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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transtorno de ansiedade social e habilidades sociais: estudo psicométrico e empírico / Social anxiety disorder and social skills: a psychometric and empirical study

Antonio Paulo Angelico 22 May 2009 (has links)
O Transtorno de Ansiedade Social (TAS) tem sido considerado um grave problema de saúde mental pela sua alta prevalência em pessoas jovens e pelas incapacidades decorrentes no desempenho e interações sociais. É fundamental que se disponha de instrumentos validados e abrangentes que avaliem tanto os recursos e déficits comportamentais quanto os prejuízos sociais e funcionais destas pessoas. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, verificar as associações entre as manifestações comportamentais e clínicas do TAS por meio de dois estudos, um psicométrico e outro empírico, visando: (a) aferir as propriedades psicométricas do Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (IHS-Del-Prette), enquanto medida do repertório comportamental de habilidades sociais, em relação à avaliação das manifestações clínicas próprias do TAS, medidas pelo Inventário da Fobia Social (SPIN); e (b) comparar e caracterizar o repertório de habilidades sociais apresentado por universitários brasileiros portadores de TAS e não portadores frente a uma situação experimental estruturada, o Teste de Simulação de Falar em Público (TSFP). Do estudo psicométrico, participaram 1006 universitários, na faixa etária entre 17 e 35 anos, de ambos os gêneros, provindos de duas instituições de ensino superior. Posteriormente, 86 participantes foram randomicamente selecionados desta amostra inicial e agrupados como casos e não-casos de TAS a partir de avaliação clínica sistemática por meio da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para o DSM-IV. Do delineamento empírico, participaram 26 universitários, sendo 13 com diagnóstico de TAS e 13 não portadores de transtornos psiquiátricos. Quanto aos resultados, o IHS apresentou boa consistência interna para o escore total, reforçando a sua validade de construto. Observou-se boa validade concorrente entre o IHS e o SPIN, com um coeficiente altamente significativo de correlação negativa entre eles, indicando que quanto mais elaborado for o repertório de habilidades sociais de um indivíduo, menor é a sua probabilidade de satisfazer os critérios de rastreamento de indicadores para o TAS. O IHS demonstrou distinguir significativamente indivíduos com e sem TAS, atestando sua validade discriminativa e preditiva para esse diagnóstico, evidenciando-se assim a sua validade clínica e a possibilidade do seu uso em estudos empíricos que testem a eficácia terapêutica de programas de intervenção. No TSFP, os grupos caso e não-caso de TAS não demonstraram diferenças significativas, em termos de freqüência, para a maioria dos marcadores comportamentais de ansiedade avaliados. Um número maior de sujeitos do grupo não-caso foi avaliado como apresentando um nível de habilidades sociais apropriadas para falar em público, que variou de moderado a alto, em comparação ao grupo caso. Ao longo do TSFP, a freqüência de emissão dos marcadores comportamentais de ansiedade pelos sujeitos de ambos os grupos manteve-se estável. Os grupos diferiram significativamente na maioria dos itens indicativos da habilidade de falar em público do IHS e quanto ao escore geral desta habilidade. A análise dos resultados do estudo empírico aponta para a necessidade de novos estudos com amostras clínicas de indivíduos com TAS dos subtipos generalizado e circunscrito, e não-clínica, com maior número de sujeitos, previamente avaliados quanto ao medo de falar em público, e também para a possibilidade de uso do TSFP em programas de Treinamento em Habilidades Sociais. / Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) has been considered a serious mental health problem for its high prevalence in young people and for the resulting disabilities in the performance and social interactions. It stands out, thus, as being fundamental to have comprehensive and validated instruments which evaluate both the resources and the social and functional impairments of these people. In this work, we aimed at verifying the associations between the behavioral and clinical manifestations of SAD by means of two studies, a psychometric study and an empirical one, in order to: (a) check the psychometric properties of the Social Skills Inventory (HIS-Del-Prette), as a measure of the social skills behavioral repertoire in relation to the evaluation of the typical clinical manifestations of SAD, measured by the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN); (b) compare and characterize the social skills repertoire shown by Brazilian undergraduates with and without SAD in a structured experimental situation, the Simulated Public Speaking Test (SPST). A total of 1006 undergraduates of both genders participated in the psychometric study, with ages between 17 and 35, from two universities. Subsequently, 86 participants were randomly selected from this initial sample and grouped as SAD case and non-case from the systematic clinical evaluation. In the empirical outline, 26 undergraduates participated, 13 with a SAD diagnosis and 13 without the disorder. According to the results, IHS showed good internal consistency for the total score, reinforcing its construct validity. Good concurrent validity was demonstrated between IHS and SPIN, with a highly significant negative correlation coefficient between them, indicating that the more elaborate the social skills repertoire of an individual is, the smaller the probability that he or she will meet the screening criteria for the indicators of SAD. IHS proved to significantly distinguish individuals with and without SAD, attesting thus, discriminative and predictive validity for this diagnosis, showing its clinical validity for the diagnosis of this disorder and yet the possibility of using it in empirical studies testing the therapeutical efficacy in programs of intervention. In the SPST, the case and non-case groups of SAD did not show significant differences in terms of frequency for most of the social anxiety markers, except in relation to facial movements of discomfort, and the class of non-verbal markers, in which the non-case group presented higher values. A higher number of individuals from this group were evaluated as showing a level of appropriate social skills for speaking in public which varied from moderate to high, in comparison with the other group. Throughout SPST, the frequency of emission of anxiety behavioral markers by the participants of both groups was stable. The groups differed significantly in most items of IHS indicative of abilities to speak in public, as well as in the general score of this ability. The analysis of the results of the empirical study points to the necessity of new studies with clinical samples of individuals with SAD of the generalized and circumscribed subtypes and non-clinical, with a larger number of participants, previously evaluated as to the fear of speaking in public, and also to the possibility of using SPST in Social Skills Training.

