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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cultural icons : a case study analysis of their formation and reception

Parker, Mike January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the contested and poorly defined subject area of cultural iconicity. Careful consideration of three specific uses of the term - in the popular media, as a new way of articulating national identity, and in academic publications - reveals the extent to which the term is currently poorly comprehended and misapplied. The research proposes the introduction of tighter defining parameters to cultural iconography and presents an original definition against existing work in the field. The main aim, therefore, is straightforward; to attempt to answer the general question, what are cultural icons? To meet this end a definition of iconicity will be proposed consisting of four inter-connected conditions comprising, a) distinctness of image, b) durability of image, c) reproducibility of image and d) the tragic-dramatic narrative inherent in the image. The decision to implement such a definition is supported by a range of theoretical influences, from the ideas on perception developed by the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, to recent work on the dramatic impact of tele-visual images. The philosophical influence applies the idea that human perception is strongly drawn towards tragic-dramatic forms - the tragic-dramatic narrative of cultural icons being an essential component of the definition - while new research into how images impact on common memory supports this application. The method adopted attacks the central question in three ways. Firstly, by applying throughout the work an original and practical working definition of cultural iconicity. Secondly, by differentiating the properties of primary cultural icons from other important cultural symbols (as in, for example, comparing cultural icons to photographic iconography and non-image based cultural myths). Third, a series of in-depth case studies applying the definition to real examples, which will be the crux of the project and, if successful, may prove not only an original contribution to knowledge in this new and exciting area of research, but should also appeal to a wider, non-academic readership.

L'affaire Marché central : description et analyse d'une fraude immobilière de grande envergure

Meng, Maurice January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

D’encre et de sang. Politiques jésuites de l’écrit dans les premiers temps de la mission anglaise de 1580 à 1610 / The role of writing in the English Jesuit mission from 1580 to 1610

Serena, Gaëlle 24 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude interroge la place de l’écrit et des actes d’écriture lors de la première mission jésuite en Angleterre, de 1580 à 1610. Lettres, autobiographies et pamphlets s’inscrivent dans un programme mis en place par les supérieurs de l’ordre, visant à l’édification des catholiques anglais et au dénigrement du gouvernement d’Élisabeth auprès des peuples européens. À la fois outils de propagande et seuls moyens d’information possibles entre l’île et le continent, les écrits missionnaires permettent à leurs auteurs de donner corps à la communauté récusante clandestine, ainsi qu’à la mission elle-même. La circulation de ces textes, tant en Angleterre que sur le continent, trace ainsi les contours d’une communauté dont l’existence est étroitement liée à la production de l’écrit. Mais, si elle détournée, la trace peut devenir arrêt de mort, révélant l’identité de celui qui l’a produite aux yeux de l’intrus qui la déchiffre. Pourtant, les jésuites ne cessent d’écrire malgré le danger que cela représente. L’acte d’écriture semble alors dépasser la seule visée programmatique pour revêtir une dimension ontologique, permettant à l’auteur de dépasser le traumatisme de l’expérience immédiate et de renouer avec sa propre identité, mise en mal par l’exil, la prison ou la perspective de l’exécution. / The purpose of this study is to analyse the role of writing during the first English Jesuit mission, from 1580 to 1610. It shows that letters, pamphlets and autobiographies were part of a larger programme devised by the Superiors of the Company of Jesus. As both a means of propaganda and information between England and the continent, missionary writings helped to shape the Jesuit mission and the underground recusant community within which the Jesuits lived. The aim was to edify the English Catholics and to weaken Elizabeth’s government in the eyes of European Catholics. By circulating texts throughout the country and in the rest of Europe, the Jesuits shaped a community highly reliant on written material. But writing was also incredibly dangerous as it marked the author and those responsible for its circulation as irredeemably catholic. Yet, the Jesuits kept on writing regardless of the consequences. Indeed, writing was vital to those missionaries whose identity was daily denied and who had to face the gloomy prospect of death from their arrival onwards. The very act of writing allowed them to fight against the feeling of dispossession which was gradually taking hold of them.

