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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europafrågans dimensionalitet. : En kvalitativ idéanalys av Vänsterpartiets och Sverigedemokraternas positionsförskjutning i EU-frågan med relation till Brexit. / Dimensionality of the European issue. : A qualitative analysis of ideas of the Left Party's and the Sweden Democrats' position shift in the EU issue in relation to Brexit.

Nerman, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
UK's exit from the EU presented the European project with a new situation. However, fears that more member states would follow UK’s example were overcome by increased support for EU membership in Sweden. The Left Party and the Sweden Democrats have moved from wanting to leave the EU to accepting Swedish EU-membership. Previous research in this area has focused on how parties position themselves for or against European integration as an idea on the one hand and the EU as an institutionalization process of these ideas on the other hand. Little research has been done on how Eurosceptic counterparts in Europe react to exit, as the UK is the first country to leave the EU. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the Swedish Left Party and the Sweden Democrats have changed their position on the EU issue in connection with Brexit and consider an ideological dimension. The qualitative research of election platforms results in three conclusions. First, both parties remain in their fundamental criticism of the EU but see Brexit as a new opportunity to reform the EU fundamentally. Secondly, the pause on demands for a Swedish withdrawal from the EU may be based on an ideological dividing line. Thirdly, the parties problematize the EU in a similar way but from different angles, which further strengthens an assumption about the importance of ideology in the study of Euroscepticism.

Den europeiska integrationsklyftans förlorare och stödet för politiska system : -En kulturell motreaktion

Bäckström, Einar January 2019 (has links)
This study departs from a cleavage-theory by Kriesi et al. in which the globalization and the European integration divides Europeans in winners and losers through a political, a cultural and an economic mechanism (2012). It examines the connection between the polarization following the integration and the support for political systems using Norris’ framework from Democratic deficit (2012) which differs on five levels of support. The main findings show that the polarization has an impact on four out of five levels through the cultural mechanism and that it thus not only may generate support for right-wing populism as shown by Kriesi with more, but for right-wing extremism as well. Even though the effect is limited the results also suggests that the decreasing trust in political institutions in Europe is not to be reduced to normal a fluctuation.

Operation Rädda EU? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av attityder till Europeiska Unionen i den svenska mediala debatten / Operation Save the EU : A qualitative content analysis of attitudes towards the European Union in the Swedish media debate

Lind, Freja, Fohlin, Moa January 2019 (has links)
Den Europeiska Unionen är i ständig politisk utveckling och så är även den svenska opinionens förhållningssätt till det europeiska samarbetet. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka attityder till EU som finns representerade i ledarsidor i tidningarna Proletären, Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet och Samtiden, under det första kvartalet av 2019. Dessa fem tidningar representerar olika sidor av det politiska landskapet i Sverige. Uppsatsen visar också vilka sakpolitiska frågor och pågående politiska processer som ledarsidornas diskussioner om EU anknyter till. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har en kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpats. När det gäller sakpolitiska frågor kretsar den svenska EU-debatten framför allt kring migration, medan andra frågor som rör EU behandlas mer sporadiskt i enskilda tidningar. Ledarsidornas debatt var däremot mer riktad åt större politiska processer som kretsade kring Brexit, EU:s demokratiska utveckling och EU-valet. I samtliga diskussioner har de identifierade attityderna analyserats med stöd utav en multidimensionell teori av Boomgaarden et al. (2011) som förklarar hur attityder formas. Studien kommer fram till slutsatsen att det finns en förhållandevis utbredd euroskepticism mot unionens funktionssätt, men att skepticismen sällan är av principiellt slag. EU:s demokratiska underskott identifieras som en framträdande orsak till det kritiska förhållningssättet. Trots kritiken har de politiska mittentidningarna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet en positiv framtidsvision för Sverige i EU. De mest negativa attityderna finns på den politiska ytterkanten både till höger och vänster, där den vänsterradikala tidningen Proletären utmärker sig i att vilja förkasta hela unionen, medan Samtiden snarare intar en mer kritisk hållning än mittentidningarna.

Brittiska Labour – svikare eller frälsare? : <em>Om ett svikt vallöfte eller en räddning av Storbritanniens inflytande i EU.</em> / The British Labour Party – traitors or saviors? : About a broken election promise, or the rescue of Britain’s influence in the EU.

