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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

OAIS som analysverktyg : - en jämförande studie av ett digitaliseringsprojekt

Ivarsson, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
<p>The scope of this paper is to investigate if it is possible to use the OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System, developed by US Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS) as a tool to theoretically evaluate a digitization project.</p><p> </p><p>The empirical investigation is a qualitative study of a Digitization Project related to the Broadcast Industry, migrating Television Programmes stored on analogue videotapes, to digital files. This digitization will put those programmes as records into equal problems with Longt-term Digital Preservation as other Digital Records “born digital”.</p><p> </p><p>Each activity in the Digitization Project has been compared by the six high level processes of the OAIS Reference Model. The evaluation criterion was made as an assessment of how the activities of the Digitization Project meet archival theory as the Principle of Provenance and Authenticity.</p><p> </p><p>One key role in the OAIS Reference Model– Management - has been evaluated according to economic incentives to finance a Digitization Project.</p><p> </p><p>The empirical Digitization Project has four different participants, each of them represented in the projects Steering Committee. During the empirical investigation it was also found that the four participants have different objectives of the digitization of Television Programmes.</p><p> </p><p>The conclusion is that it is possible to use the OAIS Reference Model as an evaluation tool. The assement shows low correspondence in important functional entities as Archive Storage and Preservation Planning.The responsibility of ownership in the empirical project is weak according to the criteria proposed in the role of Management in the OAIS Reference Model.</p>

OAIS som analysverktyg : - en jämförande studie av ett digitaliseringsprojekt

Ivarsson, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links)
The scope of this paper is to investigate if it is possible to use the OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System, developed by US Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS) as a tool to theoretically evaluate a digitization project.   The empirical investigation is a qualitative study of a Digitization Project related to the Broadcast Industry, migrating Television Programmes stored on analogue videotapes, to digital files. This digitization will put those programmes as records into equal problems with Longt-term Digital Preservation as other Digital Records “born digital”.   Each activity in the Digitization Project has been compared by the six high level processes of the OAIS Reference Model. The evaluation criterion was made as an assessment of how the activities of the Digitization Project meet archival theory as the Principle of Provenance and Authenticity.   One key role in the OAIS Reference Model– Management - has been evaluated according to economic incentives to finance a Digitization Project.   The empirical Digitization Project has four different participants, each of them represented in the projects Steering Committee. During the empirical investigation it was also found that the four participants have different objectives of the digitization of Television Programmes.   The conclusion is that it is possible to use the OAIS Reference Model as an evaluation tool. The assement shows low correspondence in important functional entities as Archive Storage and Preservation Planning.The responsibility of ownership in the empirical project is weak according to the criteria proposed in the role of Management in the OAIS Reference Model.

Aura och Konstmarknad : En studie om aurans inverkan på konstverkets ekonomiska värde

Warg, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This essay deals with the valuation of art with a focus on the aura of artworks. Aura is a theory developed by art critic Walter Benjamin in the early 20th century, the aura is the ”presence”of an artwork and reflects the uniqueness and authenticity that disappears with reproduction. The questions posed to the material are whether the aura affects the economic value when valuing art and what the different factors are that influence the aura. The essay has a discourse theoretical focus where the concept of aura is central, a discourse theory deals with language and its meaning which can depend on the context. The study also draws on Benjamin's theories of the aura where the concept is a theoretical tool in analyses. An iconographic analysis and iconological interpretation has been made on selected artworks, which are then contextualized in a multilevel analysis to determine how much the aura of the work has influenced the economic value. The study shows that the aura influences the economic value and that it is an important part of the valuation process as it is influenced by uniqueness, artist and provenance.

