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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un estudio etnográfico sobre usuarios/as de heroína. Conocimiento psicosocial y práctica reflexiva

Albertín Carbó, Pilar 30 June 2000 (has links)
Presentación El siguiente trabajo es un ejercicio reflexivo sobre una experiencia própia: Un estudio etnográfico sobre usuarios/as de heroína realizado en un barrio de Barcelona entre los años 1993-1995. Todo empezó dos años después de escribir la etnografía, al decidir regresar al barrio para explicar a los participantes el trabajo que había escrito sobre aquella experiencia. En esos momentos tomé la decisión de realizar un estudio sobre el papel que yo había desarrollado durante todo el trabajo de campo con esas personas, cómo me había influido, como les había influido, por qué había relatado aquellas cosas sobre sus vidas, qué efectos provocaba lo escrito a posibles lectores, etc. Y así surgió el tema de esta tesis. ObjetivosEn este trabajo me propongo ponerme al lado de los datos que en otro momento recogí y comenzar a analizarlos a la luz de potentes teorías y presupuestos -principalmente de la psicología social-. He tratado de "hacer" un ejercicio reflexivo sobre un caso, una experiencia científica en la qué "yo" he estado implicada. El objetivo fundamental es mostrar en qué consiste una práctica reflexiva, entendida como una forma de hacer "objetivable" el conocimiento (aspecto que correspondería a una dimensión racional- epistemológica), y también entendida como una forma de encontrar resistencias a discursos dominantes en el conocimiento psicosocial (aspecto que correspondería a una dimensión ético-política). Como objetivos específicos me propongo: -señalar un procedimiento que permita conectar al auditorio o lectores con la experiencia particular de la investigadora -cuestionar mi propia práctica de producción de conocimiento psicosocial -explorar los "yoes" o subjetividades en el proceso investigador Marco teórico y metodología He definido un tipo de práctica reflexiva tomando una perspectiva construccionista crítica localizada en la posición del observador/a, donde el valor de la reflexividad, más que instrumento de comprensión o validación, es un instrumento de cambio. Procederé a través del análisis del discurso de mi práctica social o experiencia de conocimiento científico, junto con conceptos provenientes de la etnometodología, interaccionismo simbólico y fenomenología. Los métodos han sido la etnografía de laboratorio (basada en Latour y Woolgar), la descripción etnometodológica (de Potter) y el análisis discursivo (los repertorios interpretativos de Potter y Wheterell, y las formaciones discursivas basadas en Foucault). Mis datos han sido 44 entrevistas en profundidad, a modo de conversaciones con los usuarios y no usuarios significativos en aquel contexto de observación. Casi todas transcritas. Y 5 libretas con notas de campo tomadas durante la observación participante en las que constaban multitud de comentarios personales, interpretaciones sobre el tema y situaciones compartidas entre ellos y "yo". Resultados y discusión Como resultado del análisis del discurso he encontrado la confrontación entre formaciones discursivas "naturalizadoras" y "sociologizadoras", acentuando mucho más en mis datos la formación "sociologizadora" (cuestiones legales, relacionales, culturales, etc.), que "naturalizadora" (cuestiones sensoriales, farmacológicas, psicológicas, fisiológicas, etc.). Este dialogismo entre unas y otras formaciones permite tomar consciencia de formas de acción que no son demasiado relevantes en un contexto sociohistórico dado, pero si se activan o "actúan" en contextos específicos de acción donde las personas tienen capacidad agéntica. La observación participante ha sido fundamental para contextualizar los datos, construidos en su "contexto cotidiano de acción", además, ha dado sentido a las conversaciones y a las entrevistas en profundidad. El procedimiento empleado, conforma un tipo de modelo que pone en relación di versos constructos: contexto discursivo (o interactivo), posición discursiva y formaciones discursivas, y que se articulan alrededor de un espacio intersubjetivo "yo-alter" que es lo que constituye la unidad básica donde opera la reflexividad. Se construyen distintos "yoes" en cada momento y trayectoria de la experiencia relatada. Al introducir el "yo" en el trabajo de campo (tanto el mío como el de alter), provoco una problematización de los datos y a la vez, me obliga a reconceptualizar ese "yo" o "yoes" y resignificar esos datos. Se me plantea mi condición de liminalidad (o de otra manera, decir que no estoy ni dentro ni fuera de la cultura que estudio), donde los contornos de mi identidad se subvierten y donde la condición de ser, es que ninguna subjetividad es permanente. Mi aproximación a "alter" supone una continuidad entre "yo-alter" y en ocasiones resulta amenazante, en la medida en que se confunden los límites y se difuminan con el fin de conseguir una "experiencia empática". Pero no se trataría tanto de una fusión "yo-alter", de manera que sería una dilución de ambos, sino de una permeabilidad de los límites, originando así, un espacio potencial para crear, para conectar y donde se resuelva la tendencia a controlar o contener un "yo" al otro. ConclusionesLa posibilidad de la práctica reflexiva está en el espacio intersubjetivo "yo-alter". Mi intento de conexión con "alter" me constituye temporalmente en mediadora: "estar en medio de". Esto significa: l-socavar los cimientos y el orden construido, a través de buscar fisuras, inconsistencias y contradicciones en los discursos manejados, a partir de las cuales hay potenciales trayectos que no se han producido, 2-incorporar diferentes voces o dialogismo en la historia que cuento y no un monólogo de la autora, sino una participación de alternativas posibles y espacios de enunciación, junto con las subjetividades emergentes. Para ello, dos condiciones son ineludibles: -la agentividad para subvertir lo establecido, las identidades -el recuperar contextos que sean potencialmente relevantes para actuar discursos. Considerar las subjetividades también es la manera de tener a "alter" presente. "Alter" se comprende en "mi" a través de un trayecto en el que se marcan las afinidades mutuas y no tanto las identidades, en el que "representar" a "alter" es trazar un trayecto de conocimiento local y situado (como apunta Haraway), pues sólo así es posible generar una praxis transformadora fiel a la parcialidad. / AN ETHNOGRAPHIC STUDY ON HEROIN USERS. Psycho-social Knowledge and Reflexive Practice This study is a reflexive exercise based on own experience: an ethnographic study of heroin users carried out in a Barcelona city neighbourhood between 1993 to 1995. The aim was to analyse data collected using social psychology theoretic perspectives. I will try to demonstrate what reflexive practice is, understood both as a way of making knowledge "objectivable" (rational-epistemological issues), as well as a way of finding resistance to dominant discourses in psychosocial knowledge (ethical-political issues). The specific aims are: -to indicate a procedure that would approximate the audience or reader with the particular experience of the researcher, -to criticise my own production practice of psycho-social knowledge, -to explore the "self" o subjectivity in the research process. The methods used were: laboratory ethnography (Latour and Woolgar), ethno-methodological description (Potter), discursive analysis (Potter and Wheterell) and discursive training (Foucault). I have carried out 44 interviews and employed 5 fieldwork research reports. In the procedure used, I have linked: discursive context, position and discursive training. These elements are articulated around an "alter-self" inter-subjective space, constituting the basic unit out of which reflexivity operates. In my narrative, "sociologising" training discourses (i.e. legal, relational, cultural matters etc.) have predominated over those which are "naturalising" (i.e. sensorial, pharmacological, psychological matters etc.). Different "self" are formed at every moment and throughout the development of the narrated experience. By introducing the "self" in the tieldwork (both the "self" as well as the "alter"), I introduce a problemising of the data. At the same time, I reconceptualise the "self" and resignify the data. In conclusion, it is worth pointing out that the possibility of reflexive practice is on the "alter-self" intersubjective space, and my attempt to connect with the "alter", temporarily makes me a "mediator". This means: -undermining the foundations and the order built, by searching for weaknesses and inconsistencies in discourses. Starting from this generates ways that had not been made. -Incorporating different voices o dialogisms in the history, together with emerging subjectivities. Two conditions are unavoidable: - the agentivity for subverting what is established, the identities, - to recuperate contexts which are potentially relevant for carrying out discourses.

