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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A theoretical basis for understanding and researching the relationship between music, stress, and biofeedback

Wang, Frederick 13 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

L’interazione tra lo stile di attaccamento evitante e l’espressione di ritiro emotivo predice la reattività fisiologica dei bambini in risposta ad un compito stressante

Panzariello, Salvatore 02 November 2020 (has links)
La capacità di esprimere adeguatamente le emozioni attraverso l’uso di strategie adattive di regolazione delle emozioni è cruciale per il sano sviluppo dei bambini. Secondo la teoria dell'attaccamento di Bowlby, la reattività e la regolazione emotiva dei bambini sono correlate ai loro stili di attaccamento. Il presente studio mira ad indagare se l'interazione tra la classificazione di attaccamento e l’espressione emotiva può predire i cambiamenti nella reattività fisiologica dei bambini durante un compito stressante. In un primo momento (T1), le rappresentazioni di attaccamento di N = 59 bambini in età scolare sono state misurate utilizzando la Child Attachment Interview. In un secondo momento (T2), i bambini hanno sostenuto un’impegnativa procedura di laboratorio standardizzata in cui dovevano cercare di risolvere una serie di puzzles risolvibili e irrisolvibili. I livelli di conduttanza cutanea (SCL), l'aritmia sinusale respiratoria (RSA) ed i livelli di cortisolo sono stati registrati come indici fisiologici durante l’intero compito. Le espressioni emotive facciali dei bambini (tristezza e vergogna) sono state codificate durante il quarto puzzle irrisolvibile. I risultati hanno evidenziato che l'espressione dell'emozione modera la relazione tra l'attaccamento evitante e le risposte fisiologiche: in alcuni compiti sono stati mostrati una RSA più bassa e dei SCL più alti; inoltre, l'interazione tra attaccamento ed espressione emotiva di ritiro era associata ad un aumento quasi significativo dei livelli di cortisolo durante l’intera esecuzione dei puzzles. I risultati rivelano che la presenza di attaccamento evitante modulata dall'espressione emotiva di ritiro induce uno stress fisiologico più elevato nei bambini. Comprendere i fattori che influenzano la reattività allo stress nei bambini è essenziale nello sviluppo di interventi che promuovano un adattamento funzionale in risposta al disagio.

When data crimes are real crimes: voter surveillance and the Cambridge Analytica conflict

Gordon, Jesse 28 August 2019 (has links)
This thesis asks what conditions elevated the Cambridge Analytica (CA) conflict into a sustained and global political issue? Was this a privacy conflict and if so, how was it framed as such? This work demonstrates that the public outcry to CA formed out of three underlying structural conditions: The rise of the alt-right as an ideology, surveillance capitalism, and a growing and unregulated voter analytics industry. A network of actors seized the momentum of this conflict to drive the message that voter surveillance is a threat to democratic elections. These actors humanized the CA conflict and created a catalyst for a large scale public outrage to these previously ignored structures. Their focus on democratic threat also allowed this conflict to transcend the typical contours of a privacy conflict and demonstrate that the consequences of CA are societal, rather than personal. Despite the democratic threat of voter surveillance, Canada and the United States have yet to address the wider implications of voter surveillance adequately. Thus, how these systems are used will be a question of central importance in upcoming elections. / Graduate

Does Virtual Reality Elicit Physiological Arousal In Social Anxiety Disorder

Owens, Maryann 01 January 2013 (has links)
The present study examined the ability of a Virtual Reality (VR) public speaking task to elicit physiological arousal in adults with SAD (n=25) and Controls (n=25). A behavioral assessment paradigm was employed to address three study objectives: (a) to determine whether the VR task can elicit significant increases in physiological response over baseline resting conditions (b) to determine if individuals with SAD have a greater increase from baseline levels of physiological and self-reported arousal during the in vivo speech task as opposed to the VR speech task and (c) to determine whether individuals with SAD experience greater changes in physiological and selfreported arousal during each speech task compared to controls. Results demonstrated that the VR task was able to elicit significant increases in heart rate, skin conductance, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, but did not elicit as much physiological or self-reported arousal as the in vivo speech task. In addition, no differences were found between groups. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed

Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacy

Snelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure, vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners (LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD). In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Semiotic anomalies in English, as second language learners of immigrant parents acquire first time literacy

Snelgar, Elizabeth Claire Gien 11 1900 (has links)
Research has shown that literacy acquisition and the ultimate realisation of literacy, comprehension of the written text requires more than the ability to decode individual words. This study brings together a synthesis of current research on early language acquisition, language structure, vocabulary development and its intrinsic underpinning of comprehension in monolinguals thereby providing a theoretical framework for a comparative study of limited English proficient learners (LEP’s)/English language learners (ELLs) acquiring first time literacy with the attendant vocabulary deficits and age appropriate decoding skills. A quantitative and qualitative study examines the statistical differences between reading, vocabulary, rapid automatic naming (RAN/decoding) and comprehension when a learner born of foreign parents acquires first time literacy in a language other than the language spoken at home. The study isolates and specifies an at risk educational minority through the identification of a hidden comprehension deficit (HCD). In summarising the main findings from the literature review and the empirical investigation, an “at risk educational minority” was identified and isolated through the identification of the HCD. The envisioned outcome was achieved and the hypothesis accepted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)


李昇蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
關於展延後所增加之費用是否得以索賠,亦影響業主成本支出與承包商利潤,於是關於工期之「時間」與「金錢」兩者,成為工程契約雙方最關心的議題。故從遲延索賠之目的,即可分成工期索賠與費用索賠兩方面探討之。 工期之定義從指涉範圍之廣狹可分為三種層次,本文討論主要之範圍係指狹義的工程期限,即業主與個別承包商於營建工程契約中所約定承包商完成工程所需之時間,日曆天為國際工程慣例選用之工期計算方式。工期之始點,應以契約約定之開工(Commencement of Contract Time)日起算,而完工(Contract Completion)則為工期之終點,如何界定完工對於整體施工契約之重要性,在於判斷承包商是否遵守履約期限。事實上分析是工程是否遲延?可歸責於當事人哪一方?國內外工程實務界之看法,皆認為工程遲延係以用盡浮時而影響「要徑」為要件,故產生以要徑為基礎以判斷工程遲延之方法,此亦突顯要徑法所欲表彰之基本功能。本文認為承包商須先以網狀圖證明「主要徑」之工作受外來因素(即不可歸責於承攬人)之施工障礙影響,則定作人才應展延工期,亦才有後續展延期間增加費用索賠之問題。 