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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras quanto ao princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular / Points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses related to the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest.

Ferro, Murilo Ruiz 14 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada à investigação do debate doutrinário acerca do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no direito administrativo brasileiro. Busca identificar pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras que discutem este princípio para então, a partir de tais pontos, verificar a existência de algum substrato teórico evolutivo decorrente dos consensos identificados. Examina o debate mencionado através do estabelecimento de três dimensões de análise: a primeira, investigando as divergências teóricas que dizem respeito à noção jurídica de interesse público; a segunda, investigando as divergências teóricas que problematizam o caráter principiológico da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular; e a terceira, investigando as divergências teóricas existentes quanto à centralidade do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em potencial situação de compatibilidade ou incompatibilidade com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e, consequentemente, com os direitos fundamentais do homem e com a teleologia democrática, promanada da constituição federal de 1988. Precede a mencionada investigação, sem embargo, alguns apontamentos acerca de questões correlatas ao debate, sobretudo, a importância do papel desempenhado pela doutrina administrativista tanto no processo evolutivo do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular quanto no desenvolvimento histórico do direito administrativo brasileiro como um todo. / The present dissertation aims at investigating the doutrinary debate about the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning Brazilian administrative law. The study focuses on identifying points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses that discuss this principle to then from those points on verify the existence of any theoretical evolutionary substrate emerging from the consensus identified. It examines the above-mentioned debate by establishing three dimensions of analysis: the first, investigating the theoretical divergences regarding the juridical concept of public interest; the second, investigating the theoretical divergences that problematize the law principle character of the supremacy of the public over private interest; and the third, investigating the theoretical divergences within the centrality of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning the Brazilian juridical system in potential situation of compatibility or incompatibility with the principle of dignity of the human being and, consequently, with the fundamental human rights and with the democratic teleology, which arises from the federal constitution of 1988. However, a few issues regarding questions related to the debate precede the above-mentioned investigation, especially the importance of the role of administrative doctrine not only in the evolutionary process of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest but also in the historical development of Brazilian administrative law as a whole.

Pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras quanto ao princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular / Points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses related to the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest.

Murilo Ruiz Ferro 14 April 2014 (has links)
Dissertação voltada à investigação do debate doutrinário acerca do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no direito administrativo brasileiro. Busca identificar pontos de convergência entre as teses doutrinárias brasileiras que discutem este princípio para então, a partir de tais pontos, verificar a existência de algum substrato teórico evolutivo decorrente dos consensos identificados. Examina o debate mencionado através do estabelecimento de três dimensões de análise: a primeira, investigando as divergências teóricas que dizem respeito à noção jurídica de interesse público; a segunda, investigando as divergências teóricas que problematizam o caráter principiológico da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular; e a terceira, investigando as divergências teóricas existentes quanto à centralidade do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro em potencial situação de compatibilidade ou incompatibilidade com o princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e, consequentemente, com os direitos fundamentais do homem e com a teleologia democrática, promanada da constituição federal de 1988. Precede a mencionada investigação, sem embargo, alguns apontamentos acerca de questões correlatas ao debate, sobretudo, a importância do papel desempenhado pela doutrina administrativista tanto no processo evolutivo do princípio da supremacia do interesse público sobre o particular quanto no desenvolvimento histórico do direito administrativo brasileiro como um todo. / The present dissertation aims at investigating the doutrinary debate about the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning Brazilian administrative law. The study focuses on identifying points of convergence within Brazilian doutrinary theses that discuss this principle to then from those points on verify the existence of any theoretical evolutionary substrate emerging from the consensus identified. It examines the above-mentioned debate by establishing three dimensions of analysis: the first, investigating the theoretical divergences regarding the juridical concept of public interest; the second, investigating the theoretical divergences that problematize the law principle character of the supremacy of the public over private interest; and the third, investigating the theoretical divergences within the centrality of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest concerning the Brazilian juridical system in potential situation of compatibility or incompatibility with the principle of dignity of the human being and, consequently, with the fundamental human rights and with the democratic teleology, which arises from the federal constitution of 1988. However, a few issues regarding questions related to the debate precede the above-mentioned investigation, especially the importance of the role of administrative doctrine not only in the evolutionary process of the principle of supremacy of the public over private interest but also in the historical development of Brazilian administrative law as a whole.

