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Proposta metodológica para análise de vulnerabilidade da orla maritma à erosão costeira : aplicação em praias arenosas da costa sudeste da Ilha Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina-Brasil)Mazzer, Alexandre Maimoni January 2007 (has links)
A vulnerabilidade da linha de costa à erosão costeira é relativa a fatores geológicos, geomorfológicos, oceanográficos, entre outros, os quais operam em diversas escalas de tempo. No presente trabalho foi construída uma proposta metodológica para analisar a vulnerabilidade de cinco praias localizadas na costa sudeste da Ilha de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis-SC). Tal proposta apóia-se em: i- medições da linha de costa em escalas interanual e interdecadal, trazendo para o contexto a hipótese de que a linha de costa responde de forma distinta aos agentes processuais como ondas, correntes e marés, conforme a escala temporal sob análise, e ii - na determinação de células costeiras e de deriva litorânea, no sentido de que estas representem unidades homogêneas e fundamentais para aplicações em gerenciamento costeiro. A posição da linha de costa foi analisada através de aerofotos dos anos de 1938, 1978, 1994, 1998 e 2002, em ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), enquanto que na determinação das células foram utilizados dois métodos: diagramas de refração/difração de ondas e morfo-textura praial. Os limites das células permitiram seccionar a linha de costa e obter unidades homogêneas para a aplicação de índices de vulnerabilidade, tendo sido adotado o conceito de unidade de orla marítima. Na análise de vulnerabilidade foram utilizadas oito variáveis, as quais foram comparadas quanto a sua correlação com as taxas de variações da linha de costa interanual e interdecadal. Tal comparação foi realizada por agregação linear e possibilitou a obtenção de 3 índices de vulnerabilidade costeira , índice interanual, interdecadal e geral. A análise de risco incluiu a variável de elevação do nível do mar e o risco de danos a edificações na faixa de orla marítima. Entre escalas, percebeu-se que, numa mesma praia, as respostas da linha de costa são diferentes, sendo que muitas variações em escala interanual são absorvidas pela dinâmica temporal maior expressa em taxas interdecadais. Foram identificadas 26 células costeiras, as quais exibem limites divergentes, convergentes e pulsantes, denotando as unidades de orla marítima. De forma geral, existe tendência à erosão costeira da ordem de 0,30m/ano, porém, para fins de análise de vulnerabilidade, devem ser consideradas a contribuição das variáveis em cada escala , bem,como suas relações numa mesma praia. Por outro lado, As variáveis que tiveram maior importância foram a inclinação da antepraia e a altura de ondas, sendo que as demais variaram, em importância, conforme a escala sob perspectiva. A utilização de diferentes índices de vulnerabilidade permitiu avaliar este trecho da linha contemplando diferentes processos como recuperação da praia pós eventos de alta energia, tendências de erosão costeira, elevação do nível do mar, além de considerar o risco de uso e ocupação da orla marítima.. Deste modo, a estrutura da metodologia pautada em unidades de orla marítima (relacionadas ao balanço sedimentar), e na consideração de diferentes escalas temporais propõe uma aproximação com ações diversificadas e efetivas de Planejamento e Gerenciamento Costeiro. / The coastal vulnerability to coastal erosion depends on several factors that varies at time scales. At this study the goal was develop a methodological proposal to analyze coastal vulnerability of five beaches placed at southeast shore of Santa Catarina Island (Florianópolis-SC-Brazil). It’s based on: i- shorelines position measurements in interdecadal and interannual scales, which highlighted the different responses from shorelines to coastal process; ii- Coastal and drift cells determination, which representing homogeneous unities to coastal management applications. The shoreline position was measured using aerial photography sets from the years: 1938 to 2002, using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and the coastal and drif cells was studied with two methods: Diagram of wave refraction/diffraction obtained by MIKE 21 PMS modelling software, and a set of beach sampling profiles to analysis the morphological and sediments texture characteristics. The boundary between the coastal cells divide the shoreline in stretch representing homogeneous unities, to be used in vulnerability and risk analysis. Eight variables was correlated and compared with both interannual and interdecadal rates of shoreline change to compose the vulnerability analysis. The linear aggregation was used to compare the correlated data among variables and the shorelines rates resulting in three vulnerability indexes. The risk analisys includes an sea level rise prediction to year of 2090 and the damages of buildings placed at aseashore areas. There are different responses from shorelines from each time scales, occurring, in general, the shoreline changes relative interannual scale being absorbed by the changes happened in interdecadal scales. It was identified 26 coastal cells with different boundaries types between them like convergent , divergent and pulsatory denoting the aseashore unities. at general, there is a trend of coastal erosion about 0,30 m/year of magnitude, but, must be considered the variables contribution at time scales variation. The most important variables was the shoreface slope and height of wave breaking, and the others varying in importance according to time scale analyzed. The utilization of different vulnerability index turns possible the multi scale process analysis, considering the vulnerability to as beach recovery due storms, coastal erosion trends, sea level rise, and considering the human uses and occupation risks.
