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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kreditní rizika z pohledu Basel II / Credit risk from Basel II point of view

Čabrada, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
The thesis "Credit risk from Basel II point of view" deals with new capital concept with main focus on the credit risk. The particular emphasis is laid on the chief issue of Basel II concept i.e. internal models. The thesis quite in detail describes the usage of basel parameters - LGD particularly - in various day-to-day business processes of credit institutions. An individual part of the thesis is devoted to credit risk mitigants and their impacts on the amount of capital requirements. The analysis carried out precedent Basel II implementation indicated the launching of Basel II should imply risk weighted assests to credit risk decline. This documents the last chapter.

Energy-efficient Industrial processes : An investigation in the power consumption, power number, thrust force and torque requirement on a rotating bed reactor

Ali Haji, Kasim January 2021 (has links)
Rotating bed reactors are used throughout the process industry. They are usedboth in the chemical industry and other industrial sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and the textile industry in decolorization due to by-products or contaminants.SpinChem AB manufactures rotary bed reactors (RBRs) to perform chemical reactions between liquids and solids. The solid material consists of spherical particles0.1 mm - 1 mm in diameter that are packed between two cylindrical spaces in theRBR. The goal of this project work is to determine the power number, the axial force thatthe RBRn experiences, the torque requirement on the motor and power consumptionof the the RBR when a fully developed turbulent flow is achieved. The purpose ofthe work is to optimize the technology from the energy usage point of view, makethe product simple and easily accessible for chemical and industrial processes as acontribution to the development of sustainable society. In order to achieve the purpose and goal of the projects, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combined withexperimental models were used. Computation were made in COMSOL Multiphysicsfor two turbulence models. In it, the rotating machinery was used with moving meshtechnique for both the standard k−ε model and the SST k−ω turbulence models.The result is then compared with the empirical models. Investigation were done for two models of the rotating bed reactors (RBRs). Onemodel is called RBR S2 with relatively small size and RBR S14 which is a muchlarger version. For RBR S2 the experimental results turned out to be, an output ofpower number which is 3.4, torque requirement of 0.03 Nm, power consumption of3 W and a thrust force of 0.11 N. While the simulation results turned out to bean output of power number which is about 1.2, torque requirement of 0.013 Nm, apower consumption of 2 W and thrust force of 0.8 N. Similarly, the experimentalresult for RBR S14 was as follows. A power number of 0.53, torque requirement of0.41 Nm, power consumption of 6 W and a thrust force of 4.16 N. The simulationresults turned out to be, a power number of 0.34, torque requirement of 0,40 Nm,a power consumption of 4.14 W and thrust force of 3.61 N. With the help of the calculated power numbers, the power required to rotate theRBR can then be determined. Power number is determined when a fully developedturbulent flow is achieved. For RBRS2, a fully developed turbulent flow is achievedat Re = 2.8·104 and the angular velocity at that Reynolds number is about 830RPM. At that speed, the power is shown to be about 4 W for RBRS2. For RBRS14,a fully developed turbulent flow is achieved at Re = 1.5 · 105 and then the speed atthat Reynols number is about 83 RPM. The power need at that stage is shown tobe about 20 W. / Roterande bäddreaktorer används inom hela processindustrin. De används bådeinom den kemiska industrin och andra industriella sektor såsom, läkemedel och textilindustrin vid avfärgning på grund av biprodukter eller föroreningar. SpinChemAB tillverkar roterande bed reaktorer (RBR) för att utföra kemiska reaktioner mellan vätska och fasta material. Det fasta materialet består av sfäriska partiklar på0,1 mm - 1 mm i diameter som packas mellan två cylindrar i RBRn. Målet med detta projektarbete var att bestämma effekt nummer, effekt som krävsvid det effekt nummer, kravet på vridmoment från motorn samt den axiella kraftensom den roterande bäddreaktorn upplever när ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde uppnåtts. Syftet med arbetet var optimera teknologin ur energianvändningssynpunkt, göra den enkel och lättillgänglig för kemiska och industriella processer som ett bidragför hållbar samhällsutveckling. För att kunna uppnå syftet och målet med projekten användes, avancerade beräkningsmetoder i födes mekanik (CFD) i kombinationmed experimentella modeller. Beräkningar gjordes i COMSOL Multiphysics för tvåturbulenta modeller. I de användes roterande maskineriet med en medföljande mesh (moving mesh) för både standard k-ε modellen och SST k-ω modellen. Resultatet jämfördes sedan med de empiriska modellerna. Undersökningarna gjordes för två modeller av RBR. Ena modellen heter RBR S2med relativt små tillstorlek och RBR S14 som är mycket större version. För RBR S2visar den experimentella resultaten ett effekt nummer på 3,4, vridmoment på 0,03Nm, effekt förbrukning på 3 W och en axiellkraft ("thrust force") på 0,11 N. Simuleringsresultatet visar ett effekt nummer på 1,2, vridmoment på 0,013 Nm, effektförbrukning på 2 W och en axiellkraft på 0,8 N. För RBR S14 visade det experimentella resultatet ett effekt nummer på 0,53, vridmoment på 0,41 Nm, effektförbrukning på 6 W och en axiellkraft ("thrust force") på 4,16 N. Simuleringsresultatetvisade att effekt nummer var 0,34, vridmoment på 0,40 Nm, effektförbrukning på4,14 W och en axiellkraft på 3,61 N. Med hjälp av de framräknade effektnummer kan effekten som behövs rotera RBRnbestämmas. Effektnummer bestäms när ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde uppnåtts. För RBRS2 uppnås ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde vid Re = 2,8·04 och vinkelhastigheten är 830 RPM vid det Reynolds nummer. Effekten som krävs för att drivaRBRn vid det läge är ca 4 W för RBRS2. För RBRS14 uppnås ett fullt utvecklatturbulent flöde vid Re = 1,5·105 och då har vi en hastighet på 83 RPM. Vid denhastighet visas effekten vara ca 20 W.

