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Uma linguagem comum entre usuários e analistas para definição de requisitos de sistemas de informaçãoLoh, Stanley January 1991 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar uma linguagem comum entre Usuários e Analistas para definição de requisitos, a ser utilizada durante as fases de Análise de Requisitos e Especificação, realizadas durante o desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação. A motivação para o trabalho surgiu da busca de uma solução para o problema de compatibilizar as diferenças entre as linguagens usadas por aqueles. Normalmente, são utilizados dois tipos de linguagens. O primeiro tipo tem, por principal característica, a informalidade, sendo as linguagens deste tipo, portanto, naturais mas pouco precisas. Já as linguagens do segundo tipo apresentam grande precisão, mas pouca legibilidade. Considerando que as linguagens informais são melhores para a participação dos Usuários no desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação e que as linguagens formais são úteis e necessárias para que Analistas elaborem a especificação do sistema e projetistas a interpretem, fez-se necessário o estudo de uma linguagem intermediária que busque um meio termo entre legibilidade (ou naturalidade) e precisão e que, ao mesmo tempo, seja próxima das linguagens informais e formais já em uso. São também apresentadas, neste trabalho, heurísticas (regras informais) para as transformações entre as linguagens, para justificar a referida proximidade, e um estudo de caso para avaliação dos graus de precisão e legibilidade da linguagem comum proposta. / The objecive of this work is to present a common language for users and analists, for requirements definition during Information Systems development. The motivation for this work arose from the study of the communication problem that users and analists have, working with diferent languages of at least two kinds (natural and formal). Natural languages have informality as their main characteristic, hence are not precise. On the other side, formal languages are precise, but sometimes not readable. Informal or natural languages are better for user participation in information system development, and formal languages are useful and necessary to analists when they create a system specification for implementors. It is necessary to search for an intermediate language, that could play a middle role between readableness and precision, and that, at the same time, is relatively close to informal and formal languages. In this work, heuristics (informal and common sense rules) for requirements ellicitation and for transformations between languages are defined too. A case study is detailed, for illustrate the degree of precision and readableness of the common language proposed here.
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Transformação de um modelo de empresa em um modelo de casos de uso seguindo os conceitos de engenharia dirigida por modelos. / Transforming an enterprise model into a use case model using model-driven engineering concepts.Siqueira, Fábio Levy 08 December 2011 (has links)
Uma das principais responsabilidades da área de Engenharia de Requisitos é refinar requisitos em especificações. Em sistemas empresariais esse refinamento deve considerar o contexto empresarial no qual o sistema fará parte. Apesar de existirem algumas abordagens para refinar requisitos algumas delas até mesmo considerando o contexto empresarial essa tarefa é realizada manualmente. Baseado em conceitos de Engenharia Dirigida por Modelos, este trabalho propõe uma transformação semiautomática usando um modelo da empresa como modelo dos requisitos e um modelo de casos de uso como modelo das especificações. Para isso, considera-se que ao usar um modelo de empresa como origem dessa transformação é possível representar tanto os requisitos quanto os conhecimentos de domínio necessários para obter especificações através de uma transformação. Com isso, este trabalho apresenta os metamodelos de origem e de destino, um conjunto de regras de transformação e uma ferramenta que permite executar a transformação. Por fim, este trabalho também discute um experimento que foi executado para analisar alguns aspectos desta proposta. / One of the key responsibilities of Requirements Engineering is to refine requirements into specifications. For enterprise systems, this refinement must consider the enterprise context where the system will be deployed. Although there are some approaches for requirements refinement, some of them even considering the enterprise context, this task is executed manually. Based on Model-Driven Engineering concepts, this study proposes a semi-automatic transformation using an enterprise model as a requirements model and a use case model as a specifications model. For that, this work considers that using an enterprise model as a source it is possible to represent both the requirements and the domain knowledge that are necessary to obtain specifications through a transformation. Therefore, this study presents the source and target meta-models, a set of transformation rules, and a tool to support the transformation. Finally, this study also discusses an experiment executed to analyze some aspects of this proposal.
