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Biological Agent Sensing Integrated Circuit (BASIC): A New Complementary Metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) Magnetic Biosensor SystemZheng, Yi 10 June 2014 (has links)
Fast and accurate diagnosis is always in demand by modern medical professionals and in the area of national defense. At present, limitations of testing speed, sample conditions, and levels of precision exist under current technologies, which are usually slow and involve testing the specimen under laboratory conditions. Typically, these methods also involve several biochemical processing steps and subsequent detection of low energy luminescence or electrical changes, all of which reduce the speed of the test as well as limit the precision. In order to solve these problems and improve the sensing performance, this project proposes an innovative CMOS magnetic biological sensor system for rapidly testing the presence of potential pathogens and bioterrorism agents (zoonotic microorganisms) both in specimens and especially in the environment. The sensor uses an electromagnetic detection mechanism to measure changes in the number of microorganisms--tagged by iron nanoparticles--that are placed on the surface of an integrated circuit (IC) chip. Measured magnetic effects are transformed into electronic signals that count the number and type of organisms present. This biosensor introduces a novel design of a conical-shaped inductor, which achieves ultra-accuracy of sensing biological pathogens. The whole system is integrated on a single chip based on the fabrication process of IBM 180 nm (CMOS_IBM_7RF), which makes the sensor small-sized, portable, high speed, and low cost. The results of designing, simulating, and fabricating the sensor are reported in this dissertation. / Ph. D.
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AUTONOMOUS UNDERWATER DOCKING SYSTEM WITH FULLY ACTUATED AUVMiras Mengdibayev (18415284) 29 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The technological advancements in marine robotics led to the expansion of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) fleet. Depending on the applications, the type of the AUV ranges across various shapes and sizes. It seeks a solution for the issue of limited power capacity, often in terms of underwater docking systems. Underwater docking poses a significant challenge for AUVs, especially when considering the diverse shapes and sizes of these vehicles. Existing solutions usually are task specific, and do not address the idea of scalable underwater docking system design.<br>This thesis investigates the adaptability of the specific docking system design, previously validated for torpedo-shaped AUVs, to boxed-shaped AUVs in a nonlinear open water environment. In order to achieve this goal, the scalability of the docking system design of choice was tested in an open water non-linear underwater environment and validated. The scalability of the robust docking system was adapted to the box-shaped AUV, encompassing path planning, path following, and docking maneuver. The adapted docking system was based on the optic methods for docking station detection and subsequent docking. Additionally, the simulated environment was developed for the AUV model, for testing and debugging purposes. In the simulation, a custom PID controller was developed along with integrating the navigation and guidance package, to fully simulate the real life behavior of the AUV. </p><p dir="ltr">Furthermore, this work introduces a recurrent neural network-based architecture for investigating temporal dependencies of the sequential data input. The proposed architecture is based on CNN for spatial feature extraction and LSTM/GRU for temporal feature detection. The dataset collection is based on the simulation environment, by enhancing the artificial images with imposed realism. The dataset was gathered on different levels of turbidity and the collection process was automated.</p>
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Traceable Characterization of Complex-Shaped Nanoparticles using Small-Angle X-Ray ScatteringDeumer, Jérôme Emin 10 January 2025 (has links)
