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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av Mental Health Literacy (MHL) hos unga vuxna : En intervjustudie / Psychiatric nurses’ experiences of Mental Health Literacy (MHL) in young adults : An interview study

Bondesson, Sandra, Louise, Malmberg January 2024 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är ett globalt problem och unga vuxna är en särskilt utsatt grupp. Mental Health Literacy (MHL) är en modell som innefattar fyra komponenter avseende psykisk hälsa och ohälsa. God MHL bidrar till att stärka psykisk hälsa och kan vara en förutsättning för tidig upptäckt och behandling av psykisk ohälsa, det är därför viktigt med en större förståelse för unga vuxnas MHL ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv. Syftet med studien var att undersöka specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av unga vuxnas MHL. En kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats användes. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på allmänpsykiatriska specialistmottagningar för vuxna och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I resultatet framkom fyra teman: erfarenheter av unga vuxnas förståelse att kunna uppnå och upprätthålla god psykisk hälsa, erfarenheter av unga vuxnas förståelse för psykiatriska tillstånd och hur de behandlas, erfarenheter av unga vuxnas upplevelse av stigma relaterat till psykisk ohälsa samt erfarenheter av unga vuxnas hjälpsökande. Unga vuxna har en ökad kunskapsnivå gällande psykiatriska tillstånd men en bristfällig förmåga att omsätta kunskapen till ett adekvat självomhändertagande. Vissa diagnoser var mer stigmatiserande och det fanns oklarheter angående hjälpsökande. Sjukvårdens kunskap om unga vuxnas MHL behöver förbättras för att främja god personcentrerad omvårdnad. Forskning inriktad på implementering av personcentrerad psykiatrisk vård behövs. / Mental illness is a global problem, and young adults is a vulnerable group. Mental Health Literacy (MHL) is a model that includes four components relating to mental health and illness. High levels of MHL contributes to strengthening mental health, can prerequisite early detection and treatment of mental illness, it´s therefore important to increase understanding of young adults’ MHL from a nursing perspective. The aim of the study was to explore mental health nurses’ experiences of MHL among young adults. Qualitative method with an abductive approach was used. The datamaterial was analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Ten semi-structured were conducted at psychiatric specialist clinics for adults. The results showed four themes: experiences of young people’s understanding for obtaining and retaining mental health, experiences of young people’s understanding of mental illness, experiences of young people and stigma in relation to psychiatric conditions, and experiences of young people’s help-seeking. Young adults have an increased knowledge regarding psychiatric conditions but lack ability to convert the knowledge into adequate self-care. Some diagnoses are more stigmatizing, and there´s uncertainty where the young adults can receive help for their mental illness. The health care organization needs better knowledge of young adults' MHL to promote psychiatric person-centred care.

Factors influencing relapse of psychiatric outpatients in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape province

Mahamba, Nozipho Deborah 11 1900 (has links)
A descriptive survey to identify factors influencing relapse of psychiatric outpatients in the rural communities of the Eastern Cape was undertaken. A questionnaire was used to collect data from family caregivers who were relatives of psychiatric patients receiving their monthly medications from two rural clinics. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17. A total number of 92 family caregivers participated. Respondents reported side effects of psychotropic drugs, poor family role, poor referral system, lack of home visits, non-compliance and stigmatization as major factors contributing to relapse of psychiatric outpatients. Active involvement of caregivers in follow up care of their relatives is effective in fostering collaboration between the psychiatric hospitals and patients with the common goal of relapse avoidance. It is recommended that adequate provision of resources in conjunction with health education is effective in enhancing collaboration towards prevention of relapse in psychiatric patients. This would promote team work among patients, caregivers and health care providers. / Public Health / M.A. (Public Health)

Workplace violence experienced by student nurses during clinical placement at psychiatric insitutions in KwaZulu-Natal