The Impacts of Reflective Practices on the Dispositions for Critical Thinking in Undergraduate Courses

Sable, David 20 August 2012 (has links)
The primary objective of this research was to determine if a specific set of reflective practices enhance university undergraduate students’ abilities to: 1) reflect on their thinking processes to become more aware of their own intellectual habits and how they form; 2) inquire with open-minded curiosity, including suspension of assumptions long enough for them to be challenged; and 3) generate justifiable, contextual understandings and judgments, individually and in collaboration. “Reflective practices” refers to a specific set of reflective learning activities introduced to undergraduates in two courses: mindfulness practice extended into journal writing, listening, inquiry and dialogue. The purpose of the reflective practices in this research was to support independent, critical thinking: well-reasoned, evaluative judgments based on evidence, contextual understanding, and respect for others. Students were instructed in both individual, introspective activity as well as in paired and group interaction while preserving a degree of mindfulness. Indicators of the dispositions for critical thinking were developed using grounded theory methods to study students’ experiences, as well as those dispositions previously identified in the research literature. Qualitative results showed increased self-confidence, engagement with multiple points of view, and an unexpected sense of connectedness that was stronger between students who disagreed with each other than between students who found easy agreement in their interaction. Quantitative results showed statistically significant gains in the average number of indicators of critical thinking dispositions appearing in student journals comparing week 1 to week 11. There was also positive correlation between final essay exam scores graded for critical thinking skills and the total number of indicators found in students’ journals. / This thesis presents primary research on the impacts of mindfulness applied to introspective and interactive learning activities in undergraduate university courses.

Principes de conception et d’utilisation des e-portfolios de présentation en milieu universitaire

Baldovini, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose d’étudier, d’un point de vue de la problématique et de la méthodologie relative à l’ergonomie humain-machine, la manière dont les e-portfolios de présentation peuvent s’insérer dans le milieu universitaire. Un e-portfolio est généralement défini comme étant une collection d’informations qui illustre la scolarité, l’apprentissage ou la vie professionnelle d’une personne à travers une sélection de résultats marquants au cours de formations ou d’études, mais aussi qui regroupe les réflexions personnelles de l’apprenant sur son apprentissage, son parcours, la planification d’une carrière ou la construction d’un CV. Tout au long de cette étude nous avons chercher à comprendre à travers une analyse ciblée des besoins comment l’apprenant peut mettre en avant une démarche réflexive tout au long de son parcours. Il s’agit aussi de comprendre comment les e-portfolios de présentation pourraient se démarquer et offrir un véritable outil de placement aux étudiants comme aux recruteurs. Pour tenter de répondre à ces questions, nous avons procédé à des entretiens avec les recruteurs et les étudiants en vue de comprendre leurs attentes. L’ensemble des informations recueillies on permis de créer une maquette fonctionnelle sur laquelle ils ont pu interagir. Les éléments d’analyse issus de ces rencontres et des tests d’utilisabilité de l’outil nous ont permis de mettre sur pied une maquette finale. / Based on the human-machine ergonomics methodology, this study deals with how e-portfolios of presentation could be implemented in the University. An e-portfolio can be defined as a structured amount of information displaying the education, learning and working experience of a person in relation to a selection of outstanding results. It also includes personal reflections on the learner on those accomplishments, on his career plan, on his working experience or simply on his resume. With a focused needs’ analysis, we try to understand how learners could put forward a reflexive thinking throughout their career. Also, we try to figure out how e-portfolios could become an effective investment tool for students as well as for employers. To answer these questions, we have made many interviews with employers and students in order to assess and understand their expectations. The sum of collected information has helped us to design a primary model on which they will be able to interact each other. After that phase, and according to all the usability tests conducted on that model, we developed the final model for an e-portfolio.