Die Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln (NP) ist in vielen Bereichen des Lebens von großer Bedeutung. Um die Eigenschaften von NP zu bestimmen, stehen der Wissenschaft heute diverse Messmethoden zur Verfügung. Besonders geeignet für die Messung von NP ist die Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung (SAXS), da sie Partikelensembles zerstörungsfrei und mit minimaler Probenpräparation in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung charakterisieren kann. SAXS liefert statistisch relevante Informationen, wie Größenverteilung und Anzahlkonzentration. In Kombination mit Synchrotronstrahlung können SAXS-Experimente in einem breiten Energiebereich mit hoher Brillanz und bekannter, auf SI-Einheiten (Internationales Einheitensystem) rückgeführter Strahlungsleistung durchgeführt werden, was eine rückführbare und zuverlässige Messung ermöglicht. Trotz der Vorteile von SAXS fehlten bislang praktische Auswertemethoden für die Charakterisierung der zunehmenden Vielfalt von Partikelformen. Die Verwendung analytischer Formfaktoren zur Berechnung der Streukurve eines komplex geformten Partikels ist schwierig, da sie die Berechnung der Fourier-Transformation der Elektronendichteverteilung des Partikels erforderlich macht. Zudem erschwert die isotrope Orientierung von NP in Suspension die Berechnung und erhöht den Rechenaufwand. Mit dieser Dissertation wird daher ein numerischer Ansatz vorgestellt, der es ermöglicht, NP beliebiger Form mit SAXS zu charakterisieren. Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der Berechnung der Debye-Gleichung und verwendet numerische Approximationen, um den Rechenaufwand zu minimieren. Durch die Kombination mit statistischen Auswertemethoden wie Markov Chain Monte Carlo können darüber hinaus Unsicherheitsbudgets umfassend abgeschätzt werden. / The characterization of nanoparticles (NPs) is of great importance in many areas of life. To determine the properties of NPs, various measurement methods are available to science today. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is particularly suitable for measuring NPs, as it can characterize particle ensembles non-destructively and with minimal sample preparation in their natural environment. SAXS provides statistically relevant information such as size distribution and number concentration. In combination with synchrotron radiation, SAXS experiments can be performed in a wide energy range with high brilliance and known radiation power traceable to SI (International System of Units) units, which enables traceable and reliable measurements. However, despite the advantages of SAXS, there is a lack of practical evaluation methods for characterizing the increasing variety of particle shapes. The use of analytical form factors to calculate the scattering curve of a single particle is difficult as it requires the calculation of the Fourier transform of the electron density distribution of the particle. In addition, the isotropic orientation of NPs in suspension complicates the calculation and increases the computational effort. This dissertation therefore presents a numerical approach that enables NPs of arbitrary shape to be characterized using SAXS. This approach is based on the calculation of the Debye equation and uses numerical approximations to minimize the computational effort. By combining it with statistical evaluation methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, uncertainty budgets can be comprehensively estimated.
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Synthese und Charakterisierung niedervalenter Actinoidphosphidtelluride und ternärer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des IridiumsStolze, Karoline 28 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Metallpniktide und -chalkogenide erfahren zunehmend mehr Aufmerksamkeit in Chemie und Festkörperphysik. Dieses Interesse liegt unter anderem in der ungewöhnlichen Strukturchemie der Verbindungen begründet. In den Pniktogen(Pn)- bzw. Chalkogen(Q)-reichen Verbindungen dieser Systeme ist besonders häufig die Bildung der jeweiligen Oligo- oder Polyanionen bzw. Moleküle zu beobachten. Einerseits können die homoatomaren Pn–Pn- bzw. Q–Q-Bindungen zur Ausbildung niederdimensionaler Strukturmotive mit anisotropen Eigenschaften, wie bspw. Supraleitung und Metall-Halbleiter-Übergänge, führen; andererseits ergeben sich aus dem sterischen Raumanspruch der Struktureinheiten in Kombination mit den hohen Koordinationszahlen schwerer Übergangs- oder Actinoidmetalle komplexe Strukturen. Die Pn- bzw. Q-Atome treten häufig gemischtvalent auf, was zusammen mit den beschriebenen Strukturmerkmalen die enorme Variabilität und Anpassungsfähigkeit dieser Stoffsysteme widerspiegelt.
