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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gardner, Ruth Cogswell Anderson, 1918- January 1972 (has links)
No description available.

Supporting Children's Self-esteem Development Using Mobile Application: Theoretical background and design of the user interface

Lehtimäki, Vera January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

The Autonomic Physiology of Terror Management: Investigating the Effects of Self-esteem on Vagal Tone

Martens, Andy January 2005 (has links)
Theory and research suggests a link between self-esteem and cardiac vagal tone (parasympathetic nervous system influence on the heart). A literature review suggests that vagal tone protects the body against physiological threat responding (e.g., sympathetic responding) and that vagal tone is highest when we feel secure. Terror management theory posits that humans, who live in a largely symbolic world, derive feelings of security and protection from threat by way of acquiring and maintaining self-esteem. Thus we hypothesized that if vagal tone provides physiological security, and we derive a sense of security through symbolic means by way of self-esteem, then high or increased self-esteem should lead to high or increased vagal tone. To test this hypothesis we conducted two studies in which we manipulated self-esteem by giving participants positive or negative feedback. We predicted that positive feedback would lead to higher vagal tone than negative feedback. Consistent with these predictions, in both studies we found indications that positive feedback increased vagal tone relative to negative feedback. In Study 2, to more fully test our theoretical perspective we induced threat by leading participants to believe they would receive electric shocks. We predicted that both self-esteem and vagal tone would buffer against sympathetic threat responding. Consistent with our model we found that the positive feedback eliminated the sympathetic response to threat of shock that was elicited in the negative feedback condition. Also consistent with our model, higher vagal tone predicted lower sympathetic responding to threat of shock. We discuss future directions for this research and implications for physical health.

Media, Construction and Deconstruction of Beauty Myth : – A Case Study of Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign

Zhang, Xiaohui January 2010 (has links)
The paper examines the media portrayal of real women in Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign. Through the semiotic analysis and reception analysis of the ad “Evolution”, the author investigates how Dove attempts to challenge the myth in most beauty advertising and present the “real beauty” idea to the audiences. The study further discusses about the gender issues aroused from the campaign. The findings show that the untouchable images of women are created under the pressures of male-dominated culture. In terms of feminism, the definition of beauty needs to be diversified. The significance of the campaign lies in its business success and social meaning as well. In the end, the paper reviews the impacts of this five-year-old campaign and gives further suggestions on its future development.Keywords:Real Beauty, Denotation, Connotation, Myth, Self-esteem, Media, Feminism, Gender

Har perfektionism och självkänsla betydelse för arbetstillfredsställelse?

Rydell, Maria January 2008 (has links)
Arbetstillfredsställelse innebär hur människor anpassar sig och trivs på arbetet. Forskning har visat att personer med hög självkänsla ofta upplever arbetstillfredställellse i högre grad än de med låg självkänsla. Det har också framkommit att människor som uppvisar perfektionistiska drag ofta har hög motivation men kan ha sämre välbefinnande. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om arbetstillfredsställelse är relaterad till perfektionism samt vilken roll självkänsla spelar i perfektionism. En enkätundersökning genomfördes med 60 deltagare från ett internationellt företag. Resultatet visade att både perfektionism och självkänsla hade ett positivt samband med arbetstillfredsställelse men det framkom en interaktion som visade att det endast var perfektionister med hög självkänsla som var högt tillfredställda på sin arbetsplats.

Idag student, imorgon arbetslös? : Högskolestudenters oro inför eventuell arbetslöshet efter studier

Nilsson, Louise, Granberg, Charlotta January 2009 (has links)
Andelen individer med eftergymnasial utbildning ökar på arbetsmarknaden samtidigt som antalet arbetstillfällen inom vissa akademiska yrken inte ökar i samma takt. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka om förekomsten av oro bland högskolestudenter inför eventuell arbetslöshet hade något samband med självkänsla och kontrollupplevelse. Studien avsåg även att undersöka huruvida tidpunkt för avslutad utbildning och utbildningsinriktning hade någon betydelse för studenternas nivå av oro. En enkätundersökning med 101 deltagare mellan 19 och 59 år genomfördes. Resultatet visade att det fanns en signifikant skillnad i orosnivån mellan studenter när det gällde hur lång tid de hade kvar på sin utbildning. Studenter med längre studietid kvar oroade sig mindre. Denna undersökning kan hjälpa till att belysa studenters oro inför en allt hårdare arbetsmarknad.

Savivertės ugdymas antrojoje vaikystėje ir paauglystėje / The Development of Self-esteem in the Childhood and Teens

Jarušaitienė, Daina 11 June 2006 (has links)
The level of self-esteem regulates one’s behavior in various life situations and influences interpersonal relations qreatly. Self-esteem defines everyone’s psychological self-feeling. The development of self-esteem in adolescence is closely connected to education in the family and at school. It’s important to encourage and to strengthen positive self-esteem of a child and his abilities. Purposive bringing-up helps children to enter into relations, based on honour, confidence, tolerance and defines the quality of a child’s relations with other children. Persons with positive status are the most popular in the group. While repudiated in the group is disliked. One of the most important psychological results of a child being among peers is social acceptance. However unadaptability enables to foresee later serious problems in behavior. The aim of this research is self-esteem of adolescence. The research tasks: to compare the self-esteem of adolescence from different social priority groups; to compare the self-esteem of first-borns and later children; to count up the correlations among the level of popularity and self-esteem. The research methods: self-esteem was measured by the scale developed by D.Beresnevičienė (1995) that is the siocometric test, self-esteem scales by D.Beresnevičienė (1995), the statistic of data was cerried on using the system SPSS. 215 researchers participated in the research, among them 99 girls and 116 boys. The age ranges from 10/11 to 14/15 years. When... [to full text]

