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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic Shield

Olsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.

Down and Out: a Novel

Briseño, J. Andrew 05 1900 (has links)
A creative dissertation consisting of two parts: a novel and a critical preface. The critical preface, titled “Novel without Falsehood” deals directly with David Shields’s Reality Hunger, touching on issues of reality as it pertains to truth, writing, fiction, and contemporary culture. The novel is entitled Down and Out and follows the fortunes of a small town in Arkansas before, during, and after its sole source of employment ceases to exist.

O escudo grego : a simbologia de um equipamento defensivo / The Greek Shield : symbology of a defensive equipment

Pontin, Patricia Boreggio do Valle 12 April 2007 (has links)
A presente investigação tem por objetivo um estudo aprofundado da imagética dos escudos gregos dos séculos VI a.C. e V a.C. Nossa intenção é a de realizar um levantamento sistemático das imagens figuradas nestes escudos com a finalidade de melhor explicitar a natureza deste equipamento defensivo e de melhor compreender a disposição do homem grego diante da guerra. / This thesis presents a systematic study of the emblems depicted on the Greek shield. Our goal is to better understand the nature of this defensive equipment and the disposition of the ancient Greeks towards war.

Petrologia dos basaltos toleíticos de 2.1 GA do Greenstone Belt Vila Nova, Escudo das Guianas, Amapá, Brasil

Hoffmann, Itiana Borges January 2017 (has links)
O significado da idade do magmatismo, reconhecimento das séries magmáticas e ambientes tectônicos que controlaram a origem das rochas metavulcânicas do Greenstone Belt da Vila Nova (GBVN), é uma importante ferramenta para entender a evolução do Escudo das Guianas durante o Paleoproterozóico. Este trabalho apresenta novos dados geoquímicos de rochas metavulcânicas e de U/Pb em zircão (LA-MC-ICPMS), que foram suplementados por petrografia, dados estratigráficos e estruturais obtidos através de mapeamento geológico e descrição de furos de sondagem. Na região de Vila Nova, as unidades do GBVN repousam sobre o embasamento Arqueano composto por ortognaisses, metagranitos e anfibolitos do Complexo Tumucumaque. A base do GBVN é composta por metabasaltos e metabasaltos andesíticos, sotoposto por um domínio superior metassedimentar com rochas químico exalativas e metavulcânicas subordinadas. As rochas metavulcânicas incluem anfibolitos e anfibólio xistos, cujos corpos estão alongados segundo a xistosidade regional de direção NW-SE. A geocronologia pelo método U-Pb em zircão mostra uma idade de 2.154 ± 6 Ma para um meta-andesito da porção inferior do GBVN. O evento de metamorfismo orogênico esteve associado a três eventos deformacionais. Os eventos D1 e D2 formaram a xistosidade (S1), preservada como dobras intrafoliais (F2) e a clivagem de crenulação (S2), originadas a partir de movimentos de cavalgamento. O pico metamórfico (M1) está marcado pela assembleia plagioclásio+hornblenda+granada e, plagioclásio+hornblenda+diopsídio, indicando temperaturas entre 450 e 650 °C e pressão entre 4 e 6 kbares. Os metabasitos compreendem Fe-toleítos e Mg-toleítos com afinidade komatitica, composições geoquímicas enriquecidas em LILE e ETR e empobrecidas em HFSE (com anomalias negativas de Nb, Ti e P) e padrões de ETR semelhantes ao MORB. As características observadas indicam um magmatismo toleítico relacionado à bacias de retro-arco e arco de ilhas de 2.15 Ga no Escudo das Guianas. / The significance of the age of magmatism, magma series and tectonic settings that controls the origin of metavolcanic rocks of Vila Nova Greenstone Belt (VNGB) is an important issue in order to understand the evolution of Guiana Shield in Paleoproterozoic times. This work presents new U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological and geochemical analyzes carried out on zircon grains and metavolcanic rocks of the Vila Nova greenstone belt (VNGB) which were supplemented by petrography, and stratigraphic and structural data acquired through description of boreholes and field work. In the Vila Nova region, the VNGB units rest on the Archaean basement composed of orthogneisses of the Tumucumaque Complex. The lower portion of the VNGB is composed of metabasalts and andesitic metabasalts, supported by an upper metasedimentary domain with exhalative chemical rocks and subordinate metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic rocks include amphibolites and amphibole schists, whose bodies are elongated according to the regional NW-SE schistosity. U-Pb zircon geochronology data showed an age of 2154 ±6 Ma for a meta-andesite of the lower portion of VNGB. Orogenic metamorphism event followed by three deformation events were recognized. The D1 and D2 events formed the schistosity (S1), preserved as intrafolial folds (F2) and the crenulation cleavage (S2), derived from thrust movements. The assemblages plagioclase + hornblende + garnet and plagioclase + hornblende + diopside define the metamorphic peak (M1-M2) with temperatures from 450-650 °C and lithostatic pressure between 4 and 6 kbars. The metabasites comprise Fe-tholeiites and Mg-tholeiites with komatiitic affinity, geochemical compositions enriched in LILE and REE and depleted in HFSE (with negative Nb, Ti and P anomalies) and MORB-like REE patterns. The observed features indicate an expressive magmatism related to back-arc basins and island arcs at 2.15 Ga in Guiana Shield.

