Spelling suggestions: "subject:"racialization"" "subject:"commercialisation""
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The Black Justice Project : a study of volunteering racialised identity and criminal justiceBritton, Joanne January 1998 (has links)
This thesis is based on a qualitative study of a black voluntary organisation, the Sheffield Black Justice Project. The purpose of the organisation is to offer practical advice to local black people about any aspect of the criminal justice process and the main part of its work involves operating a Help On Arrest Scheme. The thesis sets out to explore significant gaps in sociological knowledge about the participation of black people in voluntary organisations, the racialisation of identity and criminal justice issues. The research was concerned with an investigation of how volunteers from a variety of racialised groups understood the meaning and role of 'race' as they participated in the Black Justice Project. It assessed how far a successful collective response was possible in this specific social context and evaluated the extent to which the project was able to balance the needs and interests of local black people with those of supporting statutory organisations. Three central research questions have been addressed. Firstly, the research has examined the nature of and reasons for the volunteers' involvement in the Black Justice Project. Secondly, it has considered how volunteers perceived their identity to be racialised in relation to other black and white people both within the project and more widely. Thirdly, it has compared and contrasted the understanding of the volunteers with that of custody officers working in South Yorkshire Police, to provide detailed information about the ways in which each group interprets both the relationship between black people and the police and black people's experiences of criminal justice. The fieldwork consisted of two methodological elements. Firstly, a series of semistructured interviews was conducted with the three main groups involved in the research. A sample of thirty volunteers of varied racialised origin was interviewed. Those involved with the management of the project were also interviewed as well as various police officers, including one-third of custody officers in Sheffield. Secondly, informal participant observation of the project was undertaken over a period of two years. Overall, the thesis demonstrates that the Black Justice Project's apparent success resulted from a careful management of its image rather than a comprehensive implementation of the black perspective defined by the volunteers. However, it was found that the black perspective itself was based on the highly questionable notion of an essentialised black identity. The thesis demonstrates how racialised identity is always a process of accommodation, negotiation and transformation involving both group identification and categorisation by others. The research also revealed that the job-related objectives of the volunteers were thwarted by the custody officers who, it was found, effectively adhered to their job related priorities and so racialised the project's Help On Arrest Scheme. It was found that these two groups had a very different interpretation of the nature of police-black relations to the extent that the volunteers regarded raciaIised policing as the norm whereas the officers regarded it as an extremely infrequent deviation from it.
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Young Childrens Construction of RACIAL Differences in an Australian ContextA.Targowska@ecu.edu.au, Anna Urszula Targowska January 2005 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore how some young Australian children construct their racialised ideas of difference and social relations. It adopts a qualitative method of inquiry and is based on face-to face, semi-structured interviews with a small sample of twelve Western Australian children aged three, five and seven years.
The study adopts a relatively recent perspective on children, within which they are viewed as having an active role in their own learning process and as possessing a certain level of competence (Lloyd-Smith & Tarr, 2000; James & James, 2004) that allows them to comprehend, process and articulate their needs and experiences (Connolly, 1996, p.172). The study also adopts a perspective of the multiplicity of the forms of racism (Hall, 1986; Miles, 1989, 1993) and their dynamic, contingent nature, specific to different political and social contexts. Within this understanding children are viewed not just as passive recipients of racist discourses, but as active agents who, in order to make sense of their social world, strive to deal with the often contradictory nature of information received in relation to the racial Other (Rizvi, 1993a; Connolly, 1996).
Bronfenbrenners ecological perspective on human development adopted by this study, allows us to position the development of childrens racialised thinking within the specific contexts of immediate environments (Microsystem), where children experience and create reality (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). At the same time, however, it helps us to see how the experiences within the childs environments are influenced, if not determined, by the broader social processes and institutions (Exosystem), which in many aspects reflect the ideologies (Macrosystem) of racism within Australian society (Jayasuriya, 1999).
The study argues that young Australian childrens racialised construction of difference needs to be addressed, possibly through the development of curricula and programs with an anti-racist rather than multicultural focus. Such curricula have a potential to provide children with opportunities to look critically at the dangers of racisms and to challenge everyday racist assumptions. Further qualitative research is needed to unearth the complexities of young Australian childrens racialised thought.
