Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byrtqpcr"" "subject:"ddrtâpcr""
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Detecção e tipificação do vírus da dengue por RT-PCR em tempo real / Detection and typing of dengue virus by real time RT-PCR assaysTelma Regina Ramos Silva Poloni 28 May 2009 (has links)
A dengue é uma doença infecciosa de transmitida pela picada de mosquitos do gênero Aedes. O vírus da dengue (DENV), pertencente ao gênero Flavivirus, família Flaviviridae, é atualmente um importante problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo. São reconhecidos quatro sorotipos antigenicamente distintos (DENV-1, -2, -3 e -4). A doença causada por qualquer um dos sorotipos cursa de forma assintomática ou com quadro clínico que varia desde uma febre indiferenciada e autolimitada, passando pela febre clássica da dengue (FD) até quadros graves de febre hemorrágica da dengue (DHF). O diagnóstico clínico é difícil de ser realizado principalmente na fase aguda da doença em que os sintomas são muito similares aos de outras infecções febris agudas, ficando a cargo do laboratório o diagnóstico definitivo. Os métodos sorológicos para detecção de anticorpos IgM/IgG são os mais amplamente utilizados, mas inadequados para diagnóstico precoce uma vez que detectam anticorpos a partir do sexto dia do início dos sintomas. Os métodos moleculares estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados para o diagnóstico precoce por serem mais rápidos e sensíveis que a sorologia e o isolamento viral. Neste estudo comparamos a sensibilidade de uma RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica com um ELISA para detecção da proteína NS1 comercialmente disponível analisando amostras de soro de pacientes com dengue. Também foram desenvolvidos dois protocolos de RT-PCR em tempo real para identificação do sorotipo viral, uma contendo primers para extremidade 5 do genoma viral e outra contendo primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. A RT-PCR em tempo real gênero específica mostrou-se mais sensível que o ELISA, principalmente nas amostras que apresentavam baixa carga viral. A RT-PCR em tempo real contendo os primers para a extremidade 5 apresentou uma sensibilidade baixa quando comparada com a RT-PCR genérica, porém foi mais sensível que aquela contendo os primers para a região codificadora da proteína NS5. Considerando os resultados obtidos, sugerimos uma estratégia de triagem dos casos suspeitos de dengue utilizando a RT-PCR genérica para posteriormente identificar o sorotipo viral com o protocolo que utiliza os primers da extremidade 5. Embora este último protocolo tenha sido pouco sensível, a identificação do sorotipo infectante em algumas amostras é suficiente para definir qual o sorotipo circulante durante uma epidemia. / Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by the biting of mosquitoes of Aedes genus. Dengue virus (DENV), belonging to the Flavivirus genus, Flaviviridae family, is an important public health problem worldwide. Four antigenically distinct viruses are recognized (DENV-1, -2, -3, e -4). Infection with any of the virus serotypes causes a spectrum of the illness ranging from inapparent or mid viral syndrome to classic dengue fever (DF) and severe hemorrhagic disease (DHF). The clinical diagnosis is difficult especially in the acute phase of the disease when the symptoms are very similar to other febrile illness, corresponding to the laboratory the definitive diagnosis. Serological methods detecting antibodies IgM/IgG are the more widely used; however, they are inappropriate for early diagnosis since these methods detect antibodies after six day of the onset of symptoms. The molecular methods are more frequently used for the early diagnosis because they are faster and more sensitive than serological methods and virus isolation. In this study, we have compared the sensitivity of a generic real time RT-PCR with a commercial ELISA for the NS1 protein analyzing serum samples from patients with dengue virus infection. We have also developed two protocols of real time RT-PCR to identify dengue serotype, one of them containing primers to the 5 end and the other, primers to the NS5 coding region. The generic real time RT-PCR showed to be more sensitive than the ELISA, principally, between the samples with low viral load. The real time RT-PCR containing primers to the 5 end showed a lower sensitivity than the generic real time RT-PCR; however, it was more sensitive than that containing primers to the NS5 coding region. Considering these results, we suggest the use of the generic real time RT-PCR to screen the dengue suspected cases and then to identify the serotype using the protocol that include the primers to the 5 end. Although the last protocol has shown a low sensitive, the identification of the infecting serotype in some of the samples is enough to define which serotype is circulating during the epidemic period.
