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The role of P2Y[subscript]2 nucleotide receptor in lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 expression and aggregated low density lipoprotein uptake in vascular smooth muscle cellsDissmore, Tixieanna January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Human Nutrition / Denis M. Medeiros / Laman Mamedova / The internalization of aggregated low-density lipoprotein (agLDL) may involve the actin cytoskeleton in ways that differ from the endocytosis of soluble LDL. Based on previous findings the P2Y[subscript]2 receptor (P2Y[subscript]2R) mediates these effects through interaction with filamin‐A (FLN‐A), an actin binding protein. Our findings also showed that uridine 5’‐ triphosphate (UTP), a preferential agonist of the P2Y[subscript]2R, stimulates the uptake of agLDL, and increases expression of low‐density lipoprotein receptor related protein 1 (LRP 1) in cultured mouse vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs).
The strategy of this research was to define novel mechanisms of LDL uptake through the modulation of the actin cytoskeleton in order to identify molecular targets involved in foam cell formation in vascular SMCs. For this project, we isolated aortic SMCs from wild type (WT) and P2Y[subscript]2R‐/‐ mice to investigate whether UTP and the P2Y[subscript]2R modulate expression of LRP 1 and low‐density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR). We also investigated the effects of UTP on uptake of DiI‐labeled agLDL in WT and P2Y[subscript]2R‐/‐ vascular SMCs. For LRP1 expression, cells were stimulated in the presence or absence of 10 [mu]M UTP. To determine LDLR mRNA expression, and for agLDL uptake, cells were transiently transfected for 24 h with cDNA encoding hemagglutinin-tagged (HA-tagged) WT P2Y[subscript]2R or a mutant P2Y[subscript]2R that does not bind FLN‐A, and afterwards treated with 10 [mu]M UTP. Total RNA was isolated, reversed transcribed to cDNA, and mRNA relative abundance determined by RT-PCR using the delta-delta Ct method with GAPDH as control gene. Results show SMCs expressing the mutant P2Y[subscript]2R that lacks the FLN‐A binding domain exhibit 3‐fold lower LDLR expression than SMCs expressing the WT P2Y[subscript]2R. There was also decrease in LRP1 mRNA expression in response to UTP in P2Y[subscript]2R‐/‐ SMCs compared to WT. Actinomycin‐D (20 [mu]g/ml) significantly reduced UTP-induced LRP1 mRNA expression in P2Y[subscript]2R‐/‐ SMCs (P < 0.05). Compared to cells transfected with mutant P2Y[subscript]2R, cells transfected with WT P2Y[subscript]2R showed greater agLDL uptake in both WT VSMC and P2Y[subscript]2R-/- cells. Together these results show that both LRP 1 and LDLR expressions are dependent on an intact P2Y[subscript]2R, and P2Y[subscript]2R/ FLN‐ A interaction is necessary for agLDL uptake.
