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A Longitudinal Examination of Posttraumatic Stress During the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Role of Coping Self-EfficacyKorth, Christina Xiaomei 05 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Racial Microaggressions and Mental Health: Internalized Racism as a Mediator and Black Identity and Social Support as ModeratorsSanders, Steven Michael 18 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Influence of Physical Activities on Mental Health among Athletes during COVID-19 Pandemics : A Systematic LiteratureRasheed, Attia January 2023 (has links)
Background: During 2020-2022, the SARS-COVID-19-2 (COVID-19) pandemic contributed to a global health crisis that affected society and individuals. One particularly vulnerable group was athletes, with limited personal health and physical exercise opportunities.Objectives: The first objective aims to explore the factors that influence the physical activities of athletes during COVID-19. The second objective aims to explore the factors that influence the mental health of athletes during COVID-19. The third objective aims to explore the relationship between physical activities and mental health among athletes during COVID19. Design: Systematic literature review.Method: The electronic databases PubMed, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) and Google Scholar are selected. The inclusion criteria including a) Empirical research and peer-reviewed articles, b) Written in English, and c) containing keywords such as psychological distress, health, physical activities, COVID-19 and athletes.Results: A total of 10 reported studies have been included in this work. Most of these studies have shown that physical activities decreased during the COVID-19 outbreak due to a loss of motivation in athletes. Due to compromised physical activities, athletes started facing issues related to their mental health, like stress, depression, and anxiety. The less exercise and training sessions also affected the quality of sleep and reduced bedtime. Loss of sleep was an additional contributor to mental distress.Conclusion: The Study shows the importance of physical activities in the lives of athletes that are highly influenced during a pandemic. The result shows a positive association between mental health and physical activities. / Bakgrund: Under 2020-2022 hade pandemin SARS-COVID-19-2 (COVID-19) bidragit till en global hälsokris som hade påverkat både samhälle och individer. En grupp som var särskilt utsatt var idrottare där både den personliga hälsan och möjligheten att träna fysiskt är begränsad.Mål: Syftet med denna studie är att utforska faktorer som påverkar idrottares fysiska aktiviteter och äventyrar mental hälsa under COVID-19. denna studie fokuserar också på att undersöka hur dessa fysiska aktiviteter hjälper idrottare att hantera mental hälsa under tiden för pandemin.Design: Systematisk litteraturöversikt.Metod: De elektroniska databaserna PubMed, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) och Google Scholar väljs. Inklusionskriterierna inkluderar a) Empirisk forskning och referentgranskade artiklar, b) skrivna på engelska, c) som innehåller nyckelord som psykisk ångest, hälsa, fysiska aktiviteter, covid-19 och idrottare.Resultat: Totalt 10 rapporterade studier har inkluderats i detta arbete. De flesta av dessa studier har visat att fysiska aktiviteter minskade under covid-19-utbrottet på grund av förlust av motivation hos idrottare. På grund av komprometterade fysiska aktiviteter började idrottare stöta på problem som rör sin mentala hälsa som stress, depression, ångest. Det mindre motions- och träningspasset påverkade också sömnkvaliteten och minskade läggtiden. Förlust av sömn bidrog ytterligare till psykisk ångest.Slutsats: Studien visar vikten av fysiska aktiviteter i livet för idrottare som är starkt påverkade under en pandemi. Resultatet visar ett positivt samband mellan mental hälsa och fysiska aktiviteter.
