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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Evaluation Framework for Adaptive User Interface

Noriega Atala, Enrique January 2014 (has links)
With the rise of powerful mobile devices and the broad availability of computing power, Automatic Speech Recognition is becoming ubiquitous. A flawless ASR system is still far from existence. Because of this, interactive applications that make use of ASR technology not always recognize speech perfectly, when not, the user must be engaged to repair the transcriptions. We explore a rational user interface that uses of machine learning models to make its best effort in presenting the best repair strategy available to reduce the time in spent the interaction between the user and the system as much as possible. A study is conducted to determine how different candidate policies perform and results are analyzed. After the analysis, the methodology is generalized in terms of a decision theoretical framework that can be used to evaluate the performance of other rational user interfaces that try to optimize an expected cost or utility.

Det tvetydiga beslutsfattandet i styrelsearbete. : En problematiserande studie i beslut rörande energiförluster i värmenät / The equivocal decision making in a boards work : Decision concerning lost of energy in heat circuit line

Johansson, Hans, Horn, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Syfte: Bakgrunden till detta arbete är att samfälligheten Långbacka där en av författarna bor har haft betydliga problem med värmeförluster. Vår uppsats bygger på att hjälpa styrelsen att lösa denna problematik. Till denna praktiska frågeställning har vi lagt en vetenskapsteoretisk aspekt genom att problematisera beslutsfattande i styrelsearbete. I denna uppsats har vi haft som syfte att ikläda oss styrelsens roll och genom att själva vara en del i processen få känna på den komplexitet som uppstår kring beslut. Metod: Vår teori är insamlad utifrån tre olika synvinklar. Dessa är rationell, icke rationell och en ekonomisk beräkningsmodell. Till dessa teorier har vi empiriskt samlat in information dels genom strukturerade intervjuer men även öppna samtal. Vi har i denna uppsats haft ett hermeneutisk förhållningssätt och ett deduktivt arbetssätt. Resultat & slutsats: I denna del har vi utifrån ekonomiteknisk synvinkel kommit fram till tre praktiska svar till styrelsen. Den rationella modellen visar att Gävle Energi borde bli ny förvaltare av fjärrvärmenätet. I den icke rationella modellen är huvudbudskapet att använda sig av den tekniska utredningen och sedan gå vidare utifrån den. Den ekonomiska modell- beräkningen uppskattar huvudalternativets investeringskostnad till 503 kr/månad per hushåll. Nästa del är den vetenskapsteoretiska löpande texten där vi i korthet kommer fram till att beslutsfattande inte är antingen helt rationellt eller icke rationellt utan en blandning av båda. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I den ekonomitekniska delen av uppsatsen har vi hittat ett förslag på fortsatt forskning. Detta förslag bygger på problemet med tidsbristen hos Gävle Energi som gav att vi inte fick tillgång till något jämförelsematerial. Avsaknaden av detta material ledde till att vi inte kunde ställa deras kostnad i jämförelse mot investeringskostnaden. Det vore dock intressant att fortsätta arbeta med denna punkt efter färdigställandet av uppsatsen för att kunna presentera en sådan kalkyl för samfällighetens styrelse. I den vetenskapsteoretiska delen så skulle vi gärna se att man vidare utreder konkreta förslag på mixade modeller av ickerationell och rationellt tänkande. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi anser att vår uppsats på ett bra sätt belyser de bakomliggande processerna när ett beslut tas. Vi belyser det rationella och det icke rationella sambandet vilket ger läsaren en god uppfattning om vad man bör ta i beaktning när man till exempel blir tilldelad ekonomiska rapporter. / Aim: The background for this work is that the community Långbacka, where one of the authors is living, has had considerable problems with heat loss. Our thesis is based on helping the board to solve this problem. At this practical issue, we have a scientific aspect to problematize the decision-making in the Board. In this paper, we have intended to take upon ourselves the Board's role and be a part of the process and get to know the complexities that arise around the decision. Method: Our theory is gathered on the basis of three different angles: the rational, non-rational and an economic calculation. To these theories, we have empirical information gathered through interviews but also open conversations. We have in this paper had a hermeneutic approach and have worked deductive. Result & Conclusions: In this part, which is based on a economic technological point of view, come to the three pieces of practical answers to the Board. One, according to the rational model, gives that Gävle Energi becomes the new manager of district heating network. In the non-rational model is the main message the use of the technical investigation and then proceed on the basis of it. The economic model suggests that the alternative investment cost is estimated at 503 sek / months per household. The next part is the current scientific text in which we briefly come to that decision making is not either totally rational or non-rational, but a mixture of both. Suggestions for future research: In the economic technological part of the paper, we have found a proposal for further research. This proposal is based on the problem of shortage of time at Gävle Energi, which gave that we have not had access to any comparison material. The absence of this material led to that we could not make their cost in comparison to the investment cost. However, it would be interesting to continue working with this point after the completion of the paper to be able to present such a calculation for the community board. In the scientific part, we would like to see that it is investigating further concrete proposals in mixed models of non-rational and rational thinking. Contribution of the thesis: We believe that our thesis highlights the underlying processes when a decision is taken in a good way. We highlight the rational and the non-rational relationship which gives the reader a good idea of what one should take into consideration when one for example, is assigned financial reports.

