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團體壽險暨相關法律問題研究 / A study on Group life insurance and related legal issues李琬鈴, Lee, Wan Ling Unknown Date (has links)
因此,本文乃以探討示範條款所涉法律爭議問題為中心,參酌國內學說見解並比較美國判例及美國保險監理官協會所制訂之「團體壽險定義及標準條款模範法案」,對團體壽險契約條款之增訂及修正提出七項建議,包括重新定位團體壽險契約當事人、重視逆選擇防範及被保險人權益保障、明訂兩年不可抗爭期間及團體信用壽險不適用契約轉換權條款及受益人條款、修正個別被保險人保險契約終止之時點及保險人免責事由等,希冀本文之淺見能使示範條款更為完善。 / Group life insurance arises from the thought that employers have the responsibilities to take care of their employees. Until now, group life insurance has become an important part of industries’ risk management plans for distributing and transferring industries’ life and liability risk. Group life insurance insures more than five persons in one policy, and this “group” characteristic makes group life insurance different from general life insurance in many aspects: underwriting, premiums, partly effective and contract clauses. Presently, provisions of group life policies are based on“Model Provisions for Group Yearly Term life Policies”promulgated by competent authority. According to Article 2 of the model provisions, the policyholder is the “group”, and the members of the group are insureds. In other words, group life insurance is entered into by third party. This causes three problems needed to be solved: (1) If the policyholder has no insurable interest in the insured, shall group life insurance be void? (2) Is Article 105 of Insurance Act applicable to group life insurance? (3) Who has the right to designate or change the beneficiary? In addition, there are still some problems in other model provisions including the entire-contract provision, eligibility requirements provision, termination provision, conversion provision, exception clause and incontestability provision. It is necessary to review and revise the model provisions.
Therefore, this study focuses on related legal issues of the model provisions. Referring to scholars’ opinions and comparing American verdicts and “Group Life Insurance Definition and Group Life Insurance Standard Provisions Model Act” issued by The National Association of Insurance Commissioners, this study concludes by providing several suggestions in revising the model provisions: (1) The policyholder and the insured should be referred to as members of the group, not “group”. (2) Emphasize on preventing adverse-selection and protecting the insured’s right. (3) Augment incontestable period of two years and a clause which provides that conversion provision and beneficiary provision are not applicable to credit group life insurance. (4) Revise the termination provision and exception clause. Hope these suggestions will make the model provisions more perfect.
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On some aspects of coherent risk measures and their applicationsAssa, Hirbod 07 1900 (has links)
Le sujet principal de cette thèse porte sur les mesures de risque. L'objectif général est d'investiguer certains aspects des mesures de risque dans les applications financières. Le cadre théorique de ce
travail est celui des mesures cohérentes de risque telle que définie dans Artzner et al (1999). Mais ce n'est pas la seule classe de mesure du risque que nous étudions. Par exemple, nous étudions aussi quelques aspects des "statistiques naturelles
de risque" (en anglais natural risk statistics) Kou et al (2006) et des mesures convexes du risque Follmer and Schied(2002). Les contributions principales de cette
thèse peuvent être regroupées selon trois axes: allocation de capital, évaluation des risques et capital requis et solvabilité.
Dans le chapitre 2 nous caractérisons les mesures de risque avec la propriété de Lebesgue sur l'ensemble des processus bornés càdlàg (continu à droite, limité à gauche). Cette caractérisation nous permet de présenter deux applications dans l'évaluation des risques et l'allocation de
capital. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étendons la notion de statistiques naturelles de risque à l'espace des suites infinies.
Cette généralisation nous permet de construire de façon cohérente des mesures de risque pour des bases de données de n'importe quelle taille. Dans le chapitre 4, nous discutons le concept de "bonnes affaires" (en anglais Good Deals), pour notamment caractériser les situations du marché où ces positions pathologiques
sont présentes. Finalement, dans le chapitre 5, nous essayons de relier les trois chapitres en étendant la définition de "bonnes affaires" dans un cadre plus
large qui comprendrait les mesures de risque analysées dans les chapitres 2 et 3. / The aim of this thesis is to study several aspects of risk measures particularly in the context of financial applications. The primary framework that we use is that of coherent risk measures as defined in Artzner et al (1999). But this is not the only class of risk measures that we study here. We also investigate the concepts of natural risk statistics Kou et al (2006) and convex risk measure Follmer/ and Schied (2002). The main contributions of this Thesis can be classified in three main axes: Capital allocation, risk measurement and capital requirement and solvency. In chapter 2, we characterize risk measures with the Lebesgue property on bounded càdlàg processes. This allows to present two applications in risk assessment and capital allocation. In chapter 3, we extend the concept of natural risk statistics to the space of infinite sequences. This has been done in order to introduce a consistent way of constructing risk measures for data bases of any size. In chapter 4, we discuss the concept of Good Deals and how to deal with a situation where these pathological positions are present in the market. Finally, in chapter 5, we try to relate all three chapters by extending the definition of Good Deals to a larger set of risk measures that somehow includes the discussions in chapters 2 and 3.