Tagungsband zum 20. Interuniversitären Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik

Dinter, Barbara, Frenzel, Lisa, Gluchowski, Peter 25 January 2017 (has links)
Das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik ist eine regelmäßige Veranstaltung, in deren Rahmen Doktoranden der Universitäten Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena und Leipzig ihr Promotionsprojekt präsentieren und sich den kritischen Fragen der anwesenden Professoren und Doktoranden aller beteiligten Universitäten stellen. Auf diese Weise erhalten die Promovierenden wertvolles Feedback zu Vorgehen, Methodik und inhaltlichen Aspekten ihrer Arbeit, welches sie für ihre Promotion nutzen können. Darüber hinaus bietet das Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik eine Plattform für eine fachliche Auseinandersetzung mit aktuellen Themen und sich ankündigenden Trends in der Forschung der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Zudem wird ein akademischer Diskurs über die Grenzen der jeweils eigenen Schwerpunkte der Professur hinaus ermöglicht. Das nunmehr 20. Jubiläum des Doktorandenseminars fand in Chemnitz statt. Der daraus entstandene Tagungsband enthält fünf ausgewählte Beiträge zu den Themenfeldern Service Engineering, Cloud-Computing, Geschäftsprozessmanagement, Requirements Engineering, Analytics und Datenqualität und zeigt damit anschaulich die Aktualität und Relevanz, aber auch die thematische Breite der gegenwärtigen Forschung im Bereich Wirtschaftsinformatik. / The inter-university PhD seminar Business Information Systems (“Interuniversitäres Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik”) is an annual one-day event which is organized by the Business Information Systems chairs of the universities of Chemnitz, Dresden, Freiberg, Halle, Ilmenau, Jena and Leipzig. It serves as a platform for PhD students to present their PhD topic and the current status of the thesis. Therefore, the seminar is a good opportunity to gain further knowledge and inspiration based on the feedback and questions of the participating professors and students. The 20th Interuniversitäre Doktorandenseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik took place in Chemnitz in October 2016. The resulting proceedings include five selected articles within the following topic areas: service engineering, cloud computing, business process management, requirements engineering, analytics und data quality. They illustrate the relevance as well as the broad range of topics in current business information systems research. In case of questions and comments, please use the contact details at the end of the articles.