Antimikrobinių vaistų vartojimo atitikimo racionalaus vaistų vartojimo rekomendacijoms analizė / Antimicrobal drugs usage adherence to rational drug usage recommendations analysis

Bogušis, Evaldas 11 July 2006 (has links)
Background and Objective: To evaluate non-adherence to guideline on rational antibioticotherapy, proportions of hospital infections and empirical treatments in antibioticotherapy, and the need for making intervention to non-rational antibiotics prescriptions. Design: Observational study of non-adherence to guidelines on rational antibioticotherapy. Analysis of antibiotics prescriptions in tertiary hospital settings. Setting: 34 wards in tertiary hospital - University hospital at Kaunas University of Medicine. Main Outcome Measures: Proportions of non-rational treatment. Results: 331 (29,82%) patient of 1110, received antibiotics prescription. 166 (50.15%) rescriptions for treatment and 165 (49.75 %) for prophylaxis. Empiric treatment 279 (84.29%) cases, 52 (15.71%) treatment cases based on bacteriological analysis. Community infections 111 (67.27%) cases. 206 (62,24%) prescriptions were non-adherent to guidelines rational antibioticotherapy. Correlation of non-adherence with rational antibioticotherapy for hospital and community infections was found as r = 0.43 (P < 0.05) and 0.64 (P < 0.01), correspondingly; and for empiric treatment and treatment based on bacteriological analysis as r=0.8 (P < 0.01) and 0.06 (P > 0.05), correspondingly. Conclusions: Empirical treatments in hospital settings comprise high (84%) proportion of cases of antibioticotherapy. Hospital infections comprise high (33%) proportion of infections in hospital settings. Prescription analysis has shown... [to full text]

Conflicting Environmental Management Tools : Grazing of Semi-natural Grasslands vs. Wetland Conservation

Reisner, Gunilla January 2013 (has links)
The study explores the possibility of conflicts between conservation of wetlands and semi-natural grasslands in the county of Stockholm. Both habitats are important to protect from a biodiversity perspective. The species rich semi-natural grasslands have been created by agricultural practices like grazing and mowing. At the same time, wetlands have diminished due to earlier drainage in order to increase the area of arable land. Both habitats are incorporated in the Swedish Environmental Objectives and are parts of the EU’s Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES), where farmers get financial support to maintain or restore valuable habitats. Wetland conservation/restoration often requires raised water tables, but also maintenance with cattle grazing in certain areas. On the other hand, raised water tables can act as hinder for grazing animals and lead to conflict situations. Using a mixed method approach, this study scrutinized if the use of different management tools can result in conflicts between actors and objectives. The study is based on a literature review, interviews and the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Institutionalism and the Institutional Analysis and Development framework are used to analyze and evaluate the situation in the county of Stockholm. The quantitative results reveal that 12,8 % of all semi-natural grasslands of high biological value intersects with wetlands. However, these areas are maintained with environmental support to a larger extent than semi-natural grasslands outside wetlands. This indicates there is no conflict between wetland and semi-natural grassland conservation, a perception shared by authorities. From farmers’ perspective the situation is described differently, rule compliance for environmental support is hard to obtain specifically in wet areas. Increased dialogue between authorities and farmers rather than harsh inspections would be preferable as the county of Stockholm needs more farmers and grazing cattle to maintain biologically important habitats. Grazing in wetlands is needed from a biodiversity perspective but can at the same time disturb the wetlands functioning of nutrient reduction. There is a risk of authorities prioritizing water quality in front of biodiversity in conflicting situations. Water, as a common-pool recourse, is surrounded by stricter regulation and also easier to monitor.

