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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards Search-based Game Software Engineering

Blasco Latorre, Daniel 20 April 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Los videojuegos son proyectos multidisciplinares que implican, en buena medida, el desarrollo de software. Esta tesis trata la faceta del desarrollo de videojuegos relativa al software mediante la Ingeniería del Software basada en Búsqueda (SBSE, Search-based Software Engineering). El objetivo específico de este trabajo es valerse de las características de los videojuegos en pro de una Ingeniería del Software de Videojuegos basada en Búsqueda (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering), incluyendo el uso de simulaciones de videojuegos para guiar búsquedas, codificación de granularidad fina y operaciones genéticas de mejora. Las aproximaciones propuestas superan a las de referencia en mantenimiento (trazabilidad de requisitos) y creación de contenido (generación de NPCs). El mantenimiento y la creación de contenido son, a menudo, tareas esenciales para garantizar la retención de usuarios por medio de actualizaciones o expansiones. Además, esta investigación aborda la necesidad de estudios de caso industriales. Esta tesis presenta un compendio que incluye tres artículos realizados durante el proceso de investigación y publicados en revistas académicas, con resultados que muestran que las aproximaciones de la Ingeniería del Software de Videojuegos basada en Búsqueda (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering) pueden mejorar la calidad de las soluciones generadas, así como reducir el tiempo necesario para producirlas. / [CA] Els videojocs són projectes multidisciplinaris que impliquen, en bona part, el desenvolupament de software. Aquesta tesi tracta la faceta del desenvolupament de videojocs relativa al software mitjançant l'Enginyeria del Software basada en Cerca (SBSE, Search-based Software Engineering). L'objectiu específic d'aquest treball és valdre's de les característiques dels videojocs en pro d'una Enginyeria del Software de Videojocs basada en Cerca (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering), incloent-hi l'ús de simulacions de videojocs per a guiar cerques, codificació de granularitat fina i operacions genètiques de millora. Les aproximacions proposades superen a les de referència en manteniment (traçabilitat de requisits) i creació de contingut (generació de NPCs). El manteniment i la creació de contingut són, sovint, tasques essencials per a garantir la retenció d'usuaris per mitjà d'actualitzacions o expansions. A més, aquesta investigació aborda la necessitat d'estudis de cas industrials. Aquesta tesi presenta un compendi que inclou tres articles realitzats durant el procés d'investigació i publicats en revistes acadèmiques, amb resultats que mostren que les aproximacions de l'Enginyeria del Software de Videojocs basada en Cerca (SBGSE, Search-based Game Software Engineering) poden millorar la qualitat de les solucions generades, així com reduir el temps necessari per a produir-les. / [EN] Video games are multidisciplinary projects which involve software development to a significant extent. This thesis tackles the software aspect of video game development through Search-based Engineering. Specifically, the objective of this work is to leverage the characteristics of video games towards Search-based Game Software Engineering, including the use of video game simulations to guide the search, a fine-grained encoding, and improvement genetic operations. The approaches proposed outperform the baselines in maintenance (requirement traceability) and content creation (NPC generation) tasks. Maintenance and content creation are often essential tasks to ensure player retention by means of updates or expansions. In addition, this research addresses the need for industrial case studies. This thesis presents a compendium that includes three papers produced through the research and published in academic journals, with results that show that Search-based Game Software Engineering approaches can provide improved solutions, in terms of quality and time cost. / This work has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through the Spanish National R+D+i Plan and ERDF funds under the Project ALPS (RTI2018-096411-B-I00). / Blasco Latorre, D. (2024). Towards Search-based Game Software Engineering [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/203655 / Compendio

