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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors rättigheter i Saudiarabien : En förklarande idéanalys utifrån senrentierism och liberalfeminism / Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia : an Explanatory Idea Analysis through the lens of Late Rentierism and Liberal Feminism

Eineborg Schön, Julia, Augustsson, Sophie January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the development of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia by examiningthree reforms dated between the years of 2011 to 2022. The reforms revolve the progressmade within the subject and are therefore relevant to our paper. Furthermore, the reforms areanalyzed from the perspective of two theories: late rentierism and liberal feminism. Themethodology in the essay aims to seek motives behind decisions made by the state, thus beingappropriate to use in our case. In the analysis we connect the found motives with the chosentheories and draw conclusions regarding how the motives can be explained by each theory.Our findings show that the progress of women’s rights in Saudi Arabia can be connected tothe theory of late rentierism, where the reforms all indicate that the state of Saudi Arabia hastheir best economic interest in mind when implementing the reforms analyzed. A certainconnection with the theory of liberal feminism can be drawn as women’s rights are legalizedto a larger extent, as well as their rights in family matters that appear to be of larger interest tothe state today.

Muhammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab och de islamska feministerna : Ett möte om kvinnans roll i äktenskapet

Fagerberg, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The religious school of thought that is involved in the control of Saudi Arabia is called Wahhabism and is a form of Islam that is usually accused by outsiders of being misogynist. This paper will deal with the founder of this alignment of Islam, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, and his view of women in marriage. Another movement which in turn goes to work to lift the women's rights is Islamic feminists. Two branches of Islam who belief that Islam is the only right path to take for issues surrounding gender and life. In this essay, I will compare their respective interpretations of three points which concern the role of women in marriage; men's right to polygamy, men's higher status than the woman and the men's right to beat his wife. The purpose of this paper is to ask two different interpretations of the same issues, with the same verses in the Quran against each other to see how they resemble or differ from each other to try to contribute for a greater understanding of the interpretative pluralism in Islam. The paper concludes that these two movements are looking at the three points with different eyes and in different ways as they are originated from two different contexts and have different purposes when their interpreting the verses from the Quran.

Guns n' roses : The Swedish Social Democratic Party and the Saudi agreement

Apel, Erik January 2015 (has links)
In this study I examine the decisions to sign and later terminate the so called Saudi agreement, a military memorandum of understanding (MoU) between Sweden and Saudi Arabia, understood as a gateway agreement for future arms deals as well as exchange of defense technology knowledge. Comparing statements from the Social Democratic Party (SAP), who held government both in 2005 when the agreement was signed as well as in 2015 when it was terminated unilaterally by Sweden, I examine the ideological preferences of Swedish foreign policy. Could the shift in policy be explained by ideology?

En förändrad socialdemokratisk utrikespolitik? : En motivanalys av socialdemokratiska ställningstaganden gällande försvarsavtalet med Saudiarabien mellan år 2005 till år 2015.

Johansson, Louise January 2015 (has links)
In 2005 the Swedish social democratic government settled a defense treaty with Saudi Arabia. Ten years later, a new Social democratic government ends the treaty. This thesis will study the Social democratic party’s motives behind their actions regarding the treaty. Kjell Goldmanns theory regarding the three fields of interest concerning state’s foreign policy, security policy, economy and international values, will serve as the theory and operationalization of this thesis. The thesis will operate an analysis of motives to study the main motives of the party’s actions during four events. After examining the actions of the Social democrats in media and the parliament, the thesis found that the party had changed their main motives between 2005 and 2015. Their main motives in 2005 were economical and in 2015 were their main motives international values, which reaches the conclusion that the Social democrats have changed their motives regarding the treaty.

Study of NEOM city renewable energy mix and balance problem

Alkeaid, Majed Mohammed G January 2018 (has links)
It is important for NEOM management in the contemporary world to put in place NEOM projects using the available resources. The region in which the NEOM project is spacious and vast with conditions suited to generate energy from solar and wind. The NEOM projectis expected to be set up in the very resourceful state of Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the study is to assist in setting up a sustainable city through the exploitation of solar and wind energy. The aim of the study was to assist in the generation of more than 10 GW renewable energy to replace approximately 80,000 barrels of fossil energy. The problem of coming up with renewable and sustainable energy from the unexploited sources is addressed. The renewable city is expected to be a technological hub based on Green Energy with 100% renewable energy, which is correspond to 72:4GW. Freiburg and Masdar as renewable cities are used as case studies in the research. NEOM power generation capacity is capable to cover Saudi Arabia power generation capacity (approximately 71GW), which is more than enough for a city. The study reveals that the total power generation from wind farms, tidal farms, solar stations, and solar power tower stations are 9:1373GW, 4:76GW, 57:398GW and 1:11GW respectively. Saudi Arabia has plans to set up 16 nuclear plants (17 GW each) for energy purposes (total of 272 GW), which will be part of Saudi Arabia national grid and will be more than enough to cover NEOM electricity demand in case NEOM does not reach demand capacity. In case NEOM energy does not meet the demand, electricity generation from 16 Nuclearpower plants generating 17GW each, and 6 Natural underground batteries with a capacity of 120MW each are recommended. The study results can be applied in NEOM Institute of Science and Technology for further research on renewable energy. The findings can also be used for research extension of HVDC transmission lines between NEOM and Saudi Arabia main grid, Egypt, and Jordan. / Det är viktigt för NEOM projektets ledning att planera och införa projektet med hjälp av förnybara energiresurser på plats. Regionen är rymligt och stort och är en lämplig plats för att kunna generera tillräcklig med energi från sol och vind för energiförsörjning av området. Syftet med studien är att studera en pågående planering och byggnation av en hållbar stad med upp till 10 GW förnybar energi som motsvarar cirka 80 000 fat fossil bränsle. Problem och utmaningar för att försörja en hel stad med förnybara energiresurser kommer att diskuteras. Den förnybara staden förväntas vara ett föredöme för 100% förnybar energi, vilket i kapacitetssammanhang motsvarar 72:4GW, vilket är mer tillräckligt än behovet för NEOM staden. Freiburg och Masdar städer används som fallstudier i examensarbetet. NEOMs kraftproduktionskapacitet kan täcka behovet av hela landet som uppgår till 71GW. Studien visar att den totala kraftproduktionskapaciteten från olika förnybara energiresurser såsom vindkraftparker, tidvattenanläggningar, solcellkraftverk och soltornskraftverk med en kapacitet av 9:1373GW,4:76GW, 57:398GW och 1:11GW respektive kan uppgå till 72:4GW. Saudiarabien har planer på att skaffa 16 kärnkraftverk (17GW vardera) med en total kapacitet på 272GW som kommer att ingå i Saudiarabiens nationella satsningar för framtidens elproduktion och det kan täcka elbehovet om NEOM inte når efterfrågekapaciteten. Utöver ovan har studien föreslagit 6 underjordiska batterier med en kapacitet på 120MW per batteri. Studieresultaten kan användas för kompetensuppbyggnad och vidare forskning om förnybara energiresurser för NEOM Institute of Science and Technology. Resultaten kan också användas för teknikutveckling och forskning inom HVDC- överföringsledningar mellan NEOM, Saudiarabiens huvudnät, Egypten och Jordanien.

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