Diagnostika a následná péče o děti s poruchami učení a ADHD, s využitím artefiletiky / Diagnostis and subsequent care for children with learning disabilities and ADHD, with application of artphiletics

Psohlavcová, Iva January 2016 (has links)
The topic of thesis is a study of artphiletics approach to aftercare aimed at children with specific learning and behavior disorders, especially ADHD, conducted simultaneously in art lessons. The introductory part to find review deals with specific learning disabilities and behavioral disorders, especially ADHD, ie. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Possible causes and manifestations. It also points to the psychosocial aspects of specific learning disabilities and ADHD. Another section deals with pedagogical diagnosis, follow-up care for children with learning disabilities and ADHD monitored areas and remedial care. Mention is a component of visual expression of a child in the diagnosis and follow-up care. The following section describes the concept artephiletics, its theoretical framework, possibilities and use for children with learning disabilities and ADHD. Empirical part is dedicated to the study of its evaluation methodology art philetic meeting and reflective balance with case studies of individual children

Two adolescent mothers, two bondings: What makes the difference? / Dos madres adolescentes, dos vínculos: ¿qué marca la diferencia?

Traverso Koroleff, Pierina 25 September 2017 (has links)
A case study of two adolescent mothers of the same age is presented (17 years old) withwhich it is intended to explore the maternal representations and mother-baby interactions, that is, the different ways of “being with” a baby. The study pretends to discuss that it is not adolescent motherhood in itself a risk factor, but other mediating variables such as support network and the reflective function with which each young mother counts. Maternal repre- sentations were assessed through a semi-structured interview about maternal representations (Traverso, 2006) and the mother-infant interactions were measured and filmed through the Mother-Infant Global Ratings for two and four months (Murray, Fiori-Cowley & Cooper,1996). / Se presenta un estudio de caso de dos madres adolescentes de la misma edad (17 años), con el cual se intenta explorar las representaciones maternas y las interacciones madre-bebe, es decir, las distintas maneras de “estar con” el bebe. El estudio pretende discutir que la maternidad adolescente en sí misma no es un factor de riesgo, sino que otras variables moderadoras como la calidad de las redes de sostenimiento y la función reflexiva con que cada joven madre cuenta. Las representaciones maternas fueron evaluadas a través de una entrevista semi-estructurada sobre representaciones maternas (Traverso, 2006) y las interacciones madre-bebe fueron medidas y filmadas a través del Mother-Infant Global-Ratings para dos y cuatro meses (Murray, Fiori-Cowley & Cooper, 1996).

The Swedish absolute reflexive construction in a cross-linguistic perspective

Bondarenko, Alice January 2020 (has links)
Swedish has the absolute reflexive construction, where a reflexive marker appears to be usedas an antipassive marker. Similar constructions, with omitted objects and reflexive marking on the verb, are found in Slavic and Baltic languages and is only possible with a small set of verbs.This study examines this group of verbs in Swedish and a sample of European languages andfinds that the verbs express unwanted action on an animate patient. They also share features of non-resultativity, potential reciprocality and atelicity. A set of core meanings, including ‘hit’,‘push’ and ‘bite’ are the most frequently occurring in absolute reflexives also in Slavic and Baltic languages. Lexical semantics hence play an important role in the extension of functions of reflexive markers in these languages. There is a functional overlap of reciprocal and absolute reflexive function in all of the languages, resulting in clauses with ambiguous reading between reciprocal and antipassive. It is suggested that the antipassive function of reflexive markers has grammaticalized from the reciprocal function of this marker. / I svenska finns en absolut reflexiv konstruktion, där en reflexivmarkör verkar fungera som en antipassivmarkör. Liknande konstruktioner, med utelämnat objekt och reflexiv markering på predikatet, finns även i slaviska och baltiska språk och är bara möjliga med en liten grupp verb. Den här studien undersöker denna grupp av verb i svenska och i ett urval av europeiska språk och visar att verben uttrycker oönskad handling på en animat patient. Verben är också icke-resultativa, potentiellt reciproka och ateliska. En grupp av kärnbetydelser som ’slå’, ’knuffa’och ’sparka’ är de vanligast förekommande i absolut reflexiva konstruktioner även i slaviska och baltiska språk. Lexikal semantik spelar följaktligen en viktig roll i utvidgningen av funktioner av reflexivmarkörer i dessa språk. Det finns en funktionell överlappning mellan reciproka verb och absolut reflexiv i alla språken i undersökningen, vilket resulterar i satser med två möjliga tolkningar: reciprok och antipassiv. En grammatikalisering av reflexivmarkörer från reciprok funktion till antipassiv funktion föreslås