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Proposta metodológica para análise de vulnerabilidade da orla maritma à erosão costeira : aplicação em praias arenosas da costa sudeste da Ilha Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina-Brasil)Mazzer, Alexandre Maimoni January 2007 (has links)
A vulnerabilidade da linha de costa à erosão costeira é relativa a fatores geológicos, geomorfológicos, oceanográficos, entre outros, os quais operam em diversas escalas de tempo. No presente trabalho foi construída uma proposta metodológica para analisar a vulnerabilidade de cinco praias localizadas na costa sudeste da Ilha de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis-SC). Tal proposta apóia-se em: i- medições da linha de costa em escalas interanual e interdecadal, trazendo para o contexto a hipótese de que a linha de costa responde de forma distinta aos agentes processuais como ondas, correntes e marés, conforme a escala temporal sob análise, e ii - na determinação de células costeiras e de deriva litorânea, no sentido de que estas representem unidades homogêneas e fundamentais para aplicações em gerenciamento costeiro. A posição da linha de costa foi analisada através de aerofotos dos anos de 1938, 1978, 1994, 1998 e 2002, em ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), enquanto que na determinação das células foram utilizados dois métodos: diagramas de refração/difração de ondas e morfo-textura praial. Os limites das células permitiram seccionar a linha de costa e obter unidades homogêneas para a aplicação de índices de vulnerabilidade, tendo sido adotado o conceito de unidade de orla marítima. Na análise de vulnerabilidade foram utilizadas oito variáveis, as quais foram comparadas quanto a sua correlação com as taxas de variações da linha de costa interanual e interdecadal. Tal comparação foi realizada por agregação linear e possibilitou a obtenção de 3 índices de vulnerabilidade costeira , índice interanual, interdecadal e geral. A análise de risco incluiu a variável de elevação do nível do mar e o risco de danos a edificações na faixa de orla marítima. Entre escalas, percebeu-se que, numa mesma praia, as respostas da linha de costa são diferentes, sendo que muitas variações em escala interanual são absorvidas pela dinâmica temporal maior expressa em taxas interdecadais. Foram identificadas 26 células costeiras, as quais exibem limites divergentes, convergentes e pulsantes, denotando as unidades de orla marítima. De forma geral, existe tendência à erosão costeira da ordem de 0,30m/ano, porém, para fins de análise de vulnerabilidade, devem ser consideradas a contribuição das variáveis em cada escala , bem,como suas relações numa mesma praia. Por outro lado, As variáveis que tiveram maior importância foram a inclinação da antepraia e a altura de ondas, sendo que as demais variaram, em importância, conforme a escala sob perspectiva. A utilização de diferentes índices de vulnerabilidade permitiu avaliar este trecho da linha contemplando diferentes processos como recuperação da praia pós eventos de alta energia, tendências de erosão costeira, elevação do nível do mar, além de considerar o risco de uso e ocupação da orla marítima.. Deste modo, a estrutura da metodologia pautada em unidades de orla marítima (relacionadas ao balanço sedimentar), e na consideração de diferentes escalas temporais propõe uma aproximação com ações diversificadas e efetivas de Planejamento e Gerenciamento Costeiro. / The coastal vulnerability to coastal erosion depends on several factors that varies at time scales. At this study the goal was develop a methodological proposal to analyze coastal vulnerability of five beaches placed at southeast shore of Santa Catarina Island (Florianópolis-SC-Brazil). It’s based on: i- shorelines position measurements in interdecadal and interannual scales, which highlighted the different responses from shorelines to coastal process; ii- Coastal and drift cells determination, which representing homogeneous unities to coastal management applications. The shoreline position was measured using aerial photography sets from the years: 1938 to 2002, using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and the coastal and drif cells was studied with two methods: Diagram of wave refraction/diffraction obtained by MIKE 21 PMS modelling software, and a set of beach sampling profiles to analysis the morphological and sediments texture characteristics. The boundary between the coastal cells divide the shoreline in stretch representing homogeneous unities, to be used in vulnerability and risk analysis. Eight variables was correlated and compared with both interannual and interdecadal rates of shoreline change to compose the vulnerability analysis. The linear aggregation was used to compare the correlated data among variables and the shorelines rates resulting in three vulnerability indexes. The risk analisys includes an sea level rise prediction to year of 2090 and the damages of buildings placed at aseashore areas. There are different responses from shorelines from each time scales, occurring, in general, the shoreline changes relative interannual scale being absorbed by the changes happened in interdecadal scales. It was identified 26 coastal cells with different boundaries types between them like convergent , divergent and pulsatory denoting the aseashore unities. at general, there is a trend of coastal erosion about 0,30 m/year of magnitude, but, must be considered the variables contribution at time scales variation. The most important variables was the shoreface slope and height of wave breaking, and the others varying in importance according to time scale analyzed. The utilization of different vulnerability index turns possible the multi scale process analysis, considering the vulnerability to as beach recovery due storms, coastal erosion trends, sea level rise, and considering the human uses and occupation risks.
