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[pt] O surdo profundo comumente depara-se com problemas relacionados à comunicação de forma efetiva, em virtude das dificuldades para falar, compreender ou escutar, o que pode restringir o acesso ao mercado de trabalho para esta população. Este estudo buscou conhecer como ocorre a inserção e a empregabilidade de indivíduos com perda auditiva profunda no Pólo Industrial de Manaus/AM. Foi aplicado um questionário sobre questões pessoais, familiares, escolares e de empregabilidade. A amostragem foi composta por 50 indivíduos com surdez profunda, de ambos os gêneros, com idades entre 20 e 53 anos, trabalhadores de empresas do Pólo Industrial de Manaus. Verificou-se maior número de homens (N igual 30; 60 por cento) empregados em comparação às mulheres, sendo as idades de 25 e 36 anos (12 por cento ambas) as mais frequentes. Quanto ao estado civil, encontrou-se a mesma frequência (48 por cento) de surdos solteiros e casados, 18 (36 por cento) deles com filhos, todos normouvintes. A maioria (60 por cento) comunica-se utilizando a Língua Brasileira de Sinais, sendo a escolaridade mais frequente o ensino médio completo (28 por cento). O tempo de trabalho variou de 1 a 22 anos, com maior frequência a duração de 2 anos (24 por cento) de trabalho e início das atividades laborais entre 18 e 22 anos de idade. Todos (100 por cento) atuam no setor de produção, sendo a remuneração compreendida entre 1 e 2 salários mínimos para a maioria (94 por cento) e carteira assinada para todos (100 por cento). Metade (50 por cento) da amostragem ingressou na profissão através da Associação dos Surdos de Manaus, sendo que a maioria (56 por cento) não apresentou treinamento prévio e 48 por cento negaram dificuldades no trabalho. Assim, é possível observar que as restrições que a perda auditiva profunda causa na pessoa portadora desta deficiência se refletem na sua inserção profissional, uma vez que os trabalhadores com deficiência auditiva profunda comumente atuam no setor de produção e apresentam renda fixa entre
1 e 2 salários mínimos. Por outro lado, verifica-se que interfere pouco no desempenho da sua função e comunicação com os colegas de trabalho. / [en] People with deep deafness have to face communication problems because they have difficulties to speak, understand and listen, that can restrict the access to labor market for these population. The aim of this study was to verify the insertion and employability of subjects with deep hearing loss in the Industrial of Manaus/AM. It was applied a questionnaire about personal, family, school and employability questions. The studied group was composed by 50 persons with deep deafness, both gender, aging between 20 and 53 years, who work in the Industrial of Manaus. It was observed more occurrence of male gender employeed (60 percent), being 25 and 36 years most frequent ages (12 percent both). In relation to marital status, 48 percent of subjects are single and 48 percent are married, and 36 percent have children with normal hearing. Most of them (60 percent) use Brazilian Sign Language and the most frequent schooling was complete school (28 percent). The working time ranged between 1 and 22 years, being 2 years the duration more observed and the professional beginning with 18 a 22 years old. All (100 percent) subjects work in production sector, receiving between 1 and 2 minimum salary (94 percent). Half (50 percent) of them initialized in their function helped by Deafness Association of Manaus, being that 56 percent do not receive previous training and denied problems in their job (48 percent). Most part of subjects (92 percent) do not use hearing aid. It is possible to observe that the deep hearing loss impairments interferes on professional insertion of deafness subjects, once that all workers with deep hearing loss acted in production sector and received between 1 and 2 minimum salary. On the other hand, it is verify that does not interfere in the perform and in the communication with mates.
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The banking firm under ambiguity aversionBroll, Udo, Welzel, Peter, Wong, Kit Pong 09 September 2016 (has links)
We examine risk taking when the bank's preferences exhibit smooth ambiguity aversion. Ambiguity is modeled by a second-order probability distribution that captures the bank's uncertainty about which of the subjective beliefs govern the financial asset return risk. Ambiguity preferences are modeled by the (second-order) expectation of a concave transformation of the (first-order) expected utility of profit conditional on each plausible subjective distribution of the return risk. Within this framework, the banking firm finds it less attractive to take risk in the presence than in the absence of ambiguity. This result extends to the case of greater ambiguity aversion. Given that the competitive bank's smooth ambiguity preferences exhibit non-increasing absolute ambiguity aversion, imposing a more stringent capital requirement to the bank reduces the optimal amount of loans, if the bank's coefficient of relative risk aversion does not exceed unity. Ambiguity and ambiguity aversion as such have adverse effect on the bank's risk taking.