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The Relationship between Quest Religious Orientation, Forgiveness, and Mental HealthMessay, Berhane 12 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life, Patient-Reported Mental Health Status and Psychological Distress based on the Type of Pharmacotherapy used Among Patients with DepressionShah, Drishti R. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Measurement of Acculturation Strategies for People of African Descent (MASPAD): An emic conceptualization of acculturation as a moderating factor between psychological distress and mental health seeking attitudesObasi, Ezemenari Marquis 19 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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A developmental perspective of the relationship between Developmental Coordination Disorder and internalizing problems based on the Environmental Stress Hypothesis / A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS HYPOTHESISLi, Yao-Chuen January 2017 (has links)
The Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) illustrates the underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), indicating that the relationship between DCD and internalizing problems could be influenced by numerous physical and psychosocial consequences. However, the potential pathways described in this conceptual framework have not been comprehensively examined. Furthermore, given that child development is a dynamic process, these pathways have not been investigated from a developmental perspective. In order to address these gaps in knowledge, this dissertation sought to advance our understanding of the ESH by examining the underlying mediating pathways connecting DCD and internalizing problems in three age groups: early childhood, late childhood/early adolescence, and young adulthood.
Study 1 showed that preschool children at risk for DCD (rDCD) experience more internalizing problems than typically developing children. However, physical activity and BMI do not mediate the relationship between rDCD and internalizing problems. Overall, our findings confirm that rDCD and internalizing problems co-occur in early childhood. Nevertheless, as there is no mediation of physical activity or BMI, the underlying mechanisms may be more related to other psychosocial outcomes (e.g., self-concept or perceived social support), suggested in the ESH.
Study 2 examined school-aged children and included global self-worth, one of the psychological outcomes identified in the ESH, to address one of the limitations in Study 1. Findings support the ESH by showing a sequential mediating pathway from probable DCD (pDCD), through physical activity/BMI and global self-worth, to self-reported internalizing problems. Sex was found to moderate the underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems, altering the pathways from pDCD to internalizing problems.
Study 3 was conducted to test the full ESH in emerging adults. Results support the mediating effects of psychosocial well-being, including stress, global relationships, perceived social support, and self-concept, on the relationship between poor motor coordination and self-reported psychological distress in young adults. However, in this age group, physical inactivity and higher BMI, did not mediate the relationship between motor coordination and internalizing problems.
In conclusion, this dissertation highlights the co-occurrence of motor difficulties and internalizing problems across three developmental stages. The underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems may differ by age and sex. It is also worth noting that compared to physical health, psychosocial well-being may play a more important role as a mediator in the relationship between motor coordination and internalizing problems. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or poor motor coordination has been linked to the higher levels of internalizing problems, such as anxiety and/or depression. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Although the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) provides a theoretical framework illustrating that physical and psychosocial consequences of DCD may play important roles, this model has not been comprehensively examined. Therefore, this dissertation tested different components of the ESH in three age groups (i.e., preschool age, school age, and young adulthood) in an attempt to provide a better understanding of why motor difficulties cause more internalizing problems from a developmental perspective. Findings confirm that children with DCD and adults with poor motor coordination are at greater risk for internalizing problems, and that perceptions of self may play a more important role explaining the relationship. However, the potential pathways from motor difficulties to internalizing problems may differ by sex and age. In summary, it is recommended that, in order to prevent or improve mental health problems, interventions should target improvements in self-concept, such as self-esteem, through participation in physical activity or weight control, while taking into account sex and age.
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Etude des facteurs associés à la détresse psychologique lors de la transition des ainés vers la retraiteTajeddine, Samer 08 1900 (has links)
Les résultats ont été analysés à l'aide du logiciel SPSS / Problématique : La transition à la retraite est une étape importante dans la vie des aînés.
C’est une période de la vie caractérisée par plusieurs bouleversements tels que la fin du rôle de
travailleur, une diminution considérable du revenu et un changement du mode de vie qui
peuvent affecter le bien-être psychologique des retraités. Selon Atchley, le risque de détresse
psychologique augmente lorsque la transition vers la retraite entraine une discontinuité dans
les ressources internes et les ressources externes dont disposent les individus avant et après la
Objectifs : L’objectif de ce mémoire était d’examiner l’évolution des ressources internes et
externes des individus avant et après leur retraite et d’estimer l’influence de l’évolution de ces
facteurs sur la détresse psychologique des retraités.
