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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema para apoio à prevenção de úlcera por pressão / A system to support pressure ulcer prevention

Marchione, Felipe Gonçalves 31 August 2015 (has links)
A Úlcera por Pressão (UP) é uma lesão na pele e em tecidos subjacentes causada pela prolongada exposição de regiões do corpo à pressão. O surgimento de UPs impacta diretamente na qualidade de vida de pacientes acamados, já que são feridas dolorosas, e levam à um aumento no tempo de internação para que seja feito o seu tratamento. Abordagens que utilizam software para monitorar automaticamente pacientes acamados vem sendo propostas para apoiar a prevenção de UP\'s. Por meio de uma revisão sistemática, pode-se identificar o estado da arte de tais abordagens, que são baseadas principalmente em sensores instalados sobre o colchão para identificar pontos de pressão. Para realização do monitoramento por essas abordagens, há necessidade do contato do equipamento com o corpo do paciente. Por conta disso, questões como conforto e a higienização ou troca do equipamento, quando um novo paciente precisa ser monitorado devem ser levadas em consideração. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um sistema para apoio à prevenção de úlcera por pressão (SAPU) que realiza o monitoramento de movimentações e posição de decúbito de uma maneira alternativa às abordagens existentes. São recuperados dados de posição e imagens de profundidade do sensor de movimentos Kinect, que são utilizados por métodos de estimativa de movimentação e posição de decúbito propostos neste trabalho. Assim, não se faz necessário o contato direto do paciente com o equipamento de monitoramento. Além disso, o sistema provê, aos profissionais da saúde, indicadores de movimentação por regiões do corpo, que é uma informação que não é provida por outras abordagens existentes. Um experimento preliminar foi realizado com três participantes, que foram instruídos a realizar uma série de movimentações e troca de posição para avaliação dos métodos de estimativa da posição de decúbito e movimentação utilizados pelo SAPU. Os resultados, apesar de preliminares, dão indícios da viabilidade de sua aplicação para monitoramento de pacientes acamados. / Pressure ulcer (PU) is a lesion on the skin and underlying tissues caused by prolonged exposure of body regions to pressure. PU directly impacts bedridden patients\' quality of life since they are painful and may lead to a prolonged period of hospital internment in order to be treated. Approaches that use software to automatically monitor bedridden patients have been proposed to support pressure ulcer prevention. Through a systematic review, we identified the state of art of these approaches that are mainly based on sensors installed on a mattress to identify pressure points. Since the patient is in contact with the monitoring equipment, issues like comfort and the equipment hygiene or replacement when a new patient is monitored need to be considered. In this paper, we present a system to support pressure ulcer prevention (SAPU) that automatically monitors the patient\'s movements and decubitus positions in an alternative way. Position data and depth images are obtained from the Kinect motion sensor and used by methods we proposed to estimate movement and decubitus positions without any contact of the monitoring equipment with the patient. The system also provides movements indicators by body regions that is an information not given by other approaches. A preliminary experiment have been carried out with three participants that performed a sequence of movements and assumed different decubitus positions so that we could evaluate the methods to estimate the decubitus positions and movements detection that are used by SAPU. Even though the results are preliminary, they provide evidence that these methods can be applied in order to monitor patient\'s movements and decubitus positions.

Sistema para apoio à prevenção de úlcera por pressão / A system to support pressure ulcer prevention

