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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza využití stavebního spoření v ČR / Analysis of the use of building savings in the Czech Republic

Zahálková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the possibilities of financing housing, in particular savings instrument. The main goal is to determine, what are the differences between building savings banks, especially in the product. Another goal is to monitor and evaluate the options selected housing financing in the Czech Republic. The work focuses on market analysis, building societies and comparison of their products. The first part deals with the explanation of the concepts of housing and savings, including the establishment process of building savings and loan drawdown of savings. Attention is also paid to support housing programs from various government entities. Another part describes building savings banks operating on the Czech market. The last part describes and compares the conditions of products, what conclusions arise that are described in the summary at the end of work. Finally, the work summarizes the most important facts from all the chapters.

Analýza nových princípov regulácie Basel III / Analysis of the new Basel III regulatory principles

Turjaková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the development of the regulatory framework and its current state according to the latest Basel III framework. The new rules were created as a response to the financial crisis that started in 2007. The framework represents significant increase in quality, amount and transparency of the capital base in comparison with the pre-crisis situation. Basel III has both micro and macroprudential focus. The diploma thesis describes the development and shortcomings of regulatory framework that necessitated revisions of the regulatory rules over time. These rules evolve with the changes in the financial system and the way how financial risks are managed. Although the roots of financial crisis are related to the mortgage-backed securities market, the banking sector played an important role in spreading the problems. Therefore the diploma thesis will also concentrate on fundamental flaws that contributed to the financial crisis. Then the immediate corrective action taken as a response to the financial crisis are described. After that, the Basel III rules are presented in detail. The newest monitoring of the rules carried out by the Basel Committe and cost analysis carried out by IMF including evaluation based on various analyses of Basel III are presented. Basel III has addressed most of the flaws revealed in Basel II. However, some issues still remain unsolved, which can lead to future problems with the financial system stability.

Program pro plánování rozvrhů / Timetable Planning Software

Vosáhlo, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the design and implementation of a multi-user web application for scheduling timetables and exams at the Faculty of Information Technology of the Brno University of Technology. This application will provide the user with supporting tools for the manual placement of the timetable windows. Thanks to the algorithm for pre calculating the longest collisions, this application can detect collisions in real time and display information about the number of lectures or exams for students in one day. It will also automatically check the teacher's requirements for the course timetable and automatically allocate exams to rooms. Registered users can create their own timetables and if they think that their version is better than the official one, they can propose it to the administrator directly in the application. Thanks to the history recording mechanism for timetable windows, users will be able to quickly and efficiently return unwanted changes back. In this thesis I will also describe the procedures and problems which occurs in the planning process and all the criteria that the schedule must meet.

Návrh vytápění rekreačního domku / Design of a weekend house heating

Rajdlík, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with design of different variants of heating and warming of hot service water for holiday building (year-round weekend house, made of bricks). After calculations of the design heat load and heat requirement for heating and warming of hot service water for different types of operations the suitable heat sources are chosen. For heat sources the general design of heating is made. In the end the thesis includes economical analysis for each variant in view of investment and operating costs. The most suitable heat source is chosen from the results of analysis.

Zavedení vybraných prvků systému environmentálního managementu podle ISO 14001 v podniku / Implementation of selected environmental management system elements according to ISO 14001 in company

Bartolšic, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with creation of environmental management system according to standard ISO 14001:2016 in a manufacturing plant. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the development of ecology worldwide, including its relation to industry, mandatory legislative requirements for an enterprise with the aspect of environmental protection, description of the systems EMAS and ISO 14001: 2016 and the comparison of their requirements. Finally, the theoretical part includes the introduction of the company in which the practical part of the work was implemented. The practical part of the thesis describes the requirements of individual chapters of ISO 14001: 2016 and they are compared with the actual state of company. Subsequently, the author of the thesis created all required documentation for the missing parts of the standard (e.g. environmental policy, environmental aspects, binding obligations of the company and others). This documentation should be implemented by the company in all its departments for successful certification according to ISO 14001: 2016.

