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Rela??es entre perfil de valores e perfil de uso da tecnologia: Um estudo com os docentes que atuam na modalidade presencial e/ou no ensino a dist?nciaQueiros, Alinne Pompeu Cunha de 19 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-19 / O advento das novas tecnologias e a dinamicidade das mudan?as que estas provocam, impactam diretamente em v?rios aspectos da sociedade, dentre estes, na educa??o. Novas metodologias e mudan?as no processo de ensino-aprendizagem tornam-se pr?ticas cada vez mais frequentes neste campo. O elemento basilar desta nova constitui??o ? o docente, capaz de transformar a utiliza??o desses recursos em ferramentas que favore?am o processo educativo. Essa readequa??o do comportamento exigida por essas constantes mudan?as ? orientada pelos valores pessoais dos sujeitos que vivenciam a situa??o. Os valores s?o idealizados como crit?rios que interferem diretamente nas atitudes, prefer?ncias e at? mesmo no comportamento humano, influenciando no modo como o indiv?duo interpreta as suas pr?prias atitudes e as dos outros, inclusive no ?mbito profissional. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral da presente pesquisa ? analisar as rela??es entre o perfil de uso da tecnologia e os valores dos docentes da UFRN Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, baseado na escala de valores de Schwartz. Para isso foram utilizados os tipos motivacionais que comp?em a teoria de valores de Schwartz, atrav?s de question?rio aplicado junto aos docentes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de enfoque anal?tico quantitativo que utiliza um question?rio da escala de valores desenvolvida por Schwartz et al. (2001) conhecida como PVQ (Portrait Values Questionnaire). A pesquisa foi desenvolvida a partir de uma amostra de 200 docentes entre atuantes da modalidade presencial e/ou na modalidade de ensino a dist?ncia. A estrat?gia de an?lise dos dados utilizou t?cnicas de estat?stica descritiva, an?lise de gr?ficos, an?lise das frequ?ncias relativas e a t?cnica estat?stica MANOVA (An?lise Multivariada de Vari?ncia). Os resultados apontaram que os docentes utilizam moderadamente os recursos tecnol?gicos avaliados nesta pesquisa, como ferramenta de apoio pedag?gico. Com rela??o ao perfil de valores, os docentes apresentaram prioridade entre os tipos motivacionais Autodetermina??o, Benevol?ncia e Universalismo, enquanto os menos priorizados foram os de Tradi??o, Realiza??o e Poder, respectivamente. Contudo, n?o foram identificadas rela??es significativas entre o perfil de valores e o perfil de uso da tecnologia entre os docentes estudados nesta pesquisa
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O índice de Poincaré-Hopf e generalizações no caso singular / The Poincaré-Hopf index and generalizations in singular caseThaís Maria Dalbelo 25 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho,estudamos o índice de Poincaré-Hopf, definido para singularidades isoladas de campos de vetores sobre variedades diferenciáveis. Além disso, investigamos algumas definições de índices de campos de vetores definido sem variedades singulares, como o índice de Schwartz e o índice GSV. Estudaremos estes invariantes no caso específico em que (V; 0) é um germe de uma interseção completa com singularidade isolada na origem / In this work, we study thePoincaré-Hopf index, defined for isolated singularities of vector fields on manifolds. Moreover, we investigate some definitions of indices of vector fields defined on singular varieties, as the Schwartz index and the GSV index. We study these invariants in the case where (V; 0) is a germ of a complete intersection with an isolated singularity at the origin
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Em busca de um olhar judaico: análise das séries fotográficas Histórias Bíblicas, de Adi Nes, Marcados, de Cláudia Andujar, e Crisálidas, de Madalena Schwartz / In search of a Jewish eye: analysis of the photographic series Histórias Bíblicas, by Adi Nes, Marcados, by Cláudia Andujar, and Crisálidas, by Madalena SchwartzLeonardo Feder 29 May 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa de Mestrado é dissertar sobre o olhar judaico que, por suposição, permeia as obras de três fotógrafos contemporâneos e avaliar se há tendências que apontem para a judeidade das fotografias. Os artistas estudados são o israelense Adi Nes e as brasileiras de origem húngara Cláudia Andujar e Madalena Schwartz, que, respectivamente, produziram as séries Histórias Bíblicas (2003-2006), Marcados (1981-1983) e Crisálidas (1973-1976) publicadas em 2007, 2009 e 2012. Adi Nes (1966-), ao encenar em estúdio situações contemporâneas de miséria em Tel Aviv com atores representando personagens bíblicos (Noé, Abraão, Isaque, Jacó, Elias, José, Rute, Caim, Abel e Davi), reatualizou as histórias da Bíblia Hebraica, como faz o Midrash (livro ou trecho de comentários rabínicos), e, talmudicamente, conectou