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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vers une gouvernance territoriale de l'environnement ? : analyse comparée des politiques départementales de gestion de l'eau destinée à la consommation humaine et des déchets municipaux / Towards a territorial governance of the environment ? : an analysis of the policies of drinking water and municipal waste management at the "départemental" level of the French institutions

Caillaud, Kévin 19 September 2013 (has links)
Quarante ans de politiques publiques d’environnement ont profondément modifié la gestion de l’eau et des déchets. Beaucoup de choses ont changé : le référentiel gestionnaire n’est plus le même, la législation s’est renforcée, les enjeux territoriaux se sont recomposés, les modalités et l’échelle d’intervention publique ont été remodelées… En un mot, l’action publique territoriale s’est recomposée. Progressivement, les acteurs territoriaux ont inventé de nouvelles formes d’organisation, eu égard aux conditions et aux problématiques spécifiques de leurs territoires. Quelle(s) forme(s) ces recompositions peuvent-elles prendre ? Et selon quelle(s) trajectoire(s) ? Existe-t-il des invariants ? Qui pilote ces dynamiques territoriales et quelle place occupent les collectivités ? L’objectif de la thèse est de mettre en lumière l’existence d’une variété de formes d’organisation territoriale dédiées à la gestion de l’eau potable et des déchets municipaux, à partir d’une entrée « services publics ». Par le biais de monographies départementales, la thèse met à l’épreuve de la réalité du terrain les résultats d’une importante revue de littérature. Cela permet ainsi de mettre en exergue la force des coalitions d’acteurs et le jeu structurant entre Conseils Généraux et pôles urbains dans ces trajectoires de recomposition, ou encore l’existence d’un phénomène d’hybridation des modes de régulation influençant les trajectoires départementales. Enfin, en croisant la littérature spécifique à l’action publique et la grille d’analyse développée, la thèse propose de contribuer au lexique analytique de ce domaine d’étude. / After forty years of environmental public policies, drinking water and municipal waste management changed. For instance, the paradigm of environmental sectors management evolved, the legislation strengthened and the emergence of new environmental issues changed the territorial organizations… Step by step, territorial actors created new forms of organization, in regard to the special issues of their territories. What kind of forms these evolutions can take ? What are the territorial trajectories ? Can we observe some straightness ? Who governs these dynamics and what is the role of territorial public institutions ? The thesis shows the existence of different forms of territorial organizations at the “départemental” level of the French institutions, dealing with public services involved to the drinking water and municipal waste management. With four monographs, the thesis shows the power of advocacy coalitions and urban cities in the trajectories of evolution. These appear also oriented by different regulation’s hybridization phenomena. With all these results, the author proposes at last to contribute to the analysis's lexicon of this domain of research.

Argentinsko-americké vztahy v období vojenské junty (1976-1983) / Argentine - U.S. Bilateral Relations during military junta (1976 - 1983)

Žáčková, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is Argentine - U.S. bilateral relations during the rule of military junta in Argentina from 1976 to 1983. It deals with the most discussed topics such as human rights violations, grain embargo towards USSR, Falkland islands war, cooperation and competition in Central America, nuclear cooperation. It covers period from the fall of government of María Estela Isabel de Perón and the rise of military junta to the resignation of Leopoldo Galtieri and celebration of free elections in 1983 in Argentina. From the USA side it covers periods of the late Ford administration, entire Carter administration and first years of Reagan administration.

Postavenie insolvenčného správcu v insolvenčnom konaní / The position of bankruptcy administrator in the bankruptcy proceedings

Šťastný, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to outline the role and position of the bankruptcy administrator in the bankruptcy process. The role of the administrator is specified as a set of rights and obligations that the administrator has got according to the law in every part of the bankruptcy process. The insolvency law assigns administrative, surveying, finding and consulting duties to the administrator. The core of this thesis is a look at the position of the administrator in the liquidation bankruptcy. It means the process beginning with the appointing of the administrator and ending by the approval of the final report and the implementation of the paying timetable. Bonus chapters are devoted to other manners of the bankruptcy process, requirements for the administrator appointment and possibilities of the administrator rewarding.

