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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelování predikce úpadku ve zpracovatelském průmyslu / Bankruptcy prediction modelling in manufacturing branch

Synková, Gabriela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of a bankruptcy model for the manufacturing industry in the Czech Republic using logit analysis. The theoretical part defines the concept of bankruptcy model, financial distress and financial health of the company. This section is focused on the influence of macroeconomics on the accuracy of these models, a look into their history and description of selected models. The practical part of the thesis is initially focused on determining the reliability of selected bankruptcy models, and then a new bankruptcy model is compiled.

Estudio de los efectos de los programas de cambio de movilidad en el proceso de programación y realización de actividades y desplazamientos

García Garcés, Pablo 24 November 2015 (has links)
[EN] Activity-travel scheduling process is the decision process followed by a person since they think about doing an activity or trip for the first time till the moment they execute it, or decide to not execute it. On the other hand, travel behaviour change programs (TBCP) are policy interventions which rely on information, persuasion and motivation strategies, to induce people to reduce their car use by shifting travel mode choices to more sustainable options. Given that trips come from the need of developing activities in different places, it is obvious that travel behaviour change requires variations in decisions taken during activity-travel scheduling process. A two-wave activity scheduling process panel survey was conducted over a two-year period in the city of Valencia. Respondents were usual drivers who were randomly selected regardless their willingness to reduce their car use. The first and the second wave took place during autumn of 2010 and autumn of 2011, respectively. Between both waves, part of respondents participated in TBCP while the rest were included in the control group in order to compare the results. Tobit, Bivariate Probit and Ordered Probit models have been used to study the effects of participation in TBCP on several decisions taken during the activity-travel scheduling process. Results show that participation in TBCP has a significant influence not only in car use, by reducing the proportion of daily time allocated to driving, but also in scheduling and rescheduling decisions. Thus, participants in TBCP are more likely to think about their agendas when scheduling activities and trips, as well as they are stricter when executing them. Results also prove that participation in TBCP does not affect everyone in a similar way. / [ES] Se conoce como proceso de programación y realización de actividades y desplazamientos a la sucesión de decisiones tomadas por una persona desde el momento en el que se piensa por primera vez en una actividad o desplazamiento hasta el momento en el que se lleva a cabo, o por el contrario, decide no realizarse por el motivo que sea. Por otro lado, los programas de cambio de movilidad (PCM) son actuaciones que se apoyan en estrategias de información, persuasión y motivación de los usuarios, y que tienen como objetivo conseguir una reducción del uso del coche, trasladando esa necesidad de desplazamiento hacia modos más sostenibles. Teniendo en cuenta que los desplazamientos se originan por la necesidad de llevar a cabo actividades en lugares diferentes, es evidente que cambios en los hábitos de transporte requieren cambios en las distintas decisiones que se toman durante el proceso de programación y realización de actividades y desplazamientos de la agenda. Durante los años 2010 y 2011 se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de Valencia una encuesta panel de dos oleadas para la que se reclutó a conductores habituales a los que a priori no se les preguntó si estaban dispuestos o no a reducir su uso del vehículo privado. Cada oleada se planteó como una encuesta de programación de actividades y desplazamientos (EPAD). Entre las dos oleadas, parte de los encuestados participaron en unos PCM mientras que el resto formaron un grupo de control con el que comparar los resultados. Se han utilizado modelos Tobit, Probit bivariados y Probit ordenados para estudiar los efectos que ha tenido la participación en dichos PCM sobre distintas decisiones que se toman durante el proceso de programación y realización de actividades y desplazamientos. Los resultados revelan que la participación en los PCM ha influido significativamente no sólo en la decisión de uso del vehículo privado, reduciendo la proporción de tiempo destinado a conducir, sino también en otras decisiones de programación y reprogramación de la agenda, provocando que los participantes en los PCM mediten más su agenda a la hora de programar las actividades y desplazamientos, así como que luego sean más rigurosos a la hora de llevarla a cabo. Los resultados también revelan que la participación en los PCM no afecta a todas las personas de la misma manera. / [CA] Es coneix com a procés de programació i realització d'activitats i desplaçaments a la successió de decisions preses per una persona des del moment en què es pensa per primera vegada en una activitat o desplaçament fins el moment en què es du a terme, o al contrari, decidix no realitzar-se pel motiu que siga. D'altra banda, els programes de canvi de mobilitat (PCM) són actuacions que es recolzen en estratègies d'informació, persuasió i motivació dels usuaris, i que tenen com a objectiu aconseguir una reducció de l'ús del cotxe, traslladant eixa necessitat de desplaçament cap a modes més sostenibles. Tenint en compte que els desplaçaments s'originen per la necessitat de dur a terme activitats en llocs diferents, és evident que per aconseguir canvis en els hàbits de transport es requerixen canvis en les distintes decisions que es prenen durant el procés de programació i realització d'activitats i desplaçaments de l'agenda. Durant els anys 2010 i 2011 es va dur a terme en la ciutat de València una enquesta panell de dos onades per a la que es va reclutar a conductors habituals als que a priori no se'ls va preguntar si estaven disposats o no a reduir el seu ús del vehicle privat. Cada onada es va plantejar com una enquesta de programació d'activitats i desplaçaments (EPAD) . Entre les dos onades, part dels enquestats van participar en uns PCM mentres que la resta van formar un grup de control amb el qual comparar els resultats. S'han utilitzat models Tobit, Probit bivariats i Probit ordenats per a estudiar els efectes que ha tingut la participació en dites PCM sobre distintes decisions que es prenen durant el procés de programació i realització d'activitats i desplaçaments. Els resultats revelen que la participació en els PCM ha influït significativament no sols en la decisió d'ús del vehicle privat, reduïnt la proporció de temps destinat a conduir, sinó també en altres decisions de programació i reprogramació de l'agenda, provocant que els participants en els PCM mediten més la seua agenda a l'hora de programar les activitats i desplaçaments, així com que després siguen més rigorosos a l'hora de dur-la a terme. Els resultats també revelen que la participació en els PCM no afecta a totes les persones de la mateixa manera. / García Garcés, P. (2015). Estudio de los efectos de los programas de cambio de movilidad en el proceso de programación y realización de actividades y desplazamientos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57950