According to, Student Motivations… : A Theory of Planned Behavior Investigation of Students’ Intention to Orally Cite Sources

Buerkle, C. Wesley, Gearhart, Christopher C., Oliveira, Carrie M. 27 January 2017 (has links)
This study employs the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to understand the role of attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on students’ intent to orally cite sources using complete, rather than partial, citations. Undergraduates (N = 326) enrolled in general education oral communication courses completed a self-report survey testing the TPB variables and students’ citation intentions. Findings demonstrate that subjective norms and perceived behavioral control predict student intention to cite sources and do so completely. Tensions between credibility gains and time constraints are also evident. Implications for teaching students in basic courses about oral citations are discussed.

Students See, Students Do?: Inducing a Peer Norm Effect for Oral Source Citations

Buerkle, C. Wesley, Gearhart, Christopher C. 03 April 2017 (has links)
Video modeling was used to establish descriptive norms for proper oral citation performance in a general education public speaking class (N = 191). Three conditions—a control, a peer model video, and a nonpeer model video—were compared for influence on proper citation usage and completeness. Results indicated that students viewing any video performed more complete citations than students not viewing a video. Results were mixed when comparing the effects of the peer model video against the nonpeer model video. Findings suggest norms for proper oral citation behavior can be established through modeling videos.

The Impact of Social and Cognitive Variables on Communication Competence

Cheek, Griffin 01 January 2019 (has links)
College students are increasingly engaged in watching online videos and using social media. Therefore, researchers should attempt to better understand how these variables as well as other social and cognitive variables, affect the communication competence of students. The researcher administered a questionnaire to 392 college students from a private medium-sized West Coast university using various modified scales examining student-to-student confirmation, social support through social media, online video viewing, self-esteem, personal reports of public speaking anxiety, and communication competence. Student-to-student confirmation and online video viewing were measured using new sets of scales developed by the researcher. The data from the surveys was analyzed to determine which independent variables have the greatest influence on communication competence. Student-to-student confirmation, social support through social media, online video viewing, and self-esteem all have a significant positive relationship with communication competence. The correlation analysis also found a significant negative correlation between personal reports of public speaking anxiety and communication competence. A regression analysis showed that the combination of social support through social media, online video viewing, self-esteem, and personal reports of public speaking anxiety demonstrated predictive power regarding communication competence. These results suggest that there are important relationships between both social and cognitive variables and communication competence.