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Dokazivanje prisustva virusnih infekcija u zajednicama Apis mellifera primjenom molekularno-bioloških metoda / Detection of viral infections in communities of Apis mellifera using molecular-biological methodsSantrač Violeta 30 October 2013 (has links)
<p>Dokazivanje virusnih infekcija pĉela od velikog je interesa za pravilnu procjenu odnosa izmeĊu domaćina i potencijalnog patogena. Do izrade ove doktorske teze, na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine nije bilo prouĉavanja koja bi dokaz virusnih infekcija pĉela dovela do mogućnosti kliniĉke procjene patološkog odnosa za eko-genotip prilagoĊene pĉelinje zajednice. Evolucijski adaptirani virusi medonosne pĉele Apis mellifera carnica, sa stanovišta veterinarske entomologije, veterinarske virusologije i infektivnih bolesti, te saznanja veterinarskog servisa uopšte, nisu bili dovoljno prepoznati. Pojava i dostupnost molekularnih dijagnostiĉkih metoda omogućile su senzitivno i specifiĉno dokazivanje dijela genoma virusa koji inficiraju pĉelinje zajednice. Iz ekstrahovanih uzoraka templata razliĉitih uzoraka homogenizata sluĉajno uzorkovanih pĉela, RNK, sa jednim parom prajmera za svaki virus, pojedinaĉno, redoslijedom: BQCV, DWV, SBV, ABPV, KBV, CBPV uraĊeni su amplifikacijski protokoli i dobijeni rezultati za klasiĉan, end point, RT-PCR. Ovom doktorskom disertacijom dobijeni su prvi rezultati koji se odnose na utvrĊivanje prisustva i raširenosti virusnih infekcija kod vrste Apis mellifera u pĉelinjacima Bosne i Hercegovine. Od oko dvadeset virusa koji inficiraju pĉele i pĉelinje zajednice, metodama primjenjive molekularne dijagnostike u ovoj doktorskoj tezi dokazivali smo prisustvo virusnih infekcija za šest najviše prouĉavanih virusa pĉela. Dobijeni rezultati dokazali su prisustvo pet od šest traţenih virusa sa razliĉitim kombinacijama koinfekcija te raznolikom prostornom distribucijom virusa. Poznavanje sloţenih mehanizama virusnih infekcija pĉelinjih zajednica neophodnost je koja sa novim saznanjima proglašava neke od virusa emergentnim patogenima, koji bitno narušavaju opstanak pĉelinje zajednice. U patološko-sinergistiĉkom odnosu sa nametnikom pĉelinje zajednice Varroa destructor neki pĉelinji virusi uzroci su globalno registrovanih gubitaka. Dio istraţivanja u radu odnosio se na terensko prouĉavanje dinamike prisustva grinje Varroa destructor u pĉelinjim zajednicama. Za pravilno donošenje suda o uzroku ugibanja pĉelinjih zajednica, pored postojećih zahtjeva kontrole patogena pĉela definisanih procedurama dijagnostiĉkog manuala i Koda OIE-a, bilo bi potrebno imati i rezultate kojim bi se dokazalo kvalitativno i kvantitativno prisustvo virusa kod vrste Apis mellifera. UvoĊenje i standardizacija molekularno-bioloških metoda u rutinskoj dijagnostici virusnih bolesti pĉela je opravdano. Samo je pitanje vremena kada će virusne infekcije pĉela biti predmet rutinske dijagnostike kojim se kontrolišezdravstveni status pĉelinje zajednice.</p> / <p>Evidence of viral infection of bees is of great interest for the proper assessment of the relationship between host and pathogen potential. By making this doctoral thesis on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where before was no present study of evidence of viral infections, lead to ability on clinical evaluation of pathological relations for eco-genotype adapted colonies. Evolutionarily adapted viruses honeybee Apis mellifera, from the veterinary entomology, veterinary virology and infectious diseases, and knowledge of the veterinary services in general, have not been recognized enough. The appearance and availability of molecular diagnostic methods have allowed sensitive and specific detection part of the genome of the virus that infects the colonies. Templates were extracted from samples of different patterns, homogenisate, randomly sampled bees, RNA, with a pair of primers for each virus, respectively, in the order: BQCV, DWV, SBV, ABPV, KBV, CBPV amplification protocols were done and the results obtained by conventional, end point, RT -PCR. This doctoral dissertation obtained the first results concerning the determination of the presence and spread of viral infections in the species Apis mellifera in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From about twenty viruses that can infect bees and hives using diagnostic methods applicable in this doctoral thesis we demonstrate the presence of viral infections of six most studied viruses of bees. The obtained results showed the presence five of the six essential viruses in forms of co-infection with different combinations and varied virus spatial distribution. Awareness of the complex mechanisms of viral infections in colonies is that the new knowledge proclaimed a virus as "emergent pathogen" that significantly impairs the survival of honeybee colonies. The pathogenic synergistic relationship with the parasite Varroa destructor causes that bee viruses are globally listed as reasons for losses. Part of the research work was related to the field study of the dynamics of the presence of Varroa destructor mites in honey bee colonies. For a accurate judgment of the deaths of bee colonies, in addition to existing requirements bee pathogen control procedures defined by diagnostic Manuals and Code of the OIE, it would be necessary to have the results to prove the qualitative and quantitative presence of the virus in the species Apis mellifera. The introduction and standardization of molecular biological methods in routine diagnosis of viral diseases of bees is justified. It is only a matter of time before the virus infections of bees will be subject to routine diagnostics which controls the health of bee colonies</p>
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Eine Studie zum Vorkommen des West-Nil-Virus in der Wildvogelpopulation DeutschlandsPrell, Juliane 14 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In den letzten Jahren erreichten viele neue (emerging) Viren Europa, die zum Teil (z.T.) zoonotisch auf den Menschen übertragbar sind. So musste man sich mit Geflügel- und Schweinegrippe, Blauzungenkrankheit, Infektiöser Anämie der Einhufer oder auch SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) auseinandersetzen. Bedingt durch verschiedene Faktoren, wie Klimawandel oder zunehmende Globalisierung und damit einhergehendem Verkehr zwischen den Kontinenten verbesserten sich auch die Bedingungen für die Virusverbreitung, so dass viele für Deutschland untypische Krankheitserreger auch hier auftraten. Das West-Nil-Virus (WNV) ist in Europa bereits endemisch verbreitet und könnte somit eine besondere Gefahr für Deutschland darstellen. Es ist ein bekannter Zoonose-Erreger, und sein Eintrag und die rasche Verbreitung des Virus in Amerika 1999 zeigten wie gefährlich neue Viren in naiven Populationen sein können. Über die Verbreitung des Virus in Deutschland gibt es nur wenige Studien z.B. des Robert-Koch-Instituts (LINKE et al. 2007a) und des Friedrich-Loeffler-Instituts (SEIDOWSKI et al. 2010), wobei in keiner Studie tote Vögel als Untersuchungsmaterial genutzt wurden. Da das WNV in Amerika mit einem auffälligen Vogelsterben einherging, ist es naheliegend, den Virusnachweis zuerst bei toten Vögeln zu erbringen.