Bland kranier, modeller och elektronmikroskop : Ett ordnings- och förteckningsarbete på Museum Gustavianum, föremålsmagasin Husbyborg, av handlingar rörande utgrävningen i Asine

Eriksson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
This paper is an account of the inventory I've made of documents in the archive at Museum Gustavianum, Collections storage Husbyborg, relating to the excavations in Asine, Greece, in the 1920s. The aim of this inventory has been to establish which of the documents in the Husbyborg archives that belong to the department of Classical Studies at Uppsala University. Documents belonging to other archives have been found alongside the one mentioned above and those are the Original documentation (loan from Carolina) and the personal archive of Professor Axel W. Persson. The documents have been arranged according to the General Archive Scheme (Allmänna arkivschemat) seeing that the department of Classical Studies already had a series named Documents relating to the departments archeological collections, and the inventory I've made will be incorporated with that. The subject of this one year master's thesis in archival science has been, other than the inventory itself, to describe and examine the difficulties I've encountered during this inventory, which are separation of archives, principle of provenance and photographs.

Kungsgärdets sjukhus : En problematisk arkivbildare

Rudberg, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Kungsgärdets sjukhus got its name the fouth of january 1965 and is still in use today. In 1981 the hospital and became merged into Uppsala Västra sjukvårdsdistrikt and stopped being a independet fonds. Predecessor to Kungsgärdets sjukhus was Centralepidemisjukhuset, more specific its Longterm care after the Infektionskliniken had moved to Akademiska sjukhuset the first of september 1965. In the Kungsgärdets sjukhus material of archive several diffrent fonds are included: Tunåsens sjukhus, Wattholma sjukhem, Östra paviljongen and Landstingets verkstäder. Geriatriska klinik is also included in Kungsgärdets sjukhus, however it is not a fonds but a ward. However all this makes it very difficult to establish the provenance of Kungsgärdets sjukhus, because it is impossible to know how all these fonds and its material of archive affects Kungsgärdets sjukhus as a fonds specially since the other fonds have not been organized and catalogued, and There for it is difficult to know were the provenance and the truth of Kungsgärdets sjukhus is. Kungsgärdets sjukhus arrived at Landstingsarkivet in Uppsala län together with several other fonds at different times. The material of archive for Kungsgärdets sjukhus existed originally of 12 running metres, but afterwards it was down to 7,5 running metres. The material och archive existed of bound of books but mostly of folders. The material of archive was well-assorted which made the organizing and cataloguing relativly easy.

Odling av vedartade växter i kärvt klimat : En studie om zonkartans användning i Norr- och Västerbottens län

Johansson, Edit January 2014 (has links)
Härdighet för vedartade växter förknippas oftast med zonkartans zonangivelser. Det är dock inte enbart härdighetsiffran som bestämmer om en växt är härdig eller inte. Klimatet på platsen är en avgörande faktor för hur en växt klarar sig eller inte.  Via en enkät tog jag reda på vad odlare i Norr- och Västerbottens län tycker om zonkartan och hur de använder sig av den när de väljer vedartat växtmaterial. Nästan alla odlare ställer sig positiva till zonkartans zonangivelser. De påpekade dock brister med användandet av den då den inte tar hänsyn till växtens proveniens, lokalt klimat eller växters krav på odlingsplats vilket är viktiga faktorer som påverkar härdigheten hos växten. Odlarna efterlyste mer information om växternas krav på sin odlingsplats och hur man skapar ett mikroklimat för just den växten i samband med zonangivelsen för växten.  En växtlista med växter som anges med en lägre zonangivelse än den zon den odlas i har skapats utifrån odlarnas egna erfarenheter. Med hjälp av litteraturstudien och odlarnas åsikter har jag skapat ett förlag på hur en komplettering av zonkartan skulle kunna se ut för att förbättra både kunskapen om det lokala klimatet och utöka växtvalen för odling i Norrland. / The hardiness of a plant is often strongly associated with the recommendations on the climate zone map. However, it is not only the climate zone recommendation that determines whether a plant is cold hardy enough to survive and thrive at a certain location.  By sending a questionnaire to local growers in northernmost Sweden I wanted to investigate how the climate zone map is used and how well it works in the northern part of Sweden. Most growers were positive to the recommendations in the map. However, they pointed out that the climate zone map does not take into account the genetic heritage, the local microclimate and the requirements of the location on which the plant is supposed to grow, which are all very important. Growers mentioned that more information about how to create a good micro climate for a certain plant in a certain zone would be very useful. From the questionnaire I have put together a list of plants that growers in northern Sweden have grown outside the recommendation from the climate zone map. And by using information from the growers together with information from my literature study I have created a suggestion on an updated climate zone map to see if it is possible to raise knowledge and increase plant selection in northernmost Sweden.

