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The Design of a Therapy Garment for Preschool Children with Sensory Integration DysfunctionHaar, Sherry J. 07 April 1999 (has links)
A design process developed by Joann Boles was used to develop a therapy garment for three four-year-old boys with sensory integrative dysfunction who participated in occupational therapy using sensory integrative methods. The design process framework has four stages: (a) problem development, (b) needs assessment, (c) prototype development, and (d) evaluation. The problem was developed by observing children with sensory impairments; interviewing parents and professionals involved with sensory impairments; experiencing sensory integrative methods; and reviewing the literature.The needs were assessed for the wearers, the activity, and the environment through four weeks of observations, interviews with the child and significant others, and document reviews. The research design was multiple case studies. The data collection and analyses followed the grounded theory procedures of open and axial coding outlined by Strauss and Corbin (1990).The resulting needs of the wearers, the activities, and the environment were translated into garment specifications and criteria. The four garment specification categories were (a) movement, (b) sensory integration, (c) motor development, and (d) play.Prototypes were generated to meet garment specifications in terms of structure, materials, and assembly. The process included writing ideas, coding and combining ideas, sketching ideas, constructing samples, and constructing a prototype solution. The resulting prototype consisted of a sleeveless pullover top, cape, and weights, and featured a bug superhero theme.The prototype was evaluated against garment specification criteria through observations, interviews, and an evaluation form. The prototype allowed full body movement and provided safety features for full interaction in the environment. The prototype provided proprioceptive input and gross motor opportunities through the elastic band loops and bug weights, and promoted the use of vestibular integrating equipment with the cape. Tactile opportunities were provided through the variety of materials. Fine and perceptual motor skills were promoted by the manipulatives on the cape and the opportunity to store fine motor activities in the cape pockets. Storing activities in the cape promoted smooth transitions, motor planning, organization, follow through, management, and self discipline. The bug theme appealed to the wearers' play interests and promoted imaginative scenarios during therapy, thus aiding in self organization and attention to task. / Ph. D.
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It's All About Me: The Role of the Self in Predicting Leadership PerceptionsRobson, Victoria Elizabeth 22 August 2007 (has links)
The present study examined the role of one's own self-perceptions of leadership in predicting both leadership prototypes and leadership perceptions of others. Additionally, this study explored gender differences in leadership prototypes and perceptions of leadership. Participants completed a measure of their own self-perceptions of their leadership traits (i.e., sensitivity, intelligence, dedication, and dynamism) and an instrument that assessed their leadership prototypes (i.e., sensitivity, intelligence, dedication, and dynamism). Next, participants were presented with a 22 minute tape of four actors (2 male, 2 female) portraying mutual fund mangers in a simulated work setting. Participants then rated one male (Bob) and one female (Sue) actor on the specific leadership characteristics (i.e., sensitivity, intelligence, dedication, and dynamism) they exhibited on the tape as well as an overall assessment of leadership emergence and effectiveness. The results demonstrated that leadership prototypes mediated the relationship between self-perceptions of leadership abilities and ratings of leadership characteristics for Bob and Sue. It was also found that the match between perceptions of Bob and Sue and an individual's leadership prototype predicted overall ratings of leadership emergence and leadership effectiveness. Finally, the results from the present study suggested that men and women perceive leadership similarly. / Ph. D.