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Analys av Termodeck som ett uppvärmningssystem : En jämförelse mellan uppmätt och simulerat värde samt analys om skillnaden för husets energianvändning / Analysis of Termodeck as a heating system : A comparison between measured and simulated values, and analysis of the differences of the buildings energy consumptionKawoya, Julius, Nezamaldin, Darwn January 2013 (has links)
Ett passivhus är byggt av stomentreprenör företaget Strängbetong i Vara med ventilation och uppvärmning i samma system som kallas för Termodeck. Uppvärmningen sker genom att tilluft från ett FTX-aggregat förs igenom håldäcksbjälklag som värmer upp bjälklaget. Med det erhålls ett ”värmegolv och värmetak”. För ett sådant system behövs en byggnad med tung betongstomme. Energibalans beräkning har gjorts med IDA program och schablon värden från olika kravspecifikationer som visar simulerade värden. Målet med det här arbetet är att jämföra dessa simulerade värden med uppmätta värden för det senaste året av husets existens. Därefter genom beräkningar analysera skillnader som uppstod vid olika energiposter av huset. Schablonvärden från kravspecifikations program som FEBY och SVEBY har ändrats i beräkningar för bland annat viktiga poster som varmvatten och uppvärmningssystem för att få ett närmare värde till det verkliga resultatet. Resultatet av total energianvändning visade ett ungefärlig liknande värde men olika energi poster av energianvändningen avvek där vissa poster förbrukade mer energi än simulerad och vissa mindre. I helhet blev det beräknade behovet av köpt energi till 94 % av det verkliga behovet. / A passive house is constructed by framing Entrepreneur Company Strängbetong in Vara with ventilation and heating in the same system that is called TermoDeck. Heating is provided by supply from an FTX-system which passes through the hollow-core slabs that heat up the floor structure who makes it into a "heated floor and heated ceilings". For such a system requires a building with a concrete frame. Energy balance calculation has been made with an IDA program and standard values from different specifications that show the simulated values. The objective of this work is to compare the simulated values with measured values for the last year of the building's existence. Then by calculations analyze the differences that arose at different energy parts of the house. Standard values from requirements specification program FEBY and SVEBY has been changed in the calculations for including important items like hot water and heating system to get a closer value to the actual result. The result of total energy showed approximately similar values but different energy parts of energy usage deviated. Some parts consumed more energy than simulated and some parts less. In total it was estimated that the need for purchased energy was 94% of the actual need.
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Detecting Bad Smells in Industrial Requirements Written in Natural LanguagesMarie-Janette, Eriksson, Emma, Brouillette January 2022 (has links)
A key factor in creating software of good quality is that the requirements for the project being developed are as unambiguous and clear as possible, so the developers will be able to develop the product quickly and effectively. So, there is a need for tools that help requirements engineers create quality requirements. The attributes that define a poorly written requirement are called bad smells. In this thesis we investigate the NALABS tools bad smell detecting capabilities when analyzing industrial requirements. First, we performed a literature study to investigate what types of bad smells exist for requirements and how they were specified. After that we used a case study to examine how many smells and of what categories the NALABS tool detects, when it analyzes industrial requirements. Lastly, we used a small experiment to examine how accurately NALABS detects smells, by designing a simple console application that counted instances of bad smell words in a set of keywords that were from the NALABS tool. The results we gathered gave us an indication that NALABS detects bad smells in all the categories of bad smells that are implemented in it, to a varying degree. Through this thesis we hope to extend the knowledge about bad requirements smells, clarify what attributes of a requirement might be a bad smell, and investigate to what degree the NALABS tool can detect bad smells in industrial requirements.
