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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Edukologijos krypties švietimo vadybos specialybės magistrantų baigiamųjų darbų rengimo proceso kokybė: tyriminių kompetencijų kontekstas / Quality of the process of final master’s degree theses preparation of education management speciality in the field of education: context of research competences

Siminauskytė, Skaistė 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijose yra ugdomi pirmieji mokslinio darbo įgūdžiai ir išryškėja būsimųjų tyrėjų gebėjimai savarankiškai tęsti, gilinti bei skleisti įgytas žinias. Vienas pagrindinių antrosios studijų pakopos siekių – išugdyti kompetentingą tyrėją bei suinteresuoti jį tęsti studijas doktorantūroje, tad magistrantai – tai mokslininkų gretų papildymo rezervas. Tyrimo objektas. Edukologijos krypties Švietimo vadybos specialybės magistrantai. Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti Edukologijos krypties Švietimo vadybos specialybės magistrantų studijų metu įgytas tyrimines kompetencijas, orientuojantis į magistro baigiamųjų darbų rengimo procesą. Tyrimo metodai. Teoriniai: su tyrimo problema susijusios literatūros analizė; empiriniai: turinio (content) analizė, anketinė apklausa; duomenų analizės metodai: programos Windows Microsoft Exel ir SPSS. 17.0 (Statistical package For Social Science). Tyrime dalyvavo 41 Edukologijos krypties Švietimo vadybos specialybės magistrantūros absolventas bei 17 pirmo kurso magistrantų iš ŠU, KU, VPU, VDU. Metodologiniu tyrimo pagrindu laikytini humanistinės filosofinės teorijos principai. Tyrimo hipotezė. Tikėtina, kad Edukologijos krypties Švietimo vadybos specialybės magistrantūros absolventai studijų metu yra įgiję tyriminių kompetencijų, būtinų baigiamojo darbo rengimui. Tyrimo rezultatai. Tyrimo rezultatai iš dalies patvirtino hipotezę – magistrantūros absolventai yra įgiję tyriminių kompetencijų, būtinų baigiamojo darbo rengimui, tačiau jos yra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Master's program students are developing their skills needed to continue, deepen and disseminate knowledge. One of the main aims of the second cycle - educate competent researchers, and interested them to continue his doctoral studies. Master`s is the addition of reserve armies of scientists. Object of the research. Master's students of Educational Management speciality Aim of the research. To investigate gained research competencies of Educational Management speciality on the Master's thesis preparation process. Research methods. Theory: literature analysis witch associated with research problem; empirical: content analysis, questionnaire survey, data analysis methods: programs Windows Microsoft Exel ir SPSS. 17.0 (Statistical package For Social Science). The research includes 41 Master's student of Educational Management speciality and 17 first course Master`s from ŠU, KU, VPU, VDU. Hypothesis of the research. Students of Educational Management speciality have gained research competencies necessary for the preparation of the final thesis. Results. Results of research partially confirmed the hypothesis that Master's graduates students have gained research competences, needed for the final thesis preparation, but those are not sufficiently developed. Main part in witch students lack of research competences are conclusions and recommendations.

A Practitioner Researcher perspective on facilitating an open, infinite, chaordic simulation. Learning to Engage with Theory while Putting Myself Into Practice