Méthode : Les données proviennent de l’Enquête nationale sur la santé de la population
(ENSP), une enquête populationnelle longitudinale conduite par Statistique Canada.
L’échantillon était composé de 426 individus âgés de 55 ans et plus au moment de la retraite.
La détresse psychologique était mesurée par le K6 de Kessler. Les variables indépendantes
incluaient le sentiment de contrôle (facteur interne), le stress, le réseau social et le soutien
social (facteurs externes). Les données ont été analysées par des analyses de régression
Résultats : La détresse psychologique des retraités augmente en fonction de leur niveau de
détresse avant la retraite et du stress financier et général vécu après la retraite. Elle diminue en
fonction du sentiment de contrôle ressenti après la retraite et du changement dans le réseau
social et le sentiment de contrôle avant et après la retraite.
Conclusion : Contrairement à ce qui était prédit par le modèle d’Atchley, la discontinuité des
ressources internes et externes n’est pas nécessairement un facteur de risque de la détresse des
retraités car la situation des individus après leur retraite peut aussi affecter leur santé mentale / Rationale : Retirement is an important step in seniors’ life. It is a period characterized by
several changes such as the end of role of worker, a considerable decrease in income, and a
change in the way of living that may affect the psychological well-being of retirees. According
to Atchley, the risk of psychological distress increases when the transition to retirement leads
to discontinuity in internal and external resources which are available to individuals before
and after retirement.
Objectives : To examine the evolution of internal and external resources of individuals before
and after retirement and to estimate the influence of the evolution of these factors on
psychological distress of retirees.
Methods : Data come from the Canadian National Population Health Survey, a longitudinal
population-based survey conducted by Statistics Canada. The sample was made up of 426
retirees aged 55 and over at the time of retirement. Psychological distress was measured by
Kessler’s K6. Independent variables included the sense of control (internal factor), stress,
social network and social support (external factors). Data were analyzed by linear regression
Results : Psychological distress of retirees increases according to their level of distress before
retirement and to the financial and general stress experienced after retirement. It decreases
according to their sense of control felt after retirement and to the change in their social
network and sense of control before and after retirement.
Conclusion : Contrary to what was predicted by the model of Atchley, discontinuity of
internal and external resources is not necessarily a risk factor for distress of retirees since their
situation after retirement can also affect their mental health.
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Étude de la relation entre l’engagement organisationnel et la détresse psychologique chez les travailleurs et les travailleusesDécarie, Marie-Claude 05 1900 (has links)
Le concept multidimensionnel de l’engagement organisationnel s’avère prépondérant dans les organisations de par son impact positif sur la santé mentale des travailleurs. D’ailleurs, plusieurs chercheurs montrent clairement l’existence d’un lien significatif entre l’engagement organisationnel et la santé mentale au travail. Toutefois, on remarque que les recherches à ce jour, se contredisent pour ce qui est du sens de la relation entre l’engagement organisationnel et les problèmes de santé mentale, dont la détresse psychologique.
L’objectif principal de ce mémoire consiste à vérifier (a) le sens de la relation entre le construit multidimensionnel de l’engagement organisationnel et la détresse psychologique chez les travailleurs et les travailleuses, ainsi que (b) l’effet modérateur du genre sur la relation entre l’engagement organisationnel et la détresse psychologique. Les résultats ont été obtenus à partir d’une population d’étude composée de deux-cent-soixante-et-un répondants provenant d’une Société d’Assurance Canadienne.