Felipe Gonçalves Marchione 31 August 2015 (has links)
A Úlcera por Pressão (UP) é uma lesão na pele e em tecidos subjacentes causada pela prolongada exposição de regiões do corpo à pressão. O surgimento de UPs impacta diretamente na qualidade de vida de pacientes acamados, já que são feridas dolorosas, e levam à um aumento no tempo de internação para que seja feito o seu tratamento. Abordagens que utilizam software para monitorar automaticamente pacientes acamados vem sendo propostas para apoiar a prevenção de UP\'s. Por meio de uma revisão sistemática, pode-se identificar o estado da arte de tais abordagens, que são baseadas principalmente em sensores instalados sobre o colchão para identificar pontos de pressão. Para realização do monitoramento por essas abordagens, há necessidade do contato do equipamento com o corpo do paciente. Por conta disso, questões como conforto e a higienização ou troca do equipamento, quando um novo paciente precisa ser monitorado devem ser levadas em consideração. Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um sistema para apoio à prevenção de úlcera por pressão (SAPU) que realiza o monitoramento de movimentações e posição de decúbito de uma maneira alternativa às abordagens existentes. São recuperados dados de posição e imagens de profundidade do sensor de movimentos Kinect, que são utilizados por métodos de estimativa de movimentação e posição de decúbito propostos neste trabalho. Assim, não se faz necessário o contato direto do paciente com o equipamento de monitoramento. Além disso, o sistema provê, aos profissionais da saúde, indicadores de movimentação por regiões do corpo, que é uma informação que não é provida por outras abordagens existentes. Um experimento preliminar foi realizado com três participantes, que foram instruídos a realizar uma série de movimentações e troca de posição para avaliação dos métodos de estimativa da posição de decúbito e movimentação utilizados pelo SAPU. Os resultados, apesar de preliminares, dão indícios da viabilidade de sua aplicação para monitoramento de pacientes acamados. / Pressure ulcer (PU) is a lesion on the skin and underlying tissues caused by prolonged exposure of body regions to pressure. PU directly impacts bedridden patients\' quality of life since they are painful and may lead to a prolonged period of hospital internment in order to be treated. Approaches that use software to automatically monitor bedridden patients have been proposed to support pressure ulcer prevention. Through a systematic review, we identified the state of art of these approaches that are mainly based on sensors installed on a mattress to identify pressure points. Since the patient is in contact with the monitoring equipment, issues like comfort and the equipment hygiene or replacement when a new patient is monitored need to be considered. In this paper, we present a system to support pressure ulcer prevention (SAPU) that automatically monitors the patient\'s movements and decubitus positions in an alternative way. Position data and depth images are obtained from the Kinect motion sensor and used by methods we proposed to estimate movement and decubitus positions without any contact of the monitoring equipment with the patient. The system also provides movements indicators by body regions that is an information not given by other approaches. A preliminary experiment have been carried out with three participants that performed a sequence of movements and assumed different decubitus positions so that we could evaluate the methods to estimate the decubitus positions and movements detection that are used by SAPU. Even though the results are preliminary, they provide evidence that these methods can be applied in order to monitor patient\'s movements and decubitus positions.

Trycksår hos barn på barnintensivvårdsavdelning : Sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder / Pressure ulcer at the pediatric intensive care unit

Åkerström, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Trycksår är en vårdskada och uppkommer av långvarigt tryck utav utrustning eller benutskott. På barnintensivvårdsavdelning vårdas barn med observerbar svikt i minst ett organ, dessa barn har stor risk att utveckla trycksår. Patricia Benners omvårdnadsteori är teoretisk referensram för studien. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskans trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder för barn som vårdas på barnintensivvårdsavdelning. En systematisk litteratursökning genomfördes i tre databaser. Sökningen genererade elva resultatartiklar. Resultatet presenteras i tre kategorier: följa rutiner och riktlinjer, identifierade trycksårsrisker för patienter på avdelningar som bedriver barnintensivvård samt omvårdnadshandlingar och hjälpmedel. Resultatet påvisade att många trycksårs fall går att förebygga med rutiner, utbildning samt hjälpmedel. Barn med massiv svikt kunde vara så ostabila att trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder var omöjliga. Personal samt verksamhet kan med fördel implementera de evidensbaserade trycksårsförebyggande åtgärderna men fortsatt forskning utav utbredningen av trycksår på barnintensivvårdsavdelning i Sverige kan behöva genomföras. / Pressure ulcer is an injury caused by hospitalizations when sustained pressure over bony prominence or devices for a prolonged period of time pressure ulcer may appear. Critically ill infants and children admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) are at risk of developing pressure ulcer. Patricia Benner’s nursing theory is used as theoretical guideline for this study. The aim of this study was to describe preventing measures against pressure ulcers performed by nurses for infants and children admitted at PICU.  A systematic literature review was conducted and three databases resulting in eleven articles. The result was presented in three categories: follow routines and guidelines, identify associated risk factors for pressure ulcer on patients in the PICU and also practical nursing and tools. The result of this study showed that pressure ulcer can be prevented with guidelines, education and tools. For some patients in the PICU pressure ulcer could not be prevented due to their clinical instability. Hospital staff and board should implement evidence basted pressure ulcer prevention measures. Further research concerning Swedish practice could be needed.