Sécurité des protocoles cryptographiques : décidabilité et résultats de transfert / Security of cryptographic protocols : decidability and transfer resultats

Zălinescu, Eugen 17 December 2007 (has links)
Cette thèse se situe dans le cadre de l'analyse symbolique des protocoles Les contributions sont représentées par l'obtention de résultats de décidabilité et de transfert dans les directions suivantes qui sont des thèmes majeurs en vérification des protocoles : - traitement des primitives cryptographiques : chiffrement CBC, signatures en aveugle; - propriétés de sécurité : secret fort, existence de cycles de clefs; - approches pour la sécurité : construction de protocoles sûrs. Ainsi, nous avons montré la décidabilité (d'une part) de l'existence de cycles de clefs et (d'autre part) du secret pour des protocoles utilisant le mode de chiffrement CBC ou des signatures en aveugle. Nous avons aussi transféré la sécurité des protocoles d'un cadre faible vers un cadre plus fort dans les sens suivants. D'une part, nous avons montré qu'une propriété de secret faible implique sous certaines hypothèses une propriété de secret plus forte. D'une autre part, nous avons construit des protocoles sûrs à partir de protocoles ayant des propriétés plus faibles. / This thesis is developed in the framework of the symbolic analysis of security protocols. The contributions are represented by decidability and transfer results in the following directions which are major topics in protocol verification: - treatment of the cryptographic primitives: CBC encryption, blind signatures; - security properties: strong secrecy, existence of key cycles; - approaches for protocol security: construction of the secure protocols. Thus, we showed the decidability (on the one hand) of the existence of key cycles for a bounded number of sessions using a generalized constraint system approach, and (on the other hand) of secrecy for protocols using the CBC encryption or blind signatures for an unbounded number of sessions by using a refined resolution strategy on a new fragment of Horn clauses. We also transferred protocol security from a weak framework towards a stronger framework in the following directions. On the one hand, we showed that a weak property of secrecy (i.e. reachability-based secrecy) implies under certain well-motivated assumptions a stronger secrecy property (i.e. equivalence-based secrecy). On the other hand, we built protocols secure against active adversaries considering an unbounded number of sessions, by transforming protocols which are secure in a non-adversarial setting.

Mystery shopping ve vybraných prodejnách specializovaného řetězce Hervis / Mystery shopping in selected stores of specialized retail chain Hervis

Krajčovič, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Title: Mystery shopping in selected stores of specialized retail chain Hervis. Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to introduce a specific method of market research called the Mystery shopping as a marketing tool that is useable in the field of sport retail. The main point of the thesis is to practically use the technique in selected stores of sport retail chain Hervis in the territory of capital city Prague and compare them to each other to identify proposals. Methods: To obtain data, which allows to identify proposals, was used special technique of market research called the Mystery shopping, which represents a combination of questionnaire and covert observation. Results of the observation were immediately filed in drawn up sheets. Results: The results of the research indicated many faults in mutual interaction between staff and customers, especially in the areas of sales skills, customer needs analysis and circumstances entering the retail shop. That is why there were made some measures in the synthetic part, that can lead to improvement in Customer Relationship Management. Keywords: marketing research, sporting goods retail, questionnaire, covert observation, secret shopping

Conquête des esprits et commerce des armes : la diplomatie militaire française au Brésil (1945-1974) / Conquering minds and trading arms : French military diplomacy in Brazil (1945-1974)

