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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kognitiv beteendeterapeutisk självhjälp för att hantera studiestress : En pilotstudie av ett självhjälpsprogram med minimal terapeutsassistans i universitetskontext / Self-help based on Cognitive Behavior Therapy for student-related distress : A pilot study of a self-help programme with minimal therapeutic assistance in a University setting

Westerholm, Adam, Olefeldt, Ola January 2018 (has links)
För att möta ett växande behov av tillgänglig hjälp för studiestressproblematik vid högskolor och universitet kan självhjälp som behandlingsform vara viktig att testa. I denna pilotstudie undersöktes effekten av deltagandet i ett textbaserat självhjälpsprogram utifrån kriterierna: perfektionism, prokrastinering, oro och livskvalitet, följsamhet och nöjdhet. Interventionen bestod av fem moduler för deltagarna att arbeta sig igenom under 5-7 veckor med minimal terapeutassistans. Nitton deltagare från ett universitet tackade ja till att delta i studien varav 11 inkom med såväl för- som eftermätningar.  Beroende t-test visade signifikanta skillnader mellan för- och eftermätning för utfallsmåtten prokrastinering (IPS (d=1.0)) och oro (GAD-7 (d=0.7)). För resterande utfallsmått för perfektionism (FMPS-PS, FMPS-CM) och livskvalitet (BBQ) uppvisades inga signifikanta skillnader. Följsamheten var låg, flertalet deltagare genomförde endast programmet till någon del. Uppfattningen fångades av CSQ-8 och visade att deltagarna till största delen var nöjda. Resultaten i pilotstudien ger argument för fortsatt studerande av självhjälp för studiestress och öppnar upp för en vidareutveckling av programmet i fokus, till exempel i form av en större kontrollerad studie med ökad terapeutassistans. / In order to meet a growing need for accessible support for student-related distress at universities, self-help as a treatment form may be important to test. This pilot study examined the effect of participation in a text-based self-help program based on the criterias: Perfectionism, Procrastination, Worry, Quality of Life, Compliance and Satisfaction. The intervention consisted of five modules for the participants to work through during 5-7 weeks with minimal therapist assistance. Nineteen participants from a university participated in the study, of which 11 handed in both pre- and post-measurement.Dependent T-tests showed significant differences between pre- and post-measurement for outcome measurement progression (IPS (d = 1.0)) and anxiety (GAD-7 (d = 0.7)). There were no significant differences for the remaining outcome measures for perfectionism (FMPS-PS, FMPS-CM) and quality of life (BBQ). The compliance was low, most of the participants only carried out the program to some extent. The level of satisfaction was captured by CSQ-8 and showed that the participants were mostly satisfied. The results of this pilot study provide argument for future study of self-help for student-related distress and opens up for further development of the program in focus, for example in the form of a larger controlled study with increased therapeutic assistance.

Time management v sekundárním vzdělávání / Time management in secondary education

Mutl, Josef January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyse time management methods and their application in secondary education. The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on different time management methods, which are available to teachers and pupils in secondary education. Special attention is paid to the representation of this topic in the Framework Educational Programs (FEPs) for basic education, Gymnasium and secondary vocational education. The practical part deals with how teachers and pupils use these methods. Teachers are also asked how they pass their knowledge of time management to their pupils. The research is realized in the form of semi- structured interviews with teachers and psychologists. The interviews showed that time management is not systematically taught in schools. The result of this diploma thesis is a description of useful methods and recommendations for their practical application in the educational process.

Prokrastinering, arbeta extra och upplevd stress : En kvantitativ studie inriktad på heltidsstudenter vid högskola/universitet / Procrastination, extra work and perceived stress : A quantitative study focused on full time college/university students

