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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generating rhyming poetry using LSTM recurrent neural networks

Peterson, Cole 30 April 2019 (has links)
Current approaches to generating rhyming English poetry with a neural network involve constraining output to enforce the condition of rhyme. We investigate whether this approach is necessary, or if recurrent neural networks can learn rhyme patterns on their own. We compile a new dataset of amateur poetry which allows rhyme to be learned without external constraints because of the dataset’s size and high frequency of rhymes. We then evaluate models trained on the new dataset using a novel framework that automatically measures the system’s knowledge of poetic form and generalizability. We find that our trained model is able to generalize the pattern of rhyme, generate rhymes unseen in the training data, and also that the learned word embeddings for rhyming sets of words are linearly separable. Our model generates a couplet which rhymes 68.15% of the time; this is the first time that a recurrent neural network has been shown to generate rhyming poetry a high percentage of the time. Additionally, we show that crowd-source workers can only distinguish between our generated couplets and couplets from our dataset 63.3% of the time, indicating that our model generates poetry with coherency, semantic meaning, and fluency comparable to couplets written by humans. / Graduate

Determining, Treating, and Preventing Mechanisms of Sudden Death in Epilepsy using Medical Implantable Devices

Daniel J. Pederson (5930126) 04 January 2019 (has links)
<div> <div> <div> <p>People with epilepsy have an increased risk of mortality when compared to the general population. These increased mortality risks include deaths related to status epilepticus and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Physiological data describing cardiac, respiratory, and brain function prior to sudden death in epilepsy is crucial to the studying the underlying mechanisms behind these deaths. Because it is unknown when sudden deaths in epilepsy may occur, continuous monitoring is necessary to guarantee the capture of physiological data prior to death. </p> <p>I have used custom designed implantable devices to continuously measure cardiac, respiratory, and neurological signals in freely behaving rats with chronically induced epilepsy. Due to the continuous respiration measurements, the resultant dataset is the first of its kind. This dataset indicates that respiratory abnormalities (reduced respiration and short apneas) occur during and after seizures. These abnormalities may indicate SUDEP onset because obstructive apneas due to laryngospasm have been indicated as possible causes of SUDEP in other studies. </p> <p>Laryngospasms can be caused by gastric acid coming into contact with the larynx. During a laryngospasm, intrinsic laryngeal muscles contract, resulting in the closure of the airway. Recently published research has indicated that acid reflux may be responsible for triggering fatal laryngospasms in rats with induced seizures. I have found that the larynx can be opened during a laryngospasm by electrically stimulating the recurrent laryngeal nerves. I have also found that performing gastric vagotomies leads to a statistically significant reduction in mortality due to fatal apneas in rats with induced seizures. </p> </div> </div> </div>

Influência da candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente na qualidade de vida / Influence of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis on quality of life