Mvunelo, Nomhle 01 July 2014 (has links)
Workplace violence directed at student nurses in training in psychiatric institutions is a significant concern as it negatively affects the quality of learning and causes the students to have a negative perception of nursing as a profession. The absence of scientific data describing the perceptions of student nurses about workplace violence and their clinical learning outcome motivated the researcher to conduct the study. Quantitative, descriptive research was conducted to explore the influence that workplace violence will have on clinical learning outcomes of student nurses who are studying psychiatric nursing at psychiatric institutions in KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa. Data was gathered using a 71 question questionnaire, which was adapted from the one used by Hewett (2010). With the necessary permission from the health authorities, the campus principals and the nursing students, a group of 4th year student nurses (n=163) from 6 campuses of the KwaZulu-Natal College of Nursing (KZNCN) who have worked in psychiatric units for at least 3 months and longer participated in the study. The study highlighted the types of workplace violence encountered by student nurses, the effects of workplace violence on students’ academic performance and the barriers to the reporting of workplace violence encountered by the student nurses. The study revealed that there is a large amount of non-physical, some physical and a few incidents of sexual violence directed towards the student nurses at the psychiatric institutions, and that it has a negative impact on student learning. The recommendations emanating from the study support the idea of a shared responsibility between healthcare and education institutions and the focus is on preparing and equipping the student psychiatric nurses to confront, withstand and break the cycle of workplace violence. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Lived experiences of general nurses working in Standerton Hospital medical wards designated to be a 72-hour assessment for psychiatric patients

Gule, Nozipho Felicity 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of general nurses working at Standerton hospital medical wards which also admit psychiatric patients. A qualitative, descriptive phenomenological approach was used for the study. The study population consisted of seven general nurses working in medical wards at Standerton hospital. Purposive sampling was used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria. Researcher used in-depth face to face interviews to collect data until data saturation was achieved. Tesch’s method of qualitative data analysis was utilised to identify themes. Three themes and five sub-themes emerged from the study: theme1: perceived danger due to aggression sub-themes stress for medical patients, stress for medical patients’ families and stress for nurses. Theme 2: lack of skills in dealing with psychiatric patients’ sub- theme use of restrains. Theme 3: self fulfilling prophecy subtheme reported incidences. The study findings demonstrate the plight of general nurses who are not trained to work with psychiatric patients but continue to do so. Findings further accentuate what is already known about the labelling that goes with psychiatric patients and aggression as a resultant effect. Recommendations were made for future research, policy makers, nursing education and practice. / M.A. (Health Studies)

Expérience de familles cohabitant avec un proche atteint de trouble mental persistant faisant partie d'un programme de services individualisés (PSI) en Catalogne

Loza Garcia, Montserrat January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Ações ou apoio matricial em saúde mental na atenção básica : intenções dos apoiadores e expectativas de enfermeiros / Matrix support actions in mental health in primary care : intentions of supporters and expectations of nurses / Acciones del apoyo matricial en salud mental en la atención básica : intenciones de matriciadores y expectativas de enfermeros