Jüdische Geschichte im Zeichen der Digitalisierung. Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der fachwissenschaftlichen Angebote im Internet

Menny, Anna 08 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Performance Requirement Prohibitions in International Investment Law

Genest, Alexandre January 2017 (has links)
Performance requirements act as policy instruments for achieving broadly-defined economic and developmental objectives of States, especially industrial and technological development objectives. Many States consider that performance requirements distort trade and investment flows, negatively impact global and national welfare and disrupt investment decisions compared to business-as-usual scenarios. As a result, a number of States have committed to prohibiting performance requirements in international investment agreements (“IIAs.”). Performance requirement prohibitions (“PRPs”) are meant to eliminate trade-distorting performance requirements and performance requirements which replace investor decision-making by State decision-making. This thesis focuses on providing answers to two research questions: first, how do States prohibit performance requirements in IIAs? And second, how should PRPs in IIAs be interpreted and applied? For the first time, this thesis: proposes a comprehensive understanding of PRPs in IIAs by drawing notably on the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (“GATT”) Uruguay Round of negotiations and on the United States Bilateral Investment Treaty (“BIT”) Programme; develops a detailed typology and analysis of PRPs in IIAs through the identification of systematically reproduced drafting patterns; conducts the first critical and in-depth analysis of all arbitral awards which have decided claims based on PRPs in IIAs; analyses interpretation and application issues related to provisions that exempt government procurement from PRPs and to reservations that shield sensitive non-conforming measures or strategically important sectors from PRPs; and anticipates the application of most-favoured nation (“MFN”) treatment clauses to PRPs in the future. Finally, this thesis formulates proposals that can help interpret and apply existing PRPs and draft future PRPs in a more deliberate and informed way.

Law with Heart and Beadwork: Decolonizing Legal Education, Developing Indigenous Legal Pedagogy, and Healing Community

Lussier, Danielle 16 April 2021 (has links)
Employing decolonized, Indigenous research methods, the author considers Métis Beadwork Practice through the analytical lens of Therapeutic Jurisprudence and establishes the practice as a holistic Indigenous Legal Pedagogy for knowledge creation and mobilization in legal education. The author agrees with Drs. Friedland and Napoleon who suggest that a significant challenge in and to Indigenous legal research is that such research occupies a space of “deep absence,” with the starting line moved back as a consequence of colonialism. Building on the work of Dr. Shawn Wilson, the author espouses an Indigenous Research Paradigm which requires a prioritization of the relationship to the ideas and making space for non-linear logic systems and Indigenous ways of knowing in scholarly research. In her work, the author prioritizes synthesis over deconstruction on the belief that deconstructing relationships to ideas for the purpose of analyzing them would have the effect of damaging the cognitive and emotional relationships developed through the research ceremony. While the work embodies the four essential elements of autoethnography, the author argues that the work of Indigenous scholars speaking in their own voices is sui generis in nature. She argues that Indigenous scholars who employ storytelling and other culturally-relevant knowledge mobilization practices are engaging a distinct Indigenous Research Method. This work ultimately progresses in a non-linear fashion and incorporates extra-intellectual knowledge including poetry, music, and photography. The use of multiple fonts and other formatting devices including right justification are used to underline shifts in voice and perspective throughout the work. These pedagogical choices valourize the ways of knowing of Indigenous women and honour