January 2003 (has links)
This thesis investigates two intertwined themes. The first concerns the development of a framework for understanding, and making appropriate use of, simulations and games as tools for learning. The second concerns the utilisation of the term PractitionerResearcher to reflect the unity of practice and research activity in creating 'working knowledge' (Symes 2000). These themes are intertwined in the sense that the route I take to understanding simulations and games is through the stance of a PractitionerResearcher. Conversely the thesis aims to draw out what it means to be a PractitionerResearcher through my engagement as a facilitator of simulations and games. I argue that the knowledge I generate as a PractitionerResearcher is utilitarian and pragmatic. Grounded in my practice as an adult educator it utilises theoretical perspectives chosen for immediate relevance rather than because of any claims to 'truth' or permanence. Understanding how this shapes and influences my practice was a complex, difficult process. Using an auto-ethnographic approach, Chapter 1 outlines the development of my 'working knowledge' as a PractitionerResearcher. It draws on selected personal experiences in my work as an adult educator using simulations and games for teaching and learning. While curiosity about historical facts initiated the research reported in Chapter 2, the chapter focuses on uses of historical precedent for generating greater understanding, and acceptance by participants, of simulations and games as teaching/learning strategies. It identifies a range of contributions - from war games, religious games, and children's play - to the structuring of modern educational simulations and games. Chapter 3 explores approaches to classifying simulations and games. Its development brought a gradual realisation of the futility of trying to establish a single definitive categorisation system for all simulations and games. Understanding how they can be arranged in a variety of different relationships provides a better insight into their general features and helps in making decisions about when and how to use specific activities. One outcome of the work for this chapter was the realisation of some simulations as 'open and infinite' in nature, and that XB - simulation of importance in my practice - is such a simulation. Chapter 4 uses concepts developed in the field of chaos theory to illustrate how certain simulations create messy but 'chaordic' (Hock 2002) rather than dis-orderly learning contexts. 'Chaos/chaotic' once meant only dis-order, 'messiness' and unpredictability. Twentieth century scientific discoveries illustrate that order is concealed within 'chaos' producing richly complex patterns when viewed from the right perspective. I argue that 'chaos' concepts can be usefully applied to open and infinite simulations to demonstrate how they are similarly 'chaordic'. XB (for eXperience Based learning) is an open, infinite chaordic simulation, and has been a driving force in my practice for six years. The case study in Chapter 5 introduces the 'world according to XB' and takes the reader 'inside' participants' experiences as the unfolding nature of their learning is revealed in the way they apply theories of organisational behaviour to immediate behaviours. Chapter 6 reflects on my experiences of facilitating XB, via a review of interactions with some past XB participants. The influence of such a learning process on my practice is analysed. The emotional impact of these interactions has brought a better understanding of my own practice, and the chapter considers the concept of 'dispassionate reflexivity' as an aid for the facilitator in such contexts. Chapter 7 examines the evolution and distinctive features of the PractitionerResearcher in more detail. As an educator, a consistent focus of my work has been simultaneously 'to know more' and 'to be able to do better' - and it is the interdependence of these that lies at the heart of what it means to be a PractitionerResearcher. It is my hope that this thesis offers a solution for practitioners wanting to combine 'research' and 'practice' into a practical and scientifically rigorous 'whole'. For such professionals the PractitionerResearcher model offers an integrated approach, combining and validating 'learning in action' and 'learning for action'.

Negotiating the pull of the normal: embodied narratives of living with hepatitis C in New Zealand and Australia

Harris, Magdalena, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Hepatitis C is known as the ??silent epidemic??. Globally 170 million people live with chronic hepatitis C, yet it receives little policy, media or public attention. In developed countries the blood-borne virus is primarily transmitted through illicit drug injecting practices, aiding its silenced and stigmatised status. In this thesis I uncover some of these silences by exploring the narratives of forty people living with hepatitis C in New Zealand and Australia. My status as a person living with hepatitis C informed all aspects of this research project; I therefore also include my own experiences, foregrounding researcher reflexivity and the co-constructed nature of the interview process. My aims are both practical and theoretical. On a practical level I explore the experiences of people living with hepatitis C in order to inform recommendations for policy, research and practice, while also working to elucidate and employ an approach that allows for an analysis of the ill body as a lived experiencing agent, located in a substantive web of connections whereby discourse, corporeality and sociality, inform and mediate one another. To this end I employ a ??political phenomenology?? influenced by phenomenological and poststructuralist theoretical approaches. The central, previously under-researched, issues that arose in participants?? narratives structure the chapter outline, with results chapters focusing on participants?? experiences of diagnosis, living with hepatitis C, stigma, support group membership, alcohol use, and hepatitis C treatment. For many participants, it was found that living with hepatitis C was a liminal experience where distinctions between what it was to be healthy or ill were not clear-cut. Indeed, many of the participants?? narratives exposed the inadequacy of Western binary categorisations to speak to their experiences of living with hepatitis C. Throughout this thesis it can be seen that the meanings that participants ascribed to health, illness, and their hepatitis C were fluid and contextual, informed by the interplay of corporeality and discourse. From this interplay comes the ability to speak into the gaps of dominant discourses, creating the potential for the disruption, or subtle realignment, of normative ways of knowing.