Are inflation expectations differently formed when countries are part of a Monetary Union?

Kaplan, Amina January 2013 (has links)
I study to what extent consumers’ expectations of inflation are formed differently in the short run for countries that belong to a monetary union, which implies a common inflation-targeting central bank, in contrast to countries with national inflationtar geting central banks. I measure if there are differences in consumers’ reaction s to inflation deviation from target, persistency of expected inflation and the ability to predict accurate inflation in the respective considered countries. I also measure average deviation and average absolute deviation of actual and expected inflation from the inflation target. The results suggest that the respective country’s average reaction to inflation deviation from target, degree of persistent expectation and the ability to predict accurate inflation rates are in the same range as well as the results for the average and average absolute deviations. Therefore, I conclude that there are no substantial differences in the formation of consumers’ expectations in countries belonging to a monetary union and countries with national inflation-targeting central banks, in the short run.

Aukštadvario, Sukončių ir Pabradės hidroelektrinių darbo efektyvumo tyrimai / Aukstadvaris, Sukonciai and Pabrade small hydropower plant analysis

Gaidys, Vytautas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Žinome, kad Lietuva didelių vandens išteklių neturi.Todėl racionalus jų naudojimas, kai nedaroma žala gamtai, arba ji visiškai nereikšminga, – kiekvieno hidroenergetiko rūpestis. Neišnagrinėjus visų, su tuo susijusių reiškinių, klaidingai apskaičiavus ir įvertrinus sukauptus duomenis mažose hidroelektrinėse, ne tik bus neefektyvus vandens panaudojimas, bet ir gali būti katastrofinės pasekmės, galinčios neigiamai paveikti gamtinę aplinką. Esami šalies vandens ištekliai – brangus mūsų turtas, todėl reikia stengtis, kad hidroenergetikoje panaudotas kiekvienas kubinis metras vandens, atneštų kuo didesnę naudą visuomenei. Trijose mažosiose Lietuvos hidroelektrinėse: Aukštadvario, Sukončių ir Pabradės buvo atliekami tyrimai, kiek vandens sunaudoja kiekviena elektrinė atskirai, kokia pratekančio vandens energija, esant skirtingiems patvankų aukščiams, bei kaupiami duomenys, kiek kiekviena elektrinė pagamina elektros energijos (kW). Pradėjus sisteminti elektrinėse sukauptus duomenis, buvo sudaryta pro turbinas pratekančio vandens ir išgaunamos elektros energijos kiekio (kW) skaičiavimo metodika. Iš gautų duomenų išvedamos hidroelektrinių efektyvumo kreivės, kurios palyginamos su kitų gamintojų hidroagregatų efektyvumo duomenimis. Prasminiai žodžiai: racionalus naudojimas, naudingumo koeficientas, efektyvumas. / The problem considered in this paper is that there aren’t many natural water resources in Lithuania. That’s why, rational consumption of water with any or very insignificant harm to the nature done, is a matter of great concern of every hydroenergetic. All matters should be taken into consideration. However, without bearing in mind all the concerning matters, having incorrect technical data or its incorrect evaluation may lead to ineffective usage of water resources in little water-power stations and even catastrophic consequences, that may affect natural environment. Available water resources are precious. So, it is important to strive to use every cubic metre of water in hydroenergetics to be of the greatest benefit for the society. Three small hydropower plants in Aukstadvaris, Sukonciai and Pabrade were tested for amount of water consumption and for flowing water energy with different water head. Also there was collected data about produced electrical energy in every water- power station (kWh). After having organized all the data, was worked out technique how to count amount of water flowing through turbines and also amount of electricity (kWh) generated by those turbines. The facts make the output graphs that are compared with other producers aggregates’ data of efficiency. Keywords: rational usage, coefficient of efficiency, efficiency.