Simulation of the human energy system / Cornelis Petrus Botha

Botha, Cornelis Petrus January 2002 (has links)
Preface - Biotechnology is generally accepted to be the next economical wave of the future. In order to attain the many benefits associated with this growing industry simulation modelling techniques have to be implemented successfully. One of the simulations that ne' ed to be performed is that of the human energy system. Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research regarding simulation of bodily processes. Their aim is to develop cures, treatments, medication, etc. for major diseases. These diseases include epidemics like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, stress, hypertension, etc. One of the most important driving forces behind these diseases is poor blood sugar control. The blood glucose system is one of the major subsystems of the complete human energy system. In this study a simulation model and procedure for simulating blood glucose response due to various external influences on the human body is presented. The study is presented in two parts. The first is the development of a novel concept for quantifying glucose energy flow into, within and out of the human energy system. The new quantification unit is called ets (equivalent teaspoons sugar). The second part of the study is the implementation of the ets concept in order to develop the simulation model. Development of the ets concept - In the first part of the study the ets concept, used for predicting glycaemic response, is developed and presented. The two current methods for predicting glycaemic response due to ingestion of food are discussed, namely carbohydrate counting and the glycaemic index. Furthermore, it is shown that it is currently incorrectly assumed that 100% of the chemical energy contained in food is available to the human energy system after consumption. The ets concept is derived to provide a better measure of available energy from food. In order to verify the ets concept, two links with ets are investigated. These are the links with insulin response prediction as well as with endurance energy expenditure. It is shown that with both these links linear relationships provide a good approximation of empirical data. It is also shown that individualised characterisation of different people is only dependent on a single measurable variable for each link. Lastly, two novel applications of the ets concept are considered. The first is a new method to use the ets values associated with food and energy expenditure in order to calculate both short-acting and long-acting insulin dosages for Type 1 diabetics. The second application entails a new quantification method for describing the effects of stress and illness in terms of ets. Development of the blood glucose simulation model - The second part of the study presents a literature study regarding human physiology, the development for the blood glucose simulation model as well as a verification study of the simulation model. Firstly, a brief overview is given for the need and motivation behind simulation is given. A discussion on the implementation of the techniques for construction of the model is also shown. The procedure for solving the model is then outlined. During the literature study regarding human physiology two detailed schematic layouts are presented and discussed. The first layout involves the complex flow pathways of energy through the human energy system. The second layout presents a detailed discussion on the control system involved with the glucose energy pathway. Following the literature review the model for predicting glycaemic response is proposed. The design of the component models used for the simulations of the internal processes are developed in detail as well as the control strategies implemented for the control system of the simulation model. Lastly, the simulation model is applied for glycaemic response prediction of actual test subjects and the quality of the predictions are evaluated. The verification of the model and the procedure is performed by comparing simulated results to measured data. Two evaluations were considered, namely long-term and short-term trials. The quality of both are determined according to certain evaluation criteria and it is found that the model is more than 70% accurate for long-term simulations and more than 80% accurate for short-term simulations. Conclusion - In conclusion, it is shown that simplified simulation of the human energy system is not only possible but also relatively accurate. However, in order to accomplish the simulations a simple quantification method is required and this is provided by the ets concept developed in the first part of this study. Some recommendations are also made for future research regarding both the ets concept and the simulation model. Finally, as an initial endeavour the simulation model and the ets concept proposed in this study may provide the necessary edge for groundbreaking biotechnological discoveries. / PhD (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2003

Simulation of the human energy system / Cornelis Petrus Botha

Botha, Cornelis Petrus January 2002 (has links)
Preface - Biotechnology is generally accepted to be the next economical wave of the future. In order to attain the many benefits associated with this growing industry simulation modelling techniques have to be implemented successfully. One of the simulations that ne' ed to be performed is that of the human energy system. Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research regarding simulation of bodily processes. Their aim is to develop cures, treatments, medication, etc. for major diseases. These diseases include epidemics like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, stress, hypertension, etc. One of the most important driving forces behind these diseases is poor blood sugar control. The blood glucose system is one of the major subsystems of the complete human energy system. In this study a simulation model and procedure for simulating blood glucose response due to various external influences on the human body is presented. The study is presented in two parts. The first is the development of a novel concept for quantifying glucose energy flow into, within and out of the human energy system. The new quantification unit is called ets (equivalent teaspoons sugar). The second part of the study is the implementation of the ets concept in order to develop the simulation model. Development of the ets concept - In the first part of the study the ets concept, used for predicting glycaemic response, is developed and presented. The two current methods for predicting glycaemic response due to ingestion of food are discussed, namely carbohydrate counting and the glycaemic index. Furthermore, it is shown that it is currently incorrectly assumed that 100% of the chemical energy contained in food is available to the human energy system after consumption. The ets concept is derived to provide a better measure of available energy from food. In order to verify the ets concept, two links with ets are investigated. These are the links with insulin response prediction as well as with endurance energy expenditure. It is shown that with both these links linear relationships provide a good approximation of empirical data. It is also shown that individualised characterisation of different people is only dependent on a single measurable variable for each link. Lastly, two novel applications of the ets concept are considered. The first is a new method to use the ets values associated with food and energy expenditure in order to calculate both short-acting and long-acting insulin dosages for Type 1 diabetics. The second application entails a new quantification method for describing the effects of stress and illness in terms of ets. Development of the blood glucose simulation model - The second part of the study presents a literature study regarding human physiology, the development for the blood glucose simulation model as well as a verification study of the simulation model. Firstly, a brief overview is given for the need and motivation behind simulation is given. A discussion on the implementation of the techniques for construction of the model is also shown. The procedure for solving the model is then outlined. During the literature study regarding human physiology two detailed schematic layouts are presented and discussed. The first layout involves the complex flow pathways of energy through the human energy system. The second layout presents a detailed discussion on the control system involved with the glucose energy pathway. Following the literature review the model for predicting glycaemic response is proposed. The design of the component models used for the simulations of the internal processes are developed in detail as well as the control strategies implemented for the control system of the simulation model. Lastly, the simulation model is applied for glycaemic response prediction of actual test subjects and the quality of the predictions are evaluated. The verification of the model and the procedure is performed by comparing simulated results to measured data. Two evaluations were considered, namely long-term and short-term trials. The quality of both are determined according to certain evaluation criteria and it is found that the model is more than 70% accurate for long-term simulations and more than 80% accurate for short-term simulations. Conclusion - In conclusion, it is shown that simplified simulation of the human energy system is not only possible but also relatively accurate. However, in order to accomplish the simulations a simple quantification method is required and this is provided by the ets concept developed in the first part of this study. Some recommendations are also made for future research regarding both the ets concept and the simulation model. Finally, as an initial endeavour the simulation model and the ets concept proposed in this study may provide the necessary edge for groundbreaking biotechnological discoveries. / PhD (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2003