Im Rahmen des ersten Teils der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die potentielle Oligoanionenbildung in den bisher als quadratisch-planar beschriebenen Phosphidschichten von Actinoidphosphidtelluriden diskutiert. Über eine chemische Transportreaktion mit Iod ist es gelungen Kristalle des Uranphosphidtellurids UPTe und des verwandten, bisher unbekannten Diuranphosphidditelluridoxids U2PTe2O zu züchten und die Kristallstrukturen durch Einkristallröntgendiffraktometrie aufzuklären. Die Strukturen beider Verbindungen können durch eine Abfolge von [U2P2]- und [Te2]-Schichten, bzw. [U2P2]-, [U2O2]- und [Te2]-Schichten entlang [001] beschrieben werden. Die Phosphoratome in den [U2P2]-Abschnitten bilden eine Schicht parallel ausgerichteter P2-Anionen. Die Zusammenlagerung der Phosphoratome sowie die geordnete Ausrichtung der Hanteln bedingt eine Symmetriereduktion der ursprünglich tetragonal angenommenen Struktur mit fehlgeordneten Phosphoratomen hin zu einem Strukturmodell in der monoklinen Raumgruppe I11m. Bindungsanalysen im Realraum mit Hilfe des Elektronen-Lokalisierbarkeits-Indikator (ELI D) ergaben für UPTe in der monoklin verzerrten Struktur ein zusätzliches Doppelmaximum auf der gedachten Linie zwischen den Phosphoratomen P1 und P2, welches als homoatomare P–P-Bindungen interpretiert werden kann.
Zudem konnte über eine Festkörpersynthese die ternäre Verbindung Thoriumphosphidtellurid ThPTe erhalten werden, deren Pulverröntgendaten ein zu UPTe analoges Strukturbild zeigt. Wenngleich die Fehlordnung in der Phosphorschicht von ThPTe experimentell nicht aufgelöst werden konnte, war es durch Raman-Spektroskopie möglich, die Existenz der P2 Hanteln sowohl in ThPTe als auch in UPTe zu belegen. Beide isotype Verbindungen können in ionischer Grenzschreibweise als A4+ + ½ P24– + Te2– (A = Th, U) formuliert werden.
Im zweiten Teil der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde die vielfältige Strukturchemie neuer Selen-Halogenid-Komplexe des Iridiums insbesondere hinsichtlich ihrer Oligoselenidliganden sowie koordinativ gebundener Selenmoleküle dargelegt. Durch die Aktivierung von elementarem Iridium in Selentetrahalogenid-Schmelzen konnten erstmalig Verbindungen im System Ir–Se–Br dargestellt und die Strukturvielfalt im System Ir–Se–Cl signifikant erweitert werden. Die synthetisierten ein- bis achtkernigen Iridium(III)-Komplexe zeichnen sich durch eine bemerkenswerte Diversität ihrer Liganden aus, die von Halogenidionen, Selenmono- und Selendihalogenid-Einheiten über zyklische Selenmoleküle bis zu Oligoselenidketten reicht. Die variablen Verknüpfungsmoden dieser Liganden erweitern zusätzlich das Spektrum möglicher Komplexformen und -größen.
Die kleinsten, dargestellten ternären Iridiumkomplexe a-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3], m-fac-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] und mer-[IrBr3(SeBr2)3] besitzen ausschließlich endständige Selendibromid- und Bromidliganden, die sich in ihrer Konfiguration unterscheiden.
In den isotypen, zweikernigen Iridiumkomplexen [Se9(IrX3)2] (X = Cl, Br, Cl/Br) wird ein ungeladener, unter den Allotropen des Selens unbekannter Se9-Ring in Kronen-Konformation durch zwei IrX3-Moleküle stabilisiert. Der cyclo-Nonaselenligand ist der erste seiner Art, der mittels Röntgenbeugung am Einkristall charakterisiert werden konnte. Se9(IrCl1.66(1)Br1.34(1))2 repräsentiert zudem die erste quaternäre Verbindung in den Systemen M–Se–Cl–Br (M = Platinmetalle).