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Modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento do produto automotivo e diretrizes para seleção de protótipos virtuais e físicos. / Reference model for the automotive product development process and guidelines for the selection of virtual and physical prototypes.Silva, Guilherme Canuto da 26 August 2013 (has links)
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos (PDP) é formado por um conjunto de atividades organizadas e interativas com o propósito de se planejar, desenvolver e fabricar um produto que seja técnico e economicamente viável, além de ser atrativo e atender, quando possível, todas as expectativas dos usuários. Para que tais atividades sejam realizadas e concluídas faz-se o uso de ferramentas de auxílio ao PDP. Entre estas ferramentas estão os protótipos virtuais e os protótipos físicos. A utilização de protótipos virtuais e físicos no PDP traz maturidade ao projeto, reduz as incertezas, e auxilia na conservação do fluxo de informação durante todo projeto, desenvolvimento, implementação e operação da unidade fabril. Desta forma diferentes protótipos são utilizados para diferentes necessidades, de modo que o desenvolvimento do produto seja concluído e, em paralelo, se inicie o projeto do processo de fabricação. Esta tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de referência específico para o processo de desenvolvimento do produto automotivo, denominado de PDP-Automotivo. A partir deste modelo de referência, um conjunto de diretrizes para a seleção de protótipos virtuais e físicos é proposto. O PDP-Automotivo foi validado por meio de uma pesquisa de campo envolvendo profissionais pertencentes à montadoras, autopeças e empresas de projeto automotivo. As diretrizes também foram analisadas e validadas por profissionais atuantes no setor automotivo. / The product development process (PDP) consists of a set of organized and interactive activities aiming to plan, develop and manufacture a technically and economically feasible product. Moreover, this product is intended to be attractive and, when possible, meet all users expectations. PDP-aiding tools, such as virtual prototypes and physical prototypes, are used in order to perform and complete these activities. The use of virtual prototypes and physical prototypes in PDP brings maturity to the design, reduces uncertainties and helps to maintain the information flow during the design, development, implementation and operation of the manufacturing unit. Therefore, different prototypes are used to meet distinct needs allowing the achievement of the products development process simultaneously to the start of the manufacturing process design. This doctoral study presents the development of a reference model specific for the automotive product development process, named Automotive PDP. A set of guidelines for the selection of virtual and physical prototypes is proposed from this reference model. Automotive PDP was validated by a field research involving professional members from automakers, auto parts and automotive design companies. The guidelines were also analyzed and validated by professional individuals from the automotive sector.
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La fidélité prototypique : une approche de la fidélité perçue par l'auto-catégorisation / Prototyped loyalty : an approach to perceived brand loyalty through self-categorizationKerviler, Gwarlann de 03 April 2013 (has links)
La perception que le client a de sa propre fidélité envers une marque n’a pas été abordée dans la littérature en marketing relationnel. Cette recherche tente de pallier à cette limite de quatre manières : (1) en démontrant que la fidélité perçue peut être approchée comme une Catégorisation de Soi comme client Fidèle (CSF) correspondant à une évaluation subjective de sa similarité (typicalité perçue) à un prototype du client fidèle; (2) en identifiant les attributs du prototype du client fidèle organisés autour de 6 facteurs : Confiance, Continuité, Participation, Information, Identité, Exclusivité - les premières dimensions étant plus fortement représentatives de la fidélité; (3) en démontrant l’influence prépondérante de la CSF sur les attentes du client et ses intentions futures et (4) en démontrant que c’est davantage la CSF que la contribution réelle du client qui détermine la légitimité perçue des bénéfices qu’il reçoit de la part de la marque. L’intégration de la CSF dans la segmentation client apparaît alors comme un levier efficace pour améliorer l’acceptation et ainsi l’efficacité des efforts relationnels. / Perception that the client has of his own brand loyalty has not been addressed in the marketing literature. This research attempts to overcome this limit in four ways: (1) demonstrating that customer’s perceived loyalty can be approached through Self-Categorization as brand Loyal (SCL) corresponding to a subjective evaluation of one’s similarity to a prototyped loyal customer (one’s perceived typicality); (2) identifying the attributes of the prototyped loyal customer organized around six factors: Confidence, Continuity, Information, Participation, Identity, Exclusivity - the first dimensions being more strongly associated to loyalty ; (3) studying the strong influence of CSF on customer expectations and future intentions and (4) demonstrating that it is more the CSF than the true contribution of a customer which determines the perceived legitimacy of benefits received from the brand.The integration of CSF in customer segmentation appears to be as an efficient tool to improve the acceptance and in turn the effectiveness of relationship marketing efforts.