the author’s Métis worldview, including her understanding that all things are interrelated. The author examines, and ultimately eschews, notions of neutral objectivity in research as colonial constructs that undermine Indigenous Knowledge Systems and contribute to the ongoing colonization of Indigenous peoples in post-secondary education. Following an introduction to the legal and social history of Forced Assimilative Education of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, the author reviews recent research into ongoing colonialism, racism, and ethno-stress experienced by Indigenous Learners in post-secondary education. The ii author subsequently explores the specific concern of the subjugation and erasure of Indigenous women’s knowledge in academia. She conducts a review of existing literature in the sphere of Feminist Legal Theory, examining and ultimately rejecting intersectionality and conceptualizations of sisterhood as possible remedies to discrimination faced by Indigenous women legal scholars. She argues that the lived experience of Indigenous women is situated not at an intersection, but rather in the centre of a colonialism collision. As a consequence, the author argues that existing Feminist Legal Theory does not create adequate space for Indigenous difference, experiences, or worldviews. Offering insight into legal education, legal ethics, and professionalization processes, the author also explores questions of lived experience of Indigenous lawyers beyond the legal academy. She argues that learning the language of law is but the first element in a complex professionalization process that engages structures of patriarchal hierarchy in addition to the other forces, including colonialism and racism, that shape the legal profession. She further argues that, for Indigenous peoples, learning to speak the linear, official language of legal education represents a collision of even more complex systems of dominance, with the regulated approach to learning and problem-solving standing in direct opposition to Indigenous ways of knowing. Consequently, Indigenous law Learners frequently experience an intellectual rupture when engaging in the professional assimilation process. The author offers an overview of Calls to Action 27, 28, 42, and 50 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and an introductory environmental scan of ongoing efforts to decolonize and indigenize law schools including land-based learning and the development of Indigenous Course Requirements (ICRs). The author subsequently considers the process of decolonizing the legal academy through the analytical lenses of Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Therapeutic Jurisprudence+. She ultimately positions the act of decolonizing legal education as an act grounded in decolonial love with the potential for healing individuals and communities struggling with ongoing colonialism and racism in the academy. Building on the work of the late Professor Patricia Monture-Angus and contemporary Indigenous legal scholars including Drs. Tracey Lindberg, Darcy Lindberg, Val Napoleon, and John Burrows, the author considers possibilities for reimaging legal education through the development and use of Indigenous Legal Pedagogies. The author argues that Beadwork Practice holds a distinctive language of possibility as an Indigenous Legal Pedagogical practice as a result of deeply entrenched links between beads and law. The author explores the social and legal history of beads as a tool for legal knowledge production and mobilization in the context of wampum belts and beyond, including the use of Métis beadwork as a mnemonic device to facilitate intergenerational knowledge transfer of stories and songs that carry law. Further, she examines colonial law and policy that served to undermine the legal value of beads, and canvases emerging trends in the revitalization of community beadwork practice. Finally, the author positions Beadwork Practice as a holistic Indigenous Legal Pedagogy to support not only the revitalization of Indigenous Legal Orders and the development of cross-cultural competency as required under Calls to Action 27 and 28, but also therapeutic objectives of individual and community healing.

