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The status of school libraries in Kenya : the case of public secondary schools in Nairobi CountyMutungi, Benjamin Kasyoki 04 1900 (has links)
For school libraries to sufficiently contribute to better information skills’ development and creation of a culture of lifelong learning among students, they require backing through well articulated policies both at national and individual school level. This study investigated the prevailing status of school libraries in public secondary schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. Using a survey research design, with a response rate of 68% for school principals and 66% for school librarians, this study established that although the majority of the schools had school libraries, these were individual schools’ efforts. There were no government policies on school libraries and most of the schools lacked explicit library policies. Additionally, they had not embraced contemporary trends in technology and the major impediment was lack of financial support. The study concluded that school libraries in Nairobi County were inadequately resourced and supported and recommended that the government of Kenya should come up with national policies that will entrench school libraries in the education system. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)
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國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享研究:以基隆市為例 / National Middle School Library and Public Library Community Resource Sharing : Keelung City as Example沈宛蓁, Shen, Wan Jhen Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究亦提出針對國民中學圖書館與公共圖書館社區資源共享後續研究可以討論的方向與目標。 / National reading ability is a very important competitiveness of a country, and it is also a most effective investment for a country. Internet promotes global village living area more closely, so the individual should have the ability to solve problems. In order to face the diversity and rapid changes in information generation, it is nessary to have the ability of reading comprehension.
Middle school students are at the run-in period between children and adults period, changes of the physical edffect psychological needs and knowledge needs. With the coming of 12-year compulsory education policy, the teacher-student interaction mode has also been changed. One way mode that teachers teach and students learn amended, and it’s necessary to cultivate the information literacy of middle school students.
To improve students’ information literacy do need the coordination and cooperation between the public libraries and the national middle school libraries. Both of the libraries can provide library and information services to the students on hardware part, and provide curriculum and teaching design or library instruction on software part. And both parts are the basis of information literacy. National middle school libraries service mainly on teachers and students, so the government funding and resources are indeed limited. The main target of public libraries is the entire population, and compared to school libraries, government funding and professional capacity are abundant. If middle school libraries and public libraries can share the resources with each other, and also implement the information literacy curriculum with spiral planning at the same time, the scholarly community can be created and middle school students can be cultivated with reading comprehension ability.
This study investigate the resources sharing between national middle school libraries and public libraries of overseas areas, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong and also three domestic areas including Taipei, New Taipei and Kaohsiung. Through the literature review of resource sharing between libraries, and compared it with the situation of keelung, a better future plan can be make.
Although there is a Taiwan's first private public library in Keelung and it has historic location, the humid and rainy weather and the frontier location of Taipei City affecte the middle school students’ opportunities of outdoor activities. Therefore, national middle school libraries and public libraries have the responsibility to increase students' leisure activities places and meet the students need of reading.
The results found that:
(1) 40% national middle school libraries and the public libraries share community resources.
(2) the main types of shared community resource is the speech of "about the writer."
(3) the motivation and demand of community resources sharing between national middle school libraries and public libraries are very strong.
At the end of this study, issues of the community resources sharing between national middle school libraries for follow-up study are suggested.
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Empowering Agent for Oklahoma School Learning Communities: An Examination of the Oklahoma Library Improvement ProgramJenkins, Carolyn Sue Ottinger 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to determine the initial impact of the Oklahoma Library Media Improvement Grants on Oklahoma school library media programs; assess whether the Oklahoma Library Media Improvement Grants continue to contribute to Oklahoma school learning communities; and examine possible relationships between school library media programs and student academic success. It also seeks to document the history of the Oklahoma Library Media Improvement Program 1978 - 1994 and increase awareness of its influence upon the Oklahoma school library media programs. Methods of data collection included: examining Oklahoma Library Media Improvement Program archival materials; sending a survey to 1703 school principals in Oklahoma; and interviewing Oklahoma Library Media Improvement Program participants. Data collection took place over a one year period. Data analyses were conducted in three primary phases: descriptive statistics and frequencies were disaggregated to examine mean scores as they related to money spent on school library media programs; opinions of school library media programs; and possible relationships between school library media programs and student academic achievement. Analysis of variance was used in the second phase of data analysis to determine if any variation between means was significant as related to Oklahoma Library Improvement Grants, time spent in the library media center by library media specialists, principal gender, opinions of library media programs, student achievement indicators, and the region of the state in which the respondent was located. The third phase of data analysis compared longitudinal data collected in the 2000 survey with past data. The primary results indicated students in Oklahoma from schools with a centralized library media center, served by a full-time library media specialist, and the school having received one or more Library Media Improvement Grants scored significantly higher academically than students in schools not having a centralized library media center, not served by a full-time library media specialist, and the school not having received one or more Library Media Improvement Grants. Students in schools having even one of these components scored higher academically than students in schools with none of these components.