Trycksårsprevention i den perioperativa omvårdnaden : en observationsstudie / Prevention of pressure ulcer during the perioperative care : an observational study

Karlsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Trycksår är en vårdskada som kan uppstå i samband med kirurgiska ingrepp. Det medför ett stort lidande för patienten men även en kostnad för samhället. Alla patienter som opereras har en ökad risk att utveckla trycksår på grund av unika riskfaktorer som en operation medför. Därför har operationsteamet en särskild utmaning i att förebygga denna vårdskada.   Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka trycksårspreventiva åtgärder som operationsteamet använder.   Metod: Studien genomfördes som en observationsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Operationsteam vid ett medelstort sjukhus i södra Sverige observerades.  Ett observationsprotokoll konstruerades för att fånga de åtgärder som operationsteamet använde. Totalt genomfördes 20 observationer.   Resultat: Operationsteamet tryckavlastade patientens hälar och bakhuvud. Patienten värmdes intraoperativt, personalen såg till att patienten inte låg med benen i kors eller låg på varmt underlag och anpassade  operationsbordet efter patientens behov. Flera möjliga trycksårsförebyggande metoder genomfördes inte alls eller i liten utsträckning. Operationsteamet repositionerade inte patienten varannan timme, instrument, personal och utrustning tilläts trycka på patienten och material fanns mellan patienten och den tryckavlastande madrassen.   Konklusion: Operationsteamet utnyttjade trycksårspreventiva åtgärder för att förhindra trycksår hos patienten. Dock fanns ett flertal trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder som sällan användes eller inte alls. / Introduction: Pressure ulcers are a common health problem that can be a complication in surgical procedures. It means a great suffering for the patient, but also a cost to society. The surgical team has a special challenge to prevent pressure ulcers that occur in the operating room. It´s because all patients who undergo surgery have an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers because of the unique risk factors that an operation means for the patient.   Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods that the surgical team use to prevent pressure ulcer in patients during surgery.   Method: The study was conducted as an observational study with quantitative approach. The study included 20 observations of surcial teams on a hospital in south Sweden. An observation protocol was created to capture the preventive methods the surgical team used.   Results: The surgical team depressurized the patients heels and occiput with pillows. The surgical team was warming the patient intraoperatively, made sure that the patient was not lying with legs crossed or laid on a warm surface. The staff adjusted the operating table to the patient's needs. Several possible methods to prevent pressure ulcers that was not used or rarely used, was also observed. The surgical team did not reposition the patient every two hours, equipment and staff were allowed to press against the patient and layers of material laid between the patient and the pressure ulcer preventing mattress.   Conclusion: The surgical team used pressure ulcer preventive methods to decrease the risks of pressure ulcer in the patients. However, there were a number of pressure ulcers prevention methods that were rarely used.

Trycksår efter buklägeskirurgi : Prevalens, lokalisation, kategorisering och riskfaktorer

