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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Gerência enquanto instrumento para mudanças em um serviço substitutivo de saúde mental no município de Uberaba - estudo de caso" / Management as a changing instrument in a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba – a case study.

Maria Thereza Rodrigues da Cunha 14 February 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, realizado no Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial - NAPS “Maria Boneca”, um serviço substitutivo de Saúde Mental, na cidade de Uberaba-MG e busca compreender a dinâmica da gerência do referido serviço, enquanto um instrumento capaz de propiciar mudanças nas práticas de atenção ao paciente portador de sofrimento mental. O pressuposto deste estudo é creditar à gerência a potência de dar ao serviço substitutivo de saúde mental uma organização e dinâmica capaz de produzir no portador de sofrimento mental uma vida mais humana, mais digna e cidadã, permitindo-lhe participar do mundo em sociedade, não com o traço da estranheza e periculosidade, como geralmente lhe é atribuído, mas como alguém portador de uma diferença. A pesquisa foi realizada com dez (10) trabalhadores do NAPS, um por categoria profissional, sendo escolhidos pelo critério da antigüidade, com os quais foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O material empírico foi organizado segundo o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e a análise do material, feita segundo a análise de conteúdo, na vertente da Análise Temática. Do movimento de análise foi possível identificar dois (2) grandes temas: A expressão da subjetividade no trabalho em saúde mental – um trabalho muito especial e O processo de trabalho participativo enquanto um componente da gerência nos serviços substitutivos. É identificado no estudo, segundo os trabalhadores entrevistados, a importância do processo de gerência nos serviços, principalmente naqueles que pretendem atender aos portadores de sofrimento mental, demanda tão segregada socialmente e tão excluída da convivência social, especialmente da familiar. Evidencia-se a importância da participação dos usuários nos processos decisórios, pois os mesmos colaboram no sentido de permitir aos pacientes uma vivência integradora da vida e uma busca de sua identidade perdida por anos a fio nas internações psiquiátricas, e o (re)encontro com a cidadania. O trabalho aponta, como formas de participação nas decisões instâncias como a Assembléia Geral, a Reunião Clínica e as decisões que ocorrem de maneira informal, denominada de “decisões de corredor”. No estudo feito, a equipe de trabalhadores do NAPS “Maria Boneca”, se considera coesa, afetuosa, portadora de um projeto coletivo, apesar de dificuldades e diferenças; mesmo a equipe se colocando como condutora do processo gerencial, existem membros que desejariam ver no serviço uma gerência mais autoritária e hierárquica. / This study is characterized as a case study conducted in the Nucleus of Psychosocial Care – NAPS Maria Boneca, a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais State. It aimed at understanding the management dynamics in that service as an instrument that can propitiate changes in the practice of caregiving to patients with mental suffering. This study assumes that managers should be given the power to provide the substitute mental health service with an organization and dynamics that could offer patients with mental suffering a more human, respectale and rightful life, thus allowing them to participate in the social world, not under the shadow of strangeness or perilousness that is usuallly cast over them, but as people who bear a difference. The study was conducted with 10 (ten) workers from NAPS, one from each professioal category, who were selected according to the antiquity criterion and to whom the interviews were applied. The empirical material was organized according to the Collective Subject’s Discourse method and the analysis of such material was made through content analysis based on Thematic Analysis. From the analytical movement, it was possible to identify 2 (two) broad themes: The expression of subjectivity in mental health work – a very special type of work and The participative work process as a management component in substitute services. According to the interviewed workers, the importance of the management process in services, especially in those intending to assist mental health patients, is identified – a demand that is so discriminated socially and excluded from social living, particularly from social life. The importance of the participation of users in decision-making processes is emphasized since they contribute in order to offer patients an integrating life experience and an opportunity to search for their identity lost through the years of psychiatric hospitalizations and to the re-encountering with citizenship. The work suggests the following forms of participation in decision making: General Assembly, Clinical Meeting and the decisions that were made informally and denominated “hallway decisions”. The team of workers at NAPS Maria Boneca regards itself as cohesive, affectionate, and involved with a collective project in spite of the difficulties and differences, in addition to playing the role of a conductor of the managerial process, although there are members who would like the service to have a more authoritarian and hierarchical management.