阻擾(Disruption)事件之產生,承包商有時同樣會遭受延後整體工程進度而可能逾期完工,或支出比預定計畫更多額外費用,以趕上原本進度之損害。阻擾之定義,依據英國SCL議定書第1.19.1條規定,為對於承包商正常工作之打擾、阻礙及干擾,導致較低之工率。如阻擾為業主所引起,可能會給予承包商依據契約或依據違約條款請求賠償之權利。但應特別區分者,乃阻擾與遲延仍為不同概念,遲延為延後完工,而阻擾則著重於生產力下降( Productivity Loss)及對於進度之打擾、阻礙、干擾,因此發生阻擾事件,僅「可能」發生逾期完工但並非絕對延後工期。故阻擾損害方面,與遲延損害相同,承包商必須證明阻擾可歸責於業主,且因業主阻擾承包商施工,導致其工率降低受有損害,但阻擾不限於要徑工作之干擾,縱使對非要徑工作之干擾亦得請求賠償損害,所以無須審視是否具備逾期完工之事實。因此當僅有阻擾事件發生卻未影響完工日時,承包商不會主張工作工期展延,但必定向業主請求可歸責於業主之阻擾造成工作效率降低( Reduced Efficiency of Workforce)之損失。 於遲延事件中,僅有不可歸責並可補償承攬人之遲延(Excusable and Compensable Delays),承包商一方面得請求展延工期,一方面得請求補償展延期間增加之費用。費用方面,因非可歸責於承包商之事由導致工程遲延,而業主指示承包商投入更多資源以提早完工,則屬於英美工程界所謂Acceleration(以下簡稱加速施工)之情況,此時業主亦應負擔補償承包商因加速施工產生之費用。於聯邦工程採購實務中,大部份涉及擬制加速施工之案例,皆為發生不可歸責且可補償承攬人遲延之情形,例如:實際為不可歸責於承攬人之遲延,定作人誤以為係可歸責於承攬人,而促使承攬人趕工以符合原定契約完工期限等情況。依據可歸責於哪一方之遲延來處理加速施工問題時,應掌握不可歸責於承攬人遲延之加速施工,原則上皆應支付額外費用,反之,若定作人就不可歸責於承攬人之遲延,已經准許展延足夠之工期,則不須支付加速施工之費用。至於得以展延多少時間,應以遲延分析技術判斷之,例如英國SCL議定書中介紹四種屬完工後處理展延工期問題之遲延分析技術,包括以下:1.The as-planned versus as-built method比較原規畫時程與竣工時程遲延分析法;2.The impacted as-planned method(What if analysis)原規劃時程影響後分析技術 ;3.The collapsed as-built method(But for as built analysis)重疊竣工時程分析技術; 4.The Protocol’s own TIA method(Retrospective TIA)英國SCL議定書之回復式時間影響分析法。 遲延事件造成工期展延,而工期展延通常亦產生額外之增加費用(Increased Cost)。惟業主准許展延工期之主張,不必然表示承包商即得請求展延期間相關費用。若遲延可歸責於承包商,則承包商顯然必須自行承擔遲延之相關費用;若為可歸責於業主之遲延事件,相關之補償即包含承包商於展延期間所動用與時間相關之資源(Time-related Resources)。惟工程實務上承包商於證明工期展延期間所增加之費用及所受損害時,常因為工期時間過久、各種紀錄成本與保管費用等錯綜複雜因素,對於損害數額無法達到嚴格證明之舉證程度,能夠確實提出每筆支出費用單據之紀錄者較少見,特別是當承包商請求「一式計價」之項目時更遭遇此種難題。如果無法證明費用的支出,則整個索賠都付諸流水,在很多案例中,承包商雖然成功證明遲延為可補償的,卻因提出不適當證明使最後獲得之補償較索賠預期額度減少許多,例如:實務對於工率降低(Efficiency Loss)損害之計算與證明,目前仍無統一見解,因工率難以數量化,縱使承包商以其工地記錄資料提出某工率降低係數,工程師亦針對監控報表提出另一個係數,而兩者皆無法說明哪一個數據之可信度較高,且縱使雙方合意以某一工率降低系數為標準,則雙方對於哪一部份為可歸責於己之責任劃分意見也不同,此亦牽涉舉證責任問題。 傳統訴訟需耗費大量金錢時間,或有部分以新興之非對抗式「替代性紛爭解決機制」( Alternative Dispute Resolution, 以下簡稱ADR),例如仲裁 (Arbitration), 調解(Mediation),調停(Conciliation), 調仲 (Med-Arb).,迷你審 (Mini Trial)等,以輔助傳統紛爭解決手段之不足。現行工程契約中,雙方通常事先約定將來發生工程爭議之解決方法,例如前開仲裁、調解等;而公共工程案件,若機關與廠商因履約爭議未能達成協議者,依據政府採購法第85條之1規定,亦強制不接受調解建議或方案之機關,若日後廠商提付仲裁,其不得拒絕之方式,來促成先行階段 ,即「調解」階段中調解成立之機會,加速爭議之解決。但在一些案例中,仲裁、調解等機制卻依然產生如同傳統訴訟般費用過高、時間較長之相同問題。於雙方無法協商而須透過第三人介入,卻在希望更節省糾紛處理時間,及更貼近雙方各退一步以共同努力解決難題之協商精神之要求下,使另一爭端處理模式:「爭議處理委員會」(Dispute Board)之角色日漸重要。

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