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NLP-baserad kravhantering: möjligheter och utmaningar : En kvalitativ undersökning / NLP-based requirements management: opportunities and challenges : A qualitative studyBlystedt, Theo, Sandberg, Albin January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar det växande området för naturlig språkbehandling (NLP) och dess tillämpning inom kravhantering, ett kritiskt område i mjukvaruutveckling för att säkerställa att system uppfyller uppsatta standarder och användarförväntningar. Komplexiteten i moderna IT-projekt har ökat efterfrågan på effektiv kravhantering. Trots omfattande studier inom NLP finns det brist på fokuserad forskning om dess specifika möjligheter och utmaningar inom ett företags- och verksamhetsperspektiv för att förbättra processerna inom kravhantering. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med respondenter inom kravhantering och AI för att få djupgående insikter i praktiska implikationer av NLP inom kravhantering. Genom en tematisk analys på den data som samlades in genom intervjuerna togs fem olika teman fram som var relevant för forskningsfrågorna. Tillsammans med detta genomförs även en litteratursökning som syftar att ge förståelse över insikter och kunskap utifrån relevant forskning. Resultatet som framförs utifrån intervjuerna jämfördes sedan med artiklarna i litteratursökningen. Resultatet visar att NLP har potentialen att effektivisera hanteringen av krav, men medför också betydande utmaningar och komplexitet. Teknikens förmåga att hantera stora datamängder och automatisera extraktion och tolkning av krav kan avsevärt påskynda projektets tidiga skeden. Tidig implementering låter organisationer att snabbt anpassa och identifiera krav baserat på föränderliga omständigheter och insikter. Specifikt så har generativa modeller, så som BERT, hög potential inom kravhanteringsfältet på grund av dess höga effektivitet jämfört med traditionella NLP-modeller. Dock är de största utmaningarna kopplade till risker inom säkerhet och sekretess då NLP-system ofta bearbetar stora mängder textdata som kan innehålla känslig eller konfidentiell information Tillförlitlighet är även en utmaning då systemen måste hantera språklig otydlighet och kontextberoendetolkningar utan att förlora noggrannhet. Kvalitén och mängden träningsdata är även en utmaning på grund av dess direkta påverkan på prestandan och effektiviteten av modellen. Utmaningarna och möjligheterna som denna studie presenterar kan hjälpa verksamheter och företag att implementera NLP-teknologier i kravhanteringsprocesser. / This thesis explores the evolving field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and its application in requirement management, a critical area in software development ensuring that systems meet set standards and user expectations. The complexity of modern IT projects has heightened the demand for effective requirements management. Despite extensive studies on NLP, there is a lack of focused research on its specific opportunities and challenges from a company and business perspective regarding requirement management processes. This study adopts a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews with respondents in the requirement management and AI field, to gain deep insights into the practical implications of NLP in requirements management. The study uses a thematic analysis to analyze the data gathered from the interviews and produce themes which are relevant to the research questions. The study also conducts a literature search to gain scientific insight, which will be used to compare the results from the interviews. The findings reveal that NLP has promising potential to streamline information handling and requirement interpretation, but also introduces significant risks and complexities. The technology's ability to process large data volumes and automate requirement extraction and interpretation can significantly speed up project stages. Early implementation allows organizations to swiftly adjust, and pinpoint requirements based on changing circumstances and insights. There is also a lot of potential regarding generative models, such as BERT, in the requirement management field due to its extreme efficiency compared to traditional NLP-models. However, major challenges include risks regarding security and secrecy due to the sensitive and confidential information which the NLP-system handles. Additionally, reliability remains a challenge as these systems must handle linguistic ambiguities and context-dependent interpretations without losing accuracy. The quality and the amount of training data regarding the NLP-models also is a major challenge due to its direct impact of the model’s performance and efficiency. The challenges and opportunities in this study can help organizations and businesses in adapting NLP-technologies into their requirement management processes.