Hur vi kommer över talrädsla i svenskämnet : en fenomenografisk studie på gymnasieelever / How we overcome the fear of public speaking in the Swedish subject : - A phenomenographic study on upper secondary students

Pogulis, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att bidra med kunskap om de strategier som elever i gymnasiet ansåg vara stödjande för att övervinna talrädsla och svensklärares användningsområde för dessa strategier i klassrummet. Metoderna som användes var enkät och fenomenografisk intervju. Informanterna bestod av sex gymnasieelever från samma gymnasieskola men olika årskurser. Den teoretiska referensramen som studien utgick ifrån var fenomenografi. Det var även den fenomenografiska analysmodellen som användes vid analys av empiri. Utfallsrummen i studien resulterade i nio kategorier som besvarade de tre forskningsfrågorna. Resultatet visade att de faktorer som bidrog med talrädsla hos gymnasieelever var publikens beteende, om de skrattade eller agerade ointresserade. Vidare elevens osäkerhet gällande att bli analyserad och råka göra misstag framför publiken. Den sista påverkande faktorn var bedömning, att läraren skulle bedöma framförandet och hur det skulle påverka elevens betyg. De strategier som eleverna uppfattade som stöttande för att överkomma sin talrädsla var att det inte bara behöver finnas en trygghet i klassrummet utan även i klassen. Vidare att avdramatisera situationen och inse att ett misstag inte förstör framförandet. Slutligen att öva på framförandet innan och även veta var eleven kan fästa blicken under framförandet ansågs stöttande. Det eleverna ansåg att svensklärare kunde göra i klassrummet för att stötta talrädda elever var att ge positiv återkoppling för att höja elevens självförtroende. Svenskläraren kunde behandla publik och talare lika genom att även tilldela publiken en uppgift under det muntliga framförandet. Avslutningsvis kunde svenskläraren göra medvetna val gällande, gruppstorlek, tydlighet i instruktioner och svårighetsgrad. Sammanfattningsvis efterfrågar talrädda elever stöttning och respekt från svensklärare för att känna sig tryggare i sin rädsla. / The purpose of this study was to contribute with more knowledge about strategies that upper secondary students find supportive when trying to overcome their fear of public speaking and how Swedish teachers can use these strategies in the classroom. The methods used were a questionnaire and phenomenographic interviews. The participants were six students from the same Swedish upper secondary school but from different years. The theoretical framework that was used on the study was phenomenography. The analyzed material resulted in nine categories which answer the three research questions. The findings from this study indicate that the factors contributing to the fear of public speaking are the audience and how they behave, the students’ self-esteem and lastly that the performance is being graded. The strategies that the students found supportive were a safe classroom environment and class, as well as dedramatizing the situation and practicing on the performance and eye contact in advance. To help the students with speaking anxiety the Swedish teachers could make smaller groups, clear instructions, and adjust the difficulty of the speaking tasks. To summarize the students, request support and respect from their teachers to feel more comfortable facing their fear of speaking. / Examensarbete i samverkan

Self-Esteem, Communicator Style and Classroom Satisfaction

Sisson, Angela J. 18 November 2011 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

4-H Members’ Public Speaking Experience Through County Leadership Activities

Eckenwiler, Jennifer Ann January 2009 (has links)
No description available.