Drivers of trader participation in bean and cowpea marketing

Mtchotsa, Lydia January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Vincent Amanor-Boadu / Beans and cowpeas are considered nutritionally dense and good sources of protein. In this sense, they are considered excellent food in poor households, especially in those that exhibit high levels of malnutrition or under-nutrition. To address food security and nutrition security in poor countries, there has been an increasing interest in encouraging farmers to grow beans and cowpeas. This has spurred research in value chains for these crops in many countries, especially those that do not traditionally grow them as primary staples. Most of these research efforts have focused on the producer and consumer issues, with little or no attention paid to traders who operated between these two players in the value chain. The objective of this study, therefore, is to contribute to the literature on the bean and cowpea value chain research by identifying the factors influencing the participation decisions of traders in this segment of the agricultural economy in Zambia. Using data collected by the Pulse Value Chain Initiative – Zambia in 2011, a probit model was used to analyze data. The dependent variable trader participation in wholesale marketing of beans and cowpeas in Lusaka and its principal food markets. The explanatory variables encompass trader demographic characteristics and available assets or resources. The research explored the effect of the assets or resources on the choice to trade cowpeas or beans at the wholesale level in Lusaka with and without controlling for traders’ demographic characteristics. Three procurement sources are identified in the study: the local market within which the traders operate; producers/suppliers within Lusaka District; and producers/suppliers outside Lusaka District. The results indicate that the procurement source for beans and cowpeas influenced trader decision to operate at the wholesale level. For example, traders who purchased their produce from locations outside Lusaka District were about 37% more likely to participate in wholesale trade compared to those sourcing their produce within the market in which they operate when demographic characteristics of traders are not controlled for in the model. When the demographic factors are controlled, the likelihood of those procuring from outside Lusaka District participating in the wholesale trade declines slightly to about 34%. These coefficients were both statistically significant at the 1 percent level. The results also showed that traders using credit from friends and family were nearly 18% less likely to participate in wholesale trade than those borrowing from other traders, significant at the 5% level. Controlling for demographic characteristics led to a reduction of this likelihood to about 16.7%, significant only at the 10% level. There were no statistical differences between traders for all education levels and those without any education except for respondents with lower primary and lower secondary education. Traders with lower primary and lower secondary education had a 31% higher likelihood of operating at the wholesale level compared to those without any formal education while those with upper secondary education had about 26.7% higher likelihood of operating at the wholesale level compared to those without any formal education. Marital status was not a discriminant in the decision to operate at the wholesale level. However, males had about a 9% higher probability than females in operating at the wholesale level. Wholesalers tend to move larger volumes of produce and, hence, create wealth much quickly than retailers. Wholesalers are also more likely to be engaging processors when these exist in the supply chain. Given that traders sourcing their produce from outside Lusaka District are more likely to engage in wholesale trading, it recommended that further research into the intricate characteristics of these traders are explored. This future research will do well to explore the factors that specifically differentiate these traders from the others. Understanding these and their potential effects could allow policymakers to provide support and services to this class of traders to engage in structured relationships with larger organizations such as processors and exporters.