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Hållbarhetsarbete och hantering av hållbarhetskrav vid produktutveckling / Sustainability work and handling of sustainabilityrequirements in product developmentKumar, Narwinder, Schultz, Jacob January 2022 (has links)
Hållbarhet är ett brett begrepp som kan definieras på många olika sätt. I denna rapporten undersöks hållbarhet utifrån produktens perspektiv, med avseende på produktutvecklingsprocessen. Mer specifikt är det sättet som man arbetar och tar beslut på i produktutvecklingsprojekt med avseende på produktens hållbarhet som står i centrum. Två företag som sysslar med farkoster analyseras i rapporten, där det ena företaget arbetar med utveckling av vägfordon och det andra med komponenter till flygplansmotorer. Metodiken bakom arbetet består av en litteraturstudie samt en intervjustudie där två respondenter från respektive företag intervjuas med hjälp av en förberedd intervjuguide. Resultatet av intervjustudien presenteras sedan, uppdelat i olika teman som är relaterade till hållbarhet. Dessa teman diskuteras sedan i relation till den teoretiska referensramen. Resultaten av rapporten var till stor del överensstämmande med litteraturstudien och då båda företagen är involverade med farkoster som använder fossila bränslen uppstod flera likheter i deras hållbarhetskravshantering. Ett exempel på detta är bland annat när i produktutvecklingsprocessen identifiering av hållbarhetskrav sker. Aspekter som beslutsprocessen, hanteringen, ansvaret och utvärderingen av hållbarhetskrav visade sig vara komplicerade, och även fast teorin gick att applicera på mycket var det inte ovanligt att frågor kring dessa områden inte hade något definit svar. För vidare forskning föreslås exempelvis en djupare analys av produktutveckling av produkter med lång livslängd och hur detta samspelar med hållbarhet för produkten. Även återkommande begrepp i rapporten som livscykelperspektiv är rekommenderade aspekter av hållbarhet för vidare forskning kring, då detta framstod som relativt nytt i respektive betraktat företag. / Sustainability is a broad concept that can be defined in many different ways. In this report sustainability is examined from the product's perspective, with respect to the product development process. Specifically, it is the way that companies work and make decisions in product development projects in regards to the product's sustainability that is the central subject. Two companies that work with vehicles were analyzed in the report, where the first company works with the development of road vehicles and the second company works with the development of components for jet engines. The method behind this report consists of a literature study and an interview study where two respondents from each company are interviewed with the help of a prepared interview guide. The results of the interview study were then presented, and divided into different categories related to sustainability. These categories were then discussed in relation to the literature study. The results of the report were in large part in agreement with the literature study, and because both companies are involved in the development of different types of vehicles that use fossil fuel there were several similarities related to their sustainability requirement management. One example of this is the identification process of requirements and at what point identification occurs. Aspects such as decision making, the handling, the responsibility and evaluation of sustainability requirements proved to be complicated, and even though the established literature study was applicable it was common that questions regarding these topics did not have definite answers. For further research it is recommended that for example a deeper analysis of long product development cycles is made and how this relates to the sustainability work in the development process. Also, recurring terms as "life cycle assessment" are recommended for further research since this was something that was relatively new to both companies.
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En frivillig revision : -En studie om varför små aktiebolagsägare väljer att använda revisionen trots att de har möjlighet att avskaffa den.Seddeeq, Rasha January 2016 (has links)
On the 1st of November 2010 more than 70% of small companies on the stock market, in Sweden, have chosen to abolish the audit system; however despite this elimination some companies advocated the importance of using the audit system. The aim of the paper is to highlight and explain the underlying reasons to that the owners of small limited company chooses to retain the audit. A qualitative method was adopted which uses semi-structured interviews, a total of 13 interviews were conducted, two of them were face to face and eleven were phone interviews. The empirical results showed that there are a number of reasons behind the small companies choice of audit, serving its own cause, seriousness of the audit system, information asymmetry, the Swedish Tax Agency, the credibility of the various stakeholders, the need of advice, lack of time, lack of knowledge in economics, educational level concerning finance and sales, to name a few.