significantes aparentemente díspares que sugerem muitos significados. Cláudia Andujar (1931-) relacionou a situação indígena à história judaica, ao retratar os índios Yanomami com uma placa numerada no pescoço (para identificar qual fora vacinado), o que remete aos números tatuados na pele dos prisioneiros que ingressavam nos campos de extermínio durante a Shoá, o que, em contrapartida, reforça a ameaça à sobrevivência dos índios quando os brancos invadem as suas terras. Madalena Schwartz (1921-1993) fotografou travestis e transformistas do teatro underground realizado pelo Dzi Croquettes, grupo que, ao transitar entre os gêneros masculino e feminino, cultivavam identidades híbridas, fragmentadas e vivenciavam uma condição de exílio compartilhada pela artista, devido aos seus deslocamentos transculturais, ao fazer o percurso migratório Budapeste-Buenos Aires-São Paulo. / The aim of this research is to discourse about the Jewish eye that, by assumption, permeates the work of three contemporary photographers and evaluate if there are tendencies that point to the Jewishness of photographies. The studied artists are the Israeli Adi Nes and the Brazilians of Hungarian origin Cláudia Andujar e Madalena Schwartz, that, respectively, produced the series Biblical Stories (2003-2006), Marcados [Marked] (1981-1983) and Crisálidas [Chrysalides] (1973-1976) published in 2007, 2009 and 2012. Adi Nes (1966-), by staging in studio contemporary situations of misery in Tel Aviv with actors representing biblical characters (Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Elijah, Joseph, Ruth, Cain, Abel and David), re-updated the stories of Hebrew Bible, as does Midrash (book or excerpt of rabbinic commentaries) and, talmudically, connected signifiers apparently different that suggest a lot of meanings. Cláudia Andujar (1931-) correlated the indigenous situation to Jewish history, by depicting the Indians Yanomami with a numbered plaque in neck (to identify who was vaccinated), what links to the numbers tattooed in the skin of prisoners that enter in death camps during Shoah, what, in return, reinforces the threat to survival of Indians when white people invade their lands. Madalena Schwartz (1921-1993) photographed travestites and crossdressers of underground theatre done by Dzi Croquettes, group that, by transiting between masculine and feminine genders, cultivated hibrid, fragmented identities and experienced an exilic condition shared by the artist, due to her transcultural moves, by doing the migratory route Budapest-Buenos Aires-São Paulo.
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De direkta och indirekta effekterna avvärderingar på stödet för europeisk integrationIsi, Alan January 2022 (has links)
Tidigare studier har noterat att svenska folkets motstånd mot fördjupad europeisk integration kan härledas från deras värnandet av välfärdsstaten. Ytterligare studier har funnit att prioriteringen av vissa mänskliga värderingar leder till att individen värderar välfärdsstaten i högre utsträckning. Denna undersökning gör ett försök att bredda förståelsen för hur prioriteringen av vissa mänskliga värderingar kan påverka individen att antingen ha en gynnsam eller ogynnsam syn på välfärdsstaten, och som därmed påverkar individernas stöd för fördjupad europeisk integration. Detta görs genom att använda Schwartz värderingsteori för att initialt skilja mellan Self-transcendence värderingar och Self-enhancement värderingar och analysera deras direkta effekt på stödet för fördjupad europeisk integration. En andra analys görs för att mäta de indirekta effekterna av mänskliga värderingar, kanaliserad genom attityder till välfärdsstaten, på stöd för fördjupad europeisk integration. Data för denna undersökning består av sekundärdata från ESS omgång 9 och använder ett urval av svenska respondenter på N=1474. / Previous studies have noted that swedish opposition to further European integration can be derived from their emphasis on and the importance they place upon the domestic welfare state. Further studies have shown that the prioritization of certain human values will lead the individual to regard the welfare state in a higher respect. This paper will make an attempt to broaden the understanding of how the prioritization of certain human values can influence the individual to have a favorable or unfavorable view of the welfare state, and therefore effect the individuals' support for further European integration. This is done by utilizing Schwartz value theory to initially distinguish between Self-transcendence values and Self-enhancement values and analyze their direct effect on support for further European integration. A second analysis is performed to measure the indirect effects of human values channeled through attitudes to the welfare state on support for further European integration. The data for this paper consists of secondary data provided by ESS round 9 and uses a selection of swedish respondents with a N=1474.