Tepelné čerpadlo v trivalentním systému vytápění / Heat pump in multivalent heating system

Šedý, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Thesis deals with the usage of energy from recoverable resources. Theoretical part of thesis includes the description of the utilisation of heating pumps, solar radiation and biomass. The real status of the implementation is described in the second part of the thesis. Last part of the thesis contains the energy and economy valuation of real implementation.

Efecto de la gestión del riesgo de crédito en la rentabilidad de los bancos peruanos / Effect of credit risk management on the profitability of Peruvian banks

Trujillo Aliaga, Erick Josué 12 December 2020 (has links)
Los bancos tienen como principal actividad para generar ingresos a la creación de créditos; sin embargo, debido a la incertidumbre que enfrentan al realizar sus operaciones, se ven expuestos al riesgo de crédito. Lo anterior crea un impacto negativo en el desempeño y rentabilidad bancaria; de ahí la importancia de la gestión de riesgo de crédito para garantizar la solidez financiera de los bancos. La presente investigación busca determinar cómo la gestión del riesgo de crédito afecta a la rentabilidad de los bancos peruanos, debido a que en los últimos años se muestra que los principales indicadores de gestión de riesgo de crédito se están deteriorando. La estimación se realiza a través de una base de datos longitudinal y la aplicación de la metodología Datos de Panel de Efectos Fijos teniendo como variable endógena a la rentabilidad y como exógena a dos indicadores de gestión de riesgo de crédito: El ratio de la cartera morosa y el ratio de adecuación de capital. Los resultados obtenidos indican que una inadecuada gestión de riesgo de crédito de los bancos peruanos afecta negativa su rentabilidad, pero no los llevan hasta el punto de quebrar o generar grietas en el sistema bancario. Por último, un banco con mayor tamaño incrementa su rentabilidad, ya que invierte en mejores herramientas para mejorar su gestión de riesgo de crédito. / Banks have as their main activity to generate income to the creation of credits; however, due to the uncertainty they face when carrying out their operations, they are exposed to credit risk. This creates a negative impact on bank performance and profitability; hence the importance of credit risk management to guarantee the financial soundness of banks. This research seeks to determine how credit risk management affects the profitability of Peruvian banks, since in recent years it has been shown that the main indicators of credit risk management are deteriorating. The estimation will be made through a longitudinal database and the application of the Fixed Effects Panel Data methodology, taking profitability as endogenous variable and two credit risk management indicators as exogenous: the delinquent portfolio ratio. and the capital adequacy ratio. The results obtained indicate that an inadequate credit risk management of Peruvian banks negatively affects their profitability but does not lead them to the point of going bankrupt or generating cracks in the banking system. Finally, a larger bank increases its profitability, as it invests in better tools to improve its credit risk management. / Trabajo de investigación

Impacto de la política macroprudencial en la economía peruana: un modelo semi-estructural / The Impact of Macroprudential Policy in Peru: A semi structural Model

Osorio Fernández, André Nicolás 26 November 2020 (has links)
El presente documento investiga los efectos de la política macroprudencial, medida por el requerimiento de capital sobre la economía peruana. Este estudio adapta y estima un modelo semi-estructural a la economía peruana, incorporando un instrumento de política macroprudencial y el sector crediticio. Para su estimación se utilizan datos de frecuencia trimestral y se estima mediante el Método Generalizado de Momentos. Se encuentra que el requerimiento de capital tiene un efecto negativo sobre el crecimiento del crédito y producto, y sobre la inflación. Además, mediante un análisis de escenarios se encuentra que los costos de la política macroprudencial resultan mayores que los de política monetaria. Por último, se encuentran indicios de que la política macroprudencial y monetaria deben coordinarse. / This document investigates the effects of macroprudential policy on the Peruvian economy, measured as the capital requirement ratio. This study adapts and estimates a semi-structural model to the Peruvian economy, incorporating a macroprudential policy instrument and a credit sector. The model is estimated using quarterly frequency data. It is estimated using the Generalized Method of Moments. The capital requirement has a negative effect on the growth of credit and product, and on inflation. Furthermore, through a scenario analysis, it is found that the costs of macroprudential policy are higher than those of monetary policy. Finally, there are signs that macroprudential and monetary policy need to be coordinated. / Trabajo de investigación

