Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sensation""
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Analyse sensorielle temporelle descriptive et hédonique / Descriptive and hedonic temporal sensory analysisThomas, Arnaud 09 December 2016 (has links)
Au cours de ces dernières années, plusieurs méthodes d’évaluation sensorielle dites « rapides » ont été développées dans le but de recueillir une caractérisation sensorielle d’un produit directement auprès du consommateur. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette mouvance en proposant la méthode des Déterminants Temporels du Liking (DTL) qui consiste à coupler la Dominance Temporelle des Sensations (DTS) à un suivi temporel de l’appréciation hédonique. Cette méthode permet d’identifier les déterminants sensoriels des préférences des consommateurs, et surtout dans quelles mesures leur temporalité impacte la dynamique de ces préférences. La méthode introduit le nouveau concept de « Liking While Dominant », consistant à calculer la note moyenne de liking pendant la dominance d’un descripteur dans un produit afin de quantifier son écart à la moyenne du liking de ce produit. La significativité et le signe de cet écart permettent de lister les déterminants sensoriels positifs et négatifs du liking.L’échelle de temporalité étudiée peut aussi bien être la prise (gorgée, bouchée…) que la succession de plusieurs prises du même produit constituant la consommation de tout ou partie de la portion. Dans le second cas, il est possible d’interroger de manière répétée le consommateur sur d’autres aspects que le liking, comme par exemple le wanting, l’état de faim ou de soif… Les déterminants sensoriels temporels de ces autres aspects peuvent alors être étudiés. La méthode DTL a également été déployée hors du laboratoire d’analyse sensorielle afin de se placer en situation naturelle de consommation, par exemple à domicile. Le concept DTL a été adapté à un spectromètre de masse à transfert de proton dans lequel est injectée dynamiquement la fraction aromatique capturée dans la cavité nasale du sujet lors de la mastication d’un aliment. Il est alors possible d’obtenir une dynamique de la perception sensorielle ainsi que les cinétiques de relargage des composés aromatiques ; les secondes devant expliquer la première. / Over the last years, so-called rapid methods for sensory evaluation have been developed to collect sensory description of products from consumers. Moving forward in this direction, this thesis proposes to pair Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) with dynamic liking. This new method, named Temporal Drivers of Liking (TDL), highlights sensory drivers of consumer liking and determines how the dynamic perception can impact the hedonic response. This work proposes to compute the Liking While Dominant (LWD) score as the average liking scores given to a product while a given attribute was perceived as dominant and to look at its deviation from the mean liking score of this product. When significantly higher (resp. smaller) than 0, it denotes a positive (resp. negative) TDL.TDL method can evaluate temporality within intake (bites, sips…) but also between successive intakes in order to study perception along the consumption of the full food. In this case, other parameters can be asked repeatedly to the consumers such as wanting, state of hunger or thirst… Temporal drivers of these other parameters can be computed in the same way than the TDLs. The TDL method has also been deployed outside the sensory lab to place consumers in real-life conditions, for example at home. TDL concept has also been extended where subjects did TDS while the aromas released in their nose during mastication were simultaneously collected by a proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer. It makes it possible to collect simultaneously kinetics of sensory attributes and of active chemical compounds; the latter being expected to explain the former.
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La prise de risque dans l’espace routier chez le préadolescent : implication de l’identité sexuée, la recherche de sensations, l’estime de soi, l’attachement aux parents et la supervision parentale / Risk taking in the road space in the preadolescent : gender role identity, sensation seeking, self-esteem, parental attachment and risk taking in young adolescent pedestriansAbou Dumontier, Alexia 30 January 2012 (has links)
La présente étude s’interroge sur les rapports entre la prise de risque et différentes variables individuelles et sociales ─ l’identité sexuée, la recherche de sensations, l’estime de soi, l’attachement aux parents et la supervision parentale ─ chez jeunes adolescents piétons âgés de 9 à 14 ans. Afin d’obtenir les données, 948 participants scolarisés de la classe de CM1 à celle 3ème ont répondu à un questionnaire. Les résultats nous ont permis de confirmer que d’une part les garçons prennent plus de risques que les filles et d’autre part, que plus l’enfant est âgé plus il prend des risques dans l’espace routier. Les résultats confirment également l’existence de liens entre l’identité sexuée, la recherche de sensations, l’attachement aux parents, la supervision parentale et la prise de risque piéton. Par contre, l’estime de soi n’est pas corrélée à la prise de risque piéton. Des analyses de régression linéaires nous ont permis de montrer que la recherche de sensations s’explique par non seulement un besoin biologique ou physiologique de sensations mais aussi par un besoin de correspondre à des rôles sociaux, à la norme. La recherche de sensations c’est en grande partie quelque chose qui vise à satisfaire un besoin identitaire, rôles de sociaux auxquels on est tenu