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\"Como lobo na pele de cordeiro\": discursos das diferenças em textos narrativos infantis sobre a pessoa com deficiência / As wolf in sheeps clothing: discourses of the differences in childrens narrative texts about people with disabilities.Souza, Fernanda Cristina de 07 December 2011 (has links)
As políticas da diversidade/diferença ocuparam um lugar de destaque na gestão do governo Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), influenciando as políticas educacionais desse período. Na educação especial, propriamente, o discurso do direito à diferença norteou uma série de documentos de orientação técnica da Seesp/MEC e serviu como subsídio para que os sistemas de ensino organizassem estratégias de consolidação do processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades/superdotação. Nesse período, um exemplo de ação de governo pautada pelo princípio do direito à diferença foi a implantação do PNBE/ESP 2008 pela Seesp/MEC, em que foram indicados livros de literatura infantojuvenil para compor as bibliotecas das escolas públicas de todo o país, considerando as especificidades da população a ser contemplada pelos serviços da educação especial, no que tange à acessibilidade da leitura em diversas modalidades, entre elas: Libras, Braille, caracteres ampliados, áudio e tinta. Nesse cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os discursos sobre as diferenças, presentes nos textos narrativos infantis dos livros sugeridos pelo PNBE/ESP 2008, especialmente naqueles em que se propõe abordar a temática da pessoa com deficiência, em tempos de ebulição das discussões acerca da inclusão escolar. Como parte deste estudo foram também consideradas as concepções de diferenças presentes nos documentos oficiais de educação especial no período de 2003 a 2010, na tentativa de discutir as interfaces entre o discurso oficial sobre as diferenças e as (im)possíveis formas de materialização desses discursos nas enunciações dos livros indicados pelo programa citado. O referencial de análise das diferenças foi balizado por autores da corrente dos chamados Estudos culturais, dentre eles Bhabha (2007) e Silva (2007). Foram apropriados, ainda, os conceitos de dialogismo e polifonia, na perspectiva de autores situados no Círculo de Bakhtin, como forma de estabelecer um olhar mais atento aos discursos dos livros analisados, considerando os efeitos de sentido provocados no leitor de literatura infantil. Os resultados nos levaram a concluir que as obras estudadas podem constituir-se numa espécie de lobo em pele de cordeiro, quando, em nome do forçoso apelo do respeito às diferenças, colaboram para o processo de mercantilização da própria diferença, escancarando as contradições da política educacional vigente. / The politics of diversity/difference occupied a prominent place in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvas government management (2003-2010), influencing educational policies of this period. In special education, specifically, the discourse of the right to difference has guided a series of technical guidance documents of SEESP/MEC and served as a subsidy for school systems to organize strategies to consolidate the process of school inclusion of students with disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders and high ability/gifted students. During this period, an example of government action guided by the principle of the difference was the implementation of PNBE/ESP 2008 by SEESP/MEC, wherein children\'s and youth literature books were appointed to be further acquired by the public school libraries across the country considering the specifics of the population to be covered by the special education services, in terms of accessibility of reading in various ways, including: LIBRAS (Brazilian Language of Signs), Braille, extended characters, audio and ink. In this scenario, the present study aimed to analyze the discourses on the differences present in children\'s narrative texts from the books suggested by PNBE/ESP 2008, especially those in which is approached the issue of disabled people in times of boiling discussions about school inclusion. As part of this study were also considered the views of these differences in the official documents of special education in the period of 2003 to 2010 in an attempt to discuss the interfaces between the official discourse on the differences and the (im)possible forms of materialization of these discourses in the program appointed book utterances. The so-called \"cultural studies\" school, including Bhabha (2007) and Silva (2007) supported the differences analysis. The concepts of dialogism and polyphony of Bakhtin Circle were applied in order to set a closer look at the discourses of the analyzed books, considering the meaning effects caused in the reader of children\'s literature. The results led us to conclude that the works can be studied in a kind of \"wolf in sheep\'s clothing\" when, compelled to appeal on behalf of the respect for differences, collaborate to the commodification of difference itself, exposing the contradictions of education policy in force.