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Le caractère adaptatif du cerveau âgé sain dans le maintien des habiletés du traitement lexico-sémantique : une approche neurofonctionnelleMethqal, Ikram 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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我國文化行政組織體系變遷與發展之研究 / The Change and Development of Cultural Administration in China林志冠, Lin, Jyh Guan Unknown Date (has links)
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Developmental changes in vowel perception: how input interplays with initial perceptual biasesAlbareda Castellot, Bàrbara 01 June 2010 (has links)
The present dissertation aims at analyzing the interplay between initial acoustic biases and language exposure during acquisition of language in the first year of life. This is a critical period in development because it is when phonetic categories are attuned to the native language. This goal is addressed by integrating the results from two developmental studies. The first study explores the presence of asymmetries in vowel perception in infants from 4 to 12 months of age, as a function of the acoustic salience and distributional properties in the test language. The second study investigates the previous contrasting results on vowel perception in 8-month-old infants growing in bilingual environments, and in particular and their relationship with task demands and the properties of the bilingual input. The results emerging from these studies point to two developmental trends. On one hand, asymmetries in vowel perception are modulated by acoustic biases before and during perceptual reorganization, and by distributional cues after perceptual reorganization. On the other hand, discrimination abilities of 8-month-old bilinguals parallel those of monolinguals when tested with an Anticipatory Eye Movement procedure, highlighting the importance of task demands in determining infants' performance. / L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis és analitzar la dinàmica que s'estableix entre els biaixos acústics i l'experiència amb el llenguatge durant el primer any de vida. Aquest és un període decisiu durant el qual les categories fonètiques s'ajusten a les propietats de la llengua materna. Aquest objectiu s'assoleix integrant els resultats de dos estudis. En el primer estudi s'explora la presència d'asimetries en la percepció de les vocals en bebès de 4 a 12 mesos d'edat, en funció de la saliència acústica i les propietats distribucionals de la llengua. El segon estudi investiga els resultats contradictoris obtinguts amb bebès de 8 mesos d'edat bilingües, i la seva relació amb les demandes de la tasca i les propietats de l'input bilingüe. Els resultats d'aquests estudis indiquen dos tendències al desenvolupament. Per una banda, que les asimetries en la percepció de les vocals són modulades per biaixos acústics abans i durant la reorganització perceptiva i per les propietats distribucionals després de la reorganització perceptiva; per l'altra banda, els resultats mostren que les habilitats de discriminació dels bilingües de 8 mesos d'edat són corresponents a les dels monolingües quan es fa servir un procediment d'anticipació de la mirada, posant en rellevància la importància de les demandes de la tasca en determinar el rendiment dels bebès.
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Faculty Senate Minutes May 5, 2014University of Arizona Faculty Senate 16 September 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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Faculty Senate Minutes November 3, 2014University of Arizona Faculty Senate 02 December 2014 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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Réorganisation fonctionnelle et structurale des cortex auditifs, visuels et associatifs chez les sourds profonds congénitaux ou prélinguauxVachon, Patrick 04 1900 (has links)
En raison de l’utilisation d’un mode de communication totalement différent de celui des entendants, le langage des signes, et de l’absence quasi-totale d’afférences en provenance du système auditif, il y a de fortes chances que d’importantes modifications fonctionnelles et structurales s’effectuent dans le cerveau des individus sourds profonds. Les études antérieures suggèrent que cette réorganisation risque d’avoir des répercussions plus importantes sur les structures corticales situées le long de la voie visuelle dorsale qu’à l’intérieur de celles situées à l’intérieur de la voie ventrale.
L’hypothèse proposée par Ungerleider et Mishkin (1982) quant à la présence de deux voies visuelles dans les régions occipitales, même si elle demeure largement acceptée dans la communauté scientifique, s’en trouve aussi relativement contestée. Une voie se projetant du cortex strié vers les régions pariétales postérieures, est impliquée dans la vision spatiale, et l’autre se projetant vers les régions du cortex temporal inférieur, est responsable de la reconnaissance de la forme. Goodale et Milner (1992) ont par la suite proposé que la voie dorsale, en plus de son implication dans le traitement de l’information visuo-spatiale, joue un rôle dans les ajustements sensori-moteurs nécessaires afin de guider les actions. Dans ce contexte, il est tout à fait plausible de considérer qu’un groupe de personne utilisant un langage sensori-moteur comme le langage des signes dans la vie de tous les jours, s’expose à une réorganisation cérébrale ciblant effectivement la voie dorsale.
L’objectif de la première étude est d’explorer ces deux voies visuelles et plus particulièrement, la voie dorsale, chez des individus entendants par l’utilisation de deux stimuli de mouvement dont les caractéristiques physiques sont très similaires, mais qui évoquent un traitement relativement différent dans les régions corticales visuelles. Pour ce faire, un stimulus de forme définie par le mouvement et un stimulus de mouvement global ont été utilisés. Nos résultats indiquent que les voies dorsale et ventrale procèdent au traitement d’une forme définie par le mouvement, tandis que seule la voie dorsale est activée lors d’une tâche de mouvement global dont les caractéristiques psychophysiques sont relativement semblables.