Butén Grundevik, Gabriella, Wilbrand, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår är idag en vanligt förekommande vårdskada. Få studier har gjorts gällande trycksår i samband med buklägeskirurgi. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka trycksårsprevalensen bland patienter som genomgått kirurgi i bukläge och identifiera möjliga riskfaktorer för trycksår. Metod: En prospektiv deskriptiv studie med kvantitativ design. Datainsamlingen utfördes på neurokirurgiska och ortopediska kliniken under nio veckor, vid ett stort sjukhus i mellansverige. Hudobservationer och journalgranskning skedde på totalt 29 patienter. Frågeställningarna besvarades med deskriptiv statistik och analyserades med Mann Whitney U test och Chi2. Resultat: Var tredje patient som genomgått buklägeskirurgi utvecklade trycksår. Den totala trycksårsprevalensen var 34 procent, antalet trycksår per patient varierade mellan ett till sex stycken. Trycksåren varierade mellan kategori ett och två enligt EPUAPs klassiferingssystem. Det mest utsatta området var ansiktet (51 %). Identifierade riskfaktorer var högt BMI, den postoperativa kroppstemperaturen, ålder och operationens längd. Slutsats: Patienter som genomgår kirurgi i bukläge har en ökad risk att utveckla trycksår. Fortsatt kvalitetsarbete behövs för att motverka vårdskador, patientlidande, ökade vårdtider och kostnader för denna grupp patienter. För vidare utveckling inom området behövs fler och större studier. / Background: Pressure ulcer is today a frequent occuring problem in health care.  There are few studies done regarding the incidence of pressure ulcers after surgery in prone position. Aim: The aim was to investigate the prevalense of pressure ulcer among patients who have been operated upon in prone position, and to identify possible risk factors for pressure ulcer among these patients. Method: A prospective study with quantitative design was chosen. The data was collected during nine weeks at a Neurosurgical and Orthopedic ward. Skin observations and reviewing medical records were conducted for a total of 29 patients. The research questions were answered by descriptive statistics and the data was analyzed using a Mann Whitney U test and Chi2. Results: One out of three patients developed pressure ulcers after surgery in prone position. The prevalence of identified pressure ulcers in the study was 34 percent, the number of pressure ulcers per patient varied between one and six. The ulcers were classified according to EPUAPs classification and the identified ulcers were assigned class one and two. The most vulnerable part was the face (51%). Identified risk-factors are high BMI, body temperature post operatively, patients’ age and duration of surgical procedure. Conclusion: Patients undergoing surgery in prone position are more likely to develop postoperative pressure ulcers. Further preventive measures to avoid health care associated adverse events are necessary in order to reduce unnecessary patient suffering, increasing hospitalization and costs for this group of patients. For further progress in this field more extensive studies are needed

Omvårdnadsåtgärder sjuksköterskan kan vidta i arbetet för att förebygga trycksår : en beskrivande litteraturstudie

Ångström, Marie, Lööf Lindqvist, Emanuel January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trycksår uppstår som en komplikation av vård, behandling och sjukdom varvid dessa kan uppkomma redan efter 60 minuter. Förekomsten av trycksår år 2016 ligger på 13,4 % i medelvärde över hela Sverige, vilket i jämförelse med 2015 enbart är en sänkning med 0,2%. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka omvårdnadsåtgärder sjuksköterskan kan vidta i sitt arbete för att förebygga trycksår samt att redovisa vilken urvalsmetod som använts i de valda artiklarna. Metod: Litteraturstudie med deskriptiv design som grundades på tretton artiklar av kvantitativ ansats från databaserna Cinahl och Pubmed. Huvudresultat: Resultatet av ovanstående litteraturstudie medförde fyra olika teman:1) Riskbedömning: Genom att göra en riskbedömning på patienterna inom 24 timmar efter inläggning kunde en minskad trycksårsprevalens ses. 2) Lägesändringar: Lägesändringar på patienterna varannan timme visade att uppkomsten av trycksår minskar. Vidare har det visats att positioner liggande i 30 grader är den metod som ger bäst utgång. 3) Tryckavlastning: En användning av olika tryckavlastande medel har påvisat att trycksår reducerats hos patienterna. Den bästa metoden sett utifrån skillnader på kontroll och interventionsgrupper för tryckavlastning som framkommit i föreliggande studie är användning av silicone border. 4) Samling av preventiva omvårdnadsåtgärder: En användning av olika protokoll med flertalet omvårdnadsåtgärder för att minska uppkomsten av trycksår har visat sig ge mycket god effekt. Metodologisk aspekt: 11 av artiklarna hade en tydlig redogörelse för urvalsmetoden, varav resterande två artiklar saknade beskrivning om hur urvalet hade genomförts. Slutsats: Genom föreliggande litteraturstudie har det framkommit att ovanstående teman kan användas av sjuksköterskan i det dagliga arbetet för att minska riskerna för trycksår hos sina patienter. / Background: Pressure sores occur as a complication of care, treatment and disease where these can occur already after 60 minutes. The incidence of pressure ulcers in 2016 at 13.4% averaged over the whole of Sweden, as compared to 2015 is a reduction of only 0.2%. Aim: To describe the nursing care nurse can take in their work to prevent pressure sores and to report the selection method used in the selected articles. Method: Literature study with descriptive design that was based on thirteen articles from the databases CINAHL and Pubmed. Findings: The result of the above literature led four different themes: 1) Risk Assessment: By making a risk assessment of patients within 24 hours of hospitalization the risk of pressure sores was reduced. 2) Location Changes: Location Changes to the patients every two hours showed that the incidence of pressure ulcers decreased. Further, it has been shown that positions lying at 30 degrees is the method that provides the best output. 3) Pressure relief: Use of different pressure relieving agents have shown to reduce pressure sores in patients. The best method seen from differences in the control and intervention groups for pressure relief in this study is the use of a silicon border. 4) Collection of preventive care measures: The use of different protocols with several different care methods to reduce the occurrence of pressure sores have shown the best effect. Methodological aspect: 11 of the articles had a clear description of the sampling method, with the remaining two items missing description of how the selection had been made. Conclusion: The present literature review has shown that the above themes can be used by nurses in their daily work to reduce the risk of pressure ulcers in patients.