Parceria público-privada para produção de moradia popular no estado de São Paulo: o Programa da Casa Paulista / Public-Private Partnership to Build Social Housing in São Paulo State: The Casa Paulista Program

Gabriel Maldonado Palladini 08 May 2018 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo o programa de parceria público-privada para a construção de moradia popular no centro da cidade de São Paulo. Promovido pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o projeto foi escolhido como estudo de caso para discutir a utilização do instrumento jurídico-contratual de parceria público-privada, regido pela lei federal nº 11.079 de 2004 na construção de moradia popular no Estado de São Paulo. De modo específico, pretendeu-se entender como foram feitos os estudos pelas instituições privadas no processo da Manifestação de Interesse Privado (MIP) que resultaram no edital de licitação lançado de 2012. A coleta de informação foi feita a partir de entrevista com os principais atores envolvidos no projeto, desde funcionários do Governo do Estado, consultores privados e funcionários de empresas do setor de construção civil. Como suporte às entrevistas, utilizou-se documentos disponibilizados pela Secretaria de Habitação. Previsto na legislação brasileira desde 1995, o instrumento que permite que instituições privadas ofereçam projetos de parceria entre o setor público e o privado passa a ser mais amplamente utilizado a partir de 2004, com a aprovação da lei federal das PPPs. Partindo de uma análise da própria estrutura administrativa do Governo do Estado de São Paulo, o presente estudo se propôs a entender como as parcerias público-privadas estão sendo utilizadas no setor de habitação social. / The aim of this dissertation is to study the Public-Private Partnership Program for the construction of popular housing in the city of São Paulo. Promoted by the São Paulo Government State, the project was chosen as a case study to discuss the use of the contractual instrument of public-private partnership, governed by federal law 11.079 of 2004 in the construction of popular housing in the State of São Paulo. Specifically, it intends to understand how the studies were done by the private institutions in the process of the Private Interest Manifestation (MIP) that resulted in the auction notice issued of 2012. The data collection was made from interviews with the stakeholders involved in the project, from State Government employees, private consultants and employees of construction companies. To support the interviews, documents made available by the Housing Secretariat of São Paulo State were analyzed. Under Brazilian law since 1995, the instrument that allows private institutions to offer public-private partnership to the government became more widely used in 2004, with the approval of the federal PPP law. Based on an analysis of the administrative structure of the São Paulo Government State, the present study aims to understand how public-private partnerships are used in the social housing sector.

Too big to fail? O fracasso do lobby financeiro na formação das regras para as instituições globais sistemicamente importantes (G-SIBs) / Too big to fail? The failure of financial lobby in the rulemaking to the global systemically important banks (G-SIBS)

Junqueira, Thais Guimarães 13 March 2018 (has links)
Consideradas uma das principais medidas das reformas regulatórias financeiras pós-crise 2008, as novas políticas para os bancos \"too big to fail\", também conhecidos como bancos globais sistematicamente importantes (G-SIBs), representam uma grande oportunidade para um melhor entendimento da complexa relação entre Estados Nacionais e os grandes conglomerados financeiros. Dialogando com a ideia -ubíqua na literatura de economia política internacional de finanças - que com frequência identifica na regulamentação financeira transnacional a presença de regulatory capture, este trabalho objetiva verificar, a partir de um estudo empírico, em que medida essas novas regras produzidas em âmbito internacional foram forjadas em prol dos interesses e preferências dos atores privados afetados por tal regulamentação. As opiniões dos representantes do setor bancário privado no processo de consulta para as regras estabelecidas pelo Comitê de Basiléia de Supervisão Bancária (Basel Committe on Banking Supervision) em 2011, sob a epígrafe \"Global Systemically Important Banks: Assessment Methodology and the Loss Absorbency Requirement\" constituíram o material de base para o estudo. O argumento central apresentado neste trabalho é o de que o setor bancário transnacional não foi bem-sucedido em fazer valer seus interesses e preferências na elaboração desta regulamentação, confirmando a tese defendida por Kevin Young (2009;2012; 2013c), de que a influência do setor privado financeiro é assistemática, circunscrita e condicionada. Entre os mecanismos que limitaram a capacidade de influência dos grandes bancos nessa fase regulatória, dois aspectos foram especialmente significativos: a adoção do paradigma macroprudencialista pelos reguladores e o contexto político, principalmente dos países desenvolvidos. / Considered as one of the key measures of the financial regulation overhaul following the 2008 crisis, the new policy towards \"too big to fail\" banks, also known as global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), represents a great opportunity for a better understanding of the complex relationship between national states and major financial conglomerates. Discussing the generally ubiquitous idea in the international political economy literature which often identifies the presence of regulatory capture in transnational financial regulation, this paper aims to verify, based on an empirical study, whether these new international rules have been elaborated according to the interests and preferences of the private actors affected by such regulation. The opinions and views of the private banking sector in the consultation process of the rules established in 2011 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, named \"Global Systemic Important Banks: Assessment Methodology and the Loss Absorbency Requirement\", constituted the base material for this work. The central argument presented in this paper is that the transnational banking sector was not successful in asserting its interests and preferences in the elaboration of this regulation, confirming the thesis sustained by authors such as Kevin Young (2009, 2012; 2013c) claiming that private financial sector influence is limited, conditioned and not systematic. Two aspects have been especially significant among the mechanisms that limited the influence of large banks in this regulatory phase: the macroprudential ideational shift in the international regulatory policy community and the political context, especially in developed countries.