d’adhérer. Le modèle de Baron et Kenny (1986) nous a permis de vérifier que la supervision parentale agit bien comme variable médiatrice entre l’attachement des parents et la prise de risque piéton. Ainsi nous proposons un modèle plus complexe du MIO (modèle interne opérant) de Greenberg (1987). En effet, la supervision fait partie de l’attachement ; c'est-à-dire qu’en plus des dimensions communication/confiance et aliénation, on ajoute la dimension de supervision. Le sentiment d’être bien supervisé par les parents explique la mise en danger de soi en plus de l’attachement confiant. / In the present study, we investigate the relationships between risk-taking and different individual and social variables – gender-role identity, sensations-seeking, self-esteem partial-attachment and parental-supervision – in young adolescent pedestrians (9 to 14 years old). In order to obtain valuable data, 948 pupils from CM1 to 3rd had to answer a set of questions. The results have confirmed that, on the one hand, boys take more risks than girls, and on the other hand, the more the child is old, the more he takes risks in the road-space. The results confirm, also, the association of the variables gender-role identity, sensations-seeking, parental attachment and parental supervision with the pedestrian risk-taking. On the other hand, there is no relationship between self-esteem and pedestrian risk-taking. A series of multiple regression analyses have shown that sensations-seeking cannot be explained only by biological or physiological need of sensations, but also by the need to correspond with the social roles. The Baron and Kenny (1986) model allows to verify that the parental-supervision does act as a mediating variable between parental-attachment and pedestrian risk-taking. So, we propose a more complex model of the MIO (construct of “working models”) of Greenberg (1987). Supervision is one of the dimensions of the attachment that is to say that, in addition to the communication/confidence and alienation dimensions, there is the supervision dimension. The feeling of being well-supervised by the parents, explains the self-endangering in addition to the confident-attachment.
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Analyse et modélisation de la Dominance Temporelle des Sensations à l'aide de processus stochastiques / Analysis and modeling of Temporal Dominance of Sensations with stochastic processesLecuelle, Guillaume 01 October 2019 (has links)
La Dominance Temporelle des Sensations (DTS) est une méthode d’analyse sensorielle qui mesure la perception temporelle d’un produit au cours de sa dégustation. Pour un panéliste, la DTS consiste à choisir parmi une liste de descripteurs lequel est dominant à chaque instant. Ce travail a pour but la modélisation des données DTS à l’aide de processus stochastiques et propose d’utiliser les processus semi-markoviens (PSM), une généralisation des chaînes de Markov qui permet de modéliser librement les durées de dominance. Le modèle obtenu peut être utilisé pour comparer des échantillons DTS en réalisant un rapport de vraisemblance. Étant donné que les probabilités de transition entre les descripteurs peuvent dépendre du temps, nous proposons d’utiliser des modèles différents par période et nous proposons un algorithme pour déterminer le nombre et les frontières de ces périodes de manière optimale. Le modèle est représenté sous forme d’un graphe montrant les transitions entre descripteurs les plus observées. Finalement, ce travail introduit les modèles de mélange de processus semi-markoviens afin de segmenter le panel en fonction des différences de perception interindividuelles.Les méthodes développées sont appliquées à des jeux de données DTS variés : chocolats, fromages frais et Goudas. Les résultats montrent que la modélisation par un PSM apporte de nouvelles informations sur la perception temporelle, en particulier sur la variabilité de perception au sein d’un panel, alors que les méthodes classiques se focalisent sur une vision moyenne de la perception du panel. De plus, à notre connaissance, ce travail est le premier à proposer l’identification d’un modèle de mélange de processus semi-markoviens. / Temporal Dominance of Sensations (TDS) is a technique to measure temporal perception of food product during tasting. For a panelist, it consists in choosing in a list of attributes which one is dominant at any time. This work aims to model TDS data with a stochastic process and proposes to use semi-Markov processes (SMP), a generalization of Markov chains which allows dominance durations to be modeled by any type of distribution. The model can then be used to compare TDS samples based on likelihood ratio. Because probabilities of transition from one attribute to another one can also depend on time, we propose to model TDS by period and we propose a method to select optimally the number of periods and the frontiers between periods. Graphs built upon the stochastic pattern can be plotted to represent main chronological transitions between attributes. Finally, this work introduces new statistical models based on finite mixtures of semi-Markov processes in order to derive consumer segmentation based on individual differences in temporal perception of a product.The methods are applied to various TDS datasets: chocolates, fresh cheeses and Gouda cheeses. Results show that SMP modeling gives new information about temporal perception compared to classical methods. It particularly emphasizes the existence of several perceptions for a same product in a panel, whereas classical methods only provide a mean panel overview. Furthermore, as far as we know, this work is the first one that considers mixtures of semi-Markov processes.