Ett visuellt hjälpmedel vid trycksårsprevention : Continuous Bedside Pressure Mapping System                      (MAP-system)En randomiserad kontrollerad studie

Andersson, Sara, Sedin, IngaMaj January 2016 (has links)
SAMMANFATTNING   Bakgrund: Trycksår är en lokal skada i huden och i underliggande vävnad som kan uppkomma i samband med sjukdom, vård och behandling. Trycksår betraktas idag som en vårdskada och ska anmälas som en avvikelse. För individen innebär det stort lidande och ger höga kostnader för samhället, större omvårdnadsbehov och förlängda vårdtider. Studier visar att kunskap om trycksårsprevention hos sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor i Sverige inte är tillräckligt hög. Ett trycksensorsystem (MAP-system) finns nu tillgängligt som ger omedelbar feedback av patientens tryckpunkter som ett hjälpmedel vid trycksårsprevention. Syfte: Att utvärdera effekten av MAP- systemet avseende förekomst av trycksår hos äldre patienter under vårdtiden på en geriatrisk avdelning på sjukhus. Metod: En randomiserad, kontrollerad studiedesign valdes. En geriatrisk vårdavdelning valdes ut med en MAP-grupp (n=91) och en kontrollgrupp (n=99). Ett studieprotokoll användes med uppgifter om: demografisk data, hudinspektion (trycksårsklassificering kategori 1-4), Modifierad Nortonbedömning, komfort, maxtryck samt preventiva åtgärder. Insamlad data behandlades i SPSS och signifikansberäkning, standardavvikelse och medeltal räknades ut. Resultat: Användande av MAP-systemet gav ingen signifikant skillnad i andelen patienter med trycksår mellan MAP- och kontrollgruppen. Andel patienter med trycksår i MAP-gruppen dag ett var 24,2 % och dag 14, 28,2 %. I kontrollgruppen var andelen dag ett 18,2 % och dag 14, 23,8 %. Vanligaste lokalisationen av trycksår var hälar därefter sakrum och glutealt. Patienter med trycksår fick signifikant fler trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder. Slutsats: Studien visar ingen signifikant skillnad mellan andelen patienter med trycksår i MAP- och kontrollgruppen. Preventiva åtgärder prioriterades främst till patienter med trycksår. Genomförandet av studien antas ha medfört ökat fokus på trycksårsprevention samt påverkat prevalensen av trycksår positivt på den aktuella avdelningen. / ABSTRACT   Background: Pressure ulcers consist of local damage to the skin and underlying tissue and can occur in relation to illness, care and treatment. Pressure ulcers are today considered as an adverse event and are to be reported as a deviation from care routines. For the individual it can be the source of great suffering. It also generates large costs for the community, increased needs of nursing as well as prolonged periods of hospitalization. Studies show that the level of knowledge among registered nurses and assistant nurses in Sweden is insufficient. A pressure mapping system (MAP system) is now available, and can provide immediate feedback about the patient´s pressure points as a tool for pressure ulcer prevention. Aim: To study the effect of the MAP system regarding the presence of pressure ulcers in elderly hospitalized patients on a geriatric ward. Method: A randomized, controlled study design was chosen. A geriatric ward was selected with a MAP group (n=91) and a control group (n=99). A study protocol containing demographic data, systematic skin inspection (with classification of pressure ulcers category 1-4), Modified Norton scale, comfort, maximum pressure and preventive measures was used. Data was processed in SPSS; generating mean, standard deviation and level of significance. Results: No significant difference in the prevalence of pressure ulcers was shown between the MAP- group and the control group. The prevalence of pressure ulcers in the MAP-group was 24,2 % on day one and 28,2 % on day 14. In the control group the corresponding numbers were 18,2 % and 23,8 %. The most common localization of pressure ulcers were heels, followed by the sacral and gluteal regions. Patients with pressure ulcers received significantly more preventive measure compared to patients without pressure ulcers. Conclusion: The study shows no significant differences between the groups regarding the prevalence of patients with pressure ulcers. Preventive measures were prioritized mostly for patients with existing pressure ulcers. The study is assumed to have increased the focus on pressure ulcer prevention thus affecting the prevalence of pressure ulcers in a positive way on the present ward.