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Řízení operačního rizika ve finanční instituci / Operational risk management in financial institutionWirthová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The thesis "Operational risk management in financial institution" is focused on description, types of measurements, methods of control, analysis and possibilities for reducing of operational risk. The first part describes and defines operational risk and discusses the Basel accords. Next part is focused on operational risk management, methods reducing operational risk and there is also described the organizational structure of the bank associated with operational risk. The thesis also describes the methods of calculating of capital requirements and methods measuring operational risk. The practical part describes the most significant operational risk events and there is also a comparison analysis of calculation of capital requirement the specific bank.
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Recomendação de calagem para alguns solos do Estado do AmazonasBatista, Iza Maria Paiva 30 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Kamila Costa (kamilavasconceloscosta@gmail.com) on 2015-06-09T18:53:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Upland soils Amazonas state is characterized by having pH and Al3+ at
levels that limit the good yields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the
chemical changes in function in soils of the addition of different levels of limestone and
estimate quantities needed corrective to reach pH arable. We used a completely
randomized block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of a factorial
3 x 7 by matching three textural classes (medium texture, clay, and much clay) with
seven levels of limestone (0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8, 0 to 10 t ha-1). After 56 days of
incubation, the pH values were determined in water; this was plotted versus liming and
adjusted polynomial regression models, to determine the quantity of lime necessary to
achieve pH 5.5; 6.0 and 6.5. At that time, it was determined the Al3+ content, Ca2+,
Mg2+, K and H + Al and from these values calculated the base saturation (V%). The
efficiency of liming by incubation curve method was evaluated in experiments
conducted in a greenhouse through the effect of different rates of lime in the production
of MSPA and MSR in the corn and bean crops. The treatments were arranged in a
completely randomized design in a factorial 2 x 7, combining two soil (Ultisol and
Oxisol) and seven levels of limestone (0, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0 and 10 t ha-1), with four
replications. The data MSPA, MSR and content of P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in
the shoots were adjusted regression models and then estimated the limestone,
corresponding to the ESM. The soil showed high significance indices with the amount
of lime to raise the pH of the soil, and the levels of 0.3; 2.2 and 4.0; 2.6; 4.4 and 6.1;
2.2; 4.0 and 5.8 t ha-1 of lime in medium textured soils, clayey and much clayey are
recommended to achieve the pH 5.5; 6.0 and 6.5, respectively. The recommendation of
1.5; 2.6 to 2.2 t ha-1 was sufficient to reduce Al3+ and the doses of 3.7; 4.7 and 4.6 t ha-
1 increasing the saturation to levels appropriate for crop development, corresponding to
water pH around 6.3; 6.0 and 6.5 in medium textured soils, clayey and much clayey,
respectively. The quantities of limestone corresponding to maximum economic yield
MSPA and MSR both corn as the beans are close to the amount recommended by the
method of incubation curve required to achieve the pH acceptable for cultivation and
these doses have not reduced below the deficiency of the content absorption during the
first 60 days of cultivation. / Os solos de terra firme do estado do Amazonas caracterizam-se por
apresentar pH e Al3+ em níveis que limitam o bom rendimento das culturas. Objetivouse
com o presente estudo, avaliar as modificações químicas nos solos em função da
adição de diferentes níveis de calcário e estimar quantidades necessárias de corretivo
para atingir pH agricultável. Utilizou-se um delineamento em blocos inteiramente
casualizados, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de um fatorial 3 x
7, combinando três classes texturais (textura média, argilosa e muito argilosa) com sete
doses de calcário (0; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0; 8,0 e 10 t ha-1). Após 56 dias de incubação,
