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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför förstår du inte när alla andra gör det? : En studie av svensklärares syn på relationskompetens och dess betydelse för elevers självkänsla och motivation för svenskämnet / How come you don't understand when everyone else does? : A study of Swedish teacher’s views on relational competence and it’s importance for students self-esteem and motivation for the Swedish subject

Esperi, Ida January 2024 (has links)
With the help of semi-structured interviews relational practices are analyzed through Swedish teachers perspectives. In addition to providing possible descriptions of relational competence as a phenomenon, the study also presents the practical arguments that Swedish teachers put forward to support the multiple nature of relational competence. The reasoning that is carried out about relational techniques, past events and experiences is in part consistent with the previous research and theory that is available. In addition to these, three more relationship-building tools stand out: the mother role, humor and the Swedish subject’s content. The last mentioned, which due to its curriculum and personal aspect, is at the forefront in regard to students motivation and self-esteem for education and the flourishing of teacher-student-relationships. Furthermore the teachers reasoning is put in relation to theories of motivation concerning Aspelin's competence model, Self determination theory and Self-efficacy theory. Finally, the essay provides information on whether the Swedish teachers reasoning about relational competence is consistent with the previous research that is available.

”Alltså de är snälla, men inte för snälla” Om ADHD i skolan – två elevperspektiv

Plantin Ewe, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to provide knowledge about how students with an ADHD diagnosis can experience their everyday life in school. The study is based on the assumption that teachers’ ability of developing professional pedagogical relationships are critical for how students experience themselves and their social- and pedagogical ability.The main question of the study is: •What appears to be particularly important in the students' narratives?-What, of the particularly important, seems to be of primary relevance for the student as an individual?The empirical part of the study consists two narratives, one from Charlie and one from Kim. Kim and Charlie are two secondary school students both diagnosed with ADHD. According to Cousin (2009) a narrative inquiry is especially useful if the researcher wants to know how individuals “make sense of their lives through the selective stories they tell about noteworthy episodes” (Cousin, 2009, s. 93). By gathering and exploring narratives, the researcher gives the opportunity to get an insight in the complex ways that individuals act on bases of their experiences. The student narratives were filmed in purpose to facilitate transcription. Before the researcher started to analyze the transcribed narratives, she had them sent to guardians for reading and approval. The theoretical framework bases mainly on Schütz (2002) lived experience theory The phenomenology of the social world. Schütz focus on the everyday world matches the purpose of this study since school may course as an everyday world for the students. Schütz (2002) theory completes with thoughts of Bengtsson and Berntsson (2015), Asplund (2010) and von Wright (2000). The choice bases on their shared focus on phenomenology and relationships.Based on the result, two things appear to be particularly important in the students’ narratives:•The experience of belonging. To be a part of the social life with friends in the everyday life in school.•The importance of trustworthy, caring and mutual relationships with teachers in school.The main thing that seems to be of primary relevance for both Charlie and Kim were the quality of the teacher student relationship. A trustworthy relation may be as a key factor not only for students’ self-esteem but also for how they develop their learning identity.The study implies that how students with ADHD experience their school day depends on the relationships with both teachers and peers in the regional world that consists the students’ everyday world. Inadequate relationships with teachers and peers seems, based on the results of this study, lead to lack of self-esteem. Self-esteem is a critical factor in the development of social both as educational learning. Teachers' ability to develop trustful relationships is therefore a key factor in how the learner develops his or her learning identity. A learning identity that not only has consequences for the student's schooling but also in the long run affects further developing as well as work and social life.