Negotiating the pull of the normal: embodied narratives of living with hepatitis C in New Zealand and Australia

Harris, Magdalena, National Centre in HIV Social Research, Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
Hepatitis C is known as the ??silent epidemic??. Globally 170 million people live with chronic hepatitis C, yet it receives little policy, media or public attention. In developed countries the blood-borne virus is primarily transmitted through illicit drug injecting practices, aiding its silenced and stigmatised status. In this thesis I uncover some of these silences by exploring the narratives of forty people living with hepatitis C in New Zealand and Australia. My status as a person living with hepatitis C informed all aspects of this research project; I therefore also include my own experiences, foregrounding researcher reflexivity and the co-constructed nature of the interview process. My aims are both practical and theoretical. On a practical level I explore the experiences of people living with hepatitis C in order to inform recommendations for policy, research and practice, while also working to elucidate and employ an approach that allows for an analysis of the ill body as a lived experiencing agent, located in a substantive web of connections whereby discourse, corporeality and sociality, inform and mediate one another. To this end I employ a ??political phenomenology?? influenced by phenomenological and poststructuralist theoretical approaches. The central, previously under-researched, issues that arose in participants?? narratives structure the chapter outline, with results chapters focusing on participants?? experiences of diagnosis, living with hepatitis C, stigma, support group membership, alcohol use, and hepatitis C treatment. For many participants, it was found that living with hepatitis C was a liminal experience where distinctions between what it was to be healthy or ill were not clear-cut. Indeed, many of the participants?? narratives exposed the inadequacy of Western binary categorisations to speak to their experiences of living with hepatitis C. Throughout this thesis it can be seen that the meanings that participants ascribed to health, illness, and their hepatitis C were fluid and contextual, informed by the interplay of corporeality and discourse. From this interplay comes the ability to speak into the gaps of dominant discourses, creating the potential for the disruption, or subtle realignment, of normative ways of knowing.

Rep-Index : uma abordagem abrangente e adaptável para identificar reputação acadêmica / Rep-Index : a comprehensive and adaptable approach to identify academic reputation