Digoksino, karbamazepino ir valproinės rūgšties suvartojimo bei terapinio monitoravimo intensyvumo pokyčių analizė / Evaluation of the intensity of therapeutic monitoring of Digoxin, Carbamazepine and Valproic acid in tertiary level hospital

Penkauskaitė, Justina 16 June 2008 (has links)
Problema ir darbo uždaviniai: Siauros terapinės platumos vaistų- digoksino, karbamazepino ir valproinės rūgšties vartojimas bei terapinio monitoravimo lygis Lietuvoje nėra žinomi. ��io darbo tikslas buvo įvertinti šių vaistų praktines suvartojimo tendencijas, skaičiavimuose naudojant DDD/100 OBD, bei šių vaistų koncentracijų kraujo serume matavimo lygį tretinio lygio ligoninėje. Taip pat buvo atlikta pacientų, 3 mėnesių laikotarpyje vartojusių digoksiną, terapinio monitoravimo analizė. Metodologija: Atlikta digoksino, karbamazepino ir valproinės rūgšties farmakokinetinių ir farmakodinaminių savybių, svarbių šių vaistų terapiniam monitoravimui, apžvalga. Vaistų suvartojimo 2004- 2007 metais duomenys gauti iš ligoninės vaistinės duomenų bazės. Vaistų suvartojimas išreikštas DDD/100OBD, nustatyti daugiausiai digoksino, karbamazepino ir valproinės rūgšties suvartoję tretinio lygio ligoninės skyriai. Surinkti ir įvertinti duomenys apie visus digoksino, karbamazepino ir valproinės rūgšties koncentracijų tyrimus, atliktus 2005- 2007 metais. Išanalizuota 16 digoksiną vartojančių pacientų ligos istorijų, vertinant digoksino terapinį monitoravimą. Duomenų aprašomoji ir lyginamoji statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 16.0 programų paketą (Mann Whitney testas). Rezultatai: : Digoksino DDD/100OBD reikšmių vidurkis (±SE) 2004 buvo: 1.95±2.57 (median 1.07; CI 95% 1,58; 2,32); 2005- 1.35±1.49 (median 0.88; CI 95% 1,14; 1,57); 2006- 2.04±3.24 (median 0.71; CI 95% 1,58; 2,50)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Background and Objectives: Tendencies in usage of low therapeutic index drugs such as Digoxin, Carbamazepine and Valproic acid and the level of therapeutic drug monitoring are unknown in Lithuania. The goal of the study was to present the first experiences in serum concentration measurements of Digoxin, Carbamazepine and Valproic acid, discover practical consumption tendencies of these drugs using defined daily dose (DDD) in our measuring and to analyse the monitoring of patients, receiving Digoxin in 3 month period. Methods: An overview of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic, that are important for rational therapy of Digoxin, Carbamazepine and Valproic acid was made. Drug usage study is based on hospital pharmacy and hospital administrative databases; consumption is expressed in DDD per 100 occupied bed daily (100OBD) during 2004-7 and highest consumers of in Digoxin, Carbamazepine and Valproic acid in 2007. Evaluation of all serum concentrations measurements that were made in 2005-2007. Monitoring assessment of 16 patients, receiving Digoxin. Medical records of 16 patients were analysed in 3-month period. Data were processed with SPSS 16.0 using descriptive and comparative statistics for nonparametric values (Mann-Whitney test). Results: Mean (±SE) DDD/100OBD values of Digoxin in 2004 were 1.95±2.57 (median 1.07; CI 95% 1,58; 2,32); 1.35±1.49 (median 0.88; CI 95% 1,14; 1,57) in 2005; 2.04±3.24 (median 0.71; CI 95% 1,58; 2,50) in 2006 and 1.56±2.1 (median 1.00; CI 95% 1,2... [to full text]

