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Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectorsEsteso Álvarez, Ana 12 March 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Algunos productos se caracterizan por su falta de homogeneidad, lo que significa que productos con diferentes características pueden ser obtenidos de un mismo proceso de producción debido a factores incontrolables como la naturaleza de las materias primas o las condiciones ambientales durante la producción. Hay cuatro aspectos que caracterizan la falta de homogeneidad en el producto: los subtipos homogéneos que se obtienen de un mismo lote de producción, la cantidad de productos que componen cada subtipo, el valor de cada uno de los subtipos, y el estado de los productos.
La falta de homogeneidad en el producto dificulta la gestión de los procesos de las empresas y cadenas de suministro en el momento en el que los clientes requieren homogeneidad entre las unidades de producto que adquieren. Un ejemplo de esto se produce en el sector de la cerámica, en el que los clientes requieren que todas las unidades que van a ser ensambladas juntas tengan el mismo color, espesor y calidad por razones estéticas y de seguridad. Otro ejemplo es el extraído del sector agroalimentario, en el que el mercado final requiere productos que cumplan con un tamaño mínimo, un color particular, o sabor en el caso de las frutas. Además, el sector agroalimentario tiene la complejidad añadida producida por el deterioro de los productos a lo largo del tiempo, y la necesidad de los mercados de ofrecer a los clientes productos con una mínima duración tras su venta.
En esta Tesis, se define como productos heterogéneos a aquellos productos que se pueden clasificar en subtipos homogéneos con una cantidad variable, mientras que los productos perecederos son aquellos que, además de ser heterogéneos, tienen falta de homogeneidad en su estado. De acuerdo con estos conceptos, el sector cerámico comercializa productos heterogéneos mientras que el sector agroalimentario comercializa productos perecederos.
Esta Tesis propone marcos conceptuales y modelos de Investigación Operativa que soporten la gestión de cadenas de suministro con productos heterogéneos y perecederos en la toma de decisiones centralizada y distribuidas relacionadas con los niveles de decisión estratégica, táctica y operativa. El objetivo es mejorar la competitividad, sostenibilidad y flexibilidad de la cadena de suministro para adaptarse a los requerimientos del mercado bajo condiciones de incertidumbre. Para esto, se han propuesto modelos de Investigación Operativa deterministas e inciertos, cuyos resultados se comparan concluyendo que los resultados obtenidos con los modelos inciertos se adaptan mejor al comportamiento real de las cadenas de suministros.Los modelos de Investigación Operativa propuestos han contribuido a tres áreas de investigación: problemas operativos en el sector cerámico, problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario y problemas de planificación en el sector agroalimentario.
Las principales novedades en los problemas operativos en el sector cerámico son el modelado de las características de las baldosas cerámicas, la consideración de los requerimientos de homogeneidad entre unidades de diferentes líneas de pedido, y la posibilidad de realizar entregas parciales y entregas con retraso.
Esta Tesis contribuye a los problemas estratégicos en el sector agroalimentario al diseñar una cadena de suministro completa de productos agroalimentarios frescos considerando el aspecto perecedero de los productos e integrando decisiones tácticas, y determinando el impacto real que tiene considerar el aspecto perecedero de los productos durante el diseño de la cadena de suministro ... / [CA] Alguns productes es caracteritzen per la seua falta d'homogeneïtat, el que significa que productes amb diferents característiques poden ser obtinguts d'un mateix procés de producció degut a factors incontrolables com la naturalesa de les matèries primeres o les condicions ambientals durant la producció. Hi ha quatre aspectes que caracteritzen la falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte: els subtipus homogenis que s'obtenen d'un mateix lot de producció, la quantitat de productes que componen cada subtipus, el valor de cada un dels subtipus, i l'estat dels productes.
La falta d'homogeneïtat en el producte dificulta la gestió dels processos de les empreses i cadenes de subministrament en el moment en què els clients requerixen homogeneïtat entre les unitats de producte que adquirixen. Un exemple d'açò es produïx en el sector de la ceràmica, en el que els clients requerixen que totes les unitats que seran acoblades juntes tinguen el mateix color, grossària i qualitat per raons estètiques i de seguretat. Un altre exemple és l'extret del sector agroalimentari, en el que el mercat final requerix productes que complisquen amb una grandària mínima, un color particular, o sabor en el cas de les fruites. A més, el sector agroalimentari té la complexitat afegida produïda pel deteriorament dels productes al llarg del temps, i la necessitat dels mercats d'oferir als clients productes amb una mínima duració després de la seua venda.