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Design and development of an extended range electric bywire/wireless hybrid vehicle with a near wheel motor drivetrainBernacki, Mark 01 May 2009 (has links)
With automobile propulsion energy sources turning away from petroleum, the evolution
of technology naturally lends itself to electrical hybrid vehicle architectures relying on
alternatives as a primary electrical energy source. This thesis presents a design solution of
a direct-drive and drive-by-wire prototype of a hybrid extended range electric vehicle
(EREV) based on a dune buggy test bed. The developed setup eliminates nearly all
mechanical inefficiencies in the rear wheel drive transaxle drivetrain. All controls have
been purposely designed as a duplicate set to allow for full independent control of both
rear wheels in a truly independent architecture. Along with the controls supporting the
design, the motors have been mounted in a near wheel fashion to adequately replace a
true hub motor setup. In addition, by-wire throttle and by-wireless brakes in a servomechanical
fashion have been developed. The by-wireless braking system is used to
control regenerative braking for the rear of the vehicle only allowing for the front brakes
to be the primary means of braking as well as a mechanical safety redundancy. This
design allows for developments in the areas of truly independent electronic differential
systems and studies of the effect of near wheel motor setup. The efficiencies gained by
the design solutions implemented in this thesis project have shown their ability to be used
in a functioning motor vehicle. Direct gains in mechanical efficiency as well as the
removal of a non eco-friendly gasoline powertrain have been attained. In addition, an
electric architecture has been developed for further research in future studies such as
vehicle stability control, traction control and all-wheel-drive architectures.
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Modelo de referência para o processo de desenvolvimento do produto automotivo e diretrizes para seleção de protótipos virtuais e físicos. / Reference model for the automotive product development process and guidelines for the selection of virtual and physical prototypes.Guilherme Canuto da Silva 26 August 2013 (has links)
O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos (PDP) é formado por um conjunto de atividades organizadas e interativas com o propósito de se planejar, desenvolver e fabricar um produto que seja técnico e economicamente viável, além de ser atrativo e atender, quando possível, todas as expectativas dos usuários. Para que tais atividades sejam realizadas e concluídas faz-se o uso de ferramentas de auxílio ao PDP. Entre estas ferramentas estão os protótipos virtuais e os protótipos físicos. A utilização de protótipos virtuais e físicos no PDP traz maturidade ao projeto, reduz as incertezas, e auxilia na conservação do fluxo de informação durante todo projeto, desenvolvimento, implementação e operação da unidade fabril. Desta forma diferentes protótipos são utilizados para diferentes necessidades, de modo que o desenvolvimento do produto seja concluído e, em paralelo, se inicie o projeto do processo de fabricação. Esta tese apresenta o desenvolvimento de um modelo de referência específico para o processo de desenvolvimento do produto automotivo, denominado de PDP-Automotivo. A partir deste modelo de referência, um conjunto de diretrizes para a seleção de protótipos virtuais e físicos é proposto. O PDP-Automotivo foi validado por meio de uma pesquisa de campo envolvendo profissionais pertencentes à montadoras, autopeças e empresas de projeto automotivo. As diretrizes também foram analisadas e validadas por profissionais atuantes no setor automotivo. / The product development process (PDP) consists of a set of organized and interactive activities aiming to plan, develop and manufacture a technically and economically feasible product. Moreover, this product is intended to be attractive and, when possible, meet all users expectations. PDP-aiding tools, such as virtual prototypes and physical prototypes, are used in order to perform and complete these activities. The use of virtual prototypes and physical prototypes in PDP brings maturity to the design, reduces uncertainties and helps to maintain the information flow during the design, development, implementation and operation of the manufacturing unit. Therefore, different prototypes are used to meet distinct needs allowing the achievement of the products development process simultaneously to the start of the manufacturing process design. This doctoral study presents the development of a reference model specific for the automotive product development process, named Automotive PDP. A set of guidelines for the selection of virtual and physical prototypes is proposed from this reference model. Automotive PDP was validated by a field research involving professional members from automakers, auto parts and automotive design companies. The guidelines were also analyzed and validated by professional individuals from the automotive sector.
