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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boundary Element Method Formulation And Its Solution In Forward Problem Of Electrocardiography By Using A Realistic Torso Model

Kurt, Arda 01 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The electrical currents generated in the heart propagate to the outward direction of the body by means of conductive tissues and these currents yield a potential distribution on the body surface. This potential distribution is recorded and analyzed by a tool called electrocardiogram. It is not a problem, if this process continues normally / however, when it is distorted by some abnormalities, the results will be fatal. Electrocardiography (ECG) is the technique dealing with the acquisition and interpretation of the electrical potentials recorded at the body surface due to the electrical activity of the heart. This can be realized by using one of the two approaches utilized in ECG namely / forward and inverse problems. The former one entails the calculation potentials on the body surface from known electrical activity of the heart and the latter one does the reverse. In this thesis, we will construct the body surface potentials in a realistic torso model starting from the epicardial potentials. In order to solve the forward problem, one needs a geometric model that includes the torso and the heart surfaces, as well as the intermediate surfaces or the intervening volume, and some assumptions about the electrical conductivity inside the enclosed volume. A realistic torso model has a complex geometry and this complexity makes it impossible to solve the forward problem analytically. In this study, Boundary Element Method (BEM) will be applied to solve the forward problem numerically. Furthermore, the effect of torso inhomogeneities such as lungs, muscles and skin to the body surface potentials will be analyzed numerically.

E-recruitment: the effectiveness of the internet as a recruitment source

Marr, Erica R. January 2007 (has links)
The present study has made a comparative assessment of recruitment source effectiveness. The study is based on the pre-hire measures of the quantity and quality of applicants, with a specific focus on e-recruitment. A nine year longitudinal study was employed over a period of pre-internet and post-internet use by a large organisation which enabled the exploration of changes in applicant data. Recruitment source effects were assessed through two perspectives: applicant and organisational. The relationship between source and applicant was explored in terms of key job and organisational attributes communicated to attract quality applicants, and their subsequent intention to pursue the job. The research was designed with two studies to capture the two perspectives. Applicant perspectives were assessed through the distribution of a survey to real applicants of the organisation. Organisational perspectives were captured through interviews with Human Resource Practitioners of eight mid- to large-size organisations. Results indicated that the quality of applicants generated by e-recruitment is equivalent to or less than that of other sources, therefore it is not the most effective recruitment source. Furthermore, recruitment sources had some effect on applicant intentions to pursue the job, but this relationship was not mediated by applicant perspectives. In terms of source information, job attributes were considered more important than organisational attributes in attracting quality applicants from both perspectives. Overall, the research has provided evidence to support the need for organisations to develop a recruitment strategy which incorporates a diverse range of sources to reach quality applicants in the desired target market.

CAMP-BDI : an approach for multiagent systems robustness through capability-aware agents maintaining plans

White, Alan Gordon January 2017 (has links)
Rational agent behaviour is frequently achieved through the use of plans, particularly within the widely used BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) model for intelligent agents. As a consequence, preventing or handling failure of planned activity is a vital component in building robust multiagent systems; this is especially true in realistic environments, where unpredictable exogenous change during plan execution may threaten intended activities. Although reactive approaches can be employed to respond to activity failure through replanning or plan-repair, failure may have debilitative effects that act to stymie recovery and, potentially, hinder subsequent activity. A further factor is that BDI agents typically employ deterministic world and plan models, as probabilistic planning methods are typical intractable in realistically complex environments. However, deterministic operator preconditions may fail to represent world states which increase the risk of activity failure. The primary contribution of this thesis is the algorithmic design of the CAMP-BDI (Capability Aware, Maintaining Plans) approach; a modification of the BDI reasoning cycle which provides agents with beliefs and introspective reasoning to anticipate increased risk of failure and pro-actively modify intended plans in response. We define a capability meta-knowledge model, providing information to identify and address threats to activity success using precondition modelling and quantitative quality estimation. This also facilitates semantic-independent communication of capability information for general advertisement and of dependency information - we define use of the latter, within a structured messaging approach, to extend local agent algorithms towards decentralized, distributed robustness. Finally, we define a policy based approach for dynamic modification of maintenance behaviour, allowing response to observations made during runtime and with potential to improve re-usability of agents in alternate environments. An implementation of CAMP-BDI is compared against an equivalent reactive system through experimentation in multiple perturbation configurations, using a logistics domain. Our empirical evaluation indicates CAMP-BDI has significant benefit if activity failure carries a strong risk of debilitative consequence.