Cervi, Cristiano Roberto January 2013 (has links)
A tarefa de avaliar a produção científica de um pesquisador é fortemente baseada na análise de seu currículo. É o que fazem, por exemplo, as agências de fomento à pesquisa e desenvolvimento ou comissões de avaliação, quando necessitam considerar a produção científica dos pesquisadores no processo de concessão de bolsas e auxílios, na seleção de consultores e membros de comitês, na aprovação de projetos ou simplesmente para avaliar o conceito de um programa de pós-graduação. Nesse contexto, a modelagem de perfis de pesquisadores é tarefa fundamental, especialmente quando se quer avaliar a reputação dos pesquisadores. Isto pode ocorrer por meio de um processo de análise da trajetória de toda a carreira científica do pesquisador. Tal processo envolve não somente aspectos relacionados a artigos ou livros publicados, mas também por outros elementos inerentes à atividade de um pesquisador, como orientações de trabalhos de mestrado e de doutorado; participação em defesas de mestrado e de doutorado; trabalhos apresentados em conferências; participação em projetos de pesquisa, inserção internacional, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho é especificar um modelo de perfil de pesquisadores (Rep- Model) e uma métrica para medir reputação acadêmica (Rep-Index). O processo de modelagem do perfil envolve a definição de quais informações são relevantes para a especificação do perfil e as apresenta por meio de 18 elementos e 5 categorias. O processo para medir a reputação do pesquisador é definido por uma métrica que gera um índice. Esse índice é calculado mediante a utilização dos elementos constantes no perfil do pesquisador. Para avaliar a abordagem proposta na tese, diversos experimentos foram realizados. Os experimentos envolveram a avaliação dos elementos do Rep-Model por meio de análise de correlação e por algoritmos de mineração de dados. O Rep-Index também foi avaliado e correlacionado com duas métricas amplamente utilizadas na comunidade científica, o h-index e o g-index. Como baseline, foram utilizados todos os pesquisadores do CNPq das áreas de Ciência da Computação, Economia e Odontologia. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese está inserido no contexto da identificação da reputação de pesquisadores no âmbito acadêmico. A abordagem desta tese tem como premissa ser abrangente e adaptável, pois envolve a vida científica do pesquisador construída ao longo de sua carreira científica e pode ser utilizada em diferentes áreas e em diferentes contextos. / The task of evaluating the scientific production of a researcher is based strongly on the analysis of their curriculum. It's what makes the agencies for research support or evaluation committees, when they need to consider the scientific production of researchers in the process of awarding grants and aid in the selection of consultants and committee members in approving projects or simply to assess the concept of a program graduate. In that context, the modeling of profiles of researchers is fundamental task especially when one wants to evaluate the reputation of the researchers. This can occur by means of a process of analysis of the trajectory of all the scientific career of the researcher. Such process involves not only aspects related to papers or books, but also other elements inherent in the activity of a researcher, as orientations of master’s degree and doctorate; participation in defense of master's and doctoral degrees; papers presented in conferences, participation in research projects, international integration, among others. This proposal specifies a profile template for researchers (Rep-Model) and a metric to measure academic reputation (Rep-Index). The profile modeling process involves define which information is relevant to the specification of the profile and shows through 18 elements and 5 categories. The process for measuring researcher's reputation is defined by a metric that generates an index. This index is calculated by using the information contained in the profile of the researcher. To evaluate the approach proposed in the thesis, extensive experiments were conducted. The experiments involved the evaluation of Rep-Model by means of correlation analysis and data mining algorithms. The Rep-Index was also evaluated and correlated with two metrics widely used in the scientific community, the h-index and gindex. As a baseline, all of CNPq researchers in the areas of Computer Science, Economics and Dentistry were used. The work in this thesis is set in the context of identifying the reputation of researchers within the academic sphere. The approach of this thesis is premised be comprehensive and adaptable, because it involves the life science researcher built throughout his scientific career and can be used in different research areas and in different contexts.

Rep-Index : uma abordagem abrangente e adaptável para identificar reputação acadêmica / Rep-Index : a comprehensive and adaptable approach to identify academic reputation

Cervi, Cristiano Roberto January 2013 (has links)
A tarefa de avaliar a produção científica de um pesquisador é fortemente baseada na análise de seu currículo. É o que fazem, por exemplo, as agências de fomento à pesquisa e desenvolvimento ou comissões de avaliação, quando necessitam considerar a produção científica dos pesquisadores no processo de concessão de bolsas e auxílios, na seleção de consultores e membros de comitês, na aprovação de projetos ou simplesmente para avaliar o conceito de um programa de pós-graduação. Nesse contexto, a modelagem de perfis de pesquisadores é tarefa fundamental, especialmente quando se quer avaliar a reputação dos pesquisadores. Isto pode ocorrer por meio de um processo de análise da trajetória de toda a carreira científica do pesquisador. Tal processo envolve não somente aspectos relacionados a artigos ou livros publicados, mas também por outros elementos inerentes à atividade de um pesquisador, como orientações de trabalhos de mestrado e de doutorado; participação em defesas de mestrado e de doutorado; trabalhos apresentados em conferências; participação em projetos de pesquisa, inserção internacional, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho é especificar um modelo de perfil de pesquisadores (Rep- Model) e uma métrica para medir reputação acadêmica (Rep-Index). O processo de modelagem do perfil envolve a definição de quais informações são relevantes para a especificação do perfil e as apresenta por meio de 18 elementos e 5 categorias. O processo para medir a reputação do pesquisador é definido por uma métrica que gera um índice. Esse índice é calculado mediante a utilização dos elementos constantes no perfil do pesquisador. Para avaliar a abordagem proposta na tese, diversos experimentos foram realizados. Os experimentos envolveram a avaliação dos elementos do Rep-Model por meio de análise de correlação e por algoritmos de mineração de dados. O Rep-Index também foi avaliado e correlacionado com duas métricas amplamente utilizadas na comunidade científica, o h-index e o g-index. Como baseline, foram utilizados todos os pesquisadores do CNPq das áreas de Ciência da Computação, Economia e Odontologia. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese está inserido no contexto da identificação da reputação de pesquisadores no âmbito acadêmico. A abordagem desta tese tem como premissa ser abrangente e adaptável, pois envolve a vida científica do pesquisador construída ao longo de sua carreira científica e pode ser utilizada em diferentes áreas e em diferentes contextos. / The task of evaluating the scientific production of a researcher is based strongly on the analysis of their curriculum. It's what makes the agencies for research support or evaluation committees, when they need to consider the scientific production of researchers in the process of awarding grants and aid in the selection of consultants and committee members in approving projects or simply to assess the concept of a program graduate. In that context, the modeling of profiles of researchers is fundamental task especially when one wants to evaluate the reputation of the researchers. This can occur by means of a process of analysis of the trajectory of all the scientific career of the researcher. Such process involves not only aspects related to papers or books, but also other elements inherent in the activity of a researcher, as orientations of master’s degree and doctorate; participation in defense of master's and doctoral degrees; papers presented in conferences, participation in research projects, international integration, among others. This proposal specifies a profile template for researchers (Rep-Model) and a metric to measure academic reputation (Rep-Index). The profile modeling process involves define which information is relevant to the specification of the profile and shows through 18 elements and 5 categories. The process for measuring researcher's reputation is defined by a metric that generates an index. This index is calculated by using the information contained in the profile of the researcher. To evaluate the approach proposed in the thesis, extensive experiments were conducted. The experiments involved the evaluation of Rep-Model by means of correlation analysis and data mining algorithms. The Rep-Index was also evaluated and correlated with two metrics widely used in the scientific community, the h-index and gindex. As a baseline, all of CNPq researchers in the areas of Computer Science, Economics and Dentistry were used. The work in this thesis is set in the context of identifying the reputation of researchers within the academic sphere. The approach of this thesis is premised be comprehensive and adaptable, because it involves the life science researcher built throughout his scientific career and can be used in different research areas and in different contexts.

