descritiva dos achados moleculares através da técnica de array CGH. Resultados: Foram incluídos no estudo 50 fetos, dos quais 49 preencheram os critérios de qualidade da técnica. A taxa de detecção de alterações cromossômicas pela técnica de array CGH não detectadas pelo cariótipo convencional foi de 93,7% (45 fetos), e 27% foram consideradas significativas dos pontos de vista citogenético e clínico. Entre os fetos com alterações do número de cópias, 87% apresentaram pelo menos um clone para o qual já estão descritas variações do número de cópias (CNV) em indivíduos fenotipicamente normais. Adicionalmente, a técnica mostrou-se eficaz para o esclarecimento diagnóstico da origem, exata localização e dimensionamento do material adicional encontrado em um feto com anomalia cromossômica estrutural. Conclusões: A caracterização do perfil genômico por array CGH de fetos com defeitos congênitos permitiu complementar o diagnóstico citogenético convencional, aumentando a definição diagnóstica e a identificação de regiões cromossômicas associadas a algumas anomalias congênitas / Abstract: Introduction: A great number of fetuses with congenital defects remain without definitive diagnosis, making difficult the perinatal management, the prognosis establishment and the genetic counseling. The incapacity of detection of short sequence copy number changes, pointed as a probable etiology factor for some congenital defects, is the main limitation of routine G-banding. The Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) overcome this limitation, and also does not require cellular culture or prior knowledge of the involved genomic region. Objective: To evaluate the applicability of the CGH method on fetal material for genomic gains and losses in a group of malformed fetuses. Methods: On a prospective descriptive study, fetal blood samples were collected from malformed fetuses with numerically normal chromosomes at G-banded karyotype, at the Fetal Medicine Unit of the Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM) of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Sample characterization and a descriptive analysis of the CGH-based technique results were accomplished. Results: Fifty fetuses were included in this study and 49 were considered optimal according to adopted quality control criteria. The detection rate of fetuses with copy number imbalances not detected by the G-banded karyotype was 93.7% (45 fetuses), with 27% of cytogenetic and clinical significance. Among fetuses with copy number imbalances, 87% presented at least one abnormal clone encompassing CNVs described for phenotipically normal individuals. Additionally, the array CGH showed to be effective for the identification of the additional genetic material origin, with its precise location and size, presented in one fetus with structural chromosomal anomaly. Conclusions: The genomic profile characterization of malformed fetuses through array CGH allowed complementing the conventional cytogenetic diagnosis, obtaining a higher precise diagnosis and the identification of chromosomal regions associated with some congenital anomalies / Doutorado / Tocoginecologia / Doutor em Tocoginecologia
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Determinação do genótipo RHD fetal através do plasma materno em gestantes RhD-negativo de uma população do Brasil / Fetal RHD genotyping by analysis of maternal plasma in a population from BrazilAmaral, Daphne Renata Tavares 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Lilian Maria de Castilho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T19:56:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Amaral_DaphneRenataTavares_M.pdf: 1431812 bytes, checksum: 82f80c8b6c347220a22a8345ee9be187 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A análise de plasma materno para a determinação do genótipo RHD fetal é uma importante ferramenta no acompanhamento de gestantes RhD-negativo, especialmente em pacientes aloimunizadas. Este trabalho verificou a acurácia da genotipagem RHD fetal pela análise do plasma materno em uma população do Brasil. Foram analisadas 88 gestantes RhD-negativo entre 11 e 39 semanas de gestação, com idade mediana de 28 anos. Treze (14,78%) pacientes encontravam-se aloimunizadas com anti-D. Foram utilizados primers e sondas para detecção do gene RHD (exons 4, 5 e 10) por PCR em tempo real. Como controle interno, utilizou-se um conjunto de primers e sondas para identificar o genes SRY e CCR5. Sangue periférico ou sangue de cordão umbilical dos respectivos neonatos foram coletados durante o parto para a realização da fenotipagem RhD. A genotipagem RHD convencional foi realizada em todas as 88 amostras de DNA materno. Oitenta e três (94,32%) gestantes apresentaram a deleção do gene RHD e em 5 (5,68%) amostras foram identificadas variantes do gene RHD (3 RHD e 2 DFR). A genotipagem RHD convencional foi também realizada em 17 amostras de DNA paternas. Quinze amostras (88,24%) foram genotipadas como RHD+ (5 RHD+/RHD+ e 10 RHD+/RHD-) e 2 (11,76%), como RHD-. Cinqüenta e oito (65,91%) fetos foram genotipados como RHD+. Vinte e sete (30,68%) amostras apresentaram ausência completa do gene RHD e três fetos apresentaram amplificação apenas para o exon 10, demonstrando a presença de uma possível variante RHD ou RHD-CE-Ds. Todos os resultados da genotipagem RHD fetal foram concordantes com a fenotipagem neonatal incluindo os 3 fetos com a variante RHD, fenotipados como RhD-. Nossos resultados indicam que a genotipagem RHD fetal através da análise do plasma materno amplificando 3 