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Příprava a charakterizace samouspořádávacích polymerních nanokompozitů / Preparation and characterization of self assembled polymer nanocompositesLepcio, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Polymerní nanokompozity na bázi polyhedrálních oligomerních silsesquioxanů (POSS) představují slibnou oblast výzkumu, která potenciálně může využít samouspořádávní při navrhování nových materiálů. Tato diplomová práce popisuje postup přípravy oktafenyl-POSS/PS, oktafenyl-POSS/PMMA a oktamethyl-POSS/PS systémů a charakterizaci jejich termomechanických vlastností v pevné fázi a reologických vlastností v roztoku. Získané výsledky jsou diskutovány s přihlédnutím k teoriím zabývajících se stavem disperze nanočástic.
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Jednofázový pulzní měnič DC/AC s digitálním řízením / DC/AC inverter with digital controlŠtaffa, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This work is focused on single phase inverters, which are used for the conversion of the direct current to the alternating current and are nowdays used especially in systems of back-up power supply. The specific aim of this work is implementation of design hight power circuit of inverter include calculation of control algorithm. It describes the complete solution of power circuit. Next step is a analysis of problems concerning the digital control with help of signal processor which is used for solution of regulator structure. Check of the design and checkout of control algorithm is made in the form of simulation in the MATLAB Simulink. Debugged program algorithm is subsequently implemented into the signal microprocessor. The work results rate estimation functionality of inverter and solution of control algorithm.
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"Kristi blod" i Första Petrusbrevet : rening från synd?Lund, Helena January 2021 (has links)
För nutida läsare av Nya Testamentet kan referenser till ”Kristi blod” upplevas som märkliga och rentav obehagliga – de flesta människor idag associerar ju blod till något negativt. I denna uppsats studeras två passager i Första Petrusbrevet som innehåller just motivet ”Kristi blod” – detta utanför en nattvardskontext. Utifrån den svenska översättningen och sekler av teologiska läror är det lätt att tänka att motivet anspelar på en försoningstanke kring rening och frigörande från synd. Men stämmer det verkligen? Uppsatsförfattaren utforskar både innebörden av ”Kristi blod” i dessa passager samt vilken funktion de har i Första Petrusbrevet som helhet. Analysen görs genom en historisk-kritisk metod inriktad på ordstudium utifrån den grekiska grundtexten, intertextualitet och metaforik. Bland annat kan författaren visa att ”Kristi blod” utgör en del av en argumentation som handlar om att adressaterna ska härda ut i den sociala utsatthet de upplever som kristna. Genom att följa Kristus i hans lidande kommer de även få del i hans förhärligande och uppståndelse. Förutom de kända referenserna i Första Petrusbrevet till bl.a. Jes 53 och Ps 34 kan författaren här även visa på en intertextualitet med Ps 89. Denna ger ytterligare en dimension av temat ”Herrens lidande tjänare” som finns i brevet samt förstärker argumentationen om en Kristus-identifikation för adressaterna. / For modern New Testament readers, references to “the blood of Christ” can be perceived as strange and even unpleasant, since most people today associate blood with something negative. In this bachelor’s thesis, two passages in the 1 Peter are studied, which contain the motif of "the blood of Christ" - this outside a communion context. Based on the Swedish Bible translation and centuries of theological teachings, it is easy to think that the motif alludes to atonement theory and an idea of purification and liberation from sin. But is this really the matter? The author here explores both the meaning of "the blood of Christ" in these passages and what function they have in 1 Peter as a whole. The analysis is made through a historical-critical method focused on word study based on the Greek text, intertextuality and the many metaphors in the letter. Among other things, the author can show that "the blood of Christ" is part of an argumentation that is about helping the addressees to endure the social vulnerability they experience as Christians in the Greek-Roman society. By following Christ in his suffering, they will also be able to take part in his glorification and resurrection. In addition to the well-known references in 1 Peter to e.g. Isaiah 53 and Psalm 34, the author can also point to an intertextuality with Psalm 89. This deepens the theme of "The Lord's suffering servant" in the letter and strengthens the idea of identification in Christ for the addressees.
