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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficacité d’exécution des Sentences Arbitrales dans les pays arabes / Efficiency of execution of the Arbitration Awards in Arab countries

Morchid, Tariq 26 September 2012 (has links)
L'arbitrage commercial est un mode de règlement de différends qui présente des avantages et qui permet d'obtenir une solution alternative qui offre, en théorie, l'avantage d'une justice plus rapide, moins onéreuse et surtout plus discrète. Il faut citer aussi la recherche, par le recours à l'arbitrage, d'un juge plus qualifié. Or, on constate, parfois, que la procédure arbitrale se juridictionnalise et se juridiciarise. Ainsi si la volonté des parties reste déterminante à plusieurs niveaux : (choix de l'arbitre, choix du droit applicable, choix de la procédure etc.), il arrive un moment où l'une des parties se voit obligée de faire appel à la justice étatique pour apposer à la sentence arbitrale le sceau de la force exécutoire reconnu au jugement.Sur le plan pratique, l'exécution est l'étape la plus importante de l'arbitrage car elle est la mesure de l'efficacité de cette institution, elle est aussi un moment paradoxal sur le plan théorique. Œuvre d'un juge privé, la sentence arbitrale est confrontée aux ordres juridiques étatiques.Cette phase ultime de la procédure arbitrale est le plus souvent spontanée. Les statistiques diverses s'accordent à reconnaitre que dans la plus grande majorité des cas 90% à 95% des sentences arbitrales sont exécutées sans difficultés.Pour les 5 ou 10% restants, il est nécessaire d'avoir recours à la force coercitive des Etats dans lesquels l'exécution est poursuivie et, à cet égard, les conventions facilitant la reconnaissance et l'exécution des sentences arbitrales étrangères, en l'occurrence celle de New York du 10Juin 1958 ratifiée par 135 pays, a joué et joue encore un rôle fondamental.De ce fait le passage du volontaire au forcé s'avère indispensable chaque fois que l'une des parties refuse de se soumettre à la décision de l'arbitre.Il nous parait très utile d'aborder, primo dans un chapitre préliminaire les conventions internationales ainsi que les instruments internationaux facultatifs facilitant l'exécution des sentences arbitrales, secundo les techniques conditions et effets de la mise en exécution de la sentence arbitrale, tertio les obstacles que cette dernière peut rencontrer au niveau de son exécution, ce qui nous amène à poser les questions suivantes :Quel est le rôle joué par les conventions internationales pour faciliter la reconnaissance et l'exécution des sentences arbitrales internationales ?Le recours aux juridictions étatiques pour l'exequatur, peut-il remettre en cause la finalité principale du choix de l'arbitrage comme mode alternatif ?Peut-on alors douter ou remettre en cause l'aspect volontaire ou spontané dans l'exécution de la sentence arbitrale ?Et enfin quels sont les écueils que l'on pourra rencontrer au niveau de ce stade de la procédure arbitrale qu'est l'exécution de la sentence ? / Efficiency of execution of the Arbitration Awards in Arab countries

Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House Arrest Punishment, Its Execution and Control

Grenar, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the house arrest punishment as one of the alternatives to the imprisonment and to map the contribution of this punishment for the Czech criminal law. This thesis offers a short view in to history of this punishment. The main part of this thesis is an analysis of substantive and procedural legal regulation and analysis of the conditions for imposition of the house arrest punishment and its execution. Space is given also to Probation and Mediation Service of Czech Republic, because it plays an important role during the imposition of the punishment and its execution. Author of the thesis focuses also on comparing advantages and disadvantages of the punishment and he tries to compare both systems of control. One chapter is given to overview several foreign legal regulations.

Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House Arrest , Its Execution and Control

Budinská, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses a new alternative sentence - house arrest, which was implemented to the Czech legislation by the new Criminal Code effective from January 1, 2010. Chapter One introduces the reader to the concept of punishment and the idea of restorative justice as the basis of alternative sentences. Chapter Two focuses on the history of house arrest including the beginnings of electronic monitoring. Chapters Three to Five are the most significant parts of the thesis because they provide the analysis of substantive and procedural regulation of house arrest punishment and its execution. The author highlights potential problems and tries to make recommendations de lege ferenda. Chapter Six describes the control process of house arrest enforcement provided by Probation and Mediation Service and the electronic monitoring systems available in the world. In the last chapter the author shows the experience of some European countries with the house arrest punishment and especially with the implementation of electronic monitoring which could be inspiration for the Czech Republic.

Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House Arrest Punishment, Its Execution and Control

Sommer, Ivo January 2011 (has links)
House Arrest Sentence, Its Execution and CHouse Arrest Sentence, Its Execution and CHouse Arrest Sentence, Its Execution and CHouse Arrest Sentence, Its Execution and Controlontrolontrolontrol House arrest is one of the new types of sentences brought by the new penal code, which came into force in 2010. This thesis should give a brief view on the matter of imposing, executing and control of the house arrest sentence in the Czech Republic. House arrest is a type of sentence when offender serves his sentence at home instead of prison. He or she must stay at home at night from 22.00 till 5.00 or in time determined by court and all the weekends and public holidays. It means that the sentenced person is able to perform his job or studies and take care of his/her family. Other reason for enacting the house arrest sentence is that the convicted person is not affected by the prison environment, which makes his return to normal life difficult or even impossible. Very important is also the financial matter of the sentence, because compared to imprisonment, the house arrest should save more than 2/3 of expenses. A court may impose house arrest when the criminal offence is punishable by the prison sentence in maximum duration of 5 years. The offender's explicit consent with the imposing of this sentence and other...

Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House Arrest Punishment, Its Execution and Control

Fialková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
House Arrest Punishment, Its Enforcement and Control According to the new Criminal Code the house arrest sentence has been introduced into the Czech legal order. The repeated incorporation of this institute into our legal order represents a reaction to the situation in our society - the so called crises of the custodial prison sentence. The causes of introducing of this punishment are e.g. the intention to ease the conditions in overcrowded prisons, to save substantial amounts of money, and last but not least, to maintain positive family and work relationships of the convict. House arrest belongs among alternative sentences, i.e. punishments not connected with confining somebody into prison, which nevertheless enable to reach the purpose of the punishment equally as imposing custodial prison sentence. House arrest represents the most severe alternative sentence, which is obvious from its inserting into the provision of § 52 Criminal Code right after imprisonment. House arrest occurs in two basic types, which are the programs called ,,Back-end" a ,,Front-end". Further we distinguish between house arrest forms connected with electronic monitoring and forms without it. From July 1, 2012 to November 30, 2012 "Experimental Electronic Monitoring of the Convicted Persons" took place, the results of which clearly...

Trest domácího vězení, jeho výkon a kontrola / House Arrest Punishment, Its Execution and Control

Huderová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
House arrest came into Czech criminal law with the adoption of the new Criminal Code 1st of January 2010. House arrest was expected to be used as the most stringent alternative to the sanction of imprisonment in cases where there is no need for a significant intervention into the life of the offender, but at the same time there is a need for more severe penalty than the usage of other alternative punishments. The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is solely devoted to concept and aim of punishment. Chapter two deals with alternatives punishments, demarcation of unconditional sentence of imprisonment to alternatives punishments and restorative justice. Chapter three focuses on the house arrest and its position in the Czech criminal law system. First part of this chapter illustrates the position and importance of house arrest in Czech criminal law system, furthermore the most important terms are also described there. Final passages of chapter three discussed in detail the conditions for the imposition of house arrest and the manner of its exercise. Chapter four is focused on an electronic control system of house arrest. This issue is currently heavily discussed in the Czech Republic as we are in the final stage of preparations that should lead to the implementation of the electronic control...