En aquesta Tesi, es definix com a productes heterogenis a aquells productes que es poden classificar en subtipus homogenis amb una quantitat variable, mentres que els productes peribles són aquells que, a més de ser heterogenis, tenen falta d'homogeneïtat en el seu estat. D'acord amb aquests conceptes, el sector ceràmic comercialitza productes heterogenis mentres que el sector agroalimentari comercialitza productes peribles.
Aquesta Tesi proposa marcs conceptuals i models d'Investigació Operativa que suporten la gestió de cadenes de subministrament amb productes heterogenis i peribles en la presa de decisions centralitzada i distribuïdes relacionades amb els nivells de decisió estratègica, tàctica i operativa. L'objectiu és millorar la competitivitat, sostenibilitat i flexibilitat de la cadena de subministrament per adaptar-se als requeriments del mercat sota condicions d'incertesa. Per a açò, s'han proposat models d'Investigació Operativa deterministes i incerts, els resultats es comparen concloent que els resultats obtinguts amb els models incerts s'adapten millor al comportament real de les cadenes de subministraments.
Els models d'Investigació Operativa proposats han contribuït a tres àrees d'investigació: problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic, problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari i problemes de planificació en el sector agroalimentari.
Les principals novetats en els problemes operatius en el sector ceràmic són el modelatge de les característiques de les rajoles ceràmiques, la consideració dels requeriments d'homogeneïtat entre unitats de diferents línies de comanda, i la possibilitat de realitzar lliuraments parcials i lliuraments amb retard.
Aquesta Tesi contribueix als problemes estratègics en el sector agroalimentari al dissenyar una cadena de subministrament completa de productes agroalimentaris frescos considerant l'aspecte perible dels productes, integrant decisions tàctiques, i determinant l'impacte real que té considerar l'aspecte perible dels productes durant el disseny de la cadena de subministrament ... / [EN] Some products are characterised by their lack of homogeneity, what means that products with different characteristics can be obtained from the same production process due to uncontrollable factors such as the nature of raw materials or the environmental conditions during production. There are four aspects that characterize the lack of homogeneity in the product: the homogeneous subtypes to be obtained from a production lot, the quantity of products that belong to each subtype, the value related to each of the subtypes and the state of the products.
The lack of homogeneity in the product hinders the management of the supply chain or company's processes at the time customers require the homogeneity among the acquired units of product. An example of this is produced in the ceramic tile sector, in which customers need all acquired ceramic tiles that are going to be jointly assembled to have the same colour, thickness and quality for aesthetic and safety reasons. Another example is the extracted from the agri-food sector, in which final markets require products that meet some characteristics such as a minimum size, a particular colour or flavour in the case of fruits. In addition, the agri-food sector has the added complexity produced by the deterioration of products over time, and the need of markets to offer to end consumers products with a minimum durability after sale.
In this Thesis, heterogeneous products are defined as products for which different subtypes can be obtained in a variable quantity while perishable products are those that, apart from being heterogeneous, have a lack of homogeneity in their state. According to these concepts, ceramic sectors would commercialize heterogeneous products while the agri-food sector would do so with perishable products.
This Thesis proposes conceptual frameworks and Operations Research models to support the management of supply chains with heterogeneous and perishable products in centralized and distributed decision-making processes related to strategic, tactical and operative decisional levels. The objective is to improve the supply chain competitiveness, sustainability and flexibility to adapt to market requirements under uncertain conditions. For this, both deterministic and uncertain Operations Research models have been proposed, whose results are compared concluding that results obtained with uncertain models better fit with the behaviour of real supply chains.
The proposed Operations Research models have contributed to three research areas: operational problems in the ceramic sector, strategic problems in the agri-food sector and planning problems in the agri-food sector.
Main novelties in the ceramic operational problems are the modelling of the characteristics of ceramic tile products, the consideration of homogeneity requirements between units from different order lines, and the possibility of making partial deliveries and delayed deliveries.