O desenvolvimento profissional em relações de serviço: o caminho para construir o valor e o sentido do trabalho: o caso das centrais de atendimento público. / The professional development in service realationship: the way to create value and meaning of work: the case of call centers.

Maud Eickhoff 15 December 2017 (has links)
O reconhecimento do valor do trabalho para a construção da saúde e da cidadania das pessoas é o ponto de partida para a discussão da responsabilidade da organização e gestão na construção de situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho. O estudo de caso em uma grande empresa brasileira que presta o serviço de atendimento ao público, utilizando como referência o procedimento metodológico de uma Análise Ergonômica do Trabalho (AET), permitiu o diálogo com as diversas características do trabalho realizado, ressaltando a relação entre o desenvolvimento humano e os resultados econômicos da empresa. Privilegiando o desempenho econômico em detrimento das demais dimensões envolvidas em uma atividade produtiva, e reproduzindo uma racionalidade instrumental estratégica na organização do trabalho, a empresa desconsidera as características próprias de uma relação de serviço, criando situações de trabalho que exigem dos trabalhadores elevado custo físico e cognitivo para a realização da atividade, criando situações propícias para o adoecimento físico e psicológico para os atendentes. Os constrangimentos promovem uma rejeição ao trabalho, que se manifesta principalmente pelos elevados índices de rotatividade e de absenteísmo e pelo elevado número de demandas judiciais trabalhistas. A discussão que se coloca é como criar situações que favoreçam o enriquecimento do trabalho em centrais de atendimento ao público, defendendo que o desenvolvimento profissional dos atendentes é o mais efetivo instrumento para o enriquecimento do conteúdo e do valor do trabalho para os indivíduos, contribuindo com a construção da identidade, da saúde e da cidadania dos trabalhadores. O desenvolvimento profissional é promovido a partir do enriquecimento dos saberes profissionais, obtidos com o fortalecimento dos coletivos de trabalho que compartilhem e construam as regras da profissão. O compartilhamento das experiências e das dificuldades encontradas na atividade, o estabelecimento de efetivos canais de comunicação entre trabalhadores, o estabelecimento de objetivos comuns, a criação conjunta de regras e procedimentos, a repartição das responsabilidades entre os diferentes atores, são estratégias que podem contribuir para atribuir sentido ao trabalho. Pensar um modelo de organização do trabalho e de gestão que promova a busca por soluções coletivas contribui para que sejam atingidos os objetivos da organização ao mesmo tempo em que fortalece o valor do trabalho na construção da subjetividade e o bem-estar das pessoas. / The reconnaissance of the value of work in the promotion of people\'s health and citizenship is the starting for the discussion on the responsibility of work organization and management in creating work situations that promote its development. The case study of a large Brazilian call-center company using the methodology of Ergonomic Work Analysis (E WA) allowed the dialogue with the various characteristics of the work and the relationship between the human development and economic results of the company. By favoring economic and financial performance of companies over human development of workers, the organization and management of work have led to those unfavorable situations when they fail to notice the dynamics of the service relationship and the constraints promote a rejection of work, which is manifested mainly by the high rates of turnover and absenteeism and by the high number of labor lawsuits. The discussion is how to create situations that favor the enrichment of work in call centers, arguing that the professional development of the attendants is the most effective instrument for the enrichment of content and the value of work for individuals, contributing to the construction of identity, health and citizenship of workers. Professional development is promoted through the enrichment of professional knowledge, obtained through the strengthening of labor collectives who share and build the rules of the profession. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people. Sharing experiences and difficulties encountered in the activity, setting up effective channels for communication among workers, setting common goals, jointly devising rules and procedures, and distributing responsibilities among the different players are instruments that might contribute to ascribing meaning to work. Crafting a model for the organization and management of the work which promotes the search for collective solutions contributes to the achievement of the organization goals, and it also strengthens the value of work in building the subjectivity and wellbeing of people.

