Spelling suggestions: "subject:"principle off public access"" "subject:"principle oof public access""
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Public Authorities' Use of ExhibitionBörjesson, Petter January 2004 (has links)
This thesis studies the use of exhibitions by public authorities and the possibilities of making exhibits out of authority topics.
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Fraud targeting the elderly - A prize of our open society?Gustafsson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Fraud targeting the elderly has in recent years received more and more attention, although fraudulent behavior against the elderly only constitute a small part of all reported fraud offences the fact that perpetrators intentionally and systematically utilizing their vulnerability should be taken seriously. It is therefore considered important to expand the knowledge regarding elderly exposure to fraud, but not because of the volume of crime rather because of the particular vulnerability the elderly possesses. The present study intends to examine how perpetrators of fraud find the elderly victims and whether or not the principle of public access to information affects elderly exposure to this type of crime. The study has been conducted through semi-structured interviews with individuals from the Swedish police authorities, all with connections to fraud and crime against elderly in different ways. Trough the thematic analysis, it emerged that perpetrators find their intended victims with the help of websites that mass-publish personal information and that this mainly takes place within the framework of organized crime. The principle of public access to information therefore tends to be an important phenomenon to consider in the work of making elderly less suitable targets of fraud. Read more
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Handlingsoffentlighet i delegerad verksamhet : En studie av informationstillgången inom delegerad luftfartsverksamhet på TransportstyrelsenBackman, Pernilla January 2019 (has links)
The ability to delegate some of ones activities to other organizations is something that has been used for many years by different types of organizations in different areas. This type of delegation to make use of external knowledge has been found to have many benefits such as improved quality of decision making,shorter decision paths and redistribution of resources to improve processes. Unfortunately, it has also been found that in some activities, delegation can lead to problems with, for example, information access. The purpose of this paper was therefore to investigate whether one authority's delegation of activities to another organization affects access to information based on the concept of public documents. The research questions that formed the basis of the investigation were 1) Are there information losses, based on the concept of public documents, that can arise in connection with the delegated activity, and which are they? and 2) What consequences can information loss have when looking at the principle of public access to official records? This paper has had a qualitative approach where interviews and document studies have been used as methods for gathering information regarding the two research questions. The main conclusion drawn from this thesis is that if the Swedish Transport Agency uses certain types of organizations for delegation of activities, extensive information loss can be incurred regarding information linked to certain parts of its activities and as an authority run the risk of being in conflict with the principle of public access to official records. Read more
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”Det är liksom bara att komma och hälsa på” : En kvalitativ utredning om upplevd trygghet i förhållande till offentligt tillgängliga personuppgifter på internetLindström, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Genom så kallade ”utgivningsbevis” får aktörer som erhållit dessa publicera vissa personuppgifter på internet. Detta kan inkludera exempelvis uppgifter om adress, telefonnummer, skatteuppgifter, födelsedag, fullständigt namn och andra uppgifter som går att ta del av genom Offentlighetsprincipen. Utgivningsbevisen är grundlagsskyddade och får därmed företräde över EU-lag, exempelvis får utgivningsbevisen företräde över GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation]. Uppgifterna kan vara svåra att få borttagna från internet om hemsidan som publicerat dem inte vill ta bort dem. Personuppgifter som finns på internet, särskilt adress och telefonnummer, kan tänkas bidra till oro eller otrygghet hos en del människor. Exempelvis finns det tidigare forskning som pekat på att vissa personer kan riskera att bli utsatta för brott eller uppleva en stark obekvämhet eller oro över att deras personuppgifter offentliggörs (se exempelvis Hedin och Wiberg, 2020; Ericsson, 2011). Ett annat potentiellt orosmoln kan vara att bli utsatt för stalking, vilket är vanligare att kvinnor blir utsatta för (Lenhart et al, 2016; Maiuro, 2015; Logan, 2006). Syftet med denna utredning var att undersöka upplevd trygghet i förhållande till offentligt tillgängliga personuppgifter. För att möjliggöra detta har sex kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomförts för att belysa hur individer reflekterar över offentligt tillgängliga uppgifter och om de har några egna erfarenheter där de känt sig otrygga med att deras uppgifter fanns på internet. Urvalet bestod utav både män och kvinnor i åldern 23-32 år. I analysen av resultatet har teorier av Ulrich Beck och Anthony Giddens om risk och trygghet tillämpats. Empirin analyserades sedan genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet visade på att individer reflekterar över att deras personuppgifter finns tillgängliga på internet, framförallt vid tillfällen där de varit med om någon typ av händelse som fått dem att reflektera över detta. Det kan även finnas någon typ av