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Fiscal tools and their potential impacts on Swedish households / Finanspolitiska verktyg och dess betydelse för svenska hushålls ekonomiBenzon, Sarah, Larsson, Frida January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Business Process Reengineering within the bicycle industryBartolomé Rodriguez, David January 2010 (has links)
Bicycle leader brands have shift production overseas to reduce the cost of labor and to implement new technologies at lower cost. Bike manufacturer both in Asia and Europe employ a traditional way of production based on economics of scale that aims cost per unit reduction. Where MRP systems and forecasting are part of their day basis operations. This traditional way of operation offers room for innovation that must be seen as a business opportunity. Thus, alternative management approaches can strengthen strategic goals and improve responsiveness and flexibility. Bicycle brands producing locally should implement alternative management systems to remain competitive, to take the maximum advantage of their location, to improve customer service and to cut operational cost. The course of action followed was a market analys is to understand the nature of the bicyclemarket within European Union. Similarly, a Business Process Reengineering was conducted to identify with the current operational processes and opportunities within the bicycle industry. Based on the Business Process Engineering, an alternative business model was presented. The main proposed solution to improve the current operational processes: (a) Implementation of Just-‐in-‐time management system and relocation of assembly facilities. (b) Benchmark IKEA core methods, designing products for supply chain and that customer assemble the future themselves. (c) Benchmark Dell Computer business model of customization and supply chain. Finally, the fundaments for an alternative business concept were established regarding bicycle design concept, strategy planning and production system design.
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Effekte der Selensupplementierung auf den Selenstatus beim Damwild (Dama dama) in GehegehaltungStoebe, Sophie 26 June 2011 (has links)
Aktuell gibt es für Selen (Se) keine Bedarfsempfehlungen für das Damwild (Dama dama) in Gehegehaltung. Diese Studie soll die typische Se-Aufnahme bei Gehegehaltung von Damwild ermitteln und klären, welche Parameter sich eignen, um die Se-Versorgung des Damwildes zu reflektieren. Dazu wurden 19 Damhirsche in zwei Gruppen unter identischen Bedingungen gehalten. Die Tiere ernährten sich von dem natürlichen Grasaufwuchs und Mischfutter (0,15 mg/kg TS bzw. 1,07 - 1,91 mg/kg TS). In Blut, Plasma und die Organen wurden der Se-Gehalt, die Aktivität der Se-abhängigen Glutathionperoxidase (GPx) sowie teilweise die Gesamt-GPx-Aktivität (gesGPx), die Aktivität der Glutathion-S-Transferase (GST) und die Expression verschiedener GPx analysiert.
Durch die Se-Supplementierung wurden ein signifikanter Anstieg des Plasma-Se in der Versuchsgruppe und ein moderater Unterschied der Vollblut-Se-Konzentration sowie der Vollblut-GPx-Aktivität zwischen der Kontroll- und der Versuchsgruppe beobachtet (p = 0,08). Außerdem wurde in allen Organen der Versuchsgruppe ein höherer Se-Gehalt als in der Kontrollgruppe festgestellt. In der Hierarchie der untersuchten Organe ist die Niere am höchsten angeordnet, absteigend folgen der Herz- und Skelettmuskel, die Milz und die Leber. Eine Se-Aufnahme von 0,05 - 0,08 mg/kg TS führt beim Damwild nicht zur Ausprägung von Se-Mangelsymptomen und stellt daher eine ausreichende Se-Versorgung dar. Die Empfehlungen zur Se-Versorgung für Damwild sind somit nicht von Hauswiederkäuern zu übernehmen. Im Plasma und im Vollblut scheinen Se-Konzentrationen von 28 - 64 µg/l und 81 - 200 µg/l für eine ausreichende Se-Versorgung zu sprechen, in der Leber Se-Konzentrationen von 270 - 663 µg/kg TS.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Inhaltsverzeichnis I
Abbildungsverzeichnis V
Tabellenverzeichnis VI
Verzeichnis der Anhangstabellen VIII
Abkürzungsverzeichnis IX
1. Einleitung 1
2. Literaturübersicht 2
2.1 Se als chemisches Element 2
2.2 Geschichte des Se und seiner Proteine 3
2.3 Se-Gehalte in Boden, Pflanzen, Nahrungs- und Futtermitteln 4
2.3.1 Se-Gehalte im Boden 4
2.3.2 Se-Gehalte in Pflanzen 5