Tonetto, Maria Cristina 08 September 2006 (has links)
This paper of the Latin American Integration Master has approached the imaginary construction of a specific region in the MERCOSUL, through the films neorealists in the cinematography of Brazil and Argentina, in the period of 1955 the 1962. The answer for what we were looking for if the neo-realistic school had brought near to Brazil and Argentina movies and through which prism this similarity had happened. To answer these investigations we carry out a study, which emphasizes the relation between history, cinema and its ramifications, using some readings on the new concepts of historical inquiry, which opened the way for definitions of representation and imaginary. To complement this analysis an inquiry bibliography happened in Brazil and in Argentina, in Theories, Scientific Articles and movies of the analysed time, in Brazil, Rio, 40 Degrees, in Argentina, The flooded and in Italy, Thieves of Bicycle. The investigation of the selected material provided the knowledge of collective and individual data of the communities from the MERCOSUR and its cultural approximations. It showed a cinematographic approximation between Brazil and Argentina in the neo-realistic movies and its regional approach, which revealed the habits, customs and political and social inquiries from these countries. Our study revealed also the importance of the cinema as one more alternative in the creation of a cultural politicy into the MERCOSUR. / Esta dissertação do Mestrado de Integração Latino Americana abordou a construção de um imaginário regional no MERCOSUL, através dos filmes neorealistas na cinematografia do Brasil e da Argentina, no período de 1955 a 1962. A resposta que buscávamos era se a escola neo-realista tinha aproximado os cinemas do Brasil e da Argentina e sob que prisma aconteceu esta semelhança. Para responder estas indagações realizamos um estudo, que enfatiza a relação entre história e cinema e seus desdobramentos, utilizando como auxílio as leituras sobre novos conceitos de pesquisa histórica, que abriram o caminho para definições de representação e imaginário. Para complementar esta análise realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliografia no Brasil e na Argentina, em Teses, Artigos Científicos e filmes da época analisada, no Brasil, Rio, 40 Graus, na Argentina, Los inundados e na Itália Ladrões de Bicicleta. A investigação do material selecionado proporcionou o conhecimento de dados coletivos e individuais das comunidades do MERCOSUL e suas aproximações culturais. Mostrou uma aproximação cinematográfica entre o Brasil e a Argentina nos filmes neo-realistas e sua abordagem regional, que revelou os hábitos, costumes e questionamentos políticos e sociais destes países. Nosso estudo revelou também a importância do cinema como mais uma alternativa na criação de uma política cultural no MERCOSUL.

Seguindo Pinocchio: a ambientaÃÃo, o feminino e a fuga na obra fÃlmica de Roberto Benigni como elementos de ressignificaÃÃo da obra literÃria de Carlo Collodi