Eriksson, Helena, Heinst, Felinda January 2017 (has links)
Föreliggande kvantitativa studie ämnade undersöka om det fanns några skillnader i prokrastinering och upplevd stress mellan heltidsstuderande kvinnor och män vid högskola/universitet med eller utan arbete vid sidan om studierna, samt sambandet mellan prokrastinering och upplevd stress. Som mätinstrument utformades en internetenkät utifrån Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) och Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). Enkäten spreds via Facebook där deltagarna, 164 studenter varav 82 kvinnor och 82 män, valdes ut genom ett bekvämlighetsurval. Resultatet visade att studenter som arbetar extra prokrastinerar i mindre utsträckning än de som inte arbetar, samt att kvinnor prokrastinerar mer än män. Resultatet visade även att studenter som arbetar extra upplevde sig vara mindre stressade än de som inte arbetar, samt att kvinnor upplevde sig mer stressade än män. Det förelåg ett starkt positivt samband mellan prokrastinering och upplevd stress för samtliga undersökningsgrupper, och när det kontrollerades för stress försvann effekterna av kön och att arbeta extra. Upplevd stress är därmed en av flera bakomliggande faktorer som spelar en viktig roll när det kommer till om individen prokrastinerar eller inte. / The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine if there were any differences regarding procrastination and perceived stress between full-time female and male college students with or without work parallel to their studies, as well as the relationship between procrastination and perceived stress. A web-based questionnaire was designed based on Pure Procrastination Scale (PPS) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14). The survey was shared on Facebook where the participants, 164 students of which 82 women and 82 men, were selected by convenience sampling. The result of the study showed that students who worked extra procrastinates less than students without work, and that women procrastinates more than men. The result also showed that students who worked extra were less stressed than students without work, and that women were more stressed than men. There was a strong positive correlation between procrastination and perceived stress for all groups in the study. Moreover, the effects of gender and extra work on procrastination disappeared when stress was statistically controlled for. This indicate that underlying factors, such as stress, can play an important role in procrastination.

Strategie snižování míry prokrastinace při používání metod zlepšujících vědomí a emoční autoregulaci / Strategy to Decrease Rate of Procrastination While Using Methods Improving Awareness and Emotional Self-regulation

Gealfow, John Altair January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is proposing and evaluating a strategy of human resource management in the field of productivity of intellectual workers and students while using insights from scientific research on procrastination and productivity. The suggested strategy implements especially two methods that were found effective for lowering the rate of procrastination in latest scientific studies – the method of awareness and mindfulness and the method of journaling. This diploma thesis includes design and creation of an educational program consisting of video lessons in the field of time-management, techniques of mindfulness and awareness and the method of journaling. Furthermore, it includes running research with a group of students during an exam period, while all participants record information on using the above mentioned methods for the period of 15 days, while the logged information has combined nature between objective information on performance (data on usage of personal computer, data on the amount of work done and time spent on it) and self-evaluation information (subjective evaluation of daily performance and subjective evaluation of perceived daily happiness). This thesis evaluates the suggested strategy on the research sample of 15 university students and is using the methods of input and output questionnaire, same as analysis of the continuous data logged while journaling from the research participants, to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. The goal is to be able to apply this strategy in the business practice in human resource management. Another possible application is also improvement of study productivity of students using self-management techniques.

Prokrastinera mindre och må bättre? : En studie av korrelationer mellan prokrastinering, self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse / Procrastinate less and feel better? : A study of correlations between procrastination, self-compassion and life satisfaction

Riedmüller, Catharina January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien har undersökt huruvida det föreligger något samband mellan prokrastinering, self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse. Det har även undersökts om studenter prokrastinerar i högre grad än de som arbetar. Studien har genomförts med en enkät som delats på internet och som till största delen spridits i Facebook-grupper. Det var 96 respondenter som svarade på enkäten och av dessa arbetade 61 personer och 35 studerade. Genom histogram framkom att underlaget för prokrastinering och livstillfredsställelse inte var normalfördelat. För att testa huruvida det föreligger någon signifikant skillnad mellan de som arbetar och de som studerar avseende prokrastinering, har det icke-parametriska testet Mann Whitney U använts. Resultatet visade att en signifikant skillnad föreligger och det är studenterna som i genomsnitt prokrastinerar i högst grad. Även skillnaden i grupperna avseende livstillfredsställelse testades med Mann Whitney U och en signifikant skillnad återfanns även här. Self-compassion jämfördes mellan studenter och arbetande med ett oberoende t-test, men någon signifikant skillnad förelåg inte. Vidare genomfördes korrelationsundersökningar, vilka testades med Spearman´s rho. Resultatet visade att det förelåg signifikanta korrelationer mellan prokrastinering och self-compassion samt self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse, men korrelationerna var relativt svaga. Slutsatsen blev således att studenterna prokrastinerade i högre grad än de som arbetade och att det fanns en signifikant negativ korrelation mellan prokrastinering och self-compassion samt en signifikant positiv korrelation mellan self-compassion och livstillfredsställelse. / The present study has examined whether there is any correlation between procrastination, self-compassion and life satisfaction and also whether students procrastinate to a greater extent than those who work. The study was conducted with a survey that was shared on the internet and was mainly distributed in Facebook groups. There were 96 respondents who answered the questionnaire and of these 61 worked and 35 studied. Histograms showed that the substrate for procrastination and life satisfaction was not normally distributed. To test whether there is any significant difference between those working and those studying when it comes to procrastination, the non-parametric Mann Whitney U test has been used. The results showed that there is a significant difference and it is the students who, on average, procrastinate most. The difference in life satisfaction groups was also tested with Mann Whitney U and a significant difference was also found here. The results from the self-compassion scale were tested with an independent t-test, and no statistically significant result was found. Correlation studies were also conducted, which were tested with Spearman´s rho. The results showed that there were significant correlations between procrastination and self-compassion as well as self-compassion and life satisfaction, but the correlations were relatively weak. The conclusion was that the students procrastinated to a greater extent than those who worked, and there was a significant negative correlation between procrastination and self-compassion and a significant positive correlation between self-compassion and life satisfaction.

