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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paleoecology of the Lowermost Part of the Jurassic Carmel Formation, San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah

Dover, R. Joseph 01 May 1969 (has links)
Paleoecology of the lowermost Carmel Formation, San Rafael Swell, Emery County, Utah, was studied at nine localmes 2 to 21 miles apart. Eight of the sections contain fossiliferous calcilutites and oolmc limestones in the basal 35 to 135 feet measured. Thickness of the fossiliferous beds ranges up to 10 feet. Beds of barren calcilutites, calcarenites, oolmc limestones, intraclastic limestones, calcareous sandstones, and bedded gypsum, separate the fossiliferous beds. A parallel-bedded, basal quartz sandstone, 0.5 to 7 feet thick, everywhere overlies the Navajo Formation. Molluscs dominate faunal assemblages. Shells are recrystallised to calcite, but external sculpture is preserved in sufficient detail for identification. Lamellibranchs are represented by disarticulated shells in unbroken condmon, oriented convex up. Fossil assemblages constitute four main types: (1) Two widespread and heterogeneous assemblages dominated by Camptonectes sp.; (2) A restricted assemblage consisting only of Trigonia Spa in the northern Swell; and (3) A restricted assemblage consisting only of Ophiomorpha burrows in the southern Swell. Associated with Camptonectes Spa are the lamellibranchs Vaugonia sp., Pronoella sp., Trigonia sp., Lima sp., (?)Ostraes sp., (?)Gryphaea sp., and Isognomon sp.; the gastropods Cossmanea Spa and Nerinea sp., and the crinoid Pentacrinus sp .. Fossil assemblages show an imbalance; Herbivores and sediment feeders are absent, and carnivores (predators) and scavengers (selective detritus feeders) are rare. Disarticulation without great breakage suggests gradual deposmon of shells and carbonate material under moderate energy condmons. On the basis of closest living relatives, the assemblages found in carbonate rocks indicate a wide tolerance of these animals to fluctuations in salinity and temperature. The well developed byssal notch of some pectinids suggests abundant vascular plant live. Abundantly fossiliferous beds are separated by barren beds with some evaporites, a sequence suggesting a warm sea of varying but high salinity. Grain-size ranges and limestone predominance indicate, respectively, differing lateral energy levels, and a low terrigeneous clastic influx.

Analysis of Food Web Effects of Non-native Fishes and Evaluation of Stream Restoration Potential for the San Rafael River, Utah

Walsworth, Timothy E. 01 December 2011 (has links)
The highly endemic native fish fauna has experienced dramatic reductions in abundance and range because of anthropogenic activity. In addition to a highly altered flow, temperature, and physical habitat template, many non-native fish species have established populations throughout the basin. The San Rafael River, a tributary of the Green River in southeastern Utah, is home to populations of flannelmouth sucker (Catostomus latipinnis), bluehead sucker (C. discobolus), and roundtail chub (Gila robusta), and has experienced degradations representative of many rivers throughout the Colorado River Basin. Using the San Rafael River as a template, I examined (1) the effect of the non-native fishes on the food web structure of a Colorado River tributary and (2) whether any changes to the food web structure by non-native fishes impact fitness-related vital rates of native fishes in the river. Stable isotope analysis revealed that the non-native fishes present novel predator archetypes to the “three species,” but size-at-age and body condition analyses did not reveal any reduction in fitness between native fishes captured in the presence of the non-native fishes. Additionally, I used site-specific biotic and abiotic measurements to develop a model predicting “three species” relative abundance. Non-native fish abundance and spatially auto-correlated measures of physical habitat were found to be particularly important predictors of “three species” relative abundance. The model was used in combination with a longitudinal habitat survey to predict the current continuous distribution along the length of the lower San Rafael River, as well as to simulate population-level effects of relevant restoration actions. The eradication of non-native fishes resulted in significant population increases for each of the ‘three species,’ and physical habitat restoration resulted in significant population increases when executed in certain reaches, but significant population reductions if executed in other reaches. These results suggest that the restoration of physical habitat without addressing populations of non-native fishes will likely result in a limited response by the “three species,” and that the choice of restoration location is critical to its success.

'Clean Energy' At What Cost?