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Evolução morfológica e sedimentológica do Arco Praial de Massaguaçú, litoral norte de São Paulo / Morfological e and sedimntological evution on Massaguaçu Bay Beach,North Costal of São Paulo\'s StateEduardo Nuber 30 October 2008 (has links)
Nesta dissertação apresenta-se a evolução morfológica e sedimentológica no Arco Praial de Massaguaçú, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, em uma escala espaço-temporal histórica e de eventos. O Arco Praial de Massaguaçú localiza-se ao norte da Baia de Caraguatatuba e tem uma extensão de aproximadamente 7,5km. A metodologia consistiu na determinação da variação da linha de costa através da análise de fotografias aéreas de 1962, 1977, 1994 e 2001 e GPS para 2006. Foram obtidos 174 perfis bidimensionais e 16 perfis tridimensionais coletados em cinco levantamentos de campos entre os meses de novembro de 2006 e março de 2008 utilizando o método de DGPS. Foram coletadas ainda 176 amostras sedimentares na zona de espraiamento do Arco Praial, junto ao último ponto de cada perfil bidimensional, sendo uma coleta por perfil. Os resultados demonstraram que a maior parte da praia sofreu progradação entre os anos de 1962 e 1994, sendo observada mudança nesta tendência entre 1994 e 2006. Os dados de morfologia e sedimentologia mostraram grande variabilidade espaço temporal, sendo que estas parecem estar relacionadas a variações anuais de energia de onda. Foi identificada uma Zona de Erosão Acentuada (ZEA) na Parte Central do Arco Praial e dividiu-se a praia em cinco áreas de risco, onde este é menor nas extremidades do Arco Praial e aumenta em direção a região central. / This dissertation characterize the morphological and sedimentological evolution of Massaguaçú Bay Beach, São Paulo State, Northeast Brazil, in a Historical and events spatial-temporal scale. Massaguaçú Bay Beach is localized northward of Caraguatatuba Bay and has approximately 7.5Km length. The methodology consisted on the determination of the shoreline changes with Aerophotographic analyses of 1962, 1977, 1994 and 2001, 2006 shoreline was taken with GPS. The DGPS Method was used to obtain 174 two-dimensional profiles and 16 tri-dimensional profiles in 5 field campaigns conducted between November, 2006 and March, 2008. 176 sand samples were collect in the swash zone, next to the last position of each two-dimensional profile. Data showed that almost all beach demonstrated shoreline progradation between 1962 and 1994, this tendency change between 1994 and 2006 with the possibility of increase of the retraction processes. It was observed a great variability in morphological and sedimentological data, this appear to be related with variations on the wave height pattern during the year. It has identified an Erosional Hotspot in the central area of the beach and the beach has divided in five risck areas where the risck increase from the extremities to the center of the beach.
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Proposta metodológica para análise de vulnerabilidade da orla maritma à erosão costeira : aplicação em praias arenosas da costa sudeste da Ilha Santa Catarina (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina-Brasil)Mazzer, Alexandre Maimoni January 2007 (has links)
A vulnerabilidade da linha de costa à erosão costeira é relativa a fatores geológicos, geomorfológicos, oceanográficos, entre outros, os quais operam em diversas escalas de tempo. No presente trabalho foi construída uma proposta metodológica para analisar a vulnerabilidade de cinco praias localizadas na costa sudeste da Ilha de Santa Catarina (Florianópolis-SC). Tal proposta apóia-se em: i- medições da linha de costa em escalas interanual e interdecadal, trazendo para o contexto a hipótese de que a linha de costa responde de forma distinta aos agentes processuais como ondas, correntes e marés, conforme a escala temporal sob análise, e ii - na determinação de células costeiras e de deriva litorânea, no sentido de que estas representem unidades homogêneas e fundamentais para aplicações em gerenciamento costeiro. A posição da linha de costa foi analisada através de aerofotos dos anos de 1938, 1978, 1994, 1998 e 2002, em ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), enquanto que na determinação das células foram utilizados dois métodos: diagramas de refração/difração de ondas e morfo-textura praial. Os limites das células permitiram