思春期前期小児の日常生活における総エネルギー消費量と身体活動量との関連 : 二重標識水法および加速度計法を用いた検討 / シシュンキ ゼンキ ショウニ ノ ニチジョウ セイカツ ニオケル ソウエネルギー ショウヒリョウ ト シンタイ カツドウリョウ トノ カンレン : ニジュウ ヒョウシキ スイホウ オヨビ カソクド ケイホウ オ モチイタ ケントウ

香村 恵介, Keisuke Komura 22 March 2018 (has links)
博士(スポーツ健康科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Sports Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


FLAVIO LYRIO CARNEIRO 17 September 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é composta por três capítulos que enfocam o crescimento da China como um experimento quasi-natural de forma a avaliar os efeitos de choques de comércio exterior sobre a economia política da política comercial e sobre a dinâmica do mercado de trabalho e desigualdade de salários no Brasil. No primeiro capítulo, utilizamos evidência sobre diferenciais de exposição a esse choque da China entre mercados de trabalho locais para estimar seu efeito em indicadores do mercado de trabalho brasileiro, em particular em medidas de desigualdade de rendimentos. Primeiro, encontramos que o choque de demanda por exportações diminuiu a desigualdade de salários no setor de bens comercializáveis, sobretudo por meio do componente entre firmas da dispersão salarial, e apresentamos evidências de que essa redução parece causada por uma mudança no comportamento das firmas, e pode estar relacionado com uma redução no prêmio salarial de firmas exportadoras. Em seguida, estimamos um modelo baseado em Helpman et al. (2016), e exploramos diferenças setoriais no choque de demanda externa para realizar exercícios contrafactuais que corroboram a hipótese de que esse choque pode explicar parte da redução agregada no prêmio salarial de firmas exportadoras e na dispersão de salários. No segundo capítulo, desenvolvemos uma versão do modelo dinâmico de Caliendo et al. (2019) de modo a estimar os efeitos do duplo choque da China na dinâmica setorial do emprego no Brasil. Mostramos que ambos os choques levam à contração da maioria dos setores de manufaturas, e expansão da maioria dos setores de serviços, mas os efeitos de equilíbrio geral dos choques são modestos, especialmente quando comparados a um contrafactual alternativo no qual a produtividade brasileira nos setores primários aumenta. Estendemos o modelo para incluir dois tipos de trabalho, de alta e baixa qualificação; resultados apontam para efeitos distributivos pequenos, mas consistentes com resultados em forma reduzida obtidos no primeiro capítulo. No capítulo final, construímos uma base de dados inédita sobre características de associações setoriais brasileiras, com o intuito de investigar se os setores com maior capacidade de organização política são capazes de obter maior proteção contra competidores estrangeiros. Usamos variação na penetração de importações como uma medida da necessidade de proteção comercial, e para lidar com a endogeneidade nessa medida usamos um instrumento baseado no choque de importações da China. A evidência sugere que setores com maiores sindicatos patronais são capazes de obter maior proteção comercial, em particular por meio de licenciamento não-automático; as estimativas sugerem que esse efeito é mais alto quando a penetração de importações aumenta mais intensamente, o que é interpretado como um aumento na necessidade de medidas de proteção. / [en] This thesis consists of three chapters, all of which focus on the rise of China as a quasi-natural experiment in order to assess the effects of foreign trade shocks on the political economy of trade policy and on the dynamics of labor markets and earnings inequality in Brazil. In the first chapter, we use evidence on the differential exposure across local labor markets to this China shock in order to estimate its effect on Brazilian labor markets outcomes, in particular on measures of income inequality. First, we find that the export demand shock has decreased wage inequality in the tradables sector, mostly through the between-firms component of wage dispersion, and provide evidence that this reduction seems driven by a change in wage-setting behavior of firms, and may be linked to a reduction in the wage premium of exporter firms. We then estimate a model based on Helpman et al. (2016), and explore sectoral differences in the foreign demand shock to run counterfactual exercises that support the hypothesis that this shock can explain part of the aggregate reduction in the exporter wage premium and in wage dispersion. In the second chapter, we develop a version of the dynamic trade model by Caliendo et al. (2019) in order to estimate the effects of the dual China shock on the sectoral dynamics of Brazilian employment. We show that both shocks lead to a contraction in most manufacturing sectors, and an expansion in most services sectors, but the general equilibrium effects of the shocks are modest, especially if compared to an alternative counterfactual in which Brazilian productivity in primary sectors increase. We then extend the model to include two types of labor, skilled and unskilled. Results also point to small distributional effects of the China shock, but consistent with reduced-form evidence obtained in Chapter 1. In the final chapter, we build a novel dataset on Brazilian trade associations’ characteristics in order to investigate whether industries with higher capacity of political organization are able to obtain more protection from foreign competitors. We use variation in import penetration as a measure of the need for trade protection, and address endogeneity on this measure by using an instrumental variables strategy based on the China import shock. Evidence suggests that industries with larger employer unions are able to obtain more protection, particularly through non-automatic licensing; the estimates suggest that this effect is higher when import penetration increases more intensely, which is interpreted as increased need for protective measures.

Разработка машиночитаемых информационных требований заказчика (EIR) для государственного сектора на примере Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / Development of machine-readable employer's information requirements (EIR) for the public sector on the example of the Sverdlovsk region

Кузнецова, И. С., Kuznetsova, I. S. January 2023 (has links)
В работе описана необходимость создания машиночитаемых информационных требований заказчика для государственного сектора на примере Свердловской области. Проанализированы требования законодательства Свердловской области к ЦИМ. Описана механика создания машиночитаемых требований к цифровой информационной модели при помощи существующих ПО. Сделаны выводы о невозможности создания машиночитаемого EIR по требованиям законодательства, используя программные обеспечения, существующие на рынке. Поэтому создано техническое задание на разработку ПО, которое будет проверять ЦИМ по всем требованиям законодательства. / This work has a description of the necessity to create customers machine-readable information requirements for the public sector. The requirements of Sverdlovsk region legislation to the BIM model have been analyzed. The method of creating machine-readable requirements for a building information model using existing software is described. Conclusions about the impossibility of creating a machine-readable EIR according to the requirements of the legislation with using available on the market software have been done. Therefore, а technical task has been created for the development of software that will check the CIM for all legislation requirements.