Nabuco de Araujo, Rodrigo 12 December 2011 (has links)
Les relations internationales du Brésil sont marquées par l’omniprésence états-unienne. Nous proposons ici de déconstruire en partie cette perspective, à l’appui d’archives inédites issues des ministères français des Affaires étrangères et de la Défense. Durant les années 50, 60 et 70, la France a envoyé ses plus grands spécialistes du renseignement au Brésil. Issus d’horizons politiques très différents, ces hommes ont assuré le transfert des doctrines coloniales de l’armée française vers l’armée brésilienne mais ils ont aussi créé des débouchés pour les industries françaises reconstituées dans l’après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En moins de vingt ans, l’armée française a entièrement remodelé la perception que les militaires brésiliens avaient de leur rôle. La technologie exportée n’était pas uniquement matérielle ; politique, elle a permis la construction d’un nouvel édifice militaire, fondé sur le principe de la guerre anti-subversive, sur l’action des services de renseignement et sur l’hégémonie des groupes industriels liés à l’armement. En ce sens, la France a largement contribué à ce que l’armée brésilienne atteigne son autonomie stratégique. Pourtant, sa technologie n’a pas apporté que des résultats positifs. Bien au contraire, à l’instar des guerres menées par l’armée française dans les colonies, la guerre anti-subversive au Brésil a refondu la société brésilienne. / Brazil's international relations are characterized by the overwhelming presence of the United States of America, both in terms of specialized bibliography and in the writings of the political actors involved. In this thesis we propose to put this established perspective into question, with the help of archives we found in the libraries of the French Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Defense which had never been studied previously. In the 1950s, 60s and 70s, France sent their best experts in information to Brazil. They came from very different political backgrounds; their mission was to pass on the colonial doctrines of the French Army to the Brazilian officers. They also created new outlets for the recently reformed French industries which had suffered great losses in the War. Within less than twenty years, the French Army has thoroughly reshaped the perception Brazilian officers entertained of their own role. The exported technology was not only of a material nature : it was also a political technology which paved the way for a new military edifice, based on the principle of the anti-subversive war, on the action of the information services and on the leading role given to the industrial groups linked with the armament sector. Thus, France can be said to have greatly contributed to the process leading to the strategic autonomy of the Brazilian Army. And yet, France's imported technologies did not only bring about positive results. On the contrary, as in the wars led by France in the colonies, the anti-subversive war in Brazil has deeply restructured the former Brazilian society.

Des mères singulières : les mères qui abandonnent leur enfant, en France (XXe siècle, début du XXIe siècle) / Singular mothers : mothers who abandon their children in France (20th century, early 21st century)

Fauconnier-Chabalier, Martine 29 March 2019 (has links)
L’abandon d’enfants a existé de tout temps. Des travaux d’historiens portent sur ce phénomène, et sur les enfants concernés. Ils s’intéressent principalement au Moyen-Âge, à l’époque moderne et au XIXe siècle. Peu, par contre, est dit sur les mères qui abandonnent. Des clichés et la littérature les présentent souvent comme des femmes de mauvaise vie, des marâtres, ou des miséreuses. Cette thèse a pour objet d’appréhender qui elles sont réellement : leur âge, leur situation matrimoniale et professionnelle, leur origine géographique… Elle vise aussi à mieux cerner les raisons qui conduisent ces mères à cette décision, et ce qu’elles transmettent à leur enfant. Ces travaux apportent également un éclairage sur leurs demandes ultérieures de nouvelles et de reprise, ainsi que sur les démarches de leurs enfants pour les retrouver. La recherche se situe en France métropolitaine, pendant le XXe et le début du XXIe siècle. Elle met en lumière qu'une majorité de ces mères singulières ont une vingtaine d'années, sont célibataires, et ont pour une partie d'entre elles déjà un enfant. Leur situation est souvent précaire. Mais ce qui les caractérise encore plus, c'est la solitude dans laquelle elles se trouvent pendant leur grossesse. Au-delà de ces traits communs, des évolutions se dessinent au cours des années. Ces femmes sont pour beaucoup des mères courages qui ont souhaité protéger leur enfant. / Child abandonment has always existed. There are historian’s works on this phenomenon, and on the children concerned. They are mainly on the Middle-Ages, the modern era and the nineteenth century. Few, on the other hand, are said about the mothers who abandon. Stereotype and literature often represent them as loose women, bad mothers, or destitute. This doctoral thesis aims to understand who they really are: their age, their marital and professional situation, their geographical origin ... It also aims to better understand the reasons that lead these mothers to this decision, and what they transmit to their children. The work also sheds light on their subsequent demands for news and for tacking back their children, as well as on the actions that their offspring undertake to find them. The research lies in metropolitan France, during the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first century. It highlights that a majority of these singular mothers are in their twenties, are single, and some of them already have a child. Their situation is often precarious. But what characterizes them even more is the loneliness in which they find themselves during their pregnancy. Beyond these common features, evolutions are emerging over the years. These women are for many courageous mothers who wished to protect their child.