Nous avons utilisé, subséquemment, ces mêmes stimulations activant les voies dorsales et ventrales afin de vérifier quels pourraient être les différences fonctionnelles dans les régions visuelles et auditives chez des individus sourds profonds. Plusieurs études présentent la réorganisation corticale dans les régions visuelles et auditives en réponse à l’absence d’une modalité sensorielle. Cependant, l’implication spécifique des voies visuelles dorsale et ventrale demeure peu étudiée à ce jour, malgré plusieurs résultats proposant une implication plus importante de la voie dorsale dans la réorganisation visuelle chez les sourds. Suite à l’utilisation de l’imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle pour investiguer ces questions, nos résultats ont été à l’encontre de cette hypothèse suggérant une réorganisation ciblant particulièrement la voie dorsale. Nos résultats indiquent plutôt une réorganisation non-spécifique au type de stimulation utilisé. En effet, le gyrus temporal supérieur est activé chez les sourds suite à la présentation de toutes nos stimulations visuelles, peu importe leur degré de complexité. Le groupe de participants sourds montre aussi une activation du cortex associatif postérieur, possiblement recruté pour traiter l’information visuelle en raison de l’absence de compétition en provenance des régions temporales auditives. Ces résultats ajoutent aux données déjà recueillies sur les modifications fonctionnelles qui peuvent survenir dans tout le cerveau des personnes sourdes, cependant les corrélats anatomiques de la surdité demeurent méconnus chez cette population.
Une troisième étude se propose donc d’examiner les modifications structurales pouvant survenir dans le cerveau des personnes sourdes profondes congénitales ou prélinguales. Nos résultats montrent que plusieurs régions cérébrales semblent être différentes entre le groupe de participants sourds et celui des entendants. Nos analyses ont montré des augmentations de volume, allant jusqu’à 20%, dans les lobes frontaux, incluant l’aire de Broca et d’autres régions adjacentes impliqués dans le contrôle moteur et la production du langage. Les lobes temporaux semblent aussi présenter des différences morphométriques même si ces dernières ne sont pas significatives. Enfin, des différences de volume sont également recensées dans les parties du corps calleux contenant les axones permettant la communication entre les régions temporales et occipitales des deux hémisphères. / Due to the use of a mode of communication completely different from hearing people, Due to [the use of] a communication mode completely different from hearing people, the sign language and the absence of afferences from the auditory system, it is likely that significant functional and structural changes take place in the brains of profoundly deaf individuals. Previous studies suggest this reorganization may have greater impact on cortical structures located along the dorsal visual pathway than within the regions located inside the ventral pathway.
The hypothesis, widely accepted by the scientific community, proposed by Ungerleider and Mishkin (1982) for the presence of two visual pathways in the occipital regions is also fairly contested. According to this hypothesis, one stream projecting from the striate cortex to the posterior parietal regions is involved in spatial vision and a second stream projecting to regions of the inferior temporal cortex underlying form recognition. Goodale and Milner (1992) subsequently proposed that the dorsal pathway, in addition to its involvement in the processing of visuospatial information, takes part in the necessary sensorymotor adjustments to guide actions. In this context, it is plausible to consider that a group of people using sensorimotor language (e.g., sign language) in their everyday life, the cerebral reorganization is more suited to target the dorsal pathway.
The first objective of the study is to explore both visual pathways, especially the dorsal pathway, in hearing subjects by the use of two similar motion stimuli that evoke different types of processing. This was done with a form-from-motion stimuli and a global motion stimuli. Our results indicate that both dorsal and ventral pathways process forms defined by motion, while only the dorsal pathway is activated during a task of global motion whose psychophysical characteristics are relatively similar.