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Design e arquitetura: a criança e as bibliotecas pública infantil e escolar / Design and architecture: the child and public children\'s and school librariesAmorim, Aline Pessoa de Oliveira 03 May 2017 (has links)
As bibliotecas são espaços dinâmicos, centros de aprendizagem e de lazer que necessitam estar em consonância com o público ao qual atendem. Por sua importância relacionada ao desenvolvimento cognitivo, à emancipação em termos de aprendizagem e à cultura e socialização imbricadas a sua essência, as bibliotecas voltadas para o público infantil são o tema da presente pesquisa. Reconhecendo-se que o bom uso da biblioteca está intrinsecamente conectado a aspectos relativos à organização espacial do local e a seus equipamentos, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender como se dá a relação da criança em bibliotecas voltadas para este público, com seu ambiente e com os equipamentos ali presentes, visando extrair da análise destas experiências aspectos que possam servir para projetos futuros relacionados ao tema. Para tanto, foi feita uma pesquisa bibliográfica que buscou compreender como se deu a criação da infância enquanto aspecto cultural e a relevância da criação da Biblioteca Infantil Municipal, atualmente denominada Biblioteca Infantojuvenil Monteiro Lobato, para a cidade de São Paulo na década de 1930. Além disso, discutiu-se a Infoeducação e os aspectos a ela imbricados, que norteiam as análises dos ambientes aqui estudados. Uma compilação dos mobiliários atualmente ofertados pela indústria brasileira pra escolas e bibliotecas e a análise de bibliotecas com espaços infantis que apresentam projetos inovadores para a área também constituem esta pesquisa. Por fim, foram realizados dois estudos de caso de bibliotecas voltadas para o público infantil (uma pública e a outra escolar), coletando dados referentes à atuação de crianças entre seis e nove anos nas mesmas, com a adição da coleta de dados com outros personagens que fazem parte, direta ou indiretamente, da experiência das crianças nestes locais como, por exemplo, os pais e/ou responsáveis, as bibliotecárias e as contadoras de histórias. A análise dos dados coletados e os resultados obtidos com os estudos de caso foram confrontados por meio de uma triangulação dos dados gerados com os aspectos relacionados à Infoeducação e à ofertada da indústria brasileira para os ambientes em questão, permitindo, assim, tecer considerações acerca dos resultados obtidos com esta experiência. / Libraries are dynamic spaces, centers of learning and recreation that need to be in consonance with the public they serve. Because of its importance in relation to cognitive development, emancipation, in terms of learning, culture and socialization imbricated to its essence, children\'s libraries are the subject of this research. Recognizing that the good use of the library is intrinsically connected with aspects related to the spatial organization and to the equipments that belong to these libraries, this research has as its main objective, to understand how kids interact with these libraries and its equipments, aiming to extract from the analysis of these experiences, aspects that may be useful for future projects related to this area of study. To make it possible, a bibliographical research was realized in aiming to understand the creation of the childhood\'s concept, as a cultural aspect and also about the relevance of the creation of the Municipal Children\'s Library (nowadays called Biblioteca Infantojuvenil Monteiro Lobato) to the city of São Paulo in the 1930s. In addition, aspects concerning the essence of the Infoeducation were discussed, which guided the analysis of the spaces studied here. A compilation of the furniture provided by the Brazilian industry for schools and libraries and an analysis of libraries with children\'s spaces that have innovative projects for the areas of design and architecture are also part of this research. Finally, there are two cases of children\'s libraries (a public children library and a school library), collecting data related to the performance of children between six and nine years old, with an addition of data collected with other characters that are directly or indirectly part of the experience of the kids at these places, such as parents and / or guardians, librarians and storytellers. The analysis of the data collected and the results obtained with the cases were confronted using a triangulation of the data generated with the aspects related to the Infoeducation and the furniture offered by the Brazilian industry in general, making it possible to generate considerations about the results obtained with this experience.
