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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


李長錦, Li,Chang Chin Unknown Date (has links)
我國公司法在94年6月22 日通過增訂修正條文,新增通訊投票制度,並賦予股東提案權及董事、監察人提名制度。行政院金融監督管理委員會配合公司法新增通訊投票相關規定,於94年12 月15 日發布修正公開發行股票公司股務處理準則,以使公開發行公司採行書面或電子方式行使表決權時之股務作業有所依循,使我國上市上櫃公司正式跨入股東會通訊投票時代。不過法令修正後逾三年除台灣期貨交易所股東會採用通訊投票外,並無其他上市上櫃公司採行,使通訊投票制度徒託空言。 97年6月13日共計有637家上市櫃公司選在同一天召開,過度集中化的結果,不僅股東分身乏術無法參與公司一年一度股東會,也嚴重影響小股東參與監督、瞭解公司經營等權益。 股東會是小股東實踐股東權益及落實股東行動主義最佳的場合,也是公司實行公司治理具體表現。但近幾年股東會撞期情況始終未獲改善,為有效解決此一問題金管會證期局積極宣導通訊投票制度的優點,希望上市上櫃公司採行通訊投票制度,讓股東在親自出席和委託出席之外,多增加一項參與股東會方式。 股東會通訊投票制度亦新增股東會提案權和董監事提名董監事制度,讓少數股東權益能擴大參與公司決策與經營。我國通訊投票制度雖然已有法源和運作平台,但企業普遍對此制度仍不熟悉,未來要擴大推行,有賴主管機關政策輔導和提出獎勵措施,初期如果能鼓勵大型企業或法人持股比重較高公司帶頭做起,則我國通訊投票制度則可望步上正軌。 通訊投票制度最早由美國開始,目前英國、日本、澳洲、香港等國皆已實施多年,我國起步並不算晚,實施股東會通訊投票不僅與國際接軌對我國企業推動公司治理和股東行動主義亦有正面評價。

管理層收購法律規範理論與實務—台日比較 / M&A laws relating to management buyouts : theory and practice between Taiwan and Japan

張雅涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為管理層收購法律規範理論與實務之研究,比較台灣與日本兩國法律規範及實務運作方式,借鏡上市公司股權結構及管理層收購發動背景與我國相似之日本,檢討我國管理層收購之相關法規範,並試提出修正建議。 在管理層收購下,管理層一方面為收購方,一方面亦為目標公司之決策機構,其間之利益衝突不言而喻,且管理層收購亦伴隨著逐出少數股東之下市交易,如何能確保交易公平並保障少數股東之利益,為各國法規範管理層收購之一大重點。 本文以2011年國際私募基金Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.來台收購我國半導體大廠國巨股份有限公司一案帶入我國管理層收購之法規範及實務運作,並點出該案及其後一連串之修法下我國法仍存在之問題,再探討日本法下管理層收購之相關規範及實務運作模式,並以日本兩實務案例:日立集團旗下之日立機材株式會社創始股東聯合國際私募基金凱雷集團發動管理層收購事件、日本判決著名案件Rex Holdings管理層收購事件兩案,深入探討日本法之管理層收購實務運作及相關判決,最後則以兩國實務案例比較,進一步檢討我國法之問題。

Le traitement des porteurs minoritaires de titres de sociétés par actions publiques dans un contexte transactionnel : où en sommes-nous?

Proulx, Olivier 11 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître en Droit (LL.M) Option Droit des Affaires" / Dans une perspective pratique et axée sur le droit transactionnel, l'auteur dresse un portrait global du régime juridique s'appliquant aux actionnaires minoritaires de sociétés par actions publiques canadiennes. Pour ce faire, il aborde, dans un premier temps, les divers mécanismes transactionnels utilisés par les sociétés désirant procéder à une opération de changement de contrôle. Dans un deuxième temps, il enchaîne en expliquant les enjeux entourant la protection des actionnaires minoritaires pour, par la suite, décrire les obligations afférentes au Règlement Q-27. Finalement, il propose une analyse du traitement des porteurs minoritaires à la lumière, d'une part, de la gouvernance d'entreprise et, d'autre part, de l'activisme des investisseurs institutionnels. / In a practical perspective based on transactionallaw, the author shows a global portrait of the legal regime applicable ta minority shareholders of Canadian publicly listed corporations. Firstly, he tackles the various transactional mechanisms used by corporations that want ta proceed ta a change of control operation. Secondly, he continues by explaining the issues surrounding the protection of minority shareholders. Then, he describes the obligations related ta Rule Q-27. Finally, he proposes an analysis of minority shareholders treatment in light of, on one hand, corporate governance and, on the other hand, institutional investors activism.