Die ringförmigen, vier- und sechskernigen Komplexe [Ir4Se10Br16] sowie [Ir6Se8Cl30] und [Ir6Se6Cl30] zählen zu den größten Ringstrukturen unter den Chalkogen-Halogeniden der Platinmetalle. Ihre intramolekulare Verknüpfung wird unter anderem durch µ-verbrückende X–-Anionen und sehr seltene (SeX)–-Einheiten realisiert. Die verwandten [Ir6Se8Cl30]- und [Ir6Se6Cl30]-Ringe können als molekularer Ausschnitt der aus [IrCl6/2]-Oktaedern bestehenden Honigwabenstruktur von alpha-IrCl3 beschrieben werden.
Die achtkernigen Iridiumkomplexe [Ir8Se28Br14] und [Ir8Se40Br10] bilden über die sechsfach-verbrückenden Se22–-Hanteln und die vierfach-verbrückenden Se42–-Ketten sehr große, ellipsoide Moleküle aus, die stark einem Ausschnitt aus der Netzwerkstruktur von Ir3Se8 ähneln. Beide Komplexe unterscheiden sich lediglich in ihren apikal koordinierenden Liganden: SeBr2-Einheiten im Fall von [Ir8Se28Br14] und ungeladene Heptaselenringe im Fall von [Ir8Se40Br10]. Die Se7-Moleküle repräsentieren ihrerseits die ersten cyclo-Heptaseleneinheiten in Boot-Konformation. An den [Ir8Se28Br14] Komplex koordinieren über Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen zusätzlich zwei Wassermoleküle. Die räumliche Anordnung der Moleküle im Festkörper von Ir8Se28Br14·2H2O stellt eine hervorragende Näherung der dichtesten Ellipsoidpackung dar.
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Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRA) for satellite and body area network applications / Étude et réalisation de antennes diélectriques pour les applications satellitaires et corps (BAN)Alam, Muhammad Faiz 02 July 2012 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on vise deux types d'applications de l’antenne à résonateur diélectrique (DRA): 1) La réalisation d’un élément rayonnant pour un réseau phasé embarqué sur un véhicule terrestre ou un avion. Cet élément de base requiert une couverture en élévation supérieure à celle des éléments imprimés pour permettre une poursuite typique comprise entre ±70°. La couverture dans un cône large est assurée avec une bonne pureté de polarisation circulaire en alimentant l’antenne à travers deux ouvertures à fente en H orthogonales parfaitement découplées en bande X. 2) La deuxième structure est destinée à la diversité d’antennes dans le contexte des réseaux corporels embarqués ou Body Area Network (BAN). L’antenne à diversité combine une antenne fente en boucle avec un DRA ce qui permet dans un espace compact de réaliser des diagrammes de type “broadside” et “endfire” respectivement. Les alimentations considérées sont de 2 types; Soit purement planaire (microruban et coplanaire) soit mixte en combinant une alimentation coaxiale et une alimentation coplanaire. Caractéristiques principales des antennes à résonateur diélectrique (DRA): Pour répondre aux attentes des utilisateurs en termes de débit, les systèmes de communication sans fils se tournent vers des fréquences de plus en plus élevées. La conséquence de cette montée en fréquence est notamment l’augmentation des pertes au niveau des éléments conducteurs et donc une diminution de l’efficacité globale des systèmes de communication. Dans ces circonstances, les DRA offre de meilleurs résultats par rapport à d'autres familles d'antennes à base d’éléments métalliques. De plus, les DRA offrent des pertes diélectriques négligeables, elles sont peu sensibles aux variations de température et s’intègrent facilement sur des technologies de fabrication planaires / Technologies such as direct broad cast satellite system (DBSS), Geosynchronous Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite communications , global positioning system (GPS), high accuracy airborne navigation system and a large variety of radar systems demand for high level of antenna performance. Similar is the requirement for upcoming land based wireless systems such as cellular and indoor communication systems that is needed some more specific and additional features added to the antenna to compensate for the deficiencies encountered in system's performance. Though metallic antennas are capable enough to fulfil all the operational requirements, however at very high frequencies and under hostile temperature conditions they are constrained to face certain limitations. To avoid these constraints the performance of Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) is evaluated and