otrygghetskänsla hos en del individer till följd av att personuppgifter, som deras adress eller telefonnummer, finns tillgängliga på internet, detta var särskilt förekommande bland kvinnorna i utredningen samt bland de som berättade om sina erfarenheter av att arbeta i butik. Samtliga kvinnliga intervjupersoner berättade om upplevelser där de känt sig otrygga med att deras uppgifter fanns på internet, vilket skiljde sig från de manliga intervjupersonerna där ingen berättade om någon sådan upplevelse. Överlag fanns det en oro, otrygghet eller osäkerhet bland intervjupersonerna kring personuppgifters tillgänglighet. Något annat som framkom ur Frida Lindström S7021A 1 utredningen var att det fanns en efterfrågan om mer kontroll över vilka personuppgifter som visas öppet på internet, men åsikterna gällande exempelvis när individer ska ha rätt att få sina uppgifter borttagna från internet var något delade. / Through so called ”publication licenses” [Swedish: utgivningsbevis] people or businesses who have acquired these can publish certain types of personal information on the internet. These can include addresses, phone numbers, tax information, birthdays, full names and other information that can be acquired through the Swedish principle of public access to official records [Swedish: offentlighetsprincipen]. The publication licenses are protected under the Swedish constitution and therefore override EU-law, for example the publication licenses override GDPR [General Data Protection Regulation]. The information can be difficult to remove from the internet if the website that published the information does not want to remove it. Personal information on the internet, particularly addresses and phone numbers, could potentially contribute to feelings of worry or insecurity in some people. For example, previous research has shown that some people may be at risk or may experience a strong sense of uncomfortableness or worry over having their information made public (see for example Hedin and Wiberg, 2020; Ericsson, 2011). Another potential cause for worry could be the risk of being stalked, which is more common that women are exposed to (Lenhart et al, 2016; Maiuro, 2015; Logan, 2006). The aim of this investigation was to examine perceived safety in relation to publicly available personal information. To achieve this, six qualitative semi-structured interviews were done to shed light on how individuals think and feel when it comes to publicly available personal information and whether they’ve had any personal experiences of feeling unsafe with having their personal information available online. The selection of participants consisted of both women and men between the ages 23-32 years old. Theories on risk and safety by Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens have been used when analyzing the results. The empirical data was then analyzed through a thematic analysis. The results showed that individuals do reflect over the fact that their personal information is available on the internet, particularly when they’ve experienced something that reminded them of this. This can also evoke feelings of insecurity in certain individuals as a result of knowing that one’s personal information, such as address or phone number, is available on the internet. This was especially common among the female participants in this study as well as among those who have worked in retail. All of the female participants expressed feelings of insecurity around having their information online, this differed from the male participants Frida Lindström S7021A 3 where nobody shared any such experiences. Overall there is a sense of concern, vulnerability or uncertainty surrounding having one’s personal information available online. Something else that the investigation found was a demand for more control over which personal information is being shown online. However, opinions varied regarding whether or not individuals should have the right to have their information removed from the internet. Read more
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Automatiserat beslutsfattande : Hur automatiseringen av offentlig sektor påverkar förmågan att efterfölja offentlighetsprincipens regelverk / Automated decision-making : How the automatization of public sector affects the ability to comply with the Swe- dish principle of public access to official recordsFagerström, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to gain knowledge of how automated decision-making in Swedish public authorities affects the ability to comply with the Swedish principle of public access to official records. This is done through a Posthumanist analysis of seven qualitative interviews. With the help of the actor-network theory concept of the nonhuman actor the underlying computer programs of automated decision-making is understood as an actor who, in interaction with human actors, affects the public sector´s ability to provide the public with valuable information about how they run their organizations. The interviews were conducted with employees at two Swedish public organizations: The Swedish Board of Student Finance and Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. The respondents were asked what kind of insight in the underlying computer programs for automated decision-making that they themselves and the public thought was needed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and provided the material for the analysis. The study shows that the employees share the opinion that insight in the automated decision-making systems are not necessary for the public. As a consequence of this, the system developers are left with exclusive knowledge of how the public sector is making decisions and the decision-making becomes invisible for a majority of the public. This is not in line with the aim of the principle of public access to official records. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science. Read more
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