This Thesis contributes to strategic problems in agri-food products by designing an entire fresh agri-food supply chain considering the perishability of products and integrating tactical decisions, and by determining the real impact that considering the products' perishability has on the supply chain design process ... / This Thesis has been developed in the Research Centre of Management and Production
Engineering (CIGIP, for its acronym in Spanish “Centro de Investigación en Gestión e
Ingeniería de Producción”) of the Universitat Politècnica de València with the support of
the predoctoral grant Programme of Formation of University Professors (FPU, for its
acronym in Spanish “Formación de Profesorado Universitario”) from the Spanish
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref. FPU15/03595). The supervisors
of this Thesis are Dr. Angel Ortiz, and Dra. María del Mar Alemany Diaz that are
Professors in the Research Centre of Management and Production Engineering (CIGIP)
of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The FPU grant has been endorsed by the
supervisor Dr. Ángel Ortiz.
This Thesis has also been supported by the project ‘RUC-APS: Enhancing and
implementing Knowledge based ICT solutions within high Risk and Uncertain
Conditions for Agriculture Production Systems’ (Ref. 691249) funded by the EU under
its funding scheme H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, the project ‘Methods and models for operations planning and order management in supply chains characterised by uncertainty
in production due to the lack of product uniformity’ (PLANGES-FHP) (Ref. DPI2011-
23597) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The projects
RUC-APS and PLANGES-FHP have been led by the one of the supervisors of this Thesis
Dr. María del Mar Eva Alemany.
In order to obtain the international mention for this Thesis, three months of research
stages have been made in the research agency Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di
Innovazione in Agricoltora, located in Metaponto (Italy) / Esteso Álvarez, A. (2020). Operations research models for the management of supply chains of perishable and heterogeneous products in uncertain contexts. Application to the agri-food and ceramic sectors [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/141099 / Compendio
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Le corps de la personne au travail selon le droit social / The body of the person at work depending on social lawUrsini, Carine 12 October 2013 (has links)
La révolution industrielle du XIXème siècle, marquée par la création des grandes usines, a entraîné une mutation de la classe laborieuse constituée d’ouvriers dont les conditions de travail étaient d’une dureté que l’on peine à imaginer aujourd’hui. L’état de santé des ouvriers représentait pourtant un enjeu économique et politique d’une grande importance. L’Etat a, en conséquence, produit une législation tutélaire visant à protéger les corps des travailleurs : une législation industrielle devenue droit du travail, dans le cadre de ce plus vaste ensemble que l’on dénomme le droit social. Le droit du travail assure un équilibre entre les acteurs des relations du travail. Il est, essentiellement, un droit de compromis à des fins de pacification des relations sociales, un compromis social entre les intérêts des entreprises et ceux des travailleurs salariés. Le « droit social », qui recouvre, au moins, le droit du travail et le droit de la sécurité sociale, est à la fois un droit de protection et un droit de réparation des atteintes portées aux corps des salariés par le travail. L’homme au travail a longtemps été considéré comme une machine de production et le corps perçu uniquement du point de vue mécanique. Mais le corps est le substratum de la personne ; il n’est pas une chose : il est la personne protégée par des règles pénales, les règles composant le droit civil des personnes – au lieu de relever du droit des biens – et celles qui consacrent et garantissent ce que l’on appelle volontiers, aujourd’hui, les droits et libertés fondamentaux. Aujourd’hui, le travail, activité productive, est beaucoup plus diversifié que celui du XIXème siècle. Les conditions sociales et du travail ont évolué avec le droit du travail qui est bien différent d’alors. Les risques professionnels sont différents et l’homme au travail, considéré comme une personne à part entière, peut subir des atteintes à sa santé physique et mentale. Si le droit du travail poursuit les buts partiellement antagonistes de préserver, à la fois, le capital et le travail, la question est de savoir quels instruments juridiques visent à prémunir les salariés des atteintes à leur intégrité physique et mentale que pourrait provoquer le travail. Celui-ci étant, cependant, source d’accidents et de maladies, il s’agit de connaître les outils utilisés par le droit positif afin de permettre la réparation de ces atteintes. / The industrial revolution of the nineteenth century saw the creation of large factories, leading to a change in the living and working conditions for the proletariat, whose working conditions were more difficult than we could imagine today. Worker's health became an economic and political issue of great importance. The State, therefore, passed guardianship legislation to protect workers' health: the industrial legislation become labor law, a subset of broader social laws. The labor law provided a balance between the actors of labor relations. It was essentially a law compromise for the purpose of pacification of social relations, a social compromise between the interests of business and those of employees. "Social law", which incorporates both the labor law and the social welfare law, is composed of laws to protect and rules to govern awards for damages for injuries incurred in the workplace. The working man has long been considered a production machine viewed only from a mechanical point of view, but the body is the substratum of the person; it is not a thing. A person is protected under criminal law and civil law, not property law; what we now call fundamental rights and freedoms. In today's workforce, productive activity is much more diverse than in the Nineteenth Century. Social and labor conditions have evolved, as has labor law. Occupational hazards are different and the working man, considered as a whole person, may suffer damage to his physical and mental health. If labor law continues tries to encourage capital gain and workforce safety at the same time, how effective are the regulations that are in place to protect workers from physical harm. Workplace injuries and illnesses will occur, so it becomes important to know the tools of french positive law created to insure reparations in the instances.