Subsequently, we used these stimuli to activate the dorsal and ventral stream to investigate functional differences in the visual and auditory brain regions in profoundly deaf individuals. Several studies show cortical reorganization in the visual and auditory areas in response to the absence of a sensory modality. However, few studies have explored the specific involvement of dorsal and ventral visual streams, despite several results suggesting greater involvement of the dorsal pathway in visual reorganization with the deaf population. Following the use of functional brain imaging to investigate these issues, our results differed from the hypothesis suggesting a reorganization specifically targeting the dorsal pathway. Rather, our results indicate a non-specific reorganization to the different types of stimulations used. Indeed, the superior temporal gyrus was activated with the deaf following the presentation of our visual stimuli, regardless of their complexity. The group of deaf participants also showed activation of the posterior association cortex, possibly recruited to process visual information in the absence of competition from the temporal auditory regions. These results add to data already collected on the functional changes that may occur throughout the brains of deaf people, however, the anatomical correlates of deafness remains unknown in this population.
A third study aimed to explore the structural changes occurring in the brains of prelingual and congenital profoundly deaf. Our results show that several brain regions appear to be different between the groups of participants composed of the deaf and hearing. Our analysis showed volume increases of up to 20% in the frontal lobe, including Broca's area and adjacent regions involved in motor control and language production. The temporal lobes also presented some morphometric differences even if they are not significant. Though not significant, the temporal lobes also presented some morphometric differences. Finally, differences in volume were also found in parts of the corpus callosum considered to carry fibers connecting the temporal and occipital lobes of both hemispheres.
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Dynamique cérébrale et réserve cognitive en situation d’attention sélective dans le vieillissement normal et les troubles de la cognition : approche neurofonctionnelleJennyfer, Ansado 05 1900 (has links)
La survenue de modifications cérébrales issues du vieillissement normal ou provoquées par la maladie d’Alzheimer entraîne un certain bouleversement de l’attention visuelle sélective, soit la capacité à centrer volontairement les mécanismes de perception sur un stimulus particulier en négligeant les stimuli non pertinents. A ces modifications viennent s’ajouter des phénomènes de réorganisations cérébrales qui peuvent s’illustrer sur l’axe inter-hémisphérique par une réduction de la latéralisation cérébrale dans le vieillissement normal et sur l’axe intra-hémisphérique par un accroissement de l’engagement des régions frontales et préfrontales dans le vieillissement normal et la maladie d’Alzheimer. Toutefois, les mécanismes sur lesquels reposent ces phénomènes de réorganisations cérébrales dans le vieillissement normal et la maladie d’Alzheimer dans le contexte de l’attention visuelle restent peu compris. Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse à la nature de la réorganisation cérébrale dans le vieillissement normal (inter-hémisphérique vs. intra-hémisphérique) en condition d’attention visuelle sélective et s’inscrit dans le modèle de la réserve cognitive afin de préciser la nature des mécanismes sous-jacents de la réorganisation cérébrale (réserve neurale vs. compensation neurale). Concernant la maladie d’Alzheimer, ce travail met l’emphase sur la dynamique inter-hémisphérique et son principal substrat anatomique, le corps calleux, afin d’étudier l’efficience des mécanismes inter-hémisphériques. Dans l’ensemble de cette thèse, le substrat (fonctionnel et anatomique) de la réorganisation cérébrale est étudié en manipulant la complexité, ce qui permet d’identifier le mode d’adaptation face à l’accroissement de la demande cognitive soit, les mécanismes qui permettent de faire face au vieillissement normal et aux troubles de la cognition mais aussi d’étudier l’efficience de ces mécanismes.
Le premier chapitre présente l’attention sélective, ses modifications neuro-fonctionnelles et les divers phénomènes de réorganisations cérébrales connus au cours du vieillissement normal et dans la maladie d’Alzheimer. Le cadre théorique dans lequel s’inscrit cette thèse, celui de la réserve cognitive, et la problématique du travail de recherche sont également décrits en fin de chapitre. La recherche effectuée est ensuite rapportée sous forme de 5 chapitres distincts. Enfin, les concepts théoriques évoqués par la revue de la littérature et les résultats des expérimentations font l’objet d’une discussion générale.