seccionar a linha de costa e obter unidades homogêneas para a aplicação de índices de vulnerabilidade, tendo sido adotado o conceito de unidade de orla marítima. Na análise de vulnerabilidade foram utilizadas oito variáveis, as quais foram comparadas quanto a sua correlação com as taxas de variações da linha de costa interanual e interdecadal. Tal comparação foi realizada por agregação linear e possibilitou a obtenção de 3 índices de vulnerabilidade costeira , índice interanual, interdecadal e geral. A análise de risco incluiu a variável de elevação do nível do mar e o risco de danos a edificações na faixa de orla marítima. Entre escalas, percebeu-se que, numa mesma praia, as respostas da linha de costa são diferentes, sendo que muitas variações em escala interanual são absorvidas pela dinâmica temporal maior expressa em taxas interdecadais. Foram identificadas 26 células costeiras, as quais exibem limites divergentes, convergentes e pulsantes, denotando as unidades de orla marítima. De forma geral, existe tendência à erosão costeira da ordem de 0,30m/ano, porém, para fins de análise de vulnerabilidade, devem ser consideradas a contribuição das variáveis em cada escala , bem,como suas relações numa mesma praia. Por outro lado, As variáveis que tiveram maior importância foram a inclinação da antepraia e a altura de ondas, sendo que as demais variaram, em importância, conforme a escala sob perspectiva. A utilização de diferentes índices de vulnerabilidade permitiu avaliar este trecho da linha contemplando diferentes processos como recuperação da praia pós eventos de alta energia, tendências de erosão costeira, elevação do nível do mar, além de considerar o risco de uso e ocupação da orla marítima.. Deste modo, a estrutura da metodologia pautada em unidades de orla marítima (relacionadas ao balanço sedimentar), e na consideração de diferentes escalas temporais propõe uma aproximação com ações diversificadas e efetivas de Planejamento e Gerenciamento Costeiro. / The coastal vulnerability to coastal erosion depends on several factors that varies at time scales. At this study the goal was develop a methodological proposal to analyze coastal vulnerability of five beaches placed at southeast shore of Santa Catarina Island (Florianópolis-SC-Brazil). It’s based on: i- shorelines position measurements in interdecadal and interannual scales, which highlighted the different responses from shorelines to coastal process; ii- Coastal and drift cells determination, which representing homogeneous unities to coastal management applications. The shoreline position was measured using aerial photography sets from the years: 1938 to 2002, using Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and the coastal and drif cells was studied with two methods: Diagram of wave refraction/diffraction obtained by MIKE 21 PMS modelling software, and a set of beach sampling profiles to analysis the morphological and sediments texture characteristics. The boundary between the coastal cells divide the shoreline in stretch representing homogeneous unities, to be used in vulnerability and risk analysis. Eight variables was correlated and compared with both interannual and interdecadal rates of shoreline change to compose the vulnerability analysis. The linear aggregation was used to compare the correlated data among variables and the shorelines rates resulting in three vulnerability indexes. The risk analisys includes an sea level rise prediction to year of 2090 and the damages of buildings placed at aseashore areas. There are different responses from shorelines from each time scales, occurring, in general, the shoreline changes relative interannual scale being absorbed by the changes happened in interdecadal scales. It was identified 26 coastal cells with different boundaries types between them like convergent , divergent and pulsatory denoting the aseashore unities. at general, there is a trend of coastal erosion about 0,30 m/year of magnitude, but, must be considered the variables contribution at time scales variation. The most important variables was the shoreface slope and height of wave breaking, and the others varying in importance according to time scale analyzed. The utilization of different vulnerability index turns possible the multi scale process analysis, considering the vulnerability to as beach recovery due storms, coastal erosion trends, sea level rise, and considering the human uses and occupation risks.
