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Mechanické vlastnosti hořčíkové slitiny AZ91E připravené metodou ECAP / Mechanical properties of magnesium alloy AZ91E prepared by ECAP methodDarida, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with mechanical and fatigue properties of magnesium alloy AZ91 processed by EX-ECAP method. This method involves the application of extrusion followed by equal-channel angular pressing. To obtain basic mechanical characteristics, the tensile test were carried out at room and elevated temperatures. Further the fatigue tests were performed and obtained data were used to compile S-N curve. The work also includes metallographics analysis of microstructure and fractographic analysis of fracture surfaces of tensile and fatigue test specimens.
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Purification des eaux polluées par du phénol dans un pertracteur à disques tournants / Purification of water polluted with phenol in a rotating discs pertractorEhtash, Moamer 11 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail se situe dans le cadre des recherches du laboratoire sur un procédé d’extraction et desextraction, qui implique trois phases liquides, deux phases aqueuses et une phase organique. La faisabilité d’un tel procédé passe par le choix de la phase organique et par l’étude des équilibres mis en jeu lors du processus d’extraction.Le principal objectif concerne : la récupération et la concentration de phénol contenu dans une solution aqueuse, en utilisant un pertracteur à disques tournants alternatifs en régime batch, semi-batch et continu. Par un mécanisme du transfert de matière entre les phases, le phénol passe de la phase aqueuse d’alimentation vers la phase organique puis de la phase organique vers la phase aqueuse réceptrice.La faisabilité de la méthode est testée en mode fermé. Nous étudions l’influence de certains paramètres : tels que la concentration du phénol, la variation de pH de la phase d’alimentation, la vitesse de rotation des disques et le volume de la phase organique, sur l’évolution du transfert du phénol entre les phases. Une solution aqueuse à pH 2, ayant une concentration en phénol égale à 50, 100 ou 300 mg.L-1, est mise en contact avec de l’huile de colza, qui est elle-même en contact avec une solution aqueuse à pH 13. Les résultats montrent qu’au bout de six heures de fonctionnement, 70% à 99% du phénol contenu initialement dans la solution aqueuse à pH 2, se trouve dans la phase aqueuse à pH 13.Afin de récupérer et de concentrer le phénol dans la phase réceptrice, nous avons réalisé des expériences dans le pertracteur fonctionnant en mode semi-ouvert et en mode ouvert.En système semi-ouvert, l’influence de trois paramètres est étudiée : la concentration initiale de phénol, la vitesse de rotation des disques et le débit de la phase d’alimentation. En système ouvert, seul l’influence du débit à la phase aqueuse est analysée. Enfin, grâce à la modélisation basée sur la théorie du double film, nous avons estimé l’ordre de grandeur des coefficients de transferts de matière partiels pour différentes vitesses de rotation en système fermé. / This work is focused on a pertraction process, coupling extraction and stripping steps in the same apparatus and involving three liquid phases, two aqueous phases and one organic phase. The process feasibility requires the choice of a appropriate organic phase (membrane) and a phase equilibria studies.The main objective was recovery and concentration of phenol contained in dilute aqueous solutions using a rotating discs pertractor in batch, semi-batch and continuous mode. The phenol is transferred from the feed phase (aqueous phase) through the membrane (organic phase) in the receiving phase (aqueous phase).The feasibility of the method is tested in a batch system. We studied the influence of some parameters such as the phenol concentration, the feed pH, the discs rotational speed and the volume of the organic phase. An aqueous solution at pH 2 (feed) with a phenol concentration equal to 50, 100 and 300 mg.L-1, is placed in contact with rapeseed oil (liquid membrane), that is itself in contact with an aqueous solution at pH 13 (receiving phase). The obtained results show that after 6 hours, 70% to 99% of phenol initially contained in the aqueous solution at pH 2, is transferred in the aqueous phase at pH 13.To concentrate phenol in the receiving phase, we performed experiments in semi-batch and continuous mode.In semi-batch system, the influence of three parameters is studied: the feed concentration, the discs rotation speed and the feed flowrate. In open system, (continuous mode), only the influence of the aqueous phases flowrates is analyzed.Finally, using mass transfer model based on a double film theory, we estimate the partial mass transfer coefficients for three phases at different rotation speeds in batch system.