Requirement Management in Product Development in B2B : A Study on the Process of Capturing Customer Requirements / Kravhantering i produktutvecklingsprocessen inom B2B

Our world is ever-changing hence the surroundings ought to develop accordingly. This applies particularly to the product development process and therefore, it is of high priority to adapt to the changes. This can be achieved by observing the market and especially the customers. It is believed that customers possess certain knowledge that can be crucial pieces of information when developing products. According to the literature, involving customer will result in the increased diversity of information and as a result, this may enhance the quality as well as the development process. Nevertheless, integrating customers may prove to be a tedious task as well as a costly one especially if the customers are of a complex nature. Due to this, it may be appropriate to apply various methods to map customer’s needs and requirements to further develop them in a systematic manner. The purpose of this study is to gain greater knowledge about customer involvement, mainly focusing on international as well as complex customers. The essence of the study is to obtain information about how an organisation navigates around customers along with what roles and responsibilities there are within the organisations. The study was conducted at Xolaris, a smallmedium size (SME) company within software development, hence the collected data stems from that organisation. Initially, a comparative literature study was executed to obtain a broader spectrum of knowledge. This was complemented by interviews with respondents who held relevant positions within the organisation. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner for the sole purpose of optimizing the information flow. From the data that was collected, several categories were derived that contributed to the study in a suitable manner. The results of the study proved that there are obstacles when involving customers. Yet, there are methods and tools to overcome these obstacles, conversely, they may not always prove to be efficient and one must adapt oneself according to the situation. Furthermore, this study confirmed that it is of great importance to maintain stable customer relationships, hence there cannot be a fixed method to process the customer's requirements. Moreover, the study also proves there ought to be a limit to the degree of customer involvement. / Världen står konstant inför för nya utmaningar samt förändringar och därav bör omgivningen utvecklas i enlighet med detta. Inte minst gäller det för produktutvecklingsprocessen som har eftersträvat att anpassa sig till diverse utvecklingar. Detta kan bland annat uppnås genom att observera marknaden och särskilt kunderna. Kunderna kan besitta kunskap som kan vara avgörande information när man utvecklar produkter. Enligt litteraturstudien kan involvering av kunder resulterat i ökad mångfald av information och på så vis kan det bidra till att produktkvalitet förbättras såväl som utvecklingsprocessen. Integrering av kunder kan emellertid visa sig vara en ledsam handling såväl som en kostsam sådan, särskilt om kunderna är av en komplex karaktär. Därför kan det vara lämpligt att använda olika metoder för att kartlägga kundernas behov samt krav för att vidareutveckla dem på ett systematiskt vis. Syftet med denna studie är att erhålla bredare kunskap om kundinvolvering med fokus på internationella såväl som komplexa kunder. Vidare kommer studien inrikta sig mot att studera hur en organisation navigerar runt kunder samt vilka roller och ansvarsområden som finns inom organisationerna. Studien genomfördes på Xolaris, ett mindre företag (SME) som specialiserar sig i mjukvaruutveckling, därav härstammar all erhållen data från denna organisation. För att besvara på samtliga frågeställningar genomfördes en litteraturstudie för få en djupare förståelse om kundinvolvering . Detta kompletterades med intervjuer från respondenter som besatt relevanta positioner inom organisationen. Intervjuerna genomfördes på ett semistrukturerat viss i syfte att optimera informationsflödet. Data som samlades in kodades samt delades in i lämpliga kategorier. Resultaten av studien visade att det finns hinder när kunderna involveras. Trots det, finns det metoder samt verktyg för att hantera dessa hinder, å andra sidan är de inte effektiva i alla situationer utan man böra anpassa efter förhållandet. Vidare bekräftade denna studie att det är av stor vikt att upprätthålla en god kundrelation. Däremot visade studien på att det bör finnas en sund gräns för graden av kundinvolvering då för mycket involvering inte alltid gynnar projektet.

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