O português culto falado por alemães residentes na cidade de São Paulo: gramaticalização e contato entre línguas / The formal Portuguese spoken by resident germans in São Paulo: grammaticalization and contact between languages

Rezagli, Caroline Calderon 31 March 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta a análise de orações que contêm a preposição para acompanhada de verbos no infinitivo (para+infinitivo), iniciando orações subordinadas em discursos proferidos por alemães residentes em São Paulo, com o intuito de estabelecer se todas as orações, de fato, constituem a ideia de finalidade, ou se apresentam diferentes valores semânticos. O corpus é constituído por ocorrências retiradas de entrevistas com os referidos alemães feitas por mim. São entrevistas de caráter informal sem tema preestabelecido. A estrutura para+infinitivo foi utilizada em contextos semânticos que põem em dúvida seu valor de finalidade, sendo ambíguos ou apresentando desbotamento semântico. Esses outros sentidos, mais abstratos, indicam um processo de gramaticalização na língua portuguesa falada por esses alemães. A estrutura final na língua alemã apresenta variações: um...zu e damit. Além dessas estruturas, a forma zu+verbo no infinitivo responsável, segundo o Hochdeustch (alemão padrão), por indicar verbos no infinitivo, simplesmente, ou orações subordinadas reduzidas de infinitivo, também se apresentou em contextos que geraram dúvidas quanto à sua significação, sendo, por isso, considerada ambígua. Esse fato apontou para um processo de gramaticalização também na língua alemã. Por haver mais de um elemento na língua alemã traduzido para a língua portuguesa com o significado da preposição para, utilizei traduções (para o alemão) do corpus, bem como dados retirados de blogs alemães e jornais digitais alemães, a fim de estabelecer comparações para o desenvolvimento das análises. Este trabalho, dada sua natureza, pode ser uma relevante contribuição para a compreensão do processo pedagógico de ensino-aprendizagem da língua alemã enquanto L2, demonstrando que pode haver diferentes percepções semânticas de estruturas sintáticas tanto por parte dos alunos quanto dos professores ao produzirem discursos em L1 e em L2. / This work presents the analysis of sentences that contain the preposition to (para) accompanied of verbs in the infinitive (to+infinitive), beginning subordinate sentences in speeches uttered by resident Germans in São Paulo, with the intention of establishing if all the sentences, in fact, constitute the idea of purpose, or if they have different semantic values. The corpus is constituted by occurrences that came from interviews with the referred Germans done by me. They are interviews of informal character without a preestablished theme. The structure to+infinitive was used in semantic contexts that question its purpose value, being ambiguous or presenting semantic fading. Those other meanings, more abstract, indicate the grammaticalization process in the Portuguese language spoken by those Germans. The final structure in the German language presents variations: um...zu and damit. Besides those structures, the form zu+verb in infinitive, according to Hochdeutsch (pattern German), for indicating verbs in the infinitive, simply, or subordinated sentences reduced of infinitive, also came in contexts that generated doubts about its significance, being, for that, considered ambiguous. That fact appeared for a grammaticalization process also in the German language. For there being more than an element in the German language translated for the Portuguese language with the meaning of the preposition to, I used translations (for German) of the corpus, as well as data of German blogs and German online newspapers, in order to establish comparisons for the development of the analyses. The purpose of this work is to contribute in the pedagogic process of teaching-learning of the German language while L2, demonstrating that there can be different semantic perceptions of syntactic structures not only of the students but also of the teachers when they produce speeches in L1 and in L2.

O padrão entoacional das sentenças interrogativas da variedade paulista do português brasileiro / The intonational pattern of interrogative sentences of the Paulista variety of Brazilian Portuguese