Explicita kriterier som stöd för lärarstudenters relationskompetens

Holmstedt, Pernilla January 2018 (has links)
Research has shown that the access to explicit criteria can promote student learning by making expectations explicit and by supporting students in identifying significant dimensions of quality in task performance. The aim of the study was to investigate how explicit criteria can support pre-service teachers' understanding of relational competence. The research design was an intervention study. Digital video was used as a tool for pre-service teachers to analyze interaction in simulated situations focusing on the relationship between teacher and students. Sources of data used were 1) pre-service teachers’ written analyzes before and after the access to explicit criteria, and 2) transcripts from focus-group interviews, concentrating on pre-service teachers’ perceptions of how the access to criteria affected their understanding of relational competence. The findings indicate that the access to explicit criteria positively affected pre-service teachers’ capacity to discern significant dimensions of relational competence, as well as their understanding of how trustful relationships between teachers and students can be created and maintained. All pre-service teachers perceived that the access to explicit criteria had helped them to gain a deeper understanding of relational competence and how relational competence can be observed and analyzed in interaction. A conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the pre-service teachers, through access to criteria, developed new interpretative tools to communicate about relationships and teachers’ relational competence.

Relational Competence and Leadership / Relationskompetens och ledarskap

Sjögren, Pontus, Riber, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
An increasing number of studies suggest that a positive teacher-student relationship is an important element of successful education. Yet, resources and awareness about how teachers in Sweden can develop skills for supporting positive teacher-student relationships seem to be limited or lacking in popular teaching training programs where almost all focus is put on subject-knowledge and didactics. One potential means of promoting a leadership that endorses a positive teacher-student relationship is through the development of relational competence. Briefly, relational competence can be understood as how the teacher meets a student on a level where the teacher plans his or her actions by knowing the students’ experiences and life situation. This is connected to the teachers' communicative, differentiation, and social-emotional competence (Aspelin, 2018). Such an approach has been demonstrated to be successful in Denmark, where it has been introduced in teacher training programs as well as in the school system. In this paper we investigate to what degree current English teachers in Swedish compulsory school are aware of relational competence as a tool, what features from relational competence do the teacher currently use in their classroom leadership, and what aspects of relational competence teachers perceive as difficult to adopt or implement as a concept. Results show that Swedish English teachers work with relationships in connection with leadership and didactic competence, but that a majority of the informants do not have sufficient knowledge, terminology, time, or training to work with relational competence. Additionally, the teachers find it a challenge to implement the concept when it comes to significantly changing their view in the classroom to include not only the student or situation but the whole interactional situation between teacher and student.

Förtroendefulla relationer i enskild musikundervisning : Elevers erfarenheter av sång- och instrumentalpedagogers relationskompetens

Enochsson, Emelie, Hovmark, Maja January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att ur ett elevperspektiv undersöka vad relationskompetens kan innebära i enskild musikundervisning på gymnasium. Det empiriska materialet som ligger till grund för studiens resultat är inhämtat genom fokusgruppssamtal med elever från en gymnasieskola med musikprofil. Empirin har sedan analyserats utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv. Tidigare studier inom området visar att goda lärare-elev-relationer har positiv inverkan på elevers lärande och sociala utveckling. Utmärkande för sång- och instrumentalundervisning är att undervisningen ofta sker en-till-en, och därför framstår det särskilt relevant att utforska relationer mellan lärare och elev i detta specifika sammanhang. Resultatet visar att förtroende är centralt för goda lärare-elev-relationer och föreslår strategier för att uppnå detta. Förutsättningar för förtroende är enligt resultatet exempelvis lärarens musikaliska kompetens, lärarens förmåga att bemöta elevens behov och främja dennes självförtroende samt att läraren anpassar kommunikation och musikaliskt innehåll efter varje elevs individuella nivå. Relationskompetens i enskild musikundervisning på gymnasium kan således innebära att läraren individanpassar kommunikationen och den musikaliska nivån, respekterar elevens fysiska och mentala integritet samt främjar elevens tilltro till sin egen förmåga och på så vis skapar en förtroendefull relation. / The purpose of this study is to examine from a student perspective what relational competence can mean in on-to-one music tuition in upper secondary school. The empirical material that forms the basis for the study's result has been obtained through focus group discussions with students from a school with a music profile. Data has been analyzed from a relational perspective. Previous studies show that good teacher-student relationships have a positive impact on students' learning and social development. The result shows that trust is essential to good teacher-student relationships and suggests strategies to achieve this. Prerequisites for trust are according to the result for instance the teacher's musical competence, the ability to meet the student's needs and promote the student's self-confidence, adapted communication and musical content according to each student's individual level. Relational competence in one-to-one music tuition in upper secondary school can thus mean that the teacher individually adapts the communication and the musical level, respects the student's physical and mental integrity and promotes the student's confidence in their own ability and thus creates a trusting relationship.