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Modélisation et Optimisation d'un Générateur Synchrone à Double Excitation de Forte Puissance / Modeling and Optimization of a large Hybrid Excitation Synchronous GeneratorAmmar, Aymen 28 June 2013 (has links)
Alliant flexibilité de contrôle et bon rendement, les Machines Synchrone à Double Excitation (MSDE) sont de plus en plus investiguées pour diverses applications de petites et moyennes puissances et rarement pour des applications de fortes puissances. Cette thèse a pour objectif l’étude d’un Générateur Synchrone à Double Excitation (GSDE) de forte puissance. Un modèle de comportement a été établi. Des méthodes analytiques et semi-analytiques ont été utilisées pour la modélisation multi-physique de la machine. Ce modèle a été validé, dans un premier temps, par comparaison aux résultats d’un modèle éléments finis.Comparé à un Générateur Synchrone à Pôles Saillants (GSPS), le GSDE offre des solutions plus intéressantes énergétiquement et économiquement, que ce soit en fonctionnement à vitesse constante ou à vitesse variable. Dans le cadre d’un fonctionnement en générateur éolien, l’augmentation du nombre d’encoche par pôle et par phase et l’augmentation de la fréquence d’alimentation contribuent à l’amélioration des performances de la GSDE. Cependant il faudrait tenir compte des impacts sur l’électronique de puissance et le multiplicateur mécanique. En plus, la distribution de Weibull et le bon choix de la plage utile de variation de la vitesse du vent, jouent un rôle important sur le dimensionnement optimal du générateur éolien.Un prototype de GSDE d’une puissance d’1MVA a été dimensionné, optimisé et fabriqué. Tout d’abord, le prototype a servi à la validation du modèle multi-physique. En plus la réalisation des essais sur deux étapes (avant et après le collage des aimants permanents) a montré l’apport énergétique du GSDE par rapport au GSPS / The use of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machine (HESM) can widely be extended to any size of power applications in regards to its high efficiency and simplicity of flux control. The aim of this thesis consists to analyze different design constraints and develop optimization processes of a Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Generator (HESG).Analytical and lumped models were used with reasonable level of accuracy and minimum computation time. The model has been validated by comparing the result to those achieved by FEM.The study shows the technical and economical advantages of the use of HESG compare to the conventional Salient Pole Synchronous Generator (SPSG). The comparison between the two generator topologies was considered for constant and variable speed applications such as wind energy. The influence of several parameters such as frequency and the number of slot per pole and per phase was investigated. For the case of wind energy application the study shows the importance of Weibull distribution and the speed range when looking for the optimized generator.In order to validate the multi-physics model, a 1MVA HESG was considered and a prototype produced. To highlight the advantages and performances of HESG generator a test program was carried out into steps. A first set of tests have been made before bounding the permanent magnets and the second set of tests have been made after bounding the permanent magnets
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GENIAC – Konfigurieren komplexer Produktsimulationen mit Hilfe von natürlichen BenutzeroberflächenWegner, Michael, Freitag, Georg, Wacker, Markus 25 September 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der zunehmenden Bedeutung von virtuellen Prototypen in den frühen Phasen der Produktentwicklung wachsen ebenso die an die verwendeten Softwarelösungen gestellten Anforderungen. Sollen unterschiedliche Faktoren wie Funktionalität, Design oder auch Ergonomie getestet werden, so muss die verwendete Software Module bereitstellen, welche die Erstellung von ganzheitlichen Produktmodellen ermöglichen. Zu den benötigten Modulen zählen zum Beispiel Simulation, Grafik, Eingabeschnittstellen oder Sound. Mit der steigenden Komplexität der zu erstellenden Prototypen wächst jedoch auch der Aufwand für die Entwickler und Anwender, sich in diese einzuarbeiten, diese zu konfigurieren und zu verwalten. An dieser Stelle setzt das Forschungsprojekt GENIAC an. Sein Ziel ist es, die Konfiguration von hochkomplexen Software-Frameworks mit Hilfe natürlicher Benutzeroberflächen zu vereinfachen. Hierzu werden die zu untersuchenden Konfigurationen als Netzwerke auf großflächigen Multi-Touch Bildschirmen dargestellt und mittels natürlicher Gestensteuerung bearbeitet.