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Characterizing the Impact of Low Shear Modeled Microgravity on Population Dynamics, Biofilm Formation and Silver Susceptibility of Microbial Consortia Isolated from International Space Station Potable WaterJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: Understanding how microorganisms adapt and respond to the microgravity environment of spaceflight is important for the function and integrity of onboard life support systems, astronaut health and mission success. Microbial contamination of spacecraft Environmental Life Support Systems (ECLSS), including the potable water system, are well documented and have caused major disruption to spaceflight missions. The potable water system on the International Space Station (ISS) uses recycled wastewater purified by multiple processes so it is safe for astronaut consumption and personal hygiene. However, despite stringent antimicrobial treatments, multiple bacterial species and biofilms have been recovered from this potable water system. This finding raises concern for crew health risks, vehicle operations and ECLSS system integrity during exploration missions. These concerns are further heightened given that 1) potential pathogens have been isolated from the ISS potable water system, 2) the immune response of astronauts is blunted during spaceflight, 3) spaceflight induces unexpected alterations in microbial responses, including growth and biofilm formation, antimicrobial resistance, stress responses, and virulence, and 4) different microbial phenotypes are often observed between reductionistic pure cultures as compared to more complex multispecies co-cultures, the latter of which are more representative of natural environmental conditions. To advance the understanding of the impact of microgravity on microbial responses that could negatively impact spacecraft ECLSS systems and crew health, this study characterized a range of phenotypic profiles in both pure and co-cultures of bacterial isolates collected from the ISS potable water system between 2009 and 2014. Microbial responses profiled included population dynamics, resistance to silver, biofilm formation, and in vitro colonization of intestinal epithelial cells. Growth characteristics and antibiotic sensitivities for bacterial strains were evaluated to develop selective and/or differential media that allow for isolation of a pure culture from co-cultures, which was critical for the success of this study. Bacterial co-culture experiments were performed using dynamic Rotating Wall Vessel (RWV) bioreactors under spaceflight analogue (Low Shear Modeled Microgravity/LSMMG) and control conditions. These experiments indicated changes in fluid shear have minimal impact on strain recovery. The antimicrobial efficacy of silver on both sessile co-cultures, grown on 316L stainless steel coupons, and planktonic co-cultures showed that silver did not uniformly reduce the recovery of all strains; however, it had a stronger antimicrobial effect on biofilm cultures than planktonic cultures. The impact of silver on the ability of RWV cultured planktonic and biofilm bacterial co-cultures to colonize human intestinal epithelial cells showed that, those strains which were impacted by silver treatment, often increased adherence to the monolayer. Results from these studies provide insight into the dynamics of polymicrobial community interactions, biofilm formation and survival mechanisms of ISS potable water isolates, with potential application for future design of ECLSS systems for sustainable human space exploration. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Molecular and Cellular Biology 2019
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Role ventrálního hipokampu a mediální prefrontální kůry v behaviorální flexibilitě u hlodavců / Role of ventral hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex in behavioral flexibility in rodentsČernotová, Daniela January 2020 (has links)
Behavioral adaptation to a continuously changing environment is critical for the survival of the animals, but also day-to-day interactions in the human world. The main components maintaining flexibility in cognition and behavior are well-established and depend mostly on proper intercommunication within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatum. Some parts of the PFC are densely innervated by the ventral hippocampus (vHPC), which has a great impact on its functioning. Also, hippocampal-prefrontal circuit dysfunction has been shown to disrupt the integrity of flexible cognition in some neuropsychiatric diseases. Therefore, the exact functional role of this pathway is an indispensable part of the research. The aim of this study was to test the role of the vHPC and the medial PFC (mPFC) in an active place avoidance task on a rotating arena in 1) two flexibility task variants - reversal learning and set- shifting - and 2) the spatial memory retrieval. We inactivated these structures by muscimol (GABAA receptor agonist) in a variety of unilateral, bilateral, and combined local injections. Disrupted performance was apparent in reversal learning in vHPC-inactivated rats. No effect was seen in mPFC-inactivated rats. Impairments after the task acquisition were observed in bilateral vHPC and mPFC inactivations...