determinaram-se os valores de pH em água, este foi plotado versus doses de calcário e
ajustados a modelos de regressão polinomial, para determinar a quantidade de calcário
necessária para atingir os valores de pH 5,5; 6,0 e 6,5. Nessa época, determinaram-se os
teores de Al3+, Ca2+, Mg2+, K e H+Al e a partir desses valores calculou-se o índice de
saturação por bases (V%). A eficiência da recomendação de calagem pelo método da
curva de incubação foi avaliada em experimentos conduzidos em casa de vegetação por
meio do efeito de diferentes doses de calcário na produção de MSPA e MSR nas
culturas do milho e feijão. Os tratamentos foram dispostos em delineamento
inteiramente casualizado num esquema fatorial 2 x 7, combinando dois solos (Argissolo
e Latossolo) e sete doses de calcário (0; 1,0; 2,0; 4,0; 6,0; 8,0 e 10 t ha-1), com quatro
repetições. Os dados de MSPA, MSR e conteúdo de P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn e Cu na
parte aérea das plantas, foram ajustados a modelos de regressão e posteriormente
estimadas as doses de calcário, correspondentes à MEE. Os solos estudados revelaram
altos índices de significância com a necessidade de calcário para elevar o pH dos solos,
sendo as doses de 0,3; 2,2 e 4,0; 2,6; 4,4 e 6,1; 2,2; 4,0 e 5,8 t ha-1 de calcário nos solos
de textura média, argilosa e muito argilosa são recomendadas para atingirem o pH 5,5;
6,0 e 6,5, respectivamente. A recomendação de 1,5; 2,6 e 2,2 t ha-1 foi suficiente para
reduzir o Al3+ e as doses de 3,7; 4,7 e 4,6 t ha-1 elevando a saturação por bases a níveis
adequados para o desenvolvimento das culturas, correspondendo a pH em água em
torno de 6,3; 6,0 e 6,5 nos solos de textura média, argilosa e muito argilosa,
respectivamente. As quantidades de calcário correspondente ao máximo rendimento
econômico de MSPA e MSR tanto no milho quanto no feijão aproximam-se da
quantidade recomendada pelo método da curva de incubação necessária para atingir o
pH aceitáveis para cultivo e essas doses não reduziram abaixo do teor de deficiência a
absorção durante os 60 dias de cultivo.
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Transformação de um modelo de empresa em um modelo de casos de uso seguindo os conceitos de engenharia dirigida por modelos. / Transforming an enterprise model into a use case model using model-driven engineering concepts.Fábio Levy Siqueira 08 December 2011 (has links)
Uma das principais responsabilidades da área de Engenharia de Requisitos é refinar requisitos em especificações. Em sistemas empresariais esse refinamento deve considerar o contexto empresarial no qual o sistema fará parte. Apesar de existirem algumas abordagens para refinar requisitos algumas delas até mesmo considerando o contexto empresarial essa tarefa é realizada manualmente. Baseado em conceitos de Engenharia Dirigida por Modelos, este trabalho propõe uma transformação semiautomática usando um modelo da empresa como modelo dos requisitos e um modelo de casos de uso como modelo das especificações. Para isso, considera-se que ao usar um modelo de empresa como origem dessa transformação é possível representar tanto os requisitos quanto os conhecimentos de domínio necessários para obter especificações através de uma transformação. Com isso, este trabalho apresenta os metamodelos de origem e de destino, um conjunto de regras de transformação e uma ferramenta que permite executar a transformação. Por fim, este trabalho também discute um experimento que foi executado para analisar alguns aspectos desta proposta. / One of the key responsibilities of Requirements Engineering is to refine requirements into specifications. For enterprise systems, this refinement must consider the enterprise context where the system will be deployed. Although there are some approaches for requirements refinement, some of them even considering the enterprise context, this task is executed manually. Based on Model-Driven Engineering concepts, this study proposes a semi-automatic transformation using an enterprise model as a requirements model and a use case model as a specifications model. For that, this work considers that using an enterprise model as a source it is possible to represent both the requirements and the domain knowledge that are necessary to obtain specifications through a transformation. Therefore, this study presents the source and target meta-models, a set of transformation rules, and a tool to support the transformation. Finally, this study also discusses an experiment executed to analyze some aspects of this proposal.