Relationskompetens i distansundervisning: : En fallstudie av lärare i den svenska folkhögskolan

Nilsson, Filip January 2023 (has links)
The competency of relationship-building is an attribute that is vital in many professions that involve interpersonal relations. Nurses, doctors, social workers, and teachers are some of the professions where competency of relationship-building plays an important role. The latter of the professions that was exemplified is the teaching-profession, which also acts as the central study object of this survey. The group of teachers that this survey targets is the teachers of the Swedish residential college for adult education, a school system that in the Swedish language commonly is referred to as “Folkhögskola''. The Swedish residential college for adult education work in a similar way to how the highschool system in Sweden is structured, although it is possible to identify many differences between the schools. One of the central differences between the regular school system in Sweden and the folkhögskola is that a lot of the courses in the folkhögskola are offered remotely. The central purpose and goal of this study is to deduce the methods, traits, and experiences that these teachers possess and manage to use in their teaching linked to their relational competency. The reason for the study objects are teachers in the Folkhögskola, is due to the fact that these teachers exercise remote education to a greater extent than teachers in regular Swedish education. The teachers are challenged due to the fact that a big part of their contact with the students is by distance-connection, that could result in a shortfall of the possibilities to build and sustain optimal interpersonal relations. In conclusion, the purpose is to research the sorts of methods and work-experience based tools that the teachers use to prevent potentially negative consequences of the shortfall of interpersonal relations. The empirical data in the survey is collected with support of self administered questionnaires that are submitted to teachers in the Folkhögskola. To summarize the scope of this study, this essay intends to summarize and analyze the empirical data in context to relevant literature in the research fields of remote education and relational competency with the ambition to generate relevant results to the research field of pedagogy.

Perspektiv på digital relationskompetens : Analys av lärares strategier för att stödja utbildningsrelationer i digitala lärmiljöer / Perspectives on Digital Relational Pedagogy in Digital LearningEnvironments. : An analytical study of teachers' strategies to supportrelations in digital learning environments