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Lebensdauervorhersage mehrachsig belasteter Elastomerbauteile unter besonderer Berücksichtigung rotierender BeanspruchungsrichtungenKlauke, Rainer 08 April 2016 (has links)
Die für die Untersuchung des Ermüdungswiderstandes von Elastomerbauteilen verwendeten Formulierungen basieren häufig auf Modellen, die für Anwendungen in der Metalltechnik entwickelt wurden. Die damit verbundenen Eigenschaften wie Isotropie oder Elastizität stehen hingegen im Konflikt mit den Anforderungen, die zu der Wahl eines gefüllten Polymers als Werkstoff geführt haben. Gleichzeitig weisen technische Gummiwerkstoffe ein hochgradig nichtlineares Materialverhalten auf und zeigen vom Polymer und Füllstoffgrad abhängig eine unterschiedlich ausgeprägte belastungsinduzierte Anisotropie. Diese Umstände führen zu dem Bedarf, das Ermüdungsverhalten technischer Gummiwerkstoffe in Abhängigkeit der für Gummi typischen Eigenschaften intensiver zu untersuchen und neue Ansätze für die Auslegung der Lebensdauer von elastomeren Werkstoffen bereitzustellen. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird eine Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Modellwerkstoffen auf polymerer Basis auf ihre Lebensdauereigenschaften hin analysiert. Den Schwerpunkt bilden hierbei modulierte Belastungsrichtungen, die über eine einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen versuchstechnisch abgebildet werden. Anhand der Versuchsergebnisse werden neue Ansätze zur Vorhersage der Lebensdauer technischer Gummiwerkstoffe formuliert und mit bisherigen Ansätzen verglichen. Neben der Formulierung neuer Berechnungsvorschriften zur Bestimmung des Ermüdungswiderstandes polymerer Werkstoffe werden zudem die einfache Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen sowie das Versuchsprinzip zu deren Umsetzung eingehend untersucht. Dies umfasst auch eine Analyse einer mechanischen Charakterisierung technischer Gummiwerkstoffe anhand einer einfachen Scherung mit rotierenden Achsen.
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En jämförelse ur energisynpunkt mellan roterande värmeväxlare och frånluftsvärmepump i universitetsbyggnad / A comparison in terms of energy between rotating heat exchanger and exhaust air heat pump in a university buildingCizmeli, Claudia January 2013 (has links)
För att tillgodose den studerande KTH byggnadens framtida krav kommer det befintliga ventilationssystemet att bytas ut. Två olika möjliga värmeåtervinningssystem har jämförts ur fjärrvärmebehovssynpunkt. Det befintliga systemet med vattenburen batterivärmeväxlare har en låg värmeåtervinningsgrad och Akademiska Hus önskar system med högre värmeåtervinning. I byggnaden har roterande värmeväxlare och frånluftsvärmepump för uppvärmning av tilluften jämförts. Då värmeåtervinning från dessa system inte är tillräckligt kommer fjärrvärme att används. I beräkningarna jämförs fem roterande värmeväxlare mot varierande antal frånluftsvärmepumpen. Genom detta fås varierande resultat och fjärrvärmebehovet ökar/minskar ju färre/fler värmepumpar som tas med i beräkningarna. Frånluftsvärmepumparna antas både vara konstanta och ”nedtrappande”. Vid de konstanta antal frånluftsvärmepumparna visar resultaten att, vid maximal personbelastning, är fjärrvärmebehovet för fem roterande värmeväxlare lägre än vid användning av fem (eller färre) frånluftsvärmepumpar. Vid sannolik personbelastning är fjärrvärmebehovet för fem roterande värmeväxlare lägre än vid användning av två (eller färre) frånluftsvärmepumpar. Vid de ”nedtrappande” antalen frånluftsvärmepumpar är fjärrvärmebehovet med roterande värmeväxlare lägre både vid maximal och också sannolik personnärvaro. Vid val av system har aggregat för fastighets- och lokalbyggnader jämförts då flödena är höga. I slutssats kan val av tillverkare för respektive system påverka fjärrvärmebehovet. / To meet the renovated KTH building’s future requirements, the existing ventilation system will be replaced. Two different possible heat recovery systems have been compared in regards of district heating. The existing system of water coil heat exchanger has low heat recovery efficiency and Akademiska Hus wishes for a system with higher heat recovery. A rotating heat exchanger and exhaust air heat pump have been compared in regards of heating the supply air. At times when heat recoveries from these systems are not sufficient, the district heating will be in use. In the calculations five rotating heat exchangers and varying number of exhaust air heat pumps have been compared. Through this varying results will occur and the district heating demand will increase/decrease the fewer/more pumps that are taken into account. The exhaust air heat pumps are assumed to be both constant and down going. At the constant use of exhaust air heat pumps the results show that (when in maximum occupancy) the district heating demand with five rotating heat exchangers is lower than when using the five (or fewer) exhaust air heat pumps. During probable occupancy the district heating demand with five rotating heat exchangers is lower than when using two (or fewer) exhaust air heat pumps. The district heating demand is lower when using rotating heat exchangers than the “down going” numbers of exhaust air heat pumps. Only office- and apartment building acquired heating systems have been compared due to the high air flows. The selection of manufacturer of these systems may affect the district heating demand.