Les analyses factorielles ont démontré que l’engagement organisationnel est composé de quatre facteurs (affective, normative, continue et résignée). Les résultats obtenus révèlent donc quatre formes d’engagement organisationnel. Les analyses de régressions multiples stipulent que la composante affective et continue de l’engagement organisationnel s’avère significativement reliée de façon négative à la détresse psychologique. Autrement dit, les employés engagés de façon affective et continue au travail, risquent moins de souffrir de détresse psychologique. Par ailleurs, la composante résignée se montre significativement reliée, mais de façon positive à la détresse psychologique. Donc, un travailleur engagé de façon résignée au travail, augmente ses probabilités de souffrir de détresse psychologique. Cependant, l’engagement normatif n’est pas significativement associé à la détresse psychologique. Enfin, le genre exerce un effet modérateur sur seulement une composante de l’engagement organisationnel, soit l’affective. Les retombées de ces résultats sont discutées. / The multi-dimensional concept of organizational commitment is a key criterion of the quality of mental health in the work life. Moreover, many researchers clearly showed that organizational commitment is associated with mental health. However, many studies, up to today, contradict themselves to determine the direction of the relationship between organizational commitment and mental health problems, including psychological distress.
The aim of the study is to determine (a) the direction of the relationship between the multidimensional construct of organizational commitment and psychological distress among men and women workers, and (b) whether the gender status acts as a moderator of the relationship between organizational commitment and psychological distress. The results were obtained from a population of two hundred and sixty-one workers from a Canadian insurance company.
The study found that organizational commitment is a four component construct (affective, normative, continuance, resigned). The multiple regression analysis revealed that affective and continuance commitment influence negatively psychological distress. More specifically, an employee displaying a strong affective or continuance commitment, is less likely to experience psychological distress at work. Moreover, the results of our study suggest that “resigned” commitment influences positively psychological distress. Therefore, workers showing signs of resignation at work, are more likely to experience psychological distress. However, results indicate that normative commitment is not associated with psychological distress. Finally, the gender status only acts as a moderator of the relationship between affective commitment and psychological distress. The implications of these results are discussed.
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Work, personality and psychological distress : direct and moderating effects of the Big Five personality traitsDi Sanza, Claudia 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les nombreuses associations qui existent entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail, les traits de personnalité et la détresse psychologique au travail. La question de recherche principale était : est-ce que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont un effet modérateur sur la relation entre les conditions de l’organisation du travail et la détresse psychologique. De nombreuses autres questions ont aussi été considérées. Pour répondre aux vingt-et-une hypothèses proposées dans cette recherche, nous avons utilisé des données secondaires d’une étude transversale de 395 employés d’un service de police municipal. À la suite d’analyses multivariées, nous avons pu observer quatre associations significatives. Concernant les conditions de l’organisation du travail, nous avons trouvé que les demandes psychologiques en milieu de travail augment la détresse psychologique, tandis que le support d’un superviseur la diminue. En ce qui concerne, les traits de personnalité, nous avons trouvé qu’être névrotique (neuroticism) augmente la détresse psychologique. Finalement, nous avons trouvé un effet modérateur du trait de personnalité, être consciencieux (conscientiousness), sur la relation entre les demandes psychologiques et la détresse psychologique. Bref, nos résultats nous indiquent que les cinq grands traits de personnalité (Big Five personality traits) ont une influence mitigée sur la santé mentale en milieu de travail. / The current thesis sought to observe the multiple relationships that exist between work organization conditions, personality characteristics and psychological distress in the workplace. The main question of interest was whether the Big Five personality traits have a moderating effect on the relationship between work organization and psychological distress, but numerous other questions of interest were also considered. In order to address the twenty-one hypotheses proposed in this study, secondary data was used from a cross-sectional survey of 395 workers from a municipal police service. Multivariate analyses showed four significant relationships between the three variables of interest. With regards to the work organization conditions, it was found that psychological demands in the workplace increase psychological distress, whereas, support from a supervisor decreases psychological distress. With regards to personality, neuroticism was found to increase psychological distress. Finally, a moderating relationship was found for the conscientiousness trait on the relationship between psychological demands and psychological distress. Globally, the results indicate that the Big Five personality traits have a mitigated impact on mental health problems in the workplace.
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