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Vorkommen aviärer Metapneumoviren in sächsischen Legehennenbeständen während der LegeperiodeNemecek, Britt 21 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Legeleistungseinbußen – vor allem mit verminderter Eischalenqualität – stellen in einem Legehennenbetrieb hohe wirtschaftliche Verluste dar. Impfungen gegen entsprechende Erreger, u.a. gegen das aviäre Metapneumovirus (aMPV), sind daher weit verbreitet. AMPV ist seit den 70er Jahren als Auslöser der Rhinotracheitis der Puten (Turkey Rhinotracheitis; TRT) und des sogenannten Swollen Head Syndroms (SHS) der Hühner bekannt. Jedoch liegen nur wenige epidemiologische Studien zu der Verbreitung des Virus und dessen Subtypen in Legehennenbetrieben vor.
Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es daher, die Verbreitung des aMPV, vor allem der Subtypen A und B, zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten der Legeperiode zu untersuchen, um ein besseres Verständnis über den Zeitpunkt der Erstinfektionen sowie evtl. Re- oder Neuinfektionen zu erhalten. Dafür wurden erstmals 18 Legehennenherden in Sachsen alle drei Monate über die gesamte Legeperiode auf das Vorkommen von aMPV-RNA und aMPV-spezifischer Antikörper untersucht. Verschiedene Haltungssysteme wurden berücksichtigt, um ein unterschiedliches seuchenhygienisches Risiko unter Praxisbedingungen bewerten zu können. Pro Herde wurden von je zehn Hühnern Trachealtupfer und Serumproben entnommen. Die Tupferproben wurden mittels duplex nested RT-PCR untersucht, die Serumproben mittels zweier kommerzieller ELISA-Tests. In jeder Herde gelang der aMPV-RNA-Nachweis mindestens einmal zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten. Bereits bei der Einstallung konnten in 17 Herden aMPV-spezifische Antikörper und/oder aMPV-RNA nachgewiesen werden. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen die hohe Verbreitungsrate des aMPV in Legehennenbetrieben. Bereits in der Aufzucht fand in der Mehrzahl der Herden eine aMPV-Infektion statt; während der Legeperiode kam es zu häufigen Re- oder Neuinfektionen bzw. zu einer langen Persistenz des Virus.
Subtyp A kam alleine (51%) mehr als doppelt so häufig vor wie ausschließlich Subtyp B (22%). Doppelinfektionen mit den Subtypen A und B (27%) wurden ungefähr so häufig gefunden wie eine Infektion ausschließlich mit Subtyp B. Ein Wechsel der Subtypen A und B während einer Legeperiode wurde am häufigsten beobachtet: zehn der 18 Herden (56%) zeigten diesen Verlauf. Ausschließlich Subtyp A in allen positiven Entnahmen pro Betrieb wurde in vier von 18 Herden gefunden, ausschließlich Subtyp B in drei von 18 Herden, Subtyp A gemeinsam mit Subtyp B in einer von 18 Herden. Dies verdeutlicht die Dominanz des Subtyps A in Legehennenbetrieben.
Obwohl drei Herden während der Aufzucht mit einer Subtyp B-Vakzine geimpft wurden, gelang der aMPV-RNA Nachweis in bis zu vier Probenentnahmen. Der Subtyp A dominierte auch in den geimpften Herden. Neben dem Subtyp B Feldvirus wurde in einer Herde zum Zeitpunkt der Einstallung auch ein Subtyp B ähnlich dem Impfstamm nachgewiesen. Es ist daher davon auszugehen, dass trotz bekannter Kreuzimmunität eine Impfung nicht vor Infektionen schützt, aber die Persistenz von Subtyp B vermindert.
Die Analyse der Serumproben mit zwei kommerziellen ELISA-Tests ergab zum Teil konträre Ergebnisse. Da die Diagnose einer aMPV-Infektion häufig nur über diese Methode gestellt wird, ist dies von praktischer Relevanz. Eine Evaluierung des ELISA-Tests mit der höchsten Spezifität und Sensitivität sollte daher folgen.
