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A inclusão da biodiversidade na Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental: análise da etapa de escopo no Estado de São Paulo / Inclusion of biodiversity in Environmental Impact Assessment: a review of scoping in São Paulo stateMoema Pauline Barão Septanil 27 September 2017 (has links)
A Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental (AIA) é uma ferramenta com potencial reconhecido para assegurar a proteção da biodiversidade, sendo possível verificar na literatura a existência de uma ampla gama de informação a respeito das melhores formas de integração da biodiversidade na AIA, bem como quanto às principais lacunas existentes. Uma das questões recorrentemente apontadas pela literatura, neste aspecto, diz respeito às deficiências verificadas na determinação do escopo da AIA, com definição de objetivos pouco claros e estudos ambientais demasiadamente abrangentes, o que resulta em estudos de impacto com falta de foco, excessivamente descritivos e repletos de informações irrelevantes para o contexto em que são aplicados. Deste modo, o principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a inserção das informações sobre a biodiversidade na etapa de escopo da AIA no Brasil, em específico para o estado de São Paulo, levando-se em consideração as solicitações e regulamentações aplicadas pelo órgão ambiental. Em um primeiro momento, foi estabelecido um conjunto de referências de boas práticas para a consideração da biodiversidade na avaliação dos impactos, conforme a literatura. Em seguida, foram analisados 116 Termos de Referência (TRs) elaborados pelo órgão ambiental entre 2005 e 2014 em relação à inclusão das informações sobre a biodiversidade elencadas. Foi analisado, então, o conteúdo sobre a biodiversidade presente no Manual para a Elaboração de Estudos para o Licenciamento com Avaliação de Impacto Ambiental, da Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo, cujas diretrizes devem ser seguidas para a elaboração e aprovação dos TRs de acordo com a regulamentação aplicada ao estado. Foi constatado que as informações sobre a biodiversidade não foram inseridas de maneira satisfatória nos TRs elaborados no início do período analisado, tendo apresentado um aumento significativo ao longo dos anos, com resultados satisfatórios a partir de 2012. Ainda assim, as solicitações inclusas nos TRs analisados refletem apenas parcialmente as boas práticas identificadas na literatura. O conteúdo dos TRs dá suporte para que sejam realizados levantamentos exaustivos para a elaboração dos estudos ambientais e que sejam apresentadas informações irrelevantes para a avaliação dos impactos. O Manual elaborado pelo órgão ambiental para guiar a etapa de escopo menciona grande parte das informações consideradas relevantes, porém, a falta de orientações específicas para a sua integração é provavelmente um dos fatores que dificultam uma abordagem dirigida dos estudos ambientais, o que contribui para a baixa efetividade da AIA. / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has a recognized potential to ensure the protection of biodiversity, with a wide range of information present in literature about best practice on biodiversity integration in EIA, as well as the existing gaps. Issues recurrently pointed out are related to shortcomings in determining EIA scoping, with unclear objectives and too broad environmental studies, resulting in overly descriptive and non-objective impact studies, with irrelevant information to the context they are applied. Thus, the main objective of this research was to assess biodiversity information inputs in Brazil\'s EIA scoping, specifically in São Paulo state, taking into account requests and regulations applied by the environmental agency. At first, a set of references of good practices for biodiversity consideration in impact assessment was established according to the literature. Then, the inclusion of biodiversity information listed was assessed in 116 Terms of Reference (TRs) prepared by the environmental agency between 2005 and 2014. Biodiversity content presented in the Environmental Impact Assessment Licensing Study Manual of the Environmental Agency of São Paulo State, which guidelines should be followed for elaboration and approval of TRs, was then reviewed. It was found that biodiversity information was not satisfactorily inserted in early TRs, showing a significant increase over the years, with satisfactory results from 2012. Nevertheless, the requests included in TRs only partially reflect the good practices identified in literature. The content of TRs supports exhaustive surveys for environmental studies and the provision of irrelevant information to impact assessment. The Manual developed by the environmental agency to guide scoping mentions much of the information considered relevant, but the lack of specific guidance on its integration into EIA process is probably one of the factors that hinder a targeted approach to environmental studies, which contributes to low effectiveness of EIA.