RF MIMO Systems for Wide-Area Indoor Human Motion Monitoring

Xu, Chi January 2016 (has links)
<p>Human motion monitoring is an important function in numerous applications. In this dissertation, two systems for monitoring motions of multiple human targets in wide-area indoor environments are discussed, both of which use radio frequency (RF) signals to detect, localize, and classify different types of human motion. In the first system, a coherent monostatic multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) array is used, and a joint spatial-temporal adaptive processing method is developed to resolve micro-Doppler signatures at each location in a wide-area for motion mapping. The downranges are obtained by estimating time-delays from the targets, and the crossranges are obtained by coherently filtering array spatial signals. Motion classification is then applied to each target based on micro-Doppler analysis. In the second system, multiple noncoherent multistatic transmitters (Tx's) and receivers (Rx's) are distributed in a wide-area, and motion mapping is achieved by noncoherently combining bistatic range profiles from multiple Tx-Rx pairs. Also, motion classification is applied to each target by noncoherently combining bistatic micro-Doppler signatures from multiple Tx-Rx pairs. For both systems, simulation and real data results are shown to demonstrate the ability of the proposed methods for monitoring patient repositioning activities for pressure ulcer prevention.</p> / Dissertation

Automatic Segmentation of Pressure Images Acquired in a Clinical Setting

Pepperl, Anathea 09 May 2013 (has links)
One of the major obstacles to pressure ulcer research is the difficulty in accurately measuring mechanical loading of specific anatomical sites. A human motion analysis system capable of automatically segmenting a patient's body into high-risk areas can greatly improve the ability of researchers and clinicians to understand how pressure ulcers develop in a hospital environment. This project has developed automated computational methods and algorithms to analyze pressure images acquired in a hospital setting. The algorithm achieved 99% overall accuracy for the classification of pressure images into three pose classes (left lateral, supine, and right lateral). An applied kinematic model estimated the overall pose of the patient. The algorithm accuracy depended on the body site, with the sacrum, left trochanter, and right trochanter achieving an accuracy of 87-93%. This project reliably segments pressure images into high-risk regions of interest.

Estudo sobre a prevalência e a incidência de úlceras de pressão em um Hospital Universitário / Study of the prevalence and incidence the pressure ulcer in one University Hospital

