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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Journalistic monitoring and privilege in the era of new telecommunications technologies under the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Constitution of the Republic of Poland / Vigilancia y privilegio periodístico en la era de las nuevas tecnologías de las telecomunicaciones bajo la Convención de Derechos Humanos y Libertades Fundamentales y la Constitución de la República de Polonia

Podkowik, Jan 10 April 2018 (has links)
The digital age has reconfigured the security services, especially the forms of mass surveillance aimed at preventing various threats to society. However, this scenario may become problematic from the perspective of protecting the freedom of the media and journalistic privilege. The author of this article offers an overview of the scope of the protection of the journalistic privilege pursuant to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as its management in Poland from the developments prepared by its Constitutional Court. / La era digital ha reconfigurado los servicios de seguridad, sobre todo las formas de vigilancia masiva que buscan prevenir distintas amenazas para la sociedad. No obstante, este escenario puede convertirse en problemático desde la perspectiva de la protección de la libertad de los medios de comunicación y del privilegio periodístico. El autor del presente artículo nos ofrece un panorama sobre los alcances de la tutela del privilegio periodístico en el Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales, así como sobre su tratamiento en Polonia a partir de los desarrollos realizados por su Tribunal Constitucional.

A REPERCUSSÃO DAS INICIATIVAS DO GOVERNO BRASILEIRO PARA A PROTECÇÃO DA AMAZÓNIA NA IMPRENSA SUECA ONLINE DURANTE O GOVERNO DE LULA / To what extent have the initiatives of the Brazilian government been reported by the Swedish online news providers regarding the protection of the Amazon rainforest during the Lula administration?

Barrenechea, May January 2012 (has links)
A problemática ambiental no mundo é um tema de suma importância na atualidade. Devido ao incremento do efeito estufa, as mudanças climáticas têm despertado grandes reações no mundo em todas as esferas. Para isso, a Amazónia cumpre um papel decisivo na salvação do planeta e portanto é imprescindível a proteção da mesma. A implementação de uma série de medidas legais do governo brasileiro é fundamental para consegui-la. Este trabalho enfoca a importância global e internacional do assunto, analisando o impacto das iniciativas do governo brasileiro na imprensa sueca versão online. O objetivo deste trabalho é deduzir qual imagem da problemática ambiental amazónica brasileira, das políticas ecológicas brasileiras na Amazónia e indiretamente do Brasil no geral se transmite potencialmente ao leitor sueco. A conclusão obtida concorda com a hipótese que os jornais falam, em pequena escala, sobre o tema ambiental na Amazónia brasileira e sobre as políticas ecológicas brasileiras para a proteção da floresta amazónica. / Environmental issues are receiving more and more media exposure today than ever before. What was first a healthy interest amongst people, has led to serious concerns when one takes into account the repercussions that the greenhouse effect is having on the environment. The increased environmental awareness that now exists amongst an ever growing section of the world’s population, has resulted in politicians having to start to take action as there is now a political will to do so. Brazil has the largest mass of tropical rainforest in the world and its protection is of interest to the Brazilian government, the citizens of Brazil and to the inhabitants of the world. A series of legal action measures have been initiated by the Brazilian government to preserve the wellbeing of the rainforest. This thesis examines how and what the Swedish online news providers have reported these measures during the Lula period of administration. The objective of this thesis is to understand how the Brazilian government’s measures have been perceived by the Swedish online news providers and thus by the reading population. Specifically, the focus is on measures taken by the Brazilian government with regards to Brazilian environmental problems in the Amazon rainforest, Brazilian ecological policy in the Amazonia and how all of this in turn leads to better protection of the Amazon rainforest. The data obtained supports the hypothesis that out of all the Brazilian related articles published by the Swedish online news providers, only a small percentage of the total amount of articles are relating to environmental issues in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and/or the Brazilian environmental politics to protect the Amazon rainforest. / Miljöproblematiken i världen är en mycket viktig fråga. Den ökande växthuseffektens förändringar på klimatet har väckt stora reaktioner överallt i världen på alla områden. Miljömässigt spelar Amazonas regnskog en avgörande roll i att rädda planeten. Därför är det nödvändigt att skydda Amazonas regnskog. Genomförandet av en rad rättsliga åtgärder från den brasilianska regeringen är avgörande för skyddet av den brasilianska regnskogen. Den brasilianska regeringen har genom lagstiftning försökt att vidta nödvändiga åtgärder för att skydda Amazonas regnskog. Denna studie fokuserar på den internationella betydelsen av ämnet och analyserar hur den svenska pressens internetupplagor behandlar den brasilianska regeringens ansträngningar. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete är att få en uppfattning om hur den brasilianska miljöproblematiken i Amazonas regnskog, lagstiftningen runt densamma samt indirekt Brasilien, förmedlas till den svenska tidningsläsaren. Slutsatsen överensstämmer med hypotesen att tidningarna endast skriver kortfattat om miljöfrågor relaterade till den brasilianska regnskogen i Amazonas och den brasilianska miljöpolitikens insatser för att skydda Amazonas regnskog.

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