Eiko Ines Fukazawa 06 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente (CVVR) afeta aproximadamente 138 milhões de mulheres mundialmente. Motivo frequente de consultas em ginecologia, é definida como a ocorrência de quatro ou mais episódios em um período de 12 meses. Manifesta-se por sintomas extremamente desagradáveis como prurido, corrimento, irritação vulvovaginal, dor, comprometendo as atividades diárias e laborais, vida sexual e relacionamentos sociais. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente na qualidade de vida de mulheres com essa afecção, comparativamente à mulheres saudáveis. Método: O estudo foi realizado no Setor de Imunologia, Genética e Infecções do Trato Reprodutivo do Departamento de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no período de Julho de 2016 à dezembro de 2017, após aprovação pelo comitê de Ética para Análise de Projetos de Pesquisa do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Foram avaliadas 100 mulheres com diagnóstico de candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente, confirmado clínica e laboratorialmente (grupo estudo) e 101 mulheres saudáveis (grupo controle), em um estudo transversal analítico caso controle. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida foi utilizado o questionário validado World Health Quality of Life Abbreviated Assessment (WHOQOL-bref), autoadmininstrado, em ambos os grupos. Tal questionário é constituído por quatro domínios (físico, psicológico, social e meio ambiente) e contem 26 questões. A consistência interna foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach. Para a análíse estatística foram utilizados o teste qui-quadrado e o teste T de Student. Resultados: As médias etárias das mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente e das do grupo controle foram 34,0 e 32,2 anos respectivamente. Os escores médios das dimensões do WHOQOL-bref para a percepção da qualidade de vida (59,7), satisfação com a saúde (46,7), físico (54,4), psicológico (56,8), social (51,5), meio ambiente (43,5) para mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente foram menores do que os do grupo controle: qualidade de vida (71,3), satisfação com a saúde (67,1), físico (68,5), psicológico (65,8), social (69,1) e meio ambiente (57,4).O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultou maior do que 0,8 para as questões gerais e maior do que 0,65 para questões específicas, indicando uma consistência interna quase perfeita e substancial respectivamente. Assim, a percepção da qualidade de vida e a satisfação com a saúde estiveram muito reduzidas nas mulheres com CVVR (p < 0,001). No domínio físico a percepção de dor, falta de energia, problemas com o sono, redução da atividade diária, dependência de medicações ou tratamentos apresentaram-se aumentados em mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente (p < 0,001). No domínio psicológico tais mulheres referiram pouca afetividade, baixa autoestima, dificuldade na cognição e depreciação da imagem corporal (p < 0,001). Todos os aspectos sociais, incluindo atividade sexual também se mostraram reduzidos. No domínio meio ambiente apresentaram menor satisfação em seu local de moradia, poucos recursos financeiros, menos atividades recreativas e alto índice de desemprego (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente impactou de maneira negativa múltiplos aspectos do bem-estar das mulheres afetadas. Mulheres com esta condição merecem especial atenção dos profissionais de saúde e também o incentivo de novas pesquisas, que possam melhor elucidar aspectos de susceptibilidade, prevenção e tratamento / Background: Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) affects about 138 million women annually worldwide. A frequent reason for gynecologist consults, RVVC is defined as four or more episodes of culture positive symptomatic episodes in a 12 month period. Vulvovaginal itching, irritation, pain, discharge and problems with their sexual and emotional relationships are frequent complaints. We evaluated the influence of RVVC on aspects of quality of life in affected women in comparison to a control group. METHODS: This study was conducted at University of Sao Paulo Hospital of Medicine between July 2016- December 2017. The study was approved by Ethical Committee of University Sao Paulo Medical School. The cross sectional study consisted of 100 women with RVVC and 101 epidemiologically healthy matched women with no history of RVVC. Each subject completed a selfadministrated validated World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated Assessment (WHOQOL-bref) questionnaire, consisting of four domains (physical, psychological, social relations, environment) and composed of 26 questions. Internal consistency of responses was evaluated by Cronbach alpha. Data was analyzed by Chi square and student T test. RESULTS: The mean age of women with RVVC and controls was 34,0 years and 32,2 years, respectively. The mean WHOQOL-bref dimension scores for general health (59,7), life satisfaction (46,7), physical well being (54,5), social relations (51,5), psychological (56,8) and environment (43,5) for women with RVVC were all lower than in the control group: general health (71,3), life satisfaction (67,1), physical (68,5), social relations (69,1),psychological (65,8), and environment (57,4). Cronbach alpha coefficient was > 0.8 for general questions and > 0.65 for specific questions, indicating almost perfect and substantial internal consistency, respectively. In total, perception of quality of life and satisfaction with their health was greatly reduced in the RVVC group (p < 0.001). In the physical dominion, perception of pain, lack of energy, sleep problems, reduced daily activity, reliance on medications or treatments was increased in women with RVVC (p < 0.001). Psychologically, RVVC patients reported lowered affection, cognition, self-esteem and body image (p < 0.001). All aspects of social relations including sexual activity were also reduced (p < 0.001). Patients reported a less satisfactory home environment, lower financial resources, lower frequency of recreational activities and higher unemployment (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: RVVC affects multiple aspects of affected women\'s well being. Women with this condition deserve serious attention from clinicians and research into susceptibility, prevention and treatment of this infection should receive much greater support

Expressão de receptores Toll-Like (2, 4 e 7) em células do sangue e da mucosa oral de pacientes portadores de ulceração aftosa recorrente / Toll-like receptors expression in peripheral blood and oral mucosa of recurrent aphthous stomatitis