Reconstrução da chave secreta do RSA multi-primo / Reconstructing the secret key of RSA multi-prime

Caceres Villena, Reynaldo 23 September 2013 (has links)
Em 2009, N. Heninger e H. Shacham apresentaram um algoritmo de reconstrução que permite recuperar a chave secreta sk do criptossistema RSA básico em tempo polinomial tendo em forma aleatória 27 % dos seus bits. Sabemos que podemos obter uma versão com erros (bits modicados) da chave secreta RSA graças aos ataques cold boot. O algoritmo apresentado por Heninger-Shacham corrige esses erros fazendo uso das relações matemáticas que existe entre as chaves pública e secreta do criptossistema RSA básico. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar esse algoritmo para implementar e analisar seu análogo para o criptossistema RSA multi-primo. Os resultados obtidos mostram que para reconstruir a chave secreta sk do criptossistema RSA u-primos é preciso ter uma fração de bits corretos maior a 2 - 2^((u+2)/(2u+1)), mostrando assim que a segurança oferecida pelo criptossistema RSA multi-primo (u>/ 3) é maior com relação ao criptossistema RSA básico (u = 2). / In 2009, N. Heninger and H. Shacham presented an algoritm for reconstructing the secret key sk of the basic RSA cryptosystem in polynomial time With a fraction of random bits greater or equal to 0.27 of its bits. We know that secret key with errors sk can be obtained from DRAM using cold-boot attacks. The Heninger and Shacham\'s algorithm xes these errors using the redundancy of secret and public key of basic RSA cryptosystem. In this work, the topic is to study this algoritm to implement and analyze its analogous for the multi-prime RSA cryptosystem. Our obtained results show the secret key sk of multi-prime RSA cryptosystem can be Reconstructed having a fraction equal or greater than 2 - 2^((u+2)/(2u+1)) of random bits. therefore the security of multi-prime RSA cryptosystem (u >/ 3) is greater than basic RSA cryptosystem (u = 2).