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I spårvattnet av revisionspliktens gränsvärden : En kvalitativ studie kring efterfrågan på revision, non-audit services och mot eventuella framtida EU-gränsvärden i Sverige / The effect from threshold for audit requirement : A qualitative study on audit demand, non-audit services and eventual future EU threshold in SwedenSöderberg, Per, Schön, Martin January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och analysera privata företag, som inte skulle omfattas av revisionsplikt enligt EU:s gränsvärden, och revisorernas inställning till revision och non-audit services [NAS]. Vidare analysera hur NAS påverkar förhållandet mellan revisorer och företag. Även få en bild av framtida inställning till revisionspliktens gränsvärden. Detta återkommer i slutsatsen för att bevisa att vi uppfyllt syftet. En kvalitativ komparativ design, utförd genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer har använts för att besvara dessa forskningsfrågorna. Denna studie är gjord på fem revisorer och hos fem medelstora företag för att få bådas perspektiv och sedan kunna se liknelser och skillnader mellan dessa. Den framställda empirin av de gjorda intervjuerna kopplades samman med relevant teori, som var uppdelad i de tre forskningsfrågorna som präglar denna studie. De övergripande teorierna har varit efterfrågan på revision, NAS och oberoende, samt revisionspliktens gränsvärden. Under varje övergripande teori kompletteras dessa med teorier som bygger upp för en starkare analys. Slutsatserna med studien är att företag är positivt inställda till revision eftersom det ger dem trovärdighet och legitimitet, vilket underlättar relationer med intressenter. Även att det råder delade meningar mellan företagen och revisorerna ifall nyttan med revision överstiger kostnaden. Företagen anser detta, men revisorerna hävdar att det oftast inte överstiger. Angående NAS vet inte företagen om vilka tjänster som finns eller vad de har behov av. Proaktivitet är viktigt hos revisorerna och följden av att branschen gått mot mer rådgivning och NAS har bidragit till större öppenhet hos företagen. Men bidrar inte till att oberoendet rubbas eller att en social sammanhållning där företagen tillfredsställts i försa hand uppstått. Vidare har inte priset sjunkit för revisionen, men att revisionsprocessen blivit mer utförlig. På senare år har även revisionsbyråer sålt sina redovisningsdelar vilket har gett en positiv aspekt sett till oberoendet. Slutligen att det fortfarande råder fördröjningar i slopandet av revisionsplikten år 2010. Företagen skulle fortsätta med revisor oavsett vilka gränsvärden det är, men att efterfrågan styrs av den upplevda nyttan. Revisorerna ser överlag positivt på en höjning av gränsvärdena då större företag får mer nytta från revision. En höjning skulle inte leda till att yrkesrollen skulle förändras, men att mindre kontor hade behövt läggas ned, försämrad kvalitét, minskad efterfråga och ökat osäkerheten i samhället. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse private companies, which not have audit requirement according to European threshold, and auditors’ attitude towards audit and non-audit services [NAS]. Moreover, analysing how NAS affects the relationship between auditors and companies. Additionally, obtain an understanding of their attitude towards threshold for audit requirement. This will be answered in the conclusion to prove the fulfilment of the purpose. A qualitative comparative design, with semi-structured interviews has been accomplished in order to answer the questions. This study is constructed by interviews from five auditors and five medium sized companies in order to capture both their perspectives, similarities and differences. The empirical results from the interviews have been attached with relevant theory, which is divided in three different questions, which characterized this study. The overall theories in this study are; demand for auditing, NAS and independent, and audit threshold. To these overall theories there are additional theories in order to develop deeper analysis. The conclusion of this study shows that companies have a positive attitude towards audit because of the credibility and legitimacy, which enable the relationship with a company’s stakeholders. Even though, the opinions are separated between auditors and companies if the benefits are exceeding the cost of audit. Regarding to NAS, companies cannot see their needs or services available. Proactivity from auditors is important and a reason for more consulting and NAS in the audit branch, which have contribute to openness in the companies. But not in a way so independent have been affected or a social cohesion have occurred, where satisfying companies are prioritized before the society. Moreover, the price for audit has not decreased, but the audit process has been more complex. Recently, audit companies have sold their accounting parts and that is positive from an independent perspective. Finally, there is a delay from the 2010 abolishment of the audit requirement. The companies in this study would continue with audit regardless the threshold for audit requirements and the demand comes from the experienced benefits. The auditors have an overall positive view on higher threshold when larger companies get more benefit from the audit. Higher thresholds will not contribute to a change in auditor’s work on bigger firms. However, such a change would result in less demand for auditing, more uncertainties in society, decreasing quality of the financial information and would mean that smaller audit firms would have to close.