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Der Gott Jonas und die Völker : Narratologische und intertextuelle Studien zur Hinwendung von Nichtisraeliten zum wahren Gott in Jona 1,4-16 und 3,3b-10 im Kontext des Jonabuches / The God of Jonah and the peoples : narratological and intertextual studies on the conversion of Non-Israelites to the true God in Jonah 1.4-16 and 3.3b-10 in the context of the book of JonahRiebesehl, Klaus 11 1900 (has links)
The goal of this study is to evaluate, in which manner the Non-Israelites turn to Yahweh.
It works with a combination of narrative analysis and intertextuality.
The book of Jonah contains two symmetrical parts (1-2 and 3-4), each part containing
three scenes, each scene relating to a scene in the other part: 1.1-3 // 3.1-3a; 1.4-16 //
3.3b-10; 2.1-11 // 4.1-11.
The structure of 1.4-16, including the inner development of the mariners, shows that a
conversion of the Seamen to Yahweh is intended. In the same manner the structure of
3.3b-10 and the positive characterization of the Ninevites show that a conversion to the
one true God is intended. These results are each confirmed by an intertextual analysis of
1.14 and 16 and of the faith, the repentance and the God who relents.
Result: The book of Jonah teaches that Non-Israelites can have a relationship with
Yahweh. This is possible through an Israelite, becoming reality by conversion of the
Heathen. / Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist zu erheben, in wieweit sich die Nichtisraeliten (Seeleute
und Niniviten) dem wahren Gott zuwenden. Sie geht methodisch mit einer Kombination
aus Erzähltextanalyse und Intertextualität vor.
Das Jonabuch besteht aus zwei symmetrischen Hälften (Jon 1-2 und 3-4) mit je 3 Szenen,
die einander gegenüberstehen: 1,1-3 // 3,1-3a; 1,4-16 // 3,3b-10; 2,1-11 // 4,1-11.
Die Struktur der Seeszene (Jon 1,4-16), sowie die innere Entwicklung der Seeleute zeigen,
dass eine Bekehrung zu Jahwe intendiert ist. Diese Einsicht wird von der intertextuellen
Analyse von Vers 14 und 16 bestätigt. Ebenso erweist die Struktur der
Niniveperikope (3,3b-10) und die positive Charakterisierung der Niniviten eine Bekehrung
zum wahren Gott, ein Ergebnis, das von der intertextuellen Analyse des Glaubens,
der Buße, sowie der Reue Gottes gestützt wird.
Ergebnis: Das Jonabuch lehrt, dass Menschen außerhalb Israels eine Beziehung zu Jahwe
haben können, vermittelt durch einen Israeliten und realisiert, wenn sich die Heiden
bekehren. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M. Th. (Old Testament)
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Détection fluorimétrique en circuit microfluidique des ions Pb2+, Hg2+et Cd2+ en milieu aqueuxFaye, Djibril 03 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cas d'un projet européen nommé " microfluiD ". Ce projet vise principalement la détection des polluants organiques par voie microfluidique (les micotoxines dans les aliments de bétail, les bactéries et les métaux lourds). Devant les dangers écologiques des ions Pb2+, Hg2+ et Cd2+ dans l'environnement, il est important de multiplier le nombre d'analyses dans les eaux du robinet. L'utilisation de la fluorescence et des microlasers organiques présente de nombreux avantages. Outre leur faible coût, leur sensibilité ainsi que leur sélectivité, il est possible de concevoir à partir de ces techniques des dispositifs transportables sur le terrain. Deux approches sont principalement développées : Une première est basée sur la fluorescence ; elle a consisté à synthétiser des ligands fluorescents de type DPPS-PEG et CalixDANS-3-OH pour la détection du mercure et du plomb. Les études de la complexation des ions Hg2+, Pb2+ ont d'abord été effectuées en solution. La complexation de Cd2+ en circuit microfluidique à partir du composé commercial Rhod-5N a aussi été étudiée. Des résultats très prometteurs ont été obtenus pour la détection de Hg2+ par DPPS-PEG. Nous avons aussi étudié la possibilité de détecter Pb2+ à partir du CalixDANS-3-OH greffé sur les parois du circuit microfluidique. Malgré une dégradation de la sonde, nous avons réussi à détecter une faible concentration de plomb. Une très bonne sélectivité vis-à-vis des cations interférents testés a été obtenue. La seconde approche est basée sur la détection par microlasers. Nous avons synthétisé deux copolymères blocs pour la détection du plomb et du mercure. Des problèmes de solubilité nous empêchant de fabriquer des microcavités organiques à partir de ces polymères, une deuxième stratégie consistant à greffer les ligands spécifiques de Pb2+ et de Hg2+ sur les microcavités laser PMMA a été développée. Cette dernière nous a permis d'apporter une preuve de principe pour de la détection du mercure en fonctionnalisant le mercaptopropyltriéthoxysilane à la surface du PMMA. Ce travail nous a aussi amené à synthétiser des colorants laser à base de Bodipy pour la fabrication des microcavités lasers par polymérisation à deux photons (2PP).