Rep-Index : uma abordagem abrangente e adaptável para identificar reputação acadêmica / Rep-Index : a comprehensive and adaptable approach to identify academic reputation

Cervi, Cristiano Roberto January 2013 (has links)
A tarefa de avaliar a produção científica de um pesquisador é fortemente baseada na análise de seu currículo. É o que fazem, por exemplo, as agências de fomento à pesquisa e desenvolvimento ou comissões de avaliação, quando necessitam considerar a produção científica dos pesquisadores no processo de concessão de bolsas e auxílios, na seleção de consultores e membros de comitês, na aprovação de projetos ou simplesmente para avaliar o conceito de um programa de pós-graduação. Nesse contexto, a modelagem de perfis de pesquisadores é tarefa fundamental, especialmente quando se quer avaliar a reputação dos pesquisadores. Isto pode ocorrer por meio de um processo de análise da trajetória de toda a carreira científica do pesquisador. Tal processo envolve não somente aspectos relacionados a artigos ou livros publicados, mas também por outros elementos inerentes à atividade de um pesquisador, como orientações de trabalhos de mestrado e de doutorado; participação em defesas de mestrado e de doutorado; trabalhos apresentados em conferências; participação em projetos de pesquisa, inserção internacional, dentre outros. O objetivo deste trabalho é especificar um modelo de perfil de pesquisadores (Rep- Model) e uma métrica para medir reputação acadêmica (Rep-Index). O processo de modelagem do perfil envolve a definição de quais informações são relevantes para a especificação do perfil e as apresenta por meio de 18 elementos e 5 categorias. O processo para medir a reputação do pesquisador é definido por uma métrica que gera um índice. Esse índice é calculado mediante a utilização dos elementos constantes no perfil do pesquisador. Para avaliar a abordagem proposta na tese, diversos experimentos foram realizados. Os experimentos envolveram a avaliação dos elementos do Rep-Model por meio de análise de correlação e por algoritmos de mineração de dados. O Rep-Index também foi avaliado e correlacionado com duas métricas amplamente utilizadas na comunidade científica, o h-index e o g-index. Como baseline, foram utilizados todos os pesquisadores do CNPq das áreas de Ciência da Computação, Economia e Odontologia. O trabalho desenvolvido nesta tese está inserido no contexto da identificação da reputação de pesquisadores no âmbito acadêmico. A abordagem desta tese tem como premissa ser abrangente e adaptável, pois envolve a vida científica do pesquisador construída ao longo de sua carreira científica e pode ser utilizada em diferentes áreas e em diferentes contextos. / The task of evaluating the scientific production of a researcher is based strongly on the analysis of their curriculum. It's what makes the agencies for research support or evaluation committees, when they need to consider the scientific production of researchers in the process of awarding grants and aid in the selection of consultants and committee members in approving projects or simply to assess the concept of a program graduate. In that context, the modeling of profiles of researchers is fundamental task especially when one wants to evaluate the reputation of the researchers. This can occur by means of a process of analysis of the trajectory of all the scientific career of the researcher. Such process involves not only aspects related to papers or books, but also other elements inherent in the activity of a researcher, as orientations of master’s degree and doctorate; participation in defense of master's and doctoral degrees; papers presented in conferences, participation in research projects, international integration, among others. This proposal specifies a profile template for researchers (Rep-Model) and a metric to measure academic reputation (Rep-Index). The profile modeling process involves define which information is relevant to the specification of the profile and shows through 18 elements and 5 categories. The process for measuring researcher's reputation is defined by a metric that generates an index. This index is calculated by using the information contained in the profile of the researcher. To evaluate the approach proposed in the thesis, extensive experiments were conducted. The experiments involved the evaluation of Rep-Model by means of correlation analysis and data mining algorithms. The Rep-Index was also evaluated and correlated with two metrics widely used in the scientific community, the h-index and gindex. As a baseline, all of CNPq researchers in the areas of Computer Science, Economics and Dentistry were used. The work in this thesis is set in the context of identifying the reputation of researchers within the academic sphere. The approach of this thesis is premised be comprehensive and adaptable, because it involves the life science researcher built throughout his scientific career and can be used in different research areas and in different contexts.