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Le droit à la réparation des lésions professionnelles des travailleurs soumis à une obligation de disponibilité : une analyse jurisprudentielle longitudinaleBruno, Gabriella 06 1900 (has links)
L’obligation de disponibilité du travailleur met en lumière un temps durant lequel le travailleur demeure à la disposition de son employeur malgré le fait qu’il n’accomplit pas concrètement sa prestation de travail, le temps de disponibilité. Conséquence de plusieurs phénomènes, notamment la mondialisation des marchés, la financiarisation de l’économie et l’essor des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, l’obligation de disponibilité est mal définie par les règles juridiques actuelles au Québec. Considérant cet état du droit, notre mémoire cherche à évaluer dans quelle mesure la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles capte l’obligation de disponibilité du travailleur. Pour ce faire, nous avons effectué une analyse quantitative et qualitative de la jurisprudence rendue par la Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles et la Commission des lésions professionnelles entre 1995 et 2014. Notre mémoire comporte trois volets. Sous un angle plus sociologique, nous voulions examiner si notre population de décisions nous permettait, d’une part, de constituer différentes manifestations-types de l’obligation de disponibilité et d’autre part, de discerner une progression dans le temps du nombre de décisions portant sur une obligation de disponibilité. Enfin, nous désirions examiner dans quelle mesure un travailleur victime d’une lésion durant une période de disponibilité peut se prévaloir des droits accordés par la L.a.t.m.p.. À l’aune de notre mémoire, plusieurs manifestations-types de l’obligation de disponibilité peuvent être en constituées en fonction du moment durant lequel elle se manifeste. L’obligation de disponibilité peut également être rattachée au statut de travailleur autonome. En outre, il semble que la reconnaissance de la lésion professionnelle du travailleur varie en fonction de ces manifestations-types. Cependant, nos résultats ne révèlent pas une progression dans le temps du nombre de décisions portant sur une obligation de disponibilité. / The concept of worker availability requirements refers to instances in which workers are required to be available to their employers outside of standard work hours (off-duty). Due to several factors, especially the internationalization of markets, financialisation of the economy, and the development of information and communication technology, this normative requirement is inadequately regulated by current legislation in Quebec.
Therefore, our research evaluates the extent that the Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles addresses availability requirements imposed on workers in the province. To this end, we carried out qualitative and quantitative analyses of decisions made by the Commission d’appel en matière de lésions professionnelles and Commission des lésions professionnelles between 1995 and 2014. From a sociological perspective, we attempted to produce different categories of off-duty availability requirements, and to discern whether an augmentation in the number of decisions concerning availability requirements has taken place over time. Finally, we examined the extent that workers benefit from the rights provided by the L.a.t.m.p. when injuries occur during off-duty hours in which workers are required to be available.
Our results demonstrate that many categories of availability requirements can be developed related to the period of time during when such obligation occurs. Furthermore, these requirements are also linked to individuals’ status as self-employed workers. Finally, it seems that the recognition of workers’ employment injuries vary along these categories. However, our results also suggest that there exists no positive trend in the number of decisions concerning worker availability requirements over time.