regiões do gene RHD (exons 4, 5 e 10) é adequada para a aplicação clínica. Este protocolo pode-se tornar prática em um futuro próximo / Abstract: Maternal plasma analysis for determination of the fetal RHD status is an important tool for the management of RhD-negative pregnant, specially alloimunized women. We assessed the accuracy of fetal RHD genotyping by analysis of maternal plasma in a multi-ethnic population. We analyzed plasma samples from 88 RhD-negative pregnant women between 11 and 39 weeks of gestation, median age of 28 years old to determine the fetal RHD genotype. This population was from Southeastern Brazil with high mixed ethnic background. Thirteen patients (14,78%) had anti-D alloantibody. We used TaqMan primers and probes to detect exons 4, 5 and 10 of RHD, by real-time PCR. As internal controls, we used primers/probes sets to SRY and CCR5. Peripheral or umbilical cord bloods from respective neonates were collected during delivery and hemagglutination was performed. Conventional RHD genotyping was realized in all pregnant. Eighty-three patients had a deletion of RHD gene and five samples were identified RHD variants (3 RHD and 2 DFR). The conventional RHD genotyping was also performed on 17 DNA samples from fathers. Fifteen samples were genotyped as RHD+ (5 RHD+/RHD+ and 10 RHD+/RHD-) and 2 RHD-negative. Fifty-eight (65,91%) fetuses were genotyped as RHD+. Twenty-seven (30,68%) samples showed completely absence of RHD and three fetuses showed amplification only for the exon 10, demonstrating the presence of a possible variant (RHD or RHD-CE-Ds). All fetal RHD results agreed with the neonatal typing including the 3 fetuses with RHD variant, phenotyped as RhD-negative. Thus, the accuracy of the fetal RHD genotyping in this population was 100%. The earliest pregnancy in which fetal RHD was detected was 11 weeks. Our findings indicate that the accuracy of fetal RHD genotyping from maternal plasma using 3 regions (exons 4, 5 and 10) can be sufficient for clinical application in a multi-ethnic population. This knowledge helped us on the development of a feasible protocol for fetal RHD genotyping on DNA from maternal plasma in our population and should become practice in the near future / Mestrado / Ciencias Basicas / Mestre em Clinica Medica
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Coração aflito: repercussões emocionais na gestante de feto cardiopata / Afflicted heart: emotional repercussions of fetal heart disease in pregnant womenSimone Kelly Niklis Guidugli 30 June 2015 (has links)
Minha experiência clínica atendendo gestantes com diagnóstico de cardiopatia fetal pôde propiciar a observação de alterações na condição emocional das pacientes que se mantinham em acompanhamento psicológico no hospital de Cardiologia, que passou a recebê-las desde o período pré-natal até o nascimento do bebê, para que estes fossem submetidos às intervenções cardíacas necessárias. Esta percepção motivou a pesquisa sobre a natureza destas repercussões emocionais uma vez que a gestação é considerada um período de transição e de crise para a mulher, no qual precisa se reorganizar emocionalmente devido às mudanças com a vinda do filho, bem como às expectativas e idealizações inerentes. O objetivo foi identificar as repercussões emocionais mais significativas a partir de aspectos da psicodinâmica das gestantes, visando contribuir para a assistência a esta população. O método utilizado foi o clínico qualitativo, tendo como instrumentos: a entrevista semidirigida e as técnicas projetivas, Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH) e Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT). Foi realizada a análise de conteúdo, conforme Bardin, de uma sessão de atendimento psicológico, gravada, com o consentimento das participantes, e transcrita posteriormente. Os resultados confirmaram a presença de repercussões emocionais significativas, dentre elas: os sentimentos de impotência e de posse em relação ao bebê, sentimento de culpa pelo diagnóstico fetal, angústia de morte, desamparo, não aceitação do diagnóstico e medo do desconhecido. A partir da análise psicodinâmica, identificou-se também: as principais ansiedades das gestantes - conhecer o bebê, de separação e do parto; os mecanismos de defesa atuantes - negação, regressão, identificação, racionalização e idealização- e as principais formas de enfrentamento - confiança na equipe, acreditar que a barriga é a forma possível de proteção do bebê, controle emocional, busca de conhecimento sobre a cardiopatia, identificação com outros pais na mesma situação e oferecimento de ajuda a estes, e a fé. No DFH destacaram-se: a inclinação das figuras femininas e masculinas, que pode estar relacionado à tentativa de manter um equilíbrio corporal em virtude das modificações físicas ao final da gestação; a assimetria apresentada em metade dos desenhos, analisada como possível forma de expressar a percepção das anomalias corporais dos bebês, embora a cardiopatia não possa ser visualmente observada, pode se relacionar às fantasias sobre a aparência do bebê malformado. No TAT perceberam-se importantes conflitos como dependência x independência e maternidade x afiliação, com o uso de mecanismos de defesa tais como a regressão, racionalização e idealização. Concluiu-se que o diagnóstico de cardiopatia fetal traz intensas repercussões emocionais, relacionadas às fantasias de morte sobre o nascimento do filho, sendo atribuída ao parto uma representação simbólica ainda mais angustiante que nas gestações comuns ou não caracterizadas como de alto risco, pois