De como cadeiras se movem : escrevendo meu movimento, movimentando minha escrita, uma experiência a/r/tográfica em dança / On how chairs move : writing my movement, moving my writing an a/r/tographic experience in dance

Maçaneiro, Scheila Mara, 1963- 23 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Márcia Maria Strazzacappa Hernandez / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T22:29:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Macaneiro_ScheilaMara_D.pdf: 4566778 bytes, checksum: 87add999cd67da5dd938b68d86c42968 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Foi movendo cadeiras que trabalhei nessa investigação em Dança. Por meio da metodologia de Pesquisa Educacional Baseada em Arte encontrei na prática pedagógica A/r/tografia um entrelugar educacional que proporciona aos artistas/pesquisadores/professores existirem em contigüidade, num híbrido despertar da mestiçagem texto-corpo. Proposta por professores pesquisadores da Universidade da Columbia Britânica em Vancouver, no Canadá, a A/r/tografia é uma linguagem de fronteiras, um terreno fértil para investigações e vivências artísticas que pelo referencial metafórico do rizoma, proposto por Deleuze e Guattari, são entremeadas pela pesquisa e pelo ensino. A necessidade de auto questionamento instiga a/r/tógrafos a uma prática viva de pesquisa, estimulando relacionamentos que se constituem por comunidades de indivíduos compromissados com um modo de ser/estar no mundo. Pela possibilidade de um estado de entrelaçamento teoria-prática de maneira reflexiva, responsiva e relacional, a A/r/tografia provocou-me um lugar próprio dentro da pesquisa que reverberou por meio da proposição de meus modos de organização (renderings) para as práticas de ensino e supervisão de estágios da Licenciatura em Dança da Faculdade de Artes do Paraná (FAP). Um ambiente de redescobertas permeadas por negociações, em que ensinar dança se constitui como conhecimento, quando imbricado por investigações e construções artísticas. / Abstract: It was by moving chairs that I worked on this research in Dance. Through the methodology of Arts-Based Educational Research, I found in the pedagogical practice A/r/tography, an in-between place in education which enables artists/researchers/teachers to exist in contiguity, a hybrid awakening of a text-body métissage. Proposed by Rita Irwin, along with research professors at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, A/r/tography is a boundaries language, a fertile ground for research and artistic experiences, which in reference to the rhizome metaphor, proposed by Deleuze and Guattari, are interwoven through research and teaching. The need for self-questioning instigates A/r/tographers a living inquiry practice research, fostering relationships that constitute a community of individuals committed to a way of being/living in the world. Because of the possibility of a state of entanglement theory-practice in such a reflective, responsive and relational manner, A/r/tography offered a proper place within the research that reverberated through the proposition of my modes of organization (renderings) for teaching practices and supervision of internships in the undergraduate program in Dance at the Faculty of Arts of Parana (FAP). A rediscovered environment permeated by negotiations, in which teaching dance constitutes as knowledge when nested for investigations and artistic development. / Doutorado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Doutora em Educação