Cukriniu diabetu sergančių suaugusių vidinės darnos, psichologinės savijautos, savęs vertinimo psichologiniai ypatumai / Indentify adults diabetic people sense of coherence, psychological well being,and self esteem

Šapranauskienė, Gražina 23 May 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this work is indentify adults diabetic people sense of coherence ,psichological feel,and self esteem.Received reseach results confirmed first hipothesis, that sense of coherence to diabetic importantly lower than to healthy individuals.Received research results confirmed second hipothesis ,that psychological well being to diabetics adult individuals is importantly worse than to healthy individuals.Received research results confirmed third hipothesis ,that self esteem to diabetics adult individuals importantly smaller than to healthy individuals.

Vyresniųjų paauglių (16-17 metų) asmenybės tapatumo ir savęs vertinimo ypatumai / Ego Identity and Self-Esteem of Elder Adolscence 16-17 Yers

Valatkaitė, Violeta 16 August 2007 (has links)
Svarbus ir atsakingas gyvenimo tarpsnis tarp vaikystės ir suaugusiojo žmogaus yra vadinama paauglyste. Tai - didelių biologinių, kognityvinių, psichologinių permainų metas. 16-aisiais gyvenimo metais paaugliai pradeda intensyviau ieškoti savo tapatumo, t.y. intensyvaus savęs suvokimo. Tapatumas priklauso nuo savo kūno savybių įsisąmoninimo, jausmų raiškos, nuo minčių, vertybinių nuostatų. Tapatumo formavimasis paauglystėje labai svarbus kuriant suaugusiojo psichosocialinės raidos pamatą. Taip pat labai svarbų vaidmenį užima socialinė aplinka. Tokioje socialinėje aplinkoje, kurioje galimybės gerokai apribojamos, apribojamas ir asmenybės atsiskleidimas. Didelę įtaką tapatumo raidai turi savęs vertinimas. Teigiamas savęs vertinimas – tai kelias į asmenybės tapsmą. 14-17 m. gyvenimo metais savęs vertinimo poreikis sustiprėja. Šiame amžiaus tarpsnyje daug įtakos turi tėvų, mokytojų, bendraamžių vertinimai, nuomonės. Tyrime buvo panaudota EOMEIS-2 (Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status, the extended version)ir M.Rosenberg Savęs vertinimo skalė (RSV, 1965). Darbe palygintos tapatumo būsenų brandumas pagal klasę, mokymo įstaigą, šeimos sudėtį, tarp merginų ir vaikinų ištirta gimnazijoje ir vidurinėje mokykloje besimokančių paauglių savęs vertinimas pagal mokymo įstaigą, šeimos sudėtį,lytį. / It is commonly accepted in both scientific research and general knowledge that stability and quality of family relationships profoundly influence child development. The studies on adolescent development have obtained an increasing attention within this approach, especially in psychology. Among various social and age groups, adolescents represent the most interesting object for analysis. Beginning from physical maturation, adolescence is a life period between childhood and adulthood when a person is to achieves psychological development and self-confidence. Being highly dependant on personal identity development, self-esteem is crucial for personal emotional development and life fulfilment. The concerns of modern life styles and country development pose a challenge especially on teenagers being the one on the brink of personal development. New challenges and identity development affect their self-esteem. When self-esteem is positive, it gives a person an emotional comfort and represents a crucial factor for life success. The main purpose of the study is to investigate a correlation between personal identity of adolescents and their self-esteem and to estimate the impact of these two factors on personal development. The analysis concenrated on the teenagers at the age of 16-17 studing in gymnasiums and public schools. The aim aim of the work with these teenagers were to investigate their self-identity and indentity and the correlation between these two factors. Other... [to full text]

Šeimose ir vaikų globos namuose ugdomų vaikų savivertės ir tarpusavio santykių ypatumai / Peculiarities of interpersonal relationships and self-esteem of children living in families and children from residential care

Sūdžiūtė, Inga 08 June 2006 (has links)
It is very significant to investigate the self-esteem in the young age. Loss of parents or living apart from them, lack of care of the child, lack or absence of close emotional relationship are one of the most important factors traumatizing children, preventing them from feeling self-importance, diminishing their self-evaluation and determining distrust towards themselves and others. The study analyses factors of self-esteem, academic achievements and interpersonal factors. Poor environments and previous limited experience, lack of love, life apart from parents and negative influence of classmates of children from residential care and children living in families. The purpose of this study is to find out peculiarities and differences of self-esteem and academic achievement of children from residential care and children living in full families. The connection between self-esteem and interpersonal factors is also analyzed. 200 children, from the residential home (N=100) and from families (N=100), among 118 girls and 82 boys participated in the research. Self-esteem was measured by the Harvey differential type scale in three difference factors. Interpersonal relationship was measured by sociological research. The investigation showed that children from residential care evaluated themselves as highly as children living in families. But children from residential care have more problems with teachers, theist self evaluate having no good qualities, anything to be proud of, in most of... [to full text]

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