Återvinning av solcellsmoduler i Sverige : En undersökning av de energitekniska, ekonomiska och politiska förutsättningarna

Andersson, Stephanie January 2021 (has links)
The solar industry is one of the fastest-growing energy industries in the global market. The reason is a combination of the falling prices of modules and inverters and increased conversion to fossil-free energy production. When a photovoltaic module reaches the end of its life it needs to be replaced and discarded, which can create a sustainability problem depending on how this is managed. Today, less than 10% of the global photovoltaic waste is recycled. Only the European Union has implemented photovoltaic waste regulations in the form of the WEEE Directive, which requires that 85% of the waste is collected and at least 80% of waste collected must be prepared for reuse or recycling. This master thesis examines the energy technical, economic, and political conditions for a Swedish photovoltaic recycling plant. This is done through a literary study that is enhanced with calculations of future potential waste volumes and their economic value. As an alternative to a Swedish plant, the energy consumption for transporting waste to existing recycling plants in Europe is evaluated. The photovoltaic technologies included in this work are silicon-based mono-and polycrystalline modules, cadmium tellurium (CdTe) and copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS). Based on the calculations and the literature study, the energy technical conditions are good and not a barrier for a potential facility, the political conditions are deficient, and regulations need further development. The economic conditions constitute the largest barrier as waste volumes are not large enough for a Swedish facility to be economically profitable until 2042. The energy consumption for transport to existing recycling plants in Europe was 22 MJ/module for silicon-based mono-and polycrystalline modules and 10 MJ/module for CdTe modules. Which is a good alternative to a Swedish plant as collection processes and recycling processes are already in place.

Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR) for Market Risks : A quantitative assessment of the Standard formula and its adequacy for a Swedish insurance company / Kapitalbaskrav för marknadsrisker under Solvens II : En kvantitativ utvärdering av Standardformeln och dess lämplighet för ett svenskt försäkringsbolag

Widing, Björn January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to validate the adequacy of the Standard formula, used to calculate the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR), with respect to a Swedish insurance company. The sub-modules evaluated are Equity risk (type 1) and Interest rate risk. The validation uses a quantitative assessment and the concept of Value at Risk (VaR). Additionally, investment strategies for risk free assets are evaluated through a scenario based analysis. The findings support that the Equity shock of 39%, as proposed in the Standard formula, is appropriate for a diversified portfolio of global equities. Furthermore, to some extent; the Equity shock is also sufficient for a diversified global portfolio with an overweight of Swedish equities. Additionally, the findings shows that the Standard formula for Interest rate risks occasionally underestimates the true Interest rate risk. Furthermore, it’s shown that there are some advantage of selecting an investment strategy that stabilizes the Own fund of an insurance company rather than a strategy that minimizes the SCR. / Syftet med detta arbete är att utvärdera Standardformeln, som används för att beräkna solvenskapitalkravet (SCR) under Solvens II, med avseende på dess lämplighet för ett svensk försäkringsbolag. Modulerna som utvärderas är aktierisk (typ 1) och ränterisk. Utvärderingen genomförs med kvantitativa metoder och utifrån konceptet Value at Risk (VaR). Dessutom utvärderas investeringsstrategier för riskfria tillgångar genom en scenariobaserad analys. Resultaten stödjer att den av Standardformeln föreskrivna aktiechocken på -39 % är tillräcklig för en diversifierad global aktieportfölj. Dessutom är aktiechocken även tillräcklig för en diversifierad global portfölj med en viss övervikt mot svenska aktier. Vidare visar resultaten att Standardformeln under vissa omständigheter underskattar ränterisken. Slutligen visar den scenariobaserade analysen att det är fördelaktigt att välja en investeringsstrategi som stabiliserar Own fund, hellre än en strategi som minimerar SCR.

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