Rosignoli, Carolina Carbonari 26 June 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho trata da descrição e da análise do contorno entoacional total de sentenças interrogativas globais e parciais, neutras e não-neutras, da variedade paulista do português brasileiro (PB). Investigamos a relação entre a associação de eventos tonais ao contorno entoacional dessas sentenças e a formação de domínios prosódicos. Nosso objetivo é identificar padrões entoacionais que codifiquem prosodicamente o significado pragmático dos diferentes tipos de sentenças interrogativas do PB. Partimos da hipótese de que o contorno entoacional total tem papel fundamental na codificação de significados pragmáticos, além do contorno nuclear. Em nosso trabalho, utilizamo-nos de corpora de fala controlada obtida em tarefa de leitura de sentenças interrogativas antecedidas por contextos propícios à produção de diferentes tipos frásicos interrogativos e de fala semicontrolada obtida em tarefa de leitura de mapa em dupla. A descrição e a análise prosódica das sentenças interrogativas de nossos corpora foram feitas à luz da visão integrada entre a abordagem Autossegmental e Métrica da Fonologia Entoacional (Pierrehumbert 1980; Pierrehumbert & Beckman 1988; Ladd 1996, 2008; Jun 2005/2014; entre outros) e a Fonologia Prosódica (Selkirk 1984, 1986, 2000; Nespor & Vogel 1986, 2007). Levamos em conta, para o desenvolvimento das análises desta investigação, os trabalhos desenvolvidos nesse mesmo quadro teórico e aplicados ao português (Frota & Vigário 2000; Tenani 2002; Fernandes 2007a, 2007b, Serra 2009, Toneli 2014; e, mais especificamente para sentenças interrogativas, Moraes 2008, Truckenbrodt, Sandalo & Abaurre 2009, Castelo 2011, 2016 e Frota et. al. 2015a). Os resultados obtidos a partir de nossa investigação revelam que (i) de maneira geral, o contorno nuclear das sentenças interrogativas da variedade paulista do PB tem um padrão ascendente-descendente; (ii) o contorno entoacional total tem papel importante na codificação do significado pragmático da interrogação; (iii) há características prosódicas especiais associadas ao contorno entoacional total que correspondem a significados pragmáticos específicos, como, por exemplo: (a) a marcação prosódica de foco e ênfase que varia a depender do significado pragmático associado à marcação de foco e ênfase nos diferentes tipos frásicos; (b) a associação de downstep ao contorno nuclear de sentenças interrogativas neutras; (c) a associação de upstep marcando o elemento enfático em sentenças interrogativas antiexpectativa; (d) o rebaixamento da gama de variação tonal no trecho do contorno entoacional correspondente à primeira palavra prosódica e o contorno nuclear em sentenças interrogativas retóricas; (e) as diferenças quanto à densidade tonal em sentenças interrogativas neutras e não-neutras; entre outras características prosódicas especiais associadas a significados pragmáticos específicos. Tais resultados revelam o cumprimento dos objetivos da pesquisa e confirmam nossa hipótese inicial de trabalho. / This study aims to describe the intonational contour of global and partial, neutral and non-neutral interrogative sentences of the Paulista variety of Brazilian Portuguese (BP). We investigate the relation between tonal events assignment and the formation of prosodic domains. Our goal is to find intonational patterns that codigy pragmatic meaning of different clause types of BP interrogative sentences. Our hypothesis is that the total contour has a fundamental role in codifying pragmatic meaning, besides the nuclear contour. In our work, the corpora analyzed includes controlled speech data obtained in a reading task that exposed interrogative sentences along with context to elicit the production of interrogatives with different pragmatic meanings and semicontrolled speech data recorded in a map task. The description and the prosodic analysis of the intonational phrasing of the interrogative sentences of our corpora were developed according to an integrated view of the Autossegmental Metrical approach within the framework of Intonational Phonology (Pierrehumbert 1980; Pierrehumbert & Beckman 1988; Ladd 1996, 2008; Jun 2005/2014; entre outros) and the Prosodic Phonology framework (Selkirk 1984, 1986, 2000; Nespor & Vogel 1986, 2007). Our analysis take into account previous works developed in this same framework and applied to Portuguese (Frota & Vigário 2000; Tenani 2002; Fernandes 2007a, 2007b, Serra 2009, Toneli 2014; and, more specifically regarding interrogative sentences, Moraes 2008, Truckenbrodt, Sandalo & Abaurre 2009, Castelo 2011, 2016 e Frota et. al. 2015a). The results achieved through this investigation reveal that (i) in general, the nuclear contour of interrogative sentences of the Paulista variety of BP show a rising-falling pattern; (ii) the total contour plays an important role in conveying pragmatic meaning of questions; (iii) there are special prosodic characteristics assigned to the total contour that correspond to specific pragmatic meaning, such as: (a) focus and emphasis marking that varies depending on the pragmatic meaning associated with different phrase types; (b) downstep association to the nuclear contour in neutral interrogative sentences; (c) upstep association to the emphatic element in counter expectation sentences; (d) lower tessiture of the range of variation in the portion of the intonational contour corresponding to the first prosodic word and the nuclear contour in rhetoric questions; (e) differences in tonal density between neutral and non-neutral sentences; among other prosodic characteristics associated with specific pragmatic meaning. These results confirm lead us to achieve our objectives and confirm our main hypothesis.

Limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas / Limits of the jurisdicional power at the determinative sentences.

Morimoto Junior, Antonio 09 June 2014 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho é identificar os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, aqui compreendidas as em que cabe ao juiz indicar o objeto, a extensão ou o modo de exercício de posição jurídica de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) em consonância com as circunstâncias do caso. O trabalho se divide em 3 partes. Na primeira, apresenta-se a trajetória histórica dessa categoria de sentenças, desde o início do século XX até os dias atuais, dando ênfase às contribuições dos autores alemães, italianos e brasileiros para o tema. Na segunda, a partir das principais ideias levantadas na primeira, o autor expõe suas próprias concepções acerca da categoria. São apontados o conceito de sentenças determinativas, fornecidos casos em que ocorrem, indicada a técnica empregada pelo legislador para viabilizar-lhes a produção. São ainda estabelecidas as relações entre as sentenças determinativas e temas correlatos, como as sentenças de equidade, a discricionariedade judicial, e com as sentenças constitutivas, condenatórias e declaratórias. Na terceira parte são analisados os limites da atuação jurisdicional nas sentenças determinativas, dando-se ênfase ao estudo das medidas que podem impostas pelo juiz para realização das posições jurídicas de vantagem (direito subjetivo individual ou coletivo, poder etc) reconhecidas no processo, cujo objeto ou modo de exercício não é previamente determinado em lei. Partindo-se da premissa de que o processo deve dar, quanto for possível praticamente, a quem tenha um direito, tudo aquilo e exatamente aquilo que ele tenha direito de conseguir (CHIOVENDA), conclui-se que ao juiz deve ordenar as medidas concretamente adequadas a realização dessas posições jurídicas de vantagem, sendo-lhe vedado, porém, impor as expressamente vedadas pela ordem jurídica e aquelas que a contrariem, numa perspectiva sistemática (vedação a medidas contrárias à dignidade humana e à separação de poderes, por exemplo). Por fim, para controle de eventuais abusos judiciais, enfatiza-se a necessidade de que da motivação da sentença conste claramente as razões determinantes da decisão por ele adotada. / The objective of the thesis is to identify the limits of the judicial role in the determinative sentences, here understood as sentences in which the judge indicates the object, extent or manner of exercise of a legal position of advantage (right, legal power etc. ), in accordance with the circumstances of the case. The work is divided into 3 parts. The first presents the historical trajectory of this category of sentences, since the early twentieth century to the present day, emphasizing the contributions of the Germans, Italians and Brazilians authors to the subject. In the second part, from the main ideas raised in the first one, the author exposes his own conceptions of the category. It is pointed out the concept of determinative sentences, provided cases that then occur and explained the legal technique used to enable them. It is also established the relations between determinative sentences and related topics, such as sentences of equity, judicial discretion, constitutive, condemnatory and declaratory sentences. The third part reviews the limits of the judicial power in the determinative sentences, stressing the kinds of orders that may be imposed by the judge to perform the legal positions of advantage (right, legal power etc) recognized through the action, whose objective or manner of exercise is not predetermined by the law. Assuming that \"the process should provide the winner, as nearly as possible, everything he is entitled to get\" (CHIOVENDA), it can be concluded that the judge shall order the measures specifically suited to carry out these legal positions of advantage, and that he is forbidden to impose measures expressly prohibited by the law and those that contradict it in a systemic sense (prohibition of measures contrary to human dignity and the separation of powers, for example). At last, in order to control judicial abuses, it is emphasized that the sentence should state clearly the real reasons for the decision adopted by the judge.