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Physical activity interventions and depressive and anxiety symptoms among adolescents : a scoping reviewLindbohm, Saara January 2022 (has links)
Background: Anxiety and depression disorders among adolescents are increasing globally and seriously endanger their health and quality of life. Having anxiety or depressive symptoms in adolescence can have serious consequences and even increase the risk of later adult disorder. Physical activity could be a good way to prevent this. However, an updated review on how and why physical activity interventions may be relevant for reducing and preventing symptoms of depression and anxiety among adolescents is needed. This study aims to study physical activity interventions that focus on the symptoms of depression and anxiety among adolescents. Methods: To bring together previous scientific research, a scoping literature review has been applied. A search was performed in PubMed database to identify studies and meta-analyses meeting the inclusion criteria. Finally references from recent published systematic reviews and meta-analysis were checked. Results: The search yielded a total of 5,091 records with additional 56 records identified through other meta-analyses and reviews. A total of fifteen articles were included for the final review. Most of the included studies showed that there was a significant difference in depressive score after the physical activity intervention. An improvement in anxiety symptoms was identified as well. Overall, 15-60 minutes of aerobics exercise 2-3 times/week, for a minimum of 8 weeks, led to feeling less anxious and depressive. In conclusion, physical activity interventions may be very beneficial for decreasing both depressive and anxiety levels among adolescents.
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Från deltagande till delaktighet inom övervikt- och fetmaprevention riktad till barn : -En scopingstudieHagstrand, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Förekomsten av övervikt och fetma hos barn ökar i världen trots insatser. Studier visar att förebyggande interventioner för barn och unga har blygsam effekt. Deltagarbaserad forskning har visat sig vara ett sätt att hitta hållbara lösningar inom hälsointerventioner. Övergripande kunskap saknas dock om hur deltagandet för barn och vuxna kan tillämpas inom deltagarbaserade övervikt- och fetmainterventioner riktade till barn. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga deltagandet inom deltagarbaserad övervikt- och fetmaprevention riktad till barn. Hur tillämpas deltagande inom deltagarbaserad övervikt- och fetmaprevention? I vilken utsträckning deltar barnen? En litteraturbaserad design användes enligt Arksey och O’Malley’s ramverk för scoping review, som innebär fem steg; identifiera forskningsfrågan, identifiera relevanta studier, val av studier, kartläggning av data samt samla in, summera och rapportera resultat. Studier till resultatet samlades in från databaserna Medline, Academic Search Elite, Cinahl och Scopus samt via manuella sökningar. Inklusionkriterier var peer-reviewed, empiriska studier med fokus på interventioner mot förebyggande av övervikt/fetma för barn och unga (0–18 år) samt med en deltagande ansats med föräldrar, barn eller samhälle. Studier på annat språk än engelska eller svenska, som inte fokuserade på förebyggande interventioner mot övervikt/fetma för barn och som inte tydligt definierat studien som deltagarbaserad exkluderades. Sökningen resulterade initialt i 995 artiklar. Urvalsprocessen med vidare granskning resulterade slutligen i 34 studier som inkluderades i denna studie. Graden av delaktighet analyserades vidare med Shier’s Modell, som innebär 5 steg; 1. barn blir lyssnade på, 2. barn stöds i att uttrycka sina åsikter, 3. barns åsikter beaktas, 4. barn är involverade i beslutsprocessen, 5. barn delar makt och ansvar för att ta beslut”. Resultatet visade att de flesta interventioner skedde i skolan. Både föräldrar, barn, lärare och samhället