Simone Lopes de Almeida Nunes 26 August 2016 (has links)
nÃo hà / Le avventure di Pinocchio à uma obra que dialoga intimamente com a traduÃÃo, pois desde o seu lanÃamento, em 1883, vem sendo traduzida para as mais diversas lÃnguas, e adaptada para diferentes formas artÃsticas. A obra à considerada uma narrativa infantil e fantÃstica de grande representatividade da literatura italiana do final do sÃculo XIX, porÃm, poucos falam dos relevantes aspectos realÃsticos, que mantÃm uma estreita relaÃÃo com os elementos fantÃsticos (CAMBI, 1985; GUERINI, 2009), significativos de um perÃodo histÃrico, econÃmico e social de muitas dificuldades que marcaram a pÃs-unificaÃÃo italiana, o que faz de Pinocchio um sÃmbolo de identidade nacional (ASOR ROSA, 1985). A nossa pesquisa pretende verificar como esses aspectos realÃsticos, e significativos de um especÃfico momento histÃrico italiano, foram ressignificados na adaptaÃÃo fÃlmica italiana Pinocchio, de Roberto Benigni, lanÃado em 2002. O conceito de ressignificaÃÃo remonta ao de ressemantizaÃÃo de Lotman (1982), o qual defende que o texto artÃstico, enquanto linguagem, tem a funÃÃo de produzir novos significados. De fato, teÃricos da adaptaÃÃo fÃlmica como Bazin (1977) e Cattrysse (2014; 1992) reconhecem a importÃncia do filme como um texto que traz suas prÃprias leituras e visÃes da obra literÃria, e, portanto, merece ser compreendido nas suas respectivas particularidades autorais e mercadolÃgicas. Nessa perspectiva, apoiamo-nos na teoria dos polissistemas cinematogrÃfico, de Cattrysse (2014), para compreender o filme como um produto em si. Sendo assim, elementos que sÃo significativos na obra literÃria como: a ambientaÃÃo, a figura feminina e a fuga; ao serem traduzidos para a narrativa fÃlmica serÃo ressignificados de acordo com as exigÃncias autorais, mercadolÃgicas e de recepÃÃo: a ambientaÃÃo que em Collodi retrata uma denÃncia social de pobreza e fome, em Benigni, ambienta um momento histÃrico, mas sem relevar a denÃncia social; a figura feminina à restrita à presenÃa da Fata, na obra literÃria, Benigni, porÃm, usa os espaÃos da narrativa fÃlmica para inserir a mulher nas mais diversas atividades cotidianas, atravÃs da figuraÃÃo; e o elemento fuga, que permeia toda a obra, serà analisado no que definimos a grande fuga, quando Pinocchio recebe as moedas do Mangiafoco atà o enforcamento do boneco. Collodi retrata-a de forma dura e violenta, caracterÃsticas dos contos infantis de outrora, jà Benigni ressignifica-a, utilizando elementos realÃsticos, mas nÃo tÃo violentos, jà que a narrativa infantil contemporÃnea procura suavizÃ-la. / Le avventure di Pinocchio is a work that closely interacts with the translation because since its launch, in 1883, has been translated to several languages and adapted to different artistic forms. The work is considered a fiction and children`s narrative of great representation of Italian literature of the late nineteenth century, however, few speak about the relevant realistic aspects, that keep a close relation with the fictional elements (CAMBI, 1985; GUERINI, 2009), significant of a historical, economical and social period of many difficulties that marked the Italian post-unification, what makes Pinocchio a symbol of national identity (ASOR ROSA, 1985). Our research aims to verify how those realistic aspects, and significant of a specific Italian historical moment, were resignified into the Italian filmic adaptation Pinocchio, from Roberto Benigni, launched in 2002. The concept of resignification goes back to the resemantization concept, theorized by Lotman (1970), who defends that the artistic text, as language, has the function to produce new meanings. In fact, theorists from filmic adaptation, like Bazin (1977) and Cattrysse (2014; 1992) recognize the importance of movies as a text that brings their own interpretations and views of the literary work and, therefore, deserves to be understood in its own copyright and marketing particularities. In this perspective, we support our study in the Polysystem Theory of filmic adaptations, from Cattrysse (2014) to comprehend the movie as a product itself. Thus, the elements that are meaningful in the literary work as: the embience, the female figure and the escape; when translated into the filmic narrative will be resignified according to the copyright, marketing and acceptance requirements: the ambience, that in Collodi portrays the social denounce of poverty and hunger, in Benigni, portrays a historical moment, but without highlighting the social denounce; the female figure is restricted to the presence of Fata, in the literary work, Benigni, however, uses the room in the filmic narrative to insert the woman in the most diverse everyday activities, through figuration; the escape element, that permeates all the literary work, will be analyzed in what we define as the great escape, when Pinocchio receives the coins from Mangiafoco until its hanging; Colodi portrays it in a tough and violent way, characteristics of children`s tales of once, yet Benigni resignifies it, using realistic elements, but not so violent, whereas the contemporary children`s narrative tries to soften it.

Keys to Effectively Create Realistic Fur in Autodesk Maya

Normann, Annica January 2012 (has links)
The tools for creating realistic fur using a computer have continued to develop sincethe first computer-generated fur was accomplished. Tools for creating fur can befound inside of the software Autodesk Maya. Rendering fur is often a very timeconsuming process and therefore this thesis investigates how the relationship ofrealistic fur versus render time can be improved. When creating fur, there are severalaspects to take into account, for example shadowing, length, color and irregularities.This thesis assesses the question through a case study and includes experimentalresearch which was attempted simultaneously. It valuates the results through asurvey. The qualitative research does not include animated fur, only still images ofcomputer-generated fur. This research will hopefully improve the knowledge and actas a guide for others who are creating fur.

Lorenzo de' Medici a komicko-realistická poezie / Lorenzo de' Medici and the Comic-realistic Poetry

Večeřová, Dobromila January 2017 (has links)
This thesis discusses Lorenzo de' Medici's era and literary work. In the first part, Lorenzo's personage is introduced and put into historical and cultural context. Given its importance for social changes, a separate chapter is dedicated to humanism and its eminent personalities. Neoplatonism and Lorenzo's patronage and cultural activities are also mentioned. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to Lorenzo de' Medici's own literary work, paying particular attention to his comical poems inspired by rustic life, especially some of his carnival chants (canti carnascialechi) and the poem Nencia da Barberino, which are then analyzed. In the conclusion, this study briefly deals with the controversy caused by the connection between Lorenzo's poetry and his government. Keywords: Lorenzo de' Medici, humanism, Neoplatonism, volgare, patronage, comical and realistic poetry, carnival chants.