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Etude et conception de réacteurs polyphasés en vue de la désulfuration de biogaz en pré- et post- combustion / Analysis and design of polyphasic reactors for biogas desulfurization in pre- and post- combustionCharry Prada, Iran David 04 July 2019 (has links)
Le biogaz est une source d’énergie qui intéresse de plus en plus l’Europe et notamment la France pour ses avantages environnementaux et économiques. Produit de la fermentation de matière organique, il contient du biométhane. Ce dernier est une alternative plus durable aux énergies fossiles. Cependant, à l’état brut, les polluants dans le biogaz peuvent provoquer des dégâts sur la santé et l’environnement, notamment en raison de la présence de siloxanes et des composés soufrés. L’objectif de cette recherche consiste donc à développer des méthodes améliorant à la fois économiquement et écologiquement la désulfuration du biogaz, dans le but de les intégrer aux unités de traitement du biogaz déjà existantes et présentes sur le territoire. A partir d’un état de l’art sur les propriétés du biogaz et ses traitements de purification, deux procédés ont été particulièrement mis en avant et étudiés dans cette thèse. Le premier correspond au traitement de la désulfuration en précombustion consistant à éliminer le H2S et les siloxanes à travers un réacteur polyphasé à barbotage gaz-liquide spécifique, utilisant un nouveau solvant avec des propriétés « superacides ». Le second, quant à lui, correspond au traitement en postcombustion de la désulfuration des fumées provenant de la combustion du gaz, via un réacteur polyphasé à lit fixe gaz-solide. Pour ce faire, un prototype de l’unité de désulfuration est intégralement conçu, construit et testé dans le cadre de la thèse. Cette thèse présente notamment le développement des différents modèles numériques, ainsi que les résultats d’expériences en laboratoire, confirmant l’efficacité de ces procédés innovants. / Biogas. It is an energy source increasingly popular in Europe, remarkably in France, due to its environmental-friendly and economic-saving capabilities. It is produced by the organic matter fermentation, leading to biomethane production, as a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. Nevertheless, as a raw gas, pollutants in biogas lead to environmental, health and process-related issues, especially because of its unique content on sulfur compounds. The objective of this research is to develop new processes, economically and environmentally feasible, for biogas desulfurization, seeking a process integration in existing biogas treatment units in France. Considering the state of the art on biogas properties and its possible purification treatments, two processes have been identified and studied in this thesis. The first process is a precombustion desulfurization treatment aiming to eliminate the H2S and the siloxanes through a gas-liquid bubbling-typed polyphasic reactor. This reactor is equipped with a new solvent with “superacid” properties. The second process is a postcombution desulfurization treatment for stack gas, through a gas-solid fixed-bed polyphasic reactor. A prototype of this unit was entirely designed, built and tested in the thesis. This thesis describes the applied research method, the developed numerical models, and the experimental results confirming the efficiency of the novel processes.
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Creating a Portable Wireless DisplayGundala, Srivatsa 19 December 2003 (has links)
Real time computing has become a vital part in military applications. Moreover certain operations require that the soldiers carry computing devices to assist them. These devices, besides providing them with location-based information, should also be transmitting the requested data. In this thesis, we present a portable wireless display prototype, which renders the desktop of a remote computer. The prototype functions under the range of an 802.11b or Bluetooth wireless network. The Software interfacing is done with Virtual Network Computing (VNC). This thesis is a first step towards analyzing and creating head/wrist mounted displays capable of transmitting images from a remote computer. The thesis starts with an overview and proceeds with a discussion on the concepts involved behind the functioning of the prototype. It then provides a detailed description of the how the prototype was built, followed by a performance test and its analysis and concludes by summarizing the results achieved.
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