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Avaliação de testes diagnósticos para a identificação da infecção pelo vírus da dengue em pacientes com síndrome febril aguda.Cruz, Jaqueline Silva January 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2015-05-12T13:48:40Z
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Jaqueline Silva Cruz Avaliação...2014.pdf: 1187799 bytes, checksum: fc9ff7db8754a8ac356e1e5a26370207 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / A dengue é atualmente um dos principais problemas de saúde pública do mundo e segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) é a doença que mais acomete o homem na atualidade. Sua incidência vem aumentando e estima-se que 50-100 milhões de pessoas desenvolvam a doença a cada ano no mundo. O diagnóstico laboratorial da dengue é realizado por diferentes tipos de testes, entre eles estão o isolamento viral, o RT-PCR, e a detecção por ELISA ou por meio de testes rápidos do antígeno viral NS1 e de anticorpos IgM específicos contra o vírus. A fim de contribuir para um melhor entendimento sobre a validade destes testes em diferentes circunstâncias, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a validade dos diferentes métodos laboratoriais no diagnóstico da dengue. A sensibilidade dos testes diagnósticos, ELISA IgM, ELISA NS1 e RT-PCR, foi avaliada de forma individual e de forma combinada utilizando amostras de soro de 623 pacientes incluídos em um estudo prospectivo de vigilância de base populacional entre fevereiro e julho de 2010. A sensibilidade destes testes também foi avaliada de acordo com a duração dos sintomas, com o tipo de infecção (primária vs secundária) e, por sorotipo infectante. A especificidade de cada método foi avaliada em um grupo de amostras de pacientes com diagnóstico laboratorial de leptospirose, hepatite, doadores de sangue e indivíduos sadios. Os resultados encontrados mostraram que 240 (38%) dos pacientes com doença febril aguda apresentaram dengue no período do estudo sendo que 194 (81%) dos pacientes com dengue representavam pacientes com infecções secundárias, o sorotipo predominante foi o DENV-2 (70%). As sensibilidades do RT-PCR, do ELISA NS1 e do ELISA IgM na amostra de fase aguda foram de 83,3%, 31,7% e 30%, respectivamente. O uso combinado do teste RT-PCR e do teste ELISA IgM em uma amostra de fase convalescente foi capaz de identificar 100% dos casos confirmados de dengue. As especificidades encontradas variaram de 97% a 100% para o ELISA NS1 e de 55% a 85% para o ELISA IgM. Os resultados indicam que na fase aguda da doença o RT-PCR é mais sensível a detecção de anticorpos IgM e do antígeno NS1 por ELISA, entretanto, o uso de métodos diagnósticos adicionais pode ser necessário em pacientes com uma suspeita da doença e resultado negativo do RT-PCR. / Dengue is currently one of the main problems of public health and the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is the disease that affects more men today. Its incidence is increasing and it is estimated 50-100 million people develop the disease each year worldwide. Laboratory diagnosis of dengue is done by testing different types, which include viral isolation, RT-PCR, and detection by ELISA or by rapid viral tests NS1 antigen and specific IgM antibodies against the virus. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the validity of these tests in different circumstances, the aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of different laboratory methods for diagnosis of dengue. The sensitivity of diagnostic tests, IgM ELISA, ELISA NS1 and RT-PCR was evaluated individually and in combination form using serum samples from 623 patients enrolled in a prospective population-based study of surveillance between February and July 2010. The sensitivity of these tests was also evaluated according to the duration of symptoms of infection with the type (primary versus secondary), and the infecting serotype. The specificity of each method was evaluated in a group of samples from patients with laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis, hepatitis, blood donors and healthy individuals. The results showed that 240 (38%) of patients with acute febrile disease had dengue during the study period of which 194 (81%) of patients with dengue represented patients with secondary infections, the predominant serotype was DENV-2 (70% ). The sensitivity of the RT-PCR of NS1 and IgM ELISA ELISA in the acute phase of the sample were 83.3%, 31.7% and 30%, respectively. The combined use of RT-PCR and ELISA IgM in a sample convalescent phase was able to identify 100% of confirmed cases of dengue fever. The specificities found varied from 97% to 100% for ELISA NS1 and 55% to 85% for the IgM ELISA. The results indicate that the acute phase of the disease the RT-PCR is more sensitive detection of IgM antibodies and NS1 antigen by ELISA, however, the use of additional diagnostic methods may be necessary in patients with a suspicion of disease and negative outcome of RT-PCR.
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Avaliação histologica e da expressão genica de BMP e Wnt no endometrio durante a implantação embrionaria em bovinos / Histological and BMP and Wnt gene expression evaluation in the bovine endometrium during embryo implantationAires, Marlucia Bastos 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Aureo Tatsumi Yamada / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T00:51:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Aires_MarluciaBastos_D.pdf: 2189429 bytes, checksum: 72ea45d01e8d2f7c191ae7c71d82c5f8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A implantação embrionária implica em alterações profundas do ambiente uterino, cujos eventos devem obedecer uma sincronia temporal e espacial com o estágio do desenvolvimento embrionário. Qualquer desequilíbrio nesta sincronia resulta em interrupção da gestação e o desconhecimento dos mecanismos que atuam nas interações materno-fetais inviabilizam as possíveis intervenções buscando controlar as causas que levam às perdas iniciais da gestação. Visando contribuir para a melhor compreensão