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Bibliotecas escolares: políticas públicas para a criação de possibilidades / -Viana, Lilian 01 December 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa partiu da atual situação da biblioteca escolar brasileira; instituição que, ainda quando existente, é marcada sobretudo por concepções centradas em apenas uma de suas características: uma coleção organizada de recursos informacionais. A questão ganha destaque no presente momento, com a emergência da Lei Federal no 12.244/10, que determina a obrigatoriedade da criação de bibliotecas nas instituições de ensino nacionais e as define exclusivamente como um acervo, bastando, portanto, ações centradas na garantia do acesso à coleção disponibilizada pelas bibliotecas para o cumprimento da determinação oficial. A partir deste contexto, o estudo indica a necessidade do desenvolvimento de políticas públicas ocupadas não somente com a criação de bibliotecas escolares, mas principalmente com sua ressignificação na educação, garantindo que se ocupem com o direito de informar-se que crianças e jovens têm, apropriando-se de informação e cultura. Com o objetivo de conhecer e sistematizar categorias implicadas na implantação de políticas públicas para bibliotecas escolares, a pesquisa - de natureza qualitativa - contemplou uma abordagem de referencial teórico e de estudo exploratório - por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas - sobre a implantação da política pública municipal levada a efeito na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo (SP), que teve como fruto a Rede Escolar de Bibliotecas Interativas (REBI), concebida a partir do paradigma da apropriação cultural. Como resultado, foram sistematizadas categorias a serem consideradas numa política pública voltada à criação, ressignificação e consolidação da biblioteca escolar em nosso país. / This research was based on the situation of Brazilian school libraries; still scarce in the educational environment and when they exist are usually only a collection of book; an organized collection of information. The issue takes on more relevance with the creation of Brazilian federal law no 12.244/10 which mandates the creation of libraries in all national educational institutions and defines them solely as a collection of material. Therefore, efforts focused only on providing access to library materials are sufficient to fulfill the schools obligation under the law. In this context, the study recommends the development of public policy focused not only on the creation of school libraries but also, and crucially, on redefining them, ensuring that they will be focused not only on the right to access information, but also the right to know how to access and use it. Aiming to understand and define criteria for the implementation of public policy for school libraries, this qualitative research included a theoretical approach and also an exploratory study - through semi-structured interviews on the implementation of the municipal public policy carried out in São Bernardo do Campo (SP), which led to the creation of Rede Escolar de Bibliotecas Interativas, a network of libraries based on the concept of apropriação cultural (Portuguese term that means the construction of meaning for the use of the informational/cultural Center). As a result, the criteria to be considered in public policy aimed at the creation, redefinition and consolidation of school libraries in Brazil have been defined.
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A ordem informacional dialógica: estudo sobre a busca de informação em educação / The dialogic informational order: a study about the information research in EducationPieruccini, Ivete 29 October 2004 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a busca de informação em Educação, e tendo em vista requalificá-la como parte essencial dos processos de apropriação de conhecimentos, de construção de significados e de identidade na contemporaneidade. Para tanto, defende a necessidade de dispositivos informacionais, constituídos a partir de um ordem informacional dialógica, em oposição à ordem monológica. Sistematiza referências teóricas e metodológicas para sua criação, a partir da implantação e acompanhamento de uma biblioteca escolar, para crianças de educação infantil e ensino fundamental, na cidade de São Bernardo do campo, em São Paulo. / This work presents a study about the search for information in education, keeping in mind requalifyng it as an essential part of the processes of knowledge acquiriment, construction of meaning and it´s identity in the contemporary. For in such a way, defends the necessity of informational devices, built from dialogical informational order, in opposition to monologic. Systemizes theoretic and methodological references for its creation, from the implantation and accompaniment of a school library, for kindergarten and fundamental education children, inthe city of São bernardo do campo, São Paulo.