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'Quota measures' and 'trade-related investment measures' in oil and gas regulation : reconciling normative conflicts between energy-focused regimes and WTO rules on energyEnobun, Ernest January 2016 (has links)
Regulation of border and behind-the-border measures in the oil and gas sectors presents the ‘resource access’ challenge with immense economic ramifications for export markets, yet their status under the multilateral trading regime remains obscure. Recent developments that could reshape the trading regime and market dynamics for oil and gas have seen the call for a global energy governance gain momentum in recent years. But the complex relationships between national laws, institutional norms, and the multilateral trading regime regulating energy presents an ideological ‘conflict in applicable law’. They reveal a conflict between regulatory privileges enshrined in energy resource-focused institutions namely: OPEC as a producer-only treaty, the ECT as a sector-specific multilateral energy treaty, national energy laws on the heel of the PSNR principle as a customary international law; versus international obligations under the GATT rules relevant to energy. These regimes have the trappings of nationalism, regionalism, and institutionalism in energy regulation, thereby creating an ambiguous path to global energy governance. This research revisits the institutional and regulatory architecture of oil and gas regimes from the perspective of quota measures and trade-related investment measures (TRIMs) implemented through the instrumentality of national laws, acts of NOCs (in the oil sector) and acts of non-state undertakings (in the gas sector). It therefore charts an uncommon territory and brings a new dimension to the discipline of energy and trade, with a robust examination of how regulation of quota measures and trade-related investment in the oil sector (with export restriction issues) differs from their regulation in the gas sector (with underlying competition issues) and how their varying trade effects shape their future in international economic law. Given the inherent conflicts between the legal, policy, and regulatory design of these regimes governing energy, this research first explores and applies the principle of conflict of norms to energy governance. This paves way for a hands-on approach to examining the applications of these measures under the auspices of these regimes aimed at a ‘co-operative energy governance’ between the resource-focused regimes and the GATT rules relevant to energy on the basis of their trade effects. I argue that an understanding of ‘quota measures’ and ‘TRIMs’ in the oil sector compared to their implementations in the gas sector is compelling in making a case for a systemic energy cooperation that would serve economic interests of all affected states without diminishing the normative value of each regime in each sector.
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Processo de design baseado no projeto axiomático para domínios próximos: estudo de caso na análise e reconhecimento de textura. / Design process based on the axiomatic design for close domain: case study in texture analysis and recognition.Queiroz, Ricardo Alexandro de Andrade 19 December 2011 (has links)
O avanço tecnológico recente tem atraído tanto a comunidade acadêmica quanto o mercado para a investigação de novos métodos, técnicas e linguagens formais para a área de Projeto de Engenharia. A principal motivação é o atendimento à demanda para desenvolver produtos e sistemas cada vez mais completos e que satisfaçam as necessidades do usuário final. Necessidades estas que podem estar ligadas, por exemplo, à análise e reconhecimento de objetos que compõe uma imagem pela sua textura, um processo essencial na automação de uma enorme gama de aplicações como: visão robótica, monitoração industrial, sensoriamento remoto, segurança e diagnóstico médico assistido. Em vista da relevância das inúmeras aplicações envolvidas e pelo fato do domínio de aplicação ser muito próximo do contexto do desenvolvedor, é apresentada uma proposta de um processo de design baseado no Projeto Axiomático como sendo o mais indicado para esta situação. Especificamente, se espera que no estudo de caso da análise de textura haja uma convergência mais rápida para a solução - se esta existir. No estudo de caso, se desenvolve uma nova concepção de arquitetura de rede neural artificial (RNA), auto-organizável, com a estrutura espacial bidimensional da imagem de entrada preservada, tendo a extração e reconhecimento/classificação de textura em uma única fase de aprendizado. Um novo conceito para o paradigma da competição entre os neurônios também é estabelecida. O processo é original por permitir que o desenvolvedor assuma concomitantemente o papel do cliente no projeto, e especificamente por estabelecer o processo de sistematização e estruturação do raciocínio lógico do projetista para a solução do problema a ser desenvolvido e implementado em RNA. / The recent technological advance has attracted the industry and the academic community to research and propose methods, seek for new techniques, and formal languages for engineering design in order to respond to the growing demand for sophisticated product and systems that fully satisfy customers needs. It can be associated, for instance, with an application of object recognition using texture features, essential to a variety of applications domains, such as robotic vision, industrial inspection, remote sensing, security and medical image diagnosis. Considering the importance of the large number of applications mentioned before, and due to their characteristic where both application and developer domain are very close to each other, this work aims to present a design process based on ideas extracted from axiomatic design to accelerate the development for the classical approach to texture analysis. Thus, a case study is accomplished where a new conception of neural network architecture is specially designed for the following proposal: preserving the two-dimensional spatial structure of the input image, and performing texture feature extraction and classification within the same architecture. As a result, a new mechanism for neuronal competition is also developed as specific knowledge for the domain. In fact, the process proposed has some originality because it does take into account that the developer assumes also the customers role on the project, and establishes the systematization process and structure of logical reasoning of the developer in order to develop and implement the solution in neural network domain.