da biologia da resposta uterina de bovinos, o presente trabalho utilizou úteros de bovinos (Bos spp) não gestantes (NG) e gestantes nos períodos correspondentes à implantação embrionária para a coleta de fragmentos das regiões carunculares (CAR) e intercarunculares (IC). Esses fragmentos foram processadas para embebição em parafina destinadas às análises histológicas e obtenção de RNA total para realização de RT-PCR semi-quantitativo dos morfógenos Bmp2, Wnt2, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, e de seus antagonistas Sostdc1, Noggin, Dkk1 e Sfrp2. Pela análise histológica do desenvolvimento da mucosa uterina da região CAR foram estabelecidos os critérios morfológicos das seqüências de alterações da histoarquitetura endometrial em resposta à implantação embrionária constituindo quatro grupos (P1-P4) definindo os períodos gestacionais correspondentes, quais sejam: P1 (20-26 dg) - adesão das células trofoblásticas na superfície apical das células epiteliais e/ou entremeadas no revestimento epitelial, P2 (28-33 dg) - presença de projeções digitiformes na superfície da região CAR e tecido epitelial uterino constantemente rompido em ambas as regiões CAR e IC, P3 (35-40 dg) - expansão das projeções da região CAR formando uma rede anastomosada, entremeada pelo córion e P4 (50-60dg) - consolidação do placentônio. A ruptura das células epiteliais observada em P2 demonstra a fragilidade da interação epitélio-córion neste período que pode estar diretamente relacionada com a alta freqüência de perdas gestacionais em bovinos particularmente durante a implantação embrionária. A reação imunocitoquímica para anti-PCNA demonstrou uma marcação crescente no epitélio (E) e estrato subepitelial (ES), particularmente nas projeções da CAR de P1 a P4 e em menor proporção no E e estrato compacto (EC) da IC, confirmando a intensa atividade proliferativa associada com a hipertrofia endometrial. As análises da expressão genica através de RT-PCR, demonstraram a presença dos transcritos de Bmp2, Sostdc1, Noggin, Wnt2, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, Sfrp2 e Dkk1, e pela hibridização in situ, confirmaram-se as expressões localizadas dos genes Bmp2, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, Dkk1, Sfrp2, além dos receptores Bmpr1a e Bmpr2 no E+ES da CAR e E+EC da IC no útero NG e gestantes de P1 a P4. A expressào de Bmp2 foi maior na CAR em relação a IC em P1 e P2 o que sugere uma participação importante na ativação da resposta da região CAR relacionada com a implantação embrionária, enquanto o Wnt5a parece não atuar neste período. A redução da expressão de Wnt2 em P1, indica uma regulação negativa na CAR e IC no inicio da implantação, enquanto que a menor expressão de Wnt7a na CAR em relação a IC sugere que este gene não está relacionado com as principais alterações observadas nessa região. A maior expressão de Dkk1 e Sfrp2 na CAR em relação à IC, sugere a participação na atividade celular da região CAR, porém não apresenta relação direta com a expressão dos genes Wnt analisados, assim como a ausência de Sostdc1 no endométrio e a menor expressão de Noggin demonstram não serem estes os antagonistas principais de BMP que atuam no endométrio bovino. A expressão de Wnt e Bmp em conjunto com seus antagonistas simultaneamente nas regiões CAR e IC atesta a dependência da ação múltipla e sinérgica/antagônica de vários fatores na modulação da resposta da mucosa uterina na implantação embrionária e durante o desenvolvimento da placentação sinepitéliocorial. / Abstract: The embryo implantation implies in deep changes of the uterine environment which events must be topologically and chronologically synchronized with embryo development stage. Any imbalance in this synchronization results in disruption of the gestation and the lack of knowledge regarding the mechanisms of maternal-fetal interaction make difficult any potential action intending to control the causes which induce early gestational loss. Aiming to contribute to a better understanding of the biology of bovine uterine response, the present work evaluated the caruncle (CAR) and intercaruncle (IC) regions collected from non-pregnant (NG) and pregnant bovine uteri (Bos spp) and processed for paraffin embedding and submitted to histological analysis, RNA isolation for RT-PCR of Bmp2, Wnt2, Wnt5a and Wnt7a morphogen genes and their antagonists Sostdc1, Noggin, Dkk1 and Sfrp2 gene expression. By histological analysis of CAR uterine mucosa development, the morphological criteria of the endometrial histoarchitecture changes sequences were established and adopted to compose four groups (P1- P4) with corresponding gestational stages: P1 (20-26 gd) - adhesion of throphoblast cells on the apical surface of epithelium cells and/or between them, P2 (28-33 gd) - villous-like projections on the CAR surface and areas of disrupted or absence of epithelial cells on both
CAR and IC regions, P3 (35-40 gd) - expansion of villous-like projections resulting in an anastomosis mesh where chorion villi intrude, P4 (50-60 gd) - placentome consolidation. The constant disruption of epithelial cells seen in P2 evidenced the fragility of epithelium-chorion interaction that may be related to the high incidence of bovine pregnancy loss particularly during embryo implantation. The immunocytochemistry for PCNA demonstrated reactivity in epithelium (E) and subepithelium stratum (SS), particularly on CAR villous-like projections from P1-P4 and in a less frequent proportion in the epithelium (E) and compactum stratum (CS) from IC, demonstrating the intense proliferative activity associated with endometrial hypertrophy. The gene expression analysis by RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction) confirmed the transcripts for Bmp2, Sostdc1, Noggin, Wnt2, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, Sfrp2 and Dkk1, and by In situ hybridization the localized expression of Bmp2, Wnt5a, Wnt7a, Dkk1, Sfrp2, and also Bmpr1a and Bmpr2 receptors in E+SS and E+CS in NG and P1-P4 uteri. The Bmp2 expression was higher on CAR when compared to IC in P1 and P2 which suggest an important involvement