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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morality Stories: Dilemmas in Ethics, Crime & Justice

Braswell, Michael, Pollock, Joycelyn M., Braswell, Scott 01 January 2012 (has links)
pt. 1. Stories and moral dilemmas : an introduction--pt. 2. Loyalty and personal relationships--Black and blue--Amnesia of the heart--Sarah Salvation--Rosy--A different justice--Stray dogs--A harmless little romance--The end is near--pt. 3. Duties to self and others--Rasheed's ticket--Invisible boy--Short-cut--The big picture--Special of the week--It's too bad about Tommy--Ballad of the Wafflehouse queen--Truth teller--pt. 4. Justice and redemption--The open door--Prison lullabies--Tin spoke parade--Thunder for Mally--Best intentions--The cracker jack gospel--The mercy seat--As is. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1103/thumbnail.jpg

Morality Stories: Dilemmas in Ethics, Crime & Justice

Braswell, Michael, Pollock, Joycelyn M., Braswell, Scott 01 January 2007 (has links)
pt. 1. Stories and moral dilemmas : an introduction--pt. 2. Loyalty and personal relationships--1. Black and blue--2. Amnesia of the heart--3. Sarah Salvation--4. Rosy--5. A different justice--6. Stray dogs--pt. 3. Duties to self and others--7. Rasheed's ticket--8. Invisible boy--9. The big picture--10. Special of the week--11. It's too bad about Tommy--12. Truth teller--pt. 4. Justice and redemption--13. The open door--14. Prison lullabies--15. Tin spoke parade--16. Thunder for Mally--17. The mercy seat--18. As is. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1102/thumbnail.jpg

The dominant view of legal ethics as an obstacle for the construction of a cultural trauma and as a cause of an individual trauma / La visión dominante de la ética profesional del abogado como obstáculo a la construcción de un trauma cultural y como causa de un trauma individual

Anzola Rodríguez, Sergio 10 April 2018 (has links)
Law and psychoanalysis are disciplines that address different questions and have different purposes. However efforts have been made to find some spaces for interdisciplinarity. One of these efforts has been to use judicial proceedings as places in which individual traumas can be transformed into cultural and social traumas. This article aims to show the risks and pitfalls of this enterprise by using a real life example. The purpose is to show how law can fail on this purpose and turn itself instead into a place for revictimization. In this latter scenario the role of lawyers and their professional duties play a key role. / El derecho y el psicoanálisis son disciplinas que tienen propósitos diferentes y se formulan preguntas distintas. No obstante, son varios los esfuerzos que se han hecho y las posibilidades que existen para que ambas disciplinas puedan interactuar. Una de las formas a través de la que se ha propuesto una aproximación interdisciplinar es la idea según la cual los procedimientos judiciales pueden convertirse en escenarios para la socialización de un trauma de naturaleza individual y su consecuente tránsito hacía un trauma cultural de tipo colectivo. El presente artículo tiene como propósito advertir los riesgos de esta estrategia y demostrar, a través de un ejemplo puntual, cómo los procesos judiciales pueden fallar en este propósito y constituirse más bien en un escenario de revictimización. En este proceso de revictimización juegan un papel determinante los abogados, la concepción estándar de la ética profesional del abogado y la forma en la que esta enmarca sus deberes profesionales.

"Informações sobre direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios de trabalhadores de enfermagem de hospitais de Recife - PE" / "Information about rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits among hospital nursing workers in Recife, PE."

