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A Digitized Workflow for Risk and Requirement Management / Ett digitaliserat arbetsflöde för risk- och kravhanteringLundkvist, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
To ensure the safety for both patients and personnel using medical equipment there are several regulations. The regulations differ between countries and the largest markets are the US and Europe. There are regulations regarding both risk and requirement management and for a digitized signature process. This report shows a way of digitizing parts of the quality management system and workflows that fulfills these requirements, including both an approval process and a requirement hierarchy. For the development of a digitized system several workshops and interviews were performed to understand the workflow used. This to reduce the changes in the new system where the existing processes worked, but at the same time make changes possible where the users noticed problems in the workflow earlier used. The main advantage of a digitized quality management system is that the linking between the different objects are easier to follow which gives a perspicuous traceability. A digitized system can generate reports, e.g. for traceability and requirement without a test, automatically that will decrease the manual work and by that both increase efficiency and reduce the risk of human errors.
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Avkastning och hållbarhet på fondmarknaden : En empirisk komparativ studie om hållbara aktiefonders avkastning kontra konventionella aktiefonder / Return and sustainability on the fund market : An empirical comparative study of sustainable equity funds return versus conventional equity fundsBackman, Ricky, Sundborn, Henrik January 2023 (has links)
För att investerare ska placera kapital mot hållbara investeringar krävs insikt om det finns en premie som valet av hållbara aktiefonder innebär eller om dessa motsvarar eller till och med överavkastar mot konventionella fonder. I denna uppsats undersöker vi hur den riskjusterade avkastningen, mätt som Jensens alpha, ser ut för hållbara och konventionella fonder. Studien undersökte 51 aktiefonder med hemvist i Sverige för åren 2017-2021 där datan samlades in från Avanza och hållbarhetsbetyg från Morningstar användes för klassificering av konventionella respektive hållbara fonder. Resultaten pekar på att hållbara aktiefonder har en riskjusterad avkastning som är 0,2 procentenheter högre än konventionella aktiefonder över hela tidsramen. Studien undersökte även förhållandet mellan riskjusterad avkastning och förvaltningsavgiften och fann ett marginellt positivt samband utifrån en regressionsanalys. Studien bidrar till forskningsområdet genom att närmare undersöka ett individuellt land till skillnad från tidigare studier och på senare årtal vilket ger en mer nutida förståelse för hållbara och konventionella aktiefonder på den svenska fondmarknaden. / For investors looking at placing their capital in sustainable equity funds, there is a need for knowledge as to how sustainable funds compare to their conventional peers. Do they demand a premium, have the same returns or even outperform? In this paper we look at the risk adjusted return, Jensen's alpha, on the Swedish fund market between the year 2017-2021 and how sustainable funds compare to conventional ones. The results indicate that sustainable funds outperform conventional funds with 0,2 percentage points over the entire time frame. The study also examined the relationship between fund fees and risk adjusted returns and found a marginal positive relationship from a regression analysis. The study contributes to the scientific field by closer examining a single country for a later time frame, giving a more contemporary understanding of sustainable and conventional funds on the Swedish fund market.
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From Legal Contracts to Formal SpecificationsSoavi, Michele 27 October 2022 (has links)
The challenge of implementing and executing a legal contract in a machine has been gaining significant interest recently with the advent of blockchain, smart contracts, LegalTech and IoT technologies. Popular software engineering methods, including agile ones, are unsuitable for such outcome-critical software. Instead, formal specifications are crucial for implementing smart contracts to ensure they capture the intentions of stakeholders, also that their execution is compliant with the terms and conditions of the original natural-language legal contract. This thesis concerns supporting the semi-automatic generation of formal specifications of legal contracts written in Natural Language (NL). The main contribution is a framework, named Contratto, where the transformation process from NL to a formal specification is subdivided into 5 steps: (1) identification of ambiguous terms in the contract and manual disambiguation; (2) structural and semantic annotation of the legal contract; (3) discovery of relationships among the concepts identified in step (2); (4) formalization of the terms used in the NL text into a domain model; (5) generation of formal expressions that describe what should be implemented by programmers in a smart contract. A systematic literature review on the main topic of the thesis was performed to support the definition of the framework. Requirements were derived from standard business contracts for a preliminary implementation of tools that support the transformation process, particularly concerning step (2). A prototype environment was proposed to semi-automate the transformation process although significant manual intervention is required. The preliminary evaluation confirms that the annotation tool can perform the annotation as well as human annotators, albeit novice ones.