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The Invisible Whiteness of Being: the place of Whiteness in Women's Discourses in Aotearoa/New Zealand and some implications for Antiracist EducationGibson, Helen Margaret January 2006 (has links)
This thesis asks two central questions. First, what is the range of racialised discourses that constitute the subjectivities of some Pakeha ('white'/European) women? Second, can an examination of racialised discourses be useful for present social justice and antiracist pedagogy? The research examines and analyses a range of discourses of Whiteness that contribute to the constitution of contemporary Pakeha women as racialised subjects. Central to the thesis is an analysis of dominant discourses and the contemporary challenges that analyses of racism and aspects of identification present in Aotearoa/New Zealand. The study is qualitative and draws on insights from discourse analysis theory, critical Whiteness theory and feminist approaches to theories on racism and 'white' supremacy. The analysis is located in the historicised context of contemporary Aotearoa/New Zealand where a Treaty, Te Tiriti O Waitangi, which was signed by some hapu, the tangata whenua of Aotearoa, and representatives of the British Crown in 1840, underpins current socio-cultural politics of biculturalism. The thesis argues/contends that racialised discourses, in particular various discourses of Whiteness are available to contemporary Pakeha women. The analysis is grounded in both a preliminary focus group and individual interviews of 28 Pakeha women ranging in age from 24 to 86 years, the majority of whom were aged between 40 and 55 years. With few exceptions, participants revealed that they were constituted within discourses of Whiteness through their communication choices and discursive strategies in the interviews in two distinct ways: firstly in their perceptions expressed in their narratives and recollections, and secondly in the discursive forms used in participants' interactions during the focus group and interviews. These 28 women, some of whom had participated in antiracist education such as Treaty of Waitangi workshops, utilised discourses that exposed the pervasiveness and significance of racialised discourses as they attempted express how they learned to be 'white'. Participants maintained and reproduced discourses of Whiteness that had gendered and some class influences contained in their perceptions, talk and significantly in their silences. The analysis shows how remnants of essentialist ideologies of 'race' based in the nineteenth century imperialism are constantly reworked and are seemingly invisible to those constituted within these racialised discourses, apparently giving these outdated representations no chance to fade away. Based on the analysis, critical pedagogies of Whiteness in education that incorporate an epistemic approach are suggested, which have the potential to facilitate Pakeha women's ability to conceptualise their racialised discursive location. As an outcome of this understanding, the thesis maintains that Pakeha will have the capability to strategically reconceptualise their discursive constitution in order to address the complex forms of identity, understanding of difference and representation. Furthermore, these reconceptualisations have the potential to reveal the central relationship between dominant discursive formulations and social norms and structures, a vital constituent in contemporary social justice education.
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Brother Nation: a novel. / Representations of the Other in contemporary Australia.Soman, Rudrakumar. January 2007 (has links)
Representations of the Other in Contemporary Australia is a thesis consisting of a novel, Brother Nation, and an exegesis in a separate volume. Brother Nation is set in Australia at the beginning of the twenty-first century, a time of great political and social change. The novel explores ambiguities in issues of race, crime and moral justice through the eyes of an adolescent who comes of age amidst a chain of disturbing events. Omar Assaf is a sensitive sixteen-year-old with a problem—he needs to lose his virginity. However, like most boys his age, he is anxious and naive about matters of sex and love. When a young female friend, Belle, rejects his romantic overtures, Omar is crushed. He rapidly falls under the corrupting influence of his older brother, Sam, and Sam’s motley band of miscreant friends. Fuelled by drugs, alcohol and pornography, the boys roam the migrant suburbs of southwest Sydney, alleviating their boredom and frustration by flirting with crime, cruising in cars and pursuing girls. However, Omar soon learns that being involved with Sam and the boys has dangerous consequences. In compensating for his sense of emasculation, Omar finds himself taking part in a series of attacks, including a betrayal of Belle. Though ambivalent about and at times sickened by his complicity, Omar realises much too late that he and his brother have entered a theatre where their fate will be determined by broader, more powerful forces than he could ever have imagined. The exegesis charts the creation of Brother Nation via the author’s movement from a mode of autopoiesis to allopoiesis, through the practice of narrative research. That is, the essay is structured to illustrate how the process of researching the novel resulted in the production of knowledge external to the creative work itself. In doing this I discuss the genesis of the idea to write the novel, the basis and modes of my narrative research, the style of the finished work in relation to the genre of the ‘faction’ or ‘non-fiction novel’, and the internal and external conflicts that arose in relation to the representation of demonised Arabic Other characters in the story. I also contextualise the work in relation to other relevant fiction and non-fiction texts that address similar subject matter, and make a case for holding a non-essentialised notion of cultural identity regarding my own speaking position. In particular, this exegesis investigates problematic questions in relation to representations of contemporary characters with an immigrant Other background; and, via the framework of Bakhtinian theories of dialogism and heteroglossia, considers the extent to which seemingly incompatible moral viewpoints can be coherently instantiated in fiction through a multiplicity of characters’ voices. / v. 1 [Novel]: Brother Nation -- v. 2 [Exegesis]: Representations of the Other in contemporary Australia. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Humanities, 2007