The journey to authentic leadership through the exploration of self

Nasson, Adrian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This reflexive narrative traces the development of the author’s authentic leadership fingerprint. The document outlines the author’s developmental journey from the streets of North-End in Port Elizabeth, to the boardroom tables of major telecommunications organisations in Africa, Continental United States and Europe. Utilising autoethnography as a vehicle of enquiry, the author relates his life story, with a specific focus on significant trigger events, individuals who had a positive or negative influence on the development of his world view; and the dynamic of a racially reclassified family living in Apartheid-era South Africa. The author recounts specific incidents and reflects upon significant learnings that continue to influence his leadership style as corporate manager today. The author concludes with a reflection of the transformative power of the autoethnographic process and it’s potential use as a leadership development tool, before defining an authentic leadership fingerprint that is unique to his management style. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie persoonlik reflekterende dokument weerspieël hoe die deurlopende ontwikkeling en persoonlike groei van die outeur se leierseienskappe verfyn is deur sy lewenservaringe en ondervinding. Die roete wat die outeur in sy persoonlike omstandighede moes onderneem om die oorbrugging, vanuit Port Elizabeth se noordelike voorstede, tot in die beheer van vergaderings in raadsale van een van Suid-Afrika, die VSA asook Europa se voorste telekommunikasiespelers te bemeester. Met behulp van outoetnografie, koppel en vereenselwig die outeur die ontwikkeling van sy lewensverhaal met spesifieke gebeurtenisse, positief sowel as negatief, asook met die individue wat ‘n moontlike impak gehad het op sy uitkyk op die lewe sowel as die leierseienskappe wat die outeur vandag in sy daaglikse lewe so suksesvol weerspieël en implimenteer. Die dokument raak ook aan die historiese rasse klassifikasie en apartheidswette van Suid-Afrika en watter impak dit op die outeur se familielewe asook persoonlike opvoeding en ontwikkeling gehad het. Die proporsionele bydrae van hierdie eksterne insette soos vergestalt deur staatsregulasies en diskriminasie word bespreek met spesifieke verwysing na die invloed wat dit gehad het op die ontwikkeling van die outeur as leier en watter impak dit moontlik kon gehad het met verwysing tot die outeur as leier en bestuurder soos wat spanlede en mense in sy daaglikse lewe hom ervaar. Die outeur sluit af met ‘n oorsig gefokus op die moontlike impak wat ‘n outoetnografie proses op verandering in ‘n werkshoedanigheid kan hê met betrekking tot die moontlike insluiting in die leierskap onwikkelingsproses van maatskappye. Die klem val op die ontwikkeling van die toekomstige leier en hoe die outoetnografie proses ‘n roete of handleiding kan verskaf vir die omskrywing van die leier se individuele en unieke styl van leierskap.