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Enhancing Accountability to Affected Populations through Donor Requirements : A grounded theory-based analysis of the current situation, donor motivations and bottlenecks around setting requirements, further constraints and how they could be overcome.Rattmann, Clara January 2023 (has links)
Even though supporting affected populations is the raison d’etre for humanitarian action, organisations are frequently not accountable to populations they aim to serve. Despite several reform movements, the consultation and participation elements of accountability to affected populations (AAP), in particular, are still lacking. Specifically, during the design phases of projects, such involvement is critical since major decisions around implementation are taken. Given that donors usually use their power over NGOs to set requirements around financial and results-based management, they could do the same for AAP and make funding conditional on meeting requirements. The puzzle of this research is (Q1) to what extent do donors try to enhance AAP at the project design stage by setting AAP requirements and (Q2) what motivates donors to set these requirements and given many do not set them, what holds them back. In total, nine (n=9) problem-centred expert interviews were led with donor and NGO representatives, which were complemented by an analysis of n=14 donor documents related to the project design phase. During the data collection and analysis process, it became apparent that a sole focus on top-down approaches through requirements would leave out relevant constraints around AAP requirements in project design phases. Thus, driven by the interview data, two additional questions were included: (Q3) What are possible reasons why the requirements set by donors are not successful in improving AAP practices? (Q4) How could these constraints be overcome? For Q1, it was found that there is no systemic inclusion of AAP requirements in project design phases by donors. Though there are positive examples and donors emphasize their engagement, NGO representatives shared the view that there is no real push through requirements for the two more complex elements of AAP, namely consultation and participation. The main bottleneck for donors to set stricter requirements were competing priorities, while their main motivation to do so apart from intrinsic motivations was found to be past failure in combination with hope for effectiveness and efficiency gains (Q2). The additional constraints identified as hampering successful implementation of such requirements were NGO, discursive and systemic constraints, which dealt with resource scarcity, process constraints, conceptual unclarity and misunderstandings as well as constraints related to the humanitarian context and the delivery of aid through projects (Q3). Solutions presented by interviewees underline the importance of updated funding procedures, establishing clarity around the concept, and advancing cash-based programming and the localization agenda (Q4). Finally, the grounded theory developed from the interview and analysis process explains the limited success of donor AAP requirements in the following way: First, such requirements are not established in the first place if hindered by donor bottlenecks. If motivations are stronger than bottlenecks, such requirements do not automatically lead to the implementation of meaningful AAP practices, since the requirements are not adapted to the wider context. Donors (1) do not take NGO constraints into account, (2) do not fully realize discursive constraints and (3) only take limited action against systemic constraints. When setting requirements, donors need to inform their strategies by considering these constraints in setting meaningful requirements.