Silva, Severina Maria da 06 May 2005 (has links)
Este estudo transversal, não experimental do tipo survey, objetivou analisar a relação de trabalho entre os trabalhadores de enfermagem de duas instituições hospitalares da cidade de Recife, Pernambuco e as informações que eles possuem quanto aos seus direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas realizadas com trabalhadores de um hospital público e um privado e observação não participante da pesquisadora no período de maio a setembro de 2004. Após a coleta e a análise dos dados constatou-se que: no total dos 324 sujeitos das duas instituições, a predominância é do sexo feminino (92,6%), com pessoas mais velhas na instituição pública e predomínio de sujeitos com o segundo grau completo (66%). A instituição pública apresenta maior número de enfermeiros (29,8%) e a particular maior número das outras categorias de enfermagem. Nos dois hospitais, constatou-se trabalhadores exercendo outras funções além daquelas possíveis pela sua formação profissional; em relação ao cargo a grande maioria dos trabalhadores (96,6%) assume o cargo no qual foi contratado. Em ambas as instituições, os sujeitos trabalham mais nas enfermarias (44,1%); quanto ao tempo de serviço institucional, no cargo e na função houve predomínio de trabalhadores entre 0 e 5 anos. O tipo de contrato de trabalho existente é o regime jurídico único no hospital público e no particular o contrato de trabalho é regido pela Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas. No que se refere ao fato de identificar quais os programas de promoção à saúde do trabalhador existentes nos hospitais, os entrevistados informaram, em sua maioria (51,9%) a existência de CIPA. Quando indagados sobre seus direitos, conseguiram identificá-los em sua maioria , com percentuais entre 59,3% e 96.6%; quanto aos seus deveres, identificam-nos como tais com percentuais entre 51,9% e 75,1% e os confundem, particularmente, com as suas responsabilidades. No que se refere as suas responsabilidades, não conseguem identificá-las com adequacidade, apresentando valores entre 22,5% e 47,2%, confundindo-as com seus deveres, à exceção da responsabilidade por erro cometido. Em relação aos benefícios, em sua totalidade, os confundem, principalmente com seus direitos, alcançando valores de acertos entre 14,2% e 48,8%. Os trabalhadores não acertaram muitas das respostas, confundindo direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios, o que evidencia a sua vulnerabilidade enquanto cidadão e trabalhador. Ensinamentos sobre temáticas voltadas ao trabalho – no caso os direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios dos trabalhadores deveriam ser ministrados desde os seus cursos de formação e reforçados em programas de educação continuada existentes nas instituições que os empregam. Sugestões são feitas no sentido que as informações sobre direitos, deveres, responsabilidades e benefícios sejam socializadas entre trabalhadores, dando-lhes oportunidades do real exercício da cidadania. / This cross-sectional, non experimental survey aimed to analyze the work relation among nursing workers at two hospital institutions in Recife – PE, Brazil and the information they possess about their rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits. Data were collected through interviews with workers at one public and one private hospital, as well as non participant observation by the researcher between May and September 2004. After data collection and analysis, it was observed that women predominated (92,6%) among the 324 subjects in the two institutions, with older persons at the public institution, and a predominance of people who had not finished secondary education (66%). The public institution employed a higher number of nurses (29,8%), while the private hospital revealed a greater quantity of other nursing categories. At the two hospitals, workers performed other functions apart from what they could perform through their professional training; a large majority of the workers (96,6%) assumed the post they were hired for. At both institutions, subjects worked more at the wards (44,1%); there was a predominance of workers who had spent between 0 and 5 years on the job and in their current function. The existing employment contract was the single legal system at the public hospital while, at the private institution, employment contracts were ruled by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. With respect to identifying what occupational health promotion programs existed at the hospitals, most of the interviewees (51,9%) mentioned the existence of an Internal Accident Prevention Commission. When questioned about their rights,they managed to identify most of them, with percentage scores ranging from 59,3% to 96,6%; in terms of duties, these were identified with scores from 51,9% to 75,1%, and particularly mixed up with responsibilities. Participants did not manage to identify their responsibilities adequately, with scores ranging from 22,5% to 47,2%, and mixed them up with their duties, except for the responsibility in case of error. What their benefits is concerned, participants mainly mixed them up with their rights, with correct answers ranging from 14,2% to 48,8%. Workers gave many incorrect answers, mixing up rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits, which demonstrates their vulnerability as citizens and workers. Information about work-related issues – in this case workers’ rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits must be offered in their training courses and reinforced in permanent education programs in their employment institutions. This study suggests that information about rights, duties, responsibilities and benefits should be socialized among workers, giving them the opportunity to actually exercise their citizenship.

Justice, Crime, and Ethics

Braswell, Michael, McCarthy, Belinda R., McCarthy, Bernard J. 01 January 2014 (has links)
Justice, Crime, and Ethics, a leading textbook in criminal justice programs, examines ethical dilemmas pertaining to the administration of criminal justice and professional activities in the field. Comprehensive coverage is achieved through focus on law enforcement, legal practice, sentencing, corrections, research, crime control policy, and philosophical issues. The contributions in this book examine ethical dilemmas pertaining to the administration of criminal justice and professional activities in the field. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1069/thumbnail.jpg

哈蒙行政責任之研究 / A Study of Administrative Responsibility - A Perspective of Michael.M.Harmon