Oliveira, Gustavo Costa de January 2018 (has links)
Nas áreas da saúde e da enfermagem, o aparato assistencial vigente nos inúmeros cenários de atenção à saúde concebe novos caminhos teóricos, como também indica novas possibilidades práticas. Mediante o processo de ampliação da resolutividade e integralidade em saúde mental, o Apoio Matricial surge como dispositivo para articular os cuidados em saúde mental à Atenção Básica, visando a implantar estratégias de cuidado territoriais e integrais, ancorados em novos saberes e valores culturais. Diante disso, torna-se relevante investigar o que expressam os apoiadores matriciais e enfermeiros sobre as ações do Apoio Matricial em saúde mental na Atenção Básica à Saúde. Para tanto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral compreender o significado das ações do Apoio Matricial em saúde mental na Atenção Básica à Saúde, na perspectiva de apoiadores matriciais e de enfermeiros. Ainda, há três objetivos específicos: conhecer as ações voltadas para saúde mental que são desenvolvidas pela equipe de Apoio Matricial; identificar as intenções de apoiadores matriciais em relação às ações da equipe de Apoio Matricial na Atenção Básica; e identificar as expectativas de enfermeiros em relação às ações da equipe de Apoio Matricial na Atenção Básica. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, cujo referencial teórico-metodológico é a sociologia fenomenológica de Schutz. O campo de estudo consistiu nas Unidades de Saúde da Atenção Básica no município de Porto Alegre, onde foram entrevistados 5 apoiadores matriciais e 22 enfermeiros A coleta de informações ocorreu no período de julho a agosto de 2018, por meio de entrevista fenomenológica, questionando-se aos apoiadores: “Que ações voltadas para saúde mental você vem executando junto à Atenção Básica?” e “O que tem em vista com essas ações?”; e aos enfermeiros: “O que você espera das ações do Apoio Matricial em saúde mental junto à Atenção Básica?”. A análise compreensiva dos depoimentos deu origem a seis categorias concretas, três condizentes aos apoiadores matriciais e três aos enfermeiros, nas quais é possível descrever o significado da ação por meio do desvelamento do típico da ação de cada grupo de participantes do estudo. Nesse sentido, este estudo incita a reflexão sobre as relações sociais constituídas entre os sujeitos envolvidos no processo de cuidar, tendo em vista os significados que cada um atribui às vivências no mundo social. Ao adentrar nas relações sociais humanas, percebe-se o quão raso pode ser o agir no mundo, quando o enfoque é o procedimento técnico, e não o ser humano. Assim, compartilhar o mundo social se torna um desafio para todos os atores sociais, à medida que o vivido pode se traduzir na produção de saúde, cidadania e vida. / In the area of health and nursing, the current assistance apparatus in the many health care settings conceives new theoretical paths, but also indicates new practical possibilities. Through the process of increasing the resolution and comprehensiveness in mental health, the Matrix Support emerges as a device to articulate mental health care to Basic Care, aiming to implant territorial and integral care strategies, anchored in new knowledge and cultural values. Therefore, it is relevant to investigate what the matrix supporters and nurses express about the actions of the Matrix Support in mental health in Primary Health Care. For this purpose, this research has as general objective to understand the meaning of the actions of Matrix Support in mental health in the Primary Health Care, from the point of view of matrix supporters and nurses. Still, there are three specific objectives: to know the actions directed to mental health that are developed by the Matrix Support team; to identify the intentions of matrix supporters in relation to the actions of the Matrix Support Team in Primary Care; to identify the expectations of nurses in relation to the actions of the Matrix Support Team in Primary Care. It is a study of qualitative approach, whose theoretical-methodological reference is the phenomenological sociology of Schutz The field of study was Basic Health Care Units in the city of Porto Alegre, where 5 matrix supporters and 22 nurses were interviewed. Information was collected from July to August, 2018, through a phenomenological interview, questioning the supporters "What actions for mental health have you been carrying out with Primary Care?" and "What do you have in mind with these actions?"; and nurses: "What do you expect from the actions of the Matrix Support in mental health with Primary Care?". In the comprehensive analysis of the testimonies, six concrete categories emerged, three of them matching the matrix supporters and other three to the nurses, where the meaning of the action can be described by unveiling the typical action of each group of the study participants. This study encourages reflection on the social relations constituted among the subjects involved in the care process, considering the meanings that each one attributes to the experiences in the social world. When entering into human social relations, it is perceivable how shallow one action can be in the world, when the focus is the technical procedure, not the human being. Thus, sharing the social world becomes a challenge for all social actors, insofar as the lived can be translated into the production of health, citizenship and life. / En el área de la salud y de la enfermería, el aparato asistencial vigente en los innumerables escenarios de atención a la salud concibe nuevos caminos teóricos, como también indica nuevas posibilidades prácticas. Mediante el proceso de ampliación de la resolutividad e integralidad en salud mental, el Apoyo Matricial surge como dispositivo para articular los cuidados en salud mental a la Atención Básica. En este sentido, se hace relevante investigar lo que expresan los matriciadores y enfermeros sobre las acciones del Apoyo Matricial en salud mental en la Atención Básica a la Salud. Para ello, esta investigación tiene como objetivo general comprender el significado de las acciones del Apoyo Matricial en salud mental en la Atención Básica a la Salud, en la perspectiva de matriciadores y de enfermeros. Aún, hay tres objetivos específicos: conocer las acciones dirigidas a la salud mental que son desarrolladas por el equipo de Apoyo Matricial; identificar las intenciones de los matriciadores en relación a las acciones del equipo de Apoyo Matricial en la Atención Básica y; identificar las expectativas de enfermeros en relación a las acciones del equipo de Apoyo Matricial en la Atención Básica Se trata de un estudio de abordaje cualitativo, cuyo referencial teórico-metodológico es la sociología fenomenológica de Schutz. El campo de estudio fue Unidades de Salud de la Atención Básica en el municipio de Porto Alegre, donde fueron entrevistados 5 matriciadores y 22 enfermeros La recolección de informaciones ocurrió en el período de julio a agosto de 2018, por medio de una entrevista fenomenológica, cuestionándose a los matriciadores "¿Qué acciones dirigidas a la salud mental usted viene ejecutando junto a la Atención Básica?" y "¿Qué tiene en vista con esas acciones?"; y a los enfermeros: "¿Qué esperas de las acciones del Apoyo Matricial en salud mental junto a la Atención Básica?". En el análisis comprensivo de los testimonios surgieron seis categorías concretas, tres condicionantes a los matriciadores y tres a los enfermeros, en los que se puede describir el significado de la acción por medio del desvelamiento del típico de la acción de cada grupo de participantes del estudio. Este estudio incita la reflexión sobre las relaciones sociales constituidas entre los sujetos involucrados en el proceso de cuidar, teniendo en vista los significados que cada uno atribuye a las vivencias en el mundo social. Al adentrarse en las relaciones sociales humanas, se percibe lo poco que puede ser el actuar en el mundo, cuando el enfoque es el procedimiento técnico, y no el ser humano. Así, compartir el mundo social se convierte en un desafío para todos los actores sociales, en la medida en que lo vivido puede traducirse en la producción de salud, ciudadanía y vida.