Uma alternativa para o fortalecimento da inovação nas áreas farmacêutica e de biotecnologia no Brasil. / An alternative to reinforce the innovation in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological fields in Brazil.

Fernando Castro Silva Cavalcante 12 February 2009 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta uma alternativa para despertar nos principais players do setor da inovação farmacêutica e biotecnológica um interesse maior em utilizar os resultados das invenções brasileiras de empresas e instituições de pesquisa na produção de novos medicamentos. Considerando o atraso brasileiro em relação aos processos de inovação que derivam do conhecimento cientifico e as inúmeras peculiaridades dessas inovações nas áreas farmacêuticas e biotecnológicas apresentamos algumas sugestões de incremento no arcabouço jurídico nacional com base em estruturas legais e, também, usando parte da legislação americana como paradigma para algumas mudanças. Nesse sentido, sugerimos a criação de sociedades de propósito específico entre os setores público e privado para o desenvolvimento da inovação, o que permitiria que questões estratégicas, como a co-titularidade das patentes, fossem dirimidas em acordos societários (quotistas ou acionistas). Além disso, recomendamos a constituição de um núcleo de inovação tecnológica em institutos de pesquisa como no Instituto Butantan para usufruir dos benefícios da lei de inovação, principalmente em relação ao licenciamento de patentes e, nos moldes do Bayh Dole Act em vigor nos Estados Unidos, sugerimos que o setor público, ao licenciar as patentes, privilegie as empresas nacionais de pequeno porte. / The present work suggests alternatives in the pharma and biotechnology innovation areas to use the results of Brazilian inventions obtained in research institutes and biotechnology companies for the production of novel drugs. We present some suggestions to improve the Brazilian legal system based on legal structures and using examples of the American legal system as a reference. Thus, we suggested setting up specific purposes companies between the public and private sector to develop innovation, which would allow solving strategic questions, such as patent co-ownership, through corporate agreements (quotaholders or shareholders). In addition, we recommend the establishment of a technology innovation office in researches institutes, such as Instituto Butantan to allow it to be able to take advantages offered by the Brazilian innovation law and, along the lines of the Bayh Dole Act, duly in force in United States, we suggested that the public sector, when licensing its patents, grant privileges to small national companies.

A linguagem revelando o desenvolvimento do pesquisador na prática da Iniciação Científica / The language revealing the researchers development in the practice of Scientific Initiation