Proveniensprincipen : Vara eller icke vara - det är frågan i en digitaliseradinformationsförvaltning

Nilsson, Marita January 2018 (has links)
Detta forskningsarbete lyfter den problematik somdebatterats kring proveniensprincipen och den ombildningdenna princip har mött sedan digitaliserings ankomst.Studiens avsikt var att påvisa vilken innebörd principen haridag i en modern informationsförvaltning och deninformationshantering som sker där. Syftet var även attundersöka hur informationsförvaltningen arbetar proaktivtmed att garantera proveniens i all sin informationshantering,samt belysa hur proveniens förstås i förhållande till valet avmetod kring informationshanteringen.Undersökningen var kvalitativ och utfördes på tiokommunarkiv i form av att varje kommuns kommunarkivariedjupintervjuades. I undersökningen har även planer kringinformationshantering en studerats. Studien konstaterar vilkaförenklingar som digitaliseringen inneburit kring att säkerställa proveniens, där automatiserad och utvecklad metadataskapat verklig proveniens som kan påvisa informationenssamband med den process och det sammanhang där den harbefunnit sig. Uppsatsen diskuterar även de bekymmer somuppstår då digitaliserad information ordnas på helt andra sättän tidigare och vilka konsekvenser detta får för hur vi skaförhålla oss till och förstå proveniens.Resultatet visar att informationsförvaltningarna kan borga föryttre proveniens vad gäller arkivmaterialet men inte helahandlingsbeståndet. Studien fastslår vidare att inreproveniens som en spegling av organisationens verksamhetmåste förstås utifrån hela handlingsbeståndet och desslogiska ordning, snarare än utifrån arkivmaterialets synliga.Undersökningen konstaterar även betydelsen av proaktivitetkring arbetet med att tydliggöra informationens processuellakontext, samt tidig metadataapplicering ochsystemutveckling som behåller metadata genom allaprocesser. Uppsatsen understryker slutligen att detta inte görsi den utsträckning som är nödvändig. / This essay describes the debate about the principle ofprovenance and its multiple forms, and the transformationsof these forms, due to the coming of electronic informations.The thesis intended to explain the definitions of the principlein a modern information management and there explore howthey operate proactively to assure provenance.The qualitative investigation was carried out at tenmunicipality final archives, where each municipalityarchivist was being interviewed. The study expounds in whatway the digitisation has simplified the methods to conductassured provenance, where automated metadata shows therelationships of the information to function and process. Theessay also debates the difficulties that appear when digitalinformation are being organized in different ways thananalogue information, and how this fact requires a newinterpretation of the principle of provenance.The researcher concludes that the investigated archives,ensure respect des fonds when it concerns the content of thearchives, but not when it comes to the whole content of theinformation management. The result of the study also showsthat the respect of original order as a reflection of theorganization, has to be understood throughout all content ofthe management and its logical order, rather than the visiblecontent that the archives embrace. Furthermore the thesisobserves the importance of proactivity, regarding theclarification of the relationships between the information andthe processes that produce and use them. This could beachieved with early application of metadata and developmentof systems that keep metadata trough all processes. Theconclusion of the essay is that this is not pursued in theextension that is required.