Povinnost loajality společníka kapitálové obchodní společnosti / Duty of loyalty of the capital company members

Kaščáková, Dáša January 2015 (has links)
The topic of shareholder's duty of loyalty is an important aspect for the definition of most of the duties and obligations of the capital company members. Therefore, it is also very popular topic for the authors of professional literature, who tend to be interested in systematized distinction of the duties and obligations of the capital company members. Most authors, along with the jurisprudence, already admit considerable importance of principle of loyalty and consider it to be the rule of interpretation appropriate for its application to the other duties and obligations of company members. The principle of loyalty, having a regulatory function, may fill in particular gaps in the statutory regulation. As a derogatory rule it may avoid the application of other rules that would lead to unfair decisions. This work aims to demonstrate the possibility of application of the principle of loyalty in practice. The thesis is divided into two main parts, the first is meant to clarify the place of the duty of loyalty in Czech law. It describes how was the existence of the duty of loyalty inferred before its regulation in new Civil Code. Next chapters of the first part are devoted to current applicable regulation. The second part of the theses focuses on particular examples in order to demonstrate the...

Mezinárodní právo společností / International Company Law

Lokajíček, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation deals with international company law, namely with piercing the corporate veil doctrine. The dissertation is divided, apart from introduction and conclusion, into 5 chapters. Chapter I deals with general definition of the doctrine. Chapter II explains that the complexity of the doctrine is caused by a fact that it actually consists of several related questions. This Chapter offers an answer to the most serious one - the predictability of use of the doctrine. Chapter III discusses current questions related to the piercing. Chapter IV brings an analysis of use of the piercing in chosen developed legal orders including a comparison summary. Finally, Chapter V is devoted to possibility of use of the doctrine in Czech law. Key words: International company law; piercing the corporate veil; breakthrough of the property independence; limited liability of shareholders; capital companies; economic analysis of law; closely held corporations; voluntary and involuntary creditors.

Sobre o controle minoritário nas companhias listadas no novo mercado / About the minority control in companies listed in the New Market segment