Cutting real : self-reflexive editing devices in a selection of contemporary South African documentary films

Maasdorp, Liani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since John Grierson first coined the term “documentary film” in the 1920s, there has been a debate about the objectivity or subjectivity of the filmmaker. Some theoreticians believe that a documentary filmmaker may not interact subjectively with her subject. Contemporary perspectives lean towards acknowledging the subjectivity of the filmmaker, and accept that subjectivity is intrinsic to the making of a documentary film. Some would even argue that it is precisely the subjectivity of the filmmaker – the meeting of an individual, subjective perspective with the pro-filmic world – that makes a particular film unique. Brecht believed that the structure of a theatre piece could be used to counter the audience's uncritical emotional engagement and identification with the content of the work. This Verfremdungseffekt enables the audience to engage intellectually with the work. The audience does not get lost in the content of the piece, but rather views it from a critical distance. Brecht believed that this distantiation does not exclude entertainment, but that the audience would be able to enjoy the production while viewing it from a critical, intellectual distance. The self-reflexive mode of representation is identified by Nichols as one of the primary ways for a filmmaker to engage with her subject. Self-reflexivity entails the inclusion of cues within the film reminding the viewer that it is, indeed, a film. The motivation for this is to make the audience aware of the constructed nature of the film, thereby acknowledging the subjectivity of the filmmaker. The most overt form of self-reflexivity in documentary films is the inclusion of the director in the film. The focus of this study is, however, more specifically on how editing devices can be used to foreground the construction of a film. Structural analysis of a selection of recent South African documentary films is undertaken as part of this study. The result of this in-depth analysis is a list of twenty-eight conspicuous, selfreflexive editing devices used in these films. To test the effect of self-reflexive editing devices, I purposely incorporated them into the construction of a documentary series, Booza TV, of which I was one of the editors. The goal of Booza TV is to change viewers' perceptions of alcohol and alcohol abuse. Both quantitative and qualitative research results pointed to the ability of the series to achieve this goal. The perception change, however, is not the focus of this study. Instead, findings specifically related to the viewer's experience of the editing of the production are analysed. These findings show that viewers do notice self-reflexive devices, that the devices can contribute to their enjoyment of the production and that self-reflexive devices are able to communicate subtext to the audience. The conclusion is drawn from the research conducted in this study that the potential of a documentary film to change viewers' perceptions is as dependent on the way the film has been constructed as it is on the content of the film. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert John Grierson in die twintigerjare begin het om die term 'dokumentêre film' te gebruik, word daar gedebatteer oor die objektiwiteit al dan nie van die filmmaker. Party teoretici glo dat 'n dokumentêre filmmaker nie subjektief mag omgaan met haar onderwerp nie. Kontemporêre perspektiewe neig egter om te erken dat die dokumentêre filmmaker subjektief is, dat subjektiwiteit intrinsiek is aan die maak van 'n dokumentêre film, en boonop dat dit juis die subjektiwiteit van die filmmaker is wat 'n film uniek maak. Dit is die ontmoeting van 'n individuele, subjektiewe perspektief met die waarneembare wêreld. Brecht het geglo dat die struktuur van 'n teaterstuk of film gebruik kan word om die gehoor se verbintenis met die inhoud daarvan te verbreek. Hierdie Vervremdungseffekt lei daartoe dat die gehoor in staat is om krities om te gaan met die produksie. Dit lei verder tot 'n kritiese interaksie met die materiaal. Die gehoor raak nie verlore in die inhoud van die stuk nie, maar slaag daarin om dit intellektueel te beskou. Brecht het geglo dat hierdie vervreemding nie vermaak uitsluit nie, maar wel die gehoor toelaat om die teaterstuk of film te geniet terwyl hulle dit krities en intellektueel beskou. Die self-refleksiewe voorstellingsmodus word deur Nichols geïdentifiseer as een van die primêre maniere vir 'n filmmaker om met haar onderwerp om te gaan. Selfrefleksiwiteit behels die insluit van tekens binne 'n film dat dit 'n film is. Die motivering hiervoor is om die gehoor bewus te maak van die konstruksie van die film, om sodoende die subjektiewe perspektief van die filmmaker te erken. Die mees blatante vorm van self-refleksiwiteit in dokumentêre films, is die insluiting van die regisseur in die film. Die fokus van die studie is egter op die gebruik van redigeringstegnieke om die konstruksie van 'n film op die voorgrond te plaas. Daar word van strukturele analise gebruik gemaak in hierdie studie om 'n verskeidenheid hedendaagse Suid-Afrikaanse dokumentêre films in diepte te beskou. Die resultaat van hierdie analise is 'n lys van ag-en-twintig sigbare redigeringstegnieke wat in hierdie films gebruik is. Om die effek daarvan te toets, het ek doelbewus self-refleksiewe tegnieke gebruik in die konstruksie van 'n dokumentêre reeks genaamd Booza TV, waarvan ek een van die redigeerders was. Die doel van Booza TV is om gehore se persepsie aangaande drank en drankmisbruik te verander. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsresultate het aangedui dat die reeks dié doel wel bereik. Persepsieverandering is egter nie die fokus van hierdie studie nie. In stede daarvan word daar in diepte gekyk na gehore se ervaring van die self-refleksiewe redigeringstegnieke in die produksie. Daar is gevind dat gehore self-refleksiewe redigeringstegnieke raaksien, dat die tegnieke kan bydra tot gehore se genot van die produksie, en dat die tegnieke gebruik kan word om subteks in die film te kommunikeer.