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Model-Based Testing of Dosing System : An Introductory Review on Model-Based Automatic Test Case Generation with Matlab Simulink Proof-of-concept / Modellbaserad Testning av doseringssystem : En översiktlig genomgång av modellbaserad automatisk testfallgenerering med Matlab Simulink proof-of-conceptSetyawan, Albertus Adrian January 2021 (has links)
A modern truck contains a large number of functionalities implemented in its electronics system. Thus, testing all of these functions employs a considerable effort. The execution of tests against the system has been automated for a long time. Unfortunately, most of the test is still designed manually these days. This manual test design is sometimes not comprehensive enough to cover all possible scenarios within a complex system. At the moment, there is also a growing trend in the development process based on the model. Furthermore, model-based software can handle events and signal behaviour more robustly[1]. This thesis investigates the technique in model-based testing. The study evaluates the requirement modelling and automated abstract test generation of model-based testing over the existing testing method. A cause-effect graph is utilized for the modelling in Matlab Simulink tool with DesignVerifier feature. The case study is the truck dosing system in Scania. The results are the following. The temporal and static requirements modelling are capable of being modelled using the cause-effect graph in Matlab Simulink. Compared to the traditional method, the MBT method can achieve higher requirement coverage and more rigorous test with optimized test case generation. The MBT method also has a rapid test case generation time suitable for quick design iteration. However, the total test development time (including test case generation time) of using MBT is 12.5% higher than the manual method. Using a model-based platform like Matlab Simulink is recommended to assist the manual testing, not to replace the test flow entirely with the current research state. / En modern truck innehåller ett stort antal funktioner implementerade i dess elektroniksystem. Att testa alla dessa funktioner kräver därför en avsevärd ansträngning. Utförandet av tester mot systemet har varit automatiserat under lång tid. Tyvärr är det mesta av testet fortfarande utformat manuellt nu för tiden. Denna manuella testdesign är ibland inte tillräckligt omfattande för att täcka alla möjliga scenarier inom ett komplext system. För tillfället finns det också en växande trend i utvecklingsprocessen utifrån modellen. Dessutom kan modellbaserad programvara hantera händelser och signalbeteende mer robust[1]. Detta examensarbete undersöker tekniken i modellbaserad testning. Studien utvärderar kravmodellering och automatiserad abstrakt testgenerering av modellbaserad testning över den befintliga testmetoden. En cause-effect graph används för modelleringen i Matlab Simulink-verktyget med Design Verifier-funktionen. Fallstudien är lastbilens doseringssystem i Scania. Resultaten är följande. Den tidsmässiga och statiska kravmodelleringen kan modelleras med hjälp av cause-effect graph i Matlab Simulink. Jämfört med den traditionella metoden kan MBT-metoden uppnå högre kravtäckning och mer rigorösa test med optimerad testfallsgenerering. MBT-metoden har också en snabb genereringstid för testfall som är lämplig för snabb designiteration. Den totala testutvecklingstiden (inklusive genereringstid för testfall) för att använda MBT är 12,5% högre än den manuella metoden. Att använda en modellbaserad plattform som Matlab Simulink rekommenderas för att underlätta den manuella testningen, inte för att ersätta testflödet helt med det aktuella forskningsläget.
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[pt] As diferenças geracionais têm influenciado o comportamento do mercado de trabalho e a literatura dedicada a descrever as aspirações profissionais dos jovens contemporâneos têm enfatizado a tendência destes em transitar entre diferentes organizações. Todavia, ainda que minoritárias no âmbito desta mesma literatura, há pesquisas que ressaltam que este comportamento não deve ser generalizado. As mesmas características organizacionais valorizadas por aqueles que buscam construir carreiras sem fronteiras podem ser encontradas no discurso de jovens que se interessam por construir carreiras de longo prazo em uma organização, daí a importância de entendermos o que de fato motiva os jovens que vem construindo suas carreiras nos moldes tradicionais, isto é, em uma mesma organização. Este é o objetivo deste estudo, que buscou entender por que jovens profissionais que atuam numa empresa privada nacional escolheram construir suas carreiras nesta organização, em meio à efemeridade e ao declínio das carreiras tradicionais. A pesquisa tentou compreender o que os motiva a trabalhar na atual empresa, e como se sentem diante das oportunidades existentes. Foram entrevistados profissionais de até 34 anos de idade, que atuam nesta empresa por, pelo menos, 4 anos, e que tenham apresentado movimentos de carreira relevantes neste período. Os principais resultados da pesquisa indicam que a exposição a grandes desafios e responsabilidades, aliadas à autonomia que lhes foi dada e ao dinamismo do negócio são os principais fatores que vêm motivando esses jovens a seguirem trabalhando na empresa atual. / [en] The difference between generations has made some changes in the labor market behaviors, and the literature aimed at career aspirations of contemporary youth has emphasized the trend to move across different organizations. Although almost inexpressive within the same literature, some researches emphasize that this behavior should not be generalized. The same organizational characteristics valued by those who seek to build a career without borders can belong in some young people argue who are interested in building a long-term career. For this reason, it is important to understand what motivates the young people who build their careers in the traditional path, it means in the same organization. In this scenario, this study s main goal is to understand the reason why some young professionals who work in a private national company chose to build their careers in this organization. The research tried to understand what is the motivation for working in the same company, and how they feel about current opportunities. We interviewed professionals up to 34 years old, who have worked in this company for, at least, four years, and who have presented relevant career changes in this period. The main results of the research indicate that exposure to major challenges and responsibilities, combined with the autonomy given to them and the dynamism of the business are the main factors that have motivated these young people to continue working in the current company.