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Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-driven Framework / Processus d’ingénierie des exigences dans un environnment à base de modèles selon les normes automobilesAdedjouma, Morayo 12 July 2012 (has links)
L'industrie automobile des systèmes embarqués critiques est confrontée de nos jours à une complexité croissante, tandis que les coûts, les performances en termes d'intelligence, les caractéristiques, les capacités et les délais de commercialisation de leurs produits sont constamment remises en question. Face à cela, l'objectif principal pour les constructeurs et fournisseurs automobiles devient désormais de contrôler la qualité et la fiabilité des systèmes mécatroniques et embarqués. L'existence de normes internationales comme le HIS Automotive SPICE et l’ISO26262 est une contrainte supplémentaire qu'ils doivent prendre en compte s’ils veulent atteindre cet objectif. De plus, assurer la bonne gestion de la sécurité et la qualité du produit ne suffit pas: il est essentiel de veiller à ce que nous produisons un système qui n'est pas seulement sécuritaire et bien, mais aussi que nous produisons le bon système. Cela induit donc une plus grande prise en compte des exigences.Dans cette thèse, nous traitons le challenge du développement des systèmes embarqués automobiles suivant l’Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) qui répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et des standards du domaine et qui permettent de maîtriser davantage la qualité des produits développés. Le problème à résoudre a été abordé sur plusieurs phases qui sont ensuite utilisés conjointement. En premier, nous définissons un métamodèle fusionnant les approches orienté qualité produit et qualité processus selon respectivement les normes ISO26262 et SPICE. Puis, dans un but de certification, nous proposons une méthodologie générique basée sur ce métamodèle commun où une évaluation du processus de développement induite par l’HIS standard ainsi qu’une évaluation de la sécurité fonctionnelle induite par l’ISO2626 sont simultanément effectuées. Ce résultat est traduit au travers de la définition d'un framework outillé où nous appliquons la méthode d'évaluation propre au standard SPICE. En deuxième phase, nous définissons un métamodèle pour gérer les actifs de sécurité concernant ces normes automobiles au niveau produit. Ce métamodèle définit comment capturer les exigences et l’architecture d’un système de telle manière qu'ils puissent être traçables entre eux et également traçables depuis des documents de spécifications d’origine. Enfin, une approche à base de modèle où l'interaction des modèles de processus et le produit est géré afin de répondre aux besoins identifiés dans la première phase est développé pour soutenir la gestion de projet. L'approche utilise la modélisation des processus et leur mesure pour améliorer le contrôle et le suivi de projet et de réduire par la même les coûts et les fréquences de replanification.Les avantages de la contribution sont démontrés sur une application pilote automobile, validant ainsi le travail de recherche au vue des faiblesses identifiées préalablement dans le contexte. / The embedded safety-critical systems industry is facing an exponential increase in the complexity and variety of systems and devices while costs, performance in terms of intelligence, features, capacities and time to market are constantly challenged. The main objective for automotive manufacturers and suppliers is now becoming the control of quality and the dependability of embedded and mechatronic systems. The existence of internationally recognized standards such as the Automotive SPICE and ISO26262 is a further constraint that must be managed to meet this objective. Nevertheless, ensuring sound management of safety and viewpoints is insufficient. It is also essential to ensure that we produce a system that is not only compliant and well-defined, but also that we produce the “right” system. Therefore, this leads to greater consideration of the requirements.In this thesis, we address the challenge of development of automotive embedded systems following the model-driven engineering paradigm that meet the user needs and the regulatory constraints of the domain and that further mastered the quality of developed product. We resolve the problem in many steps which are subsequently used jointly. In the first phase, we define a merging approach which embodies a product quality and process quality approaches regarding the ISO26262 and SPICE standards following the model-driven engineering paradigm. Then, in a certification assessment purpose, we propose a generic methodology where an HIS assessment and a functional safety audit is simultaneously performed without altering their original meanings. This commitment results into the definition of a tooled framework where we apply the SPICE assessment method to the common metamodel defined from the merging work. In a second phase, we define a metamodel for manage safety assets regarding these automotive standards at product level. This metamodel defines how the requirements and architecture of a system can be captured in such a way that they can be traceable from each other and from origin specifications documents. Finally, a model-based approach where the interaction of process and product models is managed to address requirements identified in the precedent phases is developed to support project management. The approach uses process modeling and measurement to improve the control and the monitoring of project and to reduce the cost and frequency of re-planning.The benefits of the contribution are demonstrated on an ongoing automotive pilot application, thereby validating the research work against the weaknesses identified prealably in the context.