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General Attitudes and Mode Choice : A mode choice study in Stockholm using Schwartz value-items grouped by personal characteristics / Generella attityder och färdmedel : En färdmedelvalsstudie i Stockholm med Schwartz värdeobjekt grupperade efter personliga egenskaperAndersson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Value-items from the Schwartz scale of Values have been added to travel data to investigate if the value-items can be used to model mode choice. Two kinds of mode choice models, both discrete choice models, multinomial models (MNL) and the Machine Learning Models Random Forests (RF) were constructed, using Travel Diary data (RVU) and additional data from European Social Survey (ESS). The additional data was connected to the base data by grouping the individuals using three key variables: gender, age, and household income. Models were then created with and without any data from the value-items to screen for variables that had an impact on the model. The RF model predicted the correct modes for all but the smaller groups, car passengers and biking. While the MNL model had less success accurately assessing which mode someone had chosen. The MNL with additional grouped value-items improved, while the models created using Random Forest had no difference in accuracy based on the addition. Even though there were some significant value-items in the MNL-models, the expected consequences from them small, as the base model specification might be insufficient in incorporating more relevant variables. Based on the Random Forest having no use from the value-items along with them being of similar importance no value-items stood out for further testing. The main findings were thus that no value-items of particular interest could be found with the RF model while the results for the MNL-model were inconclusive. Suggested improvements for further similar studies would be to perform grouping using data for a longer time frame and or to use a value-model as input for the mode choice modelling. It is deemed appropriate to study what values people associate with specific modes directly, and to investigate if other models such as car ownership models or models of choices between different versions of the same mode could be more suitable for additional value-data. / Värdeobjekt från Schwartz värderingsskala har kombinerats med resedata för att undersöka om värdeobjekten kan användas vid modellering av färdmedelsval. Två typer av färdmedelsmodeller, multinomiala modeller (MNL) och Random Forests konstruerades. Den data som användes var Resvanedata (RVU), med kompletterande värderingsdata från European Social Survey (ESS). ESS-datan kopplades till basdatan genom att gruppera individerna med hjälp av tre nyckelvariabler: kön, ålder och hushållsinkomst. Sedan skapades modeller med och utan den kompletterande datan för att se om modellerna påverkades. RF-modellens resultat överensstämde väl med de faktiska valen förutom för de mindre grupperna: bilpassagerare och cyklister. MNL-modellen hade mindre framgång med att bedöma vilket färdmedel en individ hade valt. MNL-modellen med ytterligare grupperade värdeobjekt förbättrades i jämförelse med grundmodellen, medan modellerna skapade med Random Forest inte skilde sig märkbart från varandra. Även om värdeobjekten i MNL-modellerna var signifikanta är de förväntade konsekvenserna av dem små, eftersom specifikationen för basmodellen tros saknar andra mer relevanta variabler. RF-modellen gynnades inte av värdeobjekten och inga värdeobjekt var betydande för modellen. De huvudsakliga fynden var att inga värdeobjekt av särskilt intresse kunde hittas med RF-modellen medan resultaten för MNL-modellen var ofullständiga. Föreslagna förbättringar för ytterligare liknande studier skulle vara att utföra gruppering med hjälp av data för ett längre tidsspann eller att introducera en värdemodell som indata för modelleringen av färdmedelsval. Det bedöms lämpligt att studera vilka värderingar människor förknippar med specifika färdmedel direkt samt att undersöka om andra modeller såsom av bilägande eller i val mellan olika versioner av samma färdmedel skulle var mer passande för att modelleras med hjälp av data med värderingar.
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民族間身心健康習慣的差異:ATUS美國時間運用調查實證研究 / Differences in Physical and Mental Health Related Activities by Race and Ethnicity: Evidence from the American Time Use Survey古庭瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
近來,健康議題越來越受到人們的重視,而世界十大死因中慢性疾病就占相當高的比例。而導致慢性病的主因除了生理因素,例如:遺傳與基因外,生活習慣也是很大的原因。本文探討民族間健康習慣的差異。採用2003至2014年美國American Time Use Survey(ATUS)資料,探討不同民族的文化、價值觀是否影響身心健康習慣投入時間的差異。本文將健康活動按照Alan B. Krueger (2007)的歸類方式,以情緒指標作為活動的分類依據,可以將健康活動歸類為休閒放鬆、準備與照護、社交育樂、飲食等四類身心健康習慣。利用Schwartz的七個文化指標組合成三大文化面向進行分析,發現不同民族花在身心健康習慣的時間存在差異。此外,本文發現對健康習慣的投入對生活其他層面產生不同影響,例如:與生理相關的糖尿病與肥胖問題,以及社會現象相關的離婚與退休問題。
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Reconstruction of foliations from directional informationYeh, Shu-Ying January 2007 (has links)
In many areas of science, especially geophysics, geography and meteorology, the data are often directions or axes rather than scalars or unrestricted vectors. Directional statistics considers data which are mainly unit vectors lying in two- or three-dimensional space (R² or R³). One way in which directional data arise is as normals to foliations. A (codimension-1) foliation of {R} {d} is a system of non-intersecting (d-1)-dimensional surfaces filling out the whole of {R} {d}. At each point z of {R} {d}, any given codimension-1 foliation determines a unit vector v normal to the surface through z. The problem considered here is that of reconstructing the foliation from observations ({z}{i}, {v}{i}), i=1,...,n. One way of doing this is rather similar to fitting smooth splines to data. That is, the reconstructed foliation has to be as close to the data as possible, while the foliation itself is not too rough. A tradeoff parameter is introduced to control the balance between smoothness and closeness. The approach used in this thesis is to take the surfaces to be surfaces of constant values of a suitable real-valued function h on {R} {d}. The problem of reconstructing a foliation is translated into the language of Schwartz distributions and a deep result in the theory of distributions is used to give the appropriate general form of the fitted function h. The model parameters are estimated by a simplified Newton method. Under appropriate distributional assumptions on v{1},...,v{n}, confidence regions for the true normals are developed and estimates of concentration are given.