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Prática docente e leitura de textos literários no fundamental II: uma incursão pelo programa hora da leitura. / Teaching practice and reading of literary texts in the brazilian middle school fundamental II: an incursion through the time for reading program.Feitosa, Márcia Soares de Araujo 14 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo empreender algumas reflexões concernentes às práticas de leitura de textos literários no ensino fundamental, no âmbito de um programa de enriquecimento curricular da SEE -SP, a HORA DA LEITURA. Visamos compreender o por que o professor de Língua Portuguesa sente dificuldade em realizar uma prática de leitura de textos literários sob uma perspectiva mais lúdica e prazerosa. A justificativa para esse trabalho repousa na constatação de que as práticas de leitura delineadas em sala de aula têm sido apontadas como co-responsáveis pelos déficits diagnosticados nos exames de avaliações oficiais, como o SAEB e o PISA, e pelo afastamento da criança da literatura. A escola, instituição privilegiada para o desenvolvimento do gosto pela leitura literária, acaba, paradoxalmente, inviabilizando uma formação leitora compatível com as competências que é preciso desenvolver para fruir satisfatoriamente o texto literário, por meio de práticas descontextualizadas, não-estimulantes, que não buscam a fruição textual. Como fundamentação, discutimos a especificidade do texto literário e a importância da literatura na formação integral do homem e no desenvolvimento de um comportamento leitor (Cândido, 1972, 1995; Coelho, 2000; Eco, 2003). Em função disto, destacamos, também, no âmbito escolar, a necessidade de se abordar o texto literário sob uma perspectiva diferenciada, segundo a qual a ludicidade e o prazer se façam presentes (Geraldi, 2006; Semeghini- Siqueira, 1994, 2006), e o papel do professor-mediador na elaboração de práticas significativas de leitura (Lajolo, 1993; Zilberman, 2003). Da mesma forma, ressaltamos a relevância da constituição adequada de espaços de leitura, como a biblioteca escolar, para um trabalho significativo com a leitura. Para tanto, empreendemos estudos baseados em Macedo (2005), Silva (1993) e Soares (2001). Participaram desta pesquisa 34 professores da HORA DA LEITURA que faziam parte de uma mesma Diretoria de Ensino, e aos quais foram aplicados questionários. Entre esses professores, foi escolhida uma professora, em cuja sala realizamos uma pesquisa de cunho etnográfico, observando de forma sistemática como eram realizadas as práticas de leitura de textos literários na sala de aula e na biblioteca escolar. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a dificuldade do professor de Língua Portuguesa, em implementar uma prática diferenciada advém de uma série de fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos à escola, a saber: o educador está habituado a cultivar crenças já arraigadas em nossa sociedade, segundo as quais as crianças não gostam de ler, especialmente os clássicos; limitado por uma formação inicial e contínua deficiente, e, também, por uma vivência insuficiente com a leitura, o professor tem demonstrado, em sua prática pedagógica, as implicações metodológicas das suas concepções, por meio da escolha das obras trabalhadas, do ambiente criado para leitura e da abordagem realizada, que não possibilitam à criança criar uma intimidade maior com os livros e a leitura. Além disso, consideramos que um entrave encontrado no interior das escolas é já endêmico em nosso país: a falta de recursos físicos e humanos, principalmente nos espaços propícios para a leitura, como a biblioteca escolar, dificulta, sobremaneira, um trabalho de cunho lúdico-artístico com o texto literário. Ademais, observamos que o professor enfrenta uma resistência velada dos alunos ao abordar a obra literária, já que os educandos do século XXI, face às grandes transformações sociais, tecnológicas e culturais, têm construído uma nova relação com a leitura e a literatura. Detectamos, ainda, no que se refere à formação continuada dos professores, os complexos caminhos percorridos entre a idealização dos projetos criados pelas políticas públicas e sua efetivação em sala de aula. Em decorrência disto, destacamos a descontinuidade dos cursos de formação continuada e os entraves vivenciados pelos professores em suas escolas, como a falta de espaço e tempo para uma reflexão sobre suas práticas. / The purpose of this research is to undertake some reflections concerning the reading practice of literary texts in the Brazilian Elementary and Middle School (\"Ensino Fundamental\") within the scope of a curriculum enrichment program of the São Paulo State Secretary of Education (SEE-SP), called \"HORA DA LEITURA\" (TIME FOR READING). Our aim is to understand why the Portuguese Language teacher feels it very difficult to conduct a reading practice of literary texts under a more ludic and pleasant perspective. The justification for this work lies on the discovery that the reading practices performed in classroom have been appointed as co-responsible for deficiencies diagnosed in official assessment tests, such as the National System for Assessment of Basic Education (SAEB) and the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), and for the child\'s retreat from literature. The school, a privileged institution for developing the taste for literary reading, eventually and paradoxically makes it unviable to acquire reading education compatible with the competencies it is necessary to develop in order to enjoy the literary text satisfactorily, by using out-of-context and non-exciting practices that do not look for the text fruition. To establish our grounds, we discuss the specificity of the literary text and the importance of literature in the complete education of man and in the development of a reading behavior (Cândido, 1972, 1995; Coelho, 2000; Eco, 2003). In connection therewith, we also point out, within the scope of school, the need of addressing the literary text under