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La mémoire urbaine du centre-ville de Beyrouth : entre reconstruction, effacement des traces et métamorphoses / The urban memory of downtown Beirut : reconstruction, erasure of traces, metamorphosisEl-Abiad, Juliette 04 November 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’étude la mémoire urbaine du centre-ville de Beyrouth. L’objectif de cette recherche est de reconstituer in situ, le fil historique et mémoriel urbanistique du centre-ville de Beyrouth depuis sa reconstruction d’après-guerre : de sa mutation à sa métamorphose. Ce travail se base sur soixante-et-un entretiens semi-directifs menés auprès de la population libanaise, de professionnels (architectes, avocats, hommes politiques) et d’enseignants-chercheurs (géographes, sociologues, littéraires). Cette recherche s’inscrit dans une démarche qualitative. Elle s’appuie également sur des études socio-anthropologiques, historiques et géographiques menées sur la reconstruction du centre-ville de Beyrouth et son histoire urbaine retraçant ainsi trois périodes temporelles : l’avant, le pendant et l’après-guerre, fondatrices des évolutions du centre-ville de Beyrouth. Elle explore grâce à l’outil de comparaison les processus de reconstruction d’autres villes détruites lors de conflits armés. En croisant les différents questionnements et choix urbains liés à la reconstruction et à la conservation de la mémoire des villes détruites, cette recherche cerne ainsi les spécificités de la reconstruction libanaise. Ce travail repose également sur un recueil de données ethnographiques mettant en lumière la mémoire urbaine du centre-ville à travers les récits mémoriaux des habitants, privilégiant ainsi un urbanisme sensible focalisé sur une mémoire sensorielle et sur des sensations passées, éprouvées et disparues avec la métamorphose des lieux du centre-ville beyrouthin. / This thesis aims to study the urban memory of downtown Beirut. The objective of this research is to reconstitute in situ, the historical and memory line of downtown Beirut since its post-war reconstruction: from its transformation to its metamorphosis. This work is based on sixty-one semi-structured interviews with the Lebanese population, professionals (architects, lawyers, politicians) and research professors (geographers, sociologists, literarys). This research is part of a qualitative approach. It also relies on socio-anthropological, historical and geographical studies carried out on the reconstruction of downtown Beirut and its urban history retracing three time periods: before, during and after the war, founders of evolutions of downtown Beirut. Through the comparison tool, it explores the reconstruction processes of other cities destroyed during armed conflicts. By crossing the different questions and urban choices related to the reconstruction and preservation of the memory of the destroyed cities, this research identifies the specificities of the Lebanese reconstruction. This work is also based on a collection of ethnographic data highlighting the urban memory of the city center through the memorial narratives of the inhabitants, favoring a sensitive urban planning focused on a sensory memory and on past sensations, proven and disappeared with the metamorphosis places downtown Beirut.
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L'identité à l'épreuve du déplacement : étude d'une population expatriée / Displacement-proof identity : study of an expatriate populationDrweski, Philippe 16 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a pour objectif de traiter de la question des répercussions de l'expatriation sur l'identité. L'expatriation est ici utilisée comme moyen pour analyser le déplacement sur son versant corporel en appréhendant la culture comme une manière sensorielle d'être au monde. Dans cette perspective, nous apportons une définition métapsychologique de l'identité comme la résultante du travail du narcissisme, des enveloppes psychiques et enfin des identifications. Dans cette étude, le narcissisme est étudié dans son rapport originel avec la culture et les sensations. Ainsi les éléments culturels composent un miroir pour le moi qui permet au sujet de se reconnaitre dans le monde. Les enveloppes psychiques rendent compte des variations des frontières du moi et donc des éventuels vacillement identitaires. Enfin l'identification est étudiée à la lumière des théories de la psychanalyse de groupe et de la notion de lien. L'hypothèse métapsychologique qui a guide cette recherche est que l'expatriation soumet le sujet à un vacillement identitaire qui affectera l'articulation entre les différents espaces psychiques. Notre méthode s'appuie sur l'utilisation d'entretiens, du Rorschach et du TAT que nous avons fait passer lors d'un voyage de recherche auprès de la communauté expatriée française en Chine. / This present research deals with the impact of expatriation on identity. Expatriation is here used to analyse the displacement on a corporal level by apprehending culture as a sensorial manner of being to the world. In this perspective, we apprehend a metapsychological definition of identity as the result of the work of narcissism, psychic envelopes, and identification. Narcissism is studied in its original links with culture and the senses. The cultural elements compose a mirror for the self that allows the subject to recognize himself in the world. The psychic envelopes show the variation of the frontier of the self. Finally, identification is studied based on the theories of group psychoanalysis and the notion of link. The metapsychological hypothesis that guided this research is that expatriation submits the subject to a vacillating of identity that will affect the articulation between the different psychic spaces. Our method is based on the use of interviews, Rorschach and TAT (Thematic apperception test) that we conducted among the French expatriate community in China during a travel research.