2.3.3 Se-Gehalte in Nahrungsmitteln 7
2.3.4 Se-Gehalte in Futtermitteln 8
2.4 Se im Stoffwechsel 9
2.4.1 Resorption 9
2.4.2 Transport, Metabolismus und Speicherung 10 Transport 10 Speicherung 11
2.4.3 Versorgung über Plazenta und Milch 12
2.4.4 Exkretion 14
2.5 Biologische Funktionen des Se 16
2.5.1 SeP 16
2.5.2 Funktionen 18 Spezielle Funktionen der GPx 18 Weitere Funktionen der Selenoenzyme 20
2.6 Damwild (Dama dama) 21
2.6.1 Systematische und historische Einordnung des Damwildes 21
2.6.2 Physiologie und Ernährung des Damwildes 22
2.6.3 Se-Status bei Cerviden 23
2.7 Se-Bedarf 24
2.8 Se- und Enzymwerte im Organismus 25
2.8.1 Se-Gehalte im Blut 25
2.8.2 Se-Gehalte in verschiedenen Organen 28
2.9 Se und Erkrankungen 30
2.9.1 Se-Mangel assoziierte Erkrankungen 30
2.9.2 Se-Toxizität 31 Die akute Se-Intoxikation 32 Die subakute Se-Intoxikation 33 Die chronische Se-Intoxikation 33
3 Tiere, Material und Methoden 35
3.1 Versuchsziel 35
3.2 Tiere 35
3.3 Haltung 35
3.4 Fütterung und Supplementierung 35
3.5 Versuchsablauf 37
3.6 Probenentnahmen 38
3.6.1 Blutproben 38
3.6.2 Organ- und Gewebeproben 38
3.6.3 Wiegen 40
3.6.4 Futterproben 41
3.7 Versuchsparameter 43
3.8 Analytische Methoden 43
3.8.1 Futteranalyse 43 TS 43 Rohasche (Ra) 44 Organische Substanz (oS) 44 Rohprotein (Rp) 44 Rohfett (Rfe) 44 Rohfaser (Rfa) 44 N-freie Extraktstoffe (NfE) 45 Spurenelemente: Se, Cu, Zn 45
3.8.2 Vollblut-, Plasma-, Organ- und Gewebeanalyse 45 Histologie der Skelettmuskulatur 45 Se-Gehalt 46 TS-Gehalt 47 GPx-Aktivität 47 Proteingehalt 48 Hämoglobingehalt 49 GPx-mRNA-Expression 49 α -Glutathion-S-Transferase-Aktivität (GST) 53
3.9 Statistische Auswertung 54
4. Ergebnisse 55
4.1 KM der Tiere und Gewichte der Schlachtkörperhälften 55
4.1.1 KM der Tiere zu Versuchsbeginn 55
4.1.2 Gewichte der Schlachtkörperhälften zu Versuchende 55
4.2 Histologie der Skelettmuskulatur 56
4.3 Se-Gehalte in Plasma, Vollblut und Organen 58
4.3.1 Se-Gehalte in Plasma und Vollblut 58
4.3.2 Se-Gehalte in verschiedenen Organen 59
4.4 Se-abhängige und -unabhängige Enzyme 60
4.4.1 GPx-Aktivitäten in Plasma und Vollblut 60
4.4.2 GPx-Aktivität in verschiedenen Organen 62
4.4.3 GPx-mRNA-Expression 63
4.4.4 α-GST-Aktivität 64
5. Diskussion 67
5.1 Kritik der Methoden 67
5.1.1 Se-Supplementierung der Tiere 67 Futteraufnahme 67 Höhe der Se-Supplementierung 67 Dauer der Se-Supplementierung 68 Art der Se-Supplementierung 68
5.1.2 Probengewinnung 69
5.1.3 Untersuchungsparameter 69
5.1.4 Vitamin E 69
5.2 Diskussion der Versuchsergebnisse 70
5.2.1 Einschätzung der Se-Versorgung vor Se-Supplementierung 70
5.2.2 Einschätzung der Se-Versorgung nach unterschiedlicher Se-Supplementierung 72
6. Zusammenfassung 81
7. Summary 83
8. Literaturverzeichnis 85
9. Anhang……………………………………………………………………..110
Danksagung 117
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Ventilatory and Metabolic Responses of Burrowing Owls, Athene Cunicularia, to Moderate and Extreme Hypoxia: Analysis of the Hypoxic Ventilatory Threshold vs. Hemoglobin Oxygen Affinity Relationship in BirdsKilgore, Delbert, Boggs, Dona F., Kilgore, Trevor J., Colby, Conrad, Williams, Burl R., Bavis, Ryan W. 01 January 2008 (has links)
We measured ventilation, oxygen consumption and blood gases in burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) breathing moderate and extreme hypoxic gas mixtures to determine their hypoxic ventilatory threshold (HVT) and to assess if they, like other birds and mammals, exhibit a relationship between HVT and hemoglobin O2 affinity (P50) of their blood. An earlier report of an attenuated ventilatory responsiveness of this species to hypoxia was enigmatic given the low O2 affinity (high P50) of burrowing owl hemoglobin. In the current study, burrowing owls breathing 11% and 9% O2 showed a significantly elevated total ventilation. The arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) at which ventilation is elevated above normoxic values in burrowing owls was 58 mm Hg. This threshold value conforms well to expectations based on the high P50 of their hemoglobin and the HVT vs. P50 relationship for birds developed in this study. Correcting for phylogenetic relatedness in the multi-species analysis had no effect on the HVT vs. P50 relationship. Also, because burrowing owls in this study did not show a hypometabolic response at any level of hypoxia (even at 9% O2); HVT described in terms of percent change in oxygen convection requirement is identical to that based on ventilation alone.