Bonnevie, Helena January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftar till att öka kunskapen om lärares digitala relationskompetens samt bidra till utveckling av praktik och teori inom relationell pedagogik i digitala lärmiljöer. I studien analyserades kvalitativa enkätsvar från 123 lärare och lärarstudenter i Sverige och Finland  angående hur de uppfattade att de kunde stödja relationer mellan lärare och elev i distansundervisning. Resultaten analyserades först fram induktivt i en reflexiv tematisk process. Därefter användes de som underlag i ett andra abduktivt analyssteg tillsammans med metoden perspektivskifte. Syftet var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning två relationella teorier som utgår från fysisk lärmiljö kan tillämpas för att förstå relationell lärarpraktik i digitala lärmiljöer. De teoretiska koncept som analyserades var Aspelins (2018) respektive Juul och Jensens (2003) modeller för lärares relationskompetens. Resultaten tematiserades i kategorierna kommunikation, närvaro och bemötande och visade att lärarens  kommunikativa kompetens är primär för relationsbygge i digitala lärmiljöer. Kompetensen omfattar förmågor som att lyhört hantera synlighet och bemötande, bemästra det digitala språket samt  skapa en känsla av närvaro, gemenskap och trygghet. Kommunikativ kompetens påverkar även inkludering och integritet. Mer forskning behövs för att förstå synlig och osynlig närvaro i digitala lärmiljöer ur både lärarens och elevens perspektiv.  Det framgick av resultaten att distanslärare lånar relationella bemötandehandlingar från fysiska lärmiljöer. Digital relationskompetens framträder därför inte som ett eget kompetensområde. Mer kunskap behövs om affordanser för relationsskapande i digitala lärmiljöer. Även undersökningar som visar vad som verkligen begränsar digitala lärmiljöer behövs, för att undvika att praktiken fastnar i allmänna antaganden som hindrar nyskapande och tillvaratagande av digitala lärmiljöers möjligheter. Analysen visade att de två teoretiska modellerna fungerade som övergripande, och delvis normerande stöd, för att förstå distanslärares relationella praktik. En vidareutveckling av teoretiskt stöd anpassat för relationskompetens i digitala lärmiljöer samt en kartläggning av kognitiva och emotionella behov hos olika kategorier av distanselever, kan underlätta för framtida forskning och utveckling av relationell praktik i digitala lärmiljöer.  Studiens övergripande upptäckt var att lärarna beskriver vad, snarare än hur, de gör för att stödja relationer mellan lärare och elev i distansundervisning. Slutsatsen är att det saknas en yrkesvokabulär för att uttrycka de relationella färdigheter som lärare använder i digitala lärmiljöer. Därför rekommenderas att en begreppsapparat utvecklas som sätter ord på lärares digitala relationskompetens. / The purpose of the study was to increase knowledge about teachers' digital relational competence and contribute to the development of practice and theory within relational pedagogy in digital learning environments. In the study, qualitative survey responses from 123 teachers and student teachers in Sweden and Finland were analysed regarding how they perceived that they could support teacher-student relations in distance education. The results were first analysed inductively in a reflexive thematic process. The results were then used in a second abductive analysis together with the perspective shift method. The aim was to investigate to what extent two relational theories based on physical learning environments can be applied to understand relational teacher practice in digital learning environments. The theoretical concepts used in the analysis were Aspelin's (2018) and Juul and Jensen's (2003) models for teachers' relational competence. The results were thematised into three categories: communication, presence and response, and showed that the teacher's communicative competence is primary for relationship building in digital learning environments. The competence includes abilities such as sensitively managing visibility and reception, mastering the digital language and creating a sense of presence, belonging  and security. Communicative competence also affects inclusion and integrity. More research is needed to understand visible and invisible presence in digital learning environments from both the teacher's and the student's perspective. The results showed that distance teachers borrow relational behaviour acts from physical learning environments. Digital relational competence therefore does not appear as a competence area on its own. More knowledge is needed about affordances for relationship building in digital learning environments. Research showing what really limits digital learning environments is also needed, to avoid practice being hampered by assumptions that hinder innovation and opportunities in digital learning environments. The analysis showed that the two theoretical models worked as overall, and partially normative, support for understanding distance teachers' relational practice. A further development of theoretical support adapted to relational competence in digital learning environments, as well as a mapping of cognitive and emotional needs of different categories of distance learners, can facilitate future research and development of relational practice in digital learning environments. Finally, the study's overall finding was that the teachers describe what, rather than how, they act to support teacher-student relations in distance learning. The conclusion is that a professional vocabulary to express teachers’ digital relational know-how seems to be missing. Therefore, it is recommended that such a conceptual vocabulary is developed in order to put words into teachers' digital relational competence.

"Jag är där på riktigt" : förskollärares uppfattningar om professionell relationskompetens