市區道路擁擠收費對機車使用者改乘大眾運輸之研究 / The Effect of Congestion Fee on the Willingness of Motorcyclist Taking Public Transportation

劉光元 Unknown Date (has links)


胡家豪 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用行政院衛生署國民健康局於民國92 年所進行之「台灣地區 中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤第五次調查」資料,實証模型採用 Orderd Probit Model,分別檢驗全體樣本以及依所有權屬分類的樣本(房 屋自有者、房屋子女所有者、租屋者),探討個人特性、房屋所有權屬、 房屋及周遭環境特性對於台灣地區老年人房屋滿意度的影響。 全體樣本實証結果顯示,在個人特性變數中,年齡愈大、教育年數愈 長、有伴侶、自覺健康狀況較佳及滿意居住安排者,對於房屋滿意度有顯 著正向的影響,而男性及外省籍則對房屋滿意度有顯著負向的影響。而在 所有權屬的不同來源中,有趣的發現是部分自己購買比全額自己購買影響 程度為大,全額資助子女比部分資助子女影響程度為大。在房屋及周遭環 境特性上,居住在鄉鎮、平均每人坪數愈大、居住時間四年以上、覺得居 住環境安全有保障、滿意周遭環境、參與社會活動皆對於房屋滿意度有顯 著正向的影響。 在不同樣本群的房屋滿意度,構成自有屋主的滿意度因素,與全體樣 本的因素相差不遠。而在房屋為子女所有以及租屋者的樣本群,顯著影響 的變數則不太相同,這顯示了構成不同樣本群房屋滿意度的因素並不相 同。 關鍵字:房屋滿意度、所有權屬、Orderd Probit Model

"The fertility transition in Kenya : patterns and determinants"