Conrad, Rachel E 01 April 2013 (has links)
Ecuador was ‘refounded’ at the turn of the 21st century, with the articulation of progressive and inclusive ideals in a new Constitution. Social movements and leftist intellectuals in Ecuador have expressed that president Rafael Correa has failed to uphold the 2008 Constitution’s goals and values. President Correa and his Alianza PAIS government have utilized the rhetoric of the revolutionary ideals articulated in the Constitution, but in practice, they have continued to implement the status quo Western development model, and a large part of their development strategy involves ‘neo-extractive’ activities. Hydroelectric energy production is contributing to the ‘neo-extractive’ development model in Ecuador, and its implementation has often violated Constitutional rights. This thesis is an analysis of natural resource extraction in Ecuador and its social repercussions, with a focus on hydroelectric energy production. It is shown that the hydroelectric industry in Ecuador is not as “clean,” sustainable, or non-extractive as it is purported to be, through a case study of the San José del Tambo hydroelectric project and the exploration of an international support for hydroelectric extractivism, the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism, and its misleading framing of extractive projects as “sustainable development.” Social movements in Ecuador are acting to reverse the perversion of their originally revolutionary ideals, and to implement a post-extractive model informed by those revolutionary ideals.

El conflicto entre la realidad y el deseo en la poesía surrealista de la Generación del 27

Castro, Maria Elena. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Texas at Austin, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references. Available also from UMI/Dissertation Abstracts International.

Trujillo en dos novelas latinoamericanas /

Rodriguez, Andrea, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Central Connecticut State University, 2003. / Thesis advisor: Gustavo Mejía. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Spanish. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 80-83). Also available via the World Wide Web.

Les dynamiques de la transformation spirituelle d’Henri Le Saux comme traduction

Bates, Diana Ossana 14 May 2013 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous examinons la traduction d’un autre angle que celui de la transposition d’un texte d’une langue à une autre. Nous considérons ici que la « traduction » est une expérience transformationnelle vécue par un être humain hors de son environnement naturel ou habituel. La vie d’Henri Le Saux illustre ce phénomène car elle est celle d’un moine bénédictin français qui quitte son monastère breton pour se rendre en Inde afin de christianiser les Indiens. Mais dès son arrivée en terre de Bharat, son cheminement prend un autre tournant et il devient un sannyasi ou renonçant. Ce qui distingue néanmoins le parcours de Le Saux est qu’il ne se convertit pas à l’hindouisme, mais se trans‐forme plutôt pour devenir un amalgame vivant de deux religions. Il se trans‐forme, c’est‐à‐dire la forme initiale de sa religion change mais le fond de celle‐ci subsiste, tout comme une traduction ne changera que la forme d’un texte. De la même façon qu’un texte transposé dans une autre langue s’ouvre à une autre culture, ainsi en Inde, Le Saux s’ouvre au changement, il accueille l’Autre et en intègre des éléments. L’Advaita Vedanta se mêle à son christianisme et transforme sa religion « source », c’est ainsi que l’ascète vit un métissage, comme le traducteur qui tout en traduisant, lui aussi se traduit et se « métisse ». Tout au long de l’histoire, des peuples ont été traduits et la traduction a joué un rôle primordial dans les diverses missions de colonisation. Vicente Rafael relate notamment les stratégies traductionnelles utilisées aussi bien par les colonisateurs venus d’Espagne, que par les Tagalog, peuple autochtone des Philippines. Comme agent indispensable de tout échange interlingual, la traduction permet à plusieurs cultures de se rencontrer et d’entrevoir l’existence d’un substrat universel sémantique qui puisse unir un texte à toutes ses traductions. La vie d’Henri Le Saux, quant à elle, illustre, tout au long de son expérience, l’existence d’un substrat universel sous‐jacent dans les diverses religions de notre planète. Cette thèse veut alors souligner ces phénomènes de traduction qui facilitent à la fois des rencontres sémantiques et religieuses, et font de la diversité du monde une mosaïque construite sur un substrat commun à tout être humain.