Camila de Barros Gallo 03 September 2008 (has links)
A ulceração aftosa recorrente (UAR) é uma das lesões mais freqüentes da cavidade bucal, comprometendo a qualidade de vida de seus portadores muitas vezes de maneira importante. Embora sua etiopatogenia ainda não esteja esclarecida, vários fatores têm sido consistentemente relacionados ao surgimento da UAR, especialmente alterações imunológicas e genéticas, conduzindo grande parte da investigação científica para esses campos do conhecimento. Os receptores Toll-Like (TLR) reconhecem produtos moleculares derivados, principalmente, de microrganismos, desencadeando a resposta inflamatória protetora. Entretanto, anormalidades em sua função podem estar relacionadas ao desenvolvimento de doenças, pela ativação aberrante do sistema imunológico. A proposta desta investigação foi a de se avaliar a expressão dos receptores TLR-2, TLR-4 e TLR-7 através do RT-PCR em tempo real, a partir de amostras de sangue periférico e da mucosa bucal de população portadora de UAR e indivíduos controles sadios. Cinco pacientes UAR e quatro controles voluntários compuseram a casuística estudada, sendo submetidos à biópsia de lesões de UAR ou de mucosa de revestimento sadia. Na mesma sessão os pacientes tiveram sangue coletado por venopunção. Posteriormente, ambos os materiais foram submetidos aos procedimentos laboratoriais de extração do RNA e análise de expressão dos receptores TLR por meio da técnica de RT-PCR real time. Não houve diferença significativa na expressão destes receptores entre portadores de UAR e controles sadios, nos dois tipos de amostra. Estudos mais aprofundados são necessários a fim de se verificar a real participação destes receptores na UAR, visto que não há outros estudos nesta área e a amostra analisada foi pequena. / Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is one of the most common oral mucosal diseases which may cause serious impairment on patients quality of life. Despite its still unknown pathogenesis, several factors have been consistently associated with RAS, especially genetic and immunological changes, which has driven a lot of research effort towards these issues. Toll-Like receptors (TLR) recognize molecular products, mainly derived from microorganisms, triggering the inflammatory response. However, abnormalities in their function may give rise to the development of diseases, through abnormal activation of the immune system. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the expression of receptors TLR-2, TLR-4 and TLR-7 in peripheral blood and tissue samples of RAS and healthy controls, through real time RT-PCR technique. Five UAR patients and four healthy volunteers with no RAS history composed the casuistic and were submitted to biopsy of their UAR lesions or normal oral mucosa. On that same session patients had a blood sample taken through venopuncture. Both samples (tissue and blood) were, afterwards, submitted to lab procedures of RNA extraction and toll-like receptors expression through real time RT-PCR. There were no significant differences in the expression of these receptors between RAS and healthy controls in the two sample types. Further studies are necessary to allow sound conclusions on the actual participation of these receptors in RAS, since the sample followed were small and there are no similar studies published.

Avaliação da frequência do polimorfismo nos genes que codificam a lecitina ligadora da manose (MBL) e o antagonista do receptor da interleucina-1 (IL1-Ra) em mulheres portadoras de candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente / Frequency of polymorphisms in the genes coding for mannose binding ligation (MBL) and Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1- Ra) in women with recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis

Maria Dulce Caoro Horie Wojitani 31 May 2011 (has links)
A candidíase vulvovaginal corresponde a uma das mais frequentes infecções do trato reprodutivo. Estima-se que 75% das mulheres na idade reprodutiva experimentarão pelo menos um episódio de candidíase vulvovaginal durante suas vidas, a maioria evoluirá com episódios infrequentes, entretanto, 5% sofrerão recorrência, ou seja, quatro ou mais episódios de candidíase vulvovaginal comprovadas clínica e laboratorialmente no período de 1ano. Os mecanismos pelos quais as recorrências ocorrem ainda são pouco conhecidos, estando provavelmente relacionados à alterações na imunidade local. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as associações entre os polimorfismos nos genes que codificam a lecitina ligadora de manose (MBL) e do antagonista do receptor da interleucina 1 (IL1-Ra) com a candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente (CVVR) em mulheres brasileiras. Foram estudadas 100 mulheres portadoras de CVVR atendidas no Serviço de Imunologia Genética e Infecções do Trato Reprodutivo da Disciplina de Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Para a análise dos polimorfismos nos genes que codificam para a MBL e o IL1-Ra realizou-se coleta de células bucais que foram enviadas para Division of Immunology and Infectious Diseases of Weill Medical College of Cornell University Resultados: Mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente apresentaram maior frequência de polimorfismo no códon 54 do gene que codifica a MBL quando comparadas a mulheres saudáveis. Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na frequência do polimorfismo do gene que codifica o IL1-Ra entre os grupos estudados / Vulvovaginal candidiasis is the most common genital infection in women during their childbearing years. About 75% of women suffer at least one syntomatic episode during their lives. Most of them will have infrequent episodes, but 5% will suffer recurrent episode of vulvovaginal candidiasis. The mechanisms responsible for recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVCC) remain a matter of speculation, although an alteration in local immunity appears to be a major factor. The aim of this study was to assess the correlation between polymorphisms in the genes coding for mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL1-Ra) and RVCC in women from São Paulo, Brazil. The study population consisted of 100 women with RVCC, who were seen at Serviço de Infecções do Trato Reprodutivo da Disciplina de Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. To analyse for the MBL códon 54 gene polymorphism and for IL1-Ra, buccal cells were obtained with a cotton swabs and shipped to New York at ambient temperature. The polymorphisms were identified in the Division of Immunology and Infectious Diseases of Weill Medical College of Cornell University. Results: Women with RVVC present a high frequency of polymorphisms at codon 54 in the gene coding for MBL; on the other hand there were no differences in polymorphism frequency in the gene coding for IL1-Ra when compared to control women