parece ser vivenciada inicialmente como uma situação quase-certa de morte, o que torna importante que o acompanhamento psicológico seja oferecido nas instituições de saúde, por todo o ciclo gravídico-puerperal / My clinical experience serving pregnant women with diagnosis of fetus with heart disease made it possible to observe changes in the emotional condition of the patients who remained in counseling in the Cardiology Hospital, which has been admitting them from the prenatal period to childbirth, so that they were subjected to the necessary cardiac interventions. This realization led to research into the nature of these emotional repercussions since pregnancy is considered a period of transition and crisis to the woman, who needs emotional restructuring due to changes related to the child\'s coming, and the inherent expectations and idealizations. The objective was to identify the most significant emotional repercussions from the psychodynamic aspects of pregnant women, in order to contribute to their assistance. The research followed a clinical-qualitative method, with the following instruments: semi-structured interviews and projective techniques, the Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). Content analysis was carried out according to Bardin during psychological counseling sessions, recorded with the consent of the participants, and later transcribed. The results confirmed the presence of significant emotional repercussions, such as: feelings of powerlessness and possession over the baby, guilt over fetal diagnosis, death anxiety, helplessness, denial and fear of the unknown. The psychodynamic analysis also identified: the main anxieties of pregnant women knowing the baby, separation and childbirth; the active defense mechanisms denial, regression, identification, rationalization and idealization; and the main coping mechanisms confidence in the team, belief in the bellys protection, emotional control, pursuit of knowledge about the disease, identification with other parents in similar situations and the ability to extend help to them, and faith. HFD highlighted: the angle of the female and male figures, which may be related to trying to maintain body balance because of physical changes at the end of pregnancy; the asymmetry identified in half of the drawings, analyzed as a possible way to express the perception of bodily abnormalities of babies which, even in the absence of visual observation of the abnormalities, can relate to fantasies about the appearance of a malformed baby. TAT showed important conflicts such as dependence vs. independence and motherhood vs. affiliation with the use of defense mechanisms such as regression, rationalization and idealization. The research concludes that the diagnosis of fetal heart disease causes intense emotional distress, related to death fantasies during childbirth with childbirth having a more distressing symbolic representation than during ordinary or low-risk pregnancies, since it seems to be early experienced as a situation of almost certain death, which makes it important that health institutions offer psychological counseling throughout the pregnancy and childbirth
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Ecocardiografia fetal no primeiro trimestre da gestação / First trimester fetal echocardiographySandra Regina Marques Carvalho 15 December 2006 (has links)
Os objetivos deste estudo foram determinar o índice sucesso na realização de um ecocardiograma fetal completo entre a 11ª e a 14ª semanas, estabelecer a semana mais adequada para a realização de um exame completo, mensurar os diâmetros dos anéis das valvas cardíacas e comparar os diâmetros obtidos com o comprimento crânio-nádegas (CCN) correlacionando a evolução das dimensões cardíacas com o crescimento fetal nesta fase evolutiva. Avaliamos por ecocardiografia 46 fetos que apresentavam translucência nucal e avaliação Doppler do fluxo do ducto venoso normais. O estudo ecocardiográfico fetal foi realizado por via transvaginal, entre a 11ª e a 14ª semanas, com intervalos seriados de uma semana. Em cada exame, foram obtidos os três principais planos ecocardiográficos básicos e os diâmetros das valvas aórtica, pulmonar, mitral e tricúspide. As medidas dos diâmetros valvares foram comparadas ao diâmetro do CCN. Os resultados demonstraram uma taxa de sucesso na obtenção de um ecocardiograma completo de 37% na 11ª semana, de 85% na 12ª semana e de 100% entre a 13ª e a 14ª semanas. O corte mais freqüentemente obtido, nas duas primeiras semanas, foi o eixo longo e o mais difícil de ser visibilizado foi o eixo curto. As curvas de crescimento dos diâmetros das valvas mitral, tricúspide, aórtica e pulmonar demonstraram uma correlação linear com o crescimento fetal com valores de r² de 0,74, 0,75, 0,77 e 0,73. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os diâmetros das valvas atrioventriculares e entre os diâmetros das valvas ventriculoarteriais. A obtenção dos três planos ecocardiográficos básicos em 85% dos casos na 12ª semana e 100% dos casos, a partir da 13ª semana, demonstra que é possível a realização de um ecocardiograma fetal completo no primeiro trimeste da gestação, por via transvaginal. Houve correlação positiva entre os diâmetros valvares e o CCN demonstrando uma curva de crescimento neste período. A comparação entre diâmetros valvares mitral e tricúspide, do mesmo modo que, a comparação entre os diâmetros valvares aórtico e pulmonar não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas, sugerindo não haver dominância no tamanho destas estruturas, nesta fase do desenvolvimento em fetos normais. / The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of performing a complete echocardiography study during the first trimester of pregnancy by transvaginal approach and to establish the best week to accomplish a complete evaluation. A correlation between the measurements of the diameters of the cardiac valves and the gestational age along this period of the fetal life was made. Forty-six fetuses with normal nuchal translucency and Doppler evaluation of the venous duct were submitted to fetal echocardiography studies by transvaginal approach between the 11 and 14 weeks of gestation with a week interval. The following measurements were obtained: mitral, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonary valves diameters and the crown-rump length (CRL). The obtained results of the cardiac dimensions were compared with the CRL in the four weeks determinations. The rates of complete echocardiography evaluation were 37%, 85% and 100% at 11, 12 and 13 14 weeks, respectively. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain (100% at 12 weeks) and the short view was the most difficult one. There was no statistically significant difference between neither the diameters of the mitral and tricuspid nor the aortic and pulmonary valves. The diameters of the valves were correlated with the CRL and a linear growing curve was obtained with values of r2 of 0.74, 0.75, 0.77 and 0.73 respectively. The study demonstrated the feasibility of a complete fetal echocardiography evaluation by transvaginal approach during the first trimester of gestation. The rate of a complete evaluation increased along the period and reached 100% at 13 weeks. The longitudinal view was the easiest to obtain with a success rate of 100% at 12 week. There was a linear correlation between de cardiac valves diameters and the cranial caudal measurement revealing a relationship between the cardiac and fetal development during this phase of fetal life. The absence of statistically significant difference between the left and right valves dimensions possibly means that there is no predominance of right or left chambers during this period of evaluation.
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Conflits éthiques autour de la question des fentes labio-palatines : de l'intérêt d'anticiper les effets de leur impact psychique pour une meilleure prise en compte thérapeutique et sociétale / Ethical debate on the question of cleft lip and palate : anticipating the psychological impact for improved therapeutic and societal careGrollemund, Bruno 19 September 2014 (has links)
Les fentes labiales et palatines (FLP) sont les malformations faciales humaines les plus fréquentes. Selon l'origine ethnique et/ou géographique des populations étudiées, elles peuvent concerner jusqu'à 1 /500 naissances. La venue au monde d'un enfant porteur de FLP est un événement particulièrement stressant et traumatisant pour les parents. Une écoute attentive des familles dont l'un des enfants est porteur de FLP révèle l'importance du contexte psychologique et les risques d'une structuration disharmonieuse des relations parents-enfant avec leurs conséquences sur le développement de l'enfant. Dans une démarche éthique de bienfaisance, il est donc primordial de prendre en compte ces risques et de mieux connaitre le vécu des parents par rapport à cette malformation et de ses conséquences sur le développement de l'enfant. Quatre études cliniques multidisciplinaires et multicentriques dont un Projet Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique (PHRC) national, ont été ainsi élaborées et réalisées avec cet objectif. Les résultats montrent qu'il est urgent d'améliorer la qualité de cette information et de l'accompagnement des parents, et cela, dès l'annonce. Il s'agit de soutenir ces parents pour " investir " cet enfant si "différent" de celui attendu et espéré. L'organisation de cette prise en charge doit être renforcée entre les équipes médicales intervenant avant et après la naissance afin d'améliorer la prise en compte thérapeutique et sociétale de ces enfants et de leurs parents. / Cleft lip and patate (CLP) are the most common facial malformations in humans. Depending on the ethnie and/or geographical origin of the populations studied, they can affect up ta 1 /500 of newborn infants.Careful consideration of families concerned shows the importance of the psychological context, and the repercussions of a disharmonious structuring of the parent-child relationship on the child's development.The prospective, multidisciplinary and multi-centre studies described here aimed to assess the psychological perceptions of parents of children affected by CUP over the year following the birth,and to analyse the degree of psychological suffering experienced by the child, and the parent-child relationship. The results show that it is urgent to improve the quality of the information given to the parents, and their accompaniment and support, as soon as the malformation is disclosed. Parents need support to become "committed" to their child, so "different" from their hopes and expectations. The organisation of this support needs to be reinforced between medical teams before the birth and after, so as to improve the way the condition is catered for, from both the therapeutic and the social viewpoint. We believe the results of this research will enable us ta develop new methods to lessen the psychological impact of the malformation on the parents, and improve treatment for the children in the long term.