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社群導向系統的使用者需求擷取之研究 / A Study of User Requirement Elicitation for the Design of Community-Oriented Systems唐日新, Tang, Jih-Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
實地研究採用則探究兩個線上社群,一為關係導向社群,另一則為興趣社群,用以探索使用者角色,涉入程度以及需求知覺間的關係。多變量共變數分析的結果顯示:去除涉入程度的影響後,使用者角色會顯著影響使用者對於需求的知覺,雖然影響的方式以及程度並不相同。高涉入的使用者對於需求的敏銳度,普遍比低涉入者需求要高,並不因為需求種類而有所不同,最後並討論管理的意涵以及日後的研究方向。 / Although the requirement analysis is generally considered a critical stage in traditional information systems development (ISD), but it does not get enough attention in most Web-based information systems development (WISD) or the emerging community-oriented design. The thesis highlighted the difference between ISD and WISD, and proposed a three-stage model of user requirements elicitation for community-oriented design. This model divides the requirements definition in three stages: initial analysis, key user requirements elicitation, and regular user responses. Most current WIS and community design methodologies consider only initial analysis or attempt to build common system architecture, and neglect actual users’ requirements. Key user input is emphasized in this model, and social network analysis (SNA) is proposed as a tool for identifying key users.
The pilot study empirically tested the relationship between the number of key users and that of elicited requirements. The study applied SNA to identify key users (defined as their influence) in “information”, “purchase”, “communication” or “entertainment” networks, and then elicited their requirements of two WIS. The preliminary results demonstrated that the number of key users in “information” dimension was significantly correlated with the numbers of elicited “information” requirements and overall requirements. However, the number of key users in “purchase”, “communication” and “entertainment” dimension had no significant relationships with the number of the elicited requirements. The requirements collected from 20 percent of “key users” accounted for approximate 80 percent of total requirements, similar to the results predicted by Pareto’s rule. In addition, the representativeness of requirements from key users opinions was also tested.
Two online communities were designed to explore the relationship between user roles, user involvement and users’ perception towards requirements. And the MANCOVA results showed that user role (with user involvement as a blocking variable) has a major impact on an individual’s perception towards requirements, though the difference varies in a certain way. User involvement has also a determining effect on a user’s perception toward each type of requirements. Managerial implications were also discussed.
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Décider à l'hôpital : du dialogue de gestion aux dispositifs de prescription réciproque / Deciding in hospital : from management dialog, to collaborative decision-making frameworksAubin, Cédric 19 September 2013 (has links)
Les politiques de régulation menées en France ces dernières années conduisent l’hôpital à des transformations en profondeur pour améliorer sa performance. Les individus et les groupes doivent s'organiser pour atteindre des objectifs en commun. Disposer d’un système d’information décisionnel (SID) approprié pour mieux décider devient plus que jamais un enjeu majeur. L’appui des processus de décision de gestion est rendu possible par l’utilisation d’outils et de procédures d’aide à la décision assurant un partage et une diffusion plus importante de l’information. La compréhension de ces mécanismes appuie la thèse que l’appropriation de tels dispositifs n’est possible que par la prise en compte d’un triptyque formé de trois dimensions : la conception, l’usage et le sens. Pour illustrer ce modèle d'analyse, une étude d’un cas unique est réalisée au sein d’un hôpital pendant quatre années, et porte sur l'analyse des mécanismes d'appropriation du SID pendant la transformation de l’organisation engagée dans l’établissement. Trois résultats principaux se dégagent. Concernant l'usage, l’élargissement des parties prenantes des décisions aux pôles cliniques montre à la fois l'effet de la structure organisationnelle sur les besoins en information décisionnelle et la difficulté pour les concepteurs à gérer la pluralité des usages. Concernant la conception, l'étude met en lumière le rôle capital d’un prescripteur bien identifié, l’observatoire médico-économique, qui assigne les objectifs de création et garantie l'équilibre entre les prescriptions et les stratégies individuelles de l'ensemble des acteurs inclus dans le projet de transformation. Enfin, le résultat le plus marquant concerne le double effet de la variable « création de sens » sur les usages : effet direct à travers l'engagement des décideurs des pôles dans l’élaboration du plan stratégique de l’hôpital et indirect via le processus de conception du système coopératif d’aide à la décision. / Alongside increasing regulatory requirements in France, hospitals are conducting in-depth transformation programs in order to improve their performance. Groups and individuals need to organize themselves to achieve common goals and shared objectives. With this respect, having the right information systems to manage and steer performance has