their new applications are proposed. In the thesis, two types of antenna applications are sought :-First is for tracking and satellite applications that needs a larger aperture coverage in elevation plane. This coverage is realized with a good CP purity by proposing two ports dual linearly polarized DRA working at X-band. The DRA is excited by two orthogonal H-shaped aperture slots yielding two orthogonal polarizations in the broadside direction. A common impedance bandwidth of 5.9% and input port isolation of -35 dB are obtained. The broadside radiation patterns are found to be highly symmetric and stable with cross polarization levels -15dB or better over the entire matching frequency band. The maximum measured gain is found to be 2.5dBi at 8.4 GHz.- The 2nd type of antenna is a dual pattern diversity antenna to be used in the Body Area Network (BAN) context. This antenna combines a slot loop and DRA yielding broadside and end-fire radiation patterns respectively. Based upon the feeding techniques, the DG antenna is further divided into two categories one with planar feeds and the other with non-planar feeds (slot loop excited by planar CPW but DRA excited by vertical monopole) .Both types are successfully designed and measured upon body when configured into different propagation scenarios. The non-planar feeds antenna allows wider common impedance bandwidths than the planar feeds (4.95% vs 1.5%).In both cases, a maximum value of DG=9.5dB was achieved when diversity performance tests were carried out in rich fading environments. This value is close to the one (10 dB) theoretically reached in a pure Rayleigh environment and was obtained with efficiencies of 70% and 85% for the slot loop and the DRA respectively. Therefore, we conclude that these antennas could be used on the shoulders or the chest of professional clothes (firemen, policemen, soldier) where full planar integration is not a key issue but where the communication must be efficient in harsh environments and for various gestures, positions and scenarios
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Investigating mechanical properties of ordinary portland cement : investigating improvements to the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) bodies by utilizing the phase transformation properties of a ceramic (zirconia)Almadi, Alaa January 2012 (has links)
The effects of metastable tetragonal zirconia on the properties of Ordinary Portland Cement were observed during which the effect of crystallite size pH on the preparation solution, precursor salt, and the presence of co-precipitates, Fe(OH)3, SnO2 and SiO2 on the crystallization temperature, enthalpy and crystal structure, immediately following the crystallization exothermic burst phenomenon in ZrO2 were measured. Thermal analysis and x-ray methods were used to determine crystallite sizes and structures immediately following the exothermic burst. Comparisons were made for zirconias prepared from oxychloride, chloride and nitrate solutions. The existence of tetrameric hydroxidecontaining ions in oxychloride precursor is used to rationalise low values of crystallization enthalpy. The position of the crystallization temperature, Tmax was not dependent on crystallite size alone but also on the pH at which the gel was made, the surface pH after washing, and the presence of diluent oxides. Enthalpy v r1/2 and Tmax v (diluent vol)1/3 relationships indicate that surface coverage effects dominate a surface nucleated phenomenon. The data established for ZrO2 systems was used to develop tetragonal-ZrO2-SnO2 powders capable of improving the mechanical properties of Ordinary Portland Cement discs. The ZrO2-OPC discs were prepared by powder mixing, water hydration and uniaxial pressing. Vicat needle tests showed that tetragonal-ZrO2 increases the initial setting rate. Microscopy indicated that porosity distribution changes near to ZrO2 particles. Zirconia has also been introduced into OPC discs by vacuum infiltration methods developed for solutions and colloidal suspensions. Comparisons between OPC discs and the OPCtetragonal ZrO2 composites have been made on the basis of diametral compression strength, Young’s modulus, hardness and toughness (K1c), as estimated by the cracked indentation method. Bell-shaped curves are found for the way the mechanical properties are changed as a function of Zirconia content.