on CAR response activation related to embryo implantation, whereas Wnt5a does not seem to participate at this period. The decreased expression of Wnt2 in P1 point out a negative regulation on CAR and IC in the beginning of implantation, while the lower expression of Wnt7a in CAR when compared to IC suggest that this is not the main gene related to changes of CAR in pregnancy. The highest expression of Dkk1 and Sfrp2 on CAR when compared to IC indicate their participation on the cellular activity on the CAR region, but it is not involved directly with the expression of Wnt genes analyzed, as well as the absence of Sostdc1 on the endometrium and the lowest expression of Noggin demonstrated that they are not the main BMP antagonists acting on bovine endometrium. The expression of Wnt and Bmp together with their antagonists simultaneously on CAR and IC regions attest the multiple and synergic/antagonic action of several factors on the modulation of uterine mucosa response during the embryo implantation and development of synepitheliochorial placentation. / Doutorado / Histologia / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural
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Ocorrência de Theileria equi congênita em potros Puro Sangue Lusitano no Brasil, diagnosticada através da técnica de RT-PCR / Occurrence of congenital Theileria equi in Lusitano foals through RT-PCR detectionNeimar Vanderlei Roncati 12 December 2006 (has links)
Para determinação da ocorrência de transmissão transplacentária da Theileria equi em neonatos eqüinos foram avaliados 50 potros da raça Puro Sangue Lusitano, machos e fêmeas, bem como suas respectivas mães, logo após o parto. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue total, tanto das mães como dos neonatos, entre as primeiras cinco horas pós parto para pesquisa de Theileria equi e Babesia caballi através da técnica de RT-PCR. Utilizou-se o kit de detecção baseado no fluofóro intercalante de DNA SYBERgreen. Um total de 46% das éguas apresentaram resultado positivo para Theileira equi e 54% se mostraram negativas, enquanto que 66% dos potros apresentaram resultados positivos e 34% negativos, sendo que 73,9% dos potros positivos nasceram de mães também positivas. Já para Babesia caballi, 16% das éguas foram positivas e 84% negativas, assim como 2% dos potros foram positivos e 98% negativos. O teste de RT-PCR é bastante sensível e específico, mas pode resultar em falso negativo, apesar de ser eficaz na detecção da Theileria equi e Babesia caballi nos eqüinos. Estes dados permitem concluir que existe a possibilidade de transmissão transplacentária de Theileria equi. / The occurrence of transplacentary transmission of Theileria equi in horses was determined by evaluating 50 young male and female horses of the breed Lusitano Horses as well as their respective mothers. Colts and fillies were evaluated as soon as they were born. Total blood samples were collected from both mother and offspring within the first five hours right after the parturition to analyse Theileria equi and Babesia caballi through the RT-PCR technique. It was used the kit of detection based on DNA SYBERgreen. This study showed us that 46% of the female horses had positive results for Theileira equi and 54% negative results while 66% of the male horses had positive results and 34% of them, negative ones. Moreover, 73.9% of the positive young horses also had their mothers positive. However, for Babesia caballi 16% of the female horses had positive results and 84% negative ones while 2% of the male horses had positive results and 98%, negative ones. The RT-PCR test is very sensitive and specific but it can occur false-negative results although it is efficient in detecting Theileria equi and Babesia caballi in horses. In conclusion, the data show us that there is a possibility of transplacentary transmission of Theileria equi.
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Isolamento e caracterizaÃÃo parcial dos Genes beta-actina e miosina de cadeia pesada do CamarÃo rosa Farfantepenaeus subtilis / Isolation and partial characterization of genes beta-actin and myosin heavy chain shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilisEliana Matos Ribeiro 04 March 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O camarÃo peneÃdeo Farfantepenaeus subtilis à uma importante espÃcie
nativa do litoral nordestino que possui uma grande ocorrÃncia na pesca. Dentre
os camarÃes marinhos de importÃncia comercial, os peneÃdeos se destacam
por constituÃrem um valioso recurso para pesca e aqÃicultura em regiÃes
tropicais e subtropicais. Entretanto, a disponibilidade de informaÃÃes sobre
essas espÃcies à bastante escassa, principalmente em relaÃÃo à estrutura
genÃtica que atua no crescimento muscular desses animais. Tendo como
objetivo identificar genes envolvidos na contraÃÃo muscular de camarÃes,
neste trabalho foram parcialmente isolados e seqÃenciados os genes de betaactina
e miosina de cadeia pesada do camarÃo rosa F. subtilis, a partir do
cDNA do mÃsculo abdominal. Para tanto, camarÃes coletados no estuÃrio do
rio Pacoti, estado do CearÃ, foram inicialmente identificados taxonomicamente
e, depois atravÃs de amplificaÃÃo de DNA seguida por sequenciamento das
regiÃes citocromo oxidase subunidade I (COI) e 16S. Utilizando-se os tecidos
frescos dos camarÃes, foi extraÃdo o RNA total e foram obtidos os respectivos
DNAs complementares (cDNAs). Baseado na construÃÃo de primers
especÃficos a partir do alinhamento entre sequÃncias descritas no
Genbank/NCBI, os genes foram isolados por meio de RT-PCR (ReaÃÃo em
Cadeia da Polimerase atravÃs da transcriptase reversa) e seqÃenciados. Foi
obtido um fragmento parcial de 760 pares de base para o cDNA de beta-actina
e para o cDNA de miosina de cadeia pesada foi obtido um fragmento de 570
pares de base. AnÃlises das sequÃncias realizadas pela ferramenta BLAST
(Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) revelaram alta similaridade com outras
beta-actinas e miosinas de camarÃes, confirmando a identidade das
sequÃncias genÃticas isoladas. Como resultado do alinhamento pareado entre