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Geoindicadores de erosão e acumulação das praias do município de AracajuSilva, Manuela Gavazza da 28 April 2014 (has links)
The coastline of the city of Aracaju in Sergipe/Brazil, extending approximately for 24 km, is limited by the mouth of the Sergipe river in the north and the mouth of Vaza-Barris river in the south. In this work 7 beaches along Aracaju littoral were studied (Mosqueiro, Refúgio, Náufragos, Robalo, Aruana, Atalaia and Artistas), comprising 24 sampling points. The purpose of this dissertation is to outline the erosion and accretion processes of the Aracaju coastal area by using geoindicators of coastal erosion and accretion. The methodology included field campaigns over rainy (Aug/12) and dry (Feb/13) seasons, spatial geoindicators data, human settlement mapping and the development of coastal erosion vulnerability and risk maps using the ArcGIS 9.3.1 program. The Aracaju coastal area is characterized by beaches (ocean and estuary), surrounded by Quaternary sedimentary deposits predominantly from wind (foredune) and, by anthropogenic containment structures against coastal erosion. The erosion process is more effective on the beaches situated in contiguous areas to the mouths of Sergipe River ( Praia dos Artistas ), Vaza-Barris River ( Praia do Mosqueiro ) and in the middle of the beach arc ( Praia do Refúgio and Praia dos Náufragos , in the rainy season). The settlement level is high on the beaches of Praia da Atalaia , Praia dos Artistas , and non-existent on the beach of Praia do Mosqueiro . The coastal erosion vulnerability is high to moderately high on the beaches of Praia dos Artistas , Praia do Mosqueiro , Praia do Refúgio , Praia dos Náufragos , Praia da Aruana and Praia da Atalaia ; and moderately low to low in the other beaches. Depending on the coastal erosion vulnerability index and the human settlement level, the risk of coastal erosion is high on the beach of Praia dos Artistas and moderately high on the beaches of Praia do Refúgio , Praia dos Náufragos and Praia da Atalaia ; and moderately low to low in the other beaches. Although the coast of Aracaju pointed out a high risk just on the beach Praia dos Artistas , attention should be given to areas most vulnerable to erosion due to the intensification of human settlement over recent decades. The results of this study provide baseline information for environmental planning in the area analyzed, especially with regard to the human settlement near to the shoreline. / O litoral do município de Aracaju, Sergipe, com cerca de 24 km de extensão, é limitado a norte pela desembocadura do rio Sergipe e a sul pela desembocadura do rio Vaza-Barris. Neste trabalho foram estudadas 7 praias do litoral de Aracaju (Mosqueiro, Refúgio, Náufragos, Robalo, Aruana, Atalaia e Artistas), totalizando 24 pontos amostrais. O objetivo dessa dissertação de mestrado é caracterizar o processo de erosão e de acumulação do litoral do município de Aracaju através da utilização de geoindicadores de erosão e de acumulação costeira. A metodologia incluiu campanhas de campo no período chuvoso (agosto/2012) e no período seco (fevereiro/2013), espacialização dos dados de geoindicadores, e mapeamento da ocupação humana e elaboração dos mapas de vulnerabilidade e risco à erosão costeira no programa ArcGis 9.3.1. O litoral de Aracaju caracteriza-se por apresentar praias, oceânicas e de desembocadura, bordejadas por depósitos sedimentares quaternários, predominantemente de origem eólica (dunas frontais), e por estruturas antrópicas de contenção à erosão costeira. O processo erosivo é mais efetivo nas praias situadas nas áreas contíguas às desembocaduras dos rios Sergipe (Praia dos Artistas) e Vaza-Barris (Praias do Mosqueiro), e no meio do arco praial (Praias do Refúgio e dos Náufragos, no período chuvoso). O nível de ocupação é alto nas praias da Atalaia e dos Artistas, e inexistente nas praias do Mosqueiro. A vulnerabilidade à erosão costeira é alta a moderadamente alta nas praias dos Artistas, do Mosqueiro, do Refúgio, dos Náufragos, da Aruana e da Atalaia; e moderadamente baixa a baixa nas demais praias. Em função do grau de vulnerabilidade à erosão costeira e do nível de ocupação humana, o risco à erosão costeira é alto na praia dos Artistas e moderadamente alto nas praias do Refúgio, dos Náufragos e da Atalaia; e moderadamente baixo a baixo nas demais praias. Apesar do litoral de Aracaju apresentar risco elevado apenas na praia dos Artistas, atenção deve ser dada nas áreas mais vulneráveis à erosão em função da intensificação do processo de ocupação humana ocorrida nas últimas décadas. Os resultados deste estudo fornecem subsídios ao planejamento ambiental da área investigada, principalmente no que diz respeito à ocupação humana próxima à linha de costa.