become, more than ever before, a major issue. By enabling wider information sharing and dissemination, dedicated tools and procedures are allowing hospitals making the right decisions at the right time. However, the key to an effective usage and adoption of those systems lies in a global approach that encapsulates three core dimensions: the design, the usage and the meaning. To illustrate this model, a study has been carried on a single case in a hospital for four years, focusing on the analysis of the adoption mechanisms during the transformation program conducted in the organization. Three major conclusions can be drawn. First of all, focusing on usage, the expansion of the stakeholders involved in decision-making to the clinical centers demonstrates both the impact of the organizational structure on the information needs and the challenge for designers to manage the diversity of the usage styles. About design, the study highlights the crucial role of a well-identified prescriber, the medico-economic observatory, which assigns the creation targets and ensures the balance between the requirements and the individual strategies of all actors involved in the transformation project. Finally, the most striking outcome affects the dual impact of the sense-making variable on usages: direct impact through leveraged engagement of the clinical centers directors to the strategic agenda, and indirect impact through the design process of the collaborative decision-making system itself.
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Was Feist a catalyst for the structure of database directive? : a legal exploration of the implications of the Feist decisionGupta, Indranath January 2015 (has links)
This thesis studies the influence of US Supreme Court judgement in Feist Publications Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co on Directive 96/9/EC. It primarily looks at the implications of Feist decision, and the influence that it had on European legislation. The decision in Feist Publications led the Commission to believe two things: Feist created a new-line of jurisprudence in US in the context of copyright protection of factual databases, and the decision will be detrimental for future production of electronic databases. This thesis shows that the Feist decision was a clarification of existing copyright law. As an example, the thesis observes that the US database market did not react to any apprehended negative impact of Feist. In the US, where there was no specific Database Right, Feist has had negligible practical and doctrinal impact. The Feist decision also left an indelible mark on the overall structure of the Database Directive. While Article 3 represented the positive impact, Article 7 was surrounded by uncertainties and ambiguities. This Article represents the outcome of apprehending negative impact of Feist. This has resulted in an imbalance which must be rectified and only a limited amount of protection should be offered to producers in absence of evidence.
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[pt] Conhecer o perfil da população brasileira que possui planos privados de
saúde é fundamental para orientar as políticas da Agência Nacional de Saúde
(ANS) e a linha de ação das seguradoras e operadoras de saúde. A proposta deste
projeto é de fazê-lo sob a ótica do mercado de trabalho, levando em consideração
a morbidade auto-referida dos indivíduos, e controlando também pelas variáveis
demográficas e sócio-econômicas. Para tanto, primeiramente, realizou-se um
estudo exploratório relacionando a posse de planos de saúde com estas variáveis.
Depois disso, ajustamos modelos logísticos de regressão para explicar as
morbidades auto referidas a partir da situação do indivíduo no mercado de
trabalho, controlando pelas variáveis demográficas. A mesma classe de modelos
foi utilizada como ferramenta para investigar o fenômeno conhecido como
Assimetria de Informação na contratação de planos privados de saúde. Os
resultados concentram os casos de assimetria de informação em algumas doenças.
Pudemos identificar também grupos de trabalhadores com alta propensão a
determinadas doenças em determinadas grandes regiões do país. / [en] Knowing about the profile of the Brazilian population covered by private
health plans is very important to guide the National Health Agency policies, the
health insurance companies` action strategies in many ways and how the many
agents involved should stand toward this process. Our purpose is to do this in the
light of the work market situation, taking into account his/her self-reported
morbidity, controlling for the demographical and social-economical variables. We
start by presenting an exploratory study linking health plan owning with these
variables. We then make use of logistic regression models, which have been
adjusted to explain de self-reported morbidity according to the individual`s
position in the job market, controlling for the demographical variables. The same
class of model has also been used as a tool to investigate the existence of
Information Asymmetry in this type of contract. Our results show that
information asymmetry cases are concentrated in some diseases. We could also
find some worker groups very likely to being ill from specific diseases in some
specific regions of the country.