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Combined effects of bioavailable organic contaminants in the aquatic environmentEmelogu, Emmanuel Steven January 2013 (has links)
Passive sampling, as opposed to the conventional spot or bottle water sampling technique, has shown to be reliable and efficient in monitoring the toxicologically relevant, freely dissolved (e.g. bioavaialable) concentrations of a wide range of organic contaminants in water. At the same time, partitioning controlled delivery (passive dosing; PD) techniques promise to overcome many of the challenges associated with toxicity testing of hydrophobic substances that may bias the interpretation of toxicity data. The present study investigated the feasibility of coupling silicone rubber passive sampling devices (SR-PSDs) with bioassay techniques for both chemical and ecotoxicological assessment of complex mixtures of organic contaminants in the aquatic environment. SR-PSDs were deployed in water at various locations within the Ythan catchment (north east, Scotland, UK), Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth (east coast of central Scotland, UK) for 7 to 9 weeks. Following retrieval, extracts from the SR-PSDs were analysed for dissolved concentrations of a variety of organic contaminants including PAHs and PCBs using GC-MS and GC-ECD respectively and were screened for a wide range of pesticides using GC-MS/MS and LC-MS/MS. The extracts were further evaluated for acute cytotoxicity (i.e. neutral red uptake assay) and EROD induction potential using rainbow trout liver cell line (Oncorhynchus mykiss; RTL-W1) and for phytotoxicity and developmental toxicity potential using algal growth inhibition test (with a marine phytoplankton, Diacronema lutheri) and fish embryo toxicity test (with embryos from zebrafish Danio rerio) respectively. Overall, the individual and total dissolved concentrations of PAHs (ΣPAH40; parent and branched) and PCBs (ΣPCB32; ortho and mono-ortho) measured in water from the Ythan, Forth estuary and Firth of Forth were relatively low compared with other studies using PSDs. A number and level of pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides and fungicides of varying hydrophobicity (log KOWs ~2.25 to ~5.31) were detected in the silicone rubber (SR) extracts from the Ythan catchment, the Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth, suggesting input mainly from agricultural run-off and possibly from direct discharges. No statistically significant (p<0.05) acute cytotoxicity was observed following 48 h exposure of RTL-W1 cells to SR extracts from the Ythan catchment. But, on a sublethal level, for every site, statistically significant EROD activity was observed to some degree following 72 h exposure. In addition, developmental and algal toxicities on embryos of D. rerio and D. lutheri respectively, were measured in all the deployed samples compared with the procedural controls (undeployed samples). Interestingly, extracts of SR-PSDs from the Forth estuary and the Firth of Forth exhibited growth inhibitions on D. lutheri that were similar to those of extracts from the Ythan, even though, fewer numbers of pesticides were detected in the Forth estuary and Firth of Forth than the Ythan. This suggests that pesticides were not solely responsible for the observed effects in the Ythan catchment. To further improve data from toxicity testing of hydrophobic substances, the study identified the use of SR O-rings as a suitable passive dosing format in in vitro toxicity tests and was partially validated through their use in dosing RTL-W1 cells with two individual PAHs and subsequently determining cytotoxicity and EROD-activity.