自由文化中的音樂商業模式初探:以獨立音樂為例 / A preliminary research on the music business models in a free culture:the example of independent music

楊佳蓉, Yang, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Lawrence Lessig在Free Culture一書中探討了法律、新興科技以及媒體產業如何形成許可文化的制度,來控制我們的創作自由和取用公共財的權利,他指向一個核心問題:私益(private interest)與公益(public interest)之爭——在網路科技與智慧財產權交互作用之下的自由文化中,私益與公益如何達到平衡狀態? 「音樂」具有可被數位化的特性,是傳播自由文化的理想範例,而筆者意欲探求的是:以臺灣的音樂產業為例,是否有可能在自由文化中形成一個讓「獲利」與「分享」並行不悖,甚至相輔相成的運作模式?最重要的是,這個模式要能發揚自由文化帶給大眾的公益,也要保障音樂工作者的私益。而在音樂產業中,「獨立音樂」次領域向來重視創作自主性,而自由文化鼓勵發想創意,兩者或許有媒合的空間,故本研究聚焦於獨立音樂。 本研究視臺灣的獨立音樂產業為資訊內容的生產與消費過程,運用Bourdieu的場域理論、資本理論、再製理論等學說,找出有哪些因素影響自由文化和獨立音樂的發展,並且探討贊成∕質疑自由文化這二種立場之間的辯證過程,以及各種利益如何折衝、妥協,從何達成平衡點。故本研究的目的包括:擬將探討結果回饋至對自由文化的省思,此為研究目的之一;嘗試建立一個自由文化中的音樂商業模式,此為研究目的之二。 本研究以深度訪談法訪談四種不同類型的獨立音樂創唱人(包括完全獨立的個體戶、社運歌曲創作者、大型唱片工業體系以外的獨立廠牌、大型唱片公司釋放出來的音樂人才,共訪談五組個人與團體),以及五家數位授權音樂網站(KKBOX、ezPeer、Omusic、StreetVoice、iNDIEVOX),並輔以參與觀察法和分析次級資料,來說明主要研究發現。 在「場域內行動者對於自由文化的認知」方面,本研究發現,「自由文化」這個名詞還不夠普及,這種現象反映出兩個事實:(一)受訪者對於自由文化的認知是分歧的:Lessig所言之自由文化是「在相當程度上開放他人據以再創造的文化」(Lessig, 2004/劉靜怡譯,2008,頁57);然而,獨立音樂創唱人的認知則是創作行為上的自由、自由文化要能保障授用雙方的自由、自由文化等同CC授權制度、自由文化是一種行銷廣宣工具、自由文化等同網路賦予大眾使用的自由;授權音樂網站經營者們則認為「自由文化的核心概念是『服務』」。(二)Lessig的自由文化理念與實務有差距:研究結果發現,受訪之獨立音樂創唱人的開放心態和行為,要比Lessig「保守」許多,大多是停留在提供免費聆聽,少數開放下載,而其目的多半是為了廣告與宣傳效益。 在「獨立音樂創唱人的線上/線下活動與資本應用策略」方面,可以看出獨立音樂創唱人經營創唱事業的幾個重點:(一)線上∕線下資本會互相流動和兌換;(二)獨立音樂創唱人專注創作,唱片公司致力發行,二者保持地位對等的平衡關係;(三)獨立音樂創唱人有成為專職的趨勢。 在「想像一個自由文化中的音樂經營模式」方面,本研究根據各家授權音樂網站的經營特色,以及配合獨立音樂創唱人的需求、大眾的公益考量,擘畫了一個自由文化中的獨立音樂商業模式,其規劃重點在於:(一)免費與付費並存;(二)虛擬與實體並行;(三)著作權安定運作秩序;(四)經紀事務拓展人脈。整體而言,此模式試圖建構一個整合網路發表平台、付費授權網站、經紀公司的場域,各行動者之間要維繫的是一種夥伴關係,而非從屬關係。 / In his book Free Culture, Lawrence Lessig investigates how the legal system, modern technology, and media industry shape a permission culture to define our rights of consuming public goods and our freedom of creation. He orientates his core research question towards the dispute over the relative importance of private interests and public interests. In other words, how do we balance private interests against public interests under the dual impacts of the Internet technology and intellectual property rights in a free culture? “Music” can be digitalized, and it is a prime example of free culture propagation. This thesis examines the music industry in Taiwan and thereby explores the possibility of shaping an operational model that makes “profiting” and “sharing” compatible with or even complementary to each other in a free culture. More importantly, such a model should be able to promote the public interests generated from a free culture and, at the same time, secure the private interests of musicians. “Independent music,” as a subfield in the music industry, always emphasizes autonomy in creation, and a free culture encourages creation and innovation. Accordingly, we may couple independent music with free culture, and this thesis primarily deals with their relationship. This thesis treats Taiwanese independent music as a process of information production and consumption. It adopts Bourdieu’s theories about field, capital, and reproduction to identify the effective factors in the development of free culture and independent music. In addition, this thesis investigates the dialectical process between defending and challenging free culture, and how a variety of interests negotiate, compromise, and finally strike a balance among themselves. Therefore, this