Vliv sociálních médií a hyperkonektivity na akademickou produktivitu a výkonnost studentů / The influence of social media and hyperconnectivity on student academic productivity and performance

Altalová, Kristina January 2021 (has links)
(in English): The aim of this thesis is to analyze, how exactly the constant connectivity, social media activity, and online presence influences productivity and performance of university students, presumably also their grades. The data used in the analysis and my practical part were collected from a questionnaire translated by me, the source of which was a study created in 2016 (Lau, 2016). The target group of the research were students at Czech universities, regardless of the type or level of study, who actively use social media, often for communication related to their academic preparations. The subject of the research is to find out how social media influences students in their academic activities, and whether the findings that were presented in the source study can also be applied to the dataset collected for this thesis. The final result of the thesis should be mainly new knowledge from this field within the Czech university environment and possible recommendations.

Исследование прокрастинации и перфекционизма у студентов университета различных направлений подготовки : магистерская диссертация / Research on the Procrastinations and the Perfectionism in University Students of Different Majors

Tashchilina, E. A., Тащилина, Е. А. January 2014 (has links)
The Master thesis investigates the procrastination phenomenon i.e. deliberate putting off the decisions and the most significant issues to the last moment before the deadline, that tends to be very common among the students. There is a theoretical framework of the procrastination with the focus on the psychodynamic, behavioral and cognitive approaches. The work scrutinizes the factors such as the perfectionism and the anxiety sensitivity those have the influence on frequency and intensity of the procrastination display tendencies. Moreover there have been identified the interconnection between the coping strategies and the procrastination among the students. Finally, the work analysis the variation of the procrastinatory aspects those are peculiar to the students of different university majors. / В магистерской диссертации исследуется феномен прокрастинации – сознательного откладывания принятия решений и самых важных дел до момента «дедлайна», – распространенный среди студентов. Представлен теоретический обзор проблемы прокрастинации, особое внимание уделено психодинамическому, поведенческому и когнитивному подходам. Анализируются факторы, влияющие на частоту и интенсивность проявления прокрастинации, в частности, перфекционизм и оценочная тревожность, а также выявляется взаимосвязь между копинг-стратегиями и прокрастинацией у студентов. Устанавливаются различия в проявлениях прокрастинации у студентов различных направлений подготовки.

Coping genom studentlivet: Strategier för att hantera studierelaterad stress.

Isaac, Nohra January 2024 (has links)
Universitetsstudenter upplever stress i relation till studierna. Negativ stress kan påverka en individs hälsa. Därför är det av vikt att använda copingstrategier för att hantera stress. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka universitetsstudenters studierelaterade stress samt vilka copingstrategier de använder för att hantera den upplevda stressen. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta universitetsstudenter. Tematiseringen avslöjade tre huvudteman som kunde relateras till studierelaterad stress: akademisk press, förväntningar och ekonomisk press. Därmed identifierades fem teman som relaterades till studenternas val av copingstrategier vid hantering av studierelaterad stress: socialt stöd, lugnande rutiner, tidsplanering, prokrastinering och motiverande tankar. Resultatet visade vidare att stressorerna som universitetsstudenter upplever inkluderar akademisk press i form av svåra examinationer, ekonomiska påfrestningar samt sociala eller egna högställda förväntningar. Stressen kan hanteras med hjälp av socialt stöd från familj och vänner, självinförda lugnande rutiner och tankar, samt genom att strukturera vardagarna och undvika prokrastinering. Studien kan öka medvetenheten kring studierelaterad stress samt användningen av copingstrategier bland universitetsstudenter.