Extreme volunteering : a holistic perspective on international women sport volunteers

Gipson, Christina Marie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the lives of a group of fifteen exceptional women who were dedicated to the cause of advancing girls and women in sport and physical activity. Over several decades, they worked in a voluntary capacity to transform women in sport through practice and policy development. Moreover, they aligned such unpaid work with personal and local experiences of volunteering that eventually led to their participation in international sport circles and policies. The key settings for their voluntary service came from their roles in the emergence and maintenance of two international women‘s sport organisations – International Association of Physical Education and Sport for Girls and Women (IAPESGW) and WomenSport International (WSI). In addition, their voluntary roles were so substantial that they were inextricably interwoven within all aspects of their lives. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to explore the participants‘ relationships with sport volunteering, in the particular settings of IAPESGW and WSI, whilst analysing the role of volunteering in their lives. The study utilised a holistic framework to gain an in-depth understanding about the women‘s commitment to the cause and how volunteering fits into their lifestyle. As there were no models from the sport volunteering field that were appropriate for this study, the research drew upon and developed Hustinx and Lammertyn‘s (2003) non-sport model called the Collective and Reflexive Styles of Volunteering (SOV). The SOV was valuable because it offered a multi-dimensional approach to explain how, why, and when the participants got involved with advancing women‘s sport and physical activity, and how their involvement related to and influenced their wider lifestyles. A critical realist and social constructionist philosophy was employed to have a greater understanding of the women‘s realities, and life history interviews were conducted to gain a greater understanding about how they constructed their knowledge about themselves, sport, and the world around them. The study illustrated the complexity of the women‘s volunteer participation. The findings suggested that their sport passion and identity guided many of their actions and activities throughout their life, such as choices for higher education and within professional work. In addition, the findings showed that it was their personal experiences and gained knowledge about gender disadvantages in sport that initially stimulated and then repeatedly reinforced their interests and commitment. Although these had strong impacts on the women‘s entrance into and commitment to the cause, the findings highlighted that the women had to identify the conditions of their relationships, family, and types of paid work to be compatible with levels of volunteering. The study concluded that sport researchers can benefit from examining volunteers from a holistic perspective to gain a better understanding of the conditions under which individuals make such an extreme, voluntary contribution to sport.

La lecture et la virtualité de l'oeuvre littéraire : une herméneutique de la figure de l'autoréférentialité dans Pale Fire

Bergeron, Mathieu January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

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