Allmond, Andrew, 0000-0003-3933-0042 January 2020 (has links)
During the 21st century, colleges have increasingly leveraged online-based courses as a means of instruction, and although public speaking ability is among employers’ most in-demand skills for college graduates, there exists a scarcity of research measuring students’ public speaking skill development in online courses. Even fewer studies measure public speaking skill development in online courses compared to the same skill development in classroom-based versions of the same courses taught by the same instructors. Given this background, the current study used analysis of variance with repeated measures to determine whether face-to-face Business Communication students’ presentation skills improved more than, less than, or the same as those of online Business Communication students. This design enabled measurement of the dependent variable of presentation skill improvement, in groups of students separated by the independent variable of course delivery format—classroom or online—over time. This design also allowed the researcher to control for the variable of instructor; instructor bias was controlled for by only comparing students enrolled with, and therefore taught and evaluated by, the same instructor in both modalities. Furthermore, to uncover additional findings related to student choice of and success in online courses, two more sets of analyses were conducted. The first computed change scores between the repeated-measures tests for each of the eight assessment criteria, as well as the total across the eight criteria, and correlated these change scores with other student data where this analysis was appropriate (for example, with SAT/ACT scores). The second set of analyses added blocking variables—sex, race, and other background data—to the analysis of variance with repeated measures. Evident from these analyses was that the rate at which public speaking sub-skills developed over the ten-week period between repeated-measures assessments was not uniform. Changes in performance varied by assessment criterion, course modality, and student background. Online student performance tended to improve at a marginally greater rate in assessments of Body Language and tended to diminish at a marginally lesser rate in assessments of Quality & Quantity of Information, whereas face-to-face student performance improved at a significantly greater rate in assessments of Audience & Team Engagement. In this latter criterion, the performance of online male students decreased somewhat, whereas the other subgroups—per sex and course modality—showed essentially no difference in the rate of improvement from pre-test to post-test. Additional findings suggested that online students tended to work more employment hours than classroom-based students and that, regardless of course modality, the higher the education level a student’s parents have attained, the more likely the student was to make learning gains in the course. / Educational Administration