Aplicação de razão 87Sr/86Sr e geoquímica em mármores do Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense

Neis, Leonardo Pavlak January 2017 (has links)
O Escudo Sul-Rio-Grandense, importante elemento da geologia do sul do Brasil, possui, em seus diferentes domínios geotectônicos, ocorrências de mármores que foram relativamente pouco estudadas. Sabendo da importância dessas rochas para um maior entendimento da estratigrafia, do contexto de formação e evolução regional, foram escolhidas quatro pedreiras em dois domínios geotectônicos distintos: Fida, Mudador e Inducal na região de Caçapava do Sul (RS) – Terreno São Gabriel – e Matarazzo na região de Arroio Grande (RS) – Batólito Pelotas. A metodologia empregada no trabalho incluiu análises de petrografia, geoquímica e isótopos de Sr, aplicadas em 38 amostras dentre as 91 coletadas nas quatro áreas de estudo. A classificação das rochas através dos resultados da análise petrográfica foi aprimorada com os dados geoquímicos, especialmente quanto aos teores de MgO, SiO2 e CaO e sua distribuição. Nos mármores de Caçapava do Sul, há predomínio de dolomita, corroborado pelo teor de MgO (17,66 a 21,52%) e classificados como dolomíticos. Na região de Arroio Grande, domina calcita, com concentrações de MgO entre 0,44 e 0,54% e os mármores são classificados como calcíticos. Os teores de CaO ficaram entre 26,24 e 31,59% nos mármores de Caçapava do Sul e entre 51,37 e 53,24% no mármore de Arroio Grande, complementando a afirmação anterior. Essa diferença foi percebida também nos resultados dos ETRs, tanto na avaliação do comportamento geral destes elementos, quanto na avaliação de anomalias individuais (Ce e Eu), que indicaram componente marinho nos mármores Matarazzo e presença de processos envolvendo contribuição de fluidos hidrotermais nas rochas Fida e Inducal. Essa contribuição de fluidos posteriores e não originais foi observada, também, com a avaliação das razões Mn/Sr, Sr/Ca e os teores de MnO e Sr. As razões 87Sr/86Sr variam entre 0,704 e 0,713 para os mármores Fida; 0,709 e 0,714 para Mudador; 0,705 e 0,709 para Inducal e 0,7060 e 0,7067 para Matarazzo. O mármore Matarazzo é o que possui os valores mais próximos da composição original, sendo o que possui o resultado original mais confiável; o mármore Inducal apresenta resultados que demonstram composição original questionável, mas ainda dentro do campo aceitável pela literatura; e as rochas Fida e Mudador não apresentaram condições confiáveis nesse sentido. Os resultados interpretados sugerem que a formação dos mármores de Arroio Grande ocorreu entre 900 e 850 Ma e Caçapava do Sul entre 800 e 750 Ma, em ambientes deposicionais distintos. / The Sul-Rio-Grandense Shield is an important element of southern Brazil geology. It includes few known marble occurrences in its geotectonic domains. In order to understand better the local stratigraphy, geological setting and regional evolution, four quarries were selected in two distinct geotectonic domains: Fida, Mudador and Inducal quarries located at around Caçapava do Sul (RS) city– São Gabriel Terrain –; Matarazzo quarry at around Arroio Grande (RS) region – Pelotas Batholith. Methodology includes petrography, geochemistry and Sr isotopes analysis, applied in 38 samples from 91 collected in four studied areas. Rocks classification through the results of petrographic analysis was enhanced by geochemistry data, especially when it comes to MgO, SiO2 and CaO contents and their distribution. Caçapava do Sul marbles show dolomite predominance, since this data is corroborated by the MgO content (17.66 to 21.52%) and it is classified as dolomitic. At the Arroio Grande region, calcite prevails, and the MgO content ranges between 0.44 and 0.54% and the marbles are classified as calcitic. Caçapava do Sul marbles include CaO contents ranging between 26.24 and 31.59% whereas Arroio Grande marble ranges between 51.37 and 53.24%, complementing the previous statement. This difference was also observed in the REE’s results, as much in evaluation of the general behavior of these elements as in evaluation of individual anomalies (Ce and Eu), which indicate a marine component on Matarazzo marbles and the presence of processes involving contribution of hydrothermal fluids on Fida and Inducal rocks. This contribution of posterior fluids and non original fluids was also observed with the evaluation of Mn/Sr, Sr/Ca ratios and MnO and Sr contents. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios range from 0.704 to 0.713 on the Fida marbles; 0.709 to 0.714 on Mudador; 0.705 to 0.790 on Inducal and from 0.7060 to 0.7067 on Matarazzo. Matarazzo marble is the only rock that has the closest values compared to the original composition, and it is only one that has the most reliable original result; Inducal marble shows results that demonstrate dubious values when compared to original composition, but still within the acceptable field according to the literature; Fida and Mudador rocks do not present reliable conditions in this regard. Interpreted results suggest that Arroio Grande marbles were generated between 900 and 850 Ma whereas Caçapava do Sul marbles between 800 and 750 Ma. Both of them were developed under different depositional environments.