Helgeby, Lene, Svensson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om några förskollärares uppfattningar om professionell relationskompetens och dess betydelse för de yngre barnens (i åldrarna 1–3 år) utveckling och lärande.  Studien ger en översikt av tidigare forskning kring professionell relationskompetens och relationens betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande. Studien innehåller även förskollärares uppfattningar om detta utifrån genomförda intervjuer.   Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Aspelins relationella pedagogik och några av Aspelins centrala begrepp i denna teori.   Studiens resultat visar att begreppet professionell relationskompetens var ett okänt begrepp för förskollärarna. De förmågor som framträder angående professionell relationskompetens är förskollärarnas förmåga att vara lyhörd, förmågan att vara närvarande, förmågan att visa respekt för barnet samt förmågan att ta ansvar för relationen. Förskollärarna uttrycker att de skapar förutsättningar för att utveckla relationer som gynnar barns utveckling och lärande genom att utveckla relationer till föräldrar, skapa det lilla sammanhanget, hitta en balans mellan närhet och distans i relationen till barnet, ge tid, beakta barns delaktighet samt genom att arbeta med struktur och rutiner i förskolans vardag. Förskollärarna beskriver relationens betydelse för de yngre barnens utveckling och lärande genom en relation som bygger på samspel, kommunikation, ett delat gemensamt fokus men även genom att utmana, bekräfta och visa tillit till barnets förmåga.   Specialpedagogiska implikationer utifrån forskning och studiens resultat är hur denna kunskap kring professionell relationskompetens och relationens betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande ska kunna synliggöras och implementeras i förskolan för att möta alla barn. Hur kan barnhälsans olika professioner, där specialpedagogen ingår med sin kompetens, arbeta för att utveckla goda relationer i förskolan som gynnar barns utveckling och lärande? / The aim of the study is to contribute to get a higher knowledge of how the professional relationships of the preschool teachers' and their perceptions of professional relationship competence. Understand how they create conditions to develop relations that benefit to the progress of younger children learning, age 1-3 years old, and how they view the importance of the relationship for the younger children´s development and teaching.  The study gives an overview of previous research on the importance of professional relationship competence and the relationship between children's development and learning. The study also contains interviews of preschool teachers within the area of the study.  The theoretical point of this study is Aspelin's central concepts of his relational pedagogy theory.  The results of the study show that the concept of professional relationship competence was an unknown concept for preschool teachers. The abilities that emerge regarding professional relationship competence are the ability of preschool teachers to be responsive, the ability to be present, the ability to show respect for the children and the ability to take responsibility for the relationship. Preschool teachers express that they create conditions for developing relationships that promote children's development and learning by developing relationships with parents, creating the small context, finding a balance between closeness and distance in the relationship with the children, giving time, considering children's participation and by working with structure and routines in the everyday life of preschool. Preschool teachers describe the importance of the relationship for the development and learning of young children through a relationship based on interaction, communication, a shared common focus but also by challenging, confirming and showing trust in the children’s ability.  Special pedagogical implications based on previous research and our study clearly show the importance of professional relationship competence and children's development and learning should be made visible and implemented. To be able to meet all children needs in preschool. How can the various professions in child health care, which include the special educator with their competence, work to develop good relationships in preschool that benefit to the children's development and learning?

Psychoanalysis: Dogmatic or Dynamic?

Schwendemann, Marc 19 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Musik mellan människor : Beskrivningar av lärares betydelse för gymnasieelevers musikskapande

Einerstam Karis, Agnes January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöker jag hur elever upplever musikskapande undervisning på gymnasiet och hur de beskriver lärarens del i deras kreativa process. Det empiriska materialet är insamlat från två fokusgruppsintervjuer med elevgrupper som studerar musikprofil på gymnasiet. Ett relationellt perspektiv har använts för att analysera intervjuerna. Flera beskrivningar visar att lärare ofta bemöter eleverna objektivt, vilket resulterar i att de främst utvecklas i att repetera och etablera information. Eleverna förmedlar även exempel på lärare som delvis bemöter dem som subjekt, men främst relationer mellan elever som öppnar upp för att mötas som två subjekt, något som ger dem rum att engageras och utvecklas som människor genom musikskapande dialog. Resultatet kompletterar tidigare forskning inom området relationen mellan lärare och elev, och visar särskilt vidare på hur musikskapande likt all form av skapande och lärande i grunden behöver autentiska möten för att kreativa frön ska kunna gro och spira. / This essay examines how students experience music creating studies at upper secondary school, and how they describe the teacher's part in their creative process. The empirical material is collected from interviews with two focus groups of students studying music profile in high school. A relational perspective has been used to analyze the interviews. Several descriptions are given about teachers, who is interacting with the students in an objective way, which results in them primarily developing in rehearsing and establishing information. There are also examples of teachers who partially meet students as a subject, but primarily relationships between students that opens up for meetings between two subjects, something that gives them room to get involved and develop on a personal level through a music creating dialogue. The result complements previous research in the area of the relation between students and teachers, and especially further shows how music creating, like all forms of creation and learning, ultimately requires authentic meetings for creative seeds to germinate and sprout.

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