involverades i olika grad och inom olika metoder. Flera studier rapporterade dock deltagandet bristfälligt. I 12 studier exkluderades barn som deltagare. När barn deltog var det ofta äldre barn i tonåren. Vid analys av barns deltagande med Shier’s Modell var flest studier inom steg 4 (deltagande i beslut, n= 7) och steg 3(konsultation, n=7) följt av steg 5 (delat ansvar och makt, n=6). Framtida forskning bör fokusera på att mer utförligt beskriva den deltagande processen, involvera yngre barn samt undersöka hur barn upplever sitt deltagande, för att skapa ett meningsfullt deltagande. Prevention för övervikt och fetma kräver innovativa lösningar och fokus inom framtida studier bör vara på att öppna upp för deltagande genom en deltagande utgångspunkt, att skapa möjligheter genom tillräckliga resurser och passande metoder samt att inkludera deltagandet som en inbyggd policy genom arbetsprocessen. / The prevalence of overweigth and obesity in children is increasing in the world despite efforts. Studies show that preventive interventions for children and young people have a modest effect. Participatory research has proven to be a way to find sustainable solutions in health interventions. However, there is no comprehensive knowledge on how participation for children and adults can be applied within participant-based obesity interventions targeting children.The purpose of this study was to map participation in participant-based obesity prevention targeting children. How is participation in participant-based obesity prevention applied? To what extent do the children participate? A literature-based design was used according to Arksey and O’Malley’s scoping review framework, which involves five steps; identifying the research issue, identifying relevant studies, selecting studies, charting data, and collecting, summarizing and reporting results. Studies for the results were collected from the databases Medline, Academic Search Elite, Cinahl and Scopus as well as through manual searches. Inclusion criteria were peer-reviewed, empirical studies focusing on interventions to prevent obesity for children and adolescents (0–18 years) and with a participatory approach with parents, children or society. Studies in languages other than English or Swedish, studies which did not focus on preventive interventions against obesity for children and studies that did not clearly define the study as participant-based, were excluded. The search initially resulted in 995 articles. The selection process with further examination finally resulted in 34 studies that are included in this study. The degree of participation was further analyzed with Shier's Model, which involves 5 steps; 1. children are listened to, 2. children are supported in expressing their opinions, 3. children's opinions are taken into account, 4. children are involved in the decision-making process, 5. children share power and responsibility in making decisions. The result showed that most interventions took place in school. Both parents, children, teachers and society were involved to varying degrees and within different methods. Several studies reported the participation poorly. In 12 studies, children were excluded as participants. When children participated, they were often older, in their teens. When analyzing children´s participation with Shiers’s Model, most studies were in step 4 (participation in decisions, n=7) and step 3 (consultation, n= 7) followed by step 5 (shared responsibility and power, n=6). Future research should focus on more fully describing the participatory process, involving younger children and examining how children experience their participation, in order to create meaningful participation. Prevention for obesity requires innovative solutions and the focus of future studies should be on opening up for participation through a participatory starting point, creating opportunities through adequate resources and appropriate methods, and including participation as an embedded policy through the work process.