Stanovení hodnoty obchodního závodu v tísni / Valuing a Distressed Company

Štěpánková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with bankruptcy and its possible solution from the point of view of expert activities. Valuation of the company in distress may be required at different stages of the business life cycle. While sometimes the valuation is requested directly by the shareholders or the managing partners facing bankruptcy (or preventing crisis) sometimes assessment is requested in insolvency proceedings by the insolvency administrator. Whether it is the intention to find out it is more beneficial for creditors to reorganise or liquidate the assets, in all these cases it is the work of experts in the insolvency proceedings who play a decisive role. The practical part of the thesis, therefore, focuses on the selection of appropriate methodologies which can be used at any given moment of crisis management.

Saggi sulle Ristrutturazioni e gli Investimenti Aziendali / ESSAYS ON CORPORATE RESTRUCTURINGS AND INVESTMENTS / Essays on Corporate Restructurings and Investments

BAROS, ALEKSANDRA 30 March 2020 (has links)
La presente tesi di dottorato è composta da due capitoli indipendenti nei quali sono analizzate le ristrutturazioni aziendali e le politiche di investimento delle società quotate. Il primo capitolo esamina le motivazioni e gli effetti sul valore delle cessioni di asset che hanno luogo durante operazioni di acquisizioni. I risultati delle analisi condotte supportano l’ipotesi di efficienza delle ristrutturazioni associate ad acquisizioni e indicano che il 60% percento dei disinvestimenti avviene ad acquisizione completata. In media, questi disinvestimenti incrementano il valore creato con le acquisizioni dell’1.85%. In generale, la vendita di asset è uno strumento che facilita le acquisizioni e ne aumenta le sinergie. Il secondo capitolo studia l’impatto della diversificazione e della leadership di settore sulle politiche di investimento delle imprese durante periodi di contrazione. L’analisi suggerisce che le imprese diversificate non modificano significativamente il loro portafoglio di asset e adottano politiche d’investimento conservative, risultando in generale meno reattive agli shock. I risultati evidenziano l’assenza di strategie predatorie da parte delle imprese leader. Il vantaggio principale delle imprese diversificate e/o leader consiste nella possibilità di evitare vendite forzate durante crisi settoriali. Tuttavia, nonostante questo vantaggio, il mercato penalizza tali imprese per il loro comportamento passivo. / This dissertation consists of two independent essays that investigate corporate restructurings and the investment policy of listed firms. Chapter 1 studies the motives and the value effects of corporate assets sales that take place around acquisitions, providing support for the efficient restructuring view of acquisition-related divestitures. About 60% of these divestitures occur following the acquisition completion. On average, divestitures are associated with an increase of 1.85% in the value creation around focal acquisitions. Overall, asset sales are a tool to ease an acquisition and bolster the associated synergies. Chapter 2 studies how industry focus and leadership position within the industry impact the investment policy during industry downturn. I find that industry focus and leadership are important factors in explaining the firm’s investment decisions during downturns. Diversified firms are less responsive to shocks: they do not alter much their portfolio and adopt rather conservative investment behavior. I find no evidence supporting predation strategies by industry leaders during industry shocks. The main advantage of being diversified and/or leader consists in avoiding forced asset sales during downturns. Despite this advantage, the stock market penalizes industry leaders and diversified firms for their passive behavior.

A strategy for formulating a monitoring and evaluation framework and a tool for the sustainability of mobile units in the Department of Home Affairs of the Republic of South Africa

Kubheka-Tshikala, Thobile Nolwandle 03 1900 (has links)
The study investigated the possibility of developing a monitoring and evaluation tool to capacitate the South African Department of Home Affairs towards the sustainability of its mobile unit project. As South Africa has a history of gross discrepancies in the appropriation of services by the citizenry, a fleet of 117 mobile trucks was deployed as part of the 2004 Turnaround Strategy. The chosen structural-functionalist theoretical vantage point informed a quantitative baseline survey in which the views of thirty eight respondents in six provinces and across various ranks were gauged. The majority expressed positive views about the sustainability of the mobile units beyond project phase. They expressed confidence in the goals, relevance and realistic nature of the mobile units. In the SWOT analysis, the respondents expressed more strengths and opportunities than weaknesses and threats. These findings form the baseline for the development of the intended M&E framework. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)