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Unequal Opportunities for Citizenship Learning? Diverse Student Experiences Completing Ontario’s Community Involvement RequirementHorner Schwarz, Kaylan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examined diverse students' experiences completing Ontario's community involvement requirement. An analysis of quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups among 50 current and recently graduated secondary school students from widely contrasting socio-economic settings showed ways in which diverse participants perceived their community involvement activities, the support for community involvement in their schools, and their associated opportunities to develop capacity to make changes toward a more socially just world. Results indicated that low-income participants reported dissimilar experiences from high-income participants, in relation to the support for community involvement provided by school staffs, participants' direct or distant relationships with service recipients, and their sense of individual and collective agency to effect change. Thus, this study challenges the assumption that all students in Ontario have equal access to the citizenship education learning opportunities embedded in meaningful community involvement activities.
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Unequal Opportunities for Citizenship Learning? Diverse Student Experiences Completing Ontario’s Community Involvement RequirementHorner Schwarz, Kaylan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examined diverse students' experiences completing Ontario's community involvement requirement. An analysis of quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups among 50 current and recently graduated secondary school students from widely contrasting socio-economic settings showed ways in which diverse participants perceived their community involvement activities, the support for community involvement in their schools, and their associated opportunities to develop capacity to make changes toward a more socially just world. Results indicated that low-income participants reported dissimilar experiences from high-income participants, in relation to the support for community involvement provided by school staffs, participants' direct or distant relationships with service recipients, and their sense of individual and collective agency to effect change. Thus, this study challenges the assumption that all students in Ontario have equal access to the citizenship education learning opportunities embedded in meaningful community involvement activities.
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L'obligation de résidence chez l'employeur imposée aux travailleurs agricoles et domestiques migrants au Canada : une atteinte à leur droit constitutionnel à la libertéVathi, Lissia 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Správa vývojové dokumentace přes WWW II / Administration of development documetation over WWW IIGregárek, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
Document server is a web application controllable by way of web browser. It is meant to serve for the management of development documentation. The application is divided to the four basic parts: Requirements, Products, Tests and Test Run. The section Requirements serves for inserting requirements for products. Product is produced on the basis of these needs and registered in part Products. Test setting is created in the part Tests according to requirements from the part Requirements. Particular products are then tested. The part Test Run registers records of these tests. These are parts of the application: management of users, connecting supplements to records, printing and exportation of data to different formats, saving history of records, filtration and sorting of entries, etc. All the data is saved in the database MySQL. The application is written in scripting language PHP. Data is presented by template system Smarty. The output is in language XHTML. Cascading style CSS is used to formatting. This work describes development of the application. First it is dealing with the proposal of the database, connection and structure of particular tables. The function of the programme is explained in detail at the same time, which is essential for the correct proposal of the database. The application is based on the database. The selected structure of files and relations of scripts to library functions are shown. The template system and the interface for access of the programme to the database are explained. The most attention is paid to the description of solving important functions of the application, i.e. listing of records, their pagination, filtration, sorting and operation with them: saving, browsing, copying, confirmation and work with history, category and problems by upkeep of consistent tree and export of data to various formats. It is always outlined the problem, the idea of solving and the description of appropriate scripts. Samples of source code are also included for better understanding of complicated algorithms.