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Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna TsihelashviliTsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the
Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former
student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her
teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as
expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano
methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of
piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes
with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in
relation to creative potentialities and self-expression.
The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher)
and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and
through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the
students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity
which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils
shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form
of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special
piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless
transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly
demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical
interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and
the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that
when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid
teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that
they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep
insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Exploring Natalia Pirozerskaya's piano method and teaching philosophy : an intrinsic case study / Olga Vladimirovna TsihelashviliTsihelashvili, Olga Vladimirovna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the piano method and teaching philosophy practised by the
Russian piano pedagogue, Natalia Pirozerskaya. Her piano method is not well known and as a former
student of hers I firmly believe in its values and implications for piano pedagogy. The focus of her
teaching is a holistic concept of the harmonious (organic) development of the artist-musician as
expounded by Yakovlev in relation to vocal art and higher nervous activity. Pirozerskaya’s piano
methodology addresses the delicate relations between the inner life of the individual and the process of
piano playing. She advocates a self-connected pianism characterised by the integration of all processes
with the self. Pirozerskaya links the aesthetic values of Glinka’s artistic tradition to piano pedagogy in
relation to creative potentialities and self-expression.
The participants of this intrinsic case study were Natalia Pirozerskaya, Olga Tsihelashvili (the researcher)
and five of Tsihelashvili’s piano students in Johannesburg. I interviewed the five piano students and
through validation strategy of crystallisation the themes emerged. Based on the interviews with the
students several themes were identified: 1) They explained that they experience an interconnected unity
which can be described as oneness; 2) There was also a sense of deep fondness in the way the pupils
shared their feelings about the piano; 3) They pinpointed the existence of an inner driving force – a form
of artistic energy emerging as a tangible component of their pianistic process; 4) Concerning the special
piano touch advocated by Pirozerskaya, all the students unanimously agreed that it is an effortless
transmission from the fingertips straight into the piano which “just happens by itself”. They willingly
demonstrated this touch on the piano, thus enriching the evidence; 5) With regard to the physical
interaction with the instrument, the students observed the element of the opposing spring-support and
the feeling of lightness in the body, essential in Pirozerskaya’s piano technique; 6) They mentioned that
when they play they experience a deeper perception of the self; 7) Regarding teaching strategies, a rigid
teaching approach and inexpressive mechanical piano playing, their spontaneous reactions proved that
they have assimilated the fundamentals of Pirozerskaya’s self-connected pianism and developed a deep
insight into the pianistic process. / PhD (Music Performance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015
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Réactivité du cortisol chez des récidivistes de la conduite avec les capacités affaiblies par l'alcool face à une procédure standardisée d'induction de stressCouture, Sophie January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Enfance et Tropismes de Nathalie Sarraute : pour une poétique de la lectureRobert, Véronique January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Área de risco / -Santana, Elke Pereira Coelho 26 September 2014 (has links)
Área de risco é um conjunto de quinze proposições poéticas que apresenta um estudo sobre a expressão das oposições sensórias geradas na acumulação e/ou repetição de objetos de uso cotidiano. Tendo as ambivalências sensórias entre os corpos dos objetos como foco de pesquisa, o trabalho estabelece relações entre os conceitos de extensão e intensidade, matérias e qualidade. A investigação inclui ainda temas como o da coleção, da trivialidade, da uniformidade, da heterogeneidade, da regularidade e da artesania, A criação de campos sensórios instaura zonas de vizinhança entre seres de natureza diversa, capazes de dissolver as formas cristalizadas e de recriar, por toda parte, uma visão inventora de blocos de sensação. / Risk area is an ensemble of fifteen poetic propositions that present a study on the expression of sensory oppositions created by the accumulation and/or repetition of eveyday objects. Focusing on the sensory ambivalences between the bodies of the objects, the work estabilishes relationships between the concepts of extension and intensity, and matter and quality. The research also includes topics such as collection, trivia, consistency, heterogeneity, regularity and artisanship, The creation if sensory fields introduces zones of proximity between beings of different natures, capable of dissolving the crystalized forms and recreating, everywhere, a vision designing sensations blocks
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