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Study of Langmuir-Blodgett Films of Self-Assembled Diblock CopolymersBorozenko, Kateryna 07 1900 (has links)
L'auto-assemblage des copolymères à bloc (CPBs) attire beaucoup d'intérêt grâce à leur capacité de générer spontanément des matériaux ordonnés avec des propriétés uniques. Les techniques Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) et Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) sont couramment utilisées pour produire des monocouches ou des films ultraminces à l'interface air/eau suivi de transfert aux substrats solides. Les films LB/LS de CPBs amphiphiles s'auto-assemblent dans des morphologies variables dépendamment de la composition du CPB ainsi que d'autres facteurs. Dans notre travail, nous avons étudié les films LB/LS de polystyrène-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) et leurs complexes supramoléculaires avec le naphtol (NOH), l'acide naphtoïque (NCOOH) et le 3-n-pentadécylphenol (PDP).
La première partie de ce mémoire est consacré à l'investigation du PS-P4VP complexé avec le NOH et le NCOOH, en comparaison avec le PS-P4VP seul. Il a été démontré qu'un plateau dans l'isotherme de Langmuir, indicatif d'une transition de premier ordre, est absent à des concentrations élevées des solutions d'étalement des complexes. Cela a été corrélé avec l'absence de morphologie en nodules avec un ordre 2D hexagonal à basse pression de surface. L'ordre au-delà de la pression de cette transition, lorsque présente, change à un ordre 2D carré pour tout les systèmes.
La deuxième partie du la mémoire considère à nouveau le système PS-P4VP/ PDP, pour lequel on a démontré antérieurement que la transition dans l'isotherme correspond a une transition 2D d'un ordre hexagonal à un ordre carré. Cela est confirmé par microscopie à force atomique, et, ensuite, on a procédé à une étude par ATR-IR des films LB pour mieux comprendre les changements au niveau moléculaire qui accompagnent cette transition. Il a été constaté que, contrairement à une étude antérieure dans la littérature sur un autre système, il n'y a aucun changement dans l'orientation des chaînes alkyles. Au lieu de cela, on a découvert que, aux pressions au-delà de celle de la transition, le groupe pyridine, qui est orienté à basse pression, devient isotrope et qu'il y a une augmentation des liaisons hydrogènes phénol-pyridine. Ces observations sont rationalisées par un collapse partiel à la pression de transition de la monocouche P4VP, qui à basse pression est ordonné au niveau moléculaire.
Cette étude a mené à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires qui se produisent à l'interface air/eau, ce qui fournit une meilleure base pour la poursuite des applications possibles des films LB/LS dans les domaines de nanotechnologie. / Self-assembly of block copolymers (BCPs) attracts much interest due to their ability to spontaneously generate ordered materials with unique properties. For many applications, such as masks in nanolithography, separation membranes in medical diagnostics, and nanotemplates for nanowire fabrication, manufacturing into thin films is required. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) and Langmuir-Schaefer (LS) techniques are commonly used to produce ultrathin or monolayer films at the air/water interface that are transferred to solid substrates. LB/LS films of amphiphilic BCPs self-assemble into various morphologies, depending on the BCP composition and other factors. In our work, we investigated LB/LS films of polystyrene-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) and their supramolecular complexes with, naphthol (NOH), naphthoic acid (NCOOH) and 3-n-pentadecylphenol (PDP).