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Customer communication challenges in Agile Requirements EngineeringKola, Abhinav Ram January 2020 (has links)
Context and background: Requirements engineering(RE) is a first and a very important phase in any software development which helps in building a suitable and customer satisfactory product. In the past few years, the use of Agile software development has become popular in the industry. Customer communication plays an important role in any software development life cycle. Customers state the requirements needed to develop a product in the Requirements Engineering phase. A project is likely to fail due to problems in customer communication during the RE phase. Objective: This thesis aims to study the Customer communication challenges in Agile requirements engineering, prioritize these challenges, and also find out the mitigation strategies to overcome these challenges. Research Method: A systematic mapping study is conducted to find out the customer communication challenges. Based on the data collected from the systematic mapping study, a survey is conducted to find out the mitigation strategies to overcome the customer communication challenges faced in the RE phase and also prioritize these challenges. Results: Based on the data collected from the systematic mapping study, a total of 18 customer communication challenges are identified. In the second step, a survey is conducted based on the identified challenges. The prioritization of these challenges is done by calculating the risk analysis of the challenges from the survey data. And finally, mitigation strategies are mentioned to overcome all the identified 18 challenges.
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Språkkrav i den digitala kommunikationen : En kvantitativ studie om uppfattningen om språkkrav i digital kommunikation / The language requirements in the digital communication : A quantitative study about attitudes about language requirement in digital communicationCarlsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
In the digital communication channels, the language is often described as more liberated and informal than the language used for other forms of writing. On the other hand, research has shown that the languages and the way it's used, are not detached from the commonly accepted norms that exist. This thesis aims to investigate what aspects and characteristics that are perceived as important when communicating through digital texts and chat conversations. The study further illustrates how respondents perceive their own language and how it may vary throughout various age groups. Previous research exhibits that there is an accommodation in the language based upon the receiver and situation. Furthermore, it also shows that what language is being used, is closely connected to a person’s identity. With this serving as a foundation, this paper examines how the elder respectively younger age group perceive their speech and language characteristics and what demands they possess on what language that is being used. This study has been carried out through a quantitative method. More specifically, a questionnaire focused on respondents’ attitude of the language used in digital communication channels has been sent out. The sample was selected by a random sample strategy where the essay was shared on Facebook. To execute a comparative analysis, the respondents have been divided into two age groups; these two are “Respondents born 1991 or later” and “Respondents born 1990 or before”. This paper has successfully concluded that language norms and rules such as spelling, word order, punctuation marks and complete sentences, are perceived as important in texts and chat conversations. While both age groups consider the language norms and rules to be important, they do however differentiate to what degree. The elder age group perceive norms and rules as being more important than the younger age group. The characteristic that is the most important, in both age groups, is correct spelling. The study shows that there is a wider dispersion within the younger age group in comparison to the older age group, which is more cohesive and considers the rules and norms to be more important.
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