Le deuxième chapitre de cette thèse (Article 1), visant à effectuer une revue de la littérature concernant les aspects inter-hémisphériques, permet de préciser, pour la première fois dans le domaine, le rôle du couplage inter-hémisphérique des ressources cérébrales dans la réorganisation au cours du vieillissement normal, mais aussi de considérer l’effet du découplage dans la maladie d’Alzheimer.
Le troisième chapitre (Article 2) explore les mécanismes de réorganisation cérébrale dans le vieillissement normal face à l’accroissement de la charge attentionnelle au niveau perceptif de l’attention sélective (i.e., appariement perceptuel, A-A). Les résultats montrent un patron de réorganisation intra-hémisphérique chez les âgés, sous-tendu en situation de faible charge attentionnelle (i.e., 3 lettres) par la compensation neurale mais qui se voit associée à l’implication concomitante de la réserve neurale en situation de charge attentionnelle élevée (i.e., 5 lettres). Ce travail montre, par conséquent, une certaine flexibilité dans le déploiement de ces mécanismes qui apparaît modulé par la demande cognitive de la tâche. Le quatrième chapitre (Article 3) examine ces mêmes mécanismes de réorganisation dans le vieillissement normal, dans le même contexte attentionnel en ayant recours à un niveau de charge attentionnelle faible (i.e., 3 lettres) et à un niveau de charge attentionnelle élevé (i.e., 5 lettres), mais à un niveau plus complexe de l’attention sélective du fait qu’il implique une opération d’appariement basée sur le nom de la lettre (i.e., appariement nominatif, a-A). Les résultats montrent une amplification du renversement postéro-antérieur avec l’âge sur l’axe intra-hémisphérique face à l’accroissement de la charge attentionnelle (i.e., 5 lettres), suggérant ainsi que ce renversement est exclusivement lié à l’âge et qu’il repose principalement sur le mécanisme de compensation neurale.
Le cinquième chapitre (Article 4) présente deux études dans lesquelles la présentation d’une tâche d’appariement de lettres en champ visuel divisé et l’IRM morphologique du corps calleux ont été couplées. L’objectif de cette étude était d’examiner la relation entre les variations de volume du corps calleux et la dynamique inter-hémisphérique chez des participants âgés atteints de la Maladie d’Alzheimer, de troubles cognitifs légers ou qui connaissent un vieillissement normal. La première étude se situait au niveau perceptuel et concernait 3 groupes de participants (Maladie d’Alzheimer vs trouble cognitif léger vs vieillissement normal). La deuxième étude concernait les participants atteints de trouble cognitif léger et des participants âgés contrôles sains et comportait deux tâches avec deux conditions de complexité chacune, une tâche dans laquelle la complexité varie selon le type de jugement - appariement perceptuel (e.g., A-A) vs. nominatif (e.g., a-A) - et une dans laquelle la complexité varie selon la charge attentionnelle (i.e., 3 lettres vs. 5 lettres). Les mesures IRM correspondent au volume total du corps calleux et à cinq volumes régionaux : C1-Rostrum, Genou et partie antérieure du tronc, C2-partie médiane, C3-partie caudale, C4-Isthme et C5-Splenium. Ces deux études montrent que le volume du corps calleux semble affecter la mise en jeu de l’effet facilitateur du traitement inter-hémisphérique selon l’état cognitif des participants et la nature de la demande cognitive mise en jeu. Cet impact modulateur semble partiellement déterminé dans la maladie d’Alzheimer par les portions plus antérieures du corps calleux (C2) et, via l’ensemble du corps calleux dans le vieillissement normal (C2, C3, C4). En revanche cette modulation semble déficitaire chez les participants atteints de trouble cognitif léger et reliée à une atrophie du corps calleux chez les participants atteints de trouble cognitif léger.