Silva, Fábio França 06 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T18:16:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIO FRANCA SILVA.pdf: 387985 bytes, checksum: b614ae131f06a658fbdac4196b4d623c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-06 / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA E AO DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTIFICO E TECNOLÓGICO DO MARANHÃO / Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) is defined as two or more consecutive spontaneous pregnancy losses before the 20th week of gestation, a situation that occurs in 1 to 2% of women in reproductive age. Genetic, anatomical, endocrine, infectious and immunologic factors through mechanisms that relate to the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and the presence of certain HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) are associated to RSA. HLA gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 6 between the 6p21.31 and 6p21.33 regions. This gene is inherited in haplotypes and expressed in codominance, having influence on modulation and induction of mother tolerance during the pregnancy. The aim of this study was to compare the allelic frequencies of HLA-A*, HLA-B* and HLA-DRB1* loci in women with and without RSA. It was a case-control study in 200 women (100 for each group) between 18 and 35 years of age. All samples were typified by the PCR-SSOP method (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Sequence Specific Oligonucleotide Probes). The most frequent alleles observed in the group of women with and without RSA were: HLAA* 02 (56%) and (49%), HLA-DRB1*13 (31%) and (39%) respectively - there was no statistical significative difference when compared among the groups for this alleles; HLA-A*24 (12%) e (25%), (OR: 0.41; 95% CI: 0.18-0.92; p=0.028); HLA-A*34 (8%) e (1%), (OR: 8.61; 95% CI: 1.06-187.04; p=0.034); HLA-B*35 (16%) e (41%) (OR: 0.27; 95% CI: 0.13 0.56; p=0.0002). The most frequent haplotypes observed in the group of women with and without RSA were: A*02DRB1*16 (12%) e (2%) (OR: 6.68; 95% CI: 1.36 44.52; p=0.012) respectively. In this research, DRB1* locus in women with RSA was in linkage disequilibrium (p=0.01.). The high frequency of HLA-A*02 and HLA-DRB1*13 alleles in this study was due to the wide distribution of this allele in the population of Maranhão. HLA-A*24 e HLA-B*35 alleles were considered as a protection factor and HLA-A*34 allele was considered as a risk factor to RSA. The A*02DRB1*16 haplotype was the most frequent and considered as a risk factor to RSA. In order to confirm the observed results in this research, a study involving a higher sample size is necessary as well as genetic epidemiology researches to shed light on the role of HLA antigens and/or its connection to other genes as a risk factor. / Abortamento Espontâneo Recorrente (AER) caracteriza-se por duas ou mais perdas conceptuais espontâneas e consecutivas antes da 20ª semana de gestação, acometendo entre 1% e 2% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva. Fatores genéticos, anatômicos, endócrinos, infecciosos e imunológicos, por meio de mecanismos que relacionam o Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (CPH) e a frequência de determinados antígenos HLA (Antígeno Leucocitário Humano), estão associados ao AER. O gene HLA localiza-se no braço curto do cromossomo 6 entre as regiões 6p21.31 e 6p21.33, é herdado em bloco e expresso em co-dominância. O mesmo exerce uma grande influência na modulação e indução da tolerância materna durante a gestação. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar as frequências alélicas dos loci HLA-A*, -B* e - DRB1* em mulheres com e sem AER. Realizou-se um estudo caso-controle em 200 mulheres (100 para cada grupo), entre 18 e 35 anos de idade. Todas as amostras foram tipificadas pelo método PCR-SSOP (Reação em cadeia da Polimerase Sondas de Oligonucleotídios de Sequências Especificas). Os alelos mais frequentes tanto em mulheres com e sem AER foram, respectivamente: HLA-A*02 (56%) e (49%), HLADRB1* 13 (31%) e (39%)-embora sem resultado estatisticamente significante; HLAA* 24 (12%) e (25%), (OR: 0,41; 95% IC: 0,18-0,92; p=0,028); HLA-A*34 (8%) e (1%), (OR: 8,61; 95% IC: 1,06-187,04; p=0,034); HLA-B*35 (16%) e (41%) (OR: 0,27; 95% IC: 0,13 0,56; p=0,0002). Os haplótipos mais frequentes em mulheres com e sem AER foram, respectivamente: A*02DRB1*16 (12%) e (2%) (OR 6,68; 95% IC: 1,36 44,52; p=0,012). No presente estudo, apenas o locus DRB1* apresentou desequilíbrio de ligação significante (p=0,01) em mulheres com AER. A elevada frequência dos alelos HLA-A*02 e HLA-DRB1*13 é justificada pela ampla distribuição desses alelos na população maranhense. Os alelos HLA-A*24 e HLA-B*35 apresentaram-se como um fator de proteção e o alelo HLA-A*34 um fator de risco para AER. Para as associações haplotípicas, o haplótipo A*02DRB1*16 foi mais frequente em mulheres com AER, sendo um fator de risco para este grupo. Para a ratificação dos resultados deste trabalho, faz-se necessário aumentar o número amostral, bem como estudos de epidemiologia genética para o melhor entendimento do papel dos antígenos HLA e/ou sua ligação a outros genes como fator de risco para o AER.

Influência da candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente na qualidade de vida / Influence of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis on quality of life