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La racialisation des Africains : récits commerciaux, religieux, philosophiques et littéraires, 1480-1880Médevielle, Nicolas P.A. 14 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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La racialisation en urgence : représentations et pratiques des professionnels hospitaliers à l'égard des patients présumés roms (2009-2012) / Racialisation in A&E. Hospital professionals’ representations and practices towards patients identified as Roma (2009-2012)Prud'homme, Dorothée 08 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche doctorale est consacrée à l’analyse des représentations et des pratiques mises en oeuvrepar les professionnels hospitaliers d’établissements franciliens à l’égard de patients qu’ils identifientcomme roms. S’appuyant sur une ethnographie de la relation de guichet, elle propose une étude desfrontières morales qui fondent le processus de catégorisation raciale mis en oeuvre lors de la prise encharge de ces patients. Cette analyse révèle la superposition de frontières professionnelles auxfrontières raciales et morales tracées par les enquêtés, exposant ainsi différents usages professionnelsdu processus de racialisation des usagers. L’observation des usages quotidiens de la racialisation lorsde la relation de soin, de la prise en charge par les services et de l’accueil dans les établissements desanté démontre, non seulement l’existence d’une corrélation entre représentations racialisantes ettraitements différentiels des usagers, mais également le renforcement de cette tendance parl’imposition, via des réformes hospitalières inspirées du nouveau management public, d’objectifs derentabilité financière aux institutions de santé. / This doctoral research analyses the representations and practices of Ile-de-France’s hospitalprofessionals towards patients they identify as Roma. Based on an ethnography of administrativeencounters, it examines the moral boundaries of the racial categorisation process implemented duringpatient-provider relationships beginning with patient admission. The analysis reveals the superpositionof professional boundaries upon moral and racial boundaries drawn by healthcare professionals, andthe different professional uses they make of the racialisation process. The observation of daily uses ofracialisation during patient-provider relationships, interactions at the health service level and at theinstitutional level not only proves the link between agents’ racial representations and racialdiscrimination towards users, but also demonstrates how this pattern is reinforced by the objective ofprofitability imposed on healthcare institutions by new public management reforms.
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Les clubs de cadres et de dirigeants racialisés en région parisienne : genèse et structuration d'un espace de regroupement et de mobilisation / Racialized Executives and Business Owners'Clubs in the Paris region : the Emergence and Structuration of a Regrouping and Mobilisation Space.Mesgarzadeh, Samina 01 February 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’espace des clubs de cadres et de dirigeants racialisés, au sens des regroupements s’appropriant la forme « club » et problématisant l’appartenance à un groupe à la fois doté en ressources socioéconomiques et racialisé, autrement dit dont l’altérité est radicalisée. Au croisement de la sociologie des mobilisations, des élites, de la racialisation et de la migration, la thèse interroge les conditions d’émergence et les principes de structuration de cet espace en se fondant sur une enquête de terrain combinant plusieurs méthodes (entretiens, observation, sociographie, analyse documentaire). La sociogenèse montre que cet espace naît d’un mouvement d’autonomisation de la gauche politique et d’insertion de la cause dans l’espace économique et patronal. La thèse montre ensuite que cet espace est constitué par trois pôles, dont les discours sont plus ou moins critiques ou conformistes envers une idéologie dominante de réussite caractérisée, en France, par la valorisation de la méritocratie et de l’élitisme scolaires, un interdit communautaire, et une injonction d’acculturation et d’invisibilisation des marqueurs de différence. L’analyse des trajectoires des fondateurs, des propriétés des membres, des ressources et des relations des clubs avec la sphère économique et politique et l’espace patronal de représentation montre que les rapports des clubs à l’idéologie sont étroitement liés à leurs propriétés de classe. L’observation révèle enfin les effets internes de la proximité plus ou moins forte des clubs avec l’espace patronal de représentation ainsi que la sphère politique et médiatique, avec des relations sociales oscillant entre concurrence et convivialité. / The object of this thesis is the space of racialized executives and business owners’ clubs, i.e regroupings which appropriate the form of a “club” and