Enfin, le chapitre 6 constitue la discussion générale de la thèse. L’ensemble des résultats est résumé et discuté en rapport aux différents modèles de la réorganisation cérébrale, de la réserve cognitive et de la dynamique hémisphérique. / Normal aging and disrupt selective visual attention – the ability to focus perceptual mechanisms on target stimuli by neglecting irrelevant stimuli. These modifications are accompanied by brain reorganization on both interhemispheric (hemispheric asymmetry reduction) and intrahemispheric (posterior-anterior shift) dimensions. However, the mechanisms underlying this brain reorganization in the context of visual attention in normal aging and Alzheimer’s disease remain largely unknown. The goal of this dissertation is to better understand the nature of brain reorganization for visual selective attention, as well as the functional neural changes and the anatomical modification in normal aging and in cognitive impairment in nthe ederly. In normal aging, this research focuses on the nature of the brain reorganization (interhemispheric vs. intrahemispheric) in the context of visual selective attention and based on the cognitive reserve model to differentiate the underlying mechanisms (neural reserve vs. neural compensation). It also focuses on Alzheimer’s disease in the context of interhemispheric dynamics and its main anatomical substrate, the corpus callosum. Throughout this dissertation, the substrate (functional and anatomical) of brain reorganization is examined by manipulating the cognitive demand associated with the tasks to better understand the mechanisms applied to cope with normal aging and cognitive impairment.
The first chapter introduces the concepts of selective attention, neurofunctional changes in normal aging and cognitive impairment, and the cognitive reserve model before introducing the present research topic.
The second chapter (Article 1) reviews the contribution of hemispheric coupling to the preservation of cognitive abilities with age and its uncoupling in Alzheimer’s disease. In this review, the variable contribution of the adaptive callosal mechanism is discussed with reference to successful aging and Alzheimer’s disease.
The third (Article 2) and fourth chapters (Article 3) report studies conducted with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The purpose of these studies was to investigate to what extent and how the neural reserve and neural compensation mechanisms contribute to coping with normal aging in two contexts of visual selective attention: simple perceptual processing and more complex naming processing. In both studies, the complexity of processes was also manipulated by varying the attentional load related to the number of stimuli to be processed (low: 3 letters vs. high: 5 letters). The results for the perceptual matching study, reported in the third chapter, support the neural compensation hypothesis of cognitive reserve, as the activations regions underlying task performance differed in the younger and older groups. The older group recruited bilateral frontal superior gyri more than the younger one, as in the PASA (posterior-anterior shift in aging) phenomenon, from the lowest attentional load level. In addition, the elderly were found to use compensation and neural reserve concurrently to cope with increasing attentional load for perceptual processing. The results for the naming matching study, reported in the fourth chapter, indicate a load-dependant PASA, supporting the hypothesis that an enhancement of compensatory mechanism is required for the most complex processing.
The fifth chapter (Article 4) presents studies investigating the interhemispheric dynamic, using variants of the letter matching paradigm, where cognitive demand is parametrically varied, along with 3D callosal total and regional volume measured, in individuals with Alzheimer disease and amnestic-mild cognitive impairment as well as age-matched healthy individuals. The results show that the relationship between the corpus callosum volume and the across-field advantage emerges for the lowest cognitive demand level in participants with Alzheimer disease but exclusively at high cognitive demand levels in normal aging; this suggests the existence of an interhemispheric compensation mechanism in Alzheimer disease based on the integrity of the corpus callosum and similar processes to those that allow the normal aging brain to cope with cognitive demand. These mechanisms are deficient in amnestic-mild cognitive impairment individuals in the high attentional load condition, due to callosal atrophy.