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L’obligation de sécurité à la lumière du développement de la responsabilité contractuelle et son application sur les produits de santé : étude comparée entre le droit civil français et le droit civil libyenElatrag, Nagia 22 May 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'obligation de sécurité en matière la responsabilité contractuelle à la lumière du droit français et du droit libyen. La recherche tend à répondre aux questions suivantes : Qu'entend-on par sécurité des produits médicaux ? Sur quel fondement juridique peut-on justifier cette obligation ? Quelles sont les difficultés d'application de cette obligation pour traiter les problèmes de produits de santé ? C'est quoi le produits de santé ? Et Le droit de la responsabilité civile libyen est-il parfaitement adapté à la protection de la victime des produits de santé comme dans le droit de la responsabilité français ? Ce questionnement a conduit l'auteur à développer une analyse approfondie de l'obligation de sécurité en manière de la responsabilité contractuelle et le droit de la santé français et libyen. Dans la première partie de la thèse, on constate que la notion d'obligation de sécurité, y compris en matière de la responsabilité contractuelle, a connu une évolution majeure par rapport à l'époque précédant. En fait, l'apparition de la notion d'obligation de sécurité est ancienne puisqu'elle a été créée en France le 21 novembre 1911 à l'occasion du contrat de transport. Elle peut être définie comme « l'obligation de veiller à la sécurité d'une personne ou d'un bien, qui peut être une obligation de résultat ou de moyen ». Certains codes du monde proche-oriental ont adopté la résolution que la Cour de cassation française a prise en 1911 dans le domaine du transport de personnes, comme l'Egypte et le Liban. En 1956, la Cour d'Appel à Alexandrie a conformé l'obligation de sécurité dans le domaine du transport de personnes / This thesis focuses on the safety obligation regarding contractual liability in the light of French law and Libyan law. Research tends to answer the following questions: What is safety of medical products? On what legal basis can we justify that obligation? What are the difficulties in applying this requirement to address issues of health products? What is the health products? The law and civil liability Libya is it perfectly suited to the protection of the victim of health products as in the French liability law? This questioning has led the author to develop a thorough analysis of the safety obligation by way of contractual liability and health law French and Libyan. In the first part of the thesis, we see that the notion of bond security, including with respect to contractual liability, has experienced a major change from the time before. In fact, the emergence of the concept of safety obligation is old since it was founded in France 21 November 1911 at the contract of carriage. It can be defined as "the obligation to ensure the safety of any person or property which may be an obligation of result or means." Some codes of Near Eastern world have adopted the resolution that the French Supreme Court has taken in 1911 in the transportation of persons, such as Egypt and Lebanon. In 1956, the Appeal Court in Alexandria has complied with the requirement of safety in the transportation of persons. Similarly, in Lebanon in the Code of Obligations and Contracts provides in Article 688 that the contract of carriage of persons is the responsibility of the carrier's obligation to lead the traveler, unharmed, to the destination
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Klimawandel und SauerkirschanbauMatzneller, Philipp 19 January 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Veränderungen der agrarklimatologischen Bedingungen im Zuge des Klimawandels für ausgesuchte Sauerkirschanbauregionen in Europa und Nordamerika untersucht. Es wird auf veränderte Risiken (Spätfrost, Hitzewellen, Wassermangel) hingewiesen, die durch nachhaltige, praxisorientierte und ökonomisch vertretbare Anpassungsmaßnahmen (Überdachung, Frostschutz, Bewässerung, Anbausystem, Wahl der Sorte und Unterlage, etc.) begrenzt werden können. Der Klimawandel kann neben Risiken aber auch Chancen für den Sauerkirschanbau eröffnen. Höhere Temperaturen und eine längere Vegetationsperiode können regional differenziert zu günstigeren Anbaubedingungen führen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt wurde auf die Entwicklung phänologischer Modelle gelegt, mit denen Veränderungen im Entwicklungsrhythmus der Sauerkirschgehölze analysiert werden konnten. Dafür wurden acht Modelle zur Vorhersage des Blühbeginns und Blühendes entwickelt. Weitere phänologische Stadien konnten mit dem Modell von Zavalloni et al. (2006) berechnet werden. Die Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass sich der Blühbeginn unter geänderten Klimabedingungen verfrüht, aber nur geringe Verkürzungen der Zeiträume zwischen den phänologischen Stadien zu erwarten sind. Zu den gefürchteten Witterungsschäden im Obstbau gehört Spätfrost, der zu hohen Ertragsverlusten führen kann. Im Zuge des Klimawandels können sich die Häufigkeit und Stärke der Fröste ändern. Die Frostwahrscheinlichkeit während der untersuchten Entwicklungsphasen von Sauerkischgehölzen könnte in diesem Jahrhundert in Rheinland-Pfalz und Eau Claire abnehmen, während sich die Verhältnisse in den anderen Anbaugebieten nur geringfügig ändern. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden die Ertragsverluste durch Frost bestimmt. Hierbei hat sich ergeben, dass die Frostschäden in den untersuchten Anbauregionen wahrscheinlich geringer werden. Allerdings differieren die Ergebnisse zwischen den Berechnungen mit beobachteten und modellierten Temperaturen oft stark. / This thesis investigates the changes in agro-climatic conditions for selected growing region in Europe and North America under current and future climate conditions. The overall aim of the study was to identify possible risks (spring frosts, heat waves, water shortages), which can be limited by sustainable, practically oriented and economically viable adaptation measures (hail- and frost-protection, irrigation, cultivation system, choice of variety and rootstock). Besides risks, climate change can provide new opportunities. Higher temperature levels and extended growing season lengths could regionally differentiated improve the growing conditions. Particular focus was given to developing phenological models, used to investigate shifts in spring phenology of sour cherry trees due to climate change. Therefore, eight models to predict the beginning and end of blossom were optimized and validated. Further phenological stages were calculated with the model by Zavalloni et al. (2006). The results show an earlier onset in the beginning of sour cherry blossom under future climate conditions, while the length of the period between the phenological stages only shortens slightly. Spring frosts are feared weather hazards in orchards which can cause substantial yield losses. The changing climate conditions could influence the frequency and strength of spring frosts. In the course of this century the spring frost probability is likely to decrease in Rhineland-Palatinate and Eau Claire, while only slight changes are expected in the other growing regions. In the second step, yield losses caused by spring frost were calculated. The frost damages on sour cherries in the investigated growing regions will probably decrease. However, the yield losses calculated with observed and modeled temperatures often differ strongly.
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[pt] Importante questão que se coloca atualmente é a capacidade de medição do volume de capital necessário, às sociedades seguradoras, para fazer frente aos diversos tipos de risco que tais companhias suportam no exercício de suas atividades. Esse volume de capital necessário deve ser tal que permita à companhia suportar variabilidades no negócio. As motivações para o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos visando à determinação desta necessidade de capital são tanto a preocupação das próprias companhias com a sua gestão de risco, como também aspectos relacionados ao estabelecimento de requerimentos de capital exigidos pelo regulador de seguro às sociedades seguradoras para fazer frente aos riscos suportados. Entre tais riscos, encontra-se a categoria dos riscos de subscrição, relacionados diretamente à operação central de uma seguradora (design de produto, precificação, processo de aceitação, regulação
de sinistros e provisionamento). Esta dissertação apresenta uma proposta de modelo para determinação do volume necessário de capital para fazer frente aos riscos de subscrição, na qual tal categoria de riscos é segregada nos riscos de provisão de sinistros (relativos aos sinistros ocorridos e, assim, relacionados às
provisões de sinistros) e nos riscos de emissão/precificação (relativos aos sinistros à ocorrer num horizonte de tempo de 1 ano, considerando novos negócios). Em especial, o modelo proposto utiliza processos de simulação que levam em consideração a estrutura de dependência das variáveis envolvidas e linhas de
negócio, fazendo uso do conceito de cópulas condicionais. / [en] Important question that arises today is the ability to measure the amount of capital necessary to insurance companies, to cope with various types of risk that these companies support in performing their activities. This volume of capital required must be such as to enable the company to bear variability in business. The motivations for the development of mathematical models aimed at the determination of those capital needs are both the concern of companies with their own risk management, as well as aspects related to establishing capital requirements required by the insurance regulator to insurance companies to face the risks borne. Among such risks, is the category of underwriting risks, directly related to the core operation of an insurance company (product design, pricing, underwriting process, loss settlement and provisioning). This dissertation proposes a model for determining the appropriate amount of capital to cope with the underwriting risks, where such risk category is segregated in reserving risks (relative to incurred events) and pricing risks (relative to events occurring in the time horizon of 1 year, considering new businesses). In particular, the proposed model uses simulation processes that take into account the dependence structure
of the variables involved and lines of business, making use of the concept of conditional copulas.