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物件導向資料庫系統績效評估方法之研究--以系統分析方法為之工作量模式 / Benchmark workload modeling for OODBMS - system analysis orientation許致順, Sheu, Chih-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
現今的物件導向資料庫績效評估存在著許多的缺失。1.針對特定的應用領域,其測試工作量模型並無法代表使用者的需求。2.針對特定的資料模型,主要在衡量資料庫設計之技巧及效能。3.測試資料庫綱目變得複雜,測試運算變得繁多,使用者欲自行建立績效評估十分不容易。為了解決以上的問題,本研究擬使用物件導向系統分析的方法作為使用者建構工作量模型的工具,經過一、工作量需求分析階段。二、工作量規則描述階段。三、績效評估的測試階段。最後發展出一個用以測試物件導向資料庫的績效評估環境。由於測試之資料庫綱目與測試運算均是從使用者之需求著手,將使得測試之工作量對使用者而言,更具一致性、代表性與正確性,測試所得之數據與使用者更具相關性。另一方面,為了驗證所提出理論的可行性,我們發展了工作量模型產生器之雛型系統,使用者只須使用視覺化的圖形符號來編輯其工作量模型,系統即會產生工作量模型之規格描述,作為建構績效評估系統之進一步應用。在物件導向資料庫的應用範圍愈來愈廣泛、資料庫之資料量日益龐大的未來,以使用者需求為導向之績效評估將會是未來績效評估之發展方向。 / Existing object-oriented database benchmarks have the following drawbacks 1.They are designed to apply to specific domains, so the workload models of theirs are unable to fully represent user requirements 2.They are designed to apply to the specific data model, and their main intentions are to measure the techniques and therefore performance of database design. 3.As the database schemes are more complex and test operations are more myriad, it will be harder and harder for users intending to implement the benchmark according to the benchmark specification. In order to resolve the above problems, this thesis tries to model user's workload with system analysis methods. After 1.workload requirement analysis phase. 2.workload requirement specification phase 3.benchmark experiment phase, we will develop a benchmark application program used to benchmark the OODBMS. Because our benchmark database schemes and operations are derived from the user requirements, the workload will be more consistent, more representative and more accurate and the result will be more meaningful to users. In order to validate the theory we propose, we develop a prototype of the workload generator. After users have finished editing their workload model with visual graphic notations, the system will output workload specifications, which will be used in the later phase. As the application domain of OODBMS are more diverse and database are more huge, the trend of benchmarks is toward user requirement driven in the future.
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不完全競爭下之政府政策與經濟成長 / Governmnet policy and economic growth under imperfect competition黃比聖 Unknown Date (has links)
另外,當存款者具有不同的風險趨避程度時,本文亦分別考量金融中介機構是否受限於法定存款準備率的情形下,分析中間財貨生產部門不完全競爭程度的改變與各項政府政策變動如何影響其資產配置功能,並透過該管道來影響經濟體系的經濟成長率及名目利率。最後,我們將進一步分析在受限制的法定存款準備率之下,各項參數的變動將如何對社會福利水準產生影響。 / This study will first construct a two-period-lives overlapping generation model, indicating that when the young agents in the economy are facing “ liquidity preference shock”, financial intermediaries (banks) could disperse liquidity risk of young agents by the function of asset allocation, and to reach a purpose of representative individuals’ utility maximization.
In addition, when depositors have different degrees of risk aversion, this text also considers the condition whether financial intermediaries binds reserve requirement rate respectively, analyzing how to through the changes of the extent of imperfect competition of the intermediate goods production sector and the government policy affect its function of asset allocation, and the impact on productivity growth rate and nominal interest rate of the economy mainly influenced by this channel. Finally, we will further analyze how to affect the social welfare through changes in the economic parameters under the condition of binding reserve requirement rate.
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