Hansen Gustafsson, Niklas January 2010 (has links)
<p>This Bachelor thesis deals with the act of the British Labour Party when they recalled a referendum promised by former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Tony Blair promised a referendum on the Constitutional Treaty, but his successor Gordon Brown later recalled it when the Lisbon Treaty succeeded the Constitutional Treaty as the legal foundation of the European Union.</p><p>The main purpose of this thesis was to with help from various theorethical frameworks explain why the Labour Party decided to do this, even if this decision gave the main opposition party, the Conservative and Unionist Party (the Tories), the chance to heavily critisize the Labour Party, and picture them as traitors.</p><p>The research questions were:</p><p>• What are the reasons that the Labour Party went from being a Eurosceptical party, to become more pro-European?</p><p>• Why did the Labour Party cancel the promised referendum on the new treaty of the European Union?</p><p>Various answers were found for the first research question. Among the most important was that it was a part of the over all transition which led to the launch of <em>New Labour</em>.</p><p>The second research question was answered with three explanatory models based on actions of the Labour Party on three arenas; the electoral arena (based on power, this model claims that the Labour Party act as they do because the know the Tories would not act differently if they were in office), the parliamentary arena (based on ideology, this model claims that Labour want the Lisbon Treaty because it has a stronger social dimension than earlier treaties) and the internal arena (based on the problem of identification, this model claims that the Labour Party identifies itself with the British government, and not just the voters, and are afraid of damaging Britain’s influence in the EU and international politics if Britain says ‘no’ to the Lisbon Treaty).</p>

Asylpakten – ”ingen kommer bli nöjd”? : En analys av motiven i den politiska debatten om en EU-gemensam asylpakt

Jonsson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
Flyktingkrisen 2015 avslöjade stora brister inom EU:s och medlemsstaternas asylsystem. Belastningen på medlemsstaterna var ojämn och gemensamma regelverk ignorerades. Utifrån tidigare forskning kan faktorer som avsaknad av stark struktur inom EU, låg harmonisering bland medlemsstater, försvagat gemensamt europeiskt intresse utgöra orsaker till bristerna under flyktingkrisen. Sedan dess har man inte lyckats uppnå en överenskommelse om hur EU:s gemensamma asylstrategi ska utformas. Uppsatsen har för avsikt att undersöka hur svårigheterna att komma överens om en gemensam asylstrategi kan förstås i statsvetenskapligt perspektiv, genom att analysera den politiska debatten kring kommissionens förslag om en gemensam asylpakt, som ännu inte lett till en fullständig överenskommelse. Undersökningen genomförs i form av kvalitativ innehållsanalys och motivanalys i syfte att identifiera de olika aktörernas ståndpunkter och bakomliggande motiv. Utifrån de identifierade motiven skapas förståelse för den politiska debatten genom det teoretiska ramverket neofunktionalism och intergovernmentalism som söker förklaringar på europeisk integration. Det empiriska materialet för studien omfattas av textdokument och inspelade panelsamtal och analysen identifierar motiv utifrån tre fördefinierade kategorier som sedan genomlyses med det teoretiska ramverket. Slutsatsen är att intergovernmentalism bäst förklarar svårigheterna genom att lösningar som ger vinning för nationalstaterna saknas vilket inte möjliggör en fullständig överenskommelse med fördjupad integration. Neofunktionalismen kan ge vissa förklaringar, kommissionen som pådrivande aktör kan utgöra en faktor för fördjupad integration, men de beslutsfattande församlingarna präglas av nationella och ideologiska intressen som inte leder till fördjupat samarbete. Dessutom ger neofunktionalismen utrymme för bakslag i en pågående integrationsprocess vilket kan förklara en tillfälligt avstannad integration i och med svårigheterna att uppnå en fullständig överenskommelse om gemensam asylpakt.

Sammanhållningspolitik, regional utveckling och europeisering : En kvalitativ fallstudie om Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden och dess påverkan på Västra Götalands regionala utvecklingsstrategi

Jarl, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
As the main operational tool of the EU Cohesion Policy, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) aims to invest in regional development initiatives at the regional administrative level in the member states. Hence, governed by European legal regulations, the ERDF tend to initiate policy change and policy adaptionconcerning regional development policies on the regional administrative level. Consequently, this thesis addresses the issue concerning through which functions the ERDF influences the Regional Development Strategy for Västra Götaland 2021–2030, which constitutes the operative strategy on regional development policy in Västra Götaland, including goals, priorities, and methods. By utilizing Europeanization as theoretical framework, constituted by three factors of Europeanization, concerning a supranational factor, a multilevel governance-factor and a policy network-factor, the ERDF functions influencing the strategy were distinguished and explained. Through a theory consuming analysis, this thesis conclude that the ERDF influences the regional development strategy for Västra Götaland through three functions; through the incorporation of European discourses into the strategy, which were established by the European legal acts governing the ERDF; through the multilevel governance system managing the ERDF, which has generated an institutionalized system of cooperation between European, national and regional levels for the management of regional development policies; and,through the need to cooperate in a policy network in order to implement the ERDF regionally, as well as accomplish the regional development strategy.