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Processos de burn-in e de garantia em sistemas coerentes sob o modelo de tempo de vida geral / Burni-in and warranty processes in coherent systems under the general lifetime modelGonzalez Alvarez, Nelfi Gertrudis 09 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho consideramos três tópicos principais. Nos dois primeiros generalizamos alguns dos resultados clássicos da Teoria da Confiabilidade na otimização dos procedimentos de burn-in e de políticas de garantia, respectivamente, sob o modelo de tempo de vida geral, quando um sistema coerente é observado ao nível de seus componentes, e estendemos os conceitos de intensidade de falha na forma de banheira e do modelo de falha geral através da definiçâo de processos progressivamente mensuráveis sob a pré-t-história completa dos componentes do sistema. Uma regra de parada monótona é usada na metodologia de otimizaçâo proposta. No terceiro tópico modelamos os custos de garantia descontados por reparo mínimo de um sistema coerente ao nível de seus componentes, propomos o estimador martingal do custo esperado para um período de garantia fixado e provamos as suas propriedades assintóticas mediante o Teorema do Limite Central para Martingais. / In this work we consider three main topics. In the first two, we generalize some classical results on Reliability Theory related to the optimization in burn-in procedures and warranty policies, using the general lifetime model of a coherent system observed on the component level and extending the definitions of bathtub shaped failure rate and general failure model to progressively measurable processes under the complete pre-t-history. A monotone stopping rule is applied within the proposed methodology. In the third topic, we define the discounted warranty cost process for a coherent system minimally repaired on the component level and we propose a martingale estimator to the expected warranty cost for a fixed period and setting its asymptotic properties by means of Martingale Central Limit Theorem.
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Processos de burn-in e de garantia em sistemas coerentes sob o modelo de tempo de vida geral / Burni-in and warranty processes in coherent systems under the general lifetime modelNelfi Gertrudis Gonzalez Alvarez 09 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho consideramos três tópicos principais. Nos dois primeiros generalizamos alguns dos resultados clássicos da Teoria da Confiabilidade na otimização dos procedimentos de burn-in e de políticas de garantia, respectivamente, sob o modelo de tempo de vida geral, quando um sistema coerente é observado ao nível de seus componentes, e estendemos os conceitos de intensidade de falha na forma de banheira e do modelo de falha geral através da definiçâo de processos progressivamente mensuráveis sob a pré-t-história completa dos componentes do sistema. Uma regra de parada monótona é usada na metodologia de otimizaçâo proposta. No terceiro tópico modelamos os custos de garantia descontados por reparo mínimo de um sistema coerente ao nível de seus componentes, propomos o estimador martingal do custo esperado para um período de garantia fixado e provamos as suas propriedades assintóticas mediante o Teorema do Limite Central para Martingais. / In this work we consider three main topics. In the first two, we generalize some classical results on Reliability Theory related to the optimization in burn-in procedures and warranty policies, using the general lifetime model of a coherent system observed on the component level and extending the definitions of bathtub shaped failure rate and general failure model to progressively measurable processes under the complete pre-t-history. A monotone stopping rule is applied within the proposed methodology. In the third topic, we define the discounted warranty cost process for a coherent system minimally repaired on the component level and we propose a martingale estimator to the expected warranty cost for a fixed period and setting its asymptotic properties by means of Martingale Central Limit Theorem.