Martes, Camilla Ribeiro 06 June 2014 (has links)
Dentre os atuais desafios do direito societário brasileiro, a estrutura da propriedade acionária das sociedades por ações de capital aberto e a identificação daqueles que as comandam merecem destaque. O aquecimento das transações realizadas via mercado de capitais e a consolidação dos segmentos especiais de governança corporativa no Brasil resultaram no chamado fenômeno de dispersão acionária, que evidenciou certa ruptura na tradicional estrutura de propriedade acionária exclusivamente concentrada, até então predominante nas companhias brasileiras. Diante desse cenário contrastante, de mudanças no perfil do poder de controle sobre as companhias brasileiras, o presente trabalho apresentará em seu capítulo terceiro, após breve análise das estruturas de capital identificadas em diferentes economias e de retrospectiva sobre a propriedade acionária das companhias brasileiras (a serem apresentadas em seu segundo capítulo), extensa pesquisa empírica realizada com o propósito de identificar a atual estrutura de propriedade acionária predominante entre as companhias brasileiras listadas no segmento especial do Novo Mercado da BMF&BOVESPA (Novo Mercado), e com o objetivo de averiguar a existência do chamado controle societário minoritário entre tais companhias, conforme detalhado nos apêndices desta dissertação. Referida pesquisa empírica representa, ainda, rico processamento da base de dados e informações divulgadas à Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) pelas companhias listadas no Novo Mercado, e serve de base para a avaliação da necessidade de eventuais mudanças nos conceitos adotados pelo Direito Societário pátrio, tendo em vista entendimento divergente identificado na doutrina e em julgados da CVM no âmbito da possibilidade de existência de um controle societário exercido por acionista ou grupo de acionistas não detentores da maioria do capital social votante, conforme detalhado no quarto capítulo deste estudo. Por fim, serão apresentadas, no quinto e último capítulo, as considerações finais à análise proposta, com destaque para as principais conclusões obtidas na elaboração dos capítulos terceiro e quarto descritos acima, dentre elas a existência do controle societário interno não majoritário (controle minoritário) entre companhias listadas no Novo Mercado, bem como os reflexos dessa constatação no âmbito da prática do Direito Societário. / Among the current challenges of the Brazilian Corporate Law, the structure of the capital ownership of the corporations and the identification of those who exercises control over it remains an important aspect to be taken into consideration when analyzing the main aspects of the Brazilian capital market. The heat up of the transactions carried out through the capital market, and the consolidation of the special corporate governance segments in Brazil resulted in the so called phenomenon of the dispersed ownership, which revealed a rupture from the traditional structure of extremely concentrated ownership, that was prevailing until now among the Brazilian corporations. Given such contrasting scenario of changes in the profile of corporate power over Brazilian corporations, these thesis, after describing, over its first two chapters, the structures of capital ownership existent in different economies and providing a retrospective on the capital ownership of Brazilian corporations, presents, in its third chapter, an extensive empirical research performed with the purposes of identifying the current structure of capital ownership prevailing among the Brazilian companies listed in the Novo Mercado, special segment of the Brazilian Exchange BMF&BOVESPA (the New Market), as well as ascertaining the existence of minority corporate control among such companies, as detailed in the appendixes hereto. The referred empirical research presents, furthermore, detailed data processing in connection with the information disclosed by such companies to the Brazilian Stock Exchange Commission, the Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), and is also used as basis for reviewing the need of eventual changes in the concepts embodied by the Brazilian Corporate Law, in view of the divergent understanding identified in the Brazilian doctrine and judgments issued by the CVM in connection with the existence of a corporate control exercised by a shareholder or group of shareholders owner of shareholding not representative of the majority of the voting capital stock, as detailed in the fourth chapter of these thesis. Finally, the fifth and last chapter of these study presents the final considerations in connection with the review proposed hereto, highlighting the main conclusions obtained through the elaboration of the third and fourth chapters described above, among them the existence of a not majority internal control (minority control) in companies listed in the New Market, as well as the effects of such conclusion in the light of the practice of corporate law.

Beyond short-termism : effective regulatory and financial industry reform for sustainable long-term investment in publicly listed companies

Willey, Kim January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines responses to the problem of stock market short-termism ('SMST'). SMST is defined as investors preferring short-term financial returns over potentially more profitable longer-term investment opportunities. Such short-termism may result in serious real-world consequences. Company executives appear to respond to short-term pressures in ways that jeopardize the long-term sustainability of listed companies negatively impacting investors and other stakeholders including employees, customers and the community at large. This thesis provides an original contribution to the academic literature via an in-depth examination of all significant regulatory and financial industry efforts meant to reform SMST in major capital markets after the global financial crisis of 2007-2009. I hypothesize that the extensive discussion of the SMST issue has generated substantial reforms. Based on an analysis of the implemented reforms, I reveal that the anticipated surge of SMST reform has not occurred. I then explore why the widespread SMST discussion has not resulted in greater reform efforts. This examination reveals the complex nature of the SMST problem and the evidentiary issues inherent in viably identifying and measuring the harms of SMST. However, I determine that there is probable cause for concern justifying SMST reform measures. Further, I conclude that SMST issues arise because investors are biased towards short-term returns when calculating risk. This bias is evident in share pricing, meaning that share prices are not a reliable indicator of fundamental corporate value. Based on this conclusion, an original dual pathway for SMST reform is proposed. This dual pathway indicates that SMST reform measures must either: (1) reduce the actual or perceived excessive discounting of future returns by investors (i.e. make share prices better reflective of long-term value); or (2) cut-off the transmission mechanisms of SMST into the listed company (i.e. sever the link between share prices and corporate decision-making). Assessing the reforms against this dual pathway reveals that few of the reforms are conceptually effective. Of the few reforms that are conceptually effective, most are relatively 'light' touch. A 'light' touch approach may not be problematic, however, as such measures are easier to implement than 'hard' law. In the case of regulatory reforms, a 'light' touch approach provides scope for flexibility to minimize the many potential harms associated with 'hard' law measures. Consequently, this thesis concludes that SMST reform is more likely to occur if reformers pursue a 'lighter' touch approach meant to reduce excessive discounting of future returns and 'nudge' capital markets away from their harmful short-termism focus.