熊忠勇, Shyong, Jon Yeon Unknown Date (has links)
哈蒙認為傳統的行政責任傾向於以「控制」的觀點來規範行政人員的行為,對於人性均持負面的看法,於行政責任的落實亦缺乏完整的信賴,哈蒙則從人性的立場出發,認為人性的本質是「自主的--社會的」,並提出公務人員的行政責任包含專業責任、政治責任與個人責任三種,每一種責任只有關連到其他二個責任時,才具有意義;同時每種責任均可相互牽制彼此產生的病態,例如「政治責任」可解救「專業主義」者免於狹窄的工具主義,並可使「個人責任」免於淪落道德的教條主義;「專業責任」可牽制「政治」免於墮落為機會主義者,牽制「個人」免於陷入天真的頑強(impracticality);「個人責任」則有助澄清「政治責任」與「盲目服從」之間的不同,免於權威的物化(reification),以及「專業責任」與愚蠢的技術主義之差異,免於目標的錯置的迷思。三種責任各有其優缺點,本文並將闡述每一種途徑的正面意義與負面價值,以達成哈蒙所言「抗衡性的價值」(counterveiling virtue)。最後並將三種責任觀點加以辯証分析,而哈蒙認為在規範價值上以個人責任居於優先的地位。其次並從行政責任的具體論題出發,探討不同的責任觀點(包含政治責任、專業責任及個人責任)表現在公共利益、行政裁量與行政風格的有何差異,藉此更彰顯哈蒙行政責任的意義。

Judicial Campaigns and Expensive Litigation; The Evolution of the Civil Justice System

Thomlison, Riley 01 January 2012 (has links)
The partisan election of state judges and costly litigation make the civil justice system in the United States vulnerable because they undermine the values upon which the system was founded. The public’s trust that courts administer justice fairly and impartially is questioned by partisan elections funded by large corporations. Moreover, with the advent of electronically stored information, and the market’s control over the price of legal resources, access to the civil justice system is limited by wealth. This thesis seeks to address these problems and analyze the solutions that are most effective and comprehensive.

Social Entrepreneurship: The Ideal Business for Humanity and the Economy

Horgan, Maya D 01 May 2013 (has links)
This essay argues that social entrepreneurship is the most efficient means to generate lasting social change and permanently reduce poverty. Using the support of scholarly research, interviews with experts in the field, and my own qualitative observations, I conclude that traditional aid models that are economically dependent on outside funding, as well as those that simply provide monetary and product contributions in order to sustain the poor or marginalized communities they serve are inherently structured in a way that prevents them from resolving social ills. Despite the influx of aid organizations over past decades, chronic poverty and other serious social problems persist, and have not been significantly impacted on a global scale. Traditional aid models merely treat the fundamental issues that perpetuate global poverty. Ironically, these methods of aid actually sustain the inherent problems. Social entrepreneurship is one of the only models that has successfully initiated wide scale social development through promoting the economic independence and self-sustainability of the communities influenced by their initiatives. It has proven to incorporate the necessary tactics that, if implemented internationally and on a wide scale, has the potential to permanently and significantly impact global poverty.

"Informações sobre direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios de trabalhadores de enfermagem de hospitais de Recife - PE" / "Information about rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits among hospital nursing workers in Recife, PE."