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First trimester screening for Down syndromeNiemimaa, M. (Marko) 27 June 2003 (has links)
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of the first trimester screening for Down syndrome (DS) in an unselected low-risk Finnish population. The study involved 4,617 women who attended screening between the 8th and 14th weeks of pregnancy in 1998-2000. They gave a blood sample for the measurement of pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (β-hCG). Of these women, 3,178 also had an ultrasound examination for the measurement of fetal nuchal translucency (NT). The risk figure for every screened woman was calculated using a computerized risk figure program. The risk 1 in 250 was used as a cut-off. The subgroup of screen positives comprised 5.8% of the study group.
There were 16 DS cases. The combined method (maternal age, NT and the biochemical markers) detected 77% of the affected pregnancies. NT combined with maternal age gave a detection rate of 69%. Serum markers without NT combined with maternal age found 75% of the Down's.
In 49 consecutive singleton in-vitro-fertilization pregnancies, the β-hCG value was more often elevated compared to spontaneous pregnancies, increasing the false positive rate. In 67 twin pregnancies, the serum marker levels were approximately double those in singletons. Smoking reduced PAPP-A by 20% making the smokers more likely to get a positive screening result.
To determine the impact of the screening on the live born incidence of DS, two historical populations were compared. The first group was screened by second trimester serum samples (β-hCG and AFP) and the second group by first trimester ultrasound examination. When detection rates were at the same level, the second trimester screening reduced the number of live born Down's children more effectively.
In conclusion, the first trimester combined method (maternal age, NT, β-hCG and PAPP-A) for Down syndrome screening is efficient in an unselected low risk population. The biochemical screening is not recommended in IVF-pregnancies.
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Aspects pratiques et enjeux éthiques du dépistage prénatal non invasif de la trisomie 21 : mise au point et enquête auprès de professionnels de santé et de patientes / Practical aspects and ethical issues related to non invasive prenatal testing for trisomy 21 : update and investigation of healthcare professionals and patientsMiry, Claire 22 September 2016 (has links)
La place du Dépistage Prénatal Non Invasif (DPNI) n’est pas encore clairement définie dans le dépistage prénatal de la trisomie 21 en France. Nos objectifs étaient d’évaluer la compréhension, les connaissances, et l’attitude de professionnels de santé et de patientes concernant le DPNI.Une étude prospective multicentrique par questionnaire auprès de patientes enceintes et de professionnels de santé a été menée dans différents hôpitaux français entre février 2014 et juillet 2015.Sur les 260 questionnaires recueillis chez les professionnels, le score moyen de connaissances était 5,38±2,83(sur 10)et 92,7%(n=241) avaient une attitude favorable face au DPNI. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs associés à un bon niveau de connaissances étaient la profession de gynécologue ou de conseiller en génétique, l’âge<30 ans, le fait de travailler à l’hôpital ou en cabinet et le fait de suivre>50 grossesses par an.Sur les 380 questionnaires de patientes, le score moyen de connaissances était faible 2,20±1,88(sur 10) et 89,9%(n=328) avaient une attitude favorable face au DPNI. En analyse multivariée, les facteurs associés à un bon niveau de connaissances chez les patientes étaient l’âge maternel et le fait de consulter en secteur privé.Le niveau de connaissances des professionnels et des patientes sur le DPNI est faible. La plupart des patientes ne peuvent pas formuler de consentement éclairé. Toutefois, la plupart des professionnels et des patientes sont très en faveur de ce test. La généralisation du DPNI dans le dépistage de la trisomie 21 implique un important programme de formation des professionnels afin qu'ils délivrent une information prénatale de qualité et non directive. / The place of Non Invasive Prenatal Testing(NIPT) is not clearly established for prenatal screening for Down syndrome in France. Our objectives were to assess the understanding, knowledge of, and attitudes towards NIPT in French patients and healthcare providers.A prospective multicenter study was performed in several French hospital centers between February 2014 and July 2015. A survey was administered to pregnant patients and to healthcare professionals.A total of 260 questionnaires were completed by healthcare providers. The average knowledge score was 5,38±2,83(out of a possible 10). In multivariate analysis, the characteristics associated with satisfactory knowledge were: profession as obstetrician or genetic counsellor, age<30 years, working in hospital or in doctor’s office, more than 50 pregnancies followed per year. Among professionals, 92,7%n=241) had a favorable attitude towards NIPT.We collected 380 questionnaires from pregnant women. The average knowledge score was very low: 2,20±1,88(out of 10). In multivariate analysis, the two significant characteristics associated with satisfactory knowledge was maternal age and having prenatal care in private practice. Among patients, 89,9%(n=328) had a favorable attitude towards NIPT.The level of knowledge of NIPT of healthcare professionals and patients is low. Many patients can not provide informed consent. However most professionals and patients are in favor of the use of this test. The input of NIPT in prenatal screening for trisomy 21 requires a considerable teaching program for healthcare providers so they can give balanced pretest information and non-directive counselling.