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Clinicians' demands on monitoring support in an Intensive Care Unit : A pilot study, at Capio S:t Görans Hospital / Sjukvårdspersonals krav på övervakningssuport på en intensivvårdsavdelning : Förstudie på Capio S:t Görans SjukhusCallerström, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Patients treated at intensive care units (ICUs) are failing in one or several organs and requireappropriate monitoring and treatment in order to maintain a meaningful life. Today clinicians inintensive care units (ICUs) manage a large amount of data generated from monitoring devices.The monitoring parameters can either be noted down manually on a monitoring sheet or, for some parameters, transferred automatically to storage. In both cases the information is stored withthe aim to support clinicians throughout the intensive care and be easily accessible. Patient datamanagement systems (PDMSs) facilitate ICUs to retrieve and integrate data. Before managinga new configuration of patient data system, it is required that the ICU makes careful analysis ofwhat data desired to be registered. This pilot study provides knowledge of how the monitoringis performed in an Intensive Care Unit in an emergency hospital in Stockholm.The aim of this thesis project was to collect data about what the clinicians require and whatequipment they use today for monitoring. Requirement elicitation is a technique to collectrequirements. Methods used to collect data were active observations and qualitative interviews.Patterns have been found about what the assistant nurses, nurses and physicians’ require of systems supporting the clinician’s with monitoring parameters. Assistant nurses would like tobe released from tasks of taking notes manually. They also question the need for atomized datacollection since they are present observing the patient bed-side. Nurses describe a demanding burden of care and no more activities increasing that burden of care is required. Physicians require support in order to see how an intervention leads to a certain result for individual patients.The results also show that there is information about decision support but no easy way to applythem, better than the ones used today. Clinicians state that there is a need to be able to evaluatethe clinical work with the help of monitoring parameters. The results provide knowledge about which areas the clinicians needs are not supported enough by the exciting tools.To conclude results show that depending on what profession and experience the clinicians have the demands on monitoring support di↵ers. Monitoring at the ICU is performed while observing individual patients, parameters from medical devices, results from medical tests and physical examinations. Information from all these sources is considered by the clinicians and is desired to be supported accordingly before clinicians commit to action resulting in certain treatment,diagnosis and/or care. / Patienter som vårdas på intensivvårdsavdelningar har svikt i ett eller flera organ. Övervakning sker av patienterna för att kunna bidra till den vård som behövs för att upprätthålla ett meningsfullt liv. Idag hanterar sjukvårdpersonal en stor mängd data som genereras från övervakningsutrustning och system förknippade med övervakningsutrustning. Övervakningsparameterar kan antecknas förhand på ett övervakningspapper eller direkt sparas i digitalt format. Parameterarna sparas med syfte att vara ett lättillgängligt underlag under hela intensivvårdsprocessen. Patient data management systems (PDMSs) förenklar hämtning och integrering av data på exempelvis intensivvårdsavdelningar. Innan en ny konfiguration av ett patientdatasystem erhålls, är det eftersträvnadsvärt att intensivvårdsavdelningen analyserar vilken datasom skall hanteras. Detta examensarbete bidrog till kunskap om hur övervakning utförs på en intensivvårdsavdelning, på ett akutsjukhus i Stockholm. Målet med detta examensarbete var att insamla data om vad klinikerna behöver och vilken utrustning och system som de använder idag för att utföra övervakning. Behovsframkallning är en teknik som kan användas för att insamla krav. I detta projekt insamlades data genom aktivaobservationer och kvalitativa intervjuer. Mönster har hittats bland undersköterskornas, sjuksköterskornas och läkarnas behov av teknisksupport från system och utrustning som stödjer sjukvårdspersonalen under övervakningen av en patient. Undersköterskor uttrycker ett behov av att bli avlastade från uppgifter så som att manuellt skrivaner vitala parametervärden. De ifrågasätter behovet av automatiserad datahämtning eftersom de ständigt är närvarande bredvid patienten. Sjuksköterskor beskriver en hög vårdtyngd och önskaratt inte bli tillägnade fler aktiviteter som ökar den vårdtyngden. Läkare beskriver ett behov av ökat stöd för hur en interversion leder till resultat för individuella patienter. Resultaten visar attdet finns information om möjliga kliniska beslutsstöd utan givet sätt att applicera