O núcleo intangível da intimidade: a esfera do segredo

Castro, Fabiana Maria Martins Gomes de 15 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-02T16:12:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiana Maria Martins Gomes de Castro.pdf: 967864 bytes, checksum: 624897965f00a00e5c81662d2c665bdd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T16:12:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabiana Maria Martins Gomes de Castro.pdf: 967864 bytes, checksum: 624897965f00a00e5c81662d2c665bdd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-15 / The present thesis, aiming at obtaining PhD degree in Effectivity Private Bill and Civil Rights, subarea of Civil Law, entitled “The intangible core of intimacy: the domain of the secret”, discusses the right to intimacy concerning the minimal intangible core that must be preserved and tutored by legal order. The theoretical construction of personal rights is recent, so is the construction of intimacy rights. In Brazil, intimacy rights laws are in the article 5th, X of Brazilian Constitution, 1988, and in the article 21 of Brazilian Civil Code. The discipline of this right has been greatly modified: one particular modification derives from the very discipline of personal rights, in which it is inserted; the other derives from the essentiality and influence of technological tools that operate in social structures. The main question of this research is: what is the intangible core of a person’s intimacy that concerns the humanity of each human being? The hypothesis is that “intimacy” is a vague legal concept, leaving its definition and actualization to the interpreter. The general goal of the thesis is to study conceptual aspects of person, juridical personality and humanity, and also to present conceptual theories of Law relating to intimacy both in Brazilian and foreign doctrine and investigate cases concerning the matter to identify the domain of secret. This thesis analyses the right to intimacy, in its contemporary and most important aspects, chiefly concerning the theories of plural and unitary concept to define it as a component of human nature (humanitas) related to the person’s ontological incommunicability. The methodology to develop this research is based on secondary data and qualitative method, starting from the analysis of law, of the doctrine and of the so far built juridical understanding. The main result achieved is that, once identified the assets in the secret domain and, according the foundation of the human person dignity, there happens the effectivity of this right and so the judge’s subjectivity can be avoided when subsuming and applying this right / A presente tese, destinada à obtenção de grau de doutor em Direito da Efetividade do Direito Privado e Liberdades Civis, subárea Direito Civil, intitulada O núcleo intangível da intimidade: a esfera do segredo versa sobre o direito à intimidade no tocante ao reduto mínimo intangível que deve ser preservado e tutelado pelo ordenamento jurídico. A construção teórica dos direitos da personalidade é recente e, do mesmo modo, do direito à intimidade. No Brasil, as regras do direito à intimidade estão nos artigos 5º, X da Constituição Federal de 1988 e 21 do Código Civil. A disciplina desse direito sofreu grandes modificações; uma, decorrente da própria disciplina dos direitos da personalidade, aos quais ela está inserta; e a outra, pela essencialidade e influência das ferramentas tecnológicas que atuam nas estruturas sociais. A principal indagação da pesquisa é a seguinte: qual o núcleo intangível da intimidade da pessoa que diz respeito à humanidade de cada ser humano? A hipótese é que a expressão “intimidade” é conceito legal indeterminado, competindo ao intérprete declarar e atualizar o seu sentido. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é estudar os aspectos conceituais de pessoa, personalidade jurídica e humanidade, bem como apresentaras teorias conceituais do direito à intimidade na doutrina nacional e estrangeira e investigar o estudo de casos pertinentes ao assunto para identificar a esfera do segredo. Esta tese analisa o direito à intimidade, nos seus aspectos atuais e mais importantes, sobretudo, no que concerne às teorias do conceito plural e unitário para defini-lo como componente da natureza humana (humanitas) quanto à incomunicabilidade ontológica da pessoa. A metodologia para desenvolver esta pesquisa baseou-se em dados secundários e método qualitativo, a partir da análise da lei, da doutrina e do posicionamento jurisprudencial construído. O principal resultado encontrado é de que, identificados os bens da esfera do segredo e, sob o fundamento da dignidade da pessoa humana, tem-se a efetividade desse direito e evita-se o subjetivismo do juiz, no momento da subsunção e da aplicação desse direito.

O segredo no cadomblé: relações de poder e crise de autoridade

Araújo, Patrício Carneiro 01 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:20:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Patricio Carneiro Araujo.pdf: 17247915 bytes, checksum: 04c59f14dc9a28135d90c0a72b9c5f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-01 / Fundação Ford / This research is about the relation between knowledge, secret rituals and power in Candomble religion. Throughout history in African-Brazilian religious communities we realize the secret ritualassumes different configurations. Looking at the religious life of the adherents of Candomblé we can seethat the practice of secret ritual is a powerful mechanism for establishing and maintaining power. The traditional religious knowledge, which is usually transmitted in an initiatory context, can be considered as a key element in the composition of sacred hierarchies. In this case, the appropriation of the secret ritual contents is a way to find its place in the hierarchical spheres of religion. When knowledge takes a different way to the religious life on the Candomblé terraces, the traditional forms of its transmission gets circumvented and settle a power struggle which can result in a crisis of authority, by the elders. In a perspective of power relations analysis, this research looks to contribute in the studies context of the Afro-Brazilian religions / Este trabalho trata da relação entre conhecimento, segredo ritual e poder no candomblé. Ao longo da história das religiões afro-brasileiras, podemos perceber que o segredo ritual assume diferentes configurações. Ao observarmos a vida religiosa do povo do santo, podemos perceber que a prática do segredo ritual constitui um poderoso mecanismo de elaboração e manutenção do poder. O conhecimento religioso tradicional, que geralmente é transmitido no contexto iniciático, funciona então como elemento fundamental na composição das hierarquias sagradas. Assim, apropriar-se dos conteúdos do segredo é encontrar seu lugar nas esferas hierárquicas da religião. À medida que tais conhecimentos começam a circular de forma paralela à vida religiosa nos terreiros, as formas tradicionais de transmissão passam a ser burladas e se instala um conflito de poder que pode resultar em uma crise de autoridade, por parte dos mais velhos. É na perspectiva de uma análise dessas relações de poder que este trabalho pretende contribuir no contexto dos estudos acerca das religiões afro-brasileiras

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