Severina Maria da Silva 06 May 2005 (has links)
Este estudo transversal, não experimental do tipo survey, objetivou analisar a relação de trabalho entre os trabalhadores de enfermagem de duas instituições hospitalares da cidade de Recife, Pernambuco e as informações que eles possuem quanto aos seus direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevistas realizadas com trabalhadores de um hospital público e um privado e observação não participante da pesquisadora no período de maio a setembro de 2004. Após a coleta e a análise dos dados constatou-se que: no total dos 324 sujeitos das duas instituições, a predominância é do sexo feminino (92,6%), com pessoas mais velhas na instituição pública e predomínio de sujeitos com o segundo grau completo (66%). A instituição pública apresenta maior número de enfermeiros (29,8%) e a particular maior número das outras categorias de enfermagem. Nos dois hospitais, constatou-se trabalhadores exercendo outras funções além daquelas possíveis pela sua formação profissional; em relação ao cargo a grande maioria dos trabalhadores (96,6%) assume o cargo no qual foi contratado. Em ambas as instituições, os sujeitos trabalham mais nas enfermarias (44,1%); quanto ao tempo de serviço institucional, no cargo e na função houve predomínio de trabalhadores entre 0 e 5 anos. O tipo de contrato de trabalho existente é o regime jurídico único no hospital público e no particular o contrato de trabalho é regido pela Consolidação das Leis Trabalhistas. No que se refere ao fato de identificar quais os programas de promoção à saúde do trabalhador existentes nos hospitais, os entrevistados informaram, em sua maioria (51,9%) a existência de CIPA. Quando indagados sobre seus direitos, conseguiram identificá-los em sua maioria , com percentuais entre 59,3% e 96.6%; quanto aos seus deveres, identificam-nos como tais com percentuais entre 51,9% e 75,1% e os confundem, particularmente, com as suas responsabilidades. No que se refere as suas responsabilidades, não conseguem identificá-las com adequacidade, apresentando valores entre 22,5% e 47,2%, confundindo-as com seus deveres, à exceção da responsabilidade por erro cometido. Em relação aos benefícios, em sua totalidade, os confundem, principalmente com seus direitos, alcançando valores de acertos entre 14,2% e 48,8%. Os trabalhadores não acertaram muitas das respostas, confundindo direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios, o que evidencia a sua vulnerabilidade enquanto cidadão e trabalhador. Ensinamentos sobre temáticas voltadas ao trabalho – no caso os direitos, responsabilidades, deveres e benefícios dos trabalhadores deveriam ser ministrados desde os seus cursos de formação e reforçados em programas de educação continuada existentes nas instituições que os empregam. Sugestões são feitas no sentido que as informações sobre direitos, deveres, responsabilidades e benefícios sejam socializadas entre trabalhadores, dando-lhes oportunidades do real exercício da cidadania. / This cross-sectional, non experimental survey aimed to analyze the work relation among nursing workers at two hospital institutions in Recife – PE, Brazil and the information they possess about their rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits. Data were collected through interviews with workers at one public and one private hospital, as well as non participant observation by the researcher between May and September 2004. After data collection and analysis, it was observed that women predominated (92,6%) among the 324 subjects in the two institutions, with older persons at the public institution, and a predominance of people who had not finished secondary education (66%). The public institution employed a higher number of nurses (29,8%), while the private hospital revealed a greater quantity of other nursing categories. At the two hospitals, workers performed other functions apart from what they could perform through their professional training; a large majority of the workers (96,6%) assumed the post they were hired for. At both institutions, subjects worked more at the wards (44,1%); there was a predominance of workers who had spent between 0 and 5 years on the job and in their current function. The existing employment contract was the single legal system at the public hospital while, at the private institution, employment contracts were ruled by the Consolidation of Labor Laws. With respect to identifying what occupational health promotion programs existed at the hospitals, most of the interviewees (51,9%) mentioned the existence of an Internal Accident Prevention Commission. When questioned about their rights,they managed to identify most of them, with percentage scores ranging from 59,3% to 96,6%; in terms of duties, these were identified with scores from 51,9% to 75,1%, and particularly mixed up with responsibilities. Participants did not manage to identify their responsibilities adequately, with scores ranging from 22,5% to 47,2%, and mixed them up with their duties, except for the responsibility in case of error. What their benefits is concerned, participants mainly mixed them up with their rights, with correct answers ranging from 14,2% to 48,8%. Workers gave many incorrect answers, mixing up rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits, which demonstrates their vulnerability as citizens and workers. Information about work-related issues – in this case workers’ rights, responsibilities, duties and benefits must be offered in their training courses and reinforced in permanent education programs in their employment institutions. This study suggests that information about rights, duties, responsibilities and benefits should be socialized among workers, giving them the opportunity to actually exercise their citizenship.

Om lärarskapets moraliska dimension : ett perspektiv och en studie av lärarstuderandes nätbaserade seminariesamtal

Högberg, Sören January 2015 (has links)
In this dissertation, an educational perspective called the moral dimension of teaching is developed. The work includes a theoretically informed discussion from a pragmatist point of view in which the concept of pedagogical rhythm is introduced. The concept captures the need for teachers to regularly shift their intentions and occasionally act in contradictory ways as a consequence of the moral which emerges from interaction in pedagogical situations. Using this perspective, criteria are developed for the characteristics of discussions of the work of teachers, which are desirable in order for students in pre-service teacher education to have opportunities to develop their teachership. Secondly, the educational perspective as it is conceptualised serves as a theoretical framework for a study of discussions taking place in net-based seminars among students in teacher education. The study consists of 14 recorded seminars in which discussions of the work of teachers are analysed in terms of content and direction for reflection. The result of the analysis is a construction of four different focal points for processes of making judgements: existential, performative, critical and professional. Mainly the performative, and to some extent the critical, focal points appear to be supported by the net-based environment, although potential for the professional focal point is found when available tools in net-based settings are used in deliberate ways. Finally, based on these four focal points, possible future predispositions among student teachers are deliberated. Student teachers’ future opportunities to develop a moral and epistemological authority are discussed, as well as teachers’ general opportunities to exercise professional responsibility. The conclusion emphasises that a perspective such as the one developed in the dissertation is important, as it creates an understanding for the need to educate student teachers to exercise a form of responsibility that goes beyond being accountable to society.

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