Thiago Jorge Ferreira Santos 25 February 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender o processo da Iniciação Científica (IC) enquanto um dispositivo de formação do pesquisador na graduação, analisando especificamente o modo como os textos produzidos ao longo da IC podem revelar o desenvolvimento do aluno-pesquisador. Dentre as pesquisas já realizadas sobre a IC, observamos que elas não mostraram a relação entre o pensamento a linguagem nesse percurso formativo. Por isso, tivemos, como objetivos específicos, verificar quais as marcas textuais que nos permitem compreender essa prática científica e de formação por meio da relação entre a linguagem e o pensamento. Para tanto, partimos da teoria do Interacionismo Social (VIGOTSKI, 2001, 2007, 2009) e de estudos contemporâneos acerca da teoria vigotskiana (FRIEDRICH, 2012), sobretudo da noção de funções psicológicas superiores linguagem e pensamento e sua relação na formação dos conceitos científicos. Em seguida, baseamo-nos na corrente do Interacionismo sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2009, 2011), que é uma atualização contemporânea do Interacionismo social e que tem entre seus objetivos estudar o papel da linguagem no desenvolvimento humano e na construção de saberes, com base emVigotski e outros autores. Como dados de pesquisa coletamos os textos que, obrigatoriamente, os estudantes devem produzir no contexto da IC, na Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo. Assim, foram coletados projetos de pesquisa, relatórios finais, apresentações orais de pesquisa com os respectivos resumos de três estudantes do curso de Letras, na habilitação de Português/Francês. Esses dados foram analisados por meio dos níveis de análise textual e discursiva proposta por Bronckart (1999) e os resultados foram discutidos por meio dos sistemas linguageiros, assim como abordados por Bronckart (2008b) e Bota (2011), pelos quais toda produção linguageira sofre três tipos de restrições: social (incluem-se aqui os mecanismos enunciativos como as vozes e as modalizações), psicológica (restrições impostas pelo uso dos tipos de discurso) e lingüística (restrições impostas pelo uso dos conectores e da coesão verbal e nominal). Como resultado da pesquisa, encontramos uma dinâmica específica entre os tipos de discurso e o gênero textual produzido, pois, a cada etapa da pesquisa, os gêneros determinavam a escolha de determinado tipo de discurso. Também verificamos que a coesão nominal pode nos fornecer resultados importantes para a análise do posicionamento do autor empírico no texto, ou seja, a emergência de um posicionamento de pesquisador. Ademais, encontramos dois tipos de vozes no decorrer da Iniciação Científica: a voz do estudante e a voz do pesquisador. A primeira, identificada nos projetos de pesquisa, tem a função de organizar a pesquisa segundo uma ideia central advinda da experiência das estudantes enquanto graduandas em Letras, na habilitação de Português/Francês. A segunda voz, delimitada nos textos finais das pesquisas, o relatório final e a apresentação oral, é a voz do pesquisador, a qual busca a regularidade nos resultados das pesquisas e os nomeia, dando-lhes um contorno conceitual por meio de uma generalização. / This research aimed to understand the process of Scientific Initiation as an educational device in the undergraduate courses, analyzing specifically how the texts produced over the Scientific Initiation can reveal the development of student-researcher. Among the research already conducted on the Scientific Initiation, we found that they did not show the relationship between language and thought. So we had, as specific objectives, to check which textual markers allow us to understand this scientific educational practice through the relationship between language and thought. The theories that underlie our study are the Social Interactionism (VIGOTSKI, 2001, 2007, 2009) and the contemporary studies of Vigotskian theory (FRIEDRICH, 2012), especially the notion of higher mental functions \"language\" and \"thought\" and their relationship in the development of scientific concepts. We also rely on the Socio-Discursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, 2009, 2011), which is a contemporary branch of social interactionism and which has among its objectives to study the role of language in human development and in the construction of knowledge, based on Vigotski and other authors. As research data,we collected texts that students must produce in the context of Scientific Initiation at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, at the University of São Paulo. So we collected research projects, final reports and oral presentations with their abstracts of three students of Letters, students of Portuguese/French languages. These data were analyzed by levels of textual and discourse analysis proposed by Bronckart (1999) and the results were discussed through the language systems concept conceived by Bronckart (2008b) and Bota (2011), by which all language production suffers three types of constraints: social (they include the enunciative mechanisms such as voices and modalizations), psychological (restrictions imposed by use of the types of discourse) and linguistic (restrictions imposed by use of connectors and verbal and nominal cohesion). As a result of the research, we found a specific dynamic between the types of discourse and the produced genre, because in every stage of the research, the genres determined the choice of a particular type of discourse. We also found that the nominal cohesion can provide us with important results for the analysis of the empirical author positions in the text, so the emergence of a researcher position. Furthermore, we find two types of voices during the scientific initiation: the voice of the students and the voice of the researcher. The first, identified in the projects, is used toto organize the research according to a central idea arising from the experience of students in the Undergraduate courses in Letters (Portuguese/ French). The second voice, found on the final texts of the research, the final report and the oral presentation, is the voice of the researcher, which seeks regularities in search results and names them, giving them a conceptual outline through a generalization.

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