The liability of trade unions for conduct of their members during industrial action

Mlungisi, Ernest Tenza 18 September 2017 (has links)
South Africa has been experiencing a number of violent strikes by trade unions in recent times. The issue is not only to hold unions liable for damage caused during strikes, but also to reduce the number of violent strikes. This study investigates if victims of such violence can hold trade unions liable for the violent acts committed by their members during industrial action. The Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (LRA) makes provision for the dismissal of employees who commit misconduct during an unprotected strike. It also provides the remedy of an interdict and a claim for just and equitable compensation which can be made against the union, during an unprotected strike. It is further possible to hold the union together with its members liable for damages in terms of the Regulation of Gatherings Act, 205 of 1993 (RGA). The study argues that a strike or conduct in furtherance of a strike that becomes violent could lose protection and the trade union should consequently be held liable, in terms of the LRA and/ or the RGA, for damages caused by its members. This study investigates the position in Canada, Botswana and Australia to determine if there could be any other basis upon which to hold trade union liable for the conduct of its members. The study recommends that the common law doctrine of vicarious liability should be developed by the courts to allow trade unions to be held liable for damages caused by members during violent industrial action. Policy considerations and changing economic conditions and the nature of strikes in the Republic favours the expansion of the doctrine of vicarious liability to trade union member relationship. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.

Combining Business Intelligence, Indicators, and the User Requirements Notation for Performance Monitoring

Johari Shirazi, Iman 26 November 2012 (has links)
Organizations use Business Intelligence (BI) systems to monitor how well they are meeting their goals and objectives. Yet, very often BI systems do not include clear models of the organization’s goals or of how to measure whether they are satisfied or not. Several researchers now attempt to integrate goal models into BI systems, but there are still major challenges related to how to get access to the BI data to populate the part of the goal model (often indicators) used to assess goal satisfaction. This thesis explores a new approach to integrate BI systems with goal models. In particular, it explores the integration of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, a leading BI tool, with an Eclipse-based goal modeling tool named jUCMNav. jUCMNav is an open source graphical editor for the User Requirements Notation (URN), which includes the Use Case Map notation for scenarios and processes and the Goal-oriented Requirement Language for business objectives. URN was recently extended with the concept of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to enable performance assessment and monitoring of business processes. In jUCMNav, KPIs are currently calculated or modified manually. The new integration proposed in this thesis maps these KPIs to report elements that are generated automatically by Cognos based on the model defined in jUCMNav at runtime, with minimum effort. We are using IBM Cognos Mashup Service, which includes web services that enable the retrieval of report elements at the most granular level. This transformation provides managers and analysts with useful goal-oriented and process-oriented monitoring views fed by just-in-time BI information. This new solution also automates retrieving data from Cognos servers, which helps reducing the high costs usually caused by the amount of manual work required otherwise. The novel approach presented in this thesis avoids manual report generation and minimizes any contract with respect to the location of manually created reports, hence leading to better usability and performance. The approach and its tool support are illustrated with an ongoing example, validated with a case study, and verified through testing.