Vårdande : En begreppsanalys

Ebbinghaus, Christine, Jakobsson, Helena January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Vårdande är ett centralt begrepp inom sjuksköterskeprofessionen och vårdvetenskapen, dock finns det oklarheter kring vad begreppet innebär, då definitionerna är många och oeniga. Lagar och styrdokument ligger till grund för hur sjuksköterskor ska handla med vårdandet i fokus och sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt beskrivs i Watsons caritasprocesser som en kärleksfull godhet, empatisk förmåga och en genuin närvaro. I enlighet med tidigare forskning anses begreppet vara för betydelsefullt för en otydlig definition. Syfte: Att tydliggöra begreppet vårdande inom sjuksköterskeprofessionen. Metod: En begreppsanalytisk metod av Walker och Avant. Resultat: Det finns flera olika definitioner och synonymer till begreppet vårdande i lexikon och synonymordböcker. Ur facklitteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar framhävs vårdandet utifrån ett sjuksköterske- och patientperspektiv. Begreppet vårdande redovisas slutligen som fyra olika egenskaper: att interagera, att se hela människan, att tillgodose fysiologiska behov och att värna. Alla egenskaper behövs för att kunna beskriva vårdandets innebörd som framställs i form av tre fiktiva berättelser. Slutsats: Examensarbetet har resulterat i en djupare och klarare förståelse av begreppet vårdande. Det har bidragit med en kunskap om hur sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt bör vara, och andra faktorer som är angeläget i mötet med patienter. Att lindra lidande framkom som en konsekvens av vårdandet och synliggör dess betydelse. / Background: The Swedish concept vårdande, which in English translates to both caring and nursing, is a common notion within the nursing profession and the Caring Sciences. However, it is often somewhat unclear what the concept entails, as the definitions are many and often vary in content. Laws and defining guidelines establish how the nurse ought to act with vårdande in mind. In Watson’s Caritas Processes the approach of the nurse is described as a loving, empathic ability and genuine presence. In accordance with earlier scientific research, the concept is of great importance and should possess a clearer definition. Aim: To clarify the concept vårdande within the nursing profession. Method: A concept analytical method by Walker and Avant. Result: There are many definitions and synonyms to vårdande in lexicons and thesauruses. In scientific articles and literature, the concept is highlighted from the perspective of a nurse or patient. The definition of vårdande is finally displayed in four different attributes: to interact, to recognize the complete person, to address physiological needs, and to shield. All these attributes are needed to describe the signification of vårdande, which are displayed in the shape of three fictional stories. Conclusion: This thesis has resulted in a deeper and more defined understanding of the concept of vårdande. It has contributed with an essential applicable approach for nurses, and other factors which are of importance in relation to encountering patients. Alleviation of suffering emerged as a consequence of vårdandet, displaying its significance.