Qualificação dos registros de procedimentos em centros de atenção psicossocial: educação permanente em saúde como estratégia de gestão / Qualification of care records in psychosocial care centers: permanent health education as a management strategy

Silva, Nathália dos Santos 25 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-03-20T17:17:43Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Nathália dos Santos Silva - 2018.pdf: 2631311 bytes, checksum: 75bdb8f58969e749dd2fe0b343f97d6f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-03-21T11:41:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Nathália dos Santos Silva - 2018.pdf: 2631311 bytes, checksum: 75bdb8f58969e749dd2fe0b343f97d6f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-21T11:41:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Nathália dos Santos Silva - 2018.pdf: 2631311 bytes, checksum: 75bdb8f58969e749dd2fe0b343f97d6f (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-25 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) are strategic services of the Psychosocial Care Network to promote the social reintegration of people with mental disorders and or problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs. Thus, it is imperative that the actions in the CAPS be monitored and evidenced to support the superiority of this proposal. However, this will only be possible if there are data recorded by the professionals working in the CAPS to enable the evaluation for the management of the quality of the services. This study aimed to analyze the quality of records of procedures using the Permanent Education in Health as a strategy for the management of the work process of the health professionals of the CAPS. This is an intervention research of a qualitative nature, carried out with 58 professionals from seven CAPS from three municipalities of the State of Goiás. Data collection occurred from March to October 2016. The Permanent Health Education was procedural and occurred in three stages: focus groups, seminars and workshops on CAPS procedures and elaboration of a Unique Therapeutic Project (PTS). With the data obtained through the reflection of the subjects, the thematic content analysis was performed. The thematic categories and subcategories that emerged from the content analysis were: Process of registration of the CAPS procedures, the Unique Therapeutic Project in quotation marks and Qualification of the PTS through the understanding of the records and and the opposite also. The results showed that the professionals did not know the instruments of records of CAPS procedures, the meaning of the names of the procedures, the management and purposes of the records and the importance of the data as the driver of information for work and service management. Two situations on the quality of records were evidenced that the data were underreported or reflected the inexistence of psychosocial actions. It was perceived the need of investment in the training of the professionals with focus on the records management and through the systematization of PTS. The Permanent Health Education strategy expanded the repertoire of information about CAPS procedures and was evaluated positively by enabling a better understanding of the records, deconstruction of the idea of association of registration for financial transfer, use of the list of procedures as a care line for elaboration of more robust PTS and revision of Institutional Therapeutic Projects. The incompleteness and underreporting of the data do not depict what the teams in the CAPS are developing and, therefore, the conclusion that the analysis of the data generated through them does not coincide with the reality of the services. It is important to emphasize the importance of the process of permanent education as a way of giving priority to more meaningful learning practices involving the participants in the process of change and thus highlighting the psychosocial practices by recording the actions developed in the CAPS or other devices in the territory. This evidence is fundamental for the technical and political defense of the model of psychosocial care in force in the country. / Os Centos de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) são serviços estratégicos da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial para a promoção de reinserção social de pessoas com transtornos mentais e ou com problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool e outras drogas. Assim, torna-se imprescindível que as ações nos CAPS sejam monitoradas e evidenciadas para sustentar a superioridade dessa proposta. Entretanto, isso só será possível se houver dados registrados pelos profissionais que atuam nos CAPS para possibilitar a avaliação para a gestão da qualidade dos serviços. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a qualidade dos registros de procedimentos utilizando a Educação Permanente em Saúde como estratégia de gestão do processo de trabalho dos profissionais de saúde dos CAPS. Trata-se de uma pesquisaintervenção de natureza qualitativa, realizada com 58 profissionais de sete CAPS de três municípios do Estado de Goiás. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período de março a outubro de 2016. A Educação Permanente em Saúde foi processual e ocorreu em três etapas: grupos focais, realização de Seminário e oficinas sobre procedimentos de CAPS e elaboração de Projeto Terapêutico Singular (PTS). Com os dados obtidos por meio da reflexão dos sujeitos foi realizada a análise temática de conteúdo. As categorias temáticas e subcategorias que emergiram da análise de conteúdo foram: Processo de registro dos procedimentos de CAPS, o Projeto Terapêutico Singular entre aspas e Qualificação do PTS por meio do entendimento dos registros e vice-versa. Os resultados evidenciaram que os profissionais desconheciam os instrumentos de registros de procedimentos de CAPS, o significado dos nomes dos procedimentos, o manejo e finalidades dos registros e a importância dos dados como condutor de informações para gestão do trabalho e serviço. Foram evidenciadas duas situações sobre a qualidade dos registros que os dados estavam subnotificados ou refletiam a inexistência de ações psicossociais. Foi percebida a necessidade de investimento na capacitação dos profissionais com foco no manejo dos registros e por meio da sistematização de PTS. A estratégia de Educação Permanente em Saúde ampliou o repertório de informações sobre os procedimentos de CAPS e foram avaliadas positivamente ao possibilitar melhor compreensão sobre os registros, desconstrução da ideia de associação de registro para repasse financeiro, utilização da lista de procedimentos como linha de cuidado para elaboração de PTS mais robustos e revisão de Projetos Terapêuticos Institucionais. A incompletude e a subnotificação dos dados não retratam o que as equipes no CAPS estão desenvolvendo e, por isso, a conclusão de que a análise dos dados gerados por meio deles não coincide com a realidade dos serviços. Ressalta-se a importância do processo de educação permanente como forma de privilegiar práticas mais significativas de aprendizagem, envolvendo os participantes no processo de mudança e assim evidenciar as práticas psicossociais, por meio registro das ações desenvolvidas no CAPS ou em outros dispositivos do território. Essas evidências são fundamentais para defesa técnica e política do modelo de atenção psicossocial vigente no país.