Combining Business Intelligence, Indicators, and the User Requirements Notation for Performance Monitoring

Johari Shirazi, Iman 26 November 2012 (has links)
Organizations use Business Intelligence (BI) systems to monitor how well they are meeting their goals and objectives. Yet, very often BI systems do not include clear models of the organization’s goals or of how to measure whether they are satisfied or not. Several researchers now attempt to integrate goal models into BI systems, but there are still major challenges related to how to get access to the BI data to populate the part of the goal model (often indicators) used to assess goal satisfaction. This thesis explores a new approach to integrate BI systems with goal models. In particular, it explores the integration of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, a leading BI tool, with an Eclipse-based goal modeling tool named jUCMNav. jUCMNav is an open source graphical editor for the User Requirements Notation (URN), which includes the Use Case Map notation for scenarios and processes and the Goal-oriented Requirement Language for business objectives. URN was recently extended with the concept of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to enable performance assessment and monitoring of business processes. In jUCMNav, KPIs are currently calculated or modified manually. The new integration proposed in this thesis maps these KPIs to report elements that are generated automatically by Cognos based on the model defined in jUCMNav at runtime, with minimum effort. We are using IBM Cognos Mashup Service, which includes web services that enable the retrieval of report elements at the most granular level. This transformation provides managers and analysts with useful goal-oriented and process-oriented monitoring views fed by just-in-time BI information. This new solution also automates retrieving data from Cognos servers, which helps reducing the high costs usually caused by the amount of manual work required otherwise. The novel approach presented in this thesis avoids manual report generation and minimizes any contract with respect to the location of manually created reports, hence leading to better usability and performance. The approach and its tool support are illustrated with an ongoing example, validated with a case study, and verified through testing.

Combining Business Intelligence, Indicators, and the User Requirements Notation for Performance Monitoring

Johari Shirazi, Iman January 2012 (has links)
Organizations use Business Intelligence (BI) systems to monitor how well they are meeting their goals and objectives. Yet, very often BI systems do not include clear models of the organization’s goals or of how to measure whether they are satisfied or not. Several researchers now attempt to integrate goal models into BI systems, but there are still major challenges related to how to get access to the BI data to populate the part of the goal model (often indicators) used to assess goal satisfaction. This thesis explores a new approach to integrate BI systems with goal models. In particular, it explores the integration of IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, a leading BI tool, with an Eclipse-based goal modeling tool named jUCMNav. jUCMNav is an open source graphical editor for the User Requirements Notation (URN), which includes the Use Case Map notation for scenarios and processes and the Goal-oriented Requirement Language for business objectives. URN was recently extended with the concept of Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to enable performance assessment and monitoring of business processes. In jUCMNav, KPIs are currently calculated or modified manually. The new integration proposed in this thesis maps these KPIs to report elements that are generated automatically by Cognos based on the model defined in jUCMNav at runtime, with minimum effort. We are using IBM Cognos Mashup Service, which includes web services that enable the retrieval of report elements at the most granular level. This transformation provides managers and analysts with useful goal-oriented and process-oriented monitoring views fed by just-in-time BI information. This new solution also automates retrieving data from Cognos servers, which helps reducing the high costs usually caused by the amount of manual work required otherwise. The novel approach presented in this thesis avoids manual report generation and minimizes any contract with respect to the location of manually created reports, hence leading to better usability and performance. The approach and its tool support are illustrated with an ongoing example, validated with a case study, and verified through testing.

The requirement of notice of industrial action in South African labour law

Zondo, Raymond Mnyamezeli Mlungisi 30 November 2005 (has links)
This dissertation is a critical analysis of the provisions of sec 64(l)(b) and (c), 66(2)(b) and 77(l)(b) and (d) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 which prescribe notice of industrial action as a requirement of protected industrial action in South Africa. It traces the historical background of the requirement. It also addresses issues such as the purpose(s) of the notices, their scope of application, meaning, implications, who must give notice, to whom must notice be given, timing, computation, their duration, the consequences of failure to comply with them and various potential difficulties in the practical application of the notice requirement as well as the unintended consequences flowing from the provisions. Recommendations are made for the amendment of the Act in certain respects. The dissertation concludes that there is no justification for the inclusion in the Act of this requirement. The law is stated as at 30 September 2005. / Jurisprudence / LL.M.