Fukazawa, Eiko Ines 06 December 2018 (has links)
Introdução: A candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente (CVVR) afeta aproximadamente 138 milhões de mulheres mundialmente. Motivo frequente de consultas em ginecologia, é definida como a ocorrência de quatro ou mais episódios em um período de 12 meses. Manifesta-se por sintomas extremamente desagradáveis como prurido, corrimento, irritação vulvovaginal, dor, comprometendo as atividades diárias e laborais, vida sexual e relacionamentos sociais. Objetivo: Avaliar a influência da candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente na qualidade de vida de mulheres com essa afecção, comparativamente à mulheres saudáveis. Método: O estudo foi realizado no Setor de Imunologia, Genética e Infecções do Trato Reprodutivo do Departamento de Obstetrícia e Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo no período de Julho de 2016 à dezembro de 2017, após aprovação pelo comitê de Ética para Análise de Projetos de Pesquisa do Hospital das Clínicas da FMUSP. Foram avaliadas 100 mulheres com diagnóstico de candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente, confirmado clínica e laboratorialmente (grupo estudo) e 101 mulheres saudáveis (grupo controle), em um estudo transversal analítico caso controle. Para avaliação da qualidade de vida foi utilizado o questionário validado World Health Quality of Life Abbreviated Assessment (WHOQOL-bref), autoadmininstrado, em ambos os grupos. Tal questionário é constituído por quatro domínios (físico, psicológico, social e meio ambiente) e contem 26 questões. A consistência interna foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de alfa de Cronbach. Para a análíse estatística foram utilizados o teste qui-quadrado e o teste T de Student. Resultados: As médias etárias das mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente e das do grupo controle foram 34,0 e 32,2 anos respectivamente. Os escores médios das dimensões do WHOQOL-bref para a percepção da qualidade de vida (59,7), satisfação com a saúde (46,7), físico (54,4), psicológico (56,8), social (51,5), meio ambiente (43,5) para mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente foram menores do que os do grupo controle: qualidade de vida (71,3), satisfação com a saúde (67,1), físico (68,5), psicológico (65,8), social (69,1) e meio ambiente (57,4).O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach resultou maior do que 0,8 para as questões gerais e maior do que 0,65 para questões específicas, indicando uma consistência interna quase perfeita e substancial respectivamente. Assim, a percepção da qualidade de vida e a satisfação com a saúde estiveram muito reduzidas nas mulheres com CVVR (p < 0,001). No domínio físico a percepção de dor, falta de energia, problemas com o sono, redução da atividade diária, dependência de medicações ou tratamentos apresentaram-se aumentados em mulheres com candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente (p < 0,001). No domínio psicológico tais mulheres referiram pouca afetividade, baixa autoestima, dificuldade na cognição e depreciação da imagem corporal (p < 0,001). Todos os aspectos sociais, incluindo atividade sexual também se mostraram reduzidos. No domínio meio ambiente apresentaram menor satisfação em seu local de moradia, poucos recursos financeiros, menos atividades recreativas e alto índice de desemprego (p < 0,001). Conclusão: Candidíase vulvovaginal recorrente impactou de maneira negativa múltiplos aspectos do bem-estar das mulheres afetadas. Mulheres com esta condição merecem especial atenção dos profissionais de saúde e também o incentivo de novas pesquisas, que possam melhor elucidar aspectos de susceptibilidade, prevenção e tratamento / Background: Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) affects about 138 million women annually worldwide. A frequent reason for gynecologist consults, RVVC is defined as four or more episodes of culture positive symptomatic episodes in a 12 month period. Vulvovaginal itching, irritation, pain, discharge and problems with their sexual and emotional relationships are frequent complaints. We evaluated the influence of RVVC on aspects of quality of life in affected women in comparison to a control group. METHODS: This study was conducted at University of Sao Paulo Hospital of Medicine between July 2016- December 2017. The study was approved by Ethical Committee of University Sao Paulo Medical School. The cross sectional study consisted of 100 women with RVVC and 101 epidemiologically healthy matched women with no history of RVVC. Each subject completed a selfadministrated validated World Health Organization Quality of Life Abbreviated Assessment (WHOQOL-bref) questionnaire, consisting of four domains (physical, psychological, social relations, environment) and composed of 26 questions. Internal consistency of responses was evaluated by Cronbach alpha. Data was analyzed by Chi square and student T test. RESULTS: The mean age of women with RVVC and controls was 34,0 years and 32,2 years, respectively. The mean WHOQOL-bref dimension scores for general health (59,7), life satisfaction (46,7), physical well being (54,5), social relations (51,5), psychological (56,8) and environment (43,5) for women with RVVC were all lower than in the control group: general health (71,3), life satisfaction (67,1), physical (68,5), social relations (69,1),psychological (65,8), and environment (57,4). Cronbach alpha coefficient was > 0.8 for general questions and > 0.65 for specific questions, indicating almost perfect and substantial internal consistency, respectively. In total, perception of quality of life and satisfaction with their health was greatly reduced in the RVVC group (p < 0.001). In the physical dominion, perception of pain, lack of energy, sleep problems, reduced daily activity, reliance on medications or treatments was increased in women with RVVC (p < 0.001). Psychologically, RVVC patients reported lowered affection, cognition, self-esteem and body image (p < 0.001). All aspects of social relations including sexual activity were also reduced (p < 0.001). Patients reported a less satisfactory home environment, lower financial resources, lower frequency of recreational activities and higher unemployment (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: RVVC affects multiple aspects of affected women\'s well being. Women with this condition deserve serious attention from clinicians and research into susceptibility, prevention and treatment of this infection should receive much greater support