thesis aims to, on the one hand, use the research findings to reflect on free culture and, on the other hand, establish a music business model in a free culture. This thesis employs in-depth interviews, participant observation, and secondary data analysis to answer my research question. I interviewed four types of independent music composers/singers (a total of five cases of individuals and bands who are wholly-independent individuals, composers of social movement songs, independent brands outside the system of the large-scale record industry, or musical talents released from major record companies) and five licensed digital music websites (KKBOX, ezPeer, Omusic, StreetVoice, and iNDIEVOX). Regarding “the inside-field actors’ understanding about a free culture,” this thesis finds that the term “free culture” is not as popular as it is expected to be. This phenomenon implies two critical points. Firstly, the interviewees perceive the term free culture in different ways. According to Lessig (2004: 30),”Free Cultures are cultures that leave a great deal open for others to build upon.” However, for composers/singers of independent music, a free culture implies the freedom of creation. A free culture should be able to guarantee the freedom and rights of both original creators and users. It is equivalent to the Creative Commons licensing scheme. It is a tool of marketing and advertising. The freedom embedded in a free culture is similar to that offered by the Internet. In contrast, for managers of licensed music websites, “service” is the core concept of a free culture.” Secondly, there exists a gap between Lessig’s idea of free culture and practice. The research findings indicate that the composers/singers of independent music interviewed by the author are more “conservative” than Lessig. With the primary goals of advertising and propagating independent music, most of their works remain free for listening, while some of them are free for downloading. Concerning “the independent music composers/singers’ on-line/off-line activities and their strategies of using capital,” this thesis points out three critical points in their career management. Firstly, the on-line capital and the off-line capital flow to and exchange with each other. Secondly, these composers/singers devote themselves to creation, and record companies concentrate on issuing their works. Composers/singers and record companies maintain a peer status and a balanced relationship. Thirdly, the “composer/singer of independent music” seems to become a potential profession. With regard to “envisioning a music business model in a free culture,” this thesis designs a business model based on the managerial features of licensed music websites, the needs of composers/singers of independent music, and public interests. The model contains the following characteristics. Firstly, non-payment coexists with payment. Secondly, virtuality runs parallel with reality. Thirdly, copyrights stabilize the order of operation. Fourthly, agency transactions help establish connections among independent music composers/singers and people who are able to provide better performance opportunities. In general, this model seeks to open up a field that integrates platforms of Internet publication, paid licensing websites, and agencies. The relationship among the actors is equal rather than hierarchical.