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Applying a health lens to the Environmental Assessment process: a British Columbia case study of the Ajax mine proposalYehia, Erin Jade 02 January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents a case study of an open pit mine proposal in Kamloops, BC. During an integrated Environmental (Impact) Assessment (EA) process mandated by the Provincial and Federal governments, stakeholders addressed the mine’s environmental, social, heritage, economic, and health-related impacts. At the end of a 7-year process, the application was denied. My research sought to examine how health was conceptualized in the EA, and, specifically, had the mine been approved, how would the permit conditions have protected the public from adverse health effects. To that end, I conducted a review of health-related documents incorporated in the EA and studied the results through a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) lens based on guidance from the International Finance Corporation (IFC). As well as reviewing and analyzing the EA documents, I conducted interviews with participants in and outside the formal stakeholder group, as prescribed by the IFC HIA Guidance. Specifically, my analysis was based on the scoping phase of the assessment, and the baseline health profile that was included, using this internationally recognized HIA framework. My results show that the social determinants of health were not factored into the EA as per HIA best practice. Many in the formal stakeholder group, and outside of it, felt that institutional barriers prevented inclusion of the social determinants of health in the assessment. That finding raises questions about the reality of EA processes to protect public health. / Graduate
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Scientometric Analysis and Scoping Review on Healthcare Systems’ Sustainability during the COVID-19 PandemicPaik, Seung-A January 2021 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic calls attention to the importance of sustainable healthcare systems. Frail healthcare systems can become overwhelmed during public health crises, further exacerbating the human, economic, and political toll. Significant work has been done to describe the general attribute of sustainability and resilience in healthcare systems during crises. The next step would be to identify the research domains that has been highlighted during COVID-19 pandemic in order to reflect and achieve further sustainability in healthcare systems. Methods: A scoping review of the literature was conducted to identify recurring themes, research domains and capacities needed to maintain healthcare systems’ sustainability in COVID-19 outbreak. Until 13 December 2020, six electronic databases were searched using specific keywords such as ‘sustainability,’ ‘resilience,’ and ‘surge capacity’ in ‘healthcare systems.’ Peer-reviewed articles went through a scientometric analysis mapping research fields, domains, study destinations and keywords. Results: 104 studies met the inclusion criteria – majority (75%) focused on medical research followed by interdisciplinary (12%), social science (5%), and environment studies (5%). Originally identified domains of healthcare systems’ sustainability research included ‘capacity calculation,’ ‘telehealth,’ ‘environment,’ ‘inequity,’ ‘data,’ ‘holistic nexus planning,’ ‘social & environmental risk factor,’ ‘transport connectivity,’ and ‘vulnerability.’ Conclusion: This scoping review represents a systematic assessment of the research domains of healthcare systems’ sustainability during COVID-19 pandemic. Further refined and broadened sustainability framework is required so that healthcare systems can simultaneously achieve sustainable transformations in healthcare practice and health service delivery as well as improve their preparedness for emergencies.
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The (In)Coherence of Canadian Education Policy Regimes with the United Nations' Refugee Education StrategySchutte, Valerie Rose 21 December 2020 (has links)
This thesis by article contains three chapters. The first chapter provides an overview of recent developments in global refugee education policy to situate Refugee Education 2030, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ current international refugee education strategy, within global policy initiatives. It then reviews the literature on refugee education policy that informed the development of a methodology of vertical policy coherence analysis with Refugee Education 2030 to answer the research questions of the thesis. Finally, it addresses my researcher positionality and journey leading to the thesis. The second chapter contains the manuscript for an article. The purpose of the article is to analyze the vertical coherence of Canadian policy regimes towards the primary and secondary education of refugee children and youth with Refugee Education 2030. The article presents a theoretical framework for policy coherence analysis that combines policy coherence theory, policy attributes theory, and policy behaviour theory, as well as a tri-phasic methodology for vertical policy coherence analysis with an international framework designed to be adapted to different contexts to guide the development of country-specific education policies. The theoretical framework and methodology are applied to determine the categories of needs underpinning Enabling Activities of a Strategic Objective of Refugee Education 2030, to assess these needs as presented by refugee children and youth in Canada, and to analyze the coherence of Canadian education policy responses to these needs with Refugee Education 2030. The findings indicate that there are five categories of needs inherent in the Enabling Activities of the selected Strategic Objective, specifically access to education, accelerated education, language education, mental health and psychosocial support, and special education; that all of these categories of needs are present in refugee claimant and/or refugee children and youth in all of Canada’s educational jurisdictions; and that there are significant gaps in policy responses to these needs. Taken together, the findings permitted a discussion on priorities for the revision and development of refugee education policy across Canadian jurisdictions to ensure greater coherence with Refugee Education 2030. The third chapter summarizes the findings of the contextualized analysis of the vertical coherence of Canadian refugee education policy regimes with Refugee Education 2030. Additional findings that could not be incorporated in the article due to the manuscript submission guidelines Schutte iv of the intended journal of publication are then presented and discussed. The thesis concludes with reflections on my research journey.