Ojakaa, David January 2008 (has links)
Thèse diffusée initialement dans le cadre d'un projet pilote des Presses de l'Université de Montréal/Centre d'édition numérique UdeM (1997-2008) avec l'autorisation de l'auteur. / In spite of considerable research on Kenya’s fertility, questions remain. This dissertation examines three of these issues - the national and sub-national trend patterns in the country’s fertility and related proximate determinants, factors in the transitions to second and third conceptions, and the determinants of contraceptive use. Results, presented below, are based upon data which comprised five sample surveys conducted between 1977 and 2003 among women of reproductive age, as well as a community and health facility survey implemented in 1999. First, an exploratory analysis of trends in fertility and its proximate determinants shows that a pattern of later family formation and of a higher level of fertility control is associated with the more modernized and developed regions (urban areas and rural Central Province). Secondly, using survival analysis, the relative hazards of transition to the second and third conceptions for the 12-year periods during which fertility fell rapidly (1977-1989) and the pace of decline reduced (1991-2003) are compared. Among the findings, although child survival has significant effects during both periods, its influence is more pronounced during the recent period. Thirdly, multivariate analysis of the determinants of contraceptive use shows that motivation for fertility control is significant, while access to family planning services is not. That proximity to family planning services might nevertheless be important is shown by the significance of exposure to family planning messages, many of which are often communicated from the health facilities. This dissertation makes contributions in three areas. One, it confirms the dichotomy in the pattern of fertility change and its proximate determinants in the country, not so much along the usual rural-urban separation, but rather between urban areas and rural Central versus the rest of rural Kenya. Two, it shows that the decreased pace of the fertility transition in Kenya, including constant fertility over 1998-2003, might be associated with the rise in infant and child mortality since the 1990s. Three, it shows the significance of education, motivation for fertility control, and exposure to media messages about family planning in contraceptive use, thereby pointing out where policy and program effort should be directed in order to sustain the fertility transition. / Malgré de nombreuses études consacrées à la problématique de la transition de fécondité au Kenya, des questions subsistent. Cette thèse traite de trois d’entre elles : les tendances de la fécondité et ses déterminants proches, les facteurs liés au passage à la deuxième et à la troisième grossesse, et les déterminants de l’utilisation de la contraception. Les données proviennent de cinq enquêtes menées dans ce pays entre 1977 et 2003, auprès de femmes d’âge reproductif, ainsi que d’une étude, conduite en 1999, au niveau communautaire et de centres de santé. Les résultats montrent d’abord une tendance au mariage tardif et à un niveau plus élevé de contrôle de la fécondité dans les régions les plus modernisées et les plus développées (les villes et les zones rurales de la région de la Province Central). Deuxièmement, dans la comparaison des 12 années durant lesquelles la fécondité, mesurée par l’indice de fécondité, s’est réduite (1977- 1989) et celles où le pas de sa baisse a ralenti (1991-2003), on note une augmentation des effets relatifs de la mortalité infantile pendant la deuxième période. Troisièmement, la régression multi variée utilisée pour l’analyse des déterminants proches de l’utilisation de la contraception fait ressortir le rôle important de la motivation pour le contrôle de la fécondité. Bien que l’accès aux services de planification familiale ne constitue pas un facteur significatif en soi, il pourrait jouer néanmoins un rôle dans la mesure où les résultats montrent que l’exposition aux messages de planification familiale (généralement offerts dans les centres de santé) a un effet significatif. La contribution de cette thèse s’articule autour de trois aspects. Premièrement, elle montre une opposition dans les changements de la fécondité et de ses déterminants entre 1977 et 2003, non pas entre les zones urbaines et rurales comme d’habitude, mais plutôt entre zones urbaines et partie rurale de la Province Central d’une part et le reste du Kenya d’autre part. Deuxièmement, le ralentissement de la baisse de la fécondité, y compris le niveau stable observé entre 1998 et 2003, est probablement lié à la hausse, depuis les années quatre-vingt dix, de la mortalité infantile. Troisièmement, cette thèse confirme le rôle significatif de la scolarisation, de la motivation pour le contrôle des naissances, et de l’effet positif des messages sur l’usage des méthodes de planification familiale, montrant ainsi les domaines dans lesquels doivent intervenir les politiques et programmes afin de maintenir la transition de fécondité.

Kan fysisk aktivitet göra oss lyckliga?

Selling, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fysisk aktivitet påverkar lycka. Studien baseras på tvärsnittsdata för år 2014 och omfattar 19 Europeiska länder. Data kommer från The European Social Survey och den beroende variabeln är individens självuppskattade lycka. Modellen utgår från Grossman-modellen där fysisk aktivitet ses som en insatsfaktor i produktionen av hälsa och hälsa i sin tur är en del av nyttofunktionen. Modellen estimeras i tre versioner med både ordnad probit och minsta kvadrat-metoden. En version estimeras med en interaktionsterm för att analysera hur fysisk aktivitet och hälsa samvarierar och påverkar lycka. Resultaten visar att fysisk aktivitet har en positiv effekt på lycka. Fysisk aktivitet har både en direkt och en indirekt effekt på lycka genom efterfrågan på hälsa. Interaktionstermen visar att fysisk aktivitet och hälsa samvarierar. Den positiva effekten av fysisk aktivitet är som störst för individer med dålig hälsostatus.