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Product Requirements Management for Digital Product Passports : A Case Study on Object-Centric Information Modeling & Application of Requirements / Produktkravhantering för Digitala Produktpass : En Fallstudie om Objektcentrerad Informationsmodellering & Applicering av KravNettelbladt, Max, Stojanovski, Kevin January 2024 (has links)
This thesis provides insights into the feasibility of managing product requirements in a concept leveraging an object-centric information model. The aim of this concept is to provide efective management of product requirements in the context of rising volume and complexity of requirements. Firstly, benefts and challenges between the current document-centric way of managing requirements and the novel object-centric concept for managing requirements are mapped and presented. Secondly, the organizational prerequisites necessary for adopting the object-centric product requirement applicability concept are explored and insights into how this transition can be facilitated with knowledge management are generated. Thirdly, the accuracy of this novel concept is evaluated in terms of applying the correct requirements onto products and not more nor less. The methods in this thesis are of mixed nature and combine qualitative and quantitative data sets. The quantitative data was collected from the analysis of the requirement applicability concept and the previous tests of the same concept on diferent products at Company X. The analysis of quantitative data for concept accuracy revolved around interpreting the nature of negative- and positive delta values following an automatic application of requirements in the novel object-centric concept. The former of these delta values relates to relevant requirements missing onto products whereas the latter relates to non-relevant requirements being applied following the automatic application. The qualitative data was collected mainly through a comprehensive literature review, semi-structured interviews, a workshop, meetings, Company X documents and observations. The analysis of qualitative data was done via an adaptation of two frameworks: The Multi-Dimensional Framework for Digital Transformation by Hanelt et al, 2021 and The Process of Organizational Knowledge Creation by Nonaka, 1994. These adapted frameworks were leveraged to generate insights into the necessary organizational prerequisites for adopting the object-centric product requirement applicability concept. While benefts and challenges exist between the two diferent ways of managing requirements, these are not weighted and thus no defnitive conclusion on best practice is drawn. Instead these fndings provide organizations a reference point for evaluating each approach in relation to their own circumstances. Some of the prerequisites identifed as critical for adopting an object-centric product requirement applicability model are a digital library of requirement specifcations that are convertible to object-centric data format, and a suitable PLM strategy chosen by the Top Management Teams that is aiding the development of the concept. As for knowledge management in order to transition to the new concept, fndings show that standardized knowledge creation and knowledge exchange is necessary as well as developing centralized knowledge databases. Lastly, the quantitative fndings indicate that the applicability concept is accurate, but that there is a need for additional iterations with model improvements where the negative delta can be eliminated and the positive delta held at an acceptable level. / Den här studien ger insikter om genomförbarheten av att hantera produktkrav i ett koncept som utnyttjar en objektcentrerad informationsmodell. Syftet med detta koncept är att tillhandahålla efektiv hantering av produktkrav i samband med att de ökar i volym samt komplexitet. Studien kartlägger först fördelar och utmaningar mellan det nuvarande dokumentcentrerade sättet att hantera krav och det nya objektcentrerade konceptet. Även de organisatoriska förutsättningar som krävs för att införa det objektcentrerade produktkravskonceptet undersöks i samband med hur denna övergång kan underlättas med hjälp av kunskapshantering. Slutligen så utvärderas det objektcentrerade konceptet för kravapplicering beträfande hur exakt konceptet är i att applicera rätt krav på produkter. Metodiken i denna studie kombinerar kvalitativa och kvantitativa datamängder. Den kvantitativa datan samlades in från analys av kravappliceringskonceptet samt de tidigare testerna av konceptet på olika produkter som gjorts av Företag X. Analysen av kvantitativ data för hur exakt konceptet är i att applicera rätt krav kretsar kring att förstå grundorsakerna till de negativa och positiva deltavärden som uppkommit efter en automatisk applicering av krav i det nya objektcentrerade konceptet. Det negativa deltavärdet relaterar till nödvändiga krav som saknas på produkter, medan det positiva deltavärdet avser icke-relevanta krav som har applicerats efter en systemförfrågan och automatisk applicering av krav. Den kvalitativa datan samlades huvudsakligen in genom en omfattande litteraturstudie, semistrukturerade intervjuer, workshops, möten, dokument från Företag X och observationer. Analysen av kvalitativ data gjordes via en anpassning av två vetenskapliga ramverk: The Multi-Dimensional Framework for Digital Transformation av Hanelt et al, 2021 och The Process of Organizational Knowledge Creation av Nonaka, 1994. Dessa anpassade ramverk utnyttjas för att generera insikter i de nödvändiga organisatoriska förutsättningarna som krävs för att införa det objektcentrerade kravappliceringskonceptet i en organisation. Fördelar och utmaningar med de två olika sätten att hantera krav viktades inte i denna studie, därför dras ingen defnitiv slutsats om bästa praxis. Istället ger dessa fynd en referenspunkt till organisationer att utvärdera bästa praxis i förhållande till sina egna omständigheter. Några av förutsättningarna identiferade som kritiska för att tillämpa en objektcentrerad produktkravappliceringsmodell är ett digitalt bibliotek av kravspecifkationer som är konverterbara till objektcentrerat dataformat, samt en PLM-strategi införd av de högsta ledningsgrupperna som hjälper till med stödja det objekcentrerade konceptet för produktkravsapplicering. Vad gäller kunskapshantering för att övergå till det nya konceptet visar resultaten att standardiserad kunskapsskapande och utbyte av kunskap är nödvändigt, samt utvecklingen av centraliserade kunskapsdatabaser. Slutligen indikerar de kvantitativa resultaten att tillämpningskonceptet är noggrant, men att ytterligare iterationer med modellförbättringar behövs där den negativa deltan kan elimineras och där den positiva deltan hålls på en acceptabel nivå.