Fighting for Air: Cold War Reorganization and the U.S. Air Force Security Service, 1945-1952

Shackelford, Philip Clayton 04 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Chemical biology approaches to study toxin clustering and lipids reorganization in Shiga toxin endocytosis / Etude de la condensation et de la réorganisation des lipides lors de l’endocytose de la toxine de Shiga via une approche de biologie chimique

Gao, Haifei 12 November 2015 (has links)
La toxine bactérienne de Shiga se lie au glycosphingolipide (GSL) globotriaosylcéramide (Gb3) afin d’entrer par endocytose dans les cellules en utilisant une voie dépendante et indépendante de la clathrine. Dans la voie indépendante de la clathrine, la toxine de Shiga réorganise les lipides de la membrane de façon à imposer une contrainte mécanique sur la bicouche, conduisant ainsi à la formation de pic d’invagination d'endocytose profonds et étroits. Mécaniquement ce phénomène n’est pas encore compris, notamment il reste énigmatique, comment se traduisent les propriétés géométriques de l’agrégation des glycosphingolipides GSLS et de la toxine. Dans mon travail de thèse, via l’utilisation de la sous-unité B de la toxine de Shiga (STxB) comme un modèle, différentes espèces moléculaires de son récepteur Gb3 ont été synthétisés avec des structures délibérément choisis. Les études réalisées par imagerie de haute résolution et par la modélisation informatique ont permis d’élucider les contraintes mécano-chimique sous-jacente conduisant à une réorganisation efficace qui a pour résultat l’agrégation de la toxine et la réorganisation des lipides. En combinant des expériences de simulation sur ordinateur de dynamique des particules dissipatives (DPD) et des expériences sur des modèles de membranes cellulaires, nous avons fourni la preuve de l’induction d’une force de fluctuation-membrane, de type « force de Casimir », conduisant à l'agrégation des molécules de toxines associées à la membrane à des échelles de longueur mésoscoiques. Nous avons observé et mesuré, en outre la condensation lipidique induite par la toxine, quantitativement sur des monocouches de Langmuir en utilisant la réflectivité des rayons X (XR) et par la mesure de la diffraction des rayons X par incidence rasante (GIXD), fournissant ainsi une preuve directe de l'hypothèse que la toxine a le potentiel de réduire de façon asymétrique la surface moléculaire sur la partie membranaire exoplasmique, ce qui conduit à une déformation locale de la membrane. Durant ma thèse, nos efforts ont été consacrés à la réalisation de nouveaux glycosphinolipides (GSL) comme outils chimiques à visée biologique. Par ailleurs, une nouvelle stratégie de reconstitution de GSL fonctionnels sur la membrane cellulaire, basée sur une réaction de ligation de type « click » entre un glycosyl-cyclooctyne et un azido-sphingosine a été étudiée. Les résultats obtenus sur les cellules se sont avérés beaucoup moins efficace que ceux in vitro. Une poursuite de l'optimisation de cette méthodologie est actuellement en cours. Une sonde fluorescente du glycosphinolipide Gb3, marquée à l’Alexa Fluor 568 lui-même lié par l'intermédiaire d'un bras PEG-α à la position de la chaîne acyle, a été synthétisée. Cette sonde se lie à la STxB sur couche mince de TLC, mais pas sur des membranes modèles. D'autres améliorations sont discutées. / Bacterial Shiga toxins bind to the glycosphingolipid (GSL) globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) to enter cells by clathrin-dependent and independent endocytosis. In the clathrin-independent pathway, Shiga toxin reorganizes membrane lipids in a way such as to impose mechanical strain onto the bilayer, thus leading to the formation of deep and narrow endocytic pits. Mechanistically how this occurs is not yet understood, and notably how the geometric properties of toxin-GSLs complexes translate into function has remained enigmatic. In my thesis work, using the B-subunit of Shiga toxin (STxB) as a model, different molecular species of its receptor Gb3 have been synthesized with deliberately chosen structures, coupled with high resolution imaging and computational modeling, to understand the underlying mechano-chemical constraints leading to efficient toxin clustering and lipids reorganization. By combining dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) computer simulation and experiments on cell and model membranes, we provided evidence that a membrane fluctuation-induced force, termed Casimir-like force, drives the aggregation of tightly membrane-associated toxin molecules at mesoscopic length scales. Furthermore, toxin-induced lipid condensation was observed and measured quantitatively on Langmuir monolayers using X-ray reflectivity (XR) and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXD), thereby providing direct evidence for the hypothesis that the toxin has the potential to asymmetrically reduce the molecular area of the exoplasmic membrane leaflet, leading to local membrane deformation. During my PhD, effort was also invested to develop new GSL tools applied to the biological setting. A novel strategy based on the Cu-free click reaction between glycosyl-cyclooctyne and azido-sphingosine was designed with the goal to functionally incorporate GSLs into cellular membranes. Following the synthesis work, click reactions have been performed in solution and on cells. Compared to the former, results on cells were far less efficient. Further optimization is currently ongoing. A fluorescently labeled Gb3 probe with Alexa Fluor 568 coupled via a PEG linker to the α-position of the acyl chain, was synthesized, to which STxB bound on TLCs, but not on model membranes. Further improvements are discussed.