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[pt] A análise de requisitos não funcionais (RNF) é um desafio e vem sendo explorado na literatura científica. Tal iniciativa deve-se ao fato da existência do problema de se verificar o uso das operacionalizações desse tipo de requisito no software construído. Nessa tese apresenta-se um método, com técnicas e ferramentas de apoio, que analisam se um software está em conformidade com padrões de RNFs estabelecidos em catálogo como alternativa para o problema de análise de RNF. A estratégia adotada nessa tese utiliza agentes autônomos para análise de conformidade de software em relação a operacionalizações de RNF. Para isso, utiliza uma base de conhecimentos de padrões persistidos em um catálogo. Os resultados parciais são indicativos de que a proposta de solução é aplicável. A avaliação da validade dá-se por demonstração de que um método parcialmente automatizado é eficaz na identificação de conformidades. Um diferencial do trabalho apresentado é a ligação dos RNFs a sua efetiva implementação. Para demonstração da tese aplicou-se e customizou-se uma técnica de padrões de RNFs, baseados em orientação a metas, em estudos de caso de exemplos do cotidiano prático de software. Apresentamos também a construção de um framework de agentes, que operam sob notações XML para identificar conformidades de software em relação a um catálogo de RNF. / [en] The analysis of non-functional requirements (NFR) is a challenge and has been explored in the literature. This initiative is due to the fact of the existence of the problem of analysis the use of the NFRs operationalization in software. In this thesis we present a method, with supporting tools and techniques, that checks, if a software complies with standards of non-functional requirements as described in a catalog, as an alternative to the NFR analysis problem. The strategy adopted in this thesis uses autonomous agents to check software compliance regarding the operationalization of an NFR, by using a knowledge base of patterns persisted in a catalog. Initial results show that the proposed solution is applicable. The evaluation of the validity is given by the demonstration that a partially automated method is effective in identifying compliance. This work differs form others by linking NFRs to their effective implementation. A method based on patterns NFRs was used in common software, as to show the application of the proposed strategy. An agent based framework, working with XML descriptions, for checking software compliance with respect to a NFR catalog was built.
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[pt] Este trabalho se propôs a analisar a inserção e condições de trabalho oferecidas às pessoas com deficiência (PCDs), no mercado de trabalho, à luz da política de reservas de vagas conhecida como Lei de Cotas (Lei 8.213/1991). Assim, foi apresentado um breve contexto histórico da formação do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, sendo também indicadas as principais mudanças no mundo do trabalho, de forma geral, e seus reflexos para todas as instâncias da vida social, com destaque para os reflexos sobre o Estado em principalmente, para as políticas sociais. Foram feitas considerações sobre o conceito de deficiência, bem como sobre direitos das pessoas com deficiência em âmbito internacional e nacional. Para alcançar seu objetivo, este trabalho adotou como campo empírico da pesquisa uma empresa de grande porte de produtos alimentícios da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, onde foram coletados materiais através de entrevistas realizadas com um funcionário da referida empresa, que é o responsável pela contratação, acompanhamento e a avaliação dos trabalhadores com deficiência. Por meio desses dados e de documentos institucionais da empresa foi possível conhecer os cargos exercidos pelas pessoas com deficiência, bem como elaborar um perfil desses trabalhadores. Com os dados coletados e após análise dos mesmos, com base no referencial teórico-metodológico adotado, observou-se que a inserção da pessoa com deficiência no mercado de trabalho é um longo e intricado caminho a ser percorrido, e que tem em sua gênese questões como falta de organizações institucionais para receber essas pessoas, seja no âmbito público, como escolas e meios de transporte, e no âmbito privado, como as próprias empresas que contratam as PCDs. A aproximação do campo empírico permitiu constatar que a empresa estudada tem uma preocupação apenas com o cumprimento da Lei de Cotas e com a busca de boa visibilidade social através da marca de empresa cidadã ou empresa socialmente responsável, não tendo de fato preocupação com as condições de acessibilidade e de trabalho para as PCDs. Conclui-se, após o estudo realizado, que a simples implementação de uma política de ação afirmativa, que tem como ponto positivo a abertura do mercado de trabalho para as PCDs, não vai mudar as condições de vida das pessoas com deficiência, já que estas vidas são carregadas de preconceito e limites de acessibilidade. O que de fato asseguraria melhores condições de trabalho e vida a este segmento da população