Rogenski, Noemi Marisa Brunet 01 March 2002 (has links)
As úlceras de pressão (UP) representam um grave problema para os pacientes hospitalizados, especialmente em termos de sofrimento pessoal e econômico, e um desafio não só para os enfermeiros, mas para toda a equipe interdisciplinar. Os objetivos deste estudo foram identificar e analisar os índices de prevalência e incidência de UP, nas unidades de Clínica Médica, Cirúrgica, UTI e Semi Intensiva do Hospital Universitário da USP, bem como, estabelecer as possíveis associações com as características sócio demográficas e clínicas da clientela. Após aprovação do Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa do HU, procedeu-se à coleta de dados em duas etapas: enquanto os dados da prevalência foram levantados num único dia da semana, os relacionados à incidência, durante três meses consecutivos. Para tanto, o exame físico de todos os pacientes internados e de todos os pacientes em risco para o desenvolvimento de UP, era realizado, respectivamente para os estudos da prevalência e incidência. A avaliação de risco para o desenvolvimento de UP foi feita através da Escala de Braden, tendo como nota de corte o escore inferior ou igual a 16. No estudo da prevalência, dos 102 pacientes avaliados, 19 desenvolveram UP, acarretando índice de 18,63%. Dentre os pacientes que apresentavam UP, houve predomínio do sexo feminino (52,63%), da raça branca (89,47%), de pacientes não fumantes (68,42%), com tempo de internação superior a 10 dias, principalmente por doenças do sistema cardiovascular ou respiratório (por doenças de base ou associadas), além de lesões no estágio I (51,85%) e na região sacra (22,22%). A idade média de 71,53 (DP=15,75) anos e o tempo médio de internação (12,31) dos pacientes com UP mostraram-se significativamente superiores àqueles exibidos pelos pacientes sem UP (p<0,001 e p=0,044, respectivamente). No estudo da incidência, dos 211 pacientes de risco acompanhados, 84 desenvolveram um total de 134 UP, acarretando índice de 39,81%. Os pacientes com UP caracterizaram-se por predomínio do sexo masculino (52,28%), da raça branca (80,95%) e de não fumantes (73,81), e as úlceras predominaram no estágio II (52,98%) e também em região sacra (33,58%), não sendo observadas UP nos estágios III ou IV. A idade média desses pacientes foi de 70,31 anos (DP=16,44), e houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as idades dos pacientes com e sem UP, mostrando-se novamente superiores para os pacientes com UP. Além disso, a idade apresentou ainda, correlações estatisticamente significativas, positiva com a incidência e negativa com a umidade, ambas de fraca intensidade, sugerindo que as maiores incidências ocorrem entre os pacientes idosos e que estes tendem a apresentar maiores escores na sub escala umidade da escala de Braden. Embora a maioria dos pacientes com UP (50 ou 59,52%) tenha apresentado escore menor ou igual a 16, ou seja, risco para desenvolvimento de UP, os índices de prevalência e incidência encontrados neste estudo, quando comparados aos estudos internacionais, mostram-se elevados. Os resultados indicam não somente a urgente necessidade da implantação de um programa de prevenção e tratamento de UP na instituição, como contribuem, metodologicamente, para que outros serviços possam estabelecer tal tipo de investigação, para a ampliação do conhecimento acerca desse problema no país. / Pressure Ulcer (PU) represents a great problem for hospitalized patients, especially concerning economic and personal suffering, and this is a hallenge not only for registered nurses (RN) but also for the interdisciplinary staff. The goals for this study are to identify and to analyze the PU prevalence and incidence in the clinical, surgical, intensive care unit and semi-intensive units at the University Hospital of Sao Paulo University, as well as establish possible association with social demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients. After approval of the Ethical and Research Committee of the University Hospital, the collection of data took place in two stages. While the prevalent information was surveyed in only one day, the incidence took three months to accomplish. A physical examination was performed on all the interned patients and all the others that had a risk of developing the PU to study the predominance of the occurrence. An evaluation of the chance of developing PU was assessed using the Braden Scale with a cutoff score of less than or equal to 16. In this study of prevalence,from the 102 patients, 19 developed PU, an index of 18.63%. Among those patients that developed PU, 52.63% were female, 89.47% white race, 68,42% non-smoker patients, with more than 10 days of internment period mainly with cardiac or respiratory diseases (or associated illnesses), beside the lesions at stage I (51.85%) and on the sacral region (22.22%). The average age was 71,53 years old (DP=15.75) and the average time of internment was 12,31 days for the patients with PU, and it was significantly greater than those patients without the PU (p<0,001 and p=0,044 respectively). In the incidence study of 211 patients with risks to develop PU, 84 developed it, with a total of 134 PU, an index of 39.81%, Those with PU were predominant male (52.38%), of white race(80.95%), and non-smokers (52.98%). The ulcers were predominant at stage II, and also on the sacral region (33.58%), not having been found PU at stages III and IV. The average age of these patients was 70.31 years old (DP=16.44). The results showed significant statistical difference between the ages of patients with and without PU, again superior for those patients with PU. Besides, the age presented positive correlation statistically significant and negative with moisture, both with low intensity, suggesting that there are more incidences occurring with elderly patients who tend to present bigger score in the Moisture Subscale of the Braden Scale. Although, the majority of the patients with PU (50 or 59.52%) presented a score of 16 or less, it means, risk to develop PU, the prevalence and incidence indexes found in these studies were high when compared with the international studies. The results indicate, not only, an urgent need of implantation of a preventive program and treatment of PU in the institution, but also contribute, methodologically, that other services be established, like type of investigation, to amplify the knowledge of this problem in the country.

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