Developing novel techniques for next generation rotating shield brachytherapy

Dadkhah, Hossein 01 August 2017 (has links)
Multi-helix rotating shield brachytherapy (RSBT) applicator and multi-source RSBT apparatus are two novel intensity-modulated brachytherapy techniques for the treatment of cervical and prostate cancer, respectively. The use of imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging guided brachytherapy has enabled the precise identification and contouring of tumor volumes for treatment planning, as well as demonstrated the challenges associated with using conventional high dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT) approaches to conform the radiation dose to the target and avoid surrounding sensitive healthy tissues. The target conformity of conventional HDR-BT dose distributions is restricted based on the geometrical constraints imposed by the position and shape of the tube-shaped applicators, as well as the radially-symmetric radiation dose distributions produced by the radiation sources. Dose distribution conformity for cervical and prostate cancer can be significantly improved relative to conventional HDR-BT through the use of multi-helix and multi-source RSBT techniques, respectively. In this study, two novel RSBT concepts for treating cervical and prostate cancer were introduced and the dosimetric impact was evaluated. A Henschke-type cervical cancer applicator, designed for an electronic brachytherapy (eBx) source (Xoft AxxentTM) and a 0.5 mm thick tungsten partial shield with 180° or 45° azimuthal emission angles, is proposed. The interior wall of the applicator contains six evenly-spaced helical keyways that rigidly define the emission direction of the partial radiation shield as a function of depth in the applicator. The shield contains three uniformly-distributed protruding keys on its exterior wall and is attached to the source such that it rotates freely, thus longitudinal translational motion of the source is transferred to rotational motion of the shield. RSBT treatment plans were generated for five cervical cancer patients with a diverse range of high-risk target volume (HR-CTV) shapes and applicator positions. Treatment delivery time and tumor coverage (D90 of HR-CTV) were the two metrics used as the basis for evaluation and comparison. With multi-source RSBT apparatus, precise angular and linear positioning of partially-shielded 153Gd brachytherapy sources in interstitial needles for the treatment of locally-advanced prostate cancer is carried out. Following needle implantation through the patient template, an angular drive mechanism is docked to the patient template. Each needle is coupled to a multisource afterloader catheter by a connector passing through a shaft. The shafts are rotated about their axes by translating a moving template between two stationary templates. Shafts’ surfaces and moving template holes are helically threaded with the same pattern such that translation of the moving template causes simultaneous rotation of the shafts. The catheter angles are simultaneously incremented throughout treatment. For each rotation angle, source depth in each needle is controlled by a multisource afterloader, which is proposed as an array of belt-driven linear actuators, each of which drives a wire that controls catheter depth in a needle. In conclusion, the helical RSBT approach for treating cervical cancer and the multi-catheter RSBT approach for treating prostate cancer, powered with novel radiation sources amenable to shielding, are clinically- and mechanically-feasible techniques that dosimetrically outperform conventional brachytherapy methods while minimizing damage to healthy tissues inside and/or adjacent to the target.