Uma proposta para medição de complexidade e estimação de custos de segurança em procedimentos de tecnologia da informação / An approach to measure the complexity and estimate the cost associated to Information Technology Security Procedures

Moura, Giovane Cesar Moreira January 2008 (has links)
Segurança de TI tornou-se nos últimos anos uma grande preocupação para empresas em geral. Entretanto, não é possível atingir níveis satisfatórios de segurança sem que estes venham acompanhados tanto de grandes investimentos para adquirir ferramentas que satisfaçam os requisitos de segurança quanto de procedimentos, em geral, complexos para instalar e manter a infra-estrutura protegida. A comunidade científica propôs, no passado recente, modelos e técnicas para medir a complexidade de procedimentos de configuração de TI, cientes de que eles são responsáveis por uma parcela significativa do custo operacional, freqüentemente dominando o total cost of ownership. No entanto, apesar do papel central de segurança neste contexto, ela não foi objeto de investigação até então. Para abordar este problema, neste trabalho aplica-se um modelo de complexidade proposto na literatura para mensurar o impacto de segurança na complexidade de procedimentos de TI. A proposta deste trabalho foi materializada através da implementação de um protótipo para análise de complexidade chamado Security Complexity Analyzer (SCA). Como prova de conceito e viabilidade de nossa proposta, o SCA foi utilizado para avaliar a complexidade de cenários reais de segurança. Além disso, foi conduzido um estudo para investigar a relação entre as métricas propostas no modelo de complexidade e o tempo gasto pelo administrador durante a execução dos procedimentos de segurança, através de um modelo quantitativo baseado em regressão linear, com o objetivo de prever custos associados à segurança. / IT security has become over the recent years a major concern for organizations. However, it doest not come without large investments on both the acquisition of tools to satisfy particular security requirements and complex procedures to deploy and maintain a protected infrastructure. The scientific community has proposed in the recent past models and techniques to estimate the complexity of configuration procedures, aware that they represent a significant operational cost, often dominating total cost of ownership. However, despite the central role played by security within this context, it has not been subject to any investigation to date. To address this issue, we apply a model of configuration complexity proposed in the literature in order to be able to estimate security impact on the complexity of IT procedures. Our proposal has been materialized through a prototypical implementation of a complexity scorer system called Security Complexity Analyzer (SCA). To prove concept and technical feasibility of our proposal, we have used SCA to evaluate real-life security scenarios. In addition, we have conducted a study in order to investigate the relation between the metrics proposed in the model and the time spent by the administrator while executing security procedures, with a quantitative model built using multiple regression analysis, in order to predict the costs associated to security.

Avaliação dos serviços prestados por uma galeria popular de Manaus: o caso da Galeria Espírito Santo