problematize the belonging to a group both endowed with socio-economic resources and racialized in the sense that its alterity is radicalised. At the junction of the sociology of collective action, elites, racialization and migration, the thesis questions the conditions of emergence and the principles of structuration of that space by basing itself on a fieldwork combining several methods (interviews, observation, sociography, analysis of documents). We first show that this space stems from a double movement of autonomisation from the political left and of insertion of the cause in the economic sphere and the employers’ space of representation. The thesis goes on to show that that space is constituted by three poles which, on the discursive level, are more or less critical of or conforming to a dominant ideology of success characterised by the valorisation of educational meritocracy and elitism, a community interdict, and an injunction of acculturation and invisibilisation of the markers of difference. The analysis of the founders’trajectories, the members’ properties, the clubs’resources and relations with the economic and political sphere, as well as with the employers’ space of representation shows that the clubs’ stances toward the dominant ideology of success are linked to their class properties. Observation finally reveals internal social relation oscillating oscillating between competition and conviviality, depending on the club’s proximity with the employer’s space of representation and political or economic sphere.
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A luta do rochedo contra o mar : integração e racialização nos mercados de trabalho brasileiro e francêsMello, Luciana Garcia de January 2010 (has links)
Le thème de cette thèse est le racisme existant à l’époque contemporaine. Á partir d’une analyse comparée entre le Brésil et la France, on a cherché à comprendre et expliquer la logique de ce phénomène social.. Le choix des deux pays, entre autres raisons, est dû au fait que quelques auteurs révèlent l’importance d’un nouveau type de racisme qui serait basé sur des différences culturelles. Il s’agit donc de vérifier dans quelle mesure ce racisme opère d’un mode distinct de celui du racisme traditionnel. En même temps, on cherche à comprendre quelles différences il peut y avoir dans le racisme présent sur des lieux où les différences culturelles sont moins perceptibles et démarquées. On part de l’hypothèse principale que la logique de ce racisme ne trouve pas ses fondements dans les différences culturelles mais bien dans le processus d’intégration sociale des individus. Dans ce sens, cette thèse a pris pour objet d’étude le processus d’intégration français, « mythe républicain », et le processus d’intégration brésilien, « mythe de la démocratie raciale », et la « racialisation » existante sur le marché du travail de ces deux pays. La recherche se base sur une analyse comparée qui prend pour objet empirique la relation entre noirs et blancs, et entre immigrants – africains et maghrébins – et Français, dans le contexte de leurs insertions dans le marché du travail du Brésil et de la France, respectivement. Au travers d’une analyse quantitative, nous cherchons à démontrer les inégalités et l’effet de la race et de la nationalité sur la participation des individus au marché du travail ; dans une deuxième phase, par des entrevues semi-structurées, ont été analysées les représentations sociales sur le racisme des travailleurs noirs au Brésil et des immigrants africains et maghrébins en France. Les entrevues ont été réalisées dans quatre localités : Paris, Nice, Salvador et Porto Alegre. À partir de l’analyse des entrevues, on a exploré deux thèmes principaux : les représentations sociales sur le racisme et la perpétuation de l’ordre racial dans le marché du travail. / O tema dessa tese é o racismo existente no período contemporâneo. A partir de uma análise comparada entre o Brasil e a França buscou-se compreender e explicar a lógica desse fenômeno social. A escolha desses dois países, entre outros motivos, deve-se ao fato de que alguns autores destacam a importância de um novo tipo de racismo que estaria mais baseado em diferenças culturais.Trata-se, portanto, de verificar em que medida esse racismo opera de modo diferente daquele racismo tradicional. Ao mesmo tempo, busca-se compreender que diferenças podem haver no racismo presente em localidades onde as diferenças culturais são menos perceptíveis e demarcadas. Parte-se da hipótese principal que a lógica desse racismo não encontra fundamentos nas diferenças culturais, mas sim no processo de integração social dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, essa tese tomou por objeto o processo de integração francês, “mito republicano”, e o processo de integração brasileiro “mito da democracia racial” e a racialização existente no mercado de trabalho desses dois países. A pesquisa baseia-se em uma análise comparada que toma por objeto empírico a relação entre negros e brancos e entre imigrantes – africanos e magrebinos – e franceses no contexto de suas inserções no mercado de trabalho do Brasil e da França, respectivamente. Através de uma análise quantitativa procuramos evidenciar as desigualdades e o efeito da raça e da nacionalidade sobre a participação dos indivíduos no mercado de trabalho; em um segundo momento, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram analisadas as representações sociais sobre o racismo dos trabalhadores negros no Brasil e dos imigrantes africanos e magrebinos na França. As entrevistas foram realizadas em quatro localidades: Paris, Nice, Salvador e Porto Alegre. A partir da análise das entrevistas dois temas principais foram investigados: as representações sociais sobre o racismo e a perpetuação da ordem racial no mercado de trabalho.