La mobilité des sociétés de l’espace OHADA : étude à la lumière du droit européen et international des sociétés. / The mobility of companies from OHADA area : research in the light of European and international company law.

Sane, Claude MIchel 15 December 2017 (has links)
À coté de l’objectif immédiat d’uniformiser les législations des États membres, l’OHADA s’est fixée un objectif médiat, celui de créer un vaste marché sans frontière. Or au regard des difficultés pour les sociétés commerciales de déplacer leurs sièges sociaux d’un État membre à un autre, nous ne pouvons que constater que l’existence de ce marché intégré n’est pas encore une réalité pour elles. Il apparaît alors que la seule uniformisation du droit des sociétés commerciales par l’OHADA ne suffit pas à leur permettre de réaliser des opérations de restructuration transfrontalière. Cette thèse a ainsi montré que l’OHADA a besoin d’évoluer et de se transformer pour mettre en place un véritable droit à la mobilité pour les sociétés commerciales au sein son espace communautaire. Elle doit pour cela compléter son intégration juridique par une intégration économique consacrant un libre établissement dont les opérations de mobilité seraient des modalités d’exercice, comme l’a fait l’Union européenne. Ce droit à la mobilité ne devra toutefois pas s’exercer de manière abusive. L’OHADA devra donc trouver un équilibre entre une mobilité fluidifiée et une protection efficace des actionnaires, salariés et tiers. De même il conviendra de rechercher un équilibre dans la gestion de la coexistence des normes communautaires qui ne manquera pas de se présenter dans le régime des opérations de mobilité puisqu’il s’agit d’un problème récurrent dans l’espace OHADA. / Apart from the direct objective of the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA) to standardize the law, its indirect objective relates to the creation of a large common market. However, regarding the difficulties for companies to transfer their registered office from one member state to another, we can see that the existence of such market is still not a reality for them. Therefore, it appears that the only standardizing of the corporate law by OHADA is not sufficient to allow them to perform their cross-border mergers. This research shows thus that OHADA needs to change and to transform itself to put in place a real right to mobility in the community area for the companies. Like the European Union, it should complete the legal integration by an economic integration setting up a freedom of establishment, including border restructuring operations. But this right to mobility should not be abused. OHADA will have to find a balance between facilitating the mobility and protecting efficiently minority shareholders, employees and third parties rights. Similarly a balance must be struck to solve the conflict of community norms in the restructuring operations legal regime, since it is a recurrent problem for OHADA space.


家森, 信善 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C) 課題番号:14530108 研究代表者:家森 信善 研究期間:2002-2005年度

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