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Experimental study of the rotating-disk boundary-layer flowImayama, Shintaro January 2012 (has links)
Rotating-disk flow has been investigated not only as a simple model of cross flow instability to compare with swept-wing flow but also for industrial flow applications with rotating configurations. However the exact nature of laminar-turbulent transi- tion on the rotating-disk flow is still major problem and further research is required for it to be fully understood, in particular, the laminar-turbulent transition process with absolute instability. In addition the studies of the rotating-disk turbulent boundary- layer flow are inadequate to understand the physics of three-dimensional turbulent boundary-layer flow. In present thesis, a rotating-rotating disk boundary-layer flow has been inves- tigated experimentally using hot-wire anemometry. A glass disk with a flat surface has been prepared to archieve low disturbance rotating-disk environment. Azimuthal velocity measurements using a hot-wire probe have been taken for various conditions. To get a better insight into the laminar-turbulent transition region, a new way to describe the process is proposed using the probability density function (PDF) map of azimuthal fluctuation velocity. The effect of the edge of the disk on the laminar-turbulent transition process has been investigated. The disturbance growth of azimuthal fluctuation velocity as a function of Reynolds number has a similar trend irrespective of the various edge conditions. The behaviour of secondary instability and turbulent breakdown has been in- vestigated. It has been found that the kinked azimuthal velocity associated with secondary instability just before turbulent breakdown became less apparent at a cer- tain wall normal heights. Furthermore the turbulent breakdown of the stationary mode seems not to be triggered by its amplitude, however, depend on the appearance of the travelling secondary instability. Finally, the turbulent boundary layer on a rotating disk has been investigated. An azimuthal friction velocity has been directly measured from the azimuthal velocity profile in the viscous sub-layer. The turbulent statistics normalized by the inner and outer sclaes are presented. / QC 20120529
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Green Housing / Grönt bostadshusJohnson Eriksson, Christian January 2014 (has links)
The Building is a combination of a green house and multi familyhousing building. The building´s courtyard is transformed in to a winter garden and creates an climate controlled environment with exotic vegitation blooming all year around. The courtyard is working as an extra livingroom with nice public walks in different levels were people can relax, exercise and socialise. The heat generated from the winter garden can be reused and recycled in to the floor slabs. It can also be deposited into the ground under the garden creating a climate smart heating system. One important aspect when drawing the plans was to give all the apartments a private space inside the wintergarden. I created plans where the allocation of the garden is equal. the private space is located on the second floor in the duplex apartments but some apartments only consist of one level and some extra care went in to making a private space for them too. The winter garden not only allows people to watch the trees and plants it also gives them the possibility to grow there own food on the private balcony and just outside the kitchen window. Having plants outside the kitchen blocks the view from people passing by on the public promenade. / Byggnaden är en kombination av ett växthus och ett flerbostadshus. Byggnadens innergår har ett glastak som som möjliggör ett controllerat climat med växter som blommar året runt. innergården fungerar som ett extra vardagsrum med trevliga promenader i olika nivåer där människor kan träna, socialisera eller bara slapna av och njuta naturen. Värmen som genereras av den inglasade gården kan återanvändas och pupmas in i bjälklagen och marken under gården vilket skapar ett klimatsmart uppvärmningssystem. en viktig aspekt när jag ritade planerna var att ge alla lägenheter ett privat rum inne i gården. Jag skapade planer där anspråket av gården var så lika som möjligt. Det privata rummet är placerat på övervåningen i etage lägenheterna men några lägenheter har bara ett plan vilket ledde till några special lösningar för att skapa ett avgränsat rum för dem också. Den ingalsade gården erbjuder inte bara en vacker miljö med växter och träd, det finns även möjlighet att odla sia egna frukter och grönsaker på den privata balkongen samt utanför köksfönstret. Planteringen av högre växter utanför fönstret kan skydda insynen från grannar som går förbi på den publika prommenaden.