seria uma política integrada que articulasse políticas educacionais, com políticas de trabalho e renda, além de mudanças na política econômica. / [en] The current study was designed to analyze the insertion and job conditions offered to the persons with disabilities (PCDs), in the labor market, at the light of the politics of reserved vacancies known of the Lei de Cotas (Lei 8.213/1991). Therefore, it was presented a brief historical context of the foundation of Brazilian labor market, being also indicated the main changes in the worldwide, generally, and its consequences for all instances of the social life, with highlights to the consequences over the State and mainly, to the social policies. Some considerations were made about the concept of disability, as well as about the international and national rights of persons with disabilities. To achieve its goal, this study has adopted as empirical field of research a big company of food products from the city of the Rio de Janeiro, where were collected materials through interviews performed with an employee, who is responsible for the hiring, monitoring and evaluation of the workers with disabilities. From these data and institutional documents it was able to know the functions executed by the persons with disabilities, as well as how to develop a profile from those workers. With the data collected and after their analysis, based on the theoretical and methodological reference adopted, it was noticed that the insertion of the person with disability in the labor market is a long and intricate path to cross, and it has issues in its genesis such as the lack of institutional organizations to receive those persons, either in the public field, such as in schools and transportation, or in the private field, such as in the corporations that hire the PCDs. The approach of the empirical field allowed noting that the studied corporation is concerned just with the accomplishment of the Lei de Cotas and with the quest of the good social visibility through the brand citizen company or company socially committed, not having indeed a concern with the accessibility and job conditions for the PCDs. The conclusion is that, after the study performed, the simple implementation of the affirmative action policies, which has as a positive point the market opening for the PCDs, will not change the life conditions of the persons with disabilities, once those lives are already loaded with prejudice and accessibility restrictions. What in fact would ensure better working and living conditions for that people segment would be an integrated policy to articulate educational policies, with income and working policies, as well as changes in the economic policy.
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Optimering av personal- och lönesystemet Primula vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum vid Lunds universitet / Optimization of the staff management system Primula at Centre for Language and Literature at Lund UniversityLara, Roberto January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis project has been to improve the use of personnel and administrative system at the Center of Languages and Literature (SOL) at Lund University. By using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, data has been identified and divided into the first three steps of the DMAIC methodology. Define phase highlights the requirements needed for work with the system. Measure phase and the used of process-based system model (PBSM) identified problem processes or resources for work improvement. The analysis phase highlighted the need for a process owner who can drive improvement work from within the organization with support from the management. Process owner as improvement proposals means a systematic and strategic work at a higher organizational level that can support Center of Languages and Literature and other stakeholders. The process owner's role responds to the thesis project's goal which was to structure and simplify Primula's work; clarify roles and tasks and increase transparency in the system. / Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att förbättra möjligheterna för de anställda att användadet personal- och administrativa systemet på SOL-centrum vid Lunds Universitet. Genom enkombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder har data identifierats och indelats enligtde tre första stegen inom DMAIC-metoden; Define-fasen synliggör de krav som finns för attjobba med systemet. Measure-fasen och tillämpningen av den processbaseradesystemmodellen identifierade problemprocesserna och resurser till förbättringsarbete. Analysfasenlyfte behovet av en processägare som kan driva förbättringsarbete inifrån organisationenmed stöd från ledningen. Processägare som förbättringsförslag innebär ett systematisk och strategiskt arbete på enhögre organisatorisk nivå som kan stödja SOL-centrum och andra intressenter.Processägarens roll svarar på examensarbetets mål, som var att strukturera och förenkla arbetei Primula, tydliggöra roller och arbetsuppgifter samt öka transparensen i systemet.
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