a differentiated perspective, in which playfulness and pleasure are present (Geraldi, 2006; Semeghini-Siqueira, 1994, 2006), and the teacher-mediator\'s role in preparing significant reading practices (Lajolo, 1993; Zilberman, 2003). In the same way, we point out the relevance of properly organizing reading spaces, such as the school library, for a significant work with reading . For such purpose, we have undertaken studies based on Macedo (2005), Silva (1993) and Soares (2001). This research had the participation of 34 teachers of the TIME FOR READING program who were part of the same Teaching Board, and to whom questionnaires were administered. Among these teachers, a woman teacher was chosen in whose classroom we performed a research of ethnographic nature, observing on systematic basis how the reading practices of literary texts were conducted in classroom and in the school library. The results achieved indicate that the difficulty of the Portuguese Language teacher to implement a differentiated practice results from a series of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to school, to wit: the educator is used to cultivating beliefs already deeply rooted in our society, according to which children do not like reading, particularly the classics and, limited by a deficient initial and continuous education and also by insufficient reading experience, this educator has been showing, in his pedagogical practice, the methodological implications of such concepts, through the works selected for study, the environment created for reading and the approach made, which do not enable the child to create a greater intimacy with the books and the reading. In addition, we consider that an obstacle found inside the schools and already endemic in our country, which is the lack of physical and human resources, primarily in spaces adequate for reading, such as the school library, makes it overly difficult to perform a work of ludic-artistic nature with the literary text. Additionally, we have noticed that the teacher faces a veiled resistance from children when addressing literary work, since students of the 21st Century, in view of the great social, technological and cultural transformations, have been building a new relationship with reading and literature. We have further detected, as regards the teachers\' continuing education, the complex paths taken between the idealization of projects created by public policies and the consummation thereof in classroom. As a result, we highlight the discontinuity of continuous education courses and the obstacles experienced by teachers in their schools, such as the lack of room and time for a reflection on their practices.
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Proposta para a padronização dos serviços de bibliotecas escolares: um estudo de caso no Colégio Pedro IIFagundes, Leonardo de Jesus Loura 01 November 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-11-01 / A presente pesquisa objetivou padronizar o processo de Marketing das bibliotecas escolares (BEs) do Colégio Pedro II (CPII) à luz da engenharia de processos de negócios sob o viés das ferramentas de qualidades Diagrama de Ishikawa e Matriz SWOT. Para tanto, escolheu-se o ciclo de vida de Kirchmer como parâmetro para a modelagem dos processos nas BEs, assim como utilizou-se de uma metodologia mais participativa, conhecida como pesquisa-ação. Lançou-se mão de alguns instrumentos de coleta de dados, tais como: questionário; entrevista; reuniões; e grupo de trabalho. A modelagem do processo selecionado foi realizada via software Bizagi, cuja metodologia é Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Fez-se a análise dos dados do processo de Marketing no estado atual (As Is) e uma prospecção futura do estado desejado (To Be). Conquanto, utilizou-se dos instrumentos de qualidade para averiguação do estado atual do processo escolhido. Por fim, propôs-se a implementação do deste processo, com ênfase em projetos, a todas as BEs, com a subdivisão de projetos de cunho "permanente" e "itinerante", de forma a dar maior visibilidade a quem serve - os agentes sociais de transformação - e a quem é servido. Conclui-se que o processo em questão é insipiente e incipiente dentre os processos identificados nas BEs do CPII e as do Brasil, demandando mais esforços para a sua consecução efetiva e servindo de modelo para outras unidades de informação. / This study aimed to analyze the process of Marketing of the school libraries (BEs) of the Colégio Pedro II (CPII) in the light of Engineering Business Processes under the bias of quality tools Ishikawa Diagram and SWOT Matrix. Therefore, the Kirchmer life cycle was chosen as a parameter for the modeling of processes in BEs, and a more participatory methodology known as action-research was used. This study employed some data collection tools such as the questionnaire, interview, meetings, and working group. The review of the applied literature was developed through influences of best practices under a foreign national scope, following precepts of bibliographic and documentary level research. The modeling of the selected process was carried out through software Bizagi, the methodology in which is Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). There was an analysis of data from the Marketing process in the current state (As Is) and a future prospect of the desired state (To Be). However, the both quality instruments were used to investigate the current state of the choosen process. Finally, the implementation of the Marketing process, with an enphasis on projects, to all BEs work, with the subdivision of "permanent" and "itinerant" projects, in order to give greater visibility to those who serve - social processing agents - and those who are served. It was concluded that the process in question is incipient and very limit from the processes identified in the BEs of CPII and other information units in Brazil, demanding more efforts for their effective achievement and serving as a model for other librarys.