Larrat, Alberto Rogerio Figueiredo, 92 991166350 19 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by karolyne souza (karolm340@gmail.com) on 2018-04-23T15:03:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ALBERTO LARRAT - DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 1910695 bytes, checksum: e0a3263b94d694ae675e4b0f55f7bdf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-04-26T12:24:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ALBERTO LARRAT - DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 1910695 bytes, checksum: e0a3263b94d694ae675e4b0f55f7bdf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Divisão de Documentação/BC Biblioteca Central (ddbc@ufam.edu.br) on 2018-04-26T12:26:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ALBERTO LARRAT - DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 1910695 bytes, checksum: e0a3263b94d694ae675e4b0f55f7bdf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-26T12:26:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALBERTO LARRAT - DISSERTAÇÃO.pdf: 1910695 bytes, checksum: e0a3263b94d694ae675e4b0f55f7bdf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-19 / The quality management in services has been becoming one of the most relevant areas of research in Production Engineering. Given this, the services sector has been assuming an important role for the development of the economy, since it is inserted in a highly competitive business environment. This is due to the sharp increase in the sector, taking the leading position in the generation of formal jobs in the country, surpassing the industries, thus generating employment and income. It is believed that it is necessary to seek improvement in all its processes, since in the production of services there is the inseparability of the productive process of the final product. Service management becomes a relevant differential and always requires evaluating the satisfaction of those involved. In this way, satisfaction can be regular, but quality is particularized as a long-term parameter, since it needs tools that allow measurement and monitoring constantly. The present study dealt with the evaluation of the services provided by a popular gallery in Manaus and had as a problem to analyze the impacts generated by the process of transfer of street vendors from the streets to the Espirito Santo gallery. In this context, we tried to answer the following question: How to evaluate and measure the quality of services perceived by the permission holders allowing their continuous improvement? In view of the foregoing, this dissertation had as general objective to analyze how the licensees evaluate the quality of the services, based on the Likert scale, to measure the perceived quality, that helps to its continuous improvement. In order to do so, the following specific objectives were established: to demonstrate the dimensions of quality, to analyze the socioeconomic impacts generated by the licensees installed in the Espírito Santo Gallery, to map the obstacles that hamper the quality of the gallery services and to evaluate the results found in the study of cases, proposing actions for improvements based on the gap identified by the SERVQUAL model. The methodology used to carry out the case study consisted of field research in which the application of structured questionnaires composed of 18 questions for the 200 gallery licensees applied in the months of February and March of 2015 were also carried out. Documentary analyzes provided by the research organization. The results of this field survey provided an overview of the quality of the services and the obstacles that hamper the provision of the services offered / A gestão da qualidade em serviços vem se tornando a cada dia uma das áreas mais relevantes nas pesquisas em Engenharia de Produção. Diante disso, o setor de serviços vem assumindo importante papel para o desenvolvimento da economia, uma vez que está inserido em um ambiente de negócios altamente competitivo. Isto se deve ao nítido aumento do setor, passando a ocupar a principal posição na geração de empregos formais no país, superando as indústrias, gerando assim, ocupação e renda. Acredita-se que seja necessário buscar a melhoria em todos os seus processos, uma vez que na produção de serviços há a inseparabilidade do processo produtivo do produto final. A gestão de serviços passa a ser um relevante diferencial e requer sempre avaliar a satisfação dos envolvidos. Dessa forma, a satisfação pode ser regular, mas a qualidade se particulariza como um parâmetro de longo prazo, uma vez que, ela necessita de ferramentas que possibilitem mensurar e acompanhar constantemente. O presente estudo abordou o tema avaliação dos serviços prestados por uma galeria popular de Manaus e teve como problemática analisar os impactos gerados pelo processo de transferência dos camelôs das ruas para a galeria Espírito Santo. Nesse contexto, buscou-se responder a seguinte questão: Como avaliar e medir a qualidade dos serviços percebido pelos permissionários permitindo a sua melhoria contínua? Frente ao exposto, esta dissertação teve por objetivo geral analisar como os permissionários avaliam a qualidade dos serviços, baseado na escala Likert, para mensurar a qualidade percebida, que auxilie a sua melhoria contínua. Para tanto, estabeleceu-se como objetivos específicos: demonstrar as dimensões da qualidade, analisar os impactos socioeconômicos gerados para os permissionários instalados na galeria Espírito Santo, mapear os obstáculos que prejudicam a qualidade na prestação de serviços da galeria e avaliar os resultados encontrados no estudo de caso, propondo ações de melhorias com base na lacuna identificada pelo modelo SERVQUAL. A metodologia utilizada para a realização do estudo de caso consistiu em pesquisa de campo em que foi realizada a aplicação de questionários estruturados compostos de 18 perguntas destinadas à 200 permissionários da galeria, aplicados nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2015. Também foram realizadas análises documentais fornecidas pela organização pesquisada. Os resultados desta pesquisa de campo proporcionaram um panorama da qualidade dos serviços e os obstáculos que prejudicam a prestação dos serviços ofertados.

IT Process and Governance Framework Adoption in Ghanaian Firms; Extent of Progress and Influencing Factors