In chapter six the nature of mechanisms to cope with aging and cognitive impairment is discussed, addressing the two main dimensions of brain reorganization: intrahemispheric and interhemispheric. In normal aging, cerebral reorganization of visual selective attention implies an intrahemispheric PASA phenomenon based on neural compensation. To cope with increased cognitive demand, neural reserve can also be recruited in basic perceptual processing, while the recruitment of compensation mechanisms increases in more complex processing of visual selective attention. Our study suggests that compensation and reserve are flexible, adaptive and deployed according to the cognitive demand and the type of processing required. In cognitive impairment, our study suggests the existence of an interhemispheric compensation mechanism in Alzheimer’s disease based on integrity of the corpus callosum and similar processes to those that allow the normal aging brain to cope with cognitive demand. This study provides evidence that interhemispheric interactions, supported by the corpus callosum, constitute a flexible mechanism that can improve the brain’s ability to handle processing demands and thus may compensate for the neural decline in Alzheimer’s disease in low cognitive demand situations. / Réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Unité de Formation à la Recherche Lettres Arts et Sciences Humaines - Université Nice-Sophia Antipolis.
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Divorce as bifurcation: redefining a nuclear systemFerreira Da Costa, Talita Maria 30 April 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the nature of dynamic relationships within families, and indicating how the decision to divorce may result from a family's difficulty in adjusting to new changes and stressors. Thus, divorce results in the redefinition of a nuclear system.
This study made use of social constructionism as its epistemological framework. By means of in-depth one-on-one interviews, the researcher was able to hear the narratives of all six participants. Hermeneutics was used to analyze the data.
The participants' stories were reencountered through the researcher's own frame of reference in which common themes of the divorce process were co-constructed. These themes were later elaborated on and a comparative analysis was undertaken to link them to the available literature.
The information gained from the study could contribute to existing research on the impact of divorce, family reorganization following a divorce, and offer a new perspective in understanding family systems. / Clinical Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)
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Structure and Dynamics of Interfacial Molecular MembranesBhattacharya, Rupak January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the study on structure and dynamics of various kinds of molecular membranes in general. We have studied the morphological transition of colloidal as well as biologically relevant membranes and qualitatively argued regarding the interplay between structure and dynamics. Systematic measurements have been performed to address the issue of ambiguous behavior of molecules under stress when its confined at the interface. The structural and dynamical effect on interfacial membranes have been studied for soft colloidal free standing langmuir monolayer as well as for the quasi two dimensional lipid membranes on solid supports. For organic nanoparticle monolayer we have observed a correlation between the nanoparticle raft dynamics and the underlying morphological transition. In this study we have also found a non-monotonic behavior of dynamical heterogeneity with time which is unusual for a colloidal system in common and beyond the prediction of Mode Coupling Theory. In the case of lipid membrane, we have given an experimental evidence of lipid molecular rearrangement process at molecular level when its perturbed by foreign entities. Using sophisticated X-Ray scattering techniques, we were able to capture the subtle changes happening in the assembly of lipid molecules in a planar bilayer structure when it interacts with molecules having biological relevance. In the next level we have used lipid membranes as an active plat-form to study the physical interaction with several kinds of nanoparticles and explored the mechanism of active participation of lipid molecules in self assembly process. Besides with the help of Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy, we have also studied the effect of nanoparticles assemblies on the dynamics of lipid molecules itself.
In Chapter 1, we have provided the background along with a brief review of the existing literature for understanding the results represented in the subsequent chapters. This includes discussion on the various physical properties of our systems of interest, including dynamic behavior of colloidal particles in different concentration regime and a detailed theoretical understanding regarding the glass transition and jamming transition for a highly dense colloidal packing. In this section we have also discussed the advantages of interfacial microrheology technique over conventional bulk rheology in terms of efficiency and sensitivity. Here we have also pointed out the formulation of the multi-particle tracking method for achieving different parameters which are correlated in space and time for a given system. Followed by that the Dynamical Susceptibility and the anomaly in Van Hove correlation function, for a heterogeneous system has been argued thoroughly. Towards the end we have discussed about the general features of another type of two dimensional membrane i.e. the lipid membrane at interface. Using raft theory we have also tried to give a plausible explanation of the dynamical heterogeneity of the real cell membrane which is mimicked by the model supported lipid membrane. Here we have argued about the structural six fold symmetry of a compact monolayer. Finally in the last part we have summarized the theoretical aspects of the lipid molecule mediated self assembly process and the how the lipid diffusion plays a vital role in it.