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Suivi morphodynamique des plages récifales de La Réunion en contexte d'observatoire / Morphodynamics of back-reef beaches in Reunion IslandMahabot, Marie-Myriam 24 November 2016 (has links)
Ces travaux visent à inscrire le monitoring des plages récifales de l'île de La Réunion dans la « Stratégie Nationale de Gestion Intégrée des Zones Côtières » (2012). Elle oriente les recherches vers une démarche labellisée sur le long terme qui se concrétise par la mise en place de protocoles de mesures normalisés déployés sur des sites ateliers. Le site de l'Ermitage devient, en 2012, le premier site atelier en zone tropicale et de type bioclastique labellisé à l'échelle nationale (AllENVI, puis INSU en 2014). La dynamique des plages d'arrière-récif demeure à ce jour peu étudiée à travers le monde. Les plages bioclastiques de La Réunion sont le produit de récifs coralliens décrits comme dégradés par les biologistes depuis les années 80. Elles sont confrontées à une très forte anthropisation. Des formes marquées d'érosion se lisent dans ces paysages littoraux. La révision des protocoles de suivi de la topographie des plages tout en exploitant les suivis historiques, vise à illustrer la pluralité des dynamiques en contexte d'arrière-récif. La diversité des processus et des échelles spatio-temporelles impliqués dans le fonctionnement hydro-sédimentaire des plages récifales nécessite la mise en œuvre de méthodes d'observation in situ adaptées, comparables et reproductibles. Dans cette étude nous exploitons surtout les suivis topographiques des plages à l'échelle évènementielle, saisonnière et pluriannuelle. Par l'analyse morphologique et volumétrique des séries de profils topographiques, la variabilité morphosédimentaire en zone intertidale et supratidale est décrite. La significativité de la mesure de la mobilité du trait de côte est également questionnée. / Long-term assessment of beach morphodynamic is a great challenge to understand future trajectories of these landforms. In France, in 2012, a national strategy for an integrated management of shoreline has been adopted. This one lead to creation of research labels (SOERE and SNO) which aim to sustain scientific researches dedicated to sandy beach morphodynamic in response to various hydrodynamics forcing. Shoreline monitoring on selected pilot sites is conducted within network where normalized protocols and high quality data are guaranteed at long-term scale. The French coastline also extend in tropical zone through its ultramarine territories. Tropical shoreline are among the most sensitive environment however they remain poorly studied. Since, 2012, Reunion island, a French department in Indian Ocean, integrated the SOERE network. Coral reef and coral beaches which preferentially developed on the western coast are frequently threatened by major swell event associated with tropical cyclones or long period swell. Since now, the beach trend evolution and morphogenic processes have not been quantified. However past monitoring exists which has consisted in topographic measurement along beach profile based on empirical protocols which produced biaised data. Since its integration within SOERE network, DGPS survey are now conducted along the different coral beach compartments of Reunion Island at seasonal and post-storm scale. This study aims to capitalize historical and DGPS beach topographic data in order to quantify long term and post-storm beach response and recovery from Cap Champagne to Trou d'Eau.
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Stabilizace břehů údolní nádrže Letovice / Bank stabilizotion of Letovice damMika, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on the statistical evaluation of the most frequent level in the tank for 10 years, determining the abrasion terminant, setting retreat shoreline and bank stabilization proposals in the area of interest Svitavice on the water reservoir Letovice. The thesis consists of an accompanying report and a technical report. The accompanying report contains basic technical and administrative data, hydrology ratio and others conditions in the area of interest. In addition, the accompanying report contains a description of production and activities in wide surroundings of the tank. The technical report contains statistical evaluation of the most frequent water surface in the tank for 10 years, hydro technical calculation to determine the prognosis of the bank line recession, visualization proposal of biotechnical measures. In conclusion, an estimate cost of the proposed biotechnical measures is calculated.
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Frostvikens deglaciationsmönster : En studie av Frostviksissjöns landformer i nordvästra Jämtland / Deglaciation patterns in Frostviken : a study of the Frostviken ice lake and its landforms in the most northwest of JämtlandKlingberg, Angelica January 2021 (has links)
Det Jämtländska fjällområdet Frostviken har under den senare delen av Weichsel haft ett komplicerat deglaciationsförlopp. Glacialfluviala landformer som ansamlingar av morän, lineationer och laterala smältvattenrännor är tydliga i landskapet. Vid glacialfluviala studier av postglaciala områden förstärks kunskapen om sedimenttransport som förändrat jordlagerföljder och format om landskapet. Den vetskapen kan vidare användas i samhällsplanering och jordbruk för att anpassa utbyggnad eller ombyggnad av befintlig miljö. Under deglaciationen bildades den omfattande issjön Frostviksissjön, en issjö vars tappningsränna inte kunnat lokaliseras i tidigare studier. Arbetet har utgått från en historisk kronologisk litteraturstudie tillsammans med en analys av LiDAR-data för att säkerställa och ifrågasätta den glacialfluviala transporten i landskapet. I detta arbete presenteras en möjlig tappningsränna för Frostviksissjön vid Storbergets östra sida och issjön är rekonstruerad med hjälp av strandnivåkarta från SGU. Landformerna i området har undersökts för att härleda om de härrör från den senaste nedisningen under Weichsel eller från tidigare nedisningar. / The mountain area in the most northwest part of Jämtland is Frostviken, which during the latter part of the Weichsel had a complicated deglaciation process. Glaciofluvial landforms such as accumulations of moraine, lineations and lateral meltwater channels are evident in the landscape. Glaciofluvial studies of postglacial areas emphasize knowledge about sediment transport that has changed soil layer sequences and reshaped the landscape. This knowledge can also be used in community planning and agriculture to adapt the expansion or rebuilding of the existing environment. During the deglaciation, the extensive ice lake Frostviksissjön was formed, an ice lake where the main spillway has not been interpreted in previous studies. The work has been based on a historical chronological literature study together with an analysis of LiDAR data to ensure and question the glaciofluvial transport in the landscape. In this study, a possible main spillway has been presented for Frostviksissjön on the eastern side of Storberget. The ice lake has been reconstructed using a shore level map from SGU. The landforms in the area have been studied in accordance with whether they originate from the most recent glaciation during the Weichsel period or derives from previous glaciations.