Das convenções processuais no processo civil / Civil Procedure Agreements

Diogo Assumpção Rezende de Almeida 11 April 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a análise das convenções processuais entabuladas entre as partes antes ou depois de instaurada a relação jurídica processual. O enfoque da pesquisa são os limites e a eficácia dessas convenções, em respeito à ordem pública processual. São analisados ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros e, posteriormente, o tratamento que a legislação brasileira confere ao tema. Outro ponto da pesquisa é a influência das ideologias publicista e privatista no processo civil. Por fim, são examinados o modelo de flexibilização procedimental por calendário e o tratamento dado pelo projeto de novo Código de Processo Civil. / The present thesis has as its objective the analysis of procedural agreements established between parties before or after the case has arrived at a courthouse. The emphasis of the research is the way by which those agreements can be enforced within the procedure without disrespecting relevant public interests. Foreign systems and, later on, the way Brazilian law treats the subject are analyzed. Another point of the research is the influence of the public interest based and the private interest based systems in civil procedure. Finally, the timetabling model of civil procedure and the upcoming reform of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code are examined.

Das convenções processuais no processo civil / Civil Procedure Agreements

Diogo Assumpção Rezende de Almeida 11 April 2014 (has links)
A presente tese tem por objetivo a análise das convenções processuais entabuladas entre as partes antes ou depois de instaurada a relação jurídica processual. O enfoque da pesquisa são os limites e a eficácia dessas convenções, em respeito à ordem pública processual. São analisados ordenamentos jurídicos estrangeiros e, posteriormente, o tratamento que a legislação brasileira confere ao tema. Outro ponto da pesquisa é a influência das ideologias publicista e privatista no processo civil. Por fim, são examinados o modelo de flexibilização procedimental por calendário e o tratamento dado pelo projeto de novo Código de Processo Civil. / The present thesis has as its objective the analysis of procedural agreements established between parties before or after the case has arrived at a courthouse. The emphasis of the research is the way by which those agreements can be enforced within the procedure without disrespecting relevant public interests. Foreign systems and, later on, the way Brazilian law treats the subject are analyzed. Another point of the research is the influence of the public interest based and the private interest based systems in civil procedure. Finally, the timetabling model of civil procedure and the upcoming reform of the Brazilian Civil Procedure Code are examined.

Too big to fail? O fracasso do lobby financeiro na formação das regras para as instituições globais sistemicamente importantes (G-SIBs) / Too big to fail? The failure of financial lobby in the rulemaking to the global systemically important banks (G-SIBS)