Essays on firm heterogeneity and international trade

Senalp, Umut January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides four contributions to the literature on the productivity- internationalization nexus by considering some recent developments in the literature. A well-established stylized fact is reported by this literature, which is that exporters are more productive and larger than non-exporters, and two hypotheses attempt to explain this finding. The first, often referred to as the self-selection hypothesis, suggests that more productive firms select themselves into export markets, while the learning-by-exporting hypothesis highlights the role of learning from exporting. In this thesis, first, the self-selection hypothesis is revisited, and it is shown that evidence against self-selection exists in some UK industries. Second, it is demon- strated that some UK firms experience rising marginal costs, although both tra- ditional and new trade theories assume constant marginal cost. It is then shown that the evidence against self-selection that we report can be best explained by the existence of increasing, rather than constant, marginal costs. Third, the learning by exporting hypothesis is tested empirically for UK firms. Highlighting the importance of the scale effect in total factor productivity growth, it is shown that any learning by exporting effects are predominantly attributable to a change in scale efficiency. Unlike Melitz (2003), some recent studies consider some other strategies to access foreign markets, such as foreign direct investment, and cross-border mergers. Finally, following this new branch of the literature, the productivity-internationalization nexus is examined by utilizing a two-country oligopolistic model. It is shown that more productive firm might prefer greenfield investment over cross-border merger, which contradicts the findings provided by the relevant literature.

O trabalho de crianças e adolescentes com ênfase nas piores formas: uma análise dos censos demográficos do Brasil de 2000 e 2010 / Child labor with emphasis on its worst forms: an analysis of the 2000 and 2010 Brazilian demographic census

Costa Júnior, Geraldo 06 February 2014 (has links)
O trabalho infantil é hoje bastante discutido nas agendas de governo do mundo inteiro. Desde que as primeiras discussões e debates acerca do tema começaram, obteve-se um grande avanço a partir da ratificação da convenção nº. 182 da OIT, que versa sobre as piores formas de trabalho infantil. Cerca de 87% dos Estados membros já ratificaram a Convenção n.º 182, incluindo o Brasil. Em 2010, firmou-se um compromisso, no âmbito da OIT, que estabelece como prioridade a eliminação das piores formas de trabalho infantil até 2016. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é identificar os determinantes da redução do trabalho infantil no Brasil, especificamente entre os anos 2000 e 2010, tendo como foco o trabalho nas atividades enquadradas na categoria \"piores formas de trabalho infantil\". Buscou-se identificar as características atuais deste tipo de trabalho no que se refere à: características da própria criança, isto é, gênero, cor e idade; características regionais de onde a criança trabalhadora está inserida, abrangendo as cinco grande regiões do Brasil, e características locais, em termos de zona rural e urbana e zona metropolitana e não-metropolitana, entre outras. Dentre os modelos econométricos disponíveis na literatura, optou-se por utilizar o modelo probit. Como variável dependente definiu-se trabalho perigoso. Esta variável assume valor 1 se a criança ou adolescente realiza algum trabalho perigoso e 0 se realiza algum outro tipo de trabalho. Fez-se também uma ampla análise descritiva do trabalho infantil ao longo da década de 2000, inclusive das piores formas de trabalho infantil. Utilizou-se os dados do Censo Demográfico 2000 e do Censo Demográfico 2010. Foram analisadas crianças nas faixas etárias de 10 a 15 anos e adolescentes ou jovens na faixa etária de 16 a 17 anos. A década de 2000 foi de mudanças para o mercado de trabalho infantil. Neste período o trabalho infantil diminui substancialmente, em todas as regiões, porém em algumas mais que em outras. As regiões Norte e Nordeste foram as que apresentaram maiores reduções relativas em casos de trabalho infantil. As regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste são as que proporcionalmente concentram mais casos de trabalho infantil. Um fato importante ocorrido ao longo da década foi que o trabalho infantil passou a ser proporcionalmente maior em zonas urbanas do que em zonas rurais, e neste movimento, os casos de trabalho infantil tenderam a se concentrar mais em regiões metropolitanas. Em geral, os casos de piores formas de trabalho infantil diminuíram ao longo da década. a face da crianças ou jovem que exerce alguma das piores formas de trabalho infantil é negra, feminina e mais próxima dos 16 ou 17 anos de idade. / Child labor is now discussed in government agendas around the world. Since the first discussions and debates on the subject began, great advance has been achieved with the ratification of Convention 182, related to the worst forms of child labor. About 87% of the country members have ratified the Convention 182, including Brazil. In 2010, a commitment was firmed in order to prioritize the elimination of the worst forms of child labor by 2016. The overall aim of this research is to identify the determinants of the reduction of child labor in Brazil, specifically between 2000 and 2010, focusing on the work activities included in the category \" worst forms of child labor \". Efforts were made to identify the current characteristics of child labor in relation to: the child\'s own characteristics, i.e., gender, race and age; regional characteristics where the working children live, covering the five major regions of Brazil, and local characteristics such as rural and urban areas and metropolitan and non- metropolitan areas. Among the econometric models available in the literature, the probit model was chosen. The dependent variable was defined as harzadous work. This variable assumes value 1 if the child works in some dangerous activity and 0 if a child works in some other activity. Furthermore, an extensive descriptive analysis of child labor throughout the 2000s was carried out, including an analysis of the worst forms of child labor. The data used in this work was extracted from the Brazilian Population Census for the years 2000 and 2010. Children were divided in two different age groups, one for those aged 10 to 15 and the other for those aged 16-17. The last decade experienced changes in the child labor market. During this period, child labor decreased substantially in all regions, but more intensively so in some regions. The North and Northeast regions showed the largest relative reductions in cases of child labor. The South and Midwest regions registered proportionately more cases of child labor. An important fact occurred during the decade was that child labor became proportionally greater in urban in comparison with rural areas, and within this movement, child labor cases tended to focus more on metropolitan areas. In general, the worst forms of child labor declined over the decade as well. The face of the child or young person who exercises some of the worst forms of child labor is black , female and closer to 16 or 17 years old.