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Exploatering och utveckling av det gotländska kustlandskapet / Exploitation and development of the Gotland coastal landscapePettersson, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Plan- och bygglagen är den lag i Sverige som sätter ramarna för allt byggande, mark- och vattenanvändning i samhället. I enighet med bestämmelser i PBL ska varje kommun ha en byggnadsnämnd som handlägger och beslutar om enskilda bygglovsärenden. Byggnadsnämnden har även tillsynsansvar för att förändringar och nybyggnationer som utförs sker i samklang med gällande lagstiftning och föreskrifter i PBL. Utifrån vad som står i olika artiklar i Gotlands lokaltidning och yttranden i kommunala handlingar är det tydligt att landsbygdsutveckling väcker stort engagemang hos många människor med anknytning till Gotland. Artiklarna ger uttryck för att det är många som är positiva till att utveckling sker men att det också finns en stor oro för att förstora och omfattande förändringar kan påverka den gotländska landsbygdens välbevarade kultur- och naturmiljöers olika kvalitéer och värden negativt. Vid kustområdena på Gotland går det att skåda renoveringar och nybyggnationer som i vissa avseenden verkar avvika från bestämmelser som finns i PBL. Om en stor mängd olovliga förändringar går obemärkt förbi kan det medföra påtagliga konsekvenser för kustens säregna prägel, värdefulla natur- och kulturvärden, eftersom dessa då riskeras att byggas bort. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika kulturmiljöer vid kustlandskapet på Gotland påverkas av utveckling och exploatering. Vilka bevarandeintentioner beskrivs i kommunala handlingarna och hur efterlevs dessa i praktiken då områden utvecklas? Frågeställningarna i arbetet är “hur efterlevs bevarandeintentionen som beskrivs i kommunala handlingar i praktiken?” och “hur ser hanteringen av kulturarvet ut inom de olika utvecklingsområdena som undersöks? Finns det exempelvis några specifika skillnader mellan LIS-områdena och områdena som inte är LIS?”. Arbetet avgränsas till att undersöka fem kustnära platser på den gotländska landsbygden. Platserna är Tofta strand, Slite Othem, Vändburg hamn i Hamra, Herrvik hamn i Östergarn samt Kyrkviken på Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik och Kyrkviken utgör även utpekade områden som kan utvecklas genom LIS. Det är intressant att studera hur kulturarvet påverkas och hanteras vid olika former av utvecklingsområden (exempelvis LIS-områden och områden som inte är LIS) till följd av att hela Gotlands kust berörs av riksintresset enligt 4 kap. 2§ Miljöbalken. Utifrån undersökningen som gjorts är det endast utvecklingsområdet Slite Othem som till viss del uppfyller de bevarandeintentioner som kommunen på Gotland har. Det visar på att målsättningarna som kommunen har gällande bevarandet av vårt gemensamma natur- och kulturarv inte uppnås och att utpekade bevarandevärda kultur- och naturvärden riskerar att gå förlorade. Att det ser ut så beror utifrån de slutsatser som dragits bland annat på att strategiska dokument inte bibehåller den vägledande funktionen som de är avsedda att ha då ekonomiska intressen gör sig påminda. Det är även problematiskt att enskilda bygglov beviljas intill strandskyddsgränsen och intill de föreslagna utvecklingsområdena eftersom det bidrar till att förändringarna i slutändan blir väldigt omfattande vid dessa områden. Att finna balans mellan bevarande och utveckling är troligtvis lättare i teorin än vad det är i praktiken. Det tål dock att framhållas att det finns många goda exempel där det lyckats. Min uppfattning är att bevarandearbetet inte handlar om att förhindra utveckling, utan det handlar snarare om att hitta kompromisser som bidrar till att gamla kulturmiljöer kan finnas kvar samtidigt som nya skapas. Sammanfattningsvis är inte en förändring det största problemet utan det är sammantaget alla förändringar som på sikt kan bli riskfullt för kulturarvet. / The Planning and Building Act is the law in Sweden that sets the framework for all construction, land and water use in society. In accordance with the provisions of the PBL, each municipality shall have a building committee that handles and decides on individual building permit matters. The Building Board also has supervisory responsibility for ensuring that changes and new constructions that are carried out take place in accordance with current legislation and regulations in PBL. Based on what is stated in various articles in Gotland's local newspaper and opinions in municipal documents, it´s clear that rural development arouses great commitment among many people related to Gotland. The articles express that there are many who are positive that development is taking place, but that there is also great concern about enlarging and extensive changes can affect the Gotland countryside's well-preserved cultural and natural environments' different qualities and values negatively. At the coastal areas on Gotland, it´s possible to see renovations and new constructions that in some respects seem to deviate from the provisions contained in the PBL. If many illegal changes go unnoticed, it can lead to significant consequences for the coast's distinctive character, valuable natural and cultural values because designated values may be removed. The purpose of this study is to investigate how different cultural environments in the coastal landscape on Gotland are affected by development and exploitation. What conservation intentions are described in the municipal documents and how are these complied in practice when areas are developed? The questions in the work are "how is the conservation intention described in municipal documents complied in practice?" and “what does the management of cultural heritage look like in the various areas of development that are being investigated? For example, are there any specific differences between the LIS areas and the non-LIS areas?”