Thais Guimarães Junqueira 13 March 2018 (has links)
Consideradas uma das principais medidas das reformas regulatórias financeiras pós-crise 2008, as novas políticas para os bancos \"too big to fail\", também conhecidos como bancos globais sistematicamente importantes (G-SIBs), representam uma grande oportunidade para um melhor entendimento da complexa relação entre Estados Nacionais e os grandes conglomerados financeiros. Dialogando com a ideia -ubíqua na literatura de economia política internacional de finanças - que com frequência identifica na regulamentação financeira transnacional a presença de regulatory capture, este trabalho objetiva verificar, a partir de um estudo empírico, em que medida essas novas regras produzidas em âmbito internacional foram forjadas em prol dos interesses e preferências dos atores privados afetados por tal regulamentação. As opiniões dos representantes do setor bancário privado no processo de consulta para as regras estabelecidas pelo Comitê de Basiléia de Supervisão Bancária (Basel Committe on Banking Supervision) em 2011, sob a epígrafe \"Global Systemically Important Banks: Assessment Methodology and the Loss Absorbency Requirement\" constituíram o material de base para o estudo. O argumento central apresentado neste trabalho é o de que o setor bancário transnacional não foi bem-sucedido em fazer valer seus interesses e preferências na elaboração desta regulamentação, confirmando a tese defendida por Kevin Young (2009;2012; 2013c), de que a influência do setor privado financeiro é assistemática, circunscrita e condicionada. Entre os mecanismos que limitaram a capacidade de influência dos grandes bancos nessa fase regulatória, dois aspectos foram especialmente significativos: a adoção do paradigma macroprudencialista pelos reguladores e o contexto político, principalmente dos países desenvolvidos. / Considered as one of the key measures of the financial regulation overhaul following the 2008 crisis, the new policy towards \"too big to fail\" banks, also known as global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), represents a great opportunity for a better understanding of the complex relationship between national states and major financial conglomerates. Discussing the generally ubiquitous idea in the international political economy literature which often identifies the presence of regulatory capture in transnational financial regulation, this paper aims to verify, based on an empirical study, whether these new international rules have been elaborated according to the interests and preferences of the private actors affected by such regulation. The opinions and views of the private banking sector in the consultation process of the rules established in 2011 by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, named \"Global Systemic Important Banks: Assessment Methodology and the Loss Absorbency Requirement\", constituted the base material for this work. The central argument presented in this paper is that the transnational banking sector was not successful in asserting its interests and preferences in the elaboration of this regulation, confirming the thesis sustained by authors such as Kevin Young (2009, 2012; 2013c) claiming that private financial sector influence is limited, conditioned and not systematic. Two aspects have been especially significant among the mechanisms that limited the influence of large banks in this regulatory phase: the macroprudential ideational shift in the international regulatory policy community and the political context, especially in developed countries.

Veřejný zájem, politika a developeři / Public interest, politics and developers

Srb, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
Thesis title: Public interest, politics and developers The thesis deals with issues of public interest, politicians and developers. The aim of the thesis is to map the conditions for new buildings and determine what the public interest is in urban planning. The thesis is focuses mainly on the territory of Prague. For that purpose thesis analyze the relationships between terms and analysis of the legal framework and a description of practical experience in construction. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is divided into two main parts and is dedicated to the term of public interest, first from the interdisciplinary and subsequently from the legally perspective. This chapter provides a better understanding and grasp of the term. In the first part thesis interprets the works of prominent thinkers who work with the term, especially the genesis of the words "public" and "interest". This is followed by a search for a corrective to the capitalist view of the public interest, as well as view of the public interest as the interest of certain groups, as well as modeling system to determine public interest in the decisions of politicians. The second part analyzes the term based on the analysis of case law and legislation. The second chapter focuses on the conditions for the placement...

Family, ambition and service : the French nobility and the emergence of the standing army, c. 1598-1635

Thomas, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis will contend that a permanent body of military force under royal command, a ‘standing army’, arose during the first three decades of the seventeenth century in France. Such a development constituted a transformation in the nature of the monarchy’s armed forces. It was achieved by encouraging elements of the French nobility to become long-term office-holders within royal military institutions. Those members of the nobility who joined the standing army were not coerced into doing so by the crown, but joined the new body of force because it provided them with a means of achieving one of the fundamental ambitions of the French nobility: social advancement for their family. The first four chapters of this thesis thus look at how the standing army emerged via the entrenchment of a system of permanent infantry regiments within France. They look at how certain families, particularly from the lower and middling nobility, attempted to monopolise offices within the regiments due to the social benefits they conferred. Some of the consequences that arose from the army becoming an institution in which ‘careers’ could be pursued, such as promotion and venality, will be examined, as will how elements of the the nobility were vital to the expansion of the standing army beyond its initial core of units. Chapters Five and Six will investigate how the emergence of this new type of force affected the most powerful noblemen of the realm, the grands. In particular, it will focus on those grands who held the prestigious supra-regimental military offices of Constable and Colonel General of the Infantry. The thesis concludes that the emergence of the standing army helped to alter considerably the relationship between the monarchy and the nobility by the end of the period in question. A more monarchy-centred army and state had begun to emerge in France by the late 1620s; a polity which might be dubbed the early ‘absolute monarchy’. However, such a state of affairs had only arisen due to the considerable concessions that the monarchy had made to the ambitions of certain elements of the nobility.

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