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Exploring factors that affect the utilisation of antenatal care services: perceptions of women in Mabunga Village, Mangwe District, ZimbabweNyathi, Leoba 05 1900 (has links)
MPH / Department of Public Health / See the attached abstract below
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Difference, disability and discrimination : a philosophical critique of selective abortionHall, Susan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Philosophy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The practice of abortion continues to provoke controversy and disagreement. However, within the context of this wider debate, a greater level of consensus appears to have been reached as to the moral acceptability of the practice of prenatal screening, and selective abortion following the detection of foetal abnormality. This study seeks to interrogate whether justifications of this practice lend credence to the moral permissibility of selective abortion. In particular, it considers whether justifications for this practice amount to, or perpetuate, discrimination on the basis of the characteristic of disability, as selective abortion entails choosing against a particular foetus because of its characteristics. This study poses this question in two contexts – where the moral permissibility of selective abortion is regarded as an exception to the general moral impermissibility of abortion, and where selective abortion is regarded as one distinct justification within the context of the general moral permissibility of abortion. This study attempts to show that while justifications of selective abortion are directly discriminatory in the former case, they are not necessarily discriminatory in the latter case. This latter conclusion, however, recommends maintaining vigilance against the possibility that such justifications could rely upon or perpetuate prejudice, or restrict reproductive autonomy. These conclusions are considered within the South African context; in particular, with regard to their application to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1996.
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Prenatalni ultrazvučni skrining drugog trimestra trudnoće u predikciji Daunovog sindroma / Prenatal ultrasound screening during second trimester of pregnancy in prediction of Down syndromeKolarski Milenko 26 August 2016 (has links)
<p>UVOD Prenatalna dijagnostika predstavlja skup metoda i postupaka čiji je cilj da potvrde ili isključe postojanje kongenitalnih anomalija ploda. Prenatalni skrining može biti ne invazivni i invazivni. Ne invazivni skrining treba da ima visku senzitivnost i da omogući adekvatnu selekciju trudnica kojima će se predložiti genetsko ispitivanje ploda iz uzoraka dobijenih invazivnim metodama prenatalne dijagnostike. Prenatalni skrining prvog trimestra trudnoće obuhvata ultrazvučni pregled debljine nuhalne translucencije i laboratorijsku analizu dva biohemijska markera od 11 do 14 nedelje trudnoće, Prenatalni skrining drugog trimestra trudnoće koji se zasniva na biohemijskom skriningu i tripl testu iako je jedini koji se primenjuje zbog niske senzitivnosti od 20% do 40%, ne može se smatrati validnim. Integrativni biohemijski test prvog i drugog trimestra imaj veću senzitivnost (od 40 do 60%) ali ni on nije dao očekivane rezultate u adekvatnoj selekciji trudnica za genetsku analizu ploda zbog visoke stope lažno pozitivnih rezultata. Drugi trimestar trudnoće omogućava sonografskim pregledima i biohemijskim analizama dopunski način a u nekim slučajevima i jedini u proceni postojanja rizika Daunovog sindroma ili nekih drugih hromozomskih aberacija ploda Zato je primena integrativnih prenatalnih ne invazivnih metoda prvog i drugog trimestra trudnoće veoma značaja u poboljšanju dijagnostičkih vrednosti prenatalnih skrining testova i ima za cilj da smanji procenat invazivnih procedura zbog mogućih komplikacija i ne potrebnih finansijskih troškova. Daunov sindrom(trizomija 21 para hromozoma) je najčešća hromozomska numerička aberacija praćena mentalnom retardacijom dece (I.Q<70. ) Deca sa Daunovim sindromom su karakterističnog fenotipskog izgleda i sa čestim kongenitalnim anomailjama koje im onemogućavaju normalan život a često su i uzrok njihove prerane smrtnosti. Kongenitalne anomalije su zastupljene kod 2% do 5% živo rođene dece, predstavljaju 25 % perinatalne smrtnosti, četvrtina su uslovljnene hromozomskim aberacijama ili naslednom osnovom, od čega 0, 2%-0, 4% su sa Daunovim sindromom. CILJEVI Ciljevi četrorogodišnjeg istraživanja su bili da se poboljša dijagnostička vrednost postojećih prenatalnih testova, da se potvrdi značaj ultrazvučnog skrininga drugog trimestra trudnoće analizom debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti ploda te da se poboljša njegova senzitivnost korporativnom sonografskom analizom cefaličnog indexa, intraorbitalnog rastojanja i dužine fronto-talamične distance. MATERIJAL I METODE Ukupan broj trudnica obuhvaćen četvorogodišnjim ispitivanjem koje su ultrazvučno pregledane i kojima je savetovano genetsko ispitivanje ploda blio je 4552. Tokom Retrospektivnog dvogodišnjieg ( 2010.2011)bila je 2169 dok je prospektivnom dvogodišnjom