Chapter 2 deals with the aspect of measuring the morphological transition and its effect on the dynamics for a two dimensional membrane at air/water interface. It starts with the discussion on the synthesis method for various types of organic molecule grafted nanoparticles like Cadmium Selenide(CdSe Quantum Dots) and Gold Nanoparticle(Au NPs) of different size and properties and followed by a preparation method of 2D film at air/water interface and on solid substrate using Langmuir-Blodgett method. In this chapter we have discussed about the basic principles of several experimental tools like Brewster Angle Microscopy(BAM), Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy(LSCM), Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM), Thermogravimetric Analysis(TGA), X Ray Reflectivity(XRR), Grazing Incidence Diffraction(GID), Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy(FCS) etc.
Chapter 3 explains the main aspects of the microscopic dynamics in dense amorphous nanoparticle monolayer at the air-water interface. In this study we have found a transition in mechanical properties, tracked down through the systematic variation of isothermal compressibility(�) with increasing two dimensional packing fraction of nanoparticle rafts up to the area fraction of Φ∼0.82 using Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope. Here we have used multi particle tracking method for a close packed gold monolayer with CdSe tracer to estimate different dynamical properties like Mean Square Displacement(MSD), Dynamical Heterogeneity etc. These calculations indeed point out the non-monotonic variation of the amplitude in the four-point dynamic susceptibility (χ4), a signature of spatio-temporal extension of correlated domains. Along with that we have also observed the anomaly in trend for the inherent relaxation time τ∗with increasing area fraction(Φ). Interestingly the variation in χ4exactly follows the systematic we found for the isothermal compressibility( �) with increasing Φ and that indicates the connection between the observed macroscopic transitions in mechanical properties and the microscopic dynamical phase transitions. Finally we have given a possible explanation of these kind of events in terms of the interaction between this sterically stabilized nanoparticle domains with the help of interpenetration of the capping long chain polymers of the neighboring nanoparticle.
Chapter 4 opens up the possibilities of probing the hidden features of biomembranes at molecular scale with the help of very precise techniques based on synchrotron X ray diffraction. Here we have studied the rearrangement of the lipid molecules of an artificial membrane on a solid support as an effect of ad-sorption of organic branched molecules. In this work we have used non toxic PETIM dendrimers of two different generations, i.e. G3and G4which differs a lot in terms of size, no of termination groups, molecular weights and protonation states. Our initial measurements shows quantitatively the in-plane and out of plane symmetry breaking of the lipid bilayer as a result of the interaction with these two types of molecules. The molecular adsorption effect was quantified in terms of thickness reduction and the change in the scattering length density(SLD) or the electron density of the top layer in out of plane reflectivity model. Interestingly both the dendrimers showed different behavior and the interaction reflected in terms of membrane penetration was found stronger for higher generation. On the other hand the GID measurement indicates an enhancement of the in plane unit cell dimension and associated parameters of the arrangement of lipid molecules as a result of interaction with dendrimers. The combined XRR and GID measurements indicate a local fluidization of lipid packing as an outcome of charged branched molecules adsorption on the membrane surface.
Chapter 5 is summarizes the lipid mediated self assembly process of nanoparticles on a bilayer and how the interaction changes the local properties of the bilayer represented by the molecular diffusivity. In this study we have used particles of wide variety of features in terms of size, charge, functionality, polarity etc and found a quite dramatic effect in the nanoparticle adsorption event on a solid supported Lαphased DMPC lipid bilayer. We have also seen that de-pending on the concentration and amount of surface charge the nanoparticles form two dimensional regular self assembled patterns on the bilayer surface. In FCS measurement, we have also found a second group of dynamics ( distribution of diffusivity) along with the normal bilayer diffusion which has been identified as the diffusion of the lipid molecules where nanoparticles are adsorbed. The inherent increment in diffusivity supports the argument of local fluidization in lipid membrane in presence of charged nanoparticle as we have observed in our XRR and GID data described in chapter 4.
Chapter 6 contains the summary and the future perspective of the work presented here.
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