Procrastinación laboral en trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones en Chiclayo, 2022

Cerdan Lopez, Crhistian Andre January 2024 (has links)
La procrastinación laboral se puede definir como el hecho de postergar actividades y tareas por horas o días, debido al esfuerzo intelectual que conllevan, la dificultad, o simplemente, por el desagrado o malestar que ocasionan a la persona, esto no es un tema ajeno al ámbito organizacional, por ello se planteó la siguiente interrogante: ¿Cuál es el nivel de procrastinación laboral en trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones en Chiclayo, 2022? Por otro lado, es un estudio no experimental, descriptivo, el cual tuvo como objetivo, determinar los niveles de procrastinación laboral en los trabajadores de una empresa privada del rubro de telecomunicaciones. La técnica fue la encuesta, y se aplicó la escala de procrastinación en el trabajo (PAWS) de Metin et al. (2016) a una muestra de 102 colaboradores. Como resultados se encontró que existe un nivel bajo de procrastinación con un 37,2%. Sin embargo, se sugiere un porcentaje significativo en el nivel alto con un 32,4% / Work procrastination can be defined as the fact of postponing activities and tasks for hours or days, due to the intellectual effort that they entail, the difficulty, or simply, because of the displeasure or discomfort that they cause to the person, this is not a topic alien to the organizational scope, for this reason the following question was raised: What is the level of work procrastination in workers of a private company in the telecommunications sector in Chiclayo, 2022? On the other hand, it is a non-experimental, descriptive study, which aimed to determine the levels of work procrastination in the workers of a private company in the telecommunications sector. The technique was the survey, and the procrastination scale at work (PAWS) by Metin et al. (2016) to a sample of 102 collaborators. As results, it was found that there is a low level of procrastination with 37.2%. However, a significant percentage is suggested at the high level with 32.4%.

Prokrastinering vid sänggång : Att skjuta på sin sömn och välbefinnande / Procrastination at bedtime : Delaying sleep and well-being

Almlöw, Ida, Blom, Alice, Isaksson, Linn January 2024 (has links)
Prokrastinering inför sänggående är någoting som de flesta människor gör, det innebär att medvetet förskjuta tidpunkten för att sova. Detta beteende kan ha en negativ inverkan på både sömnkvalitet och välbefinnande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka prokrastinering inför sänggång mellan köns- och åldersgrupper samt samband mellan prokrastinering inför sänggående och sömn- och livskvalitet. Studien bygger på 149 enkätsvar från deltagare i åldersspannet 18-99 år, 76 deltagare klassificerades som unga vuxna och 73 deltagare som vuxna. Det var 110 kvinnor och 39 män som deltog i enkätstudien. Dessa rekryterades genom annonser och valde själva att delta anonymt. Resultatet visade att unga vuxna prokrastinerade mer än vuxna och skillnaderna var signifikanta. Det fanns samband mellan prokrastinering inför sänggång och sömnkvalitet samt mellan sömnkvalitet och livskvalitet. En slutsats av studien är att unga prokrastinerar mer inför sänggång genom sin mobiltelefon än vuxna. / Procrastination before bedtime is something most people engage in, meaning consciously delaying their bedtime. This behavior can have a negative impact on both sleep quality and well-being. The purpose of the study was to examine bedtime procrastination across gender and age groups, as well as the relationship between bedtime procrastination before bedtime and sleep and well-being. The study is based on 149 survey responses from participants aged 18-99 years; 76 participants were classified as young adults and 73 participants as adults. There were 110 women and 39 men who participated in the survet study. The results showed that young adults procrastinated more than adults, and the differences were significant. There were also correlations between bedtime procrastination and sleep quality, as well as between sleep quality and well-being. One conclusion of the study is that young adults engage in bedtime procrastinate more through their mobile phones than adults.

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