Expérience de familles cohabitant avec un proche atteint de trouble mental persistant faisant partie d'un programme de services individualisés (PSI) en Catalogne

Loza Garcia, Montserrat January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Self-harm - hovering between hope and despair : experiences and interactions in a health care context. / Självskadebeteende - att sväva mellan hopp och förtvivlan :  upplevelser och interaktion i en vård kontext.

Lindgren, Britt-Marie January 2011 (has links)
Background The definition of self-harm used in this project is repeated, impulsive behaviour causing tissue damage, yet not intended as a suicide attempt. Instead of wishing to die, the person who self-harms wishes to be relieved from anxiety. The thesis comprises four studies and the overall aim was to describe experiences of care among people who self-harm, professional caregivers, and close relatives (parents), and to explore interpretative repertoires that jointly construct the interaction between people who self-harm and their professional caregivers. Methods The participants were nine women who self-harmed (I), six nurses, three of each sex (II), five mothers and one stepfather (III), and six women who self-harmed in two psychiatric inpatient wards and their caregivers (IV). Data were collected through narrative interviews (I, II, III), participant observations (IV), and informal interviews (IV). The interviews lasted between 40 and 50 minutes (I), between 40 and 65 minutes (II), and between 30 and 85 minutes (III). The observations including informal interviews in study IV comprised 150 hours of descriptive observations and 40 hours of focused observations. The data were analysed using qualitative content analysis (I, II), phenomenological hermeneutics (III), and discursive psychology (IV). Results People who self-harmed experienced care as inferior, not satisfying their needs. The findings presented a paradox; on the one hand, the women realised that society considered self-harm an inappropriate way to alleviate mental suffering, and on the other hand, they experienced self-harm as the only way to survive and to foster hope in themselves (I). Caregivers felt powerless and burdened when unable to identify and satisfy the women’s needs. Feelings of fear, frustration, and abandonment created a significant burden for caregivers (II). Parents’ lived experience of the professional care and caregivers of their self-harming adult children could be described as a hostage drama. As in a hostage situation, parents felt held to emotional ransom by deficient care and sometimes hostile caregivers (III). The interpretative repertoires that jointly constructed the interaction between those who self-harmed and their professional caregivers, were for the caregivers a fostering and a supportive repertoire, and for the women who self-harmed a victim and an expert repertoire. The interactions between a fostering caregiver and a woman as expert or as victim, and between a supportive caregiver and a woman as victim, were complicated and promoted feelings of hopelessness among the participants. Interactions between a supportive caregiver and a woman as expert were more satisfying and raised hope among the participants (IV). Synthesis of findings Hope and hopelessness ran together as a thread of meaning throughout the studies. All participants experienced and expressed hope and hopelessness in various ways. The self-harming women hovered between hope and hopelessness, hoping for help and support, but led back to hopelessness by their experiences in care. The women used self-harm as a way to cope and to maintain hope in themselves. The parents initially had confidence in healthcare and hoped for help. However, their experiences of meeting deficient care often made them feel hopeless. Parents paid an emotional ransom when they accepted deficient care for their daughters. The caregivers felt frustrated, angry, and powerless, and their view of self-harm as an endless behaviour led to hopelessness. However, they struggled to see the women’s abilities, not only their difficulties, and described how they had to try to see self-harm in another way. Caregivers who were convinced that it was possible to stop self-harming and leave it behind were able to bring hope to themselves, to parents, and to the women who self-harmed. The present studies suggest that there is a difference between self-harm and suicide attempts or suicide. Other researchers echo these findings. Conclusions Paradoxically, self-harm usually seems to be a life sustaining act, a way of raising hope in oneself. The importance of caregivers who listen and try to understand people who self-harm, as