dessa, bättre än de sätt som används idag. Sjukvårdspersonalen hävdar att det det finns ett behov av att utvärdera det kliniska arbetet med hjälp av övervakningsparametrar. Resultaten utgör kunskap om vilka områden som sjukvårdpersonalens behov inte har stöd av nuvarnade verktyg. Resultaten visar att beroende på vilken profession och erfarenhet som sjukvårdspersonalen har, är behoven olika. På intensivvårdsavdelningen sker övervakning då enskilda patienter visuellt observeras såväl som övervakningsparametrar från medicintekniska produkter, resultat från medicinska tester och fysiska examinationer. Det finns behov att integrera och presenterainformation från dessa källor givet kunskap om att sjukvårdpersonalen fattar beslut på dessa som resulterar i behandling, diagnostik och/eller vård.
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Industrial Usage of Requirements : Ambition and Impeding Factors / Industriell Användning av Krav : Ambition och Förhindrande FaktorerJohansson, Martin, Kvainauskas, Darius January 2020 (has links)
Organizations are changing and growing constantly, which leads to higher complexity in development processes. For the development of complex products in a systematic way, requirements provide support. At Scania, it is of interest to investigate how engineers in the company work with requirements since a new safety standard is set to be implemented, which entails a change in the work with requirements. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate the ambition for working with requirements at Scania and to identify factors that can impede a change improvement in requirement engineering. This study aids in providing support for applying new practices when implementing a new safety standard. Literature within the fields of organizational change, change management and requirement engineering are considered. A qualitative case study at an automotive OEM has been conducted, where data was collected through 21 semi-structured interviews and internal documents. The findings show that the ambition level from the company perspective is not clear at Scania, thus engineers and units at the company set their own individual ambition for working with requirements and work in different ways across the organization. Also, several impeding factors such as standardization and different processes have been identified that could impede a change initiative for an improvement in the requirement engineering process. The findings contribute to the understanding of engineers purposes and motivation for requirement engineering. Furthermore, a change initiative in requirement engineering is investigated, where the impeding factors for the change are identified. Also, safety critical system development using requirement engineering is explored. It is suggested that future studies could compare other units and companies requirement engineering, and also leverage qualitative methods. Originality – To the best knowledge of the authors this is the first study to examine change initiative using Schein’s change model in a requirement engineering setting. / Organisationer förändras och växer ständigt, vilket leder till högre komplexitet i utvecklingsprocesser. För utveckling av komplexa produkter på ett systematiskt sätt ger krav stöd. Hos Scania är det av intresse att undersöka hur ingenjörer arbetar med krav i företaget eftersom en ny säkerhetsstandard är på väg att implementeras, vilket innebär en förändring av kravarbetet. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur ambitionen att arbeta med krav är hos Scania och att identifiera faktorer som kan hindra en förbättring av arbetet med krav. Denna studie bidrar med att ge stöd vid tillämpning av nya metoder under implementeringen av en ny säkerhetsstandard. Litteratur inom områdena organisationsförändring, förändringshantering och kravhantering beaktas. En kvalitativ fallstudie hos en fordonstillverkare har genomförts där data samlades in genom 21 semistrukturerade intervjuer och från interna dokument. Resultaten visar att ambitionsnivån från ett företagsperspektiv inte är tydligt på Scania, vilket gör att ingenjörerna eller avdelningar sätter en individuell ambition för att arbeta med krav och arbetar på olika sätt inom organisationen. Dessutom har flera faktorer så som standardisering och olika arbetssätt identifierats, vilka kan förhindra ett förändringsinitiativ för en förbättring av kravhanteringsprocessen. Resultaten bidrar till att förstå ingenjörers syften och motivationen för kravhantering. Vidare undersöks förändringsinitiativ inom kravhantering samt faktorer som kan förhindra förändringen. Dessutom undersöks hur säkerhetskritiska system utvecklas med användning av krav. Det föreslås att framtida studier kan jämföra andra enheters och företags kravhantering, och även utnyttja kvalitativa metoder. Originalitet – Enligt författarnas uppfattning är detta den första studien som undersöker förändringsinitiativ med Scheins förändringsmodell i samband med kravhantering.