Die rol van diskresie by die toelaatbaarheid van getuienis wat in stryd met die grondwet verkry is

Nel, F. (Francisca) 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Artikel 35(5) van die Grondwet 108 van 1996 handel oor die uitsluiting van ongrondwetlike getuienis en bepaal dat sodanige getuienis uitgesluit moet word indien toelating daarvan sal lei tot 'n onbillike verhoor of tot nadeel sal strek vir die regspleging. Uit die bewoording van die artikel blyk dit dat die howe geen diskresie het ten opsigte van die toelaatbaarheidsvraag nie en 'n streng uitsluitingbenadering moet volg. Die doel van hierdie verha• ndeling is om ondersoek in te stel na die mate van diskresie .en die wyse ·waarop diskresie toepas word in hierdie besluitnemingsproses. Twee benaderings is deur die howe gevolg, naamlik 'n benadering waar 'n wye diskresie uitgeoefen word en 'n benadering waar 'n beperkte diskresie uitgeoefen word, dus 'n gekwalifiseerde uitsluitingsbenadering. Die skrywer doen aan die hand dat beide gronde vir uitsluiting van belang is en dat die howe verkeie faktore moet oorweeg ten einde 'n beslissing te vel oor die insluiting of uitsluiting van ongrondwetlike getuienis. 'n Balans moet dus gehandhaaf word tussen die belang van die beskuldigde op 'n billike verhoor en die belang van die gemeenskap daarin dat regspleging nie benadeel moet word nie en dat reg en geregtigheid moet geskied / Section 35(3) of the Constitution Act 108 of 1996 deals with the exclusion of unconstitutionally obtained evidence and stipulates that such evidence must be excluded if the admission would render the trial unfair or be detrimental to the administration of justice. From the wording of the section it seems that the courts have no jurisdiction in regard to the admissibility question and that a strict exclusionary approach must be followed. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the amount of discretion that the Courts have, and the manner in which this discretion is applied in the process of decision making. Two approaches were followed by the courts namely a wide discretionary approach and an approach where a strict discretion was applied. It is submitted that botR grounds for exclusion are of importance and that the courts must consider a variety of factors in deciding the question on the inclusion or exclusion of unconstitutionally obtained evidence. A balance must be struck between the interest of the accused in a fair trial and the interest of the community that the administration of justice must not be prejudiced and that justice must prevail. / Criminal & Procedural Law / LL.M. (Law)

Securing data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks

Aldabbas, Hamza January 2012 (has links)
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are a subclass of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) in which the mobile nodes are vehicles; these vehicles are autonomous systems connected by wireless communication on a peer-to-peer basis. They are self-organized, self-configured and self-controlled infrastructure-less networks. This kind of network has the advantage of being able to be set-up and deployed anywhere and anytime because it has no infrastructure set-up and no central administration. Distributing information between these vehicles over long ranges in such networks, however, is a very challenging task, since sharing information always has a risk attached to it especially when the information is confidential. The disclosure of such information to anyone else other than the intended parties could be extremely damaging, particularly in military applications where controlling the dissemination of messages is essential. This thesis therefore provides a review of the issue of security in VANET and MANET; it also surveys existing solutions for dissemination control. It highlights a particular area not adequately addressed until now: controlling information flow in VANETs. This thesis contributes a policy-based framework to control the dissemination of messages communicated between nodes in order to ensure that message remains confidential not only during transmission, but also after it has been communicated to another peer, and to keep the message contents private to an originator-defined subset of nodes in the VANET. This thesis presents a novel framework to control data dissemination in vehicle ad hoc networks in which policies are attached to messages as they are sent between peers. This is done by automatically attaching policies along with messages to specify how the information can be used by the receiver, so as to prevent disclosure of the messages other than consistent with the requirements of the originator. These requirements are represented as a set of policy rules that explicitly instructs recipients how the information contained in messages can be disseminated to other nodes in order to avoid unintended disclosure. This thesis describes the data dissemination policy language used in this work; and further describes the policy rules in order to be a suitable and understandable language for the framework to ensure the confidentiality requirement of the originator. This thesis also contributes a policy conflict resolution that allows the originator to be asked for up-to-date policies and preferences. The framework was evaluated using the Network Simulator (NS-2) to provide and check whether the privacy and confidentiality of the originators’ messages were met. A policy-based agent protocol and a new packet structure were implemented in this work to manage and enforce the policies attached to packets at every node in the VANET. Some case studies are presented in this thesis to show how data dissemination can be controlled based on the policy of the originator. The results of these case studies show the feasibility of our research to control the data dissemination between nodes in VANETs. NS-2 is also used to test the performance of the proposed policy-based agent protocol and demonstrate its effectiveness using various network performance metrics (average delay and overhead).

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