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Torrefaction and grinding of lignocellulosic biomass for its thermochemical valorization : influence of pretreatment conditions on powder flow properties / Torréfaction et broyage de biomasse lignocellulosique pour sa valorisation thermochimique : influence des conditions de prétraitement sur les propriétés d'écoulement des poudresPachón-Morales, John Alexander 11 June 2019 (has links)
Une technologie prometteuse pour répondre à la demande croissante en énergie renouvelable est la gazéification de biomasse lignocellulosique pour la production de biocarburants de deuxième génération. Ce procédé nécessite une alimentation en biomasse sous forme de poudre. Les problèmes de convoyage et de manipulation liés à la faible coulabilité de la biomasse broyée sont un verrou pour l’industrialisation des procédés BtL. La torréfaction comme procédé de prétraitement, en plus d'augmenter densité énergétique de la biomasse, peut influencer également les propriétés des particules obtenues après broyage, et en conséquence, l’écoulement des poudres. L'évaluation de l'écoulement des poudres de biomasse sous différentes conditions de consolidation est essentielle pour concevoir des technologies de manipulation et de convoyage efficaces.L'objectif de ce travail est d'évaluer l'effet des conditions de torréfaction et de broyage sur l’écoulement de poudres de biomasse. Une première partie consiste en une étude expérimentale dans laquelle la coulabilité d'échantillons torréfiés sous différentes intensités a été évaluée à l'aide d'un appareil de cisaillement annulaire. La coulabilité est corrélée à l'intensité de la torréfaction (mesurée par la perte de masse globale) pour deux essences différentes. La forme des particules semble être le paramètre qui influence de manière prédominante la coulabilité des poudres à l'état consolidé. La caractérisation de la coulabilité à l’état non consolidée a été effectuée à l'aide d'un tambour rotatif par l’analyse des avalanches des poudres. Des corrélations entre les caractéristiques des particules et la coulabilité sont ainsi établies. La modélisation de l'écoulement de la biomasse à l'aide de la Méthode des Éléments Discrets (DEM) constitue une deuxième partie de cette recherche. La taille submillimétrique des particules de biomasse, ainsi que leur faible densité, leur forme allongée et leur comportement cohésif sont des défis pour l’implémentation d’un modèle de réaliste d’écoulement particulaire en DEM. Un modèle DEM des particules de biomasse est mis en œuvre à l'aide d'une représentation simplifiée (assemblement de sphères) à gros grains de la forme des particules, ainsi que d'un modèle de force cohésif. Une procédure systématique de calibration des paramètres DEM permet d'obtenir un ensemble de paramètres ajustés. L'évolution expérimentale des contraintes de cisaillement d’une poudre dans un état consolidé peut alors être reproduite de façon réaliste. De même, le comportement d’avalanche des poudres dans un tambour tournant est également bien reproduit par les simulations, de façon qualitative et quantitative. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le potentiel des simulations DEM pour étudier l'effet des caractéristiques des particules, qui sont influencées par la torréfaction et les conditions de broyage, sur le comportement d'écoulement de la biomasse en poudre. / Gasification of lignocellulosic biomass for production of second-generation biofuels is a promising technology to meet renewable energy needs. However, feeding and handling problems related to the poor flowability of milled biomass considerably hinder the industrial implementation of Biomass-to-Liquid processes. Torrefaction as pretreatment step, in addition to improving energy density of biomass, also affects the properties of the milled particles (namely size and shape) that significantly influence flow behavior. The evaluation of biomass flow characteristics under different flow conditions is essential to design efficient and trouble-free handling solutions.The aim of this work is to assess the effect of the torrefaction and grinding conditions on the biomass flow behavior. A first part consists of an experimental study in which the flow properties of samples torrefied under different intensities were obtained using a ring shear tester. Flowability is correlated to the intensity of torrefaction, as measured by the global mass loss, for two different wood species. Particle shape seems to be the predominant parameter influencing flowability of powders in a consolidated state. Characterization of non-consolidated flowability through avalanching analysis using an in-house rotating drum was also conducted. Correlations between particle characteristics and flow behavior are thus established.The modelling of biomass flow using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) constitutes a second major part of this research. Challenging aspects of biomass particle modeling are their submillimetric size, low density, elongated shape and cohesive behavior. A material DEM model is implemented using a simplified (multisphere) upscaled representation of particle shape, along with a cohesive contact model. A systematic calibration procedure results in an optimal set of DEM parameters. The experimental shear stress evolution and yield locus can then be realistically reproduced. The avalanching behavior of the powders is also well captured by simulations, both qualitatively and quantitatively. These results highlight the potential of DEM simulations to investigate the effect of particle characteristics, which are driven by torrefaction and grinding conditions, on the flow behavior of powdered biomass.
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Development of New Single and High-Density Heat Flux Gauges for Unsteady Heat Transfer Measurements in a Rotating Transonic TurbineCelestina, Richard A. 06 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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