as sequÃncias desses genes obtidos no trabalho com as de outras espÃcies
presentes no GenBank, pÃde-se observar que as maiores similaridades foram
com Penaeus monodon (93%) e com Farfantepenaeus paulensis (88%). Os
resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstraram a viabilidade da metodologia
utilizada na identificaÃÃo de genes relacionados com caracterÃsticas
importantes. Esses dados irÃo facilitar o isolamento completo das sequÃncias
desses genes, alÃm de contribuir para incentivar a identificaÃÃo de outros
genes importantes em camarÃes, principalmente os nativos do Brasil. AnÃlise
de genes que atuam desenvolvimento do tecido muscular do animal poderÃ
fornecer informaÃÃes genÃticas importantes acerca de uma espÃcie nativa que
està sendo superexplorada e que poderà ser viÃvel para cultivo. Outrossim,
esses dados beneficiarÃo a comunidade cientÃfica, servindo como base para
estudos de fisiologia, filogenia e evoluÃÃo em peneÃdeos / The penaeid shrimp Farfantepenaeus subtilis is an important native
species for fisheries industry in Brazil. Among marine shrimps of commercial
importance, penaeids are recognized as a valuable resource for fishery and
aquaculture in tropical and subtropical regions. However, data on these species
is extremely reduced, especially concerning genetic elements involved in animal
muscle growth. Therefore, aiming at identifying shrimp genes directly
associated with muscle contraction in this research, beta-actin and myosin
heavy chain genes of the pink shrimp F. subtilis were isolated from its muscular
abdominal and partially sequenced. Shrimps collected from Pacoti estuary,
CearÃ, were first identified through taxonomy and, then, through DNA
amplification followed by sequencing of Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI)
and 16S. From fresh shrimp tissues, total RNA was extracted and
complementary cDNA was obtained. Based on specific primers designed after
sequence alignments performed against sequences at GenBank/NCBI, genes
were amplified from RT-PCR (reverse transcriptase - polimerase chain reaction)
and sequenced. A 760bp partial F. subtilis beta-actin cDNA fragment was
obtained, while the partial F. subtilis myosin heavy chain cDNA was 570bp long.
Sequence analyses using the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)
program indicated that F. subtilis beta-actin gene product is very similar to betaactin
of other species of shrimps, while the myosin heavy chain protein is highly
homologous to crustacean myosins heavy chain, confirming the identity of the
isolated gene sequences. Alignment of these gene sequences with other
sequences in GenBank showed high similarity with Penaeus monodon (93%)
and Farfantepenaeus paulensis (88%). Results have showed the feasibility of
partial gene identification as a means to identify genes of strategic interest.
These data would help further attempts to elucidate the complete isolation of
these genes, as well as the detection of other important genes, especially from
shrimp species occurring at the Brazilian coast. Genes analyses involved with
muscle growth might provide important genetic information on native species
that are overexploited and may be viable for the shrimp cultivation. In addition,
these data might also benefit the scientific community, improving a range of
research areas such as physiology, phylogeny and evolution of penaeids
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Oxydation du sulfure d'hydrogène par les cellules épithéliales coliques : Une voie métabolique de détoxication et de production d'énergieMimoun, Sabria 02 December 2011 (has links)
Le sulfure d'hydrogène (H2S) est un métabolite bactérien produit notamment par les bactéries sulfato-réductrices du côlon à partir des acides aminés soufrés, des sulfates/sulfites alimentaires et des sulfomucines. A fortes concentrations, le H2S est un gaz toxique, de par sa capacité à inhiber la cytochome c oxydase, et par conséquent, la respiration mitochondriale. A l'inverse, notre travail montre qu'à faibles concentrations, le H2S induit une énergisation mitochondriale des cellules épithéliales coliques humaines HT 29 Glc-/+ lui conférant aussi un rôle de substrat minéral énergétique. Dans ce travail, nous avons déterminé les concentrations de H2S permettant l'oxydation/détoxication de H2S par les cellules HT 29 Glc-/+ et celles provoquant une inhibition de la consommation d'oxygène. L'oxydation du H2S nécessite la coopération entre la « sulfide oxidation unit » et la chaîne respiratoire. La capacité des cellules HT29 Glc-/+ à oxyder le H2S est associée à la présence des transcrits codant les enzymes constituant la « sulfide oxidation unit » : la sulfure d'hydrogène quinone reductase (SQR), la dioxygenase ETHE1 et la thiosulfate transferase (TST). Nous avons démontré la priorité de l'oxydation du H2S sur les substrats carbonés . En effet, nos résultats suggèrent que les électrons venant de la SQR sont transférés au pool d'ubiquinone aux dépens de ceux venant du complexe I. Nos résultats démontrent que la SQR joue un rôle déterminant pour l'oxydation de H2S. De plus, la détoxication du H2S par les cellules HT29 Glc-/+ augmente au cours de la différenciation spontanée ou induite par un traitement au butyrate. L'augmentation de la détoxication de H2S au cours de la différenciation est associée à une augmentation de la réserve respiratoire soulignant l'importance de la chaîne respiratoire comme composante de la fonction de détoxication du H2S. En situation d'inhibition de la cytochrome c oxydase, la grande capacité des cellules coliques humaines à détoxiquer le H2S pourrait être en partie due à la présence d'un transfert réverse des électrons issus de l'oxydation de H2S de la SQR vers le complexe I. Outre le butyrate, le zinc un autre composé de la lumière colique, exerce un effet protecteur contre la toxicité cellulaire du H2S. Enfin, notre travail a mis en évidence une diminution de l'expression d'un gène codant pour une enzyme de la « sulfide oxidation unit » (la TST) dans le rectum comparée à différents segments du côlon, ce qui pourrait correspondre à des capacités de détoxication