Made in Sweden? : En studie om trikåindustrin i Sverige / Made in Sweden? : A study about the knitwear production in Sweden

Lind, Clara, Ottosson, Marie January 2019 (has links)
Svenskarnas klädkonsumtion har nästan fördubblats under de 30 senaste åren. Den stora anledningen är att kläderna blivit allt billigare, eftersom majoriteten produceras i låglöneländer. Långa värdekedjor, bristande kvalitetskontroll och dåliga arbetsförhållanden är exempel på utmaningar som utlandsproduktion för med sig. Etisk produktion och hållbarhet har aldrig varit mer aktuellt än det är idag och det är något som både kunder och företag värderar och eftersträvar. Frågan är om textilproduktionen i Sverige och framför allt trikåproduktionen som denna studie fokuserar på, har möjlighet att utvecklas i takt med den ökade medvetenheten kring hållbarhet, etisk konsumtion och transparent produktion. Syftet med studien är därför att undersöka förutsättningar och fördelar med trikåproduktionen i Sverige genom att ta reda på om det finns hållbarhetsaspekter, konkurrensfördelar och intresse bland svenska trikåföretag att producera i Sverige. Begreppen reshoring, proveniens och hållbarhet är studiens utgångspunkt utifrån vilka en litteraturstudie byggdes upp. En trianguleringsmetod användes som innefattar såväl en kvantitativ enkät samt två kvalitativa semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med företagsledare för två trikåföretag som helt eller delvis har produktion i Sverige. Resultatet visade att det finns utrymme för trikåproduktion i Sverige eftersom efterfrågan och intresset från svenska företag är stort. Däremot finns det flera utmaningar. Lönsamhet, brist på kompetens samt kundernas okunskap och ovilja att betala för produkter som är tillverkade i Sverige är några av svårigheterna. Det visade sig också att produktion i Sverige är komplext och kanske inte alltid så bra som det låter. Märkningen made in kan missrepresentera var en produkt verkligen är tillverkad, eftersom det endast anger var produkten har monterats. Kunderna vill gärna ha ett enkel t svar på en komplicerad problematik, vilket många företag är snabba att bistå. Studien ger inspiration till ytterligare forskning kring svensk tekoindustri samt till svenska trikåföretag som överväger att förlägga produktion till Sverige. Studien kan också öka medvetenheten hos kunder gällande sin roll i den textila värdekedjan. / The clothing consumption has almost doubled in the last 30 years in Sweden. The main reason is that clothes have become cheaper since the majority are produced in low-wage countries. Long value chains, lack of quality control and poor working conditions are examples of challenges that offshore production brings. Ethical production and sustainability have never been more relevant than it is today and it has become something that customers as well as companies value and strive for. The question is whether Swedish textile production, and the knitwear production which this study will focus on, have the opportunity to develop as the awareness of sustainability, ethical consumption and transparent production increases. The aim of the study is therefore to investigate the conditions and advantages of Swedish knitwear production, and to find out whether there are sustainability aspects, competitive advantages and interest among Swedish knitwear companies to produce in Sweden. Reshoring, provenance and sustainability are the starting points of which the literature study is built up. A triangulation method was used which includes both a quantitative survey and two qualitative in-depth interviews with company executives for two knitwear companies that have full or partly production in Sweden. The result showed that there is room for Swedish knitwear production, because of the demand and interest from Swedish companies. There are however several challenges. Profitability, lack of competence, customers ignorance and unwillingness to pay for Swedish-made products are some of the difficulties. The study shows that production in Sweden is more complex than expected and that it may not always be as good as it sounds. The label made in can misrepresent where a product actually is made, since it only indicates where the product has been assembled. However, customers would like a simple answer to a complicated problem, which many companies are quick to give. The study contributes with new knowledge about the Swedish textile industry and with valuable information to knitwear companies that consider to reshore their production. The study may also increase the awareness of Swedish customers regarding their role in the textile value chain.