曾瓊慧, Zeng, cyong-huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解大學生的演說焦慮情形,並探討背景變項、幽默感、情緒調節與演說焦慮的關係以及演說焦慮與創造力、職業選擇的關係。本研究以台灣地區公私立大學的學生為抽取對象進行施測,有效問卷共863份(男290人,女573人)。研究工具包括「演說焦慮量表」、「情緒調節量表」、「幽默因應量表」、「創新行為量表」、「職業選擇量表」。所得資料採用因素分析、信度分析、描述統計分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸分析、典型相關分析、單因子多變量變異數分析等方法進行統計分析。 本研究結果如下: 1.有半數以上的大學生認為自己有演說焦慮。在性別方面,女生較男生容易感到演說焦慮,而男生會運用互動幽默的策略來降低焦慮。在地區方面,南部大學生比北部大學生容易感到演說焦慮。 2.在情緒調節方面,愈傾向使用重新評估和沈著冷靜策略,則愈少感受到演說焦慮,也愈會用正向的因應策略,並較能從過去的焦慮演說經驗中獲得正向的影響。而愈傾向使用壓抑策略,則愈常在演說時感受到身心緊張與準備不足,也愈會用負向的因應策略,並且也愈會從過去的焦慮演說經驗中獲得負向的影響。 3.大學生愈傾向使用幽默來因應生活和困境,或是愈會在社交場合和一般生活中創造出幽默的想法或行為,則愈會使用較正向的演說焦慮因應策略,並愈能從過去的焦慮演說經驗中獲得較正向的影響。大學生愈傾向使用幽默來因應生活,則愈少感受到演說焦慮,也愈會使用較正向的演說焦慮因應策略,並愈能從過去的焦慮演說經驗中獲得較正向的影響。 4.大學生愈不會感受到演說焦慮,則其創新行為與創意擴散會愈高。大學生的演說焦慮因應和演說焦慮經驗影響愈正面,其創新行為與創意擴散會愈高。 5.大學生愈容易感受到演說焦慮,則會較傾向選擇不需要公開發言的工作。在演說焦慮因應和演說焦慮經驗影響愈正面,則會傾向於選擇需要公開發言的工作。 6.在以情緒調節和幽默感預測演說焦慮的多元迴歸模式中發現,情緒調節方式愈傾向沈著冷靜,且在生活和困境中會以幽默來因應、並能在社交場合創造出幽默的想法或行為,則其演說焦慮感受會愈低;情緒調節方式愈傾向重新評估、沈著冷靜,愈不傾向使用壓抑的方式,且在生活中會使用幽默來因應、並能在一般生活中創造出幽默的想法或行為,則其演說焦慮因應會愈正向;情緒調節方式愈傾向重新評估、沈著冷靜,愈不傾向使用壓抑的方式,且在生活中會使用幽默來因應、並在一般生活中創造出幽默的想法或行為,則其演說焦慮因應和演說焦慮經驗影響會愈正向。 7.在以演說焦慮為自變項,創新行為做為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,演說焦慮因應和演說焦慮經驗影響愈積極正向,則愈容易有創新行為。在以演說焦慮為自變項,創意擴散做為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,演說焦慮感受愈低、演說焦慮經驗影響愈正向,愈容易有將創意擴散給其他人。在以演說焦慮各變項為自變項,逃避需要公開說話的工作為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,愈容易出現演說焦慮感受、而演說焦慮經驗影響愈負向,愈傾向選擇逃避需要公開說話的工作。在以演說焦慮各變項為自變項,逃避需要公開說話的工作為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,演說焦慮感受愈低、演說焦慮因應和演說焦慮經驗影響愈正向,則愈傾向尋求需要公開發表的職業選擇。 8.在以情緒調節、幽默感、演說焦慮各變項為自變項,創新行為做為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,演說焦慮經驗影響愈正向、情緒調節方式愈傾向壓抑、並能在社交場合和一般生活中創造出幽默的想法或行為時,愈容易出現創新行為。在以情緒調節、幽默感、演說焦慮各變項為自變項,創意擴散做為依變項的多元迴歸模式中發現,演說焦慮感受愈低、演說焦慮經驗影響愈正向、社交場合創造和一般生活創造並能在社交場合和一般生活中創造出幽默的想法或行為時,愈容易將創意擴散或分享給其他人。 最後,本研究根據資料分析的結果進行討論,並對實務與未來研究提出建議。 / This study attempted to discover the extent of Taiwanese college students’ public speaking anxiety (PSA) and to investigate how the college students’ public speaking anxiety (PSA), sense of humor, and emotion regulation related to creativity and career choice. Eight hundred and sixty-three college students (male = 290, female = 573) completed a self-report survey which consists of five instruments: Public Speaking Anxiety Scale, Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, Humor Coping Scale, Creative Behavior Scale, and Career Choice Scale. Results indicate that more than 50% college students reported having PSA. Female students reported more PSA feelings than did male students. During the speaking, male students use more skills such as interacting with audience to lower their anxiety than did female students. The more students preferred to use reappraisal or calm down emotion regulation strategy, the less public speaking anxiety they felt, the more they used positive strategies such as preparing before speaking to reduce anxiety, and the more they learned from past speaking experience to have sufficient preparation, take the audience into consideration, etc for their future public speech. Students having lower PSA and coping with life events with a sense of humor in their life had more creative behavior and diffusion of creative ideas, and preferred to choose jobs requiring public speech. Suppression was found to be negatively correlated with use of active PSA coping strategies. Use of active PSA coping strategies were found to be positively correlated with sense of humor, creativity and jobs requiring public speech. Implications for education and future research are discussed.

S’organiser autrement : la prise de parole et de décision dans les organisations féministes

Meunier, Véronique 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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