Crime e vitimização: evidências teóricas e empíricas

Silva, Cristiane da 26 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Maicon Juliano Schmidt (maicons) on 2015-07-08T13:07:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane da Silva.pdf: 656041 bytes, checksum: f54e215a353bd1fe33af95ef1363e3ca (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-08T13:07:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiane da Silva.pdf: 656041 bytes, checksum: f54e215a353bd1fe33af95ef1363e3ca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-26 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este estudo utiliza de métodos econométricos para analisar o crime pela ótica da vítima e busca encontrar quais as características pessoais e municipais tornam mais propensas à atração do criminoso no Brasil. A partir de dados disponibilizados pela Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra por Domicílios de 2008 e de 2009, se estima modelos Probit para encontrar os determinantes da vitimização, e da propensão a registrar a ocorrência de três tipos de crime: furto, roubo e agressão física. Os resultados observados apontaram que o perfil do criminoso possui características contrárias ao perfil da vítima, ou seja, o indivíduo criminoso em geral possui baixa escolaridade enquanto o vitimado possui alta escolaridade. Os resultados encontrados mostram que o sexo e o estado civil dos indivíduos são características determinantes para a vitimização por estes crimes. O trabalho conclui que homens solteiros estão mais expostos a violência, o que corrobora com as teorias do estilo de vida e das atividades rotineiras na explicação da vitimização criminal. O trabalho ainda estuda o papel de outros fatores na explicação da violência no Brasil, tais como, rendimentos, idade e escolaridade e as condições macroeconômicas. / This study makes use of econometric methods to analyze crime from the perspective of the victim and seeks to find which personal and local characteristics trigger the attention of criminals in Brazil. From data provided by the National Research of Sample per Household of 2008 and 2009, Probit models are estimated to identify the reasons for victimization, and the likelihood to make a complaint of three types of crime: theft, robbery, and physical assault. Results show that the profile of the perpetrator features characteristics opposed to the profile of the victim, that is, the criminal generally has low education while the victim has high education. The findings also point that gender and marital status of individuals are crucial to victimization characteristics for such crimes. The study concludes that single men are more exposed to violence, which corroborates theories of lifestyle and routine activities in the explanation of criminal victimization. Besides that, the research takes into account the role of other factors in explaining violence in Brazil, such as, income, age and education, as well as macroeconomic conditions.

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