Att längta efter det liv som aldrig började : Kvinnors upplevelser av upprepade missfall En kvalitativ metasyntes / Women’s experience of recurrent miscarriage : A qualitative metasynthesis

Sundström, Suzanna, Larsson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige definieras begreppet upprepade missfall som att en kvinna har fått tre eller flera missfall i följd och det uppskattas drabba ca en procent av världens alla par i fertil ålder. Då detta är en liten grupp kvinnor kan det vara svårt för den drabbade kvinnan att veta var hon kan vända sig med sina funderingar och vad hon har rätt till för vidare hjälp. Vid flera upprepade missfall växer behovet av att få svar på vad som sker och varför samtidigt som behovet av stöd och förståelse från sina närstående blir större. Tillgången till utredning och behandling ser olika ut men med hjälp från barnmorskans och vårdens sida kan lämplig planering utifrån kvinnan situation utvecklas. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kvinnans upplevelse av upprepade missfall och belysa hennes behov under och tiden efter missfallet. Metod: Metoden för denna uppsats var en kvalitativ metasyntes med metaetnografisk analysmetod. Totalt kvalitetsgranskades 29 artiklar varav 16 gick igenom kvalitetsgranskningen och sammanställdes till ett resultat. Resultat: Sju kategorier med nyckelbegrepp bildades. Kategorierna som identifierades var missfallsprocessen, utrymme för sorg, undvikande beteende, partnerrollen, socialt stöd, förväntningar på vården och att bli gravid igen. Slutsats: Då alla kvinnor är olika varierar upplevelsen och behoven vid en missfallsprocess. Genom att ha kunskap om vad kvinnan går igenom både fysiskt- och psykiskt vid upprepade missfall bidrar det till en ökad förståelse för vad kvinnan behöver, både från sin omgivning men även från vårdens sida. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Studien skulle kunna bidra till att utforska möjligheten att ändra på kriterierna för utredning vid upprepade missfall. Studien skulle även kunna leda till en förbättring av kunskapsläget både för individen, samhället och vården gällande hur bemötandet av denna grupp av kvinnor ser ut. Barnmorskor kan som yrkesgrupp stödja och hjälpa denna grupp kvinnor genom uppföljning i samband med att de kommer i kontakt med barnmorskemottagningen för att meddela att graviditeten har slutat i ännu ett missfall. Vidare kan etableringen av stödgrupper inom vården vara ett bra stöd för kvinnor som är med om upprepade missfall och dessa grupper skulle potentiellt ledas och samordnas av en barnmorska som innehar kompetens inom området upprepade missfall. / Background: In Sweden, the concept of recurrent miscarriage is defined as a woman having three or more miscarriages in succession and it is estimated to affect about one percent of all couples of childbearing age worldwide. Since this is a small group of women, it can be difficult for the effected woman to know where she can turn with her thoughts and what she is entitled to regarding further help. After enduring multiple recurrent miscarriages, the need to get some answers and at the same time the need to receive support and understanding from their close surroundings increases. The access to further investigation and treatment is different depending on where you are but with some help from a midwife and other healthcare providers, an appropriate plan based on the woman's situation can be developed. Purpose: The aim of this essay was to investigate the experiences of women who have endured recurrent miscarriages and their further needs that occurred during and the time after the miscarriage. Methods: The method used in this essay was a qualitative metasynthesis with metaethnographic analysis method. In total, 29 articles were collected of which 16 of them went through the quality review and were compiled to a result. Results: seven categories containing of key concepts were formed. The categories identified were the process of miscarrying, room for griefing, avoiding behavior, the partners role, social support, expectations of the healthcare and becoming pregnant again. Conclusion: Due to the fact that all women are different, the experiences and needs during a miscarrying process varies. By having the knowledge of what the woman goes through both physically and mentally during recurrent miscarriages, it contributes to a greater understanding of what the woman needs, both from her surroundings but also from the healthcare. Clinical applicability: This essay could help to explore the possibilities of modifying the criteria for an investigation of recurrent miscarriages. The essay could also lead to improvement of the knowledge situation for the individual, the society and the care providers regarding how this group of women wants to be treated. Midwives as a profession could help to support this group of women by initiating contact with the women when or after she has contacted the midwife clinic to announce another pregnancy loss. Furthermore, the establishment of support groups for women with recurrent miscarriages could be helpful and supportive for these women. The support groups could potentially be coordinated by a midwife with specific knowledge about recurrent miscarriage.