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Životní hodnoty české společnosti optikou Schwartzovy metody / Life values of the Czech society using Schwartz Value InventoryPodsedníková, Klára January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of measuring society-wide values according to the theory and method designed by Shalom Schwartz. The concept of values and its place in sociology is introduced, the development of Schwartz' theory and method is outlined and its varieties presented. Using the Portrait Value Survey Method, which is based on the data from the European Social Survey, the values of the Czech society are measured. This is carried out by the means of correlation and regression analyses of ten basic values with chosen descriptive variables - age, gender, education and political orientation. The results of the study does not show any significant deviations from the anticipated outcome, the values are quite traditional especially in connection with the gender and age differentiation. The values of individuals change in time and are dependent on the above mentioned factors.
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Hannah Arendt's Theory of Political JudgmentSchwartz, Jonathan Peter January 2014 (has links)
<p>Hannah Arendt's theory of political judgment has been an ongoing perplexity among scholars who have written on her. As a result, her theory of judgment is often treated as a suggestive but unfinished aspect of her thought. Drawing on a wider array of sources than is commonly utilized, I argue that her theory of political judgment was in fact the heart of her work. Arendt's project, in other words, centered around reestablishing the possibility of political judgment in a modern world that historically has progressively undermined it. In the dissertation, I systematically develop an account of Arendt's fundamentally political and non-sovereign notion of judgment. We discover that individual judgment is not arbitrary, and that even in the complex circumstances of the modern world there are valid structures of judgment which can be developed and dependably relied upon. The result of this work articulates a theory of practical reason which is highly compelling: it provides orientation for human agency which does not rob it of its free and spontaneous character; shows how we can improve and cultivate our political judgment; and points the way toward the profoundly intersubjective form of political philosophy Arendt ultimately hoped to develop.</p> / Dissertation
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The Axiology of Necrologies: Using Natural Language Processing to Examine Values in ObituariesLevernier, Jacob 01 May 2017 (has links)
This dissertation is centrally concerned with exploring obituaries as repositories of values. Obituaries are a publicly-available natural language source that are variably written for members of communities that are wide (nation-level) and narrow (city-level, or at the level of specific groups therein). Because they are explicitly summative, limited in size, and written for consumption by a public audience, obituaries may be expected to express concisely the aspects of their subjects' lives that the authors (often family members living in the same communities) found most salient or worthy of featuring.
140,599 obituaries nested in 832 newspapers from across the USA were scraped with permission from *Legacy.com,* an obituaries publisher. Obituaries were coded for the age at death and gender (female/male) of the deceased using automated algorithms. For each publishing newspaper, county-level median income, educational achievement (operationalized as percent of the population with a Bachelor's degree or higher), and race and ethnicity were averaged across counties, weighting by population size.
A Neo4J graph database was constructed using WordNet and the University of South Florida Free Association Norms datasets. Each word in each obituary in the corpus was lemmatized. The shortest path through the WordNet graph from each lemma to 30 Schwartz value prototype words published by Bardi, Calogero, and Mullen (2008) was then recorded. From these path lengths, a new measure, "word-by-hop," was calculated for each Schwartz value to reflect the relative lexical distance between each obituary and that Schwartz value.
Of the Schwartz values, Power, Conformity, and Security were most indicated in the corpus, while Universalism, Hedonism, and Stimulation were least indicated. A series of nine two-level regression models suggested that, across Schwartz values, newspaper community accounted for the greatest amount of word-by-hop variability in the corpus. The best-fitting model indicated a small, negative effect of female status across Schwartz values. Unexpectedly, Hedonism and Conformity, which had conceptually opposite prototype words, were highly correlated, possibly indicating that obituary authors "compensate" for describing the deceased in a hedonistic way by concurrently emphasizing restraint. Future research could usefully further expand word-by-hop and incorporate individual-level covariates that match the newspaper-level covariates used here.
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