well as their close family members, is evident. By asking open-ended questions and being non-judgemental, listening, and showing a genuine interest in the person’s lived experience; caregivers can inspire hope in people who self-harm. / Bakgrund Självskadebeteende definieras i denna avhandling som ett upprepat, impulsivt beteende där hudskada uppstår. Avsikten med handlingen är inte att begå självmord, stället har personen en önskan att lindra ångest. Avhandlingen består av fyra delstudier och det övergripande syftet var att beskriva erfarenheter av vård bland personer med självskadebeteende, professionella vårdare och närstående (föräldrar), samt att belysa tolkningsrepertoarer som konstruerar interaktionen mellan personer med självskadebeteende och deras professionella vårdare. Metod Deltagarna var nio kvinnor med självskadebeteende (I), sex sjuksköterskor, tre av vardera kön (II), fem mammor och en styvpappa (III) samt sex kvinnor med självskadebeteende som vårdades vid två psykiatriska slutenvårdsavdelningar och deras professionella vårdare (IV). Datainsamlingsmetoder var narrativa intervjuer (I, II, III), deltagande observationer samt informella intervjuer (IV). De narrativa intervjuerna varade mellan 40 och 50 minuter (I), mellan 40 och 65 minuter (II) samt mellan 30 och 85 minuter (III). Beskrivande deltagande observationer genomfördes, totalt 150 timmar, varav ca 40 timmar var fokuserade deltagande observationer. Data analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys (I, II), fenomenologisk hermeneutik (III) samt diskurspsykologi (IV). Resultat Personerna med självskadebeteende upplevde att vården var undermålig och att den inte tillfredställde deras behov. Resultaten visar en paradox, å ena sidan insåg kvinnorna att samhället i stort anser att självskadebeteende är ett oacceptabelt sätt att hantera psykiskt lidande, å andra sidan, upplevde kvinnorna att självskadandet var det som gjorde det möjligt att överleva och att inge sig själv hopp (I). Professionella vårdare kände sig maktlösa och tyngda när de inte kunde identifiera och tillfredsställa kvinnornas behov av vård. Vårdarnas rädsla, frustration och känsla av övergivenhet, vilka medförde en känsla av att vara belastad, framkom (II). Den levda erfarenheten av professionell vård och vårdare bland föräldrar till vuxna barn med självskadebeteende beskrevs som ett gisslandrama. Föräldrar till en dotter i en gisslansituation betalade en känslomässig lösensumma när de mötte en undermålig och ibland fientlig vård (III). De dominerande tolkningsrepertoarerna som tillsammans konstruerade interaktionen för vårdarna var en fostrande och en stödjande repertoar. För kvinnorna med självskadebeteende dominerade en offer och en expertrepertoar. Interaktionen mellan en fostrande vårdare och kvinna som expert eller offer, samt en stödjande vårdare och en kvinna som offer, var mer komplicerad och ingav hopplöshet bland deltagarna. Interaktionen mellan en stödjande vårdare och en kvinna som expert var mer tillfredsställande och främjade hopp bland deltagarna. Syntes av resultat Hopp och hopplöshet visade sig vara ”en röd tråd” genom delstudierna. Alla deltagare upplevde och uttryckte hopp och hopplöshet på olika sätt. Kvinnorna svävade mellan känslor av hopp och hopplöshet, med önskningar om hjälp och stöd men deras erfarenheter av vård ingav hopplöshet. Kvinnorna använde självskada som en hanteringsstrategi och som ett sätt att inge sig själv hopp. Föräldrarna hade initialt ett förtroende för vården och hade förhoppningar om hjälp, men deras erfarenheter av att möta en undermålig vård ingav istället en känsla av hopplöshet. Föräldrarna betalade en känslomässig lösensumma när de accepterade en dålig vård för sin dotter. Vårdarna kände sig frustrerade, arga och maktlösa och deras syn på självskadebeteende som något ändlöst ingav hopplöshet. Vårdarna kämpade för att se kvinnornas förmågor, inte bara deras svårigheter och försökte förstå självskadebeteende. Vårdare som var övertygade om att det var möjligt att sluta skada sig och lämna det bakom sig lyckades inge sig själv, föräldrarna och kvinnorna med självskadebeteende hopp. Resultaten från föreliggande studier tyder på en skillnad mellan självskadebeteende och självmordsförsök eller självmord, vilket även stöds av andra forskare. Slutsatser Paradoxalt nog verkar självskadebeteende vara ett livsuppehållande beteende, ett sätt att inge sig själv hopp. Betydelsen av vårdare som lyssnar och försöker förstå personen som skadar sig och närstående är tydlig. Genom att ställa öppna frågor och tala på ett icke dömande sätt, samt genom att lyssna och visa ett genuint intresse för personens upplevelser, kan vårdare förmedla hopp.