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On some aspects of coherent risk measures and their applicationsAssa, Hirbod 07 1900 (has links)
Le sujet principal de cette thèse porte sur les mesures de risque. L'objectif général est d'investiguer certains aspects des mesures de risque dans les applications financières. Le cadre théorique de ce
travail est celui des mesures cohérentes de risque telle que définie dans Artzner et al (1999). Mais ce n'est pas la seule classe de mesure du risque que nous étudions. Par exemple, nous étudions aussi quelques aspects des "statistiques naturelles
de risque" (en anglais natural risk statistics) Kou et al (2006) et des mesures convexes du risque Follmer and Schied(2002). Les contributions principales de cette
thèse peuvent être regroupées selon trois axes: allocation de capital, évaluation des risques et capital requis et solvabilité.
Dans le chapitre 2 nous caractérisons les mesures de risque avec la propriété de Lebesgue sur l'ensemble des processus bornés càdlàg (continu à droite, limité à gauche). Cette caractérisation nous permet de présenter deux applications dans l'évaluation des risques et l'allocation de
capital. Dans le chapitre 3, nous étendons la notion de statistiques naturelles de risque à l'espace des suites infinies.
Cette généralisation nous permet de construire de façon cohérente des mesures de risque pour des bases de données de n'importe quelle taille. Dans le chapitre 4, nous discutons le concept de "bonnes affaires" (en anglais Good Deals), pour notamment caractériser les situations du marché où ces positions pathologiques
sont présentes. Finalement, dans le chapitre 5, nous essayons de relier les trois chapitres en étendant la définition de "bonnes affaires" dans un cadre plus
large qui comprendrait les mesures de risque analysées dans les chapitres 2 et 3. / The aim of this thesis is to study several aspects of risk measures particularly in the context of financial applications. The primary framework that we use is that of coherent risk measures as defined in Artzner et al (1999). But this is not the only class of risk measures that we study here. We also investigate the concepts of natural risk statistics Kou et al (2006) and convex risk measure Follmer/ and Schied (2002). The main contributions of this Thesis can be classified in three main axes: Capital allocation, risk measurement and capital requirement and solvency. In chapter 2, we characterize risk measures with the Lebesgue property on bounded càdlàg processes. This allows to present two applications in risk assessment and capital allocation. In chapter 3, we extend the concept of natural risk statistics to the space of infinite sequences. This has been done in order to introduce a consistent way of constructing risk measures for data bases of any size. In chapter 4, we discuss the concept of Good Deals and how to deal with a situation where these pathological positions are present in the market. Finally, in chapter 5, we try to relate all three chapters by extending the definition of Good Deals to a larger set of risk measures that somehow includes the discussions in chapters 2 and 3.
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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New concepts for managing diabetes mellitus / Fred KeetKeet, Fred January 2003 (has links)
Preface -
Biotechnology is generally considered to be the wave of the future. To facilitate
accurate and rapid development of medication and treatments, it is critical that we are
able to simulate the human body. One section of this complex model would be the
human energy system.
Pharmaceutical companies are currently pouring vast amounts of capital into research
regarding general simulation of cellular structures, protein structures and bodily
processes. Their aim is to develop treatments and medication for major diseases.
Some of these diseases are epidemics like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stress,
obesity, etc. One of the most important causes of these diseases is poor blood glucose
Current management methods for insulin dependent diabetes are limited to trial and
error systems: clearly ineffective and prone to errors. It is critical that better
management systems be developed, to ease the diabetic epidemic.
The blood glucose control system is one of the major systems in the body, as we are
in constant need of energy to facilitate the optimum functioning of the human body.
This study makes use of a developed simulation model for the human energy system
to ease the management of Diabetes mellitus, which is a malfunction of the human
energy system.
This dissertation is presented in two parts: The first part discusses the human energy
simulation model, and the verification thereof, while the second presents possible
applications of this model to ease the management of Diabetes.
The human energy system simulation model -
This section discusses the development and verification of the model. It also touches
on the causes, and current methods, of managing diabetes, as well as the functioning
of the human energy system.
The human energy model is approached with the conservation of energy in mind. A
top down model is developed, using data from independent studies to verify the
Application of human energy simulation model -
The human energy simulation model is of little use if the intended audience cannot
use it: people suffering from malfunctioning energy systems. These include people
having trouble with obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc. To facilitate this, we
need to provide a variety of products useable by this group of people.
We propose a variety of ways in which the model can be used: Cellular phone
applications, Personal digital assistants (PDAs) applications, as well as computer
By making use of current technology, we generate a basic proof-of-concept
application to demonstrate the intended functionality. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering) North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004
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