Recurrent Neural Networks and Their Applications to RNA Secondary Structure Inference

Willmott, Devin 01 January 2018 (has links)
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are state of the art sequential machine learning tools, but have difficulty learning sequences with long-range dependencies due to the exponential growth or decay of gradients backpropagated through the RNN. Some methods overcome this problem by modifying the standard RNN architecure to force the recurrent weight matrix W to remain orthogonal throughout training. The first half of this thesis presents a novel orthogonal RNN architecture that enforces orthogonality of W by parametrizing with a skew-symmetric matrix via the Cayley transform. We present rules for backpropagation through the Cayley transform, show how to deal with the Cayley transform's singularity, and compare its performance on benchmark tasks to other orthogonal RNN architectures. The second half explores two deep learning approaches to problems in RNA secondary structure inference and compares them to a standard structure inference tool, the nearest neighbor thermodynamic model (NNTM). The first uses RNNs to detect paired or unpaired nucleotides in the RNA structure, which are then converted into synthetic auxiliary data that direct NNTM structure predictions. The second method uses recurrent and convolutional networks to directly infer RNA base pairs. In many cases, these approaches improve over NNTM structure predictions by 20-30 percentage points.

A novel robust and intelligent control based approach for human lower limb rehabilitation via neuromuscular electrical stimulation /

Arcolezi, Héber Hwang January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecido Augusto de Carvalho / Abstract: In the last few years, several studies have been carried out showing that neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) can produce good therapeutic results in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI). This research introduces a new robust and intelligent control-based methodology for human lower limb rehabilitation via NMES using a continuous-time control technique named robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE). Although in the literature the RISE controller has shown good results without any fine-tuning method, a trial and error approach would quickly lead to muscle fatigue in SCI patients. Therefore, it was shown in this study that the control performance for robustly tracking a reference signal can be improved through the proposed approach by providing an intelligent tuning for each voluntary. Simulation results with a mathematical model and eight identified subjects from the literature are provided, and real experiments are performed with seven healthy and two paraplegic subjects. Besides, this research introduces the application of deep and dynamic neural networks namely the multilayer perceptron, a simple recurrent neural network, and the Long Short-Term memory architecture, to identify the nonlinear and time-varying relationship between the supplied NMES and achieved angular position. Identification results indicate good fitting to data and very low mean square error using few data for training, proving to be very prospective methods for proposing control-oriented ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Resumo: Nos últimos anos, vários estudos foram realizados mostrando que a estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) pode produzir bons resultados terapêuticos em pacientes com lesão medular (LM). Esta pesquisa introduz uma nova metodologia robusta e inteligente baseada em controle para a reabilitação de membros inferiores humanos via EENM usando uma técnica de controle de tempo contínuo chamada robust integral of the sign of the error (RISE). Embora na literatura o controlador RISE tem demonstrado bons resultados sem qualquer método de ajuste fino, uma abordagem de tentativa e erro poderia levar rapidamente à fadiga muscular em pacientes com LM. Portanto, foi mostrado nesse estudo que o desempenho do controle para rastrear com robustez um sinal de referência pode ser melhorado através da abordagem proposta, fornecendo um ajuste inteligente para cada voluntário. Resultados de simulação com um modelo matemático e oito sujeitos identificados da literatura são fornecidos, e experimentos reais são feitos com sete indivíduos saudáveis ​​e dois paraplégicos. Além disso, esta pesquisa introduz a aplicação de redes neurais profundas e dinâmicas, especificamente o perceptron multicamadas, uma rede neural recorrente simples e a arquitetura Long Short-Term Memory, para identificar a relação não-linear e variante no tempo entre a EENM fornecida e a posição angular alcançada. Os resultados de identificação indicam boa adaptação aos dados e erro quadrático médio muito baixo usando poucos dados para... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Mestre

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