du H2S différente en fonctions des segments du gros intestin humain. / Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is a metabolite produced notably by colonic sulphate-reducing bacteria from alimentary sulphur-containing amino acids, sulfates / sulfites and sulfomucines. At high concentrations, H2S is a toxic gas due to its ability to inhibit cytochome c oxidase, and therefore mitochondrial respiration. In contrast, our study shows that at low concentrations, H2S induces mitochondrial energization in human colonic epithelial cells HT-29 Glc -/+ assigning it a role as the first inorganic oxidative substrate in human cells. In this work, we have determined sulphide concentrations allowing sulphide oxidation/detoxification by HT-29 cells and those which inhibit oxygen consumption. The oxidation of H2S requires cooperation between the “sulphide oxidation unit” and the respiratory chain. The capacity of HT-29 Glc -/+ to oxidize H2S is associated with the presence of transcripts encoding the enzymes constituting the “sulfide oxidation unit”: the sulphide quinine reductase (SQR), the sulphur dioxygenase or Ethylmalonic encephalopathy 1 (ETHE1) and the thiosulfate sulphur transferase (TST). We demonstrate that the oxidation of H2S takes precedence over the oxidation of carbon substrates. Indeed, our results suggest that electrons from SQR are transferred to the ubiquinone pool at the expense of those originating from the complex I. Our results point out that SQR represents a determinanat factor in the oxidation of H2S. In addition, the detoxification of H2S by HT-29 Glc -/+ cells increases during spontaneous differentiation and differentiation induced by treatment with butyrate. The increase in the detoxification of H2S during the differentiation is associated with an increase of the respiratory reserve pointing out the importance of the respiratory chain as a component of the detoxification function of H2S. In situations of inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase, the capacity of human colon cells to detoxify H2S could be due in part to the presence of a reverse transfer of electrons from the oxidation of H2S to the SQR complex I. In addition to butyrate, zinc, another compound of the colonic lumen has a protective effect against cell toxicity associated with H2S. Lastly, we have shown a decreased expression of the gene encoding an enzyme of the “sulfide oxidation unit” (TST) in the rectum compared to the other segments of human colon. This observation may correspond to different detoxification capacities towards H2S according to the different parts of the human large intestine.
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Étude du réassortiment génétique des virus influenza d’origines et de sous-types différents / Genetic reassortment of influenza viruses with different origins or subtypesBouscambert-Duchamp, Maude 14 June 2010 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la menace pandémique liée au virus influenza A(H5N1), un projet «GRIPPE AVIAIRE ET GRIPPE PANDÉMIQUE » a émergé au sein de LyonBioPôle avec comme objectif le développement d’outils de caractérisation des virus influenza pour la production de vaccins. Pour étudier le réassortiment génétique entre virus influenza, nous avons développé 3 systèmes de génétique inverse : virus humain A(H3N2) et aviaires A(H5N2) et A(H5N1) et produit des virus réassortants de composition déterminée. Leurs capacités réplicatives ont été évaluées par cinétiques de croissance virale sur MDCK avec quantification de la production virale par qRT-PCR temps réel. L’émergence du virus influenza A(H1N1)2009 pose deux questions sur l’acquisition par réassortiment génétique, d’une résistance à l’oseltamivir d’une part ou de facteurs de virulence d’autre part. Nous avons donc développé un protocole de co-infection virale de cellules MDCK pour étudier les constellations de gènes des réassortants entre différents virus: A(H1N1)2009-A(H1N1) H275Y et A(H1N1)2009-A(H5N1). Nous montrons par deux approches différentes, génétique inverse et co-infections virales, que le réassortiment génétique entre souches aviaires et humaines et surtout aviaires et porcines est possible, en privilégiant certaines constellations. Nous rapportons que le virus pandémique peut acquérir la NA H275Y des virus A(H1N1) Brisbane-like résistants à l’oseltamivir sans que ses capacités de réplication ne soient altérées. De même nous montrons que son réassortiment avec un virus hautement pathogène A(H5N1) est possible. Ces observations renforcent la nécessité de promouvoir la vaccination afin de limiter les risques de co-infection virale chez un même individu. / In the context of A(H5N1) pandemics threat, an « avian flu and flu pandemics » project was proposed by LyonBioPole to develop influenza viruses characterization tools for vaccine production. To study genetic reassortment between influenza viruses, 3 reverse genetic systems of A(H3N2) human virus and A(H5N2) and A(H5N1) avian viruses were developed and reassortant viruses were produced. Their replicative capacities were evaluated using growth kinetics on MDCK cells with viral production quantification by real-time qRT-PCR. The A(H1N1)2009 emergence raises two questions about the acquisition by genetic reassortment of oseltamivir resistance and/or pathogenicity determinants. A co-infection protocol on MDCK cells was developed to study gene constellations of reassortant viruses like A(H1N1)2009-A(H1N1) H275Y and A(H1N1)2009-A(H5N1). We report here that genetic reassortment is possible between avian, human and swine strains using reverse genetic and viral co-infection and that some specific constellations emerged. We also report, that pandemic A(H1N1)2009 can acquire the H275Y mutated NA from seasonal oseltamivir resistant A(H1N1) viruses without any modifications on replicative capacities. This genetic reassortment is also possible with A(H5N1) viruses. These observations strenght the importance of vaccination against all these influenza strains to reduce the risk of one-individual viral co-infection.
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