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\"Como lobo na pele de cordeiro\": discursos das diferenças em textos narrativos infantis sobre a pessoa com deficiência / As wolf in sheeps clothing: discourses of the differences in childrens narrative texts about people with disabilities.Fernanda Cristina de Souza 07 December 2011 (has links)
As políticas da diversidade/diferença ocuparam um lugar de destaque na gestão do governo Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), influenciando as políticas educacionais desse período. Na educação especial, propriamente, o discurso do direito à diferença norteou uma série de documentos de orientação técnica da Seesp/MEC e serviu como subsídio para que os sistemas de ensino organizassem estratégias de consolidação do processo de inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades/superdotação. Nesse período, um exemplo de ação de governo pautada pelo princípio do direito à diferença foi a implantação do PNBE/ESP 2008 pela Seesp/MEC, em que foram indicados livros de literatura infantojuvenil para compor as bibliotecas das escolas públicas de todo o país, considerando as especificidades da população a ser contemplada pelos serviços da educação especial, no que tange à acessibilidade da leitura em diversas modalidades, entre elas: Libras, Braille, caracteres ampliados, áudio e tinta. Nesse cenário, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar os discursos sobre as diferenças, presentes nos textos narrativos infantis dos livros sugeridos pelo PNBE/ESP 2008, especialmente naqueles em que se propõe abordar a temática da pessoa com deficiência, em tempos de ebulição das discussões acerca da inclusão escolar. Como parte deste estudo foram também consideradas as concepções de diferenças presentes nos documentos oficiais de educação especial no período de 2003 a 2010, na tentativa de discutir as interfaces entre o discurso oficial sobre as diferenças e as (im)possíveis formas de materialização desses discursos nas enunciações dos livros indicados pelo programa citado. O referencial de análise das diferenças foi balizado por autores da corrente dos chamados Estudos culturais, dentre eles Bhabha (2007) e Silva (2007). Foram apropriados, ainda, os conceitos de dialogismo e polifonia, na perspectiva de autores situados no Círculo de Bakhtin, como forma de estabelecer um olhar mais atento aos discursos dos livros analisados, considerando os efeitos de sentido provocados no leitor de literatura infantil. Os resultados nos levaram a concluir que as obras estudadas podem constituir-se numa espécie de lobo em pele de cordeiro, quando, em nome do forçoso apelo do respeito às diferenças, colaboram para o processo de mercantilização da própria diferença, escancarando as contradições da política educacional vigente. / The politics of diversity/difference occupied a prominent place in Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvas government management (2003-2010), influencing educational policies of this period. In special education, specifically, the discourse of the right to difference has guided a series of technical guidance documents of SEESP/MEC and served as a subsidy for school systems to organize strategies to consolidate the process of school inclusion of students with disabilities, pervasive developmental disorders and high ability/gifted students. During this period, an example of government action guided by the principle of the difference was the implementation of PNBE/ESP 2008 by SEESP/MEC, wherein children\'s and youth literature books were appointed to be further acquired by the public school libraries across the country considering the specifics of the population to be covered by the special education services, in terms of accessibility of reading in various ways, including: LIBRAS (Brazilian Language of Signs), Braille, extended characters, audio and ink. In this scenario, the present study aimed to analyze the discourses on the differences present in children\'s narrative texts from the books suggested by PNBE/ESP 2008, especially those in which is approached the issue of disabled people in times of boiling discussions about school inclusion. As part of this study were also considered the views of these differences in the official documents of special education in the period of 2003 to 2010 in an attempt to discuss the interfaces between the official discourse on the differences and the (im)possible forms of materialization of these discourses in the program appointed book utterances. The so-called \"cultural studies\" school, including Bhabha (2007) and Silva (2007) supported the differences analysis. The concepts of dialogism and polyphony of Bakhtin Circle were applied in order to set a closer look at the discourses of the analyzed books, considering the meaning effects caused in the reader of children\'s literature. The results led us to conclude that the works can be studied in a kind of \"wolf in sheep\'s clothing\" when, compelled to appeal on behalf of the respect for differences, collaborate to the commodification of difference itself, exposing the contradictions of education policy in force.
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