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A luta do rochedo contra o mar : integração e racialização nos mercados de trabalho brasileiro e francêsMello, Luciana Garcia de January 2010 (has links)
Le thème de cette thèse est le racisme existant à l’époque contemporaine. Á partir d’une analyse comparée entre le Brésil et la France, on a cherché à comprendre et expliquer la logique de ce phénomène social.. Le choix des deux pays, entre autres raisons, est dû au fait que quelques auteurs révèlent l’importance d’un nouveau type de racisme qui serait basé sur des différences culturelles. Il s’agit donc de vérifier dans quelle mesure ce racisme opère d’un mode distinct de celui du racisme traditionnel. En même temps, on cherche à comprendre quelles différences il peut y avoir dans le racisme présent sur des lieux où les différences culturelles sont moins perceptibles et démarquées. On part de l’hypothèse principale que la logique de ce racisme ne trouve pas ses fondements dans les différences culturelles mais bien dans le processus d’intégration sociale des individus. Dans ce sens, cette thèse a pris pour objet d’étude le processus d’intégration français, « mythe républicain », et le processus d’intégration brésilien, « mythe de la démocratie raciale », et la « racialisation » existante sur le marché du travail de ces deux pays. La recherche se base sur une analyse comparée qui prend pour objet empirique la relation entre noirs et blancs, et entre immigrants – africains et maghrébins – et Français, dans le contexte de leurs insertions dans le marché du travail du Brésil et de la France, respectivement. Au travers d’une analyse quantitative, nous cherchons à démontrer les inégalités et l’effet de la race et de la nationalité sur la participation des individus au marché du travail ; dans une deuxième phase, par des entrevues semi-structurées, ont été analysées les représentations sociales sur le racisme des travailleurs noirs au Brésil et des immigrants africains et maghrébins en France. Les entrevues ont été réalisées dans quatre localités : Paris, Nice, Salvador et Porto Alegre. À partir de l’analyse des entrevues, on a exploré deux thèmes principaux : les représentations sociales sur le racisme et la perpétuation de l’ordre racial dans le marché du travail. / O tema dessa tese é o racismo existente no período contemporâneo. A partir de uma análise comparada entre o Brasil e a França buscou-se compreender e explicar a lógica desse fenômeno social. A escolha desses dois países, entre outros motivos, deve-se ao fato de que alguns autores destacam a importância de um novo tipo de racismo que estaria mais baseado em diferenças culturais.Trata-se, portanto, de verificar em que medida esse racismo opera de modo diferente daquele racismo tradicional. Ao mesmo tempo, busca-se compreender que diferenças podem haver no racismo presente em localidades onde as diferenças culturais são menos perceptíveis e demarcadas. Parte-se da hipótese principal que a lógica desse racismo não encontra fundamentos nas diferenças culturais, mas sim no processo de integração social dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, essa tese tomou por objeto o processo de integração francês, “mito republicano”, e o processo de integração brasileiro “mito da democracia racial” e a racialização existente no mercado de trabalho desses dois países. A pesquisa baseia-se em uma análise comparada que toma por objeto empírico a relação entre negros e brancos e entre imigrantes – africanos e magrebinos – e franceses no contexto de suas inserções no mercado de trabalho do Brasil e da França, respectivamente. Através de uma análise quantitativa procuramos evidenciar as desigualdades e o efeito da raça e da nacionalidade sobre a participação dos indivíduos no mercado de trabalho; em um segundo momento, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram analisadas as representações sociais sobre o racismo dos trabalhadores negros no Brasil e dos imigrantes africanos e magrebinos na França. As entrevistas foram realizadas em quatro localidades: Paris, Nice, Salvador e Porto Alegre. A partir da análise das entrevistas dois temas principais foram investigados: as representações sociais sobre o racismo e a perpetuação da ordem racial no mercado de trabalho.