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Initialiser et calibrer un modèle de microsimulation dynamique stochastique : application au modèle SimVillages / Initialize and Calibrate a Dynamic Stochastic Microsimulation Model : application to the SimVillages ModelLenormand, Maxime 12 December 2012 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de développer des outils statistiques permettant d'initialiser et de calibrer les modèles de microsimulation dynamique stochastique, en partant de l’exemple du modèle SimVillages (développé dans le cadre du projet Européen PRIMA). Ce modèle couple des dynamiques démographiques et économiques appliquées à une population de municipalités rurales. Chaque individu de la population, représenté explicitement dans un ménage au sein d’une commune, travaille éventuellement dans une autre, et possède sa propre trajectoire de vie. Ainsi, le modèle inclut-il des dynamiques de choix de vie, d’étude, de carrière, d’union, de naissance, de divorce, de migration et de décès. Nous avons développé, implémenté et testé les modèles et méthodes suivants : 1 / un modèle permettant de générer une population synthétique à partir de données agrégées, où chaque individu est membre d’un ménage, vit dans une commune et possède un statut au regard de l’emploi. Cette population synthétique est l’état initial du modèle. 2 / un modèle permettant de simuler une table d’origine-destination des déplacements domicile-travail à partir de données agrégées. 3 / un modèle permettant d’estimer le nombre d’emplois dans les services de proximité dans une commune donnée en fonction de son nombre d’habitants et de son voisinage en termes de service. 4 / une méthode de calibration des paramètres inconnus du modèle SimVillages de manière à satisfaire un ensemble de critères d'erreurs définis sur des sources de données hétérogènes. Cette méthode est fondée sur un nouvel algorithme d’échantillonnage séquentiel de type Approximate Bayesian Computation. / The purpose of this thesis is to develop statistical tools to initialize and to calibrate dynamic stochastic microsimulation models, starting from their application to the SimVillages model (developed within the European PRIMA project). This model includes demographic and economic dynamics applied to the population of a set of rural municipalities. Each individual, represented explicitly in a household living in a municipality, possibly working in another, has its own life trajectory. Thus, model includes rules for the choice of study, career, marriage, birth children, divorce, migration, and death. We developed, implemented and tested the following models : • a model to generate a synthetic population from aggregate data, where each individual lives in a household in a municipality and has a status with regard to employment. The synthetic population is the initial state of the model. • a model to simulate a table of origin-destination commuting from aggregate data in order to assign a place of work for each individual working outside his municipality of residence. • a sub-model to estimate the number of jobs in local services in a given municipality in terms of its number of inhabitants and its neighbors in terms of service. • a method to calibrate the unknown SimVillages model parameters in order to satisfy a set of criteria. This method is based on a new Approximate Bayesian Computation algorithm using importance sampling. When applied to a toy example and to the SimVillages model, our algorithm is 2 to 8 times faster than the three main sequential ABC algorithms currently available.
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Asynchronní motor s vnějším rotorem / Induction machine with outer rotorChvatík, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
Induction machine; outer rotor; water pump; thermal network; thermal analysis; optimization; electromagnetic model; finite element method; thermal insulation class
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