O processo de referenciação e a intertextualidade em acórdãos do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça / The reference process and the intertextuality in the Supremo Tribunal Federal and Superior Tribunal de Justiça s sentences

Souza, Ana Pereira de 06 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:33:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Pereira de Souza.pdf: 406500 bytes, checksum: c0c760046438b84d174feed0d03e2124 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-06 / This dissertation is constituent of research line named Text and Discourse in Written and Oral Modalities. Its theme is The Reference Process and the Intertextuality in the Supremo Tribunal Federal and Superior Tribunal de Justiça s sentences. The general goal of this study has as purpose to contribute for a better comprehension of judicial texts, like Superior Court s sentences, to all kind of people, including those ones with no Law knowledge. The specific goals of this study have as purpose to identify and to analyze the nominalization process and the explicit intertextuality in Supremo Tribunal Federal and Superior Tribunal de Justiça s sentences and also to reflect on how those phenomena can give us clues for a better comprehension of those particular texts. The theoretical basis is in the Textual Linguistic and to reach our goals we research the following authors: Koch (2009), Mondada and Dubois (2003), Marcuschi (2007), Marquesi (2007), Lima and Feltes (2013), Roncarati (2010) and Cavalcante and other authors (2010) (in case of the reference process); Koch (2009), Roncarati (2010), Koch and Elias (2011a), Lima and Feltes (2013) and Silva and Custódio Filho (2013) (in case of reference strategies); Guimarães (2009), Koch (2009, 2010), Koch and Elias (2011a, 2011b), Francis (2003), Apothèloz (2003) and Conte (2003) (in case of anaphora); Koch, Bentes and Cavalcante (2008), Koch (2010), Guimarães (2009), Koch and Elias (2011a), Koch and Travaglia (2011), Fairclough (2001, 2008) and Marcuschi (2008) (in case of intertextuality). As result, we can say that there is a kind of recurrence to the same reference strategies and types of intertextuality showed in those texts, as if there was a kind of analysis pattern in the textual construction. Both reference strategies and types of intertextuality can help Portuguese Language speakers to build sense when they have to face and to decipher those judicial texts, like judicial sentences / Esta dissertação insere-se na linha de pesquisa Texto e Discurso nas Modalidades Oral e Escrita e tem, como tema, O processo de referenciação e a intertextualidade em acórdãos do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça. O objetivo geral deste estudo é contribuir para uma melhor compreensão de textos jurídicos, do gênero acórdão judicial, pelas pessoas não pertencentes à área do Direito. Os objetivos específicos são identificar e analisar as nominalizações e a intertextualidade explícita em acórdãos do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, e refletir sobre o fenômeno da referenciação e da intertextualidade como pistas que facilitem a compreensão dos acórdãos de um modo geral. A fundamentação teórica situa-se na Linguística Textual e, para atingirmos nossos objetivos, buscamos os seguintes autores: Koch (2009), Mondada e Dubois (2003), Marcuschi (2007), Marquesi (2007), Lima e Feltes (2013), Roncarati (2010) e Cavalcante e outros (2010), para o processo de referenciação; Koch (2009), Roncarati (2010), Koch e Elias (2011a), Lima e Feltes (2013) e Silva e Custódio Filho (2013), para as estratégias de referenciação; Guimarães (2009), Koch (2009, 2010), Koch e Elias (2011a, 2011b), Francis (2003), Apothèloz (2003) e Conte (2003), para as anáforas; Koch, Bentes e Cavalcante (2008), Koch (2010), Guimarães (2009), Koch e Elias (2011a), Koch e Travaglia (2011), Fairclough (2001, 2008) e Marcuschi (2008), para a intertextualidade. Os resultados obtidos na análise dos acórdãos apontam para certa recorrência às mesmas estratégias de referenciação e tipo de intertextualidade verificados, criando uma espécie de padrão de construção textual. Tais estratégias de referenciação e tipo de intertextualidade podem vir a auxiliar o usuário da Língua Portuguesa na construção de sentidos de textos jurídicos, do gênero acórdão judicial

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