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Untersuchungen zum Einfluss verschiedener Mund-Nase-Schutzmasken auf die beweissichere AtemalkoholmessungSeibt, J., Heide, S., Budde, D., Pietsch, J. 11 June 2024 (has links)
Anlässlich eines richterlichen Gutachtenauftrages zur Frage, ob das Tragen von Mund-Nase-Schutzmasken zu einer Verfälschung des Atemalkoholmesswertes zuungunsten des Angeklagten führen kann, erfolgte unter Pandemiebedingungen eine experimentelle Testreihe an 6 gesunden Proband*innen (4 Männer, 2 Frauen), die risikoarmen Freizeitalkoholkonsum betrieben. Pro Untersuchungstag wurde jeweils ein Maskentyp (Op.-Maske, Textilmaske, FFP2-Maske) untersucht. Nach Aufnahme einer individuell berechneten Menge Alkohol und einer 30-minütigen Resorptionsphase erfolgten in halbstündigen Abständen 6 aufeinanderfolgende Atemalkoholmessungen, wobei zwischen den Messungen jeweils im Wechsel eine der Masken oder keine Maske getragen wurde. Anschließend wurden Wertepaare für Zeiträume mit und ohne Maske gebildet und die stündlichen Atemalkoholabbauraten berechnet. Im Ergebnis unterschieden sich die Atemalkoholabbauraten mit und ohne Masken nicht voneinander. Fehlermeldungen durch das Atemalkoholmessgerät, die auf das vorherige Tragen einer Maske zurückzuführen sind, traten nicht auf.
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Grundlagsändring, en komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Spanien : En komparativrättslig konstitutionell studie om grundlagsändring i Sverige och SpanienRantanen, Marina, Okurame, Nancy January 2023 (has links)
Följande uppsats kommer att utreda samt komparera den juridiska institutionen för grundlagsändring mellan länderna Sverige och Spanien. Detta kommer att genomföras i en komparativrättslig metod för att kunna analysera och diskutera vardera lands reglering kring detta ämne. Uppsatsen redovisar hur en grundlagsändringsprocedur går till i praktiken, men även vilka som kan initiera ändringen samt vad för regleringar som finns gällande grundlagsändring. Materialet som kommer att användas är väsentligen de traditionella juridiska källorna samt somliga publikationer från media. Det kommer att dras slutsatser gällande skillnaderna respektive likheterna i slutet av uppsatsen för att summera all information samt analysen. / This following essay will investigate and compare the legal institution for constitutional amendment between the countries of Sweden and Spain. This will be carried out in a comparative legal method in order to be able to analyze and discuss each country’s regulation around this subject. The essay describes how a constitutional amendment procedure works in practice, but also who can initiate the amendment and what regulations exist regarding the constitutional amendment. The material that will be used in this essay is essentially the traditional legal sources as well as some publications from the media. Conclusions will be drawn regarding the differences and similarities at the end of the essay to summarize all the information and the analysis.
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