Autonomía del arte y compromiso en la obra de tres escritores españoles exiliados en la Argentina: Ramón Gómez de la Serna, Francisco Ayala y Rafael Alberti

Macciuci, Raquel January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
No es frecuente que aparezcan reunidos en un mismo estudio crítico los autores que encabezan el título de esta tesis. La tradición marca un camino según el cual Ramón Gómez de la Serna abre las exploraciones sobre las vanguardias en España, en el que Rafael Alberti integra un capítulo sobre la generación del 27, en el que Francisco Ayala pone de manifiesto el hasta hace escaso tiempo renacido interés por la narrativa deshumanizada o de vanguardia. Los dos últimos nombres encuentran además un destacado lugar en el subgrupo de autores o literatura del exilio republicano, categoría que juega un papel relevante en este trabajo, pero sin quedar cercenada del resto en una sección aparte, como ocurrió durante décadas. La reunión de los tres autores, quienes tienen entre sí más reconocidas y fijadas diferencias que similitudes, constituye el punto de partida para realizar un itinerario diferente de los más acrisolados por la obra de tres figuras descollantes de las letras españolas del pasado sigo. Y del presente, si hacemos justicia a la longevidad y vitalidad intelectual de Francisco Ayala.

Pintura i crítica: un estudi sobre Rafael Benet

Suárez Serrano, Alicia 29 May 1987 (has links)
És una tesi de caràcter monogràfic sobre Rafael Benet i Vancells (Terrassa 1889-Barcelona 1979), centrada en el periode anterior a la guerra civil. Atesa la seva intensa implicació, des dels anys de formació, amb els protagonistes i les directrius de la política cultural noucentista, el treball esdevé una aportació a l'estudi del Noucentisme.La doble dimensió de Rafael Benet com a pintor i com a critic ha requerit que la investigació s'orientés en una primera fase a establir el catàleg de la seva obra escrita (Part II) i el catàleg raonat de la seva obra pictòrica (Part III). En el primer cas, una recerca exhaustiva ha donat com a resultat un conjunt extraordinari de treballs publicats que evidència la continuada i àmplia labor de Rafel Benet corn a critic d'art en publicacions periòdiques, molt especialment a "La Veu de Catalunya", diari en el qual comença a col.laborar el 1912 i on serà responsable de la secció d'art ininterrompudament des de 1912 a 1936. La constitució del catàleg de l'obra pictòrica i la corresponent anàlisi critica, amb la presentació per primera vegada de nombroses peces inèdites, permet de seguir l'evolució del pintor. Aquest catàleg juntament amb el dels seus treballs escrits són les dues fonts bàsiques per a l'elaboració de la Part l, on es reconstrueix la personalitat del pintor i la trajectòria del crític, protagonista destacat de la cultura artística de la Catalunya del primer terç del segle XX, dels anys de desenvolupament del Noucentisme.La figura de Rafael Benet planteja molt particularment les relacions entre Noucentisme i avantguarda. En un primer moment al voltant de 1917, quan es generen a Catalunya una sèrie de manifestacions avantguardistes a partir de la recepció del cubisme, el futurisme i el dadaísme, que serà per a Rafael Benet el moment de l'Agrupació Courbet. El 1925, arran d'un viatge a París, s'inicia un procés de represa amb l'avantguarda que durà a Benet a una critica al conservadurisme imperant a Catalunya en art i arquitectura i a adoptar un paper impulsor del clima d'avantguarda que tindrà en Sebastià Gasch i Salvador Dalí els protagonistes més significatius. Paral.lelament es va plantejant el problema entre el Rafael Benet crític i el Rafael Benet pintor, amb orientacions de vegades contraposades.Al fil de la trajectòria de Rafael Benet són tractats alguns temes amb deteniment, incorporant-hi nombroses aportacions, entre ells es poden citar: els relacionals amb els seus anys de formació a Terrassa, l'Escola de Francesc d'A. Galí, l'Agrupació Courbet i el paper de Joan Miró, o la relació amb Sebastià Gasch.

The idea of hispanidad in the relationship of Francisco Franco and Rafael L. Trujillo /

Raya, Alejandro. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Tufts University, 2004. / Adviser: Jose Alvarez-Junco. Submitted to the Dept. of History. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 539-556). Access restricted to members of the Tufts University community. Also available via the World Wide Web;

Reservoir characterization and outcrop analogs to the Navajo sandstone in the Central Utah thrust belt exploration play /

Hansen, Ashley D. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--Brigham Young University. Dept. of Geology, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-88).

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