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Det vi inte vet kan göra det svårt för andra : Brister i forskningen kring skäl att stanna i en våldsam relationKarlsson, Fanny, Norén, Olle January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur forskningsområdet “skäl att personer stannar i ett våldsamt förhållande” ser ut, vilka kunskapsluckor det finns i området och beskriver vilka samhällsgrupper det behövs mer forskning om. Genom en scoping review kartlägger denna studie hur långt forskningen kommit och vad vi idag vet om anledningar till att heterosexuella män och kvinnor, HBTQI-personer, unga och äldre stannar i en våldsam relation. I studien presenteras internationell forskning som är avgränsad till en västerländsk kontext. Studien använder sig av en tematisk analys för att undersöka om det finns likheter och skillnader i forskningen kring de utvalda grupperna. Socialkonstruktionism, paradigm och fält används som teoretiska begrepp i syfte att undersöka potentiella förklaringar till varför forskningsområdet ser ut som det gör. Analysen kommer fram till att samhällsdiskursen kring våld, sättet som forskningen utformas samt forskningens aktörer och finansiering påverkar hur forskningsområdet ser ut och den kunskap vi idag har om anledningar att olika grupper stannar i en våldsam relation. Resultatet av studien visar att det finns en kunskapslucka i forskningen och att det saknas forskning om varför andra grupper än heterosexuella kvinnor stannar i en våldsam relation. Forskningen som beskriver anledningar att män i heterosexuella förhållande, HBTQI-personer, unga och äldre stannar i ett våldsamt förhållande är knapp och behöver utvecklas för att samhället ska kunna förstå och hjälpa dessa personer på ett adekvat sätt.
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[pt] A COVID-19 foi declarada como uma pandemia em março de 2020 pela
OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) e até abril de 2022 infectou
aproximadamente 490,7 milhões de pessoas, com pelo menos 6,17 milhões de
mortes. A pandemia desafiou a segurança alimentar, agricultura e cadeias de
alimentos frescos. Pesquisas sobre a análise de cadeias de suprimentos
agroalimentares durante a COVID-19 indicam um maior impacto em pequenos
fornecedores destas cadeias, principalmente as cadeias mais curtas, que são
aquelas que possuem poucos elos. Neste contexto, esse trabalho analisa os
efeitos da COVID-19 em cadeias de alimentos frescos. É desenvolvido, assim, um
estudo de caso em uma organização de produtores do Rio de Janeiro. Esse
estudo cobre uma revisão de escopo que identifica na literatura os principais
impactos e políticas da pandemia nessa cadeia. Em seguida, os resultados são
avaliados através de uma pesquisa de levantamento (survey) na organização para
avaliar se as variáveis encontradas na literatura possuem aderência com as
variáveis identificadas pelos respondentes da survey, que são pequenos
produtores no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Por fim, o problema é modelado por meio
de uma simulação por dinâmica de sistemas. Os resultados mostraram que a
cadeia de suprimentos da organização é sensível a variáveis de impacto como
aumento do custo de produção e não entrega de produtos, pois ao aumentar o
custo de produção e a não entregar produtos, a taxa de vendas é impactada
negativamente. A política de investimento em logística mostra que a taxa de
vendas é impactada positivamente quando se aumenta o investimento. / [en] COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020 by the WHO (World
Health Organization), and at the beginning of April 2022, it had infected
approximately 490.7 million people, with at least 6.17 million deaths. The pandemic
has challenged food security, agriculture, and fresh food chains. Research on the
analysis of agri-food supply chains during COVID-19 indicates a more significant
impact on small suppliers of these chains, especially the shorter chains, which are
those with few links. In this context, this work analyzes the effects of COVID-19 on
fresh food chains. Thus, a case study is developed in a producer organization in
Rio de Janeiro. This study covers a scoping review that identifies in the literature
the main impacts and policies of the pandemic in this chain. Then, the results are
evaluated through a survey in the organization to assess whether the variables
found in the literature match the variables identified by the survey respondents,
who are small producers in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Finally, the problem is
modeled through a system dynamics simulation. The results showed that the
organization s supply chain is sensitive to impact variables such as increased
production cost and non-delivery of products. As increasing production cost and
not delivering products, the sales rate is negatively impacted. The investment
policy in logistics shows that the sales rate is positively impacted when investment