Arkivkonstperspektiv på digitalisering av arkiv : En fallstudie av Thielska Galleriets digitaliseringsprojekt för arkiv och konstsamling

Sandström, Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Since the turn of the millennium an extensive digitalisation of the European cultural heritage has been underway. The aim is to make the common cultural heritage accessible to everyone and promote developments in education, tourism and the creative industry, among others. Historically, archival documents and works of art have been closely related as archival documents has served as a proof of an artworks history and autheticity, its’ provinance. Since the turn of the millennium the archive has become a recurring theme in contemporary art. Informed by post structuralist theories of the archive as both a material place and a structure for power and history. In this paper the relation between archival documents and artworks are being examined. By studying the digitalisation project of Thielska Galleriet in Stockholm the aim is to answer how documents of Richard Bergh’s letter archive, preserved at Thielska Galleriet, are being affected when made digitally available together with the museum’s art collection. The study is framed by the archive science theory the accessparadigm. Occuring at the turn of the 21st century the paradigm correlated with the change from paper to digital information storage, changing the focus of the archive from custody to access. The analysis is taking an interdisciplinary approach in relation to the concepts provenance and authenticity, established in both archive science and art history and is further framed by the art historical dissertation The Archive Art Phenomenon: History and Critique at the turn of the Twenty-First Century by Sarah Callahan (Stockholm University 2018). The case study shows that the relation between archival documents and artworks at Thielska Galleriet has been blurred in different ways historically. Though faithful to concepts of provenance and authenticity, the digitalisation project faced some challenges regarding how the status of some archival documents changed when registered in correlation with the art collection in the database. Seen through the lens of the Archive Art Phenomenon, archival documents might be considered artworks if they are conceptualised as such. Access to the digitalised archives and art collection of Thielska Galleriet opens up for considering the archival documents in new ways. The use of Richard Berghs letter archive in artistic work and processes is one such potential.

Förfalskningar : En undersökning om förfalskningar av konstverk på den svenska auktionsverk

Mill, Lovis January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats "Förfalskningar: En undersökning om förfalskningar av konstverk på den svenska auktionsmarknaden, undersöker förekomsten och effekten av konstförfalskningar på den svenska auktionsmarknaden. Den undersöker den historiska kontexten för konstförfalskning, de juridiska ramar som styr handeln med konstverk och auktionshusens roller och ansvar för att upptäcka och förhindra försäljning av förfalskningar. Studien undersöker också samarbetet mellan auktionsverk och polismyndigheten för att ta itu med konstbrott och mediebevakningens inverkan på marknaden allmänhetens uppfattning.  Genom en kvalitativ analys av auktionshuspolicyer, juridiska dokument och medierapporter synliggör uppsatsen komplexiteten och utmaningarna med att autentisera konstverk. Den belyser vikten av proveniensforskning, due diligence och autentiseringsförfaranden för att upprätthålla konstmarknadens integritet. Dessutom diskuteras de etiska övervägandena och behovet av ökad transparens och utbildning för att bekämpa konstförfalskning på ett effektivt sätt. Uppsatsen avslutas med rekommendationer för att förbättra upptäckten och hanteringen av förfalskningar och föreslår områden för vidare forskning för att öka förståelsen och förebyggandet av konstbedrägerier. / This essay ”Förfalskningar: En undersökning om förfalskningar av konstverk på den svenska auktionsmarknaden, investigates the prevalence and impact of art forgeries in the swedish auction market. It examines the historical context of art forgery, the legal framworks govering the trade of artworks, and the roles and responsibilities of auction houses in detecting and preventing the sale of forgeries. The study also explores the collaboration between auction houses and police authorities in addressing art crimes and the influence of media coverage on public perception and market dynamics Through a qualitative analysis of auction house policies, legal documents and media reports, the essay reveals the complexities and challenges involved in authenticating artworks. It highlights the importance of provenance research, due diligence and authentication procedurs in maintaining the integrity of the art market. Additionally, the study discusses the ethical considerations and the need for enhanced transparency and education to combat art forgery effectively. The essay concludes with recommendations for improving the detection and management of forgeries and suggests areas for further research to enhance the understanding and prevention of art fraud.

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