Structure Dynamics Guided Enzyme Improvement of ENDO-BETA-1, 4-XYLANASE I

Uzuner, Ugur 16 December 2013 (has links)
Enzyme structure dynamics has recently been revealed to be essential for structure-function relationship. Among various structure dynamics analysis platforms, hydrogen deuterium exchange mass spectrometry stands as an efficient and high-throughput way to analyze protein dynamics upon ligand binding, protein folding, and enzyme catalysis. HDX-MS can be used to study the regional dynamics of proteins based on the m/z value or percentage of deuterium incorporation for the digested peptides in the HDX experiments. Various software packages have been developed to analyze HDX-MS data. However, for the accurate, enhanced, and explicit statistical analysis of HDX-MS data statistical analysis of software was developed as HDXanalyzer. The capability of HDX-MS analysis for the identification of enzyme structure dynamics was tested by using model catalysis endoxylanase A (XYN I) from Trichoderma longibrachiatum. The HDX data of XYN I revealed a highly dynamic personality of XYN I through the interaction with two substrates. The dynamic data which certainly restricts the targeted regions for the protein engineering efforts provided useful knowledge about the essential structural modifications for the catalysis of XYN I. The obtained knowledge was then employed for the engineering studies in order to improve the certain characteristics of XYN I protein. The high level stabilization of XYN I protein was gathered and the two highly active and moderately thermostable XYN I recombinants were developed based on the HDX-MS data which further confirmed the efficiency of the current strategy for the rational designs of catalytic proteins. A differential dynamics analysis of the two structurally similar catalysts was also performed through HDX-MS. The functionally and sequentially different but structurally highly similar XYN I and endoglucanase (Eg1A) enzymes revealed distinct structure dynamic characteristics. Compared to XYN I, Eg1A from Aspergillus niger indicated quite restricted structural motions. The data clearly postulated that the intrinsic dynamic modifications of during the enzymatic catalysis may not be the only driving force in all cases. In summary, the integration of the structure dynamics knowledge to the current biochemical and biophysical data of catalysts may provide novel insights to further enzyme improvement applications.

New formulae for higher order derivatives and a new algorithm for numerical integration

Slevinsky, Richard Unknown Date
No description available.

Essays on asset pricing with heterogeneous beliefs and bounded rational investor

Lu, Lei, 1975- January 2007 (has links)
The thesis includes two essays on asset pricing. In the first essay, "Asset Pricing in a Monetary Economy with Heterogeneous Beliefs", we shed new light on the role of monetary policy in asset pricing by focusing on the case where investors have heterogeneous expectations about future monetary policy. Under heterogeneity in beliefs, investors place bets against each other on the evolution of money supply, and as a result, the sharing of wealth in the economy evolves stochastically over time, making money non-neutral. Employing a continuous-time, general equilibrium model, we establish these fluctuations to be rich in implications, in that they majorly affect the equilibrium prices of all assets, as well as inflation. In particular, we find that the stock market volatility may be significantly increased by the heterogeneity in beliefs, a conclusion supported by our empirical analysis. The second essay is titled with " Asset Pricing and Welfare Analysis with Bounded Rational Investors". Motivated by the fact that investors have limited ability and insufficient knowledge to process information, I model investors' bounded-rational behavior in processing information and study its implications on asset pricing. Bounded rational investors perceive "correlated" information (which consists of news that is correlated with fundamentals, but provides no information on them) as "fundamental" information. This generates "bounded rational risk". Asset prices and volatilities of asset returns are derived. Specially, the equity premium and the stock volatility are raised under some conditions. I also analyze the welfare impact of bounded rationality.

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