Lumor, Truth January 2012 (has links)
Gradually, the physical and geographically restricted marketplace is eroding and giving room to a more vibrant and competitive virtual marketplace – J.F Rayport and J.J Sviokla referred to it as the ―marketspace‖ (J.F. Payport, 1995). Technological advancement is the causative agent of this rapid change. As customers become increasingly complex and find sustained satisfaction in the marketspace, pressure keeps mounting on enterprises to adjust and seek suitable dance to the new rhythm. More prepared enterprises like e-bay and FEDEX have taken advantage of this rapid change to emerge competitive in the marketspace whist others dawdle behind. Enterprises especially in developing economies like Ghana, are increasingly investing enterprise resources in IT infrastructure, and accompanying applications and services to take advantage of the new marketplace and emerge competitive nationally and perhaps, in the process, gain global competitiveness. Are firms having strategic frameworks that guide these investments? And what are the factors that influence the adoption of these frameworks? Are there enabling national and firm level mechanisms to support IT investments? These are the questions that the research seeks to respond to. The research discovered Ghana’s strategic initiatives aimed at providing enabling infrastructure, regulatory and business environment to support the adoption of ICTs into public and civil service, and to also promote the performance and competitiveness of its industries and firms. At firm level, the research investigated the factors that influence the adaptation and effective implementation of IT Governance frameworks in enterprises. The research found education, external business environment, and extent of IT investment, statistically significant in driving IT process and governance framework adoption. It was therefore, recommended that regulatory institutions, educational institutions, market players and managers of firms contribute to the enhancement of these predictor variables to further improve ICT, IT process and IT governance framework adoption in Ghana. It was also recommended that later research should be undertaken to re-evaluate the performance and progress made by Ghanaian firms, and to possibly discover other drivers of ICT, ITprocess and IT governance framework adoption. / IT Process and Governance framework adoption in Ghana is relatively new. The research identifies Education, Level of IT investment and the Business Environment to be the most influential factors in promoting IT process and governance framework adoption in Ghana. / +233-246655744 / +233 - 201111216

An IT Service Taxonomy for Elaborating IT Service Catalog / An IT Service Taxonomy for Elaborating IT Service Catalog

Rabbi, Md Forhad January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, I, as the author, have tried to propose a methodology for establishing IT service taxonomy in order to elaborate IT service portfolio and IT service catalog. As a core part of my thesis, IT service taxonomy has been discussed to manage IT services in an efficient way in the small and medium sized enterprises The small and medium sized enterprises can use the categories and sub categories of this taxonomy to define their service catalog and portfolio. In that regards, a list of IT services has been identified from the industries and has been used to define the IT service taxonomy.

Guidelines for ITIL Implementation : A Framework for IT Service Management

Assad, Muhammad Imran, Ahmad, Mian Abbas January 2015 (has links)
Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is the most popular andthe influential framework for IT Service Management (ITSM). It is used for ITgovernance, management and control of IT services. It comprises of definedand best practices, developed in 1980’s by British Government Central ComputerTelecommunication Agency. The purpose of this thesis is to present theguidelines to implement ITIL. Available literature on ITIL discusses the importanceof ITIL, its benefits, facilitating and challenging factors associatedwith implementation. But the steps to implement ITIL have so far not beendiscussed. We take the opportunity to explore empirical data from industry andliterature to get to know different strategies and approaches used by IT professionalsfor implementing the ITIL framework.To fulfil the purpose, we stated three research questions: “What are facilitatingfactors for the ITIL Implementation?”, “What are the challenging factors forthe ITIL Implementation?”, and “Based on facilitating factors and barriers,what are the guidelines for a successful ITIL implementation?”. Literature wasreviewed to extract required factors and senior IT professionals from two organisationswere interviewed to get to know what factors had been facilitators and barriers for them. The extracted factors were compiled, grouped and analysedto develop implementation steps. The result of this thesis is a framework developed implementation steps, which any organisation can use as guidelineto adapt ITIL framework. These steps consist of four phases highlighting significantfactors needed for the successful implementation. Among the highlighted factors were top management support, ITIL skills of implementer, resistanceto change, financial support, staff training, process mapping, documentation,project management and governance are the most important factors which influence the implementation process.

Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una empresa que brinde el servicio de compra para el menú del hogar con un enfoque de servicio integral

Crespo-Bulnes, Patricia, Ortiz-Lozada, Ximena January 2016 (has links)
El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el negocio del servicio logístico de las compras del menú del hogar en el mercado peruano a través de un estudio de pre factibilidad, puesto que dicho negocio en el Perú es muy pequeño y limitado a solo algunos proveedores con una presencia reciente, a pesar de que en el mundo éste ya lleve varios años y esté en constante crecimiento como resultado de los cambios en los hábitos de consumo derivados de la preocupación del consumidor por una mayor comodidad y un mayor tiempo para sus actividades sin sacrificar la calidad e inocuidad de los alimentos. / The purpose of this project is to analyze the business process of logistics service regarding the purchase of the supplied food for Peruvian market, through a pre-feasibility study. In Peru, this type of business is limited to just a few suppliers, although in the world, this business have several years of development and is constantly growing as a result of changes in consumer habits and consumer concerns: “greater comfort and longer time for their personal activities without influencing in quality and food safety. / Trabajo de investigación

Kompletný dátový model ITILu / Complete data model of ITIL

Gažmerčík, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design a complete ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) data model by using Entity-Relationship diagram and the argumentation of this model in relation to ITIL Configuration and Asset Management federative approach. The thesis is build of two major parts, where the first one focuses on the theory of recommendations and best practices in the IT Governance processes, its relationship to ITIL and a high-level overview of ITIL history. Theoretical part ends with the brief description of tools and methods used in data modeling. It is followed by practical part in which the content is based on analyzing of ITIL publications in the same order as IT Service Management life cycle phases and designing of the logical data model. Each chapter discusses at its end the abiliity of designed model to cover the data requirements for particular ITSM lifecycle phase. In the very last chapter, all partial models are joined into one complete data model and shown relations are argumented.

Propuesta de un modelo de implementación de gestión de servicios de tecnología de información, para la empresa de servicios informáticos / Proposal of an IT Services Management Implementation Model for an IT services company

Elías Pantoja, Patricia Muriel, Hinojosa Apaza, Manuel Anderson, Ticona Palli, Henry, Vega Meléndez, Gumercindo 06 October 2020 (has links)
Una de las características que está sobresaliendo en el mercado de los Servicios de TI es mejorar y optimizar los procesos de una compañía, alineando la gestión de dichos servicios a sus objetivos como negocio, es por ello por lo que el presente trabajo de investigación tiene el objetivo principal de proponer un Modelo de Implementación de Gestión de Servicios de TI, con fundamentos en COBIT 5 y NTP-ISO/IEC 20 000 para una empresa orientada al Rubro de la tecnología de información. Cabe señalar que el trabajo de investigación se basa en el análisis actual de la empresa con foco a los servicios TI que esta gestiona como parte de sus procesos, identificando los roles y responsabilidades que esto conlleva y los puntos de debilidad en su gestión; Luego se realiza un análisis para la propuesta de mejora en base al mapa estratégico de la organización, todo esto soportado por el marco de trabajo COBIT y de la NTP-ISO/IEC 20 000. Finalmente, se realiza un Modelo de Gestión de Servicios en base a la propuesta realizada con el objetivo mejorar la calidad y la operativa de los servicios TI en la organización, permitiendo alinear los servicios de TI con los objetivos de negocio, es decir que los servicios prestados estén orientados a las necesidades de los clientes y se adapte al mercado dinámico y global, garantizando la calidad de estos, con procesos optimizados, costos competitivos que contribuyen a la satisfacción de sus clientes y generando valor al negocio. / One of the outstanding characteristics in the IT Services market is to improve and optimize a company’s processes by aligning such services management to their business goal. That is why this investigation’s main goal is to propose an IT Services Management Implementation Model with COBIT 5 and NTP (Peruvian Technical Regulation)-ISO/IEC 20000 foundations for a company focused on the information technology field. It is important to highlight that this investigation is based on the company’s current analysis with focus on IT services managed by them as part of their processes, identifying roles and responsibilities carried by them and weakness points in their management. Then, an analysis is made to propose an improvement on the organization’s strategic map; all of this is supported by the COBIT and NTP-ISO/IEC 20000 work frame. Finally, a Service Management Model is done based on a proposed goal to improve quality and the organization’s IT services operation, allowed to align the IT services with the business goals; that is to say that services provided are focused on the clients’ needs and they are adapted to the dynamic and global market, assuring their quality with optimized processes and competitive prices that contribute to the client’s satisfaction, and finally provide value to the business. / Trabajo de investigación

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