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L'hématopoïèse regroupe les phénomènes menant à la formation des composantes<br />cellulaires du sang. Au cours de ce processus, des cellules précurseurs vont proliférer et se<br />différencier dans les multiples types cellulaires spécialisés. Le développement du système<br />hématopoïétique de la Drosophile et des vertébrés présente de nombreuses similitudes aussi bien<br />au niveau fonctionnel et ontogénique qu'au niveau des gènes qui régulent la formation des<br />cellules sanguines. Chez la Drosophile, au stade embryonnaire, les précurseurs<br />hématopoïétiques, les prohémocytes, vont générer deux types de cellules sanguines, les<br />plasmatocytes et les cellules à cristaux. Nous avons entrepris de caractériser les mécanismes de<br />régulation de l'hématopoïèse embryonnaire chez la Drosophile.<br />Dans un premier temps, nous avons analysé la fonction et le mode d'action du facteur de<br />transcriptions de type GATA Serpent (Srp) au cours de ce processus. Nous avons mis en<br />évidence que le gène serpent code pour deux isoformes qui ont des activités différentielles au<br />cours de ce processus. D'autre part, nous avons montré que l'activité de Srp au cours de<br />l'hématopoïèse est modulée par recrutement de cofacteurs. Ainsi, nous avons montré que Srp est<br />capable de recruter U-Shaped, un cofacteur de type FOG (Friend Of GATA), mais aussi, de<br />former un complexe fonctionnel avec le facteur de transcription de type RUNX, Lozenge. La<br />caractérisation des isoformes de Srp et la mise en évidence de l'interaction de ce facteur GATA<br />avec différents partenaires a permis de mettre en évidence la versatilité des fonctions de srp au<br />cours de l'hématopoïèse.<br />Dans un second temps, nous avons entrepris de caractériser in vivo l'étape de ségrégation<br />des deux populations, plasmatocytes et cellules à cristaux. Nous avons mis en évidence que la<br />ségrégation de ces deux lignages à partir d'une population de prohémocytes bipotents est un<br />processus très dynamique, contrôlé par un mécanisme original en deux étapes. Cette régulation<br />qui fait intervenir les facteurs de transcription lignage-spécifiques Lozenge et Glial-Cell-<br />Missing (Gcm) et Gcm2, contrôle précocement la détermination des précurseurs et tardivement<br />le maintient de l'identité de ces cellules dans les phases de différenciation en cellules à cristaux<br />versus plasmatocytes. De manière intéressante, nous avons montré que la régulation de la<br />ségrégation, ne repose pas sur un antagonisme réciproque entre les facteurs de transcription<br />lignage-spécifiques. Ce mécanisme qui contrôle l'acquisition d'un destin cellulaire diffère donc<br />des processus de régulation de l'hématopoïèse mis en évidence chez les mammifères.
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Novel Possibilities for Advanced Molecular Structure Design for Polymers and NetworksFinne, Anna January 2003 (has links)
Synthetic and degradable polymers are an attractive choicein many areas, since it is possible to control the way in whichthey are manufactured; more specifically, pathways tomanipulate the architecture, the mechanical properties and thedegradation times have been identified. In this work,L-lactide, 1,5-dioxepan-2-one and ε-caprolactone were usedas monomers to synthesize polymers with different architecturesby ring-opening polymerization. By using novel initiators,triblock copolymers, functionalized linear macromonomers andstar-shaped aliphatic polyesters with well-defined structureshave been synthesized. To synthesize triblock copolymers,cyclic germanium initiators were studied. The polymerizationproceeded in a controlled manner although the reaction rateswere low. To introduce functionality into the polymer backbone,functionalized cyclic tin alkoxides were prepared and used asinitiators. During the insertion-coordination polymerization,the initiator fragment consisting mainly of a double bond wasincorporated into the polymer backbone. The double bond wasalso successfully epoxidized and this gave unique possibilitiesof synthesizing graft polymers with precise spacing. Themacromonomer technique is a very effective method for producingwell-defined graft polymers. Spirocyclic tin initiators weresynthesized and used to construct star-shaped polymers. Thestar-shaped polymers were subsequently crosslinked in apolycondensation reaction. These crosslinked structures swelledin water, and swelling tests showed that by changing thestructure of the hydrogel network, the degree of swelling canbe altered. A first evaluation of the surface characteristicsof the linear triblock copolymers was also performed. AFManalysis of the heat-treated surfaces revealed nanometer-scalefibers and tests showed that keratinocytes were able to growand proliferate on these surfaces. / QC 20100602
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