Europaparlamentets roll i den europeiska integrationsprocessen : En longitudinell idéanalys

Hansén, Alice January 2024 (has links)
Europe stands at the face of transformative changes, where the study of EU integration becomes crucial in comprehending the complex dynamics between member states and EU institutions, as well envisioning its future. Since its origin, the parliament has played a fundamental role in advancing political integration across national borders by representing EU citizens.  However, recent years have witnessed shifts that seem to alter the European Parliaments role and its leaning towards integration, indicating a move towards increased intergovernmentalism within the EU.  By examining its historical progress and stances towards integration, we can gain deeper insights into how its role has shifted and how it affects the EU's future, done by comparing two different periods, 2004-2009 and current election period 2019-2024. By using competing theories of European integration, this paper purposes to map out implications for the European union future. This study seeks to seal a significant research gap by investigating the European Parliament's role in integration. By analyzing parliamentary materials with debates longitudinally, this research aims to identify shifts in attitudes towards European integration. Results were shown that indicated the European parliament’s attitude towards integration had its changes in recent decades. From previously being a strong advocate for deeper integration, the European parliament has now a more nuances view of supranationality and intergovernmental collaboration. Future directions for European integration suggest a more cautious and gradual approach, continuing to cooperate without transferring excessive power to central EU bodies. This could have reaching implications for the future of the union and for the role of the European parliament in the continued integration process.  This study on the role of the European Parliament and its integration is of great importance to political science, since of its ability to surround various aspects of the EU’s political landscape. Understanding these dynamics is essential for predicting future developments and shaping policies that foster a solid and strong European union.

Eurons undantag : En undersökning om Danmark och Storbritanniens undantag från EU om att införa euro som valuta

Rhodin, Thimmy January 2016 (has links)
The aim with this thesis is to find out how one can understand the exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency of Denmark and the United Kingdom, as well as their attitude to European integration. It has been implemented in a comparative case study using theories in which the case has been the central focus of the investigation. The theories being used is rational actor model that emphasizes rational decision-making and self-interest. In comparison to that theory has a historical institutional perspective been used, which emphasizes path-dependency and critical events. The focus of the study is the time when the countries became members of the European Economic Community in 1973 to the Maastricht Treaty in 1993 where these exceptions not to introduce the euro as the currency was ratified. In the analysis section, one can see portions of both theories to a varying degree. The conclusions of the study is that both countries show a skeptical attitude to European integration and that the exceptions to not introduce the euro as a currency is based on this critical view of moving power to centralized institutions.

EU-medborgarnas stöd för ett mer socialt Europa : En kvantitativ studie om vilka faktorer som förklarar variationen i stödet för EU:s sociala dimension

Waerland-Fager, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine which factors that can explain the variation in EU citizens support for a larger integration of social issues within the EU from a country perspective where 18 EU countries are included in the statistical analysis. The thesis is based on five theoretical assumptions in order to try to explain the variation in the citizen´s support between different EU countries for more decision-making at an EU level for health and social security issues. To study these relations, a multivariate regression analysis is used. The result shows that none of the theoretical assumptions can explain the differences between citizens' support for a more social Europe. The thesis complementary bivariate Pearson R-tests show, on the other hand, that there is a correlation between support for the national government and values for cognitive mobilization (how politically interested citizens are and how often citizens discuss EU issues) and the support for more decision-making at the EU level. However, the result show a opposite direction for the correlations than the theoretical assumptions of the thesis initiates. This emphasizes the relevance of the theoretical framework of this thesis; the concept of response variability, which means that citizens are ambivalent in their support towards different EU issues. Because earlier research for some of the variables are based on theories of european integration from a one dimensional perspective and not from a policy-specific perspective for increased social integration, there is an important difference between these theoretical bases that stand in conflict with each other.

Tillbaka till framtiden : Fyra scenarier för EU:s framtid efter eurokrisen / Back to the Future : Four scenarios about the future of the EU after the eurocrisis

Andersson, Fredrik, Åhlander, Pia January 2011 (has links)
The starting point of this study is theories of European integration, which are used to formulate different scenarios about the future of the European Union. This is made in regards to the eurocrisis which has intensified the discussion about how to change the construction of the euro to overcome the economic difficulties that has arisen. In this study, four different scenarios are presented: "An updated Europe", "A new Europe", "The death of the euro" and "Goodbye Greece". The first two scenarios takes its starting point in the neofunctionalist theory of European integration and describes how the EU might increase its level of integration in different ways. We can either see a development where the EU tries to improve the implementation of the rules that are meant to coordinate the member states’ economic policy, or we might encounter a more advanced integration where fiscal policy competences are transferred to the EU-level. The latter scenarios, however, takes another theory in to account, liberal intergovernmentalism, and describes how the eurozone might be fragmented in different ways due to conflicts of interest between lenders and countries that has to receive loan-packages. In the third scenario the euro stands in front of a collapse. This is connected to a situation where Spain, which is one of the largest economies in the EU, is starting to have similar problems as countries like Grecce, Ireland and Portugal. The fourth scenario describes a more ordered progress where Grecce, as part of a joint decision with the other EU-members, decides to abolish the euro as their currency. This is a way for the EU to reduce its economic burden, in the same time as Greece are given an opportunity to use an independent monetary policy to cope with their problematic situation.

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