analizom (2012, 2013)je bilo obuhvaćeno 2383 trudnica. Ispitivana grupa su bile trudnice kod kojih je genetskom analizom otkriven patološki kariotip ploda, kontrolna grupa je obuhvatila sve ostale trudnice kod je kariotip ploda bio normalan od kojih su 124 trudnice odabrane metodom slučajnog izbora. Retrospektivnom studijom ultrazvučna je pregledana dužina vratne brazde(>6mm i dužina butne kosti<0, 6 od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće. Analizirana je cirkulacija fetalne krvi kroz duktus venosus ploda( a talas) i postojanje nosne kosti ploda(+, -). Prospektivnom analizom je ultrazvučnim pregledom ploda dodatno analiziran cefalični index(>85%), i intraorbitalna distanca i duzina fronto-talamične distance(<80%) ploda. Korišćene su metode deskriptivne statističke analize, aritmetička sredina, standardna devijacija, najmanja i najveća vrednost kod parametrijskih obeležja dok su za ne parametrijska postojanje nosne kosti i alfa talasa duktusu venozusu korišćene druge statističke metode, a komparativnim statističkim metodama kod normalnih, patoloških i kariotipova sa Daunovim sindromom ploda. Statistička značajnost je dokazana t testom a definisana nivoom p<0, 05 i p<0, 001 odnosom kod normalnih, patoloških kariotipova i Daunovog sindroma. Multifaktorskom regresivnom logističkom analizom je urađena procena senzitvnosti prenatalnog ultrazvučnog skrininga sa ispitivanim obeležjima drugog trimestra trudnoće REZULTATI I DISKUSIJA Od ukupnog broja ultrazvučno pregledaninh trudnica 4552 kojima je savetovano genetska analiza ploda citogenetskom analizom je otkriveno 66 patoloških kariotipova 1, 49%, sa Dunovim sindromom 31 0, 68%. Deskriptivnom statističkom obradom ultrazvučno ispitivanih obeležja od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće, uočeno je odstupanje i potvrđen značaj starije životne dobi trudnica, debljine vratne brazde i dužine frontotalamične distance u odnosu na normalne nalaze katiotipova ploda u predikciji Daunovog sindroma.Vrednosti dužine butne kosti, cefaličnog indeksa i intraorbitalnog rastojanja nisu imala veća odstupanja u poređenju patoškokih i normalnih nalaza kariotipova.Studentovim t testom je i dokazano p<0, 001 za debljinu vratne brazde i dužinu fronto-talamične distance, dok je za stariju životnu dob trudnice potvrđeno a;0, 001. Senzitivnost prenatalnog skrininga drugog trimestra analizom debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti je veća u odnosu na standardno primenjivan biohemijski skrining drugog trimestra tripl testa (senzitivnost 40%-60) sa velikom stopom lažno pozitivnih rezultata.Dokazan je značaj poboljšanja senzitivnosti prenatalnih skrining testova dopunskom analizom tri ultrazvučna parametra, dužine fronto-talamične distance, cefaličnog indeksa i intraorbitalnog rastojanja u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, ali i kod ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda u periodu od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće primenomi multifaktorske logističke regresivne analize senzitivnost preko 93% sa 7% lažno pozitivnih rezultata. Postojanje korelacije između debljine vratne brazde i dužine fronto-talamične distance ploda poboljšavai senzitivnost prenatalnih ultrazvučnog skrininga. Integrativnim pristupom ultrazvučnog i biohemijskog skrininga drugog trimesra trudnoće, tripl testa očekuje se poboljšati dijagnostičkih vrednosti prenatalnog skrininga senzitivnost ne invazivnog skrininga u predikciji Daunovog sindroma i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda. ZAKLJUČCI 1Potvrđen je značaj starije životne dobi trudnice u povećanju rizika Daunovog sindoma, i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda ( p<0, 001) Potvrđen je značaj zadebljanja vratne brazde ploda >6mm(p<0, 001) i skraćenja butne kosti kod Daunovog sindroma ploda od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće u prenatalnom otkrivanju Dunovog sindroma i ostalih hromozomskih aberacija ploda i selekciji trudnica kojima će se predložiti genetsko ispitivanje ploda.Potvrđena je hipoteza da skraćenje fronto-talamične distance poboljšava senzitivnost ultrasonografskog skrininga, jer češće postoji kod Daunovog sindroma ploda ali i ostalih numeričkih hromozomskih aberacija tipa, nego kod normalnih nalaza kariotipa ploda( p<0, 001).Komparativnom analzom ultrazvučnim pregledom fronto-talamična distance debljine vratne brazde i dužine butne kosti ploda od 14 do 22 nedelje trudnoće može se značajno poboljšati vrednost dijagnostičkih prenatalnih testova u predikciji Daunovog sindroma. Postojanje korelacija između fronto-talamične distance i debljine vratne brazde dopunjuje ultrazvučni skrining i povećava njegovu senzitivnost na preko 90%, što je multifaktorskom regresivnom logaritamskom analizom i potvrđeno. Značaj multidisciplinarnog pristupa pogotovo je izražen u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, obzirom na različite specijalnosti koje u njemu učestvuju. Cost – benefit analiza. Visoka senzitivnost ne invazivnog prenatalnog skrininga u predikciji Daunovog sindroma, smanjuje troškove za pojedince i državu jer je njihova cena i do dest puta manja od cene citogenetskih analiza, a i trudnice se ne izlažu riziku mogućih komplikacija