Exploring student nurses' narratives on nursing mentally ill people in a medical ward in the uMgungundlovu District.

Radana, Nolundi. January 2011 (has links)
The promulgation of the Mental Health Care Act of 2002 in South Africa came with challenges or changes in the nursing of mentally ill people. One of the changes required that mental patients need to be observed and assessed for a period of 72 hours in a general or medical ward before being transferred to a specialist hospital. Sometimes the person remains in the ward for more than the 72 hours. This means that nursing students doing their comprehensive four year diploma (R425) are exposed to nursing people with mental illness in their first, second and third year of training, which is prior to the mental health nursing/psychiatric nursing module undertaken in the last semester of the fourth year. The purpose of this study was to explore student nurses’ narratives on nursing mentally ill people in a medical ward. Narrative inquiry was used as the research methodology. Purposive sampling was used to select 5 participants for this study. The inclusion criteria specified that participants had to be second year students participating in the four year Comprehensive Nursing Diploma Programme (R425) who have nursed, or been in contact with a mentally ill person, for a period of eight weeks. The study was conducted before the participants were exposed to the psychiatric module, which is undertaken in fourth year of the diploma course. Data collection took place through a total of 5 sessions of focus groups which took place in a boardroom. While personal names were excluded, participants were required to fill in certain demographic details. Data analysis was undertaken using narrative data analysis, which looked at narrative strings, which are presenting commonalities and narrative threads which are major emerging themes. The narrative strings or commonalities that were identified were in the area of beliefs, with the dominant beliefs regarding the causes of mental illness being culturally or socially based. Emotions such as fear, sadness and frustration were identified, as well as ignorance which leads to stigmatising attitudes. The narrative threads or emerging themes that were identified were: making sense of experiences; moments of awakenings; breaking free moments; and acceptance of a known person with mental illness. The following themes were identified: moments of awakenings or realisation, where the participants started seeing the mentally ill person in another light; and moments of strengths/unique outcomes, where participants recognised their own strengths in dealing with a mentally ill person. / Thesis (M.N.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.

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