Juros sobre capital próprio: utilização em empresas de capital fechado atuantes no segmento Transportador-Revendedor-Retalhista (TRR)

Gonzales, Alexandre 29 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Alexandre Gonzales.pdf: 1329014 bytes, checksum: 783a3929155749d417e5d354ae0ec2fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-29 / Payment of interest on shareholders equity by companies has been increasing significantly since its creation, by Law 9.249/95. Since this law was created, the possibility of using this figure, which was restricted to few specific cases, was extended. The payment of interest on shareholders equity is optional, and might follow objective criteria to characterize as a deductible expense when calculating income and social taxes. This deduction can provide a considerable tax economy to companies. However, it is possible to verify that a significant number of companies have not joined the payment of Interest on shareholders equity. More than fifty per cent of publicly-traded companies joined the payment of Interest on shareholders equity, while the scenario, taking into consideration the companies which pays income and social taxes by Lucro Real mode as a whole, shows another reality. Informations obtained through numbers provided by Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil , the entity that monitors the income tax in Brazil, indicates less than 3% of these companies pay interest on shareholders equity. Why this systematic, with relatively simple implementation, clearly defined in law, and which can provide tax economy to the companies, has not been used more often? The research developed is classified as an exploratory search, and the study was conducted from documentary research, search field, and interviews. Will be searched companies operating in the segment called TRR Transportador Revendedor Retalhista, activity regulated by ANP Agência Nacional do Petróleo , the government entity that monitors the oil industry in Brazil. The research conducted in this study concludes that, among all the companies that do not pay interest on shareholders´ equity, 40% do not pay it because completely or partially ignore the issue, being impossible, then, for these companies, to estimate possible benefits arising from the payment of interest of shareholders´ equity / O pagamento de juros sobre o capital próprio pelas empresas teve um incremento significativo, desde sua criação, pela Lei 9.249/95. A partir da referida Lei, a possibilidade de utilização da referida figura, que era restrita a alguns casos específicos, foi estendida. O pagamento a título de juros sobre o capital próprio é opcional, e deve seguir critérios objetivos para caracterizar-se como despesa dedutível para fins de apuração de imposto de renda e contribuição social sobre o lucro. Tal dedução pode proporcionar às empresas uma considerável economia tributária. No entanto, é possível verificar que um número significativo de empresas não aderiu ao pagamento de juros sobre o capital próprio. Mais de cinqüenta por cento das empresas de capital aberto aderiram ao pagamento de juros sobre o capital próprio, enquanto que o cenário, levando-se em consideração as empresas optantes pelo Lucro Real como um todo, mostra outra realidade. Informações obtidas por meio de análise de números fornecidos pela Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil indicam que menos de 3% das empresas optantes pelo Lucro Real pagam juros sobre o capital próprio. Por que motivo a referida sistemática, de aplicação relativamente simples, claramente definida em lei, e que pode proporcionar economia tributária às empresas, não tem sido utilizada com mais freqüência? A pesquisa desenvolvida é classificada como uma pesquisa exploratória. O estudo foi realizado a partir de pesquisa documental, pesquisa de campo e entrevistas. Serão pesquisadas empresas atuantes no segmento denominado TRR Transportador Revendedor Retalhista, atividade regulamentada pela ANP Agência Nacional do Petróleo. A pesquisa realizada no presente trabalho conclui que, dentre as empresas estudadas que não pagam juros sobre o capital próprio, aproximadamente 40% não o fazem por desconhecer completamente o assunto, ou então por conhecê-lo pouco, não sendo possível, assim, que possam estimar os possíveis benefícios derivados do pagamento dos juros sobre o capital próprio

L'acquisition et la cession des actions des sociétés chinoises par des investisseurs étrangers / The acquisition and the cession of foreign capital stocks in China

Li, Guannan 20 November 2010 (has links)
L’apparition de l’acquisition et de la cession des actions étrangères en Chine s’inscrit dans la progression de développement de l’économie chinoise qui a été fortement stimulée par l’application de la politique d’ouverture. Depuis l’adhésion à l’OMC en 2001,les modes d’investissement de l’acquisition et de la cession d’actions ont graduellement commencé à remplacer celle d’investissement relative simplement à l’installation d’une entreprise étrangère en Chine. Bien que la législation chinoise ait essayé de contribuer à la protection de ces nouvelles modes d’investissement étranger, les défauts de loi ainsi que le vide juridique deviennent comme même l’obstacle principal qui empêche le développement de l’acquisition et la cession des actions étrangères en Chine. Dans ce contexte, la problématique de cette thèse est d’une part d’analyser l’ensemble des dispositions actuelles portant sur l’acquisition et la cession des actions étrangères afin de les mettre en œuvre en pratique, d’autre part de rationaliser les mécanismes juridiques chinois en recherchant la possibilité de réforme proposé. / The acquisition and the cession of foreign capital stocks have emerged with the development of Chinese economy since the Chinese reform and open policy tended to practice. As China has participated in the WTO, the investment modes as the acquisition and the cession of foreign capital stocks have replaced gradually the former mode which just tried to found enterprises in China. Even though the legislation in China always attempts to protect these new investment modes, the defects of law and the juridical vacuum still obstruct the development of the acquisition and the cession of foreign capital stocks in China. In this condition, this thesis tries to firstly analyze the existing legal provisions comprehensively for truly implementing the acquisition and the cession of foreign capital stocks; secondly, it also purposes to rationalize the Chinese legal system through researching the feasibility of some reformation.

IFRS 9 Finansiella instrument : Vilken effekt den nya regleringen har på svenska banker efter införandet / IFRS 9 Financial Instruments : The effect on Swedish banks after IFRS 9 transition

Fjellstedt, Hanna, Fischer, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: En ny reglering har införts den 1 januari 2018, vilket är IFRS 9 finansiella instrument som ersätter IAS 39. Värdering och redovisning förändras från en objektiv till en subjektiv bedömning av kreditförluster. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken effekt IFRS 9 har på svenska banker efter införandet. Studien undersöker även om effekten varierar beroende av bankers storlek. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvantitativ studie med deduktiv ansats tillämpats. Sekundärdata har inhämtats ur bankernas årsredovisningar för 2018 från respektive hemsida. Banker som ingår i studien är 43 svenska banker som står under Finansinspektionens tillsyn. Studiens tre hypoteser testades med hjälp av ttest, där parvis observation gjordes mellan åren 2017 och 2018. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visade en signifikant förändring av totala kapitalrelationen och kärnprimärkapitalrelationen i de större bankerna, vilka nyckeltalen var lägre efter införandet av IFRS 9. Egna kapitalet, kreditförlusterna och soliditeten kunde inte visa någon signifikant förändring. Slutsats av studiens resultat är att införandet av IFRS 9 haft en marginell effekt på svenska banker. / Background: The new regulation IFRS 9 has replaced IAS 39. The new regulation is subjective, forward-looking, compared with the old, objective model. Purpose: The purpose of our study was to investigate the effect IFRS 9 has on Swedish banks after the transition. Another aim is to study the effect of IFRS 9 on different bank sizes. Method: To achieve the purpose of the study, a quantitative method has been applied. Data has been obtained from annual reports for the year of 2018. The data consist of shareholders equity, balance sheet total and reported loan losses. Hypothesis testing has been done by using t-test Result and conclusion: The results can support a week significant positive effect on Tier 1 capital and capital adequacy ratio from large banks. No results could be found for Shareholders equity, Credit loss or Solidity.

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