Novel Energy Transfer Computation Techniques For Radiosity Based Realistic Image Synthesis

Sidhu, Reetinder P S 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

A ambiguidade, o tempo e a atenção: uma reflexão sobre o realismo no filme O Espelho

Portes, Carolina Caniato 16 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-14T16:06:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 carolinacaniatoportes.pdf: 771544 bytes, checksum: bf41443fb93ad0640c90bd3a0c0eaa0d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-14T20:37:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 carolinacaniatoportes.pdf: 771544 bytes, checksum: bf41443fb93ad0640c90bd3a0c0eaa0d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-14T20:37:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 carolinacaniatoportes.pdf: 771544 bytes, checksum: bf41443fb93ad0640c90bd3a0c0eaa0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-16 / Nossa pesquisa pretende analisar como se constitui o realismo no filme O Espelho, tendo como norte três conceitos principais: a ambiguidade, o tempo e a atenção. Esses conceitos serão trabalhados a partir da perspectiva de três referenciais teóricos. O primeiro deles, o crítico André Bazin, nos dará base para pensarmos a ambiguidade a partir de seus estudos sobre o neorrealismo italiano. O segundo, Gilles Deleuze, que propõe o nascimento de uma nova imagem caracterizada, principalmente, por sua relação com o tempo. E Jorge Larrosa, que, a partir de seus estudos sobre o conceito de experiência e atenção, nos ajuda a pensar a relação realidade-filme-espectador. A partir dessas perspectivas, tentaremos enxergar as particularidades da construção narrativa de O Espelho na sua relação com o espectador, inserindo o filme em uma discussão mais ampla sobre o realismo no cinema. / This research aims to analyze how the realism emerge in the iranian film The Mirror, through three main concepts: ambiguity, time and attention. These concepts will be think from the perspective of three different authors. The first of them, the critic André Bazin, will give us the basis to think the ambiguity through his studies of Italian Neorealism. The second author is Gilles Deleuze, who proposes the birth of a new image characterized primarily by its relationship with the time. And Jorge Larrosa, who, through his study about the concept of experience and attention, help us to think the relationship between reality-movie-viewer. From these perspectives, we will try to see the narrative particularities of The Mirror in its relationship with the viewer, also entering the film in a broader discussion of the realism in cinema.

Högstadieungdomar skriver historia på bloggen : undervisning, literacy och historiemedvetande i ett nytt medielandskap / Students Blog about History : Teaching, Literacy and Historical Consciousness in a New Media Environment

Johansson, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the literacy formed when a class blog is used as a tool for students studying history and explore how this particular literacy is used to generate historical knowledge. The study was conducted during the course of a project in which ninth-grade students contributed entries to a common blog in the form of a diary written by individuals who experienced the Second World War. Its three major objectives were to study the students' perception of the blog in relation to their gender and level of historical knowledge; how they and their teacher esta-blished and used the formed literacy; and how the students related to this in the production of historical knowledge. In analyzing the results, a concept of literacy was used based on seven writing practices all linked to the new medium and history education. The study was based on a questionnaire, interviews and various student texts. In order to perform a content analysis on the study results a theoretical frame­work for historical conscious-ness was included. The results show that in using the writing practices a literacy character­ized by colla-borative authorship was formed. The study concludes that this affects both what and how the students learn. Together they show each other that history is comprised of many small stories, not necessarily strictly co­herent with the general history as told by their textbooks. Examining the students’ blog entries made a new learning process visible that enabled the enhancement of their historical consciousness. / Under senare år har sociala medier introducerats i undervisningen som verktyg för lärande, men hur interagerar dessa nya möjligheter till kommunikation och sam-arbete med en formell undervisningssituation i historia? I Högstadieungdomar skriver historia på bloggenbeskriver och undersöker Cecilia Johansson ett möte mellan sociala medier och historieundervisningen när högstadieelever skriver inlägg i form av dagboksanteckningar från Andra Världskriget på en klassblogg. Det kollaborativa författarskap som många elever uppvisar tycks ha påverkat både hur och vad eleverna lär sig. Dessutom synliggörs en lärprocess där ett historie-medvetande ges förutsättningar att utvecklas. / <p></p><p></p>

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