The first part of the thesis was devoted to the investigation of PS-P4VP complexes with NOH and NCOOH, in comparison to PS-P4VP alone. It was shown that a plateau in the Langmuir isotherm, indicative of a first-order transition, is absent at high spreading solution concentrations for the complexes. This was correlated with an absence of the expected dot morphology with 2D hexagonal-like order at low surface pressure. Above the transition, when present, the morphology has 2D square order.
The second part of the thesis re-examines the PS-P4VP/PDP system, which was previously shown to undergo a transition from 2D hexagonal to square order at the isotherm plateau pressure. This was confirmed here, and a detailed ATR-IR study of LB films was then undertaken to better understand molecular-level changes occurring at this transition. It was found that, contrary to another study in the literature on a different system, there is no change in alkyl chain orientation. Instead, it was found that the pyridine group loses its low-pressure orientation and there is increased phenol-pyridine hydrogen-bonding above the transition pressure, which is rationalized by a partial collapse of the low-pressure molecularly ordered P4VP monolayer at the transition pressure.
This study leads to an improved understanding of the processes occurring at the air/water interface, which is a basis for the further possible applications of LB/LS films in nanotechnologies.
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Effet des pointes inter-critiques sur le développement cognitif : attention et imagerie mentale visuelles dans l’épilepsie bénigne partielle idiopathique de l’enfance / The impact of interictal spikes on cognition : visual attention and mental imagery in children with benign partial idiopathic epilepsyLopez-Castello, Celine 12 July 2011 (has links)
Les épilepsies bénignes partielles idiopathiques de l'enfant sont associées à un pronostic favorable, car les crises sont rares et disparaissent à l'adolescence. La nature bénigne de ces syndromes est remise en question en raison de difficultés d'apprentissage et de déficits cognitifs subtils, fréquemment rapportés dans cette population. Nous étudions l’incidence des décharges épileptiques inter-critiques sur la cognition, et observons leurs influences sur l’organisation cérébrale et les fonctions cognitives. Nous proposons des épreuves informatisées, à des patients avec des pointes centro-temporales (EPCT) principalement localisées à l'un des deux hémisphères et occipitales de type Panayiotopoulos (SP), afin d'évaluer des compétences verbales, visuo-spatiales, visuo-attentionnelles, ainsi que trois processus d’imagerie mentale visuelle jamais étudiés dans ces syndromes. Les données comportementales renforcent l’idée d’une spécificité des perturbations selon la latéralisation hémisphérique des pointes inter-critiques et confirment leur incidence sur l’organisation de l’asymétrie hémisphérique fonctionnelle associée aux fonctions étudiées. Par ailleurs, nous montrons que le SP a une incidence particulièrement négative sur les processus d'imagerie mentale visuelle, compétences centrales pour la réussite scolaire de l’enfant et l’enrichissement de son imaginaire. Nos résultats sont en adéquation avec la remise en question actuelle de la nature bénigne de ces épilepsies sur le plan cognitif. Comparer les déficits et l’asymétrie hémisphérique fonctionnelle selon la localisation principale des pointes procure de nouveaux arguments pour un impact spécifique des manifestations inter-critiques, car seuls les mécanismes cognitifs sous-tendus par les régions concernées sont perturbés. Cela apporte des éléments d’explications sur les difficultés d'apprentissages signalés chez ces enfants, et incite à proposer des aménagements pédagogiques. / Benign idiopathic partial epilepsies of children are associated with a favorable prognosis because of rare seizure and usually recovery during adolescence. The benign nature of these syndromes is questioned because of learning difficulties and subtle cognitive deficits, frequently reported in this population. We study the incidence of the epileptic discharges on the cognition, and observe their influences on brain organization and cognitive functions. We propose computerized tests to patients with centrotemporal spikes (BECT) mainly localized in one of both hemispheres and occipital discharges, Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS), to estimate verbal, visuo-spatial and visuo-attentional skills, as well as three visual imagery processes still never studied in these syndromes. Behavioural data strengthen the idea of a specific disturbances according to the hemispheric lateralization of the discharges and confirm their incidence on the organization of the functional hemispheric asymmetry associated with the studied functions. Furthermore, we show that PS has a particularly negative impact on the visual imagery process, important skills in the child's academic success and enrichment of his imagination. Our results are consistent with the current questioning of the benign nature of epilepsy on the cognitive level. Compare the deficits and the functional hemispheric asymmetry according to the main localization of discharges gets new arguments for a specific impact of the epileptiform activity, because only the cognitive mechanisms underlain by the concerned regions are disrupted. This provides evidence to explain the learning difficulties identified in these children, and encourages them to provide educational facilities.