prilikom izvođenja invazivnih metoda</p> / <p>INTRODUCTIONS Prenatal diagnostic procedure represent a set of methods and techniques with the aim to afirmate or eliminate the presence of Down’s syndrome and other congenital anomalies Can be non-invasive and invasive methods. Non-invasive methods (laboratory or ultrasonographic) have the aim to make possible the most valid assessment of the risk of presence of an affected fetus in the pregnancy, selected pregnancy for invasive diagnostics procedures and citogenetics analisseskariotipingfoeti. Down’s syndrome, aneuploidy with trisomy 21 chromosomal, is the most common chromosomal numerical aberration associated with mental retardation of children (IQ< 70). Children with Down’s syndrome have characteristic phenotypic appearance with high frequent congenital anomalies that preclude a normal life and are frequently the cause of their earlier death. AIM The aim of the four year long investigation was to confirm the importance of ultrasound screening by the analyses of the basic ultrasound parameters for the second trimester, the thickness of the nuchal fold and the length of the femur of the fetus in the prediction of Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations of the fetus, as well as to improve other existing ultrasonic screenings of the first and second trimester of pregnancy by ultrasonic examination and analyses of the cephalic index and intraorbital space and the length of the fronto-thalamic distance. MATERIAL AND METODS Retrospective investigation (2010. 2011) and prospective investigation (2012.2013) includes 4655 pregnant women. For all pregnant women the genetic investigation of the fetus was performed. A total of 68 were found with chromosomal aberrations, 38 with Down’s syndrome. The method of haphazard choice in retrospective study and in prospective study ultrasound markers are examined. In retrospective analyses of the nuchal fold (<6mm and the length of femur <0.6, that represent basic ultrasound screening of the second trimester and are analyzed as parametric signs of the second trimester, and are analyzed as parametric markers, and analyses of the circulation of fetal blood through ductus venosus of the fetus. In the retrospective study the length of the nuchal fold (>6mm in length, that represent a basic ultrasound screening of the second trimester, and are analyzed as parametric markers in the prediction of Down’s syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations. RESULTS AND DISCUSION Cytogenetic analyses revealed 66 (1, 49%) pathologic karyotypes and Down syndrome were present in 31 (0, 68%) cases. All pathologic karyotypes were obtained after ultrasound examinations of 4552 pregnant women. Ultrasound markers for period 14th-22nd GW were analyzed with descriptive statistical methods and importance of pregnancy in older women, thickness of nuchal fold and lengths frontal thalamic distance were proofed in case of Down syndrome. Femoral bone lengths, cephalic index and intraorbital distances were similar for both groups, normal and pathologic karyotypes. Student’s t test revealed statistical significance with p<0, 001 values for nuchal fold thickness, frontal thalamic distance and older ages.Three additional ultrasound markers (frontal thalamic distance, cephalic index, intraorbital distance) improve prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations between 14th and 22nd GW as well. Multifactorial logistic regressive analyses revealed 93% sensitivity with 7% false positive results. Corelation between nuchal fold thickness and frontal thalamic distance improve prenatal ultrasound screening sensitivity. Using both ultrasound and biochemical screening (triple test) is way to improve sensitivity of non invasive screening in prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations. CONCLUSIONS Importance of pregnant women ages and higher risk for Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations was proofed (p<0, 001).Importance of nuchal fold thickness above 6mm (p<0, 001) and shorter femoral bone marker in period from 14th to 22nd GW in prediction of Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations are proofed (p<0, 001). Hypothesses that frontal thalamic distance improve ultrasound screening sensitivity was proofed was proofed (p<0, 001) since it is significantly shorter in Down syndrome and other chromosomal aberrations in comparison with fetuses with normal karyotypes. Comparative analyses of frontothalamic distance, nuchal fold thickness and femoral bone length in period from 14th to 22nd GW can signifi cantly improve prenatal diagnostic testing in Down syndrome prediction. Correlation between frontothalamic distance and nuchal fold thickness improve ultrasound screening sensitivity on 93% that is proofed with multifactorial logistic regressive analyses. Significance of multidisciplinary approach is high in Down syndrome prediction. Cost-benefit: High sensitivity of non invasive prenatal screening in Down syndrome prediction reduces costs for families and government since it costs ten time less than cytogenetic analyses and risk with invasive procedures is avoided.</p>
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