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Early Childhood Inclusive Practices/Interventions in Turkey and the United States: A Scoping ReviewAksu, Hatice Nur 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Body Image: A Consideration of Immigrant Status, Ethnic Minority Status and Immigrant ConcentrationKimber, Melissa 11 1900 (has links)
Despite the developmental and clinical importance of body image during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years, there remains a dearth of information on the body image experiences of immigrant children and adolescents. This thesis represents a purposeful attempt to examine body image experiences among immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents in Canada and the United States (US). Specifically, the thesis integrates multiple methods (scoping reviews, qualitative interpretive description, quantitative multi-level modeling) and samples (clinical and population-based samples) to systematically contribute to the academic literature focusing on body image experiences among immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents in Canada and the US. Consisting of four conceptually related studies, this thesis makes the following methodological and conceptual contributions to epidemiological and clinical research and practice. First, the results from all four studies point to the need to develop standardized approaches for identifying and classifying immigrant and ethnic-minority children and adolescents. This will substantially increase the field’s ability to systematically characterize the nature and magnitude of body image dissatisfaction, body image distortion, and their associated outcomes among immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents. In addition, this systematic classification has the potential to inform the development or adaptation of universal and targeted preventative intervention strategies. Second, Study’s 1 and 2 demonstrate a clear need to further examine the constructs and experiences of acculturation and acculturative stress in relation to the body image experiences of immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents. The literature is unclear with respect to whether or not immigrant adolescents’ adoption of the values, behaviours and ideals of the Canadian or US culture increases their risk for body image concerns. On the other hand, we are also unclear as to whether or not immigrant adolescents’ retaining of the values, behaviours and ideals of their culture of origin may offer protection from poor body image experiences. Similarly, we are unclear about whether—and to what extent—stress as a result of adolescents’ acculturative experiences (i.e. acculturative stress) influence the onset or pervasiveness of body image concerns. Greater understanding about these constructs and processes and the extent to which they are implicated in the body image experiences among immigrant children and adolescents has the potential to inform culturally competent and targeted intervention approaches. Results from Study 3 indicate that immigrant adolescents have body image and appearance-related concerns that extend beyond what has typically been found among non-immigrant adolescents. More specifically, immigrant adolescents are concerned about the appearance of their skin (texture, complexion), their hair, their teeth, as well as other bodily features. It would be prudent for future researchers and clinicians to consider this information in relation to measuring, classifying and addressing body image dissatisfaction among immigrant adolescents. Finally, Study 4 demonstrates that females and first generation immigrants with body image dissatisfaction are at significantly elevated risk for body image distortion. This suggests that the assessment and intervention for body image dissatisfaction—particularly among females—soon after the migratory experience may play an important role in reducing body image distortion experiences. Taken together, the findings of this thesis strengthen the body image field by demonstrating that there are several unique aspects about being an immigrant that can influence adolescents’ body image experiences; and therefore, should be considered from a conceptual and methodological standpoint in future research and implementation of body image interventions. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Body image dissatisfaction and body image distortion have been linked to serious psychological outcomes, including depression and eating disorders. Yet, we know very little about the nature of these experiences among immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents. This thesis uses qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as general population and clinical samples to investigate body image dissatisfaction and body image distortion among immigrant and ethnic minority children and adolescents in Canada and the United States. Results provide important information that can inform the development of preventative interventions targeting body image dissatisfaction and body image distortion among immigrant and non-immigrant children and adolescents.
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