. The work is limited to exploring five coastal sites in Gotland countryside. These places are Tofta beach, Slite Othem, Vändburg harbor in Hamra, Herrvik harbor in Östergarn and Kyrkviken on Fårö. Vändburg, Herrvik and Kyrkviken are also designated areas that can be developed through LIS. It´s interesting to study how the cultural heritage is affected and managed in various forms of development areas (for example LIS areas and areas that are not LIS) because of the entire Gotland coast being affected by national interest according to 4 ch. 2§ of the Environmental Code. Based on the survey it´s only the Slite Othem development area that to some extent fulfills the conservation intentions that the municipality on Gotland has. This indicates that the objectives that the municipality has regarding the preservation of our common natural- and cultural heritage are not achieved and that designated cultural and natural values worthy of preservation risk being lost. Based on the conclusions that have been drawn has the strategic documents not retain the guiding function that they shall have when economic interests are reminded. It´s also problematic that individual building permits are granted next to the shore protection boundary and next to the proposed development areas, as this contributes to the changes ultimately being very extensive in the area. Finding balance between conservation and development is probably easier in theory than it is in practice. However it´s worth emphasizing that there are many good examples where it has succeeded. My view is that conservation work is not about preventing development, but rather about finding compromises that contribute to old cultural environments being able to remain while new ones are created. In summary is one change not the biggest problem, it´s all the changes that in the long run can be risky for the cultural heritage.
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The Shoreline of Lake Huron, From Grand Bend to Port Franks, And The Problems At the Mouth of The Ausable River / The Lake Huron Shoreline, Grand Bend to Port FranksGregor, Dennis 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Ontario shoreline of Lake Huron is one of the most populated areas, with reference to recreational purposes, in Ontario. However, with the rising water levels of the Great Lakes during 1972 and again in 1973, serious problems of beach erosion have resulted, particularly in the area of Grand Bend and Port Franks. This loss of sand has threatened cottages built on the dunes in addition to destroying breakwalls, steps, and boat launching ramps along the beach. It was with the idea of learning more about the beach, and possibly suggesting some methods of beach protection, that the research for this thesis was initiated. During the course of study, the author also became interested in the Ausable River and the associated flooding and erosion problems, with reference to past, present, and future attempts to solve or at least alleviate these difficulties. Thus, one section of the thesis is concerned with the Ausable River alone. </p> <p> The beach studied is actually the culmination of a series of raised beaches, formed during higher post-glacial lake stages. These raised beaches formed a bar separating the now non-existent Ausable Bay from Lake Huron, forming a lagoon eastward of the beach. This bar extends from Grand Bend, in a southwest direction, and culminates at Kettle Point. However, for the purposes of this thesis, that section between Grand Bend and Port Franks received the greatest amount of concentrated study. Over the years, the lagoon, formed by the growth of the bar has silted up, and is now drained for agricultural purposes. </p> <p> The modern beach was observed during the summer of 1972. This involved, profiling of a portion of the shore and offshore topography, procuring beach samples for later analysis, the use of sequential air photographs for observing changes over time, and the analysis of wind and wave data, along with many conversations with local residents and personal observations. </p> <p> The subsequent study of the above factors revealed several major conclusions regarding the beach. First, that it has good natural protection against erosion due to the abundance of sand s tored by the dunes. Second, the beach appears to be in an equilibrium state, however as lake levels fluctuate, so must the beach level, thus destroying the equilibrium for a period of time. With the lowering of the water level, the beach will become wider, exposing sand to the onshore winds, which will in turn rebuild the dunes with the blowing sand. Finally, because of the prximity of man-made structures to the beach, on the unstable dunes, some method of stabilizing the beach is necessary. That suggested is a groin system, designed and constructed by the local authorities. This would help prevent erosion and would eliminate the often vain and possibly dangerous, (to the natural environment), attempts by individuals to halt erosion. </p> <p> This is by no means a complete study of the area and its problems. Further consideration should be given to proposals which have been presented to the local conservation authority, and which were designed to alleviate some of these problems, particularly at Port Franks. The suggestions made here should also be given further thought. In addition to these practical problems, the actual growth of the original bar would provide an interesting subject for study. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)
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