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Estado de causa: estudo e tradução do manual de Sulpitius Victor / Stasis: study and translation of Sulpitius Victor\'s handbookPustrelo, Matheus de Barros 04 April 2016 (has links)
Em nossa dissertação, estudamos o manual retórico de Sulpício Vítor, Institutiones Oratoriae. Nossa pesquisa é dividida em quatro partes. Na primeira, comentamos a bibliografia especializada que nos antecede, abordando questões importantes, como datação, ocorrência de alguns elementos retóricos e semelhança com outros manuais. Na segunda, comparamos os exemplos fornecidos por nosso autor com exercícios declamatórios, sobretudo os de Sêneca pai, mas também os de Calpúrnio Flaco e de Pseudo-Quintiliano. Na terceira, analisamos e explicamos a teoria dos estados de causa de Sulpício Vítor, comparando, sempre que possível, suas lições com as de outros textos. Na última, apresentamos uma tradução anotada para o português. / In our dissertation, we study Sulpitius Victors rhetoric handbook, Institutiones Oratoriae. Our research is divided into four parts. The first consists of a commentary to the specialized bibliography that precedes us, addressing important issues, such as dating, occurrence of some rhetorical elements and similarities with other handbooks. The second aims to compare examples given by our author with declamation exercises, especially those ones of Seneca the Elder, but also the ones of Calpurnius Flaccus and of Ps. Quintilian. The third is dedicated to the analysis and elucidation of Sulpitius Victors issue-theory, as we compare, whenever possible, his lessons with the ones of other texts. The last includes an annotated Portuguese translation.
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The damaged male and the contemporary American war film : masochism, ethics, and spectatorshipStraw, Mark Christopher January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is about the depiction of the damaged male in contemporary American war films in the period 1990 to 2010. All the films in this thesis deploy complex strategies but induce simple and readily accessible pleasures in order to mask, disavow or displace the operations of US imperialism. It is my argument that the premier emotive trope for emblematising and offering up the damaged male as spectacle and political tool is the American war film. I also argue that masochistic subjectivity (and spectatorship) is exploited in these films, sometimes through using it as a radical transformative tool in order to uncover the contradictions and abuses in US imperial power, but mostly through utilizing its distinct narrative and aesthetic qualities in order to make available to spectators the pleasures of consuming these images, and also to portray the damaged male as a seductive and desirable subjectivity to adopt. The contemporary war film offers up fantasies of imperilled male psychologies and then projects these traumatic (or “weak”/“victimised”) states into the white domestic and suburban space of the US. Accordingly this enables identification with the damaged male, and all his attendant narratives of dispossession, innocence, and victimhood, and then doubles and reinforces this identification by threatening the sanctity and security of the US homeland. My argument builds towards addressing ethical questions of spectatorial passivity and culpability that surround our engagement with global media, and mass visual culture in the context of war. I ultimately identify ethical spectatorship of contemporary war films as bolstering a neo-liberal project advancing the “turn to the self”, and hence audiences could unwittingly be engaged in shoring up white male ethno-centricity and the attendant forces of US cultural and geopolitical imperialism.
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