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A luta do rochedo contra o mar : integração e racialização nos mercados de trabalho brasileiro e francêsMello, Luciana Garcia de January 2010 (has links)
Le thème de cette thèse est le racisme existant à l’époque contemporaine. Á partir d’une analyse comparée entre le Brésil et la France, on a cherché à comprendre et expliquer la logique de ce phénomène social.. Le choix des deux pays, entre autres raisons, est dû au fait que quelques auteurs révèlent l’importance d’un nouveau type de racisme qui serait basé sur des différences culturelles. Il s’agit donc de vérifier dans quelle mesure ce racisme opère d’un mode distinct de celui du racisme traditionnel. En même temps, on cherche à comprendre quelles différences il peut y avoir dans le racisme présent sur des lieux où les différences culturelles sont moins perceptibles et démarquées. On part de l’hypothèse principale que la logique de ce racisme ne trouve pas ses fondements dans les différences culturelles mais bien dans le processus d’intégration sociale des individus. Dans ce sens, cette thèse a pris pour objet d’étude le processus d’intégration français, « mythe républicain », et le processus d’intégration brésilien, « mythe de la démocratie raciale », et la « racialisation » existante sur le marché du travail de ces deux pays. La recherche se base sur une analyse comparée qui prend pour objet empirique la relation entre noirs et blancs, et entre immigrants – africains et maghrébins – et Français, dans le contexte de leurs insertions dans le marché du travail du Brésil et de la France, respectivement. Au travers d’une analyse quantitative, nous cherchons à démontrer les inégalités et l’effet de la race et de la nationalité sur la participation des individus au marché du travail ; dans une deuxième phase, par des entrevues semi-structurées, ont été analysées les représentations sociales sur le racisme des travailleurs noirs au Brésil et des immigrants africains et maghrébins en France. Les entrevues ont été réalisées dans quatre localités : Paris, Nice, Salvador et Porto Alegre. À partir de l’analyse des entrevues, on a exploré deux thèmes principaux : les représentations sociales sur le racisme et la perpétuation de l’ordre racial dans le marché du travail. / O tema dessa tese é o racismo existente no período contemporâneo. A partir de uma análise comparada entre o Brasil e a França buscou-se compreender e explicar a lógica desse fenômeno social. A escolha desses dois países, entre outros motivos, deve-se ao fato de que alguns autores destacam a importância de um novo tipo de racismo que estaria mais baseado em diferenças culturais.Trata-se, portanto, de verificar em que medida esse racismo opera de modo diferente daquele racismo tradicional. Ao mesmo tempo, busca-se compreender que diferenças podem haver no racismo presente em localidades onde as diferenças culturais são menos perceptíveis e demarcadas. Parte-se da hipótese principal que a lógica desse racismo não encontra fundamentos nas diferenças culturais, mas sim no processo de integração social dos indivíduos. Nesse sentido, essa tese tomou por objeto o processo de integração francês, “mito republicano”, e o processo de integração brasileiro “mito da democracia racial” e a racialização existente no mercado de trabalho desses dois países. A pesquisa baseia-se em uma análise comparada que toma por objeto empírico a relação entre negros e brancos e entre imigrantes – africanos e magrebinos – e franceses no contexto de suas inserções no mercado de trabalho do Brasil e da França, respectivamente. Através de uma análise quantitativa procuramos evidenciar as desigualdades e o efeito da raça e da nacionalidade sobre a participação dos indivíduos no mercado de trabalho; em um segundo momento, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram analisadas as representações sociais sobre o racismo dos trabalhadores negros no Brasil e dos imigrantes africanos e magrebinos na França. As entrevistas foram realizadas em quatro localidades: Paris, Nice, Salvador e Porto Alegre. A partir da análise das entrevistas dois temas principais foram investigados: as representações sociais sobre o racismo e a perpetuação da ordem racial no mercado de trabalho.
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