Supersonic Retro Propulsion Flight Vehicle Engineering of a Human Mission to Mars

Marklund, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
A manned Mars mission will require a substantial increase in landed mass compared to previous robotic missions, beyond the capabilities of current Entry Descent and Landing, EDL, technologies, such as blunt-body aeroshells and supersonic disk-gap-band parachutes. The heaviest payload successfully landed on Mars to date is the Mars Science Laboratory which delivered the Curiosity rover with an approximate mass of 900 kg. For a human mission, a payload of magnitude 30-50 times heavier will need to reach the surface in a secure manner. According to the Global Exploration Roadmap, GER, a Human Mission to Mars, HMM, is planned to take place after year 2030. To prepare for such an event several technologies need maturing and development, one of them is to be able to use and accurately asses the performance of Supersonic Retro Propulsion, SRP, another is to be able to use inflatable heat shields. This internal study conducted at the European Space Agency, ESA, is a first investigation focusing on the Entry Descent and Landing, EDL, sequence of a manned Mars lander utilising an inflatable heatshield and SRP, which are both potential technologies for enabling future landings of heavy payloads on the planet. The thesis covers the areas of aerodynamics and propulsion coupled together to achieve a design, which considers the flight envelope constraints imposed on human missions. The descent has five different phases and they are defined as circular orbit, hypersonic entry, supersonic retropropulsion, vertical turn manoeuvre and soft landing. The focus of this thesis is on one of the phases, the SRP phase. The study is carried out with the retro-thrust profile and SRP phase initiation Mach number as parameters. Aerodynamic data in the hyper and supersonic regime are generated using Computational Fluid Dynamics, CFD, to accurately assess the retropropulsive performance. The basic concept and initial sizing of the manned Mars lander builds on a preliminary technical report from ESA, the Mission Scenarios and Vehicle Design Document. The overall optimisation process has three parts and is based on iterations between the vehicle design, CFD computations in the software DLR-Tau and trajectory planning in the software ASTOS. Two of those parts are studied, the vehicle design and the CFD,to optimise and evaluate the feasibility of SRP during the descent and test the design parameters of the vehicle. This approach is novel, the efficiency and accuracy of the method itself is discussed and evaluated. Initially the exterior vehicle Computer Aided Design, CAD, model is created, based on the Mission Scenarios and Vehicle Design Document, however updated and furthered. The propulsion system is modelled and evaluated using EcosimPRO where the nozzle characteristics, pressure levels and chemistry are defined, and later incorporated in the CAD model. The first iteration of the CFD part has an SRP range between Mach 7 and 2, which results in an evaluation of five points on the trajectory. The thrust levels, the corresponding velocity, altitude and atmospheric properties at those points can then be evaluated and later incorporated in ASTOS. ASTOS, in turn, can simulate the full trajectory from orbit to landing including the CFD data of the SRP phase. Due to time limitation only one iteration of the vehicle design and the SRP range was completed. However, the goals of the study were reached. A first assessment of SRP in Mars atmosphere has been carried out, and the aerodynamic and propulsive data has been collected to be built on in the future. The results indicate that the engines can start at a velocity of Mach 7. They also show consistency with similar studies conducted in Earths atmosphere. The current vehicle design, propulsion system and SRP range can now be furthered, updated and advanced in order to optimise the different descent phases in combination with future results from ASTOS.

國內上市公司資本結構決定因素之研究 / The Determinants of Corporate Capital Structure: Taiwan Evidence

王瑛璋, Wang, Yin Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章,第一章為緒論,概述本文的研究動機、目的、限制與範圍、及研究架構。第二章為文獻探討,將一些與資本結構相關的理論與文獻做一整理,然後找出影響的可能因素。第三章為研究設計,除對整體樣本公司做迴歸分析外,也對各別產業、股市多空頭時期、第一二類上公司進行分析,以找出影響愛因為何。第四章則為實證結果。第五章為結論與建議,將實證結果做一整理並且對政府及公司有簡短的建議。   本研究結果顯示   1.公司的獲利性、現金股利發放率、稅率、非負債稅盾、營運風險與長期負債比率成反向相關。規模、成長機會、資產抵押價值則與長期負債比率呈正相關。   2.短期負債比率的影響愛因僅與規模、獲利性、股利發放率、資產抵押價值呈顯著相關。   3.產業別確是一個影響資本結構的變因。   4.股市多、空頭時期的資本結構確有差異,空頭時期公司傾向以負債融通。   5.第一、二類上市公司僅長期負債比率存